Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Well, we'll come in to your site, goanna way I get.
Speaker 2 (00:06):
False and saying you a conscious.
Speaker 1 (00:08):
Sound will be entire high al.
Speaker 2 (00:14):
And if you want a little.
Speaker 1 (00:15):
Banging your yi ain't come along. Okay, I know how
it is to be spoken, but like, oh, well, the
Democrats need to just really the house is.
Speaker 3 (00:24):
Literally on fire and y'all still looking for the keys.
The damage that the twenty twenty four campaign has done,
the damage that this decade has done to the Democratic
brand is almost unfathomable.
Speaker 1 (00:35):
Well here's an alternative thought.
Speaker 4 (00:37):
Make your own dinner, mega, make your own sandwiches, wipe
your own tears, troll amongst yourself with Elon, and leave
us alone.
Speaker 1 (00:44):
Freedom is back in style.
Speaker 4 (00:47):
Welcome to the revolution that we have.
Speaker 3 (00:50):
Coming to your site, going the way, I get thousand,
saying you a conscious sound.
Speaker 4 (01:00):
The New Sean Hennity Show, more I Am the Scene,
information on freaking news, and more bold inspired solutions for America.
Speaker 3 (01:11):
All right, Thank you, Scott Shannon, and thanks to all
of you for being with us. Right down our tell
free telephone number, It's eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn.
If you want to be a part of the program.
A triumphant return to the state where I was born,
no longer live and never go to. But I am
here today for a great reason. We are in Long Island,
we are in New York. We are here for the
sixth annual Fox Nation Patriot Awards. I'm really honored. I mean,
I'm very humbled by this to be the MC tonight.
Speaker 1 (01:45):
It is.
Speaker 3 (01:46):
I can only tell you about this program.
Speaker 1 (01:48):
It is.
Speaker 3 (01:49):
It's like an emotional rollercoaster. The people that make this
country great. As a matter of fact, all of you
listening to this program, you don't think of yourself that way,
but you're part of this category. You know what makes
America great. America is great because of its people and
who we are as a people. You know, I know
a lot of celebrities think that they make the country great,
and of them. Thank god, nobody cares what they think
or say anymore. Celebrity influence and elections died this election,
along with the legacy media mob. But you know, you
just think about everyday heroes, you know, think of forget
about what you do for a living for a second.
But everybody, whatever business you're in, you have to serve
somebody else.
Speaker 1 (02:34):
That's the whole purpose of it.
Speaker 3 (02:35):
And while you're serving other people capitalism the greatest wealth
creating system and ever designed by men. While you're serving
other people, you make money and use that money to
buy food, to get shelter, to take care of your family.
You know, maybe take a vacation once in a while,
do whatever whatever it is you like to do, go
out to dinner. But everybody in some way serves everybody else.
And the way capitalism is, it's applying demand, criss crossing
and dictating price. But who are these great people, the
people that get up like all of you every day,
that work your ass off. You work hard, you play
by the rules, you pay your taxes, you obey the laws,
You raise your kids, You put in your twelve thirteen, fourteen, fifteen,
sixteen hours a day. You get your kids off to
school in the morning, you pack their lunch or give
them money for lunch, whatever you choose. And then you
come home and you know, you cook dinner or you
order something in whatever you happen to do that particular day.
Most people cook most of their meals. I'm a person
that likes to cook every meal. The only thing I
don't like about ever being on the road is I
like to cook every meal. But that's just me. It
relaxes me. I have no idea why it relaxes me,
but it does relax me. Separate issue for separate a
different day. But you're the ones that instill values in
people in your own children that go to church on Sunday.
Some of you don't. I'm not judging you if you don't,
I'm saying, but the people that just are good people.
You know, we have people from all walks of life.
We had at smart Lawyer call yesterday. Well, we have
a board that monitors the legal conduct of attorneys. And
if there's a charge against us, why why don't you
guys in the media have that. I think it runs
into a free speech complications and I think the American
people are smart enough to know fake news from real news.
And one of the reasons I would argue that in
part the show has been successful and has had longevity.
Besides my thanks to all of you for listening three
hours a day every day.
Speaker 1 (04:43):
That's all I ask.
Speaker 3 (04:43):
It's not a lot, and watch Hannity on TV every
night nine to ten pm.
Speaker 1 (04:49):
You know, I can't force you to listen.
Speaker 3 (04:52):
I cannot force you to watch my TV show and
the people that were we are. But you think I
think of the people that pick up your garbage. I
used to explain this to my kids when I said
to them, you don't have to wash dishes like your dad.
You don't have to cook like your dad at a restaurant.
You know, wash dishes at twelve, deliver papers at eight,
you know, cook it at before I'm fourteen years old.
You know ten bar wait tables, bus tables, get into construction, roofing,
house painting, wallpaper, hanging, tile laying, framing, roofing, fell off,
a roof hit the ground. Became a conservative, knock some
sense into me. You don't have to do these are
your jobs. To be a good person, to treat others
the way you want to be treated, Love God with
all your heart, golden rule. I had seven specific rules
for my son at about five, for my daughter, and
and just the basics in life. And that's what most
Americans do. Are we a perfect people? No, I've never
met a perfect person. You know, I haven't met one.
We've all sinned, fallen short of the glory of God.
Right then, I used to explain to my kids, I'm
all right, we go to a restaurant. Do you ever
think about all the people that are involved in getting
your meal to the table? Have you ever thought about that?
All right, you walk in the restaurant door and there's
somebody to greet you. That person or a perceptionist whatever
matre d call it, whatever you want to call it.
They meet you at the door and they say how
many people?
Speaker 1 (06:28):
Okay? Four people? All right?
Speaker 3 (06:31):
I always say, can I sit in the back? First thing?
I like to say, I like to kind of hide out.
And so you go and somebody will seat you, and
then usually without asking, somebody will come over and put
water in your glass when you're there, and then all
of a sudden, somebody called a waiter will come over,
and that.
Speaker 1 (06:50):
Waiter will then ask you what would you like to drink?
Speaker 3 (06:55):
And you tell the waiter, well, I'd like a coke,
or I'd like a diet coke, or I'll take a
martine straight up if I had a particularly tough day,
whatever it happens to be. Then that person will go
and get the drinks, and then that person will will
have to go to a bartender. The bartender will make
the drinks. Then the waiter will bring the drinks to
the table, and then when you're done with the drink,
they'll take your glass away. Maybe a bus boy will
take it away, maybe the waiter will take it away.
And then you start. Then the waiter will ask you
what would you like to eat? What are your appetizers,
and you tell the waiter. Then the waiter will bring
it back to the kitchen, and then the chef with
a cook or whoever's working back there. Then they're going
to cook that food, put it on a plate, and
that weight's going to deliver it right to you. And
then when you're done eating that, then incomes the weight
of the bus boy and they take it away.
Speaker 1 (07:44):
These are all people serving other people.
Speaker 3 (07:48):
And then anyway, and then then your main course comes,
the same process occurs. A cook cooks it, and then
the dishes go back and somebody cleans the dishes on
top of everything else. And then anyway, you finish your
meal and you leave a tip, you say thank you,
depending on your service. I usually tip well one way
or the other because I used to be in the business.
I can't help it. And then when you leave, somebody's
going to clean up your table and they're going to
reset the table and the dishwasher will clean those final
dishes and final glasses and whatever civilware is left.
Speaker 1 (08:22):
And what's my point here.
Speaker 3 (08:24):
Is if you're talking about a garbage man, and we're
all pieces of garbage.
Speaker 1 (08:27):
We learned in the last election.
Speaker 3 (08:29):
If you're talking about a nurse, if you're talking about
a doctor, if you're talking about a lawyer, if you
need a lawyer, if you're talking about a contractor, if
you're talking about somebody that fixes your plumbing, electric, your roof,
if it's leaking.
Speaker 1 (08:45):
You know, you have to serve other people.
Speaker 3 (08:48):
And I just think all of us for you know,
the word of dukara from Latin means education to bring
forth form within. We all are born with talent. That
that presupposes that God put talent in every individual. Now,
what's the whole lead up to this is, you know,
for whatever reason, all those ten years of my life
that I worked in restaurants, nobody ever asked for my
autographer or selfie. For all those years that I worked
in construction and did a good job, I really had
a good eye for finished work in particular, and I
really liked it, and I was really fast at it,
and so I was able to make money at It
not easy to do, and I kind of enjoyed it.
Speaker 1 (09:31):
It's sort of like if.
Speaker 3 (09:32):
You transform a room in a day or two days
and you look back on all your work like it
just is a really good feeling, like you accomplished something.
So I think we're all designed. This is what the
Patriot Awards does. There are so many people that do
such good, great work that are unsung heroes. They're not
like Hollywood actors. This isn't the Academy Awards, this is
not this is not the Tony Awards, this is not
the Grammy Award. This is not Oh what designer addresser
you're wearing, although Fox is making me get dressed up tonight,
which I really don't like. I wish I didn't have
to wear a tux. But just keep that between us,
all twenty five million of you, and it's it's it's
people that do great things. I just saw Frank Siller
today from the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. He's dedicated his
entire life helping families of the fallen and those with
serious injuries pay off their mortgages and design, you know,
smart homes for families. And so that's what it's about.
We do have a special honoree tonight that is more
high profile. But when you think about all that this
man has been through, including two assassination attempts, you know,
every name in the book, every bit of law fair
and weaponization of justice, and having institutions working against them
from the second he came down an escalator and then
standing after coming within a millimeter of dying and with
his bloody face, putting his fist up in the air
and saying fight, fight, fight.
Speaker 1 (11:12):
Yeah. I think that.
Speaker 3 (11:13):
Person, you know, put it all. He put it all
on the line. I didn't really want to talk about
it much. It did go through my head a lot.
If you think about this election in these terms, Donald
Trump was either going to return to the White House
or Democrats wanted to send him to the Big House.
Law fair would not have stopped that judge in Washington,
that special prosecutor, they would not have stopped. They would
have kept trying in Florida, they would have kept trying
in Atlanta, they would have kept trying.
Speaker 1 (11:50):
In New York.
Speaker 3 (11:52):
And thank God, and this is the amazing part of this.
The American people saw what was happening at our border.
They knew they were being lied to, they saw what
was happening with the economy. They knew they were being
lied to. The American people know that we, you know,
shouldn't have to settle, as the Washington Post suggests for townhouses.
Speaker 1 (12:14):
Although I choose to live.
Speaker 3 (12:15):
In a townhouse, even though I have a much bigger
house that I don't want to live in, you know,
that's my choice.
Speaker 1 (12:22):
And anyway, it just is an amazing thing. It really is.
Speaker 3 (12:27):
The all of you out there, all you truck drivers,
all you farmers, all you ranchers.
Speaker 1 (12:32):
You feed us all.
Speaker 3 (12:34):
You know, if I cut my finger today and I
need stitches, I know I can go and there's going
to be a nurse and a doctor that's going to
take care of me. I mean, that's in every small town,
in big city around America. You have some place to go.
God forbid. You get hurt, you break a bone, you
get stitches, And we are really blessed to live in
this country with the greatest people ever. You know, Capitalism,
for all the criticism left gives it, it is the
greatest wealth producing system ever designed by mankind. It's these
are not words to me when I say that I
believe that the United States of America is the greatest
country that God ever gave man. And what is so
interesting and exciting to me as a conservative is this
can be the most transformational period that maybe comes along
every hundred years. If Donald Trump fulfills his promise, if
he secures that border, if he throws out those known terrorists,
those gang members, cartel members, prevents drugs from coming into
our country. If he's able to get rid of the murderers,
the rapists, and the other violent criminals, that's huge. If
he brings back law and order and safety and security
to every town in every city, that would be huge.
Speaker 1 (13:57):
This is his promise.
Speaker 3 (13:58):
If he can get our economy and running so that
people can afford to buy a home, or maybe they've
been waiting, they don't want to give them up their
two point nine percent thirty year fixed rate mortgage, you know,
for a seven and a half percent thirty year fixed
rate mortgage. You know what, that would be great for
the country. We have all of these natural energy resources
in this country. We have more natural gas, more oil,
more coal than the Middle East combined. And we should
be supplying our Western European allies, not Vladimir Putin, and
we will be an energy rich nation, and then to
think about returning to constitutional order and limiting the size,
the scope the influence of government and our day to
day lives, and eliminating waste and fraud and abuse, and
then returning America to the leader on the world stage,
where Canada is afraid of US, Mexico is afraid of US,
Iran is afraid of US, China's afraid of US, Putin's
afraid of US. Zolenski wants the deal, Hezballah wants a deal,
Hamas wants a deal. It's like the Trump effect. It's
the difference between strength and weakness. And this is what
defines this country. And this is why you know it
doesn't to think that Elon and Vevaik want two trillion
dollars in cuts to the federal government is unbelievably spectacular. Anyway,
eight hundred ninety four one Sean, if you want to
be a part of the program by the insane left,
remember this woman Taylor what's her name, Lorenz. She was
formerly with the Washington Post New York Times. I mean,
she's almost like celebrating the assassination of this United Healthcare CEO,
Brian Thompson. And here's what's really sick? All over social
media and we'll play some of it later. People are
celebrating this. Now go back to what the NYPD commissioner
said by saying the shooting was not a random act
of violence. Instead, it had all of the hallmarks of
an assassination. I want to be clear at this time,
every indication is that this was premeditated, pre planned, a
targeted attack. Did you not see the pictures? Did you
not see it? Because the guy came up, identified him
and just you know, it was like an old time
mafia hit job.
Speaker 1 (16:32):
Man, it was.
Speaker 3 (16:33):
This is old school goodfellows, crazy stuff and people. And
this woman used to work for the Washington Post of
New York Times. They picked some real winners over there.
All right, quick break, welcome back, and we'll hit the
other news of the day. Blanket pardons for anybody that
ever said anything bad against Donald Trump. Next I twenty
five till the top of the hour, eight hundred and nine,
fourt one, Sean, if you want to be a part
of the program.
Speaker 1 (16:58):
We are in Long Island, New yu.
Speaker 3 (17:00):
Walk for the sixth annual Fox Nation Patriot Awards. I
have the honor and I mean this to me it's
an honor to mc Tonight, it's gonna be a lot
of fun. We honor some amazing Americans and also the
forty fifth and forty seventh president of our country, Donald Trump,
will be the recipient of the Patriot of the Year Award.
It's a really special night. I hope you can tune
in Fox Nation. It starts at eight pm. Look, when
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Speaker 1 (19:26):
If you do it now, you get.
Speaker 3 (19:27):
Twenty percent off and a free quote eight hundred five
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carshield dot com slash Hannity. That's carshield dot com slash
Hannity today. Really really interesting exchange. We'll get into more
details later. I am I am still furious, not at
rank and file Secret Service agents. I've gotten to know
many of them over the years, many of them, and
these are incredible people. They're willing to die to protect others,
and they're willing to put their life on the line
for the people that they are they are to protect.
It's amazing and anyway, what happened in Butler, PA Is
unforgivable to me. And then on top of that, the
lie that they told those the slope roof, we couldn't
have a sniper on the roof, that is a complete lie.
So we decided to put people on the inside of
the building. Well, the people on the inside of that
building couldn't see anyone on the outside of that building
that might climb on top of that roof, which wasn't
sloped at all, and take a shot at Donald Trump,
the leading candidate to be the next president, and got
within one hundred and thirty yards. It's insane. They just
flat out light about it.
Speaker 1 (20:47):
Speaker 3 (20:47):
Then we get an interim Secret Service director and his
name is Ronald Row.
Speaker 1 (20:53):
And then we had another would be.
Speaker 3 (20:55):
Assassin that got within three hundred yards of Donald Trump
with an AK forty seven and a scope now both
in Butler, PA. If anybody knows anything about shooting, and
that's one hundred and thirty yards three hundred yards, it
is like a layup. It's a tap in putt if
you want a golf analogy. It is basically crossing the
plane when there's no defense on the one yard line.
Speaker 1 (21:20):
It's that simple.
Speaker 3 (21:22):
And it's a miracle that Donald Trump was not assassinated
in Butler, Pennsylvania. And then you would think after that
incident that they would have up their security to the
right standards.
Speaker 1 (21:32):
They did not.
Speaker 3 (21:34):
Now at Trump International, which is in Palm Beach, Florida,
my home state.
Speaker 1 (21:40):
I'm in New York today, but.
Speaker 3 (21:42):
At Trump International, there are holes, certain holes that are
surrounded by bushes, and these are areas known where Papa
Rozzi hang out in to take pictures and videos of
Donald Trump and the people he's with playing golf.
Speaker 1 (21:59):
And they never swept the area.
Speaker 3 (22:02):
And so now we have, after she was finally embarrassed
into resigning, we have this interim Secret Service or acting
Secret Service Director, Ronald Rowe. You know, he came out
and he said, well, the plan worked, Like, how do
you define working that the guy didn't get a shot off?
I mean, thank god, one rank and file, you know,
just caught, you know, a flash of this guy in
the bushes and took the shot before the guy shot
Donald Trump. I mean, Donald Trump was a sitting duck
and it is to me again unforgivable and like a
lot of agencies institutions in Washington, we need to start
rebuilding them. And when he said the plan worked, I
wanted to scream. And I have friends that are in
the Secret Service. They're disgusted by this and they want
leadership and they know they need the resources available to protect.
And by the way, this is transcends politics. I don't
care if you're a Democrat, Republican, you're a presidential candidate,
you're a president, you're a vice president. Any elected officials
under threat needs protection, period And the sentence politics means
nothing to me on this. So anyway, he was up
on Capitol Hill earlier today, and man, they got into
a shouting match. Pat Fallon, Congressman, heated exchange with the
acting director.
Speaker 1 (23:26):
Listen to this.
Speaker 2 (23:27):
So, actually, Congressman, what you're not seeing is the sack
of the detail off out of the pictures view. And
that is the day where we remember the more than
three thousand people that have died on nine to eleven.
I actually responded to ground zero. I was there going
through the ashes of the World Trade Center. I was
there at fresh Kiels.
Speaker 3 (23:50):
I'm not asking you that coal respect for he died.
Speaker 1 (23:58):
I don't not know what that you are trying to be.
Speaker 2 (24:00):
Do not invoke that eleven for political purposes.
Speaker 1 (24:04):
Not I'm in, sir to ask him. Least you are,
and don't you holy me.
Speaker 2 (24:14):
Elected member of Congress, And I'm asking you a serious question.
And you are from a public servant who has served
this nation, and you won't time questions on our day.
Speaker 1 (24:22):
On our country's darkness. Mister, committee will come to order,
will come to asking you serious questions for the American people,
and they're very simple, they're not true questions. Were you
the special agent in charge of that?
Speaker 2 (24:33):
I wasn't. I was there representing status service, mister, not
affect protective offer. What you're the expired You want to
be visible because you aren't listening for this respect for
a fond member of this agency of line Fressman.
Speaker 3 (24:49):
Vice President out of his life because you are putting
you put those agents out of position.
Speaker 2 (24:54):
Mister radio, mister ball, I did, sir, and you we
are out of lost.
Speaker 1 (25:00):
Chairman, mister chairman, mister chairman, yes, sir, please all right,
and we are back. We are back in order now,
thank you.
Speaker 3 (25:12):
I hate to tell you, but the Congressman's right. I
maybe maybe could have delivered it in a better way.
But when you talk about you put the president's life
in danger, and he did, and then he lied about it,
just like the predecessor of this guy, Rowe, a woman
by the name of what was the name Kimberly Cheatle.
She put the president's life in jeopardy two and then
lied about it. And then he said the plan worked.
There's something radically wrong. And now we have Iranian assassination
squads in the country. Now I can tell you where
this event is tonight in Long Island, the Fox Nation
Patriot Awards that I am saying. Let me tell you something,
this is probably the safest place on Earth right now.
So maybe they're learning. I don't know. I mean, but
we've got to protect our president. What about when he
goes to c McCrone and and goes to France and
the reopening of Notre Dame. Is he going to be
fully protected there? It's scary times. I want to know
that our our president, our president elect, is protected. A
lot of politics going on, a lot of anger and
resentment and fear among Democrats.
Speaker 1 (26:32):
It's it's ironic to watch.
Speaker 3 (26:34):
And Laura Trump was very very clear about this in
an interview she gave on on Fox with Bill Hemmer
earlier today. And uh and and Hemmer was pointing out
this article article in Politico today headline Biden Whitehouse is
discussing preemptive pardons for those in the Trump crosshairs. Now,
let me jump to what Laura Trump said, and and
she said rumors that President Biden is now considering issuing
a number of preemptive pardons ahead of Trump's inauguration. Anyway,
So Bill Hammer cites the political article and well built.
Donald Trump himself said that success will be his revenge.
If there's anyone who understands how egregious it is to
have by politicizing our system against one individual.
Speaker 1 (27:25):
It's Donald Trump.
Speaker 3 (27:26):
And I think one of the reasons that the people
of this country overwhelmingly came out and supported him is
because they want to be able to trust these fundamental
institutions like our Department of Justice again, and I would
include the FBI needs to return to its former greatness.
Our intelligence communities as well. They can't be politicized. He
does not plan on retribution. I quoted often Eric Trump
in the Daily Mail article interview that he gave this
is prior to the election, saying the same thing. He
does not have a plan for retribution. He plans on
restoring trust and faith of the American people into so
many of these foundational elements of our country. And so
I would say, look, if anyone has done anything wrong,
then maybe you should be worried, not because of Donald Trump,
because you've broken the law. And what do we hear
from liberals all the time, We must abide by the
rule of law, even as they were weaponizing the Department
of Justice, even though the FBI has been politicized, etc. Anyway,
so Biden's aids now are deeply concerned that what they
did to Trump might be done to them now. I
don't want Republicans doing that. I want to restore constitutional order.
I don't want to weaponize Justice Department. I want to
focus on border's law and order, on energy, the economy,
on restoring American greatness around the world, and peace and
safety and stability and support for allies like Israel. I
want to make sure that we fight for the things
that are important, like, oh, let's see hypersonic missile technology
that China and Russia has that we don't have. I
want to make sure that we have the meanest, toughest,
badass military on the face of this planet, and nobody
can keep up with us. That's called deterrence. Anyway, Apparently
they're mentioning a lot of names. The congenital liar Adam
Schiff is one congress former Congresswoman Liz Cheney number two,
because Donald Trump said Cheney should go to jail.
Speaker 1 (29:34):
Well, they did it.
Speaker 3 (29:35):
How did all the January sixth committee, you know, made
for television series, primetime series predetermined outcome? How come all
that information just magically disappeared. I would like to know
what took place behind the scenes, If anybody did anything wrong,
I think we should uncover it. Congressman Andy Biggs is
eyeing a subpoena of a Hunter Biden. And you know
he said he might call Hunter before the House Judiciary
Committee after Biden's pardoning of him. He does not have
the right to plead the fifth now that he got
a full unconditional pardon. But there are other family members
that I think are in trouble. And then you got
Joe himself, although maybe the statute of limitations has passed,
but he leveraged a billion taxpayer dollars said, you're not
getting the money unless you fire the prosecutor that he
knew was investigating his son and the company that was
paying a millions when he was a drug addict that
had no experience at all whatsoever an oil, energy, gas
or Ukraine. Anyway, The piece goes on to point out
these West wing deliberations are very very real, and that
there may be a whole lot of other pardons coming,
and so they're calling him preemptive pardons, and anyway, this
would be pretty extraordinary handing out blanket pardons to those
that they say committed no crimes, both because it could
suggest impropriety, only fueling Trump's criticisms, and because those offered
preemptive pardons may reject them. We'll see what happens. I
don't think Liz Cheney's rejecting anything. This is my prediction
if she's given one. John Solomon points out newly revealed
emails show House Democrats rewarded the Capitol Police officer who
shot and killed that unarmed January sixth protester. You remember
the name, Ashley Babbitt. House Democrats pressured the US Capitol
Police to provide special financial assistance, even a promotion to
the officer who fatally shot Ashley Babbitt. A lot's going
to come of Donald Trump. He has said those people
that did not commit acts of violence on January sixth
is he's going to pardon them. Why were they sentenced
to five years in jail? Doesn't it seem like a
little excessive anyway? The DOJ is briefing the House GOP
on an internal inquiry into Jack Smith and possible misconduct allegations.
They recently briefed the Hose House Judiciary about an internal
investigation they opened into Jack Smith's office.
Speaker 1 (32:05):
I want to know what the hell's going on? What
did he do? You know?
Speaker 3 (32:09):
I mean, we've got to get to the bottom of it.
But we also you know, you can walk and chew
gum at the same time. And what we've got to
do is we've got to make sure we stay focused
on getting the country back on track. It's not weaponization.
If these people abused their power, if they were not
fulfilling their obligation and their duty of equal justice and
equal application of our laws, that's just plain and simple.
And as we continue, we are in Long Island, we
are well. My triumphant returned to New York for the
sixth annual Fox Nation Patriot Awards, Donald Trump Patriot of
the Year. We honor unsung heroes throughout the night. It's
an emotional rollercoaster you don't want to miss when we
come back. How about when we have natural disasters like
Hurricane Helene, instead of having Americans intents? Why is Abiden
giving you know, hundreds of billions of dollars away to
places like Ukraine and Angola and everywhere else around the world.