All Episodes

May 17, 2024 32 mins

 Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Jason Smith of  Missouri, joins to talk about today’s committee vote to hold AG Garland in contempt of Congress for failing to provide the audio tapes of Special Counsel Hur’s interview with POTUS that Chairman Smith, Comer, and Jordan demanded DOJ turn over a few months back. If this passes the House floor, it will only be the fourth time in American history a cabinet official has been held in contempt of Congress.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
We have come in to your city. One of they get.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Saying your contund willow besire.

Speaker 1 (00:12):
Tell and if you want a little banging a yi,
I come along.

Speaker 3 (00:18):
As you can see today we're expanding the electoral map
because we are going to officially play in the state
of New Jersey.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
We're going to win the state of New Jersey. He said,
very loudly. Ovaries for helping and els right.

Speaker 4 (00:39):
Of an ah NHPI students rely on Pilgrim.

Speaker 5 (00:48):
Team minus one hundred and seventy two days left till
you get to vote.

Speaker 2 (00:55):
Were coming to your city.

Speaker 6 (01:00):
I'm saying you a conscious song.

Speaker 5 (01:03):
From coast to coast, from border to border, from c
to Shining Sea. Sean Kennedy is on stay right here
for our final news round up and information overload.

Speaker 2 (01:24):
All right, news round up, Information overload, our toll free,
our telephone numbers eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean,
if you want to be a part of the program.
Bob Costello, his testimony, used to be Michael Cohne's attorney
and then apparently Cone, according to Costello, waived attorney client
privilege so he's able to talk all about what he

said now. The amazing thing is he was giving Michael
Cone from the get go a get out of jail
free card. Now think about this. He said, Okay, I'm
your lawyer. How do he's asking how he gets out
of this. I'll tell you how to get out of this.
You get out of it.

Speaker 1 (01:59):
What do you got on?

Speaker 2 (02:01):
Well, I've got nothing, like well, if you don't have anything,
I can't get you out of it. And then he
goes on to say and testify before Congress yesterday. And
he was on America's newsroom this morning before I was on.
I was like, wow that, in fact Cohne told him
in no uncertain terms, he did this entire deal on

his own and Trump didn't know a thing about it.

Speaker 1 (02:25):
Wow, listen to this, and.

Speaker 3 (02:28):
I said Trump. I said, Michael, the way this works
is if you have truthful information about Donald Trump, that's
clearly what they're looking for.

Speaker 1 (02:38):
I can have all your legal.

Speaker 3 (02:39):
Problems solved by the end of the week. His response,
I swear to God, Bob, I don't have anything on
Donald Trump. He focused on Milania Trump. He said, I
didn't want to embarrass Malania Trump. He said, that's why
I decided to take care of this on my own.
I went back to that several times. You did this
on your own, on my own, Donald Trump have anything

to do with it.

Speaker 7 (03:01):
No, is there a single branch of government that Michael
Cohen hasn't lied to?

Speaker 1 (03:07):
Geek, I think there isn't.

Speaker 2 (03:09):
I mean, that is blockbuster testimony. It's going to be
interesting to see if he gets called on the stand.
All right, Joining us now for analysis, Greg Jarrett, New
York Times bestselling author, Fox News legal analyst. Paul Morrill
is back with us, retired NYPD inspector, attorney, founder of
opsdesk dot Org. All Right, we got a lot to
get to here. I got to ask you both about

this case because it really is mind blowing to me
that we're even in this position. Greg is a lawyer.
Going to start with you, I thought today, I don't know.
People described it to me as a moment from my
cousin Vinnie. I've been saying it all day. But what
was your reaction to the Michael Cohne when he was
confronted with text messages with Donald Trump's security guy Keith Schiller,

and those text messages at the time that he had
tied earlier in the week and even testified today that
he says that he was telling Donald Trump about the
Stormy Daniels deal, and in fact, the text messages show
that he was really talking to Schiller about getting help
for a fourteen year old that was prank calling him
and Schiller calls him.

Speaker 1 (04:16):
He didn't pick up. He says, call me, and he
called him.

Speaker 2 (04:19):
It was less than a minute, in thirty two seconds,
and he's then he claimed, well, yeah, I talked to
Keith about that, and then I talked to Donald Trump,
which he said earlier in the week extensively about the
Stormy Daniels deal. Is that possible, Greg, I don't think so.

Speaker 8 (04:35):
No, it is, And you're right. I love your comparison
to my cousin Vinny. You know the eyewitnesses, the eyewitness
who couldn't see beyond the pews in the courtroom. You know,
this just underscores what a pathological, habitual, chronic liar that

you know, Michael Cohen is. And you know, the lives
were exposed today in court and I think Cohen's credibility
was shredded. You know, the DA Star witness was put
through a wood chipper on cross examination, and you know Cohen,
I think by the end of today He's going to
be rendered to a pile of mulch. You know, these

these have been withering questions by the defense, lie after
lie after lie, laid bare. The defense is really peeling
Cohen like an onion. He lied about everything to everyone,
and they've methodically been going through the lies. He lied
to Congress, Banks, special counsel, the media, the i R S,
the FEC, government lawyers, even lied to judges in courts

of law. You know, to Cohen, oaths to tell the
truth are utterly meaningless words. He is constitutionally incapable of honesty.
Lines of compulsion, a disorder, you know. And often he
did it to benefit himself or to hurt Donald Trump.

But sometimes it turns out he'd tell a whopper for
no apparent reason. These jurors should not believe a single
word from the lion lips of Michael Cohen.

Speaker 2 (06:14):
It really is true. Paul, You've been around law in
order for a long time in life. What do you
think about the revelation that the prosecution kept the text
exchanges away from Michael Cohn in this case as it
relates to the timeframe and what he was really talking
about with Keith Schiller, because they had to know what
he said the other day was not exactly true.

Speaker 7 (06:36):
That's amazing. So you know, as Beg says, Michael Cohen
is an irredeemable liar. And I actually think that the
prosecution is left with no other choice and they knew
this going in, but to lean into that merch On
here is the mcguffin. That's the real issue. You're going
to have to watch very closely. I know it's procedural,

I know it's dull, but we're going to have a
battle over how Mrchon charges the jury. That's where the
rub is going to really hit the road, because the
jurors are going to be confused as to what the
theory of the case is. They've heard all of this testimony.
They're going to redirect call In and try to rehabilitate
him in the sense that they're going to say, yeah,
he's a liar, but you know what Donald Trump was
involved with him. That's essentially going to be what they're

going to try to put into the heads of the
jury here. And it's going to come down to merch
On and you're going to get questions almost guaranteed coming
from the jury room during deliberations and they're going to
be asking merch On things like what is illegal about
an NDA? Our NDA is always legal, etc. That's Merchon's
chance to steer this thing. And I'm sorry to be
so cynical, but I've been so disappointed in that building

so many times in Manhattan Supreme that I can't help
but feel like our entire legal system here hangs into balance,
our faith in it anyway, and it's going to come
down to one or two people, I think, who are
going to be willing to stand up and say this
can't fly. And I would do that in the closing,
by the way, if I were the defense, I would
enlarge the canvas and I would speak to the jury

in that way as you have to going through all
of the evidence and undermining it. I would then say,
there's a lot in the balance here and it's up
to you to uphold our system.

Speaker 1 (08:10):
I agree with that.

Speaker 2 (08:11):
What does your take, Greg Jarrett on the issue of
the prosecution and the text messages that apparently Michael Cohen
didn't know about or remember.

Speaker 8 (08:19):
Well, it's very convenient, isn't he He remembers vividly, word
for word conversations that he had six seven, eight, years ago,
but you know, more recent text messages and conversations, even
conversations that he had in the last month with prosecutor Gee,

I can't remember that.

Speaker 4 (08:42):
No, I have no.

Speaker 8 (08:44):
Recollection of that. This is a selective memory. It's yet
more of his lies. And I agree with Paul A
lot depends on the jury instruction. You know, there's a
standard jury instruction on the credibility of witnesses in New
York and I'm looking at it right now, and it's
a one short line. If you find that any witness

is intentionally testified falsely as to any material fact, you
may disregard that witnesses entire testimony. Well, that's tailor made
for Michael Collen, which means that these jurors should believe
none of what he has had to say.

Speaker 2 (09:29):
I think that his testimony has completely been impeached. The
guy that we see on the stand, that has been
clearly coached, probably for more hours that we could actually count,
is not the guy that we see on social media
and on his podcast and on TikTok asking for gifts
and selling merch with Donald Trump and jail mugs and

T shirts.

Speaker 1 (09:51):
Is it, Greg? Yeah?

Speaker 8 (09:53):
I mean, you know, all of this was cooked up
by both prosecutors colluding with Cohen to falsely incriminate an
innocent man, and Cohen's motives are revenge and greed. He
blames Trump for his convictions his prison term. But Cohen
has also discovered that lying is highly profitable. I mean,

his lunatic rants against Trump on social media. They're raking
him big box. His livelihood depends on it. He'll keep
lying until the dollars eventually dry up, which is why
it's a foolhardy for Bragg and his team of partisans
to you know, hang their case on a notorious, fabulous

I mean, even if jurors believe some of Cohen's testimony,
there is still no credible evidence that, you know, these
records were falsified, as the indictment alleges. You know, the
reimbursements to Cohen over Stormy Daniels, they were booked his
legal expenses, because that is what they were, and there's

no evidence that Trump knew how they were booked. He's
not an account or a controller. He's the CEO of
an international company that makes billions of dollars. He doesn't
designate computer entries on private ledgers. That's an administrative function,
not an executive responsibility by the chairman. So where is

the crime nowhere?

Speaker 2 (11:25):
And by the way, what crime is he charged with, Greig?
We don't even know yet at this late stage. It's unbelievable.
All right, quick break. We'll have more with Paul Morrow
and Greg Jarrett on the other side. Eight hundred and
nine to four one Sean. If you want to be
a part of the program, all right, we continue now
with Greg Jarrett and with Paul Morrow. Paul retired NYPD
inspector and attorney Greg Jarrett, Fox News legal analyst, best

selling author. You know, Paul, I've read the story today
in the New York Post that those illegal immigrants on
tape and again you're a retired NYPD inspector also attorney,
and I read that those guys that the illegal immigrants
on tape beating up police officers are likely going to

get at best a little slap on the wrist. And
I'm thinking, and we're wasting so much taxpayer money because
that whole entire courthouse is sealed up like you know,
it's Fort Knox because it's a former president, rightly, so
you got to protect you know, elected officials. He's also
a candidate for president, the leading candidate. And meanwhile, all

these violent crimes on video go unpunished in New York
City and New York State. I just it's a surreal
world we're living in right now. Well you're living in
I don't live there anymore. But you get my point, Oh.

Speaker 7 (12:45):
I do, of course. And you know, I can pick
out two examples here where the Bragg DA's office has
been eternally unwilling to go forward with slam dunk cases.
Let's take Columbia for instance. And I don't know why
this hasn't come up, but it's been a very big
part of that story that a number of the custodians
were held against their will. Well, let's look at the charges.

There's no kidnapping or unlawful imprisonment charges that have been
lodged relative to the Columbia fracas. It's all had to
do with trespass and a little bit of resisting arrest, etc.
So they went as light as they could there. Those
are more serious charges that should have been brought. You
have the custodian walking out of the building yelling they
held me against my will. If they moved him to

a closet, which reportedly was done. You'd have kidnapping, which
is a serious felling, not charged. And then, in addition
to what you're talking about relative to these migrants, we
had an incident here again surprise, it's not getting more play.
Forty third and eighth the Heart of Times Square, nice
tourist group from western Pennsylvania, New York's of iis on tourism,
not from where I live in Hell's Kitchen, and they're

walking down the block and a nut jumps up out
of a walker. Big blade stabs the woman all right, spontaneously,
no reason, just does it. Okay?

Speaker 9 (13:59):
Charged with assault?

Speaker 7 (14:00):
How is that not attempted murder? The blade is like
eating's is long. It's on film. It's a slam dunk.
Any other DA comes in with attempted murder and this
guy goes away forever. Instead it's assault too. It'll be
plied down to assault three misdemeanor. He'll be right back
out soon enough after he goes through what passes as
the mental health system in New York City, which doesn't exist,

And we're going to be with the same problems. But
you know what, Sean, he was elected a Manhattan Night's
vote for this stuff, and that's why people are doing
what you did, which is fleeing this state, in this city.

Speaker 2 (14:32):
Let me ask you, Greg exit question. Do you believe
what has been unfolding in the courtroom today changes the
likely outcome of this case? And I've always said I
don't have a lot of confidence that Donald Trump can
get a fair trial in New York City.

Speaker 1 (14:47):
I stand by that.

Speaker 2 (14:49):
But according to people that were in the courtroom that
I've spoken to, they said this was a oh wow moment.

Speaker 8 (14:57):
Yeah. I think that's true, and I've always said that,
you know, so much depends upon the cross examination of
Bragg's star witness, because he's the only one who has
attempted and I think failed to tie Donald Trump to
the charges in this case. Even he wasn't able to

do it. So, you know, I think today is a
game changer. A lot of talk about calling Bob Costello
is former lawyer to the witness stand Hussein in quite
vivid detail, that you know Cohen's lying if you know
when when Cohen stumbles off the witness stand in utter

shock after a bludgeting. If the defense feels they're winning,
then they shouldn't call Costello to the witness stand. There's
always a risk you never know about his cross examination.
So you know, as I said to you last night,
I learned a long time ago in my first case.
If you're winning, sit down, shut up, and don't call

any witness and you'll win. But you start calling witnesses
to the stand that you don't absolutely need, that is risky.

Speaker 2 (16:09):
Behavior, unbelievable. I really want to thank you both. Appreciate it.
Greg Jarrett will also see you on Hannity tonight. Paul Morrow.
We always love having you. Thank both of you. Eight
hundred nine four one, Shawn our number if you want
to be a part of the program.

Speaker 1 (16:23):
Breaking news straight from the source.

Speaker 5 (16:26):
This is the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 2 (16:29):
All right, twenty five down to the top of the hour.
Eight hundred ninety four one, Shawn, if you want to
be a part of the program. Mike Lindell, my pillow.
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twenty five dollars extravaganza sale. All right, you've been very

very patient. I understand. Let's get to our busy phones.
Brian in New York City, Brian, how are you glad
you called sir?

Speaker 10 (17:45):
Hey, Sean, I'm a big fan. Thank you for what
you do every day. Listen.

Speaker 6 (17:50):
I just I was listening to mister Charity and Judge
Jen earlier, and I was watching all these Trump cases,
and it seemed to me that Democrats they have an
unfair advantage in our legal system. So I have an
idea on how to care. And also, if it's okay,
I'd like to ask you a question on a legal immigration.
But anyway, anyone with the policy is that the legal
system is broken. It's weaponized against conservatives, and you can

see what's coming out of these elleitual colleges. I think
the only way to correct the legal system now is
to embrace technology. We should fire all the judges, replace
them with AI judges, program with the constitution and legal
precedents to preside over all these cases. Call them AI
Judge pure O, AI Judge Scalia. I don't know, but
we have AI CEOs, we have AI tennis judges, we

have ice hockey judges. Let's go rangers, I mean, Sean,
We literally have the technology to make judges great again.

Speaker 10 (18:39):
That was my thought.

Speaker 6 (18:40):
I just wanted to share that with you.

Speaker 1 (18:42):
Well, let me tell you something.

Speaker 2 (18:44):
Yeah, we need I don't know about AI judges, but
I will tell you we need judges that believe in
our constitution, equal justice under the law, equal application of
our laws, and we don't have that right now. Anyway,
I appreciate the Oh, my friend, you know, let me.
I'm meant to do this. You know, one of the reasons.
You know, a lot of things are happening right now.

And for example, this debate, why why is well, well,
why is all of a sudden Joe By, I'll take
two debates. They're all going to be on my terms
and on fake news CNN terms and Donald Trump has
no say and Donald Trump okay, accepted to go on
CNN ABC. Of course you're going to have to negotiate
with all parties. That's just basic decency, common sense. First

of all, why is it happening? Well, James Carvill I
think really answered that question. Trump is more head than
ever and everything we're throwing a Trump isn't working.

Speaker 1 (19:41):
Listen in Trump's more head than he's ever been. It's
gone the wrong way, it's not working.

Speaker 2 (19:49):
Everything that we're throwing is spaghetti at a wall, and
none of it is sticking me included.

Speaker 1 (19:57):
Now that's James Carville. He's not a dumb guy.

Speaker 2 (20:01):
Know him pretty well. Uh look at listen to Karine
Jean Pierre, she can't eat. Answer Peter Doocey's question. You know,
if the debate offer was made to uh change the
subject because of the bad polling.

Speaker 1 (20:15):
Uh, I don't know.

Speaker 11 (20:17):
Listen, So shouldn't they see this sudden offer from the
president to debate as a signal that you guys realize.

Speaker 1 (20:24):
You need to change the subject after some really bad polling.
You know, we went had a back and forth on
polling yesterday.

Speaker 4 (20:31):
I just don't want to get into polling any more
details on polling what as it relates to the debate.
You've got to talk to the campaign about it. That
is a question for the campaign, and I'm sure they
are eager eager to answer your questions.

Speaker 2 (20:43):
Peter, Now without consulting Donald Trump. You know, Joe Biden
puts out, I'm only going to do these four networks
tell Lemundo, CBS, ABC and Fague News CNN. Oh really,
he gets to dictate the terms. CNN doesn't consult with
the trum Donut campaign. They don't want Fake Jake Tapper. Now,

Jake Tapper claims to be an objective journalist.

Speaker 1 (21:07):
He's not.

Speaker 2 (21:08):
He's a liberal talk show host. And by the way,
we've got more tape on fake Jake that we're going
to air tonight on Hannity.

Speaker 1 (21:16):
But you know, here's a small.

Speaker 2 (21:19):
Sampling of Jake Tapper not exactly loving Donald Trump.

Speaker 11 (21:23):
Listen as we watch Donald Trump attempt to turn his
arrest and indictment into some sort of campaign commercial. The
folks in the control room, I don't need to see
any more of that. He's trying to turn this and
he's trying to turn it into a spectacle, into a campaign.
And that's enough of that. We've seen it already. Here
he is, right now under my voice. You hear him

repeating his anti immigrant rhetoric. Is it easier for him
to attack US intelligence agencies? President Trump lives in an
atmosphere of disinformation, false information reinforcing itself. He is running
the single most negative, sleazy campaign in American history for

a major party candidate. He pushes the government of the
United States to use its power and credibility to justify
his live But now the Trump presidency is coming to
an end, to an end with so many squandered opportunities
and ruined potential, but also an era of just plain meanness.
It must be said, to paraphrase President Ford, for tens

of millions of our fellow Americans, their long national nightmare
is over.

Speaker 1 (22:37):
I can't listen to this studio.

Speaker 2 (22:38):
I can't listen anymore to this after Trump's iowall win
when he's talking about illegal immigration and the fact, does
fake Jake even know that we have let's see tens
and tens of thousands of illegal immigrants coming from Oh,
let's see China, Russia, Egypt, Afghanistan. Oh, are Ron number

one stage sponsor a terror? There's satellite Syria.

Speaker 1 (23:06):
And Yemen. Oh another satellite terror?

Speaker 3 (23:09):
You know?

Speaker 2 (23:10):
State seriously, and when this country gets hit? What's going
to happen then? And it's not if it's when? And
I pray I'm wrong. Byron is in Texas, the free
state of Texas.

Speaker 1 (23:22):
What's up? Byron? How are you? My friend? God blessed Texas?
What's going on?

Speaker 7 (23:27):

Speaker 9 (23:29):
I'm just curious about this whole debate. I think you
really shocked them, Sean, because you're debate with the Santis
and Newsom. You brought up facts, which was one of
the best things I ever seen, and laid it out
to him during the debate. So now they're scared to
death to have Fox or anybody with some integrity do

the debate and fake news CNN is going to manipulate
every question, and Biden's going to get to do every
lie and Trump's going to just try to sit there
and find it. And how else, what do we do?
What do we tell Trump how to you know, fight
a liar? Because in that situation, it just seems like
they're going to manipulate everything so bad where he's not

going to get those extra votes that we really need.
So what would you do or what would you tell him?

Speaker 2 (24:20):
Well, I would tell Trump honestly that you know, it's
hard to tell Trump. You know, Trump is a guy
of his own mind. Well, Hannity, you give advice to Trump,
I'll give advice to a lot of people. Anyone that
wants to listen will give advice to I would say
that these guys can't dictate the terms and coordinate the

terms in a day, and say, these are the only
four networks and Fox is excluded, even though Fox crushes
like four five to one fake New CNN in the ratings,
and we're not going to put Fox on the list.
And by the way, we're not talking about me moderating
the debate, although I can tell you I would do
a really good I think of my humble opinion, Linda,

do I get a vot of confidence from you?

Speaker 1 (25:03):
At least? Oh, my Gosha, you always get a big vote.
I mean I gave you two thumbs up, you know,
Ciskel and Ebert style, the way that brings back memories.

Speaker 2 (25:12):
Okay, but you know what I'm actually proving it being
able to handle the debate pretty well. I think with
Gavin Newsom and Ronda santis H even some of my
critics you know, said, oh, you actually did a good job.
But whatever, you know, And it's funny the media they
just love fake Jake because they agree with fake Jake.
They're all coming to fake Jake's defense. So I'm just

gonna know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna keep playing
clip after clip after clip of fake Jake till you know,
the entire world will know if in fact he remains
and Trump goes to do this exactly what he's walking into.
And you know what, And I think Fox should hold
this debate. Trump's accepted. And I think Joe Biden, if

he gets two of his liberal networks and they get
to you know, coordinate which which you know liberal anchor
they want, you know, I should probably be allowed to
do it. But you know what, Bret and Martha are fair.
They're in real newspeople. They'll do a really good job.
They'll be fair to both sides. I know them both
really well. They really are down in the middle. They're

not they're not biased. I have no idea where they
stand politically.

Speaker 9 (26:18):
Not everybody listens to your show or The Five every day,
and is you know, getting all the right information all
the time. And some people I know a lot of
them that will only listen to debates and they go
off of that to make their their vote. And I'm like,
you're not seeing the whole picture. And then when you're
manipulated by CNN and these others, it's just, oh my gosh.

It just makes me insane how they can get away
with it and nobody's fact checking them and saying, hey, look,
you just said this, and now how are you going
to explain what you just told the country? How do
you get away with that?

Speaker 7 (26:58):

Speaker 2 (26:59):
I think by the time, you know, one thing, we
live in a world where we can bypass the mob
the media in many many ways, and one is talk radio.
Certainly Fox News is an option, but there's something else
that's happening you got citizen journalists out there, and by
the way, even a lot of people with opinions that
don't like Sean Hannity, which I am totally cool with.

You want to say Sean Hannity sucks, Sean Hannity's.

Speaker 1 (27:23):
This you want to meme?

Speaker 2 (27:25):
You know, I don't really care because I believe in freedom,
and I believe in freedom of speech, and I give
my opinions and I believe others should be able to
give theirs. And I think that you know, they'll make
these clips viral, and let me tell you something, it'll
become quite uncomfortable for fake news CNN to be unfair,

even though they will be if in fact, people see
as many of these clips as I know exist, and
we have a lot more to get to, you know.
And you know, I noticed I got an attacked by
media I today. That's fine, and I mean it's I'm
fair game and they don't have to agree with me,
and they can defend fake Jake all they want. I
just got a lot more tape of fake Jake and

I'll just keep playing it and then let the people
like you decide.

Speaker 9 (28:13):
Okay, they can't get away with this lying even about
the illegal immigrants coming across. There are criminals coming across.
And I suffered through nine to eleven being with American
Airlines losing everything wreak and you know it was life changing.

Speaker 1 (28:30):
And now how did you how did you suffer through
nine to eleven? What happened with the American airlines?

Speaker 9 (28:36):
Well, nobody was fine. Every every night I went into work,
the planes were empty.

Speaker 2 (28:42):
You know, there was Oh okay, so you work for
American Airlines. I understand. You mean after what happened, you know,
I mean it was terrible and it's terrible.

Speaker 9 (28:52):
They laid us off and you know, had to go
find another job with a kid on the way, and
you know.

Speaker 1 (28:57):
It was Oh man, that's for rough, dude. I'm sorry.
I get it. I understand, I really do.

Speaker 9 (29:04):
It's on Joe Biden.

Speaker 1 (29:07):
Well look what well I will tell you. I pray
to God that I'm wrong. I really do. I mean
that I'm not going to be wrong.

Speaker 2 (29:16):
You can't bring in your top geopolitical foes like this
and expect anything other than what's obvious that's going to happen.

Speaker 1 (29:23):
All right, I got a role.

Speaker 2 (29:24):
Appreciate the call, my friend eight hundred and ninety four
one Sean, if you want to be a part of
the program. Pat Illinois Next Sean Hannity Show. We got
about a minute and a half, Pat, but it's all yours.
What's on your mind?

Speaker 10 (29:35):
All right? Real quick? Well, Titia James case, If deck
gets overturned, what happens to the bond? And if there's
collusion found in office to President Trump have any recourse?

Speaker 2 (29:48):
Well, I don't know if you're conflating the two trials here.
You're talking about the civil trial and the bond that
was put up for that. Yes, okay, Well it's not
going to be impacted by this trial. Okay, Now it
is going to be appealed, and I believe at some point,
I don't know what court will do it, but you know,

this is such an excessive bond. And I believe that
the entire civil case, if it's based on the merit
and if it's really based on valuations, and the judge
held to an eighty million dollar valuation for maur a Lago,
which is a joke, he's far more guilty of the
very thing they were accusing Trump of than I think.
The whole thing gets thrown out. And I believe and

this is the problem for Trump, you know, he is
the unfair venues and then he get the judgments come
down against him. He might he might be found guilty
in this criminal trial.

Speaker 1 (30:43):
And on appeal.

Speaker 2 (30:44):
I'd say the odds are close to ninety eight percent
that he's going to win, you know, just by a
judge having you know, should have recused himself for example.

Speaker 1 (30:54):
But with all that said, you know, it really all
depends on you know, the judges in the upper courts.

Speaker 2 (31:02):
The biggest problem is, you know, the trial's going on
in an election year, one hundred and seventy two days
out of an election, and any appeal is going to
happen after that. Appreciate the call, my friend. Right, that's
going to wrap things up for today. Wow, what a day.
I mean, this was a beatdown of Michael Cohen, I
mean of epic proportions. Even the liberal media mob saying

the same thing. Anyway, we have full complete coverage analysis.
Matt Gates was in the courtroom and I spoke to
him in the break. He said, I've never seen anything
like in my life. He'll give you his take on it.
Jonathan Turley, Greg Jarrett, They've been phenomenal on this, the
issue of Biden wrongfully asserting executive privilege when it comes
to the Robert hurdtape, something he said he wouldn't do. Oh,

And closing arguments on this case from the great one,
Mark Levin.

Speaker 1 (31:53):
We'll get to that.

Speaker 2 (31:54):
The latest on the declining poll numbers and phony debate
issue with Tommy Larren and Mark Penn. Say you DVR
Hannity tonight, nine Eastern. We'll see you then back here tomorrow.
Thank you for making this show possible.

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