All Episodes

March 28, 2024 32 mins

Former President Donald Trump attended the wake of a New York City police officer, Jonathan Diller,  who was fatally shot during a traffic stop on Monday. The crime wave is real!

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Well, we have come out to your city. One of
them gets out, saying you a comfort, Zune will best tell.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
And if you want a little I come along. But
you know what, Jesus didn't do the wrongs that he
was persecuted for and executed for.

Speaker 3 (00:24):
Trump did.

Speaker 4 (00:25):
But people aren't going in the New York's app exchange
now because of what's happening in New York, because they
don't want to be attacked by a thug like this
horrible attorney.

Speaker 1 (00:34):
General that we have.

Speaker 5 (00:34):
Border security is a big piece of national security, and
if we don't know who is coming into our country
and we don't know what their intent is, that is
a threat.

Speaker 1 (00:49):
Only two hundred and twenty one more days left until
you get to vote.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
Yeah, we're coming.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
To your city.

Speaker 6 (01:03):
Conscious from coast to coast, from border to border, from
sea to shining sea.

Speaker 1 (01:15):
Sean Kennedy is on, Oh yeah, no, it's me.

Speaker 7 (01:24):
It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. He's taking the
day off. It's a holiday weekend. But we have got
a lot to get to. You do not want to
miss the day's show. We'll get to John Stewart, who
was caught over valuing his apartment in a transaction a
lot to get to today. I have never hated Joe

Biden more than I do right now. And this is
not political, this is personal. He's in the neighborhood. He
has got the traffic all screwed up this whole neighborhood
because he's right now. They got barricades everywhere. Nobody can
move two blocks that way. They got the greatest bakery.

I'm trying to go with that. Today you're not allowed
on that side street. It's closed. Everything is closed. Joe
Biden has come to New York for a big fundraiser
tonight Radio City Music Hall, the legendary venue. It'll take
place there, but that's at eight o'clock in the meantime
as we speak, he's right down there a couple blocks
that way at a hotel where they're having a fundraiser.

What it is. There's actually a couple of these between
now and that eight o'clock. Sure, these are the big, big, big,
big donors, the mega donors. And when you give that
much money, he comes to your house, he'll come to
your apartment. You invite fifty of your friends. Sometimes seventy
five of these guys have apartments where they can have
seventy five people. They're paying one hundred thousand a person.

Part of the deal is you get to take a
picture with Joe Biden. You get a little meet and
greet and and you get a picture that you can
put on your wall. You know, when you go to
these big donors' houses, as soon as you'll walk in,
there's a picture of them with six different presidents, twelve
different senators, nineteen different governor. This is what they used
to show off with. And if you're the big, big
donor throwing the event, why you've got a picture of

the president right there in your living room. So this
will go on for a couple of hours. Then he
heads over to Radio City Music Hall. That's six thousand
seats and it's going to be three presidents on the stage.
Now the reason for this, they're charging a fortune. The
cheapest ticket way in the back is two hundred dollars
up front. Top tickets hang on five hundred thousand a ticket,

five hundred thousand a ticket. Now for that, you get
the meet and greet. You get to come to a
private room in a Radio City backstage, and you get
to meet Joe Biden. I have met Joe Biden. Many
times it's exciting because when you say something to him,
he looks at you and he says and you spend

the rest of your life trying to figure out, what
the hell did he say to me? You can't even
understand it, or here you don't know what he said,
and as you leave, everybody goes, what do he say?
I don't know. I don't near him, I don't know
what he said. So now it's going to be three presidents.
The reason for this is if you just had Joe
Biden a loan on stage, can you imagine him trying

to fill two hours on stage? You imagine trying to
listen to this incoherent mumbling for two hours. So with him,
it's going to be Bill Clinton, great great orator, very articulate,
incredible storyteller. And Barack Obama nobody's smoother, slicker, articulate. So
these two guys will carry the night. They will do

all the talking. Now, the moderator for this, these three
are going to be on stage, these three presidents, and
the moderator will be Stephen Colbert. I mean, obviously, listen,
he's a very very slanted bias comedian on that stupid
late night show. But this is like over the top.
What you're not supposed to do. You're not supposed to

actually go work for the campaign. Colbert will be working
for the campaign, hosting the fundraiser tonight, being the MC
of all of that. Now they're expected to make today
twenty five million dollars between the Radio City thing and
these couple of apartments he's running around with, these donor

apartments he's visiting. So he'll leave New York with twenty
five million dollars in cash, and then he'll tell you
about how bad the rich are. He'll tell you how
awful they are. Why can't they pay their fair share?
Why can't they rich pay their taxes? He says this
as his own family is being charged with tax evasion,
But this will be The hypocrisy is just nuclear level.

I mean, it's unbelievable. Now, while he's doing that, Donald
Trump has gone to Long Island to be at the
wake of this slain cop. Now, think about this story.
This is an unbelievable story. As you know that defund
the police and hate the police and let all the
criminals out of jail, and these crazy district attorneys want

them here in New York, lets the criminals out, leads
to the biggest crime wave. Terrible, terrible stuff. This was
the most awful story of this cop slain. Now, what
happened is the criminal killed the cop. That's why you're
not hearing about it on the nightly news. That's why
it's not on the networks. That's why it's not on
CNN or MSNBC. That's why it won't be on the

Sunday shows. If it had been the other way around,
if the cop had shot the criminal in the car,
you'd be seeing this video day and night. The bodycam
footage would be running constantly on CNN or MSNBC. But
because it was the other way around, the media ignoring it. Now,
this is what happens when you have crazy democratic rule

in a city that we have. And it's not just
New York. There are twenty six of these district attorneys
funded by George Soros, put in by the Democrats, just
like the one in New York. He actually lets the
most dangerous criminals out. This is how Lake and Riley
got killed. This is how many people have been killed, robbed, raped,
shoved into a subway because this district attorney lets them out.

He first day in office, he put out a big memo,
we will not seek car siral sentences. That means we
won't put anybody in jail. Now, think about this situation
with this cop. There's a car idling with two looks suspicious.
Two guys are sitting in at the cops approach the
two guys in the car, both of them career criminals
with multiple, multiple, multiple, multiple felonies. The one that shot

had twenty one priors on his record, and just recently
here in New York, he was arrested on a gun charge.
They let him out. They didn't put him in jail.
They'd let him go. Remember that old three strikes in
you're out law that he said. What happened to this
is twenty one priors and a lifetime in and out
of prison and twenty one priors gun charge. They let

him go. They let him go. Same thing with the
other guy. So the cops approached. One of these criminals
shot the cop. Hero cop. Even after being shot, he
still tried to wrestle the gun away and he managed
to stop the guy from shooting the other cop. So
it's a horrible, horrible tragedy. Young cop three four years
on the force, got a one year old child. The

funeral is Saturday, the wakes today. So the family has
been talking to Donald Trump. He's been calling them, talking
to him on the phone every day. I'm not supposed
to mention this, but he's I think he's also helped
them out financially. We're not supposed to mention that. I'm
not supposed to mention that, but he doesn't want credit
for that. But hey, and I also hear Dave Portnoy
just raised one point five million for the cop and

his family. So and a lot of people are contributing
the clints of funds. But Trump came to Long Island, Massapequa.

Speaker 1 (08:59):
For the wake.

Speaker 7 (09:00):
He was there. This is while Biden is in a
multi multi billionaire donors apartment collecting money. Now the family
and the police, well, it's more the police unions. They've
the mayor of New York who's caught in the middle here.
He's a former cop. He would like to go after
all the criminals, but he's a Democrat, so he has

to go along with this no bail, no jail nonsense.
But he was there. Trump greeted him, and the police
commissioner's a good guy Eddie Caban, the New York Police commissioner.
He again, he's as handcuffed as the rest of the police.
So Trump goes out there. The family asked all of
these democratic official city council, the legislators who passed this

no bail, no jail, the awful district attorney lets the criminals.
So they asked him to stay away from this wake.
Don't come anywhere near it. Now. I'm just warning you,
starting tonight and tomorrow, you're going to see all the
left wing media and the networks in MSNBC and CNN.
They're going to go after Trump saying why he tried
to politicize the death of this policeman. Tried to politicize it. Yes, absolutely,

he was asked to by the family. By the way,
it was the family that asked him if he could
come to the wake. They would like this politicized. They
would like this CoP's death to become the turning point
where we start to turn this around. They want as
much attention on this so some good could come out
of this where and hopefully other people will join in
with Donald Trump and support this family and start talking

about it. Hey, I'll play you what happened. He was
at the wake. You also hear about Bruce Blakeman. He's
the county executive in Nassau County. Good guy, good guy.
This is a common sense guy. He runs Nassau County.
But he's a pro police, not a sanctuary city. He's good.
So Trump goes to the wake and comes out, and
you could tell he was really moved by this. No

reason for the most senseless death of this cop. Here's
Donald Trump coming out of the wake.

Speaker 4 (10:54):
Well, thank you very much, everybody. I want to thank
Bruce and all of the people that have worked so
hard to make this area beautiful and safe. And this
is what happened is such a sad, said event, such
a horrible thing, and it's happening all too often, and
we're just not gonna let it happen. We just can't
twenty one times arrest it. This thug and the person

in the car with him was arrested many times. And
they don't learn because they don't respect. They're not given
the respect that police are the greatest people we have.
There's nothing and there's nobody like them, and this should
never happen. I just visited with a very beautiful wife
that now doesn't have her husband. Stephanie was just incredible.

Their child, brand new, beautiful baby sitting there, innocent as
can be and doesn't know how his life has been changed,
but the Diller family will. You'll never be the same.
You can never be the same. And we have to
stop it. We have to stop it. We have to
get back to law and order. We have to do

a lot of things differently because this is not working.
This is happening too often. It's an honor to be here.
And again, I want to just thank all of you
folks for allowing this, and Bruce, thank you. Bruce has
been a friend of mine for a long time. He's
done an incredible job out here. But this is such
a sad occasion. The only thing we can say is

maybe something is going to be learned. We've got to
toughen it up. We've got to strengthen it up. This
should never be allowed. Things like this shouldn't take place,
and to take place so often.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
So thank you all for being here.

Speaker 4 (12:33):
It's an honor, and it's an honor for me to
be here. This is a great family, the Dialer family.
I met the friends, and I met every one of
them inside and these are just incredible people that are
just devastated.

Speaker 1 (12:45):
They're devastated. They've got a tough road. It's going to
be a very tough road. So thank you very much.

Speaker 4 (12:50):
Everybody appreciate it.

Speaker 7 (12:51):
Yeah, and hopefully he keeps the spotlight on this. This
is very important. This is the story that you change everything.
You know, we have this crazy district attorney. He doesn't
believe in locking up criminals. He lets him all lose.
That's how this poor cop got killed, this hero cop.
It's the governor's fault. Governor Hochel. The district attorneys all
work for her. She can remove one at any time.

About two years ago when she came in, they asked
her to remove this guy, and she decided to keep him.
So she has blamed for this CoP's death. You know,
DeSantis had one of these crazy district attorneys in Florida.
He removed him, put in a real DA and problem solved.
This is also Joe Biden's fault. He's the head of
the Democratic Party. He's the president. If he called up
this governor and if he called up this district attorney

and said, as the head of the Democratic Party, I'm
telling you to stop this. This is if you want
any future in this party. You know, you kind of
threaten him a little, but a Biden looking the other
way on this, and that's why this happens a horrible situation. Anyway,
We've got lots to talk about. That weasel John Stewart
got caught inflating the value of his apartment and a
transaction by eight hundred percent. Hey, I'll give you some

details of that Trump apartment price and why it's not wrong. Anyway.
It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. I'm normally on
our big flagship w R here in New York. Follow
me on Instagram. I need more Instagram followers. It's Mark
Simone NYC at Instagram. Mark Simone NYC at Instagram. I
tell you to follow me on Twitter. But I'm still

shadow band still and also, of course check out Hannity
dot com and watch Hannity tonight on the Fox News Channel. Hey,
we'll take some calls in just a moment. Hey, it's
Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. We'll take some calls.
Normally Katie would be screening the calls. Instead, we have
brought in like Senior Vice president Top executive Eric Stanger,

Do do you even know how to screen calls? When
was the last time you screened a call? Fifteen years ago?
More often than you think, I heard that you were
in and I just had to come work with you.
See that's the way it works when I'm a top
management comes running to Actually, I don't think anybody else
could get here, because, as I said, Joe Biden's in
the neighborhood, clogging up the traffic everywhere. Anyway, let's take

some calls. Let's go to AVA in Springfield, Mississippi. Ava,
how you doing?

Speaker 3 (15:10):
Hey, how are you doing today? Thanks for taking my call?
Or down here in Missouri?

Speaker 7 (15:15):
Oh, I said, Mississippi. I'm saying it just says miss
I guessed Mississippi.

Speaker 3 (15:19):
No worries, No worries. It's getting pretty political and volatile
down here. And I've asked around quite a bit professionally,
spend a lot of time with folks working on campaigns
and different things. But nobody's able to answer a question.
So I'm going to ask you. Go ahead, Yes, President

Trump is elected, which I pray to God he is,
and he gets convicted. Yes, how does he stay in office?

Speaker 2 (15:50):

Speaker 1 (15:50):

Speaker 7 (15:50):
Well, let me answer that you can be convicted and
be president. There's nothing in the constitution that prohibits that.
Remember Eugene v. Debs, he ran for president while he
was in jail. You could actually be convicted. You could
even be in jail and run for president. So that's
not a problem. The constitutional requirements don't say anything about
that he can run. Now. The other thing is it

is believed, I guess this would have to be tested
and really testing the court. It is believed by the
Secret Service that he cannot actually ever go to jail,
that if he was convicted and sentenced, they cannot leave
him out of their protection in a jail. They would
have to set up some sort of home confinement where
they guarded him. They cannot turn him over to the
prison according to the Secret Service. But again they'll drag

that into court. That'll have to get tested. But it's
a great question. Ava, thanks for calling. Hey, we'll take
some more calls. We've got a lot to talk about today.
Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. And as I said,
follow me on Instagram. It's Mark Simone NYC at Instagram,
my website Mark Simone dot com. How about that? Also

check out Hannity dot Com. Some great stuff up there
back in a moment.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
Job jobs Joe Biden can't spell it and he can't
keep them for the American people. Check out the Sean
Hannity jops for him today. Now Hannity's on coast to coast.

Speaker 7 (17:17):
Come back, it's the Sean Hannity Show. Mark Simone here
for Sean. Have you noticed your insurance going up? Your
car insurance insurance cost? You know, they's just keep them
raising the price. It just keeps going up. You know
what's responsible for that? Electric vehicles? Joe Biden will tell
you it's the greedy insurance companies. It's electric vehicles, more
and more of them on the road, and it costs

a lot more money to ensure and fix an electric vehicle.
You know, if your battery went out in your car,
how much is the new battery one hundred and two
hundred bucks electric vehicle? New battery eighteen thousand dollars, little
fender bender. You know how much it is to fix
the electrical vehicle. It's not six thousand, it's like twenty

eight thousand. So the cost for the insurance companies through
the roof, so they're passing it along to everybody else
because all those evs at the cost to the insurance
companies is through the roof, so they're increasing everybody's insurance
as a result. You know, if Joe Biden and the
Democrats keep forcing more and more people to get electric vehicles,
the other problem, besides the fact that they're dangerous and

that they pollute like crazy, maybe more than even gas
vehicles do, the other problem is it's inflationary. It costs
a lot more for the car, a lot more for repairs,
a lot more even to fill it up. You know,
it's not free to fill it up. You pay for
a lot of electricity to do it. So and you
know where electricity comes from, well about sixty eight percent

of it is fossil fuel gas, coal, oil. That's that's
the problem with electric vehicles. The battery is an environmental nightmare.
Trying to dispose of those Hey, just to make the battery,
you got a strip mine half the to get those minerals,
so you'll get more actual environmental damage from that electric car.

You know, all these things they keep pitching, well, you
can just look at Europe. They've had to backtrack on
all of it. You Europe was like ten years ahead
of us. You know, they put windmills everywhere in Germany
and every well, if you take a look at it,
you'll notice they spent the last year tearing it all
down because it doesn't work. There's not enough wind. You
could power a little an extra three percent with the windmills,

but that's about it. So the windmills are all coming down. Hey,
by the way, what do you think those windmills run
on oil? They never tell you that. What they call
it lubricant, But you need three thousand gallons of lubricant
oil a year to run those windmills. The blades are
like the size of the Washington Monument. You got to

change them every year. Another environmental disaster. They're trying to
dispose of those blades. So all of this stuff absolute
waste of time and money. Hey, we didn't find our guest. No, oh okay,
we're looking for the bridge, this horrible, horrible bridge tragedy.
You know, you remember how Joe Biden stepped in and

said we will pay the cost, the federal government will
pay for the bridge. Well there's a catch to that.
I'll get to that in a moment. Oh, but before
we do that with us right now. Congresswoman Debbie LESCo
Arizona doing great work there in a tough situation on
it's a border state, and she's got he's got a
great column you should read at foxnews dot com. Congresswoman Alesco,

Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 2 (20:36):
Well, thank you for having me. I hope you're having
a great day.

Speaker 7 (20:39):
I'm having a miserable day. You know that Joe Biden
is right outside for a fundraiser and all our streets
are closed up.

Speaker 1 (20:45):
This is terrible.

Speaker 7 (20:47):
It's awful.

Speaker 2 (20:48):
Oh my god. Well, i'll tell you what. I am
having a good day here in Arizona. Unfortunately, border is
wide open, and these Democrats they just keep up prioritizing
illegal immigrants over US citizens and it's downright infuriating.

Speaker 7 (21:05):
Yeah, let me ask you something. I was watching Donald
Trump is speaking the other night. I don't know why,
but CNN started to carry it and he started to
talk about these illegals crossing the border and he said
among them are criminals or maybe possible terrorists. Well, CNN
cut out of the speech and they said we have
to cut out because he's given false information. All of
that was debunked. Could you tell me what day was

that when it was debunked. I missed that. Did that
ever happen?

Speaker 2 (21:30):
I missed that too, Because as we know and we
see in the in the news and on TV, there
are indeed people that are here illegally that are murdering people,
raping people. Not doesn't mean that every single illegal immigrant
that it is doing that, but when there's over nine

million people that have come illegally across the border since
side intent in office, there are people in that group
that are criminals and their murderers. What just happened. Another
murder just happened in Michigan. And you know what the
Michigan Democrat governor does. No five hundred dollars a month
to landlords for rents us of these for illegal immigrants.

I mean, this is pure intanity. It's absolutely infuriating.

Speaker 7 (22:19):
No, it's just total chaos. That border bill. You know,
if you watch the fake news, they'll tell you what
was the toughest border bill ever and Republicans didn't pass it.
There was nothing in there that would have helped you
saw the bill?

Speaker 3 (22:31):

Speaker 2 (22:32):
Yeah, No, the House Republicans we passed the bill out
of the House last year HR two. It actually would
have secured the border because it implemented the things that
President Trump did and the last administration that actually cut
down on illegal immigration, like remain in Mexico policy, increasing
the asylum standards, building the wall, you know, logical things

that the customs and Border patrol officers have told us
need to be done in order to secure the border.
And that's what President Trump did, and they won't pass it.
Schumer won't even hear the bill. Instead, they have this
other bill that would effectively put into law. It would
increase right now, our lot says, if one person comes

across the border, you're supposed to detain them until they're
court hearing. Well, Biden's not doing that obviously. That they
want to put into law with that Senate bill, that
four nine hundred ninety ninety legals could cross the day
and that would be perfectly fine. I mean, that's ridiculous.
There's no way that I was going to vote for
that or Republicans in the House, because it would have

made it worse than a status Well.

Speaker 7 (23:43):
You know, they'll always point to, well, there was money
for more border agents, haven't They moved all the border
agents off the border and into the processing centers to
usher in the illegals. Isn't that what they're being used
for now?

Speaker 2 (23:54):
Well, you know that's what our governor. We have a
Democrat governor here in Arizona, Katie Hobbs, and she has
the federal government for seven hundred and fifty two million dollars.
You know what it's for. Is it for securing the border?
Absolutely not. It's for helping illegal immigrants more, to give
them housing, to give them a transportation. And that's what

boggles my mind. It's like, what is the deal with
Biden and these Democrats. They want an open border, then
they want to give free money, which is costing US money,
tax payer dollars that we pay in to give to
illegal immigrants. And we've been in the past where they
put out veterans out of housing and put in illegal immigrants.

I mean, there are people US citizens that are struggling
to pay rents, and here in Phoenix we have a
growing homeless population. But what do these Democrats do They
give money to illegal immigrants. It's just I just it's
just just as I said before, infuriating, so frustrated, and

so that's why we need to make sure we retain
a Republican majority in the House, so we can pass
bills again like Age or two, but then get a
Republican majority in the US Senate that will actually hear
the bill and then get President Trump elected so we
can actually secure the border for the American people.

Speaker 7 (25:22):
Yeah, you know when they say there's terrorists among these
illegals and there's criminals among these, that's not just somebody climbing.
You've actually heard that from intelligence agencies and officials.

Speaker 2 (25:33):
Well, yeah, it's on record. There was one hundred and
sixty nine illegals that were on the terrorists watch list
that they caught in the last fifthul year, and so
far this year, since October of twenty twenty three, there's
been sixty nine caught. Now, how many haven't they caught?
I mean, you know, that's the same thing with Sentinel.
You see the pictures of all of the Sentinel that

they're catching at the border in Nogalus, Arizona. But then
there's a whole by in between the ports of entry
that they are catching as well, and so the Sentinels
is flooding across. People are floating across, they're sex trafficking.
We've seen reports even from the New York Times, which
is a liberal media organization that's saying that they're using

these kids as you know, child labor. They just crack down.
And another one I think in Tennessee where they have
these illegal kids that are working and they're also being
sex trafficked. It's just that bit of affairs. When my
Democratic colleagues they, oh, they're trying to be humane to
the illegal immigrants, Well, you know what's not humane. It's

having the cartel have these illegal immigrants pay them thousands
of dollars, raping them, having them sent over here for
sex trafficking. That's not humane.

Speaker 7 (26:54):
Now, the real goal of these Democrats is, I assume,
to get these millions millions of illegals on the voter rolls,
also to locate them in certain states to increase the population,
get more congressional seats. Isn't that really what they're up to.

Speaker 2 (27:10):
Well, that's the only thing I can think is that
would be logical reasons for it, Like why in the
world would buy in in all these Democrats one open
border policies so that terrorists are crossing the border. It's
costing us tons of money to process these folks and
we don't even know who's going to cross the border. So,

as you have said, when the census is done every
ten years, they don't count US citizens. They count residents.
And that's what the number of congressional seats are based on,
is the number of residents, the population. And so if
they attract them to all of these Democrats cities and
Democrats states, they're going to naturally have more Democrats elected

congressional members. And I think that's the angals that then
they eventually change it so illegals can vote.

Speaker 7 (28:02):
Well, well you've done. You're doing great work, Congresswoman Debbie
Leasco of Arizona. Keep it up and make sure you
follow her on Twitter and read her column Foxnews dot Com.
It's and our great piece that she's written. Thanks for being.

Speaker 2 (28:16):
With us, Thank you for having me.

Speaker 7 (28:19):
All right, take care. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity.
We'll take some calls in a moment. Eight hundred nine one,
sewn is the number. Eight hundred nine one Sean lots
to get to. We'll get to that. That Weasley John
Stewart guilty of something just awful. We'll get to that
coming up. Mark Simone here on the Sean Hannity Show. Hey,

welcome back. It's the Sean Hannity Show. Mark Simone here
for Sean. Let's take some calls. Let's go to Brandon
in Wisconsin. Brandon, how you doing.

Speaker 8 (28:50):
Hey, Mark, how you doing today?

Speaker 7 (28:51):
I'm good?

Speaker 8 (28:52):
All right, say man, I'm a mailman Central Wisconsin. Shout
out ninety nine point nine WSAU up here driving around.
I had a question with that crooked judge.

Speaker 7 (29:02):
It definitely got that Cliff Claven sound sorry about no,
It's okay. You guys know a lot about everything. You're
like a Cliff Claven.

Speaker 3 (29:12):
I appreciate it.

Speaker 8 (29:14):
But anyway, that crooked judge that said mar Lago is
worth eighteen million dollars, they couldn't get a value off
of that by the property taxes that are paid off
the assessment that everybody in America has pay their property taxes.

Speaker 7 (29:29):
Well, believe it or not, he got that number from
the Palm Beach tax assessor. It's just a number they
came up. It says right at the bottom of it,
the tax asessor rights, this is not for income tax purposes,
and this does not reflect the actual value of the property.
I don't know why, but in these towns when they
assess you it never matches the real price. But Brandon,
thanks for calling it. It's a good point. Mar A

Lago according to every I mean, you take the top
five experts on Palm Beach real estate, they all put
it at a round one point five billion for the
whole property. And you could look at all the comperoles.
One real estate expert looked at the parking lot at
mar A Lago, just the parking lot. That land alone
would go for one hundred and eighty million, just the

land the parking lot is on, you know, like his
apartment in New York, that whole fuss. He listed it
as if it had a value of two hundred million dollars.
Now that might sound crazy, but it's right over there.
I can see it out the window. It's a block
that way in this neighborhood. Believe it or not, there's
a lot of apartments that go for two hundred million dollars.

There's one over there on Central Park South that was
just purchased for two hundred and fifty million dollars. I
know it sounds insane, but in these new buildings in
New York, that's how crazy it is. So it's not
outrageous to say his apartment was worth two hundred million,
because frankly, it's bigger than the two hundred and fifty
million dollar apartment. Trump's apartment in Trump Tower is three

full floors of the building plus the entire rooftop of
the Trump Tower. It's spectacular. It's unbelievably enormous. So it's
he wasn't wrong. You could sell it for two hundred
million dollars, and he said in that valuation it's the
apartment of a former president. That would increase the price,

and it really does. Now you may have heard John
Stewart go after him for that. Well, it turns out
John Stuart's the one that overvalued his apartment by eight
hundred percent. He put it at seventeen million. Eighteen million.
But if you look at the video of John Stuart's apartment,
it's pretty bad. It doesn't look good. It's got a
lot of space, maybe it's got six thousand square feet,

but it's kind of plain and nothing. You know, Trump's
has got the finest everything from the hinges to the
doorknobs to the floor to John Stewart's is the plainest.
I mean. And the fact is, when it's sold. Recently,
it's sold for about twelve million. So he seriously overstated
the value of his apartment. But listen, you can list
your house for whatever you want. If the real estate

agent shows up and they calculate it's worth about five
hundred thousand, she's gonna say, all right, well listed for
six fifty. I mean, that's the way it works. I
got a friend who always keeps his house listed on
the market. He's not moving, he doesn't want to sell.
He always lists us out at double the value. And
I alway said why do you do that? He said,
you never know, somebody might offer it and I'll take it.

Well it took a few years, somebody offered it and
he took it, but he made himself a fortune. Well,
we got a lot to get to the in the
next hour. Hey, Sean will be back on Monday. That
actually we got some stuff for He's good stuff tomorrow
on the show, and we'll be back

The Sean Hannity Show News

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