All Episodes

April 3, 2024 32 mins

During the Trump Administration, illegal immigration hit an low point and, during the Biden years, the levels are skyrocketing.  Now, additional $380 million is being allocated to the Middle East for "enhanced border security."  Why are we paying to secure other borders when ours are wide open!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
All right, thank you Scott Shannon, and thanks to all
of you for being with us. Eight hundred and nine
four one, Shawn a number if you want to be
a part of the program. The President talking about illegal immigration.
He is in Grand Rapids, he is in Michigan, Linda
is monitoring, and when we get to a point where
the President is getting very specific, we'll go to that.
Before we get to that, though, however, I'd like to

play in exchange with White House spokesperson Kirby and Peter
Doocy over the use of the term bloodbath, because Peter
Doocey found Joe Biden using that term back in twenty twenty. Oh,
it's sorry, it is a KGP with KGP. Let's play
that exchange.

Speaker 2 (00:43):
So when Donald Trump is talking about a bloodpath, it
is violent rhetoric. What was it when Joe Biden said
in twenty twenty what we can't let happen is let
this primary become a negative bloodpat.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
I'm going to be really mindful and careful about Donald Trump.
But if you read because he is a he is
a candidate, we're talking about the twenty twenty four election,
you should read hit what he said in its context
so you got to read what he said in context.
Uses it?

Speaker 2 (01:15):
What is it? It's mine?

Speaker 3 (01:16):
Uses it?

Speaker 4 (01:17):

Speaker 3 (01:17):
No, no, let's be very clear. You gotta actually ask
me the question in context of what it was said, right,
and what the what it was said when he said
that right in his remarks in his speech, right, And
so that's being disingenuous in your question.

Speaker 2 (01:31):
Quote from Joe Biden, what we can't let happen is
let this primary become a negative bloodbath.

Speaker 3 (01:37):
He's talking about he was talking about a group of people,
a group of people, that's what he's talking about. But
the President was talking about during the primary was not
to allow it to be the words and the primary
and that election to become negative. Two different, two different things.
They're not the same, they're not the same. And your

question is disingenuous. And so look, I'm going to be
really mindful here, to be really careful, we have to
denounce violent rhetoric, which wherever it comes from a former leader,
we have to denounce that because we saw what happened
on January sixth. We saw what happened there when you
have a mob of two thousand people go to the

Capitol because they didn't believe in free, the free and
fair election that just happened months prior because of violent rhetoric.
You got to denounce that. That's not what leaders should
be doing.

Speaker 1 (02:32):
It's not what leaders should be doing. Really, because the
vice president of our country, you might remember Vice President
Harris during the summer of twenty twenty, and I'll remind you,
I know they weren't congressional hearings. I know that Congress
only seemed to care about one riot, not the other
five hundred and seventy four riots, the ones that resulted

in a couple of dozen dead Americans and thousands of
injured police pelted with bricks and and bottles molotov cocktails,
and the billions in property damage. And yet we had
most Democrats and most in the media mob lying straight
to our face saying that they were mostly peaceful. They're
mostly peaceful. My favorite videos on MSDNC and fake News CNN,

you have a reporter saying tonight's protests are mostly peaceful,
but over their shoulders a city burning straight to the ground.
You just can't make that up. And then, of course
Kamala Harris, you know she tweeted out the bail fund
after the burning down of the police precinct the Minneapolis
might recall that. Then she goes on Stephen Colbert and

again we just learned from Kreein Jean Pierre that we
should denounce violent rhetoric. Okay, when is she going to
denounce the vice president saying this about the rioters in
the summer of twenty twenty. They're not going to stop.

Speaker 4 (03:53):
They're not gonna stop, and that this is a movement.
I'm telling you, they're not gonna stop. And everyone beware
because they're not gonna stop. It is gonna They're not
gonna stop before election day in November, and they're not
gonna stop after election day. And that should be everyone
should take note of that on both levels, that this
isn't They're not gonna let up, and they should not

and we should.

Speaker 1 (04:15):
Not take note. They're not gonna stop. They shouldn't stop.
We're not gonna stop. Beware, take note, they're not gonna
stop before the election. They're not gonna stop after the election. Oh.
I guess Karine Jean Pierre when she's asked tomorrow hopefully
by Peter Doocey, whether she will denounce the vice president,

tweeting out that bail fund in the summer of twenty
twenty or not. Whether or not she's gonna do it,
that'll be interesting to see if she does. I tend
to think she will not. Now, President Trump has talked
about Biden's border bloodbath. We have gone through in the weeks,
you know, and months now. We've been going through the
numbers over and over and over again. By the way,

we have new information on the battle of the border. Now,
immigrants that are here illegally seeking US citizenship can now
identify as gender ex they get to select a third
gender on their new Biden citizenship form. I'm sure this
was a top priority for the administration. Now, President Trump
did offer to meet with the family of the twenty

five year old Michigan woman who was murdered by a
Biden illegal. He said, I'd love to see the family
of Ruby Garcia. He's the twenty five year old allegedly
killed by her illegal immigrant boyfriend of Michigan. And anyway,
he said, I'd love to have her family there if
they would like me to be there, he said in

a radio interview that he gave in Michigan. Remember, this
young woman was found dead along the highway multiple gunshot
wounds to the head. The person was later later confessed
to the shooting and by the way turning himself in
to police with blow on his clothes. According to local reports,
he was in the country illegally. He'd been deported in

twenty twenty after previously crossing the border with Mexico un lawfully,
and I according to ICE, they said, at an unknown
date and location. They have no idea when where he
re entered the United States without inspection by an immigration official.
Well that's you know, just just just look at the numbers.

And I was looking at charp.

Speaker 3 (06:28):

Speaker 1 (06:28):
The Trump campaign put this out, but they cited custom
and Border patrol. And it literally goes through the years,
starting in twenty twelve when DACA was announced and the
Obama family detention policies were put in place, and then
it goes through to twenty seventeen when Donald Trump became president.

Oh look at that, you know, Donald, the number of
illegal immigrants coming into the country hit an all time low.
And then in twenty when the Trump when the new
DA DHS tools were beginning and the wall was being built,
it went to the lowest point it had been to
since twenty twelve. And then you look at the Biden years,

and you know, we got nearly three hundred thousand illegal
immigrants coming in every month, or two hundred and fifty
thousand to three hundred thousand a month. It's unbelievable. US
Immigration now announcing a third gender option. They're really on
their game in terms of their priorities over there. I
got to tell you that. Now you got to love
this story. There's a spending bill passed by Congress signed

in the law by Biden last month. Well, now, of
course we've had time to read it before they passed it,
but that now continues a year's long tradition of earmarking
significant amounts of money for border security in a number
of wait for it, Middle Eastern countries, just as the
fight over how to best secure our border is still ongoing.

It's a one point tree. That's the one point two
trillion dollar package. They appropriated three hundred and eighty million
dollars to secure countries in the Middle East, for example,
reimbursing countries like Jordan and Lebanon and Egypt, Tunisia, Oman
for enhanced border security. Of that one hundred and fifty

million is specifically dedicated to Jordan. I mean, why are
we paying to secure their borders when our borders are
the least secure. Now, there was another another story broke today,
and I want the next time I have Governor DeSantis
and I have Governor Abbott on I'll ask both of them.
And the Biden administration now has their program of secretly

flying illegal immigrants directly from Latin American countries to US cities,
and we're now discovering that ninety percent of them are
ending up in two states. This sounds like retribution to me.
They don't like they don't like Abbott, they don't like Santus.
But anyway, some three hundred and forty seven, nine hundred

and fifty ninety illegal immigrants were allowed into this secret
flying system directly to airports in Florida and Texas, with
Florida receiving the vast majority at three hundred and twenty
five nine hundred and ninety five. According to an analysis
of US Customs and Border Protection numbers by the Center
for Immigration Studies, it's unclear how many. I mean, it's

sort of like, don't pass, go, don't collect two hundred,
will just fly you via the taxpayer of the United
States into the states that we don't like that that
challenge our immigration policies. Now, if I'm the state of
Texas and I'm the state of Florida, I'll tell you
what my reaction would be. If I was governor, and
I have no doubt at all that both governors now

that they this just broke today, that are going to
be made aware of this. I would just send all
of the people that they're flying into this country illegally
and putting in Florida, in Texas, I would put them
on a bus straight for Washington d C. Sixteen hundred
Pennsylvania Avenue. Joe Biden's flying him in. Joe Biden can

take care of them, or you can just drop him
off at his home in Delaware, whatever they prefer. Unbelievable.
You have one sheriff now is talking about how well
trained ninjas from Chile are robbing rich Americans after getting
into the US visa d using the visa waiver program.

Well trained ninjas from Chile are burglarizing wealthy Americans in Detroit,
Michigan and the suburbs to get into the US. According
to Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard interview Fox two Detroit.
He sounded the alarm yet again on the rise of
foreign burglary gangs from South America operating across the US,

including Detroit suburbs. We know that the rioting charges. I
told you about this, those people that we saw of
that literally bursts through the razor wire fence going up
against Texas National Guard. I told you an al Paso,
a judge basically let them all free. One other story,
foxnews dot Com broke this, a Chinese illegal immigrant was

arrested in California after entering a Marine Corps base without
authorization and ignoring orders to leave. Order Patrol's chief patrol
agent said that the agents responded to a call from
the base about a Chinese national that entered the base
without authorization, ignoring orders to leave. Like you gotta be kidding,

Just like why are we allowing Chinese nationals to buy
our ranchland, farmland and land near military installations. Even the
people of Massachusetts are now finally getting fed up. Boston
residents are disgusted on this plan to house the illegal
immigrants at a former veteran shelter. Well, we still have
tens of thousands of veterans that are homeless in this country.

Why are we doing that now? Ron de Santis, by
the way, started flying illegal immigrants to progressive sanctuary cities
and states. Remember Martha's Vineyard or Matha's vineyard. A federal
judge yesterday dropped Ron de Santis from the lawsuit after
the Republican governor coordinated flights with the illegal immigrants that

signed waivers from Texas to Matha's vineyard. Seventy seven page ruling,
and the judge dropped DeSantis in various past and present
staff members from the lawsuit over insufficient facts presented in
the case one other I mean, really, hundreds of thousands
of illegal immigrants being flown into Miami, into the state

of Florida and the state of Texas. Sounds like they're
very angry against the two governors that are standing up
to them the most. But don't worry. There was an
electric vehicle that exploded in a homeowner's garage, forcing residents
to evacuate. They're trying to force electric vehicles now on
you know, eighteen wheelers and buses and municipalities. They're going

to limit how many gas powered vehicles that are auto
manufacturers are going to be allowed to produce every year.
You just have to be, you know, insane. A new
study by bank Rate shows that home buying affordability has
collapsed under Joe Biden. Look in two hundred and sixteen
days from now, you're gonna have a choice. This is
an inflection point for this country. Are you happy with

this madness at our southern border? Are you? Do you
think this is good for our national security and our safety?
Do you see it as a clear and present danger
as I do, and a real national security threat? Or
as FBI luminaries have called it, an invasion of military men?
Are you tired of cities with no bail, no defund, dismantle,

reimagine the police. How's that working out in towns and
cities across the country you wanted to continue and get worse?
How's the economy working out for you? I have news
for what be Goldberg. It's a legitimate question. Are you
better off than you are four years ago? She hates
that question? Why because her Democratic allies can't answer it

and say anything positive about what they've done for the country.
A big problem. They've got to make the whole election
about hating Trump eight hundred ninety four to one, Shawn
our number if you want to be a part of
the program. Did you ever think that squatting would become
as big an issue as it now is. I mean,
we now have tens of thousands of American homeowners having

their homes literally stolen from underneath them. And the more
shocking part is in many states the law protects the
squatter over the homeowner. I mean, hence the arrest of
this woman and her being charged for trying to take
her home back. And this is happening day in and

day out. Now states are having a fight back. Florida
just did it in the last two weeks with a
squatter law that protects homeowners' rights and not the rights
of the people that are trying to live for free
in somebody else's house that get protected in states like
New York, California and elsewhere. You can't make this up,
you really can't. It is that insane. Our friends at

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Speaker 5 (15:31):
Animalist wenty two through three four Animalist Consumer access dot
org EPR for rates and the five started six point
six percent for well Qualify borrowers called eight hundred nine
h six twenty four to forty four detail about credit costs in terms?

Speaker 1 (15:41):
Can you repeat that, Linda, what you just said?

Speaker 5 (15:44):
I mean, you know, for a price sure? Animalist wenty two,
three three four Animalist Consumer Accessory.

Speaker 1 (15:50):
No no, no, no no no, no, no no no, that's
not what I meant. I want to know if you
can do it live? Can you do it?

Speaker 2 (15:56):

Speaker 6 (15:57):
I don't have the script in front of me.

Speaker 5 (15:58):
Do you want me to get the script?

Speaker 1 (16:00):
No? No, But I mean.

Speaker 6 (16:04):
Let's tell you. Me and the matchbox guy, we're gonna
go ahead to have one day.

Speaker 1 (16:08):
And what a lot of people don't know is for
a while they had this thing in radio called a
cash box machine where they would try to get extra
minutes for ads on you know, both music format and
talk and news format. And what they would do is
they'd take out any breath like, for example, Paul Harvey,

Paul Harvey, Good Day, and they would take out all
of the dead airtime Paul Harvey good day, I mean,
and it would speed up like that depending on how
many minutes she tried to cash pox. I'm like that.

Speaker 6 (16:41):
Actually is that actually is very hard to do because
what I will tell you is you have your spot.
You know, for those of you who are not in
TV and radio, spots are thirty or sixty seconds, and
then I have to do this super long legal thing
compliance at the end, and it's like supposed to be
no more than eight to nine seconds. I mean, I
have to talk super.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
It is especially in a recorded spot that is correct.
The Washington Times had an interesting poll out. I do
not believe, as some have been believers of that Michelle
Obama's getting in this race last minute now, is Joe
Biden the Democratic nominee? Yeah, he has it locked up.
There's no doubt. As of today, with two hundred and

sixteen days to go, he's the nominee. However, there is
an asterisk to that, and that is that Joe Biden
is very old. We know that. We also know that
Joe Biden doesn't seem to be in the best cognitive health.
We also know that Joe Biden has a propensity to fall.
He no longer can take the big boy stairs up

Air Force one. He's taking the little stairs in the
back of the plane. I know that they've changed their sneakers.
I know that they have secret service agents, you know,
standing by with him near the stairs. If God forbid,
Joe slips and falls again, and there's there's nothing but
fear that, in fact, that may happen. If it happens

and it's a bad fall, we could be one fall
away from another candidate being selected by the Democratic Party.
Maybe that would be in Chicago at the Democratic Party convention.
By the way, reports already that there are activists organizing
for chaos at the Democratic National Convention. Don't worry, Linda.

Sense will be with us. He will be there Sense
and his whole team to keep you safe and secure.
So I won't be as worried as you as you
normally have.

Speaker 6 (18:37):
No place for me, huh. I can't get on any
subject that nearby area. No dead fish confrontations, no, no.

Speaker 1 (18:45):
Now, we've had our moments that at DNC conventions in
the past. We have nothing serious. But for the most part,
going back over the years, I would actually walk on
the floor of the convention and not have any problems.
I don't think I'd get away with that today. I
think the world has changed that dramatically. I'm not sure
what it says about the world, but it is what

it is. Do you think I can get away with
walking on the floor? Who school?

Speaker 3 (19:10):
You know?

Speaker 1 (19:11):
You know, you know it was my escort one year,
Bob Beckele took me down on the on the floor.
I know, I miss Bob, Bob. It was Bob was
at his best, you know, when he was at his best,
and he was doing the five and doing a great job.
And I gave him a key to my house because
he lived alone in New York City, and I said, well,

just come out to my house and lo and behold.
My kids grew up, you know, asking me questions like
why is why is why is that guy you call
Uncle Bob out there, you know, smoking smoking cigars at
seven in the morning before they go to school. And
I said, no, that's a fake cigar, not a real cigar.

I'm sure that went over huge. Yeah, that was the
stink of that. Or you know, he would he'd be
in the swimming pool, which I never went in the
swimming pool. I have a swimming pool for the kids,
but once they got old, enough, and they were good swimmers.
My days in the pool came to a pretty quick end.
I never loved swimming in the pool. Uh. And then

he once tells me, he goes, I love your jacuzzi.
I'm like, what, Jacuzzie, what are you talking about? Because
he kind of had his own wing over the garage
of my house at the time, and he would it
was his room, and it also had a little kitchenette
in it in a separate room, and if he wanted,

he had all the privacy. He ever, we never wanted privacy,
and he hang out and talked to anybody he could
talk to for hours and hours on end. There is
a report that longtime Democratic political operative behind some network
of a left leading media organizations masquerading his quote independent

local news outlets have maintained access, apparently to Biden's White House.
This person is the founder publisher of Courier Newsroom, visited
the Biden White House nearly twenty times. I want to
get a record of how many times all of the
people like Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade and all the

people involved and all these other cases had trips to
the White House. That's what I want to know. I
want to know how many times people met with the
January sixth committee. I'd like to see when these records
will get released. This is one of the problems that
the Oversight Committee has had and the Judiciary Committee has had.
I mean, they finally got some of Joe's pseudonym emails yesterday,

but the problem is they requested them months and months ago,
and they're only releasing them in small portions at a time,
which means they want to run out the clock until
the election is over. Now. Biden was trying to strike
an optimistic tone at this rainy White House Easter egg roll,
white House egg roll they call it, as he's now

facing this campaign. We're a great because we're good people.
The rest of the world looks to us, and we're
determined to keep up that batter. I don't think the
rest of the world is looking at Americas particularly strong
right now. I've never been more optimistic about America than
I am today. Is nothing beyond our capacity. Well, the

only optimistic thing I can think of is that his
term ends in two hundred and sixteen days and we'll
have a new president. Would be that would make me
optimistic that we can get the country back on track.
That would mean that, hopefully that would be the end
of insane wokeness within our government. That would mean we
would once again secure our southern border. That would mean

that we would restore law and order so every American
can have safety and security, so they can pursue happiness
and their God given talents. That would be a new America,
an economy where Americans flourish, an economy where gas prices
aren't that high, where America once again establishes itself as

the leader of the free world. Biden is just too
busy lying about signing the Transvisibility Day proclamation that was
on Easter Sunday. He actually denied it when the press
asked him. The only problem is the White House posted
his signature of it online, and just like I never
spoke to my son, my brother, or anybody for that matter,

he just flat out lied. It's like when he flat
out lied that the border's secure and the borders closed.
There's like a flat out lies about the economy has
never been greater. I don't think so. Issue about Hunter
Biden is now coming to a head, as he got
apparently star treatment at the White House Easter Egg role. Anyway,

his son was the center of attention yesterday bouncing around
the White House lawn during this Easter egg role and
you know, glad handing and posing for pictures with members
of a forty thousand person crowded full view of the press.
Despite you know what, is this sustained and focus on
him the judge yesterday in his tax case brought by

David Weiss. Now, I'm not very confident in anything David
Wise is going to do because originally he didn't want
any charges against Hunter, and that evolved into plan B,
which was we'll give him a slap on the wrist
and we'll give a misdemeanor accounts with no jail time.
And he's only because he was forced into it, had
to go forward with a plan, and he shouldn't have

been the one appointed based on his history as having
spent four plus years looking into this whole matter. Pretty unbelievable, actually,
but that is what it is. New poll out Washington Times.
Besides Barack Obama, Michelle Obama is the most popular Democrat,
I would argue in America. More than a few Democratic

strategists still hoping in spite of statement after a statement
that she will not be running hope that Joe will
step aside. What was interesting, A poll conducted by Jail
Partners for The Daily Mail reveals that Michelle Obama would
lose to Donald Trump by three points in a hypothetical
matchup forty seven forty four. Now, I don't know what

that would mean for swing states. I'll tell you one
person the Democrats ought to be listening to is James Carvill.
He's not wrong, you know, he said. Look, I've been
very vocal about this. It is horrifying our numbers among
younger voters, particularly younger Blacks, younger Latinos, younger people of color,

particularly males. We're not shedding them, he said, They're leaving
in droves. Last year, Gallup survey found sixty six percent
of black adults leaned or identified as a Democrat, compared
to nineteen percent that leaned or identified as a Republican.
That itself is a nineteen point dip from the advantage
that Democrats held in twenty twenty. The poll found forty

seven percent of Hispanics identified as Democrats thirty five percent
identified as Republicans. Now that is, you know. In twenty
twenty one, it was fifty seven to twenty six, huge
in roads for the Republican Party. Hillary Clinton had a
tough interview on Jimmy Fallon last night. You know why
these late late night chosen are not doing well because

they're not funny. It's that simple. If they were funny
and they were joking about me, I could appreciate that
Jay Leto was funny. Nobody was. Everybody was fair game
to Jay Leno, And for a lot of years it
was the same was with David Letterman. Then he kind
of went hard left and then his ratings tanked and

Leno just dominated him nearly two to one. But anyway,
Hillary Clinton, Fallon asked, well, it looks like it's going
to be Biden versus Trump. Clinton says, yes, it is.
What do you say to voters who are upset that
these are the two choices? Quote, get over yourself, those
are the two choices versus Trump.

Speaker 4 (26:58):
We know that.

Speaker 5 (26:59):
What yes, what do you say to voters who are
upset that those are the two choices?

Speaker 1 (27:04):
Get over yourself, those are the two choices. Love it
and yeah, you know.

Speaker 6 (27:11):
It's kind of like one is old and effective and compassionate,
has a heart.

Speaker 1 (27:18):
All right, I don't care what Hillary I don't care
what Hillary says. Squad Member Congresswoman j Opaul says the
worst it gets in Gaza, the harder it gets to
bring people back in, warning in remarks aired on Sunday
that Israel's ongoing war with Hamas and Gaza is splintering
the Democratic Party coalition. Really, why would Democrats be against

winning a war against terrorists? Ask yourself that question. Here's
a scary poll, also from the Daily Mail. Only thirty
eight percent of voters think Biden will be alive at
the end of a second term. More than a third
believe Vice President Harris will be president by January twenty
twenty nine if Biden is reelected. That is not a

good number. The RNC is considering giving limited access to
NBC News. Why should they give access to any of
these networks? They're not fair to them. They should know
that by now. What's the point? Democrats are furious because
Robert F. Kennedy Juniors said Biden is much worse a
threat to democracy than Trump, and then he accused Biden

of weaponizing federal agencies. Be careful what Robert F. Kennedy
Junior saying he's going to try to appeal to conservatives.
He's going to try to appeal to liberal Democrats. He
is going to try to peel away voters from both parties.
He is not a conservative, he's never voted for a

Republican for president, and he's got the most radical environmental
views of anybody out there. Anyway, a lot of ground
to cover it today, eight hundred and ninety four to one, Sean.
If you want to be a part of the program,
we're going to have Alena Hama on in the next hour.
Also an expert on how to prevent your home from
being squatted by somebody who doesn't own your home anyway.

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and the breaking news you might have missed today with
Shawn's insider information. Sean Hannity, all right, when we come back,
we have Hama's going to join us. So we're going
to talk about the well dual system of justice that
we have in the country. We have, you know, we
have this new Lexicon law, fair dual justice system. Do

we have equal justice under the law, equal application of
our laws? You know, think about this. Trump was slapped
for the gag order in the medium mind is going
crazy because he talked about the family of the judge
in the case being politically active. Put put all that
aside for a minute. Does anybody remember all the threats.

I mean, we've had to recently remind people Chuck Schumer
to justices. You know, uh, you pay attention of Kavanaugh, Gorschitz,
you won't know what hit you was That a threat
sounds like a threat. I think an awful lot about
blowing up the White House, getting their faces and all
the other things that have been said. Anyway, we'll deal

with the double standard when we come back. We'll get
to your calls eight hundred nine to fourt one Shawn.
As we continue, Let's face facts, America is not the
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