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January 6, 2025 • 29 mins

Sean is back and ready to tackle 2025!  Listen as he reflects on how important the 2024 election was for this country and just why this next year is so critical to bringing this country back on the right track!

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, thank you Scott Shannon, and thanks to all
of you for being with us. Right down our toll
free telephone number. It's eight hundred and ninety four one
sean if you want to be a part of the program.
And Happy New Year to you and to your families.
And I couldn't imagine coming back if Kamala Harris from

a long vacation and Kamala Harris had won the election.
But some things haven't changed. I noticed that Joe Biden
forgot the words while singing Happy Birthday to a White
House guest, and Kamala Harris botched the pledge of allegiance.
You can't make any of this up, but it's all true.
And Joe Biden cursing out reporters one of the truest

signs of somebody in cognitive decline, quick to anger. I
know more world leaders than you've met in your whole
ged life. I'm like Biden. It was a genuine threat
to so it might be the oldest president. I know
more world leaders than any one of you ever met

in your home life. Ouch. And of course Joe sabotaging
Donald Trump. We're going to go through this in great
specificity in detail. I love Trump's ideas as it relates
to Greenland, and we see little justin out of Canada.
Maybe it would be a fifty first state. Maybe worth

thinking about the Panama Canal when you look at the
history of it. Jimmy Carter, God rest his soul. Sorry
to his family, our deepest sympathy, so on his passing.
He was a great post president. He was a horrible president,
but he did so much good work with Habitat for
Humanity and things like that. But the deal that was

ratified them by the Senate in nineteen seventy eight in
terms of handing over control when it was American ingenuity,
ingenuity and American engineers that built the Panama Canal and
we've paid maybe millions of dollars to maintain it is insane.
We got all this sabotage happening. My biggest worry in

concern is is terrorists and you know an FBI has
been focused on all the wrong things weaponization against Trump
and you know, moms and dads at school board meetings
and peaceful pro life protesters. Is you know, now America's
chickens are coming home to roost and it's probably only
gonna get worse as time goes on. Oh they did. Finally,

the National Archives did release pictures and photos of Joe
Biden hobnobbing with Hunter's Chinese communist business partners. A little late.
They might may have wanted to release that before the election,
but they released these photos showing again the Biden family syndicate,
proving the president flat out lied about not interacting with

his family's photos. These photos released long after the potential
political you know, legitimacy and relevancy, days before Biden retires.
I don't know. Let's see what these last minute preemptive
partners are about. I know a lot of you are angry,
rightly so, about these metals given out to Soros and
Cheney and Hillary Clinton and others. It's not though way

I want to start today. I don't know what it is,
but there's something about a long vacation. You get out
of your day to day grind, and you begin to
slow down, and you begin to get objectivity, and it
gives you perspective. I end up. You know, you get centered,
I get focused, I get more prayerful. I just believe,

and you reevaluate what is important in your life, God, family, country,
and that objectivity is hard to maintain in anybody's day
to day grind. All of us work hard. I don't
know anybody that works an eight hour day. Everybody I
know is working really hard. If you have kids, you're
work and even twice as hard because you still got

to get up early, get your kids out to school,
help them study, prepare a meal, get them to bed.
I mean, it's hard. Life is. Everyone has a grind
in their life. I don't know anybody that grew up
with a silver spoon in their mouth. So everybody I
know in my life works really hard. And then I

begin to get my thoughts together about the year ahead
and what it means. And by the time my vacation
comes to it and I'm chomping at the bit to
get back here. And my staff will tell you that
they know that to be a fact. They're wondering at
some point if I'm going to call and say I'm
coming back sooner than I said I would. But I
didn't this year. But if we go back one year ago,

my first show back on the year for the year
of twenty twenty four, after vacation, I did predict exactly
how twenty twenty four would unfold in terms of the election.
I didn't make the prediction of how it would end
because that power did not lie with me. That was
that was in the hands of all of you and

the country. And thank god you brought this country back
from an inflection point. I'm not sure if we ever
would have recovered if Kamala Harris had won this election.
Nobody knew what the ultimate outcome would be when we
started one year ago. You know, what was certain was
that this election mattered. What was certain is that Kamala

Harris would have been a disaster. They would have viewed
this this year and that election and that result as
a mandate for open borders. That would mean more terrorists,
more murderers, more criminals, cartel gang members entering our country unvetted.
That would be more defund dismantle no bail laws. That

would mean higher tees for every American. That would mean
higher energy prices in perpetuity. That would mean government mandates
on your cars, your stoves, your washers, your dryers, your
air conditioners. That would mean woke education would be the future,
not the fundamentals reading, writing, math, science, history, et cetera.

It would mean, yeah, taxpayer funded sex change operations and
pre college for illegals and gender affirming care without parental
consent would be a big narrative in a Harris administration.
Thank god that didn't happen. And weakness on the world stage.
It is unimaginable to think about to me, especially in

light of the threat where America frankly has a lot
of work to do in terms of its military. And
I'll get into some detail about that in a second.
So it was the biggest choice election and legacy media
in spite of nine years of smears and slander, they died.
They did everything they could do to put cinder blocks

on the scales of this election. And I start out
with a thank you because this would be a very
different year had you not engaged. With that said, I'm
telling all of you right now, you're going to have
to stay engaged. This is not oh I voted for Trump,
I did my part. I'm done because they have a

very slim majority. We saw this unfold last week with
the vote for speaker and Donald Trump supported Mike Johnson. Okay,
Mike Johnson says he's going to support the President's agenda.
I'm not sure where the fifteen hundred page bill came
from We discussed that before I went on vacation. But

America now has an opportunity to return to constitutional order
we really have and this is something that it's like
no other time in our light in my lifetime that
I can think about. And I predicted last year. I said,
let me tell you how this campaign's going to run
play out. They are going to run on Republicans are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, transphobic,

they want dirty air and water, and they want to
throw grandma and grandpa off a cliff. They did exactly that.
I said. They would run on Donald Trump as evil.
He's the devil. He's evil, He's more evil, he's horrible.
They would run on January sixth. They're still talking about
it today, never ends. They lied about the economy, they

lied about borders, they lied about Joe's cognitive state. I
told you they would do all the above, and Legacy
Medias now paid the ultimate price. I don't think they
can recover because they're never going to face the real
truth about why it is that people didn't listen to
their narrative and their lies and their smears about Donald Trump.

They never told the truth about any of the things
that were being done to Donald Trump. They never told
the valuation of Mara a Lago. How can you avoid that.
They never told the truth about the fifty one former
Intel officials, They never told the truth about FAISA abuse.
They never told the truth or explained in detail the

double standard, unequal justice under the law, unequal application of
our laws when it came to top secret classified information.
They just cared about helping Democrats regardless of what the
issue was. And that's why the Media Research Center had
you know, Kamala in the high nineties in terms of
positive coverage and Donald Trump at ninety percent negative coverage.

They did everything they can do, and what they lost
in the process is their credibility. But this is like
an opportunity, and this is what I've concluded that we
may only get once every hundred hundred and fifty years
in this country. This to me, is the greatest opportunity

to return to the original vision, purpose, constitutional order that
our framers and our founders wanted to return to a
republic government by of and for the people, not just
words limited government. We say it all the time, do
we really want limited government? Because you're going to get

an opportunity to have limited government and greater freedom. Donald
Trump needed your help in twenty four He will need
your help to achieve what is a very ambitious agenda,
especially with a slim majority in Congress. You have four
hundred and thirty five members, one hundred senators. They all
have their own agenda. You know, MAGA has their own

infighting going on. I was paying attention to over the holidays.
You know, Reagan said, if you eighty percent, if we're
an eighty percent on an agreement, you're not my enemy,
You're my friend. And Republicans must understand with their slim majority,
Donald Trump won this election. They didn't win a lot
of them got carried over the finish line because of
Donald Trump. And that's the agenda that the American people

in mass voted for. That's the mandate that they wanted.
It was an eighty percent prediction that Democrats would retake
control of Congress. And I see that these intramural battles brewing,
you know, conflict over Elon Musk. Elon Musk helped Donald
Trump win. He's not America's enemy here, and I know

there'll be differences, but at the end of the day,
I would say that going to be the president that
lays out what the agenda is, that's going to be
the winning agenda for the country. You know, some people,
you know have an issue with H one B one visas,
someone's zero legal immigration. I'm not in that camp. I'm

in the camp that if we vet well first, we
need to prioritize first. You need to secure the border.
That's the first priority. Priority too is get rid of
the terrorists, the murderers, the rapists, the cartel members, the
gang members. That's priority two, priority three. If you're going
to have a legal immigration system, you can be very

selective and I want the best, brightest, smartest people that apply,
that are fully vetted that we'd even consider letting into
the country. In other words, the best, the brightest engineers, doctors,
business people, business minds, people that will invest hundreds of millions,

if not billions of dollars in our country and that
will help American workers, that will help us develop the
next generation of warfare. We're falling behind China, we're falling
behind Russia. And it's not just hypersonic missile technology that
we don't have that they have. And we better catch
up soon, and we better prepare for the next generation
of warfare, which is not going to be fought on

a battlefield, but in a conditioned offices. You know, I've
even heard some Trump supporters say there, but they want
to soak the rich. You sound like Bernie Sanders. You
want to soak the rich. When I didn't have any
money and I was a contractor, I never got hired
by a poor person. In my ten years in the
restaurant business. I never got a tip from a poor person. No,

I want a thriving economy where Americans have high paying
career jobs. And you got to focus on the basics.
To cure the border, remove illegal immigrant criminals first and
those that didn't respect our laws, borders and sovereignty. Get
the economy moving again. Make the tax cuts permanence, permanent,

no tax on tips, no tax on overtime of Social Security,
the President has said, and he needs to immediately open
up American energy dominance in spite of Joe Biden's sabotage. Today,
give long term leases to energy companies that can't be
canceled so they can quickly tap into America. His greatest
well produced producing potential will be an energy rich country,

restore law and order, fix America's military, which is falling
behind technologically, you know, clean up the deep state, make
doze real, get rid of two trillion in spending, and
then we've got a lot of other issues to tackle.
This is not going to be an easy lift. And
at times who will come to you with a phone

number to call your congressman or woman and your senators
because they Donald Trump will need your help if you
want to really make this a transformational presidency, which it
has all the potential to be. That's my hope for
the new year. By the way, as it relates to
the Panama Canal, it was American ingenuity that made this happen.

American engineers, American planners. They did have laborers from other countries,
but America. Basically it doesn't exist but for American ingenuity
and anyway, they opened up in nineteen fourteen to traffic.
US begins administering the Panama Canal Zone, encompassing the entire

canal ten miles on either side, part of the US
run by a governor appointed by the president. US troops
were stationed there to secure the canal that wouldn't exist
but for US and John McCain. By the way, he
was born there while his father is one of them.
He was a US citizen. He could run for president

naturalized citizen because he was born on what was then
US soil. I don't know why. And God rest Jimmy
Carter Sall wished the best in all our sympathies to
his family. He was a great post president, had a
lot of great work, habitat for humanity. His policies were
god awful. And I said that with all due respect.

I think he was a nice man, but he's just naive.
But the work that he did in his post presidency
was beyond admirable. He's pretty actually anyway. So he negotiates
this treaty with the President of Panama to return the
canal to Panama over the course of twenty years. For
some idiotic reason, Democratic Senate ratifies that treaty with a

bare two third majority vote sixty eight thirty two. In
nineteen seventy nine, that treaty took effect. Now we did
have the invasion of Panama under George Herbert Walker Bush.
This is back in what eighty nine to ninety, and
Manuel Noriego was taken out and anyway, in January of

two thousand, the treaty was no longer in effect, the
canal belonged to Panama. There's a lot of people that
believe we sold it to them for a dollar. That's
not what happened. There's not a provision that the canal
can be returned to the US. However, we do give
Panama seventy four million dollars in foreign aid. That's what

we gave them in fiscal year twenty twenty three. That's
a lot of money. So Donald Trump sees the communist
Chinese exerting their influence over the canal rightly, is saying,
wait a minute, we built it, we're helping to maintain it.
You want money from us to maintain it, and if

that's the case, we should be in charge of it.
And I tend to agree with him. Probably one of
the dumbest deals ever. It's interesting to see the Prime
Minister of Greenland now saying that he wants the people
of Greenland, the population of about fifty eight thousand people,
that's it, you know, have a vote on what their

future is going to be and their independence. Right now,
it's autonomous in terms of its ruling. They have their
own parliament, but they're part of Denmark and about the
size that you know, the population size is tiny. If
you look at the World fact that says the island
is dependent on Danish financial support, even for whaling and

sealing industries, a big part of how they make their money.
The US does not give any foreign aid to Denmark,
but Denmark is one of the twelve founding members of NATO,
so technically one of our strongest allies. Now on the
Canada question, with little justin now out the door, we
import fifty three billion dollars more in goods and services

from Canada every year than we export to them. That's
a trade deficit. And Canada charges tariffs on imports of
US dairy and poultry products. That hurts people in Wisconsin.
That hurts you know, farmers in this country. And anyway,
Canadian regulations also prevent some US seeds from being imported,

which I don't think should happen. And Canada has not
secured their border with the US, and we've seen a
lot of illegal immigration coming across the northern border. And anyway,
if you look at the actual numbers, the Board of
Patrol Chief in one sector said that agents apprehended nearly

twenty thousand illegal immigrants from ninety seven different countries in
fiscal year twenty twenty four. Now that is higher than
the prior seventeen years combined, unheard of for the northern border.
And we give them millions of dollars in foreign assistance,
and frankly, we're going to be honest about it. We

are a big part of their national security strategies. Without us,
they'd be in a lot of trouble. Let me move
on to some big issue that is really beginning to
bother me, and that is Joe Biden's sabotage. And it's
getting worse by the day. And you know, besides the
fact that he can't sing Happy Birthday and Kamala can

sing that, you can't say the Pledge of allegiance. But
they are now trashing, purposely ashing the country. On the
way out the door, they're going, you know, guns blazing,
full fury, full anger, full resentment. The American people be
damned along the way. And if you look at the

laundry list of Biden or whoever's actually making the decisions,
nobody really knows that he has rammed through in his
final days here with more bands on drilling for oil
and gas in vast areas ahead of Donald Trump's team.
They know Donald Trump ran on drill, baby drill, They
know he ran on a platform of energy dominance. This

is just designed to sabotage Donald Trump. Now if it takes,
you know, a court battle that is protracted to unleash
America's biggest wealth potential, which is energy, which the American
people voted for. And it's going to be the American
people that suffer. And they've been petty, and they've done

this on a whole bunch of other issue US as well.
You know, more bands on drilling for oil and gas.
Even moved to squeeze natural gas exports. You know, that
is the administration agreed to you at another inane, insane
Paris Accord climate goal to drive down US emissions by
close to seventy percent by twenty thirty five. Remember in

those Paris Accords, China and India are classified as developing nations.
How stupid a deal is that in not developing nations.
That is just for the US to foot the bill
for this climate alarmist insanity. The White House loosened visa
requirements for foreign workers while inking a labor deal with

federal Union that's allowing forty thousand Social Security Administration employees
to work from home. I'm sorry, that's not the plan
of Avake Ramaswami and Elon Musk. And don't forget the
four point two eight billion dollars in student loan debt
relief that Biden okayed just before Christmas. The present what

for the affluent for the people that go to have
it and Princeton and Yale and graduate school and law
school and medical school. They have another drive from the
White House to throw all of the billions from the
Chips Act and and other boondoggles out the door and windows.
Why they can you know, or the veto of the

bipartisan bill to expand the Federal Judiciary, and you know,
it just goes on and on and on. Biden, is
you know now will it? Will it be harder for
Donald Trump to implement his agenda? Yeah? Of course. Why
was Biden selling off in the final hours of his administration?
Why is he selling off parts of the border wall

that we paid for, that you paid for that we
know that Donald Trump would use on day one for
pennies on the dollar. Is it really hurting Donald trum Trump.
Is it sabotaging Donald Trump in a way? It is,
but who is it really hurting. It's hurting the American
taxpayers because Donald Trump's going to buy new wall and

he would be able to use that material that we
had already paid for as part of his promise that
he was that he will fulfill to build the wall.
Offering commutations including multiple child murderers and mass murderers. It's insane.
Later on we have Nancy Mace on the program. I mean,
it's hard to understand this insanity, but you're one hundred

and fifty eight Democrats that voted against deporting illegal immigrants
who committed sex crimes. This is insane. That was introduced
late last week and Democrats voted against it. Then we
have Biden administration did little to act on the intelligence
about the Iranians receiving illicit oil cash. The Free Beacon

reported that they identified Iraq as central to the the
Iranian oil and fuel smuggling operation that expanded in twenty
twenty two. Iran generates a billion dollars a year from
this smuggling scheme annually, and that's money that is directly
funding the number one state sponsor of terror. They were

given a briefing on this just months after the terror
attack backed by Iran by Hamas that they fund on
October the seventh, in their attack their proxy, one of
their proxy wars against Israel. That's all gonna come to
an end. Biden approving you know, California's plan to ban

the sale of gas only vehicles. Okay, why is he
doing that? Because he knows things are going to change.
I'm not against hybrid vehicles, I'm not against electric vehicles.
I'm pro all of the above. But these last actions
that they're taking is just to try and sabotage Trump.

They've been trying to fill all these judge ships. They've
been trying to fill any vacant jobs at the DOJ
to kind of Trump proof the DOJ. Their words, not mine.
They put a hot water heater ban, Well, what's that
going to do? Right administration? Now they're move in these
final days, you know, to take non condensing natural gas

fired water heaters off the shelves by twenty twenty nine
vote to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. How about all of
them pledge to never get in their private jets again
because there's more greenhouse gas emissions from one flight than
anybody's going to have in any ten year period with
their hot water heater, probably in a lifetime. For crying

out loud, new rules require that new tankless gas water
heaters to use about thirteen percent less energy than today's
less efficient tankless models. Well, who's going to pay the
price for this? Well, who's going to be impacted the
most by this? Probably the poor, the middle class, working

Americans going to drive up their cost. Seniors, they're going
to get hit with all. This is onslaught of regulation
that they're shoving down our throat. Is just one example,
tabotaging Trump by banning all future oil gas drilling. Okay,
what what day is today? Today is the sixth Okay,

in two weeks. Donald Trump is the president, and it's
just done out of spite. I don't have a problem.
Jimmy Carter was a former president. Jimmy Carter deserves all
the honors that every former president would get, and he's
receiving all of that, including lowering the US flag half

staff in Washington on starting on January second, is when
it started, but then not putting it up on inauguration Day.
Jimmy Carter is going to be long buried by that point.
They're honoring him this week, as they appropriately should. He
was a duly elected US president. He died he was

one hundred years old from Plains, Georgia. According did the
US Flag Code, the death of a sitting or former
president observed by flying the American flag at half staff
for thirty days from the date of death on all
public buildings, grounds, et cetera, et cetera. I'm not sure
you do that on the day of inauguration. That seems

we'll see what happens. Donald Trump can get in and
fix that. Things are so bad. I mean, I was
reading this over the holiday, and I'm thinking coffee prices
are expected to hit twelve dollars a cup, twelve dollars
a cup this coming year. It was an article in
the Telegraph why the American dream of owning property is dying.

Remember I highlight I did last year the Washington Post saying, well,
maybe instead of getting a house with a backyard and
a pool or whatever you want back there, Yeah, maybe
you should settle for a townhouse. This is insane. Biden's
scolding reporters. I know more world leaders, and you've known
your whole gd lives. Nikki Henley said that trump inauguration

can't come soon enough after watching Biden give George Soros
Liz Cheney the Medal of Freedom. It's a slap in
the face. So true. But that's how petty, angry, bitter
Democrats are. You know, It's interesting some Democrats are trying
to trying to wrap their minds around what happened. Later on,
we'll play James Carble and he doesn't get after fifty

years of being in politics, how he could be so
wrong about Kamala Harris. And then is trying to encourage
Democrats to go back to populism and go back to
an entirely different message. Whether that happens as yet to
be seen. I don't think the party is capable of
it anymore. You're going to see the real Democrats once

the hearings begin, you know, for Pete Hegseth and Cash
Battel and Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr. You'll see the real Democrats.
Trust me, they're there.

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