All Episodes

April 2, 2024 30 mins

Caitlyn Jenner, Olympian &  Fox News Contributor, joins us to discuss the White House’s decision to ignore Easter, and instead declare the holy holiday of Christ’s return in the Christian faith a Trans Day of Visibility.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Stay right here for our final news roundup and information overload.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
All right, News round Up and Information Overload hour. Here's
a toll free number. It's eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean,
if you want to be a part of the program. Well,
we've been discussing the insanity and the blowback and the
pushback and the anger of many people over the fact
that here it is the most holy of days for

Christians around the country, and that is Easter Sunday, and
that is the day that Joe Biden decided to go
forward with his proclamation for a trans day of visibility.
And there has been enormous pushback and by the way,
even coming from people like Caitlin Jenner, who wrote on

x quote, I am absolutely disgusted that Joe Biden declared
the most holy of Holy days, as self proclaimed devout Catholic,
as a transgender day of visibility. And the only thing
you should be declaring on this day is that he
is risen. Now, I mean, there's now a whole series
of issues where the Democrats they just want to lash

out at any and all things Republican. I mean, you
got Karine Sean Pierre. After three years, they're telling us,
along with Biden and Vice President Harris and MAJORCIS and everybody,
that the borders secure and the borders closed. Now it's
the Trump administration's fault. And we've been telling you. The
latest efforts of Joe Biden and his vice president are

to shore up their eroding base, and they've gone more
hardcore radical. They've gone after Israel in a big way
while they're in a battle in their war against terrorism.
Then Kamala Harris heads to an abortion clinic and then
after that is meeting with people for the purpose of
legalizing weed. So if they're losing that base, young people,

African Americans, Hispanic Americans, I mean, it's deteriorating right before
the very so they've got to go even hardcore, even
more hardcore left.

Speaker 3 (02:04):
You know, is this going to work? I don't know.
Here's the Vice President. I've greb gaut It today.

Speaker 4 (02:08):
However, to address specifically the injustices that we have seen
in federal.

Speaker 5 (02:13):
Marijuana policy, I have said many times I.

Speaker 3 (02:18):
Believe I think we all but the table believe.

Speaker 6 (02:21):
Nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed.

Speaker 5 (02:24):
And what we need to do is recognize that far
too many people have been sent to jail for simple
marijuana possession.

Speaker 2 (02:32):
Anyway, joining us now is Caitlin Jenner, a great Olympian
and Fox News contributor, but also disgusted over this day
of visibility coinciding with Easter Sunday. Anyway, Caitlin, welcome back
to the program.

Speaker 1 (02:48):
Well, Sean, it is always good to talk to you. Yes,
here we go. This is a very political year we're
in the middle of right now, and well, honestly, you
see it happen all the time, and this is just
another chance or another time that the transgender community I

think is really being used by the far left, and
that really bothers me. Yes, I did put out a
piece over the last couple of days on Twitter because
I was very upset about this. I wasn't upset with
the trans community. I wasn't upset with the Day of visibility.

I even posted a few years in twenty seventeen, me
and a bunch of the girls when we were shooting
our show about visibility. It's great. I don't have a problem.
My only problem is this, and that is the proclamation.
All right. It is so sad to see Joe Biden
and the Democrats memory campaigned I'm going to be the

great uniter. I don't think there's been any president in
history who has divided this nation like we see today.
The proclamation was absolutely wrong. To be honest with you
and say, what should he done it? He should have
said nothing but the left. And it's not Joe Biden,

because honestly, I don't think Joe Biden's smart enough to
be able to comp with stuff. But I have to
admit the Democrats are very very good at what they do.
What are we talking about all this weekend? We're not
talking about Donald Trump, We're not talking about anything else.
We're talking about this subject. And it's it's really sad.

It's and Joe Biden is supposed to be, you know,
a devout Christian and devout Catholic, and here in DC
this weekend, the Archbishop faced the nation called him a
cafeteria Catholic meaning religion. He uses religion when it's convenient

for him, and that's exactly what he's doing. He is
trying to separate this nation like no other has ever
done before, and he thinks that's his way to win.
And it's just it's sad what this is all about.
It's about destroying the family structure. We got to kind
of look at the big picture here. What he's doing

is he's just pointing the big you know, the single
finger right at all Catholics. And what I thought was interesting,
not only is he putting in all Catholics what he's
trying to do here and control this, but you notice
when he sent this proclamation out, he only sent it
out in English, not in Spanish. Why because he knew

he would piss off the Spanish people. And he even said,
I think in a speech a few you know, a
month ago, that hey, you know, I need the Spanish
folk because he's losing it to Trump. So all of
this is very calculated. It's disgusting, and I just want
parents and everything to be aware that basically what they're

trying to do is they're trying to, you know, break
up the family structure. Because if you break up the
family structure and you break up religion in this nation,
what's left government.

Speaker 3 (06:13):
You know, I want to.

Speaker 2 (06:14):
Go back when all of these issues with with you,
when you went public.

Speaker 3 (06:21):
With with your life story.

Speaker 2 (06:23):
I was actually talking about this on the radio that day,
and I remember exactly what I said. I told the
audience I did not understand it. I knew you back
in the Bruce days. I had interviewed you many, many times,
and I ended with, I just want you to be happy.

Speaker 3 (06:39):
Whatever makes you happy. You are a grown adult.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
And obviously there were things going on that I knew
nothing about in your private personal life. And I'm libertarian
in the sense that I believe people should have a
private personal life. And I remember you ended up calling
me after that radio show and you had been listening
right and we had a long discussion, and I think
it was one of the funniest things you ever told me,

and that was, you know, hey, Sean, you're gonna You're
gonna die when I tell you this. You know, I
do this interview with Diane Sawyer and while we're doing
the interview, what do you think she was most shocked about?
And then maybe a lot of people were at the
time shocked. Uh, And she you said it had nothing
to do with the issue of your transitioning. It had
everything to do with the fact that you said you're

a conservative Republican and she like melted. And I think
that's pretty revealing in so many ways about about the
media and people.

Speaker 3 (07:33):
On the left.

Speaker 2 (07:34):
But then we had a really, you know, interesting discussion.
I said, I'll be I'd be less than honest if
I told you I understood this.

Speaker 3 (07:42):
I don't. And you know what you said to me.
I don't know if you remember.

Speaker 2 (07:46):
I remember you said I wouldn't expect you to and
I thought that was an interesting answer. However, there's a
very big difference you as a grown adult making a
decision and then looking look at what we're debating today.
For most Americans, that would probably accept the fact that

adults have a right to make up their own mind.
But when you're talking about kids, that too, I would
argue they're too young to make life altering decisions like this.

Speaker 1 (08:18):
You know, I totally agree with you when you are
truly born gender dysphoric, Okay, you know it. As a
young person today, we have just gone way too far woke.
We've gone way too far to the left. Okay, this
is a parental rights issue and we need to protect kids.

I am one for waiting. There's no rush, especially with kids.
There's absolutely no rush to do anything. I have people
come up to me who have kids that they think
maybe a little gender disport they don't know, and I say,
be patient, the child will work it out. You know,
these people have gone woke on us big time, you know.

And also in sports, I've been the exact same way
I've been out for you know, ever since you know,
the Penn swimming days. They're trying to protect women's sports.
And you know what, Son, we're actually winning some battles,
and to be honest with you, I'm very excited. We
want a battle. First of all, Leah Thomas will not

be competing any farther that they protected that. And also
in golf, we had a girl that was trying to
get that, a trans girl trying to get in, and
they went back to their original you have to be
a female at birth, you know. And and so we
are winning some wars, but there's we're just a long

way from getting it all done. I mean, we're going
to have to fight it in every every issue. And
just recently you had called me about this, but out
of Nasau County we had a press conference.

Speaker 2 (10:01):
No I know, you're out there with Bruce Blakeman, the
NASA County chief executive. And by the way, your appearance
out there, well that made major news everywhere.

Speaker 1 (10:12):
Yeah. Yes, and you know they have these lawsuit that
they're going up against with Letitia James and that whole thing,
and and we'll see how that comes out. But Bruce
Lakeman and Nasau County is they're just they're fighters out there,
and I think it's great. I love being around people.

I know Trump was just out there because of the
terrible tragedy that happened out there in the police force,
and it's it's a shame. And there are good people
out there, Sean. You talk to them all the time.
And but we'll see what this lawsuit comes for Nasau
County against Latsia James, because it's all about you know, eventually,

it just comes back to good old parental rights. We're
taking it away. The state is trying to take our
kids away. We just can't have that. I like to
be a common sense person, whether I'm trans whether I'm whatever.
It may be, all right.

Speaker 2 (11:17):
Quick break right back more with Caitlin Jenner on the
other side. That we'll hit the phones. Told for you.
Our number is eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean.
We'll get to your calls coming up straight ahead. I
would continue now we're talking with Caitlyn Jenner. Obviously a
lot of issues, not the least of which is the
proclamation on a Transgender Day or Transgender Day of Visibility

that coincided with Easter Sunday. That has gotten a lot
of Catholics Christians around the country very angry about that
happening yesterday.

Speaker 3 (11:49):
Let me ask you this question.

Speaker 2 (11:51):
You travel, you meet people, you go to restaurants, you're
in airplanes. What is the general reaction you receive from
people when they see you. I'm going to make a guess.
Ninety nine percent of people are nice and respectful. Maybe
there's one percent of jackasses out there. Am I wrong

or am I right?

Speaker 1 (12:13):
No, You're absolutely wrong. And to be honest with you,
they're too afraid to come up to me. The ones
that think you know that they have their very anti
trans thing. Honestly, they stay away from me. I'm lucky.
I hide a little bit behind the whole celebrity thing.
And I get that. I understand that. But I have

so many people, you know what they come up and
say all the time. Now, they come up and say
thank you for fighting for women's sports. I get that
every day of the week people will.

Speaker 2 (12:45):
But that's my point. In other words, I think people
accept you're an adult. I've known you a lot of
your adult life, and that's why I would think that
most people, maybe if they're afraid, that's a whole different thing.
Or maybe they give you a nasty look or something,
but they're not, but they don't know. You said something
that was really funny to me. You don't play. You

could play golf tournaments, and you drive the ball. Last
time I asked you, I think he said like two
hundred and eighty eighty five yards okay, which I really
resent the hell out of because I can't drive that far.
And it would you said, it would be unfair if
you played in a tournament.

Speaker 1 (13:26):
Right, right, I will play once in a while. You
get asked for, you know, a celebrity pro am, you know,
and I go do that. It's just for fun, that's
all it is. It's for fun and to raise money
for a charity. But no, to be honest with you, Sean,
I transition nine years ago now, and honestly, I just today,

I just wake up. I'm a happy person. I love
my life. I love the causes that I'm after one
protecting women in sports. I love parental rights. I'm a parent.
I have ten children. Sean I got to beat. I
have now twenty three grandchildren. Number twenty four is in

the oven. I want to protect those kids. I want
to fight for my father who's buried at Arlington, and
to help protect this country. And so that's why must
I wake up every day, which kind of a mission.
What can I do to make this country better? Because
when November comes around, Sean, you know.

Speaker 2 (14:30):
We all on the line. It's all on the line.
Everything's on the line. Two undred and seventeen days.

Speaker 1 (14:37):
I'm going for America. Okay, that's my vote. What's best
for America and our constitution are Bill of Rights?

Speaker 2 (14:47):
All right, Caitlin jenn always appreciate your time, Thank you
for being with us, and keep up the good fight.

Speaker 3 (14:54):
We appreciate that to it. I know a lot of
other people do as well.

Speaker 1 (14:57):
Thank you, no, and thank you for all your help.
You've been great.

Speaker 3 (15:01):
Thank you.

Speaker 2 (15:03):
Eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn is a number.
If you want to be a part of the program.

Speaker 1 (15:13):
Listen to this show one time and you're handitized.

Speaker 3 (15:18):
Sean Hannity is back on the radio. Now.

Speaker 2 (15:23):
Before I get to I want to play the full
nine minutes of Stephanie Diller. Now She is the widow
of officer Jonathan Dillar, and she gave what was really
a heart wrenching eulogy to her husband this past Saturday,
Holy Saturday. Before I play it, I want to take
you back two years and I want to do this

for a reason because the wife of another officer that
was shot and killed, Jason Rivera was his name, well.
Dominique Rivera also talked about getting that call that any
spouse of any police officer dreads getting, or any military

personnel for that matter. And this is when her husband
was shot, and at that time and at that day,
and at her husband's funeral, she said this just to
bring you back two years ago.

Speaker 4 (16:19):
Later that day, I received the car I wish none
of you that are sitting here with me will ever receive.
I had gotten a notification from the Citizen app, which
was my essentral, and I saw that two police officers
were shot in Harlem. My heart dropped. I immediately texted

you and asked you are you okay? Please tell me
you're okay. I know that you're mad right now, but
just text me you're okay. At least tell me you're busy.
I get no response. We used to share locations on

find my iPhone, and when I check yours, I see
that you're a Hardam hospital. I thought maybe you were
sitting on a purp, but still nothing. I and then
called again, and then called one more time, and this

time I felt something wasn't right. I messaged Poka, David
and Joe because I knew they were your friends from
the three two, and I get no response. Then I
get a call asking if I'm Jason's wife, and then
I had to rush to the hospital. Walking out those steps,

seeing everybody staring at me, it was the scariest moment
I've experienced.

Speaker 6 (17:53):
Nobody was telling me anything.

Speaker 4 (17:56):
Thousands of people were surrounding me, and yet I fell alone.
I couldn't believe you left me. The system continues to
fail us. We are not safe anymore, not even the
members of the service. I know you're tired of these laws,
especially the ones from the New DA. I hope he's

watching you speak through me right now. I'm sure all
of our Blue family is tired too. But I promise,
we promise that your death won't be in vain. I
love you to the end of time. We'll take the

watch from here.

Speaker 2 (18:41):
Now that's two years ago. What have we learned, sadly,
absolutely nothing. Here is Stephanie Diller giving the eulogy to
our slain officer husband, Jonathan Dillar. Don't forget they have
a one year old son.

Speaker 5 (18:59):
Hello everyone, I am Stephanie Dillar, Jonathan's wife. I have
not had the opportunity to speak before at this moment,
so I would like to say, on behalf of the
entire Diller family, thank you all for the support this week.
The outpouring of love our family has received has been overwhelming,
and we're forever thankful to everyone. With every hug that

I've received, I just picture each.

Speaker 6 (19:23):
One is from Jonathan.

Speaker 5 (19:26):
I wish Jonathan were here to see the incredible kindness
and generosity that has been shown to our family, but
I know, in his own way, he is here watching
over us. I am so proud that thousands of people
across the country are calling Jonathan a hero, but the
truth is he has always been a hero to Ryan
and me.

Speaker 6 (19:46):
The rest of the world is just catching up.

Speaker 5 (19:49):
While he was beyond proud to be a member of
the NYPD, his career was only one of his many roles.

Speaker 6 (19:56):
I want to also.

Speaker 5 (19:57):
Honor Jonathan for who he was out of the uniform.
I am not sure where to start, and I could
probably talk about Jonathan for hours, so I'll start from
the beginning. Jonathan was born and raised on Long Island,
the son of friend and Stephen Diller, and brother to
Jennifer and Jason. He was the youngest of three, which

obviously means he was the mischievous one, but he also
had the sweetest heart and the guilty asconscious, so he
would always smooth things over by making his mom handwritten
apology letters. He grew up taking memorable ski trips with
his family, playing lacrosse and hockey, and forming friendships that
would last the lifetime. He was a connector, the kind

of guy that would draw people in and could find
something in common with everyone, a friend to everyone. Following
graduating from Saint Mary's High School, he attended Sunny Maritime,
where he lives with his cousin Robert. He loved telling
stories of traveling all over the world in the ship, beautiful.

Speaker 6 (21:00):
Places and making amazing memories.

Speaker 5 (21:03):
After graduation, Johnathan and I started dating after getting set
up by our mutual friend Evan. I remember on one
of our very first dates. We went to see a movie.
He was so tired from work that he fell asleep
in the movie theater. He started snoring so loudly that
the people around us asked me to wake him up.

But of course, if you ever asked him the story,
I'm the one who fell asleep, started snoring and embarrassed him.
It didn't take long for me to realize how special
he was. He loved to make everyone laugh and he
had the most infectious personality. When you talk to him,
he really listened and he made me feel like I
was the only person in the room. Early on in

our relationship, Jonathan's job required him to be away for
a month at a time. He was really proud of
his work driving ships, and he made sure to send
emails letting me know that he was always.

Speaker 6 (21:58):
Thinking of me.

Speaker 5 (21:59):
We must have exchanged over a hundred emails through the
years that I will forever cherish. I would excitedly wake
up to emails from him with hilarious subjects, lines such
as Jonathan Dillar is a stud.

Speaker 6 (22:12):
And sweet messages.

Speaker 5 (22:13):
Like I'm gonna spoil the heck out of you when
I get home and I'll be home before you know it.
You're gonna blink and I'll be in front of you
giving you a big kiss. I quickly knew I found
the person I was gonna marry. I never doubted how
much Jonathan loved me, because he always told me he
was absolutely my soulmate, and we could just understand each
other with a look.

Speaker 6 (22:34):
Anytime I entered.

Speaker 5 (22:35):
A room, I looked for him and knew that the
police I belong was the spot next to him. He
could always make me laugh, and that was one of
the things I love most about him. He would make
an absolute fool of himself just to me get me
to crack a smile. We had a connection that not
many people get to experience in their lifetime. In November

twenty nineteen, after our wedding, I remember being so nervous
to walk at our wedding. I remember being so nervous
to walk down the aisle in front of so many people.
But as soon as the church doors open, I saw
him look at me, I realized how lucky I was.
He looked at me like I was his whole world,
and he always treated me like I was his whole world. Together,

we lived a very simple life in Massapequa. We worked hard.
We relaxed at home when we could, and we had
We got the cutest dog in the world, Tucker. We
did everything together, and I really mean that we were
best friends. He would call us Batman and Robin, but
he said I was Batman and then he was Robin.

Speaker 6 (23:42):
When I would meet people, I.

Speaker 5 (23:44):
Would say, if you like me, just wait until you
meet my husband. He worked for his family's company before
deciding to become a police officer in twenty twenty one.
Everyone was so proud that he found something that he
loved to do, and he was exceptional at it. He
go in early, stay late, work overtime, all because he
just loved it. It's no surprise he was an incredible

police officer When you think about the type of man
he was. He was always putting people above himself, dropping
everything to help someone in need, and speaking up for.

Speaker 6 (24:16):
What was right.

Speaker 5 (24:17):
He was a fierce protector of everyone around him. He
spoke his mind and wasn't afraid. I always admired him
for his honesty and courage. He was my absolute greatest confidant,
but nothing compared to his best role of.

Speaker 6 (24:32):
All, being a dad.

Speaker 5 (24:34):
Jonathan always wanted to be a dad, and he wasted
no time being the greatest one. I will never forget
the look on his face when our son was born.
I don't think we could ever achieve a greater happiness.

Speaker 6 (24:47):
He was so proud of Ryan.

Speaker 5 (24:49):
Every time he did something new, it was like an
exclusion of joy from both of us. Johnathan wanted nothing
more than to show Ryan off to anyone and everyone
he knew. He was excited that Ryan's first word was dada,
and I remember I would playfully try to get him
to say mama instead. But now I never want to

stop hearing Ryan say dada to me. I couldn't have
asked for a better partner to have a child with
than Jonathan.

Speaker 6 (25:17):
We were a team.

Speaker 5 (25:19):
He would always kiss and hug me in front of
Ryan and say that he wanted Ryan to see his
dad loves his mommy so much, and then we would
pick them up between the two of us and smash
his cheeks with kisses together. When you fall in love
with someone, you think you can't possibly love them anymore
than you do right now, But then you get married
and you think, okay, now there's no way I can

love them anymore. And then you have a child with
them and guess what, you love them even more. Jonathan
told me that true love has no limit. Our lives
were pretty much perfect until five days ago when everything
changed forever. He was called into duty, and in typical
Jonathan fashion, he didn't run away.

Speaker 6 (25:58):
He did what was right. He did what he loved.

Speaker 5 (26:01):
He wasn't the type to sugarcoat anything, so I won't
sugarcoat this. This is devastating. It's a devastating, senseless, and
tragic loss for so many our family, our friends, and
the entire city of New York. It's a shame that
someone who brought so much positivity to the world was
given such a negative ending. There was so much she
was looking forward to, like watching his siblings built a

life with their spouses, seeing his friends become fathers, and
watching his son grow. It breaks my heart that Ryan
was robbed of getting to know his to grow up
with his dad. Jonathan had so many things he wanted
to teach him, like how to play ice hockey, how
to drive a car or ride a bike, to watch
Ryan go to his first day of school and watch

him graduate on his last. I am eternally grateful that
Jonathan made me Ryan's mother and by a missing him.
I can look a look to Ryan to feel close
to him because his son is just like him, always
making people smile, and I promise to raise him to
eat bee even more like his dad. It's ourd to

imagine how long I have to wait to see Jonathan again.

Speaker 6 (27:09):
When the door is to Heaven open for me.

Speaker 5 (27:11):
One day, I hope to see Jonathan standing there looking
at me, just like he did on our wedding day.
My husband died a hero, but he also lived as one.
Our world will never be the same, but I know
I speak for everyone when I say I could not
be more proud of him. It's been two years and
two months since Detective Rivera and Detective Mara made the

ultimate sacrifice, just like my husband, Jonathan Diller Dominique Rivera
stood in front of all the electric officials presents today
pleading for change. That change never came, and now my
son will grow up without his father. I will grow
old without my husband, and his parents have to say
goodbye to their child. How many more police officers and
how many more families need to make the ultimate sacrifice

before we start protecting them. I don't wish this kind
of pain on anyone Jonathan lived his life doing good
for people, and it's now time for people to do
good for all the officers he represents, which reminds me
to all his friends in the one oh five CRT
and the Boys.

Speaker 6 (28:12):
He wanted me to say, I love.

Speaker 5 (28:14):
You, Jonathan Ryan, and I don't know how we're going
to live without you, but I am so amazingly grateful
for every single moment we had with you. Rest in peace, Jonathan,
the man who captured my heart.

Speaker 6 (28:27):
And now all of New York's all right.

Speaker 2 (28:30):
Now, that's gonna wrap things up for today. Biden embracing
more radicalism because he's desperate to shore up his base,
but veg Ramaswami will check in. Laura Trump, now being
attacked by the DNZ, will have a full reaction from her.
That's coming up tonight, the Biden crisis, disaster and now
the threat of terrorism on our shores. Kelly and Comway

and Ari Fleisherwayan speaker, Mike Johnson, Play, Travis, Charlie Hurt,
much more Nine Eastern. Say you DVR Hannity on Box
C then back here tomorrow. Thank you for making this
show possible. Let's face facts, America is not the same

country we once knew violent crime is spiking at an
alarming rate, but the media they don't want to tell
you about it. Now, in the wake of the defund
dismantled police movement, old departments are underfunded, officers are leaving
the force, new recruits are nowhere to be found, and meanwhile,
emergency response times have doubled across the country. Now, the
unsettling truth is that you and your family are increasingly

on your own now. Luckily, the former head of training
for the FBI and the USCCA, they have partner to
bring you something I wish I had years ago. It's
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Speaker 3 (29:55):

Speaker 2 (29:55):
Inside, you're going to learn proven ways to deter criminals
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