All Episodes

March 28, 2024 31 mins

Joe Concha, Author of the best seller C’Mon Man and Fox News Contributor and Kaylee McGhee White, Steamboat Institute Blankley Fellow & Restoring America Editor of the Washington Examiner, discuss all the news of the day from Trump’s bail reduction to the strange details surrounding the P. Diddy and the Department of Homeland’s investigation. 

"Despite media speculation, neither Mr. Combs nor any of his family members have been arrested nor has their ability to travel been restricted in any way." 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
See you right here for our final news round up
and information overload.

Speaker 2 (00:05):
All right, he's round up in Information Overload hour. Here's
our toll free telephone number. It's eight hundred and nine
four one sean if you want to be a part
of the program. This issue about P. Diddy and the
raid on his homes and the stories that are coming out,
it is getting more. It's expanding, second by second, day

by day. Now we have a royal wrapped up in
this thing, that being Prince Harry in this particular case,
creepy footage of P. Diddy and Justin Beaver when he
was fifteen has resurfaced and is now at the forefront,
have people following him and his and his private jet
and weird traveling that has gone on following the raids

on the Rappers home. I mentioned that, you know, Prince
Harry has been named here. New York Post has a
point that an article about how he's been untouchable but
now people are out to take him down and he's out,
and his response is to blast the FEDS and their
military level fours during the rate of his homes, calling

it a witch hunt. Okay, However, there's a lot of
stuff emerging here. One thing that really caught my attention
was fifty cent when he actually said, yeah, they don't
go at you like that unless they got something really
serious to go after you on. But others, interestingly are

speaking out about p Diddy.

Speaker 3 (01:35):
One of them is Usher.

Speaker 2 (01:37):
This is him in twenty sixteen saying that he saw
some curious things while living at Diddy's mansion in ninety four,
when he was fourteen. He said this on Howard Stern Show,
Take Alyssen.

Speaker 4 (01:48):
I moved to New York City and I lived with
Sean Puffy clums for a year.

Speaker 5 (01:54):
That's the crazy thing. Now, that was La Reid's idea. Right,
we're sending you to something called Puffy Flavor Camp. You
got to learn. Yeah, that's what it was called. And
you're going to go to puff Daddy's he's.

Speaker 3 (02:05):
Giving in nineties.

Speaker 4 (02:06):
Do you understand what that's like.

Speaker 5 (02:07):
Puffy's place was like just filled with chicks and orging
like NonStop.

Speaker 3 (02:11):
Right, No, not.

Speaker 4 (02:12):
Really, I mean, but hey, it was curious. I got
a chance to see some things. Yeah, but you were thirteen.
What we went there to see the lifestyle, right, and
I saw it. It was it was But I don't
know if I could indze and understand what I was
even looking at it was.

Speaker 3 (02:25):
It was pretty wild.

Speaker 5 (02:26):
So nobody tried to you know, some woman didn't come.

Speaker 3 (02:30):
Along say it okay.

Speaker 4 (02:32):
What I did say is that there were very curious
things taking place, and I didn't necessarily understand.

Speaker 5 (02:38):
Because you have you doing any chores? Are you doing
dishes at all? I mean if they keep you humble somewhat?
Or are you just like could you stay up to
four in the morning with them a party?

Speaker 4 (02:46):
I mean I could actually stayed up longer than them.

Speaker 3 (02:50):
Do you have money? What's going on?

Speaker 4 (02:52):
I mean I had like per damn, I had like
you know, the life. Yes, pretty crazy fourteen years old.
You're a dad.

Speaker 5 (02:58):
Now would you ever send your tip to Puffy Camp?

Speaker 3 (03:01):
You'll know?

Speaker 2 (03:03):
Wow, pretty revealing now. Comedian Kat Williams said the following
in January of this year, Listen to this prediction.

Speaker 6 (03:13):
I came in this business saying I was going to
expose period, all of these big deviance is all catching
hell in twenty twenty four. It's up for all of them.
It don't matter if you Didy or whoever you is, Tgjkes,
any every all lies will be exposed.

Speaker 4 (03:31):
That's all.

Speaker 6 (03:33):
And anyone who takes that the wrong way know why
they take it the wrong way. The truth is delighted.

Speaker 3 (03:39):
Wow, what a prediction.

Speaker 2 (03:41):
I don't know what's going on here, but it is
getting more bizarre by the day with every revelation and
all the people being implicated in this. Hubert Gooding Junior,
his name has been mentioned among them, pastor TD Jakes, Wow,
he's really famous. Actually watched them preach is very good.

I'm a little surprised about that. Anyway, here to maybe
break this down for us, and then we'll talk a
little bit about more about MSDNZ. Joe Concha, author of
the bestseller command Man, Fox News contributor. Also with us
Kaylie McGee white. She is a steamboat institute, blankly fellow
and Restoring American editor at The Washington Examiner. Appreciate both

of you being with us. Let me begin with you,
Joe Kancha, What is going on here? This seems to
be really blowing up. And I don't know if you
saw the other headline. An ex Syracuse basketball player has
been arrested for ties to Sean ditty Combs.

Speaker 3 (04:43):
What do you make of that?

Speaker 7 (04:44):
I think there's a lot of smoke here to the
point of a California wildfire, Sean. I mean, we got multiple,
multiple suits against p Diddy. You have the Feds going
in there in tactical gear on a federal level. So
you don't do that unless you have the goods, or
at least you'd think you have the goods. And we
are talking about a widespread, dangerous criminal sex trafficking organization.

We have singers like Casey Ventura signed a ten deal
album with Combs when she was nineteen, accusing him of
sexual misconduct, harassment, sex trafficking, rape. You have his most
recent producer, Rodney Jones, worked at his latest release, That's
latest release, filing a civil suit in federal court talking

about how Combs forced Jones to solicit sex workers take
a legal drugs. I mean, so it's not just one
person accusing and it's he said, she said her in
this case she said, he said. These are multiple people
close to Colmbs, who has been, you know, an icon
in the rap world. We're talking for about thirty years now, right,
and it seems like, I hate to use the term

the walls are closing in because we hear how much
about Trump, but the walls truly are closing in here.

Speaker 3 (05:56):
Well may get your take, Kayley McGee white.

Speaker 2 (05:59):
And how bizarre is it in January that Williams mentioned TD,
Jakes and Diddy that this is what happened this year.

Speaker 3 (06:10):
That was a little freaky to me.

Speaker 8 (06:13):
Yeah, It's clear that a lot of people in the industry,
a lot of people who were familiar with P Didy
were well aware of his behavior, which has been well
documented four years. I mean, you really only need to
take a look at some of the lyrics and his
songs to know that he's glorified the exact lifestyle that
he's being accused of. But there were multiple incidents back,

you know, starting in nineteen ninety nine when he was
arrested for beating a music executive with a terra phone
in the champagne bottle. I'm sure was when he was
arrested at a party in Manhattan with his then girlfriend
Jennifer Lopez, and witnesses there said that he had a
gun on him. He was ultimately acquitted, But I mean,
this is a behavior that he's been displaying four years now,

and it seems that a lot of people like Kat
Williams are really sick of being quiet about it and
are ready to start coming forward.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
Well, I'm not sure how this is going to play out.
I do believe that people are innocent until proving guilty. However,
this certainly does not vote particularly well for him. I'm
not sure what to think about this, but maybe fifty
cent is right. If there's that much smoke Joe conscience,

there's probably a good reason behind this, and we're going
to find out in the days and weeks to come.

Speaker 7 (07:30):
Yeah, it's an avalanche effect too, right, So then every
day you're gonna hear somebody else coming forward because now
you don't have to fear the Diddy anymore at this point,
ort least his money or his legal team. So if
enough accusers come out, it's almost like Jeffrey Epstein. Suddenly
five or six or ten becomes dozens, and at that point,
the media avalanche will obviously fuel this because this, again

is one of the biggest stars ever to come out
of the rap industry. So you know, I'm with you, right,
he deserves his day in court. Everybody deserves due process.
But these are a lot of allegations, and you got
to think at some point in a world where everybody
has a camera on their phone, something damning is going
to come out where you're like, oh, okay, well maybe
I don't give it a benefit of down anymore, but
until what happens, we will give them the benefit of

the death.

Speaker 2 (08:14):
Yeah, I mean, I mean this raid was a full
on force of nature by the Feds. Kaylee, what's your
what's your take as there? I mean, when you listen
to Usher, when you listen to Kat Williams, when you
listen to others and making predictions like this, and and
and people talking about how quote great at parties were
and what they were known for. Uh, it gets pictures

being painted, that's for sure, right.

Speaker 8 (08:41):
And you know, the charges here really aren't just against Diddy,
they're also against the entire music industry. This lawsuit that
was filed earlier this year by Ronnie Jones named several
music executives as being complicit in the acts that he's
accused Diddy of. And one of the things that you
already mentioned were the parties. One of the bodyguards who

was at the party said that it was well known
that the girls were intentionally roofied, that they would bring
in sex workers for that explicit purpose, And there were
multiple highly influential people in attendance at these parties from
the music industry, from outside the music industry, and it
was just a well known thing. And so I think
that's why when we hear allegations of sex trafficking, it

rings to us is extreme because the way that I'm
looking at it, this was a completely normalized pattern of
behavior for people in the music industry for decades, and
yet that's exactly what it should be considered as. If
these allegations are true, it should be considered as sex trafficking.
So I think it is a bit shocking, you know,
to hear about, but this is just the reality of

the industry.

Speaker 2 (09:47):
All right, quick break, Welcome back more with Joe Conta
and Kaylee McGee white. That will hit the phones told
free it's eight hundred and ninety four one sean. If
you want to be a part of the program and
we'll get your vote calls coming up on the final
half hour of program today eight hundred and nine four
one sean. But in the meantime we continue with Kaylie
McGee white and Joe Kansha. Let's talk about and switch

gears here to MSDNC and the fact that the temper
tantrums of all they're on air hosts about the hiring
of Ronald McDaniel has now resulted in her firing after
only one appearance. Apparently she had signed a two year deal.
According to what I've been reading and what I've been hearing,

and I will tell you, Joe Concha, it's amazing to
me that the inmates absolutely run the asylum over there,
and the worst part of this, and we kind of
get into this with Bill O'Reilly is this is a
lot deeper than I think most people understand that they
don't want another point of view. They say they actually
one of their hosts said, oh, we don't mind Republicans

coming on the program. We'd love to have Liz Cheney
and Adam kinzing Gerad. I'm like, okay, yeah, picked the
two Democrats that say they're Republicans.

Speaker 3 (11:01):
Let's that sounds great.

Speaker 2 (11:03):
So I'm watching this and I'm thinking they just they
can't tolerate and at an alternative viewpoint. Are you or
have you ever been a Trump supporter or a Republican
For crying out.

Speaker 7 (11:15):
Loud right, the only Republicans they want, Sean is, hey,
we welcome the Lincoln Project tonight or An Navarro will
join us all these state Republicans who as long as
you're anti Trump right then and you have it our
next year named boy, you're going to get a lot
of airtime there. But to your point, there's potential long
term damage to NBC's news division, which already had credibility issues.

I mean, remember this was once the home of legends
like Chancellor Brinkley, mud Tim Brusher. We're a long way
from that kind of credibility. Because that it stands now,
I say NBC should never host another major debate again.
And if you're a Republican, or at least one that
supports Donald Trump in this election cycle, don't go near
meet the press ever again, because you know you're not

going to get anything remotely resembling a fair interview, because
they only want the kind of so called Republicans that
openly for Democrats to win. So how could anyone outside
of staunch liberals ever trust a news division like this
that has such a patent disdain for the party and
roughly half the voters in this country. And the worst

part about this all was, I mean, actually it was
very comical these on air personalities, and they're certainly not
journalists are going to call them personalities to announce this
on such a high moral pedestal somewhere north of the
Pope on the air, instead of meeting with their bosses
privately if they had such a problem with it. And
again this is Mitt Romney's meets we're talking about. Whenever
she did interviews, it was like she was out of

chat GPT. She pushed all the right talking points, but
this was no great communicator. But still this has buried
anything resembling credibility at NBC News. With half the Congress,
half the Senate, and half the American people, likely for.

Speaker 2 (12:56):
Good Sean, I don't know how anybody look at them
the same. Again, and I knew Tim Russa, Tim Russa,
and now I got along great. He would regularly ask me
my opinion on issues because he wanted to know how
conservatives were thinking.

Speaker 3 (13:11):
He wanted to be informed. He was curious.

Speaker 2 (13:14):
Peter Jennings did the same thing, the level of curiosity.
Tom broke offf couldn't have been nicer to me in
all the interactions I've ever had with him over the years,
less the Holt that actually was always nice to me too.
But I don't know I don't think they recover from this, Kayley.

Speaker 1 (13:31):

Speaker 8 (13:31):
And what's remarkable is that in this memo that was
circulated within the network yesterday, you know, the chair basically
not only apologized to everyone for hiring her in the
first place, but essentially admitted that they would never make
that mistake again of hiring someone with an opposing view.
There were two words that he used in that memo
that said that it's important for the newsroom to be

cohesive and aligned. What exactly does that mean? Besides, you
have to be completely aligned on the DNC's talking points
and anyone who strays from those things is not going
to be welcome. So now you have top level executives
essentially admitting that, yeah, that is how they are going
to approach news in the future. And I think it
really demonstrates not just a disdain for Republicans, you know,

or for MAGA, but a disdain for their own viewers.
And it's a disdain that they show every single time
that they refuse to air Trump's speeches as well. They
don't trust their own viewers to be able to listen
to information that they might disagree with andine and to
determine for themselves, what they're going to believe. They want
to shield their viewers from opposing viewpoints, and I think

ultimately that's because they also have a disdain for the
very things that they believe. If they were confident in
their beliefs and in their values, they wouldn't mind holding
those things up to scrutiny. They wouldn't mind Ron McDaniel
coming on air to push back a little bit. But
the fact that they need to erect this giant shield
around their entire network and around their viewers shows how

little confidence they have in the very things.

Speaker 1 (15:02):
That they believe.

Speaker 2 (15:03):
Appreciate both of you, Kayleie McGee White, Joe Concha. I
hope you guys have a great Easter, and thanks for
being here today, Rob in the Free State of Florida. Rob,
glad you are with us. Happy Easter, Happy Holy Week.
Glad you could join us.

Speaker 1 (15:18):
Happy Holy Week to you as well. Sean, And I
think it should be the Hannity and Linda Show because
she's awesome.

Speaker 2 (15:25):
Do you think I could take three hours of Linda
a day? Do you really think? Do you think she
could take three hours of me a day? I mean,
she has to listen to it, but what short of that,
it'd be a disaster. It would be a train wreck.
One of us has to be the sane person and
the other one will there's no telling.

Speaker 3 (15:47):
Here's a little secret about Linda.

Speaker 2 (15:49):
At any given moment, you have no idea what's gonna
come flying out of that mouth. You just don't, which
makes it very very interesting but very scary on the other.

Speaker 1 (15:57):
Hand, very bit exciting scary.

Speaker 2 (15:59):
But it's one way to describe it. Linda is smiling
ear to ear, aren't you.

Speaker 9 (16:05):
You know the people of Florida have spoken, Sean, and
you're there too, so I think you just by right
at this point, being a Floridian and loving the free state,
you should agree with Rob, you know, okay, of course.

Speaker 1 (16:17):
Hi, buddy, you gotta come over to Florida side. We
love Linda, all right.

Speaker 2 (16:20):
The people that are kissing Katie's ass and Linda's ad,
I mean, you gotta stop.

Speaker 9 (16:26):
I mean, I don't know if it's if it's an
ass kissing, so much as it is a reality check,
a point of clarity from the sunshine that blesses those
of you so there in the state of Florida.

Speaker 3 (16:35):
That you love so much.

Speaker 2 (16:36):
Sean, there's nothing you like more than putting me in check.
I know, I understand.

Speaker 9 (16:42):
I'll let Rob give you his comment though. It's a
good one.

Speaker 3 (16:45):
All right, Rob, what's on your mind?

Speaker 1 (16:47):
So Hey, I am just wanting to throw something out there.
I would like to see a lot of our Republican
congress people and Senate people challenged. I believe that we
still have too many establishment people in there. And I'd
like to talk about something my brother and I Ryan
talk about quite a bit. Is these bills that come through.

And we said there was going to be no more
omnibus and it was going to be single use bills,
and that's the way it should be. But we just
squeaked through this omnibus bill. And let me tell you
something that I did on some research. Did you know
that there is thirty six million, five hundred and sixty
thousand dollars being given to the Office of the Speaker?

Speaker 3 (17:31):
He gets are the repair work or the remodel? I got. Yeah,
I'm very well aware.

Speaker 1 (17:37):
And I think that that is absolutely the problem with
government today. How does Kamala go in at three million
dollar net worth and it is now worth almost twenty
How does Joe do it? How does Nancy Pelosi, for
God's sake. I know there's insider trading, but these people
are getting two percent off the top on these bills,
in distributing amongst the members, and of course you have

a you have a one government situation. They're all in
riching themselves, except for a few who are fighting against it.
But these establishment Republicans are just as bad or worse
than some of these Democrats, at least you know the
crazy stances they have on things. But a lot of

these Republicans are doing it in the shadows, and that
really irritates me.

Speaker 3 (18:25):
I think, you know, well the problem.

Speaker 2 (18:29):
The problem extends well beyond the Speaker's office. And I
will tell you all of these Republicans that are retiring,
do you know that it's never happened in the history
of our great Republic, not one time as one party
started with a speaker and then they lost the speakership.

Do you know that that is in jeopardy now because
so many House Republicans now are leaving, and now my
leaving and others are contemplating leaving. And according to Ralph
Norman told Fox News Digital. Ralph Norman is from Oklahoma.
He says there's no excuse for all of these people leaving.

He said, the country's at stake. To put the Democrats
in control of what might happen is inexcusable. That would
mean all investigations come to a screeching halt number one.
But you know, okay, they got rid of Santos. I
said at the time that was dumb. He was not
found guilty of anything. You should wait until he's adjudicated.

Mike Gallagher, why is he leaving. He's stepping down, Ken
Buck is stepping down. Kevin McCarthy stepped down. We're now
down one vote majority. And it is a very real
possibility that there could be a speaker Hakeem Jeffries before
January even comes around, or even election day comes around.

And it's pissing me off. And I will tell you,
and here's here's the problem that now the whole Republican
caucus has. There were about forty to fifty Republicans that
were willing to join with Democrats, potentially could join with
Democrats if they didn't pass the omnibus. And I'm not

making excuses. In the days leading up to that, right
here on this radio program, we had on people like
Senator Mike Lee. Mike Ley I think had the best
short term solution is okay, because the bill was dropped
on a Thursday, last Thursday at two thirty five am,
and they're voting on it on Friday's supposed to have

seventy two hours. And what Mike Lee said is passed
a three week continuing resolution, which they've you know, this
all should have been done by the beginning of the
episcal year, which is October one of last year, and
here we are, it's April, and after the three weeks,
give every member of a chance not only to read
the bill, but then to put forward amendments to take

out stuff like you're you're discussing. And they didn't do
it because there were too many Republicans in the House
that would side with the Democrats. And it is now
there's nobody. And I understand Marjorie Telergreen's frustration because I
share a lot of it. But I am just telling
you that this majority is hanging by a thread and

you have too many Rhino Republicans and we need conservatives
that are elected, and if that means some of them
need to be primary, they need to be primary. And
maybe that time has come and gone unfortunately. But we
really we need really strong members of Congress that will
unite behind a conservative agenda and and fight to secure

our borders, and fight to get our budget in balance,
and that will fight for strong economic policies and energy
dominance and and you know, and I mean it's right now,
you're basically looking at a lame duck Congress and an
unwillingness to fight. Now, there are some good things they

got through, but the Majar, this is crap. It's no
way Washington should work. It is beyond dysfunctional at this point.
It's unmanageable that nobody can lead this caucus right now.

Speaker 3 (22:21):
It's impossible.

Speaker 1 (22:23):
There is no reason why these people that stood in
front of their constituents and ask for their vote to
represent them in the Republican Party to go in and
now only to leave early. They're just screwing their constituents
and in their country. They should stay to the end
of the term, let the elections come and let them

get replaced. But to go ahead and take the only
firewall that we have left in our government. There's a
few people hanging by a thread. And now that we
are seeing the exodus of some of these Republicans before
the election.

Speaker 7 (22:57):
You're exactly right.

Speaker 1 (22:58):
We could have Hakeem Jefferies and then we're are we
not only well, A lot.

Speaker 3 (23:01):
Of people are.

Speaker 2 (23:03):
I have no idea if there's any truth to this,
but a lot of people are suspicious that maybe these
guys have taken high paying, you know, jobs in the
private sector that maybe are only coming their way for
the very reason to get rid of the Republican majority.
I have no idea that sounds until I see evidence,
I don't want to believe that. But it is Washington.

Anything is possible when it comes to corruption.

Speaker 3 (23:28):

Speaker 1 (23:29):
Didn't work real well for Ronald McDaniel apparently.

Speaker 2 (23:32):
Oh that's a good point, although you know, I look,
I think I think she went one term too long
by far, and it was time to go. And I
wish her the best. I feel bad for her what
happened with NBC. However, there is a report today by
Politico that McDaniel in her allies are furious about all

of this, and they blame the brasset NBC for giving
into the mob that is their on air radical leftist
talk show host talent. And I could see a massive
lawsuit and probably a number of libel suits as well.
I see all of that in their future. Good luck anyway,
my friend. Appreciate the call. Glad you checked in eight

hundred and nine to four one, Sean, if you want
to be a part of the program, Alabama, Terry is next.
Where in Alabama are you?

Speaker 10 (24:24):
Hello, Sean Hannity. I really appreciate you letting me be
a part of the program.

Speaker 3 (24:29):
Yes, sir, where in Alabama are you?

Speaker 10 (24:32):
Well? I am in Shelby County, Alabama, about for.

Speaker 2 (24:35):
I know where you are, Oh, Birmingham, I know exactly
where you are. Not far from Montgomery.

Speaker 10 (24:42):
That's it. About an hour's north of there.

Speaker 3 (24:45):
Yeah, what's going on?

Speaker 10 (24:46):
Not a bad place to live? Hey, Well, once again,
thanks for taking my call. I wanted to reach out
to you to get your feedback on a question and
I have for you. I would like to say I
appreciate your successful career and your perspectives that you share
with us and the space. Thank you big time military support.
My son currently serves in the United States Army, so
that means a lot. Thank you very much.

Speaker 2 (25:08):
He's in our prayers and thank him for his service.
He's a hero.

Speaker 10 (25:12):
Yes, sir, I appreciate that. Well. I want to kind
of set this question up real quick with the possibility
of another stolen election. I personally believe that the first
one for the last one that we had was stolen.
As a matter of fact, I did an Internet search
and I tacked him to the search engine what are
the chances of another stolen election? And the only responses

or suggestions I could get was the Democrats being concerned
and claiming that Donald Trump will steal this upcoming election.
The only video clip that I could find that said
something different was from another conservative radio host that said
that if they have not shot Donald Trump by then
they will steal the election. There's just no way that

they're going to let him get in.

Speaker 2 (25:55):
Oh good god, somebody said that. I pray for the
safety of every politicians. It's scary. The environment out there
right now is very scary. And you know, we've got
a hope that nothing like that happens to anybody. And
I don't care what your political affiliation is, but let
me just say this, these are very divided times, and

we do not have a voting system that is that
has the most integrity and gives us the most confidence
in the results. We just don't now there's a reason
places like France and Canada went back to paper ballots.
I think we should go back to paper ballots. I
think election Day should be a national holiday. I think

that we should have voter ID and signature verification and
chain of custody controls. I think we need updated voter rolls,
and we need partisan trained observers watching the vote voting
all day, in the vote counting all night. And I've
interviewed Laura Trump, and that's going to be a top priority.

Legal harvesting efforts of the Democrats far surpassed that of Republicans.
I also think Republicans better get over their reluctant and
resistance to voting early and voting by mail. It's not
the system I like, not what I would choose, but
unless we win elections, we can't change anything. That's the
only way you'll ever get to change it. And I

think that I think with what in twenty twenty, for example,
states that had laws that mandate partisan observers get to
watch the vote count although they'd never made any accommodations
for COVID so that partisan observers could do your job,
and in some cases they were a thousand feet or

more away from where the vote counting was going on.
You can't see anything in that environment. You had the
state constitutions, I mean you had issues in Wisconsin, legal issues,
a constitutional issue in Pennsylvania. You know, rather than go
through the arduous process of having a constitutional amendment, the

state legislature there, well, they just passed legislation that changed
the constitution. That is not how you amend the constitution.
But they didn't care and they did it anyway. The
three to four decision in Wisconsin should be read by everybody,
and a powerful dissent by the Chief Justice in that decision,

I mean everybody should read it. I appreciate the call.
Eight hundred and ninety four one. Shawn is on number.
As we continue, want to remind you Father's Day and
graduation season, they're coming up right around the corner. If
you're looking for a great gift, a unique gift, you
got to go check out our friends at Henry Repeating
Arms and their personalized receiver covers. Now they're available for

Henry's Golden Boy and Golden Boy Silver rifles, which come
in three calibers twenty two long range, twenty two magnum,
seventeen HM r you want to check it out. It's
all on HENRYUSA dot com and type Personalized in the
search box on the website and then you'll find a
link to the product page. They'll give you step by

step instructions and you can engrave any message you want
up to twenty words, and the process is easy. It's
very affordable, and it does not require a gunspit. These
guns are really head turners, the top of the line
for my collection, and when you add a custom receiver cover, well,
they become works of art and family heirlooms that you'll

cherish forever. Mine of course, every Henry I've owned, you
can't beat their performance. Accurate, right out of the box,
and reliable ever since. All made in America with American parts,
old world craftsmanship. Check out Henry's personalized receiver covers if
you looking for a great gift for dads or grads,
and be sure to get their free catalog. Go to

their website one word HENRYUSA dot com. They'll send you
the catalog, free decals and a list of dealers where
you are. It's HENRYUSA dot com. Remember they have two
hundred rifles, shotguns, revolvers that you can choose from and
you're gonna love this company.

Speaker 3 (30:07):
I love this company.

Speaker 2 (30:13):
Ed King Ted Koppel says Sean Hannity is bad for America.

Speaker 1 (30:20):
From Sean Hannity.

Speaker 2 (30:24):
All Right, just breaking a short time ago, some sad
news for me personally.

Speaker 3 (30:28):
I knew this man.

Speaker 2 (30:30):
He probably was the last reason, one of the last
reasonable Democrats ever. We just had a really good relationship.
We agreed on a lot of foreign policy issues. Joe
Lieberman has passed away, former Senator from Connecticut and vice
presidential nominee. He had to fall at his home in Connecticut.

Our prayers with him, his wonderful wife and his family.
All Right, that's all the time we have left. See
you tonight at nine on Hannity. Thank you for making
the show possible. More than two hundred fire department jurisdictions
trust the Knox Entry system to provide secure access to buildings, elevators,

and control rooms when seconds matter. Now, businesses, schools, airports,
several industrial applications are also using Knox Entry to manage
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Speaker 3 (31:25):

Speaker 2 (31:25):
Knox Entry allows you to develop a customized access strategy,
complete within audit trail and rapid flexibility. Just go to
knox dot com for more information. That's knox dot com.

The Sean Hannity Show News

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