All Episodes

October 28, 2024 29 mins

 Joe Concha, Fox News Contributor and author of PROGRESSIVELY WORSE: Why Today's Democrats Ain't Your Daddy's Donkeys, discusses the abhorrent way that the left covered the Trump rally, particularly MSNBC who showed Hitler’s 1939 rally alongside the Trump event. I guess they forgot that JFK, Bill Clinton and others have also had MSG rallies. Are they NAZIS too?

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Right our two Sean Hannity Show toll free. It's eight
hundred and ninety four one Sean if you want to
be a part of the program. One week from today,
it will be election Eve in America. Although it is
election day today, anywhere there is early voting going on, that.

Speaker 2 (00:15):
Makes it election day.

Speaker 1 (00:17):
I voted in my free state of Florida yesterday, banked
my vote, and I really urge people to do so themselves.
It also frees up, you know, the Trump campaign, so
that once they know that you voted, first of all,
those annoying texts will stop coming if you're getting them,
or annoying emails whatever it happens to be. Number two,

then they can target maybe people that are lower propensity voters,
that's what they call them, people that maybe vote every
other election or every third election, and try and you know,
persuade them to get out and vote. As well as
a public service. On Hannity dot com, we have a
list of every state, every commonwealth when registration, how to register.

Some states have voting day registration, by the way, you
may not know that, and when early voting starts, when
it stops in your state and your commonwealth. We put
it up as a public service as we put up
Kamala her radicalism, extremism, ignored by the state run media
mob the entire election. But it's there to help make

you an informed voter. The same with the Walls files
him and his radicalism, extremism. In his own words, it's
all there. You can share it with your friends, your family,
your neighbors, your co workers. You can share it on
social media anyway. Just go to Hannity dot com or
go to any of my social media accounts to find it.
This is what this campaign is now descended into. Democrats

are in a full fledged panic and it's racist. It's fascist,
and comparisons to Hitler. That's all it is. This is
what it will remain. If anything, the intensity of it
all will just ratchet up every hour of every day
for the next nine days.

Speaker 2 (02:00):
Listen and let me ask you tonight. Do you think
Donald Trump is a fascist?

Speaker 3 (02:05):

Speaker 2 (02:05):
I do, Yes, I do.

Speaker 4 (02:07):
This guy's tendency starts leaning towards dictatorship is un American.

Speaker 5 (02:11):
It is deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous that Donald Trump
would invoke Adolf Hitler, the man who is responsible for
the deaths of six million Jews, and hundreds of thousands
of Americans.

Speaker 2 (02:27):
When you said that, we do agree. President Biden believes
that Donald Trump is y gosh. I mean, yes, Donald
Trump is about taking us backward, that is about fascism.
Why can't we just say it? Yes, we can't say that.

Speaker 4 (02:41):
Donald Trump has descended into madness over the last few weeks.
And I think some of you don't miss on this.
Go do your google on this. Donald Trump's got this
big rally going at Madison Square Garden. There's a direct
parallel to a big rally that happened in the mid
nineteen thirties at Madison Square Garden. And don't think that
he doesn't know for one second exactly what they're doing there.

Speaker 6 (03:00):
Now one other thing that you'll see next week, Caitlin,
is Trump actually re enacting the Madison Square Garden rally
in nineteen thirty nine. I write about this in my book.

Speaker 7 (03:14):
But that jamboree happening right now you see it there
on your screen in that place is particularly chilling because
in nineteen thirty nine, more than twenty thousand supporters of
a different fascist leader, Adolf Hitler, packed the garden for
a so called pro America rally.

Speaker 8 (03:32):
When we say Donald Trump is a fascist, fascism, a
huge component of fascism is uniting racism, bigotry, a form
of racist nationalism, with industry and also uniting the keys
of government with billionaires and for profit actors in order

to stamp out democracy.

Speaker 1 (03:58):
Now, beyond everything else we have had, who would be
assassins against Donald Trump, We have Iranian assassination teams in
this country. They want to assassinate Donald Trump. It is
so disgusting, reckless, irresponsible, just downright repulsive on the one hand,

and it really does expose how weak their closing arguments are.
And this is where Kamala has run into problem problems
the whole campaign. She cannot run on her stated beliefs,
That's what the Kamala files are all about, her support
of the ninety three trillion dollar Green New Deal and

the elimination of the filibuster to pass it. She can't
run on her real views on what she would do
to pack the US Supreme Court or statehood for DC
in Puerto Rico, et cetera, et cetera. She can't run
that she co sponsored that Green New Deal with Bernie Sanders,
or co sponsored government healthcare for all Medicare for all
and the EMI nation or private health insurance. He can't

run in Pennsylvania on her repeated position of I will
banfracking and also ban offshore drilling, and of course she
said the high cost of energy is just the cost
of democracy. Nobody seems to remember that. He can't run
on law and order. We know what she did by
tweeting out the bail fund five hundred and seventy four

riots summer of twenty twenty, police presing burned to the ground.
Four days later, she's tweeting out a bail fund so
that the rioters can get out of jail, and then
outright supports them on CBS by saying that they're not
going to stop writing. They shouldn't stop rioting, and we're
not going to stop supporting them. He can't run on
law and order. She's been part of this, you know,

reimagined defund, dismantle, no bail law madness. They can't run
on secure borders. Twelve and a half million people, and
she's offering to decriminalize the illegal immigration, offer free food, housing, healthcare, education,
their running mate, legal driver's licenses on top of free
college education, on top of free sex change operations if

you want one, and amnesty or earned path to citizenship,
to quote her words, They can't run on the question
are you better off than you were four years ago?
Because by every measure in the economy, inflation, record highs
and the price of a gallon of gasoline and energy

through the roof, because every American feels it. So this
is what they've been reduced to, and that is what
their rhetoric is exposing. Anyway, here to analyze all of it.
He's the best media analyst, I think in the country
by far. Our friend Joe Conca is with us. His
latest bestseller is out. It's called Progressively Worse. Why today's

Democrats ain't your daddy's donkeys? Welcome back to the program.
Did you know that Donald Trump is a fascist at
a Nazi and a racist and a second and a
misogynist and a homophobe and a xenophobe and a islamophobe
and a transphobe. And he wants dirty air and water,
and he wants to kill off social Security and Medicare
and throw old people over a cliff.

Speaker 2 (07:12):
Did you know all that?

Speaker 9 (07:13):
I was not aware of this, Sean, And look, I
was at the rally Last night. I was doing some
some hits for John Scott and Fox Report, and I
got to tell you, I walk in and the atmosphere
was even more joyful than what we saw at the
RNC in Milwaukee, and I was thinking to myself, how
are they going to spin this? I mean, this is

these are happy people. Everybody's having a good time. Despite
the fact that, for whatever reason, I don't mean to
go off on a tangent here, Madison Square Garden wouldn't
serve anything in terms of concessions, no food, no water.
I've never seen anything like it. I guess I didn't want
to make money, you know, But anyway, I mean.

Speaker 2 (07:47):
That was the nutty part. I kept reading about that,
but keep going.

Speaker 9 (07:51):
Yeah, I was so thirsty because I'm going on the air.
I could barely swallow. You can't find water.

Speaker 2 (07:55):
In this entire part I was watching. You did fine,
Oh thank you.

Speaker 9 (07:58):
I appreciate that. But you know, in the end, it
was like the happiest place I've been to in terms
of gathering since kan Kun ninety three, my final spring break.
So I'm like, all right, how are they going to
spend this next thing? Sure enough, all I hear is fascist, fascis, Nazi,
Nazi and some comedian that I've never heard of before
told a joke and everybody's supposed to be so offended
by that, but they're not offended by the fact that
Kamala Harris is going to do a speech at THEMAL
tomorrow night and again called the former president fascist because

to your points, they got nothing to run on. And
you could tell who's winning by who's having a good
time on the campaign trail, Trump, Al Smith Dinner McDonald's,
that rally last night, having a good time, Kamala Harris
hanging out with Liz Cheney, Like that's the best you
could do. As far as thirdd out, there is literally
impossible to smaller when you're in the same room as
this person. But here we are. And meanwhile, last night

you got Tulsea Gabbard there, former twenty twenty Democratic presidential candidate,
Robert F. Kennedy junior, former Democratic presidential candidate Elah Musk
never voted for a Republican in his life until this election.
What a coalition and what a night.

Speaker 1 (08:56):
All right, quick break, right back, we'll continue more with
Joe Kancha than your calls on the other side at
eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if you want
to be a part of the program as we continue.
We continue now with media analysts. I think the best
in the country, Joe conscience is with us. You know,
you've been out there and I just refuse to go there.
I do have an analysis in my head, and I'll

just add this. I am cautiously emphasis on the word
cautiously optimistic. But I don't want this audience to in
any way get complacent, because I'm not complacent at all.
And what I'm trying to convey to people is a
sense of real urgency. I mean, we were told, we
did believe in twenty twenty two that a red wave

was coming, and it never materialized. And we've had other
elections where the pollsters are way off. I mean, if
you look at the real Clear Politics average at this
time in twenty twenty I'll give you the exact numbers.
I could tell you that just in the swing states
alone that you know, Donald Trump was losing every one
of them except Georgia. Now he's up in every one

of them. I'll be at very small leads in some cases,
but the top battleground states, you know, he was down
four points and now he's up point nine. It's a
game of about five points. That is dramatic, and the
same story he was not up in twenty sixteen. So
I see a lot of polls, a lot of anecdotal
evidence that I like early voting numbers. I'm looking I'm

tracking the numbers daily, and I see that Democratic enthusiasm
is clearly down dramatically from where it was in twenty twenty,
and Republican enthusiasm is up dramatically. People seem to have
gotten the message to bank their vote. But I just
don't want to go where you seem to have been
for a while.

Speaker 9 (10:44):
Yeah, Like, I don't take myself too seriously. I don't
think one person's gonna be listening to this show on
the nine hundred stations that you're on across the country,
say contentence in the bag. I'm not going to vout
screw it. So I'm just trying to I'm looking at
this as objectively and honestly as I can sean to
your point around early voting. They have a clear advantage
in Nevada right now, and that's the bluest of all
the swing states. So if they're leading there, in early voting,

and they're crushing it in Arizona right now and North
Carolina as well. That shrinks that Matt for Hillary, I'm
I'm sorry for Kamala Harris where she has to win Pennsylvania, Michigan,
wis continent even if she does that, Sean, I'm seeing
pulls out today where Donald Trump's up in New Hampshire.
I'm seeing reports that Kamala Harris is moving ads out
of North Carolina and reposition him in Virginia that Joe

Biden won by ten points. So yeah, of course no
one should be complacent. But I'm telling you in New Jersey,
I tried to vote the last three days. I couldn't
get near my early voting place because the lines were
out the door, down the block, and I have a
lot to do. I was hoping to get in and
get out and not do it. So I'll go early
tomorrow on camp out there for a little bit. But
enthusiasm for Trump is off the charts, and for Kamala Harris,

it just doesn't seem to be there, especially among black
and Hispanic voters. And I don't see how she wins
without running up those numbers and having the vote of
rank and file union members. She doesn't have the Teamsters,
she doesn't have the firefighters union, she doesn't have the
Washington apparently, which they've never endorsed the Republican in their life,
not doing it here, but it sits this one out.
And even in minneapos Or Tribune isn't endorsing anybody, Tim

Wallas's hometown paper. So I don't know where this is going.
But when you look at just the way this is
seven days out, I'd much rather be Donald Trump than
Kamala Harris right now.

Speaker 2 (12:17):
I think that's a better way to put it.

Speaker 1 (12:18):
I would, But I'm telling everyone to assume, and especially
if you live and I'll add New Hampshire to the list,
might as well, because the poll showed Donald Trump up,
And I would add New Jersey to the list to
be honest. Y, Yeah, a New Jersey is known for
a surprise or two over the years. But if you're
in Georgia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada,

I mean, we know your vote is going to matter,
even New Mexico's, those votes are gonna matter. And just
assume that your vote is going to be the determining
vote in the entire election, and if people all have
that attitude, in my view, that lends itself towards winning.
And if people are complacent, I think that make it
a big mistake. Because everything that Kamala has said that

she's been hiding in the campaign, but everything she has
said prior to being the presumptive nominee is I think
the real Kamala Harris, and I think that's where our
leanings are. I think we saw that in every decision
she's made up to this point, including picking Walls over
say Josh Shapiro.

Speaker 9 (13:19):
Oh, that was the one in put Right sixty five
percent approval, Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania, a state you absolutely
must have, and she said, no, he's Jewish, and I
needed Michigan. So she went with the goopy eighties sitcom Dad,
that is Tim Walls. And you look at you mentioned
the states before that made in play. Trump's going to Albuquerque,
he's going to New Mexico. He's going to have a
rally in Virginia. He's going to go to New Hampshire.

Speaker 2 (13:41):
Meanwhile, he's going to New Jersey.

Speaker 9 (13:42):
Also in New Jersey where I went to that wild
with rally and they're you know, was the biggest.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
Crises that they have one more plan for New Jersey.
I think at the Prudential Center I made to be wrong.
I'm not sure.

Speaker 9 (13:52):
Remember the governor's race here, Sean's we had the governor's
racer three years ago where Phil Murphy's are uncoming governor.
He won by eighteen points four years prior. And Jack Cidarelli,
who no one heard of in the erranc gave no
support to, almost won that election.

Speaker 1 (14:05):
So yeah, I could I he almost won the election.
If I had known that race would have even been close.
This is the year Glenn youngkin one. I mean, I
would have paid a lot of attention to it. No,
but it was no indication that that race was going
to be close.

Speaker 9 (14:16):
And that's why New Jersey could be like op too
blue on going that was you think, believe me. And
when I saw those lines at that voting place yesterday,
the day before day before that, a lot of red
I saw. So I know it's the suburbs that's different
than the York cities, but that could be different. But
you know, in the end, Sean, she she is getting
out worked. Did we see last week her schedule no
campaign events on Tuesday and Wednesday, two weeks before an election.

Then she has an event in Texas, which last check
is definitely not in play, and she has Beyonce. They
speak for four minutes and they do it at nine
thirty at night in a Friday, which is usually when
you do like dumps that are bad for you. So again,
I don't understand the strategy here, and he is that
working here, and then they have the gall to say
that he's exhausted. Now she is the one who doesn't
look like she wants it.

Speaker 1 (14:57):
That's for sure, all right, Joe Concha always love having
We appreciate it. Eight hundred and nine four one. Shawn
is on number. If you want to be a part
of the program, we'll get to your calls next half
hour and we'll check in with Democratic poster former Clinton
poster Mark Penn.

Speaker 2 (15:11):
That's coming up.

Speaker 10 (15:14):
Breaking news all afternoon. When you get off work, be
sure to check in first for everything you missed during
the day. This is the Sean Hannity Show, all right.

Speaker 1 (15:26):
Twenty five till the top of the hour. Pull free numbers.
Eight hundred nine four one Sean. If you want to
be a part of the program. Well, it will be
election Eve one week from today, meaning official election day,
although there is it is election day in America. If
there's voting going on anywhere, it's a public service. We
put up every state, commonwealth in the country and registration

what the state laws are when early voting starts and stops.
I did vote myself in the Free State of Florida yesterday,
even got my little sticker Lindo, which I was telling
you earlier, but I would urge everybody if you want
to hear radicalism extremism, you can listen to the Kamala files,
which the state run media mob has has just completely

ignored throughout the entire election.

Speaker 2 (16:14):
To be an informed voter, you can hear the.

Speaker 1 (16:15):
Walls files in his own words, his extremism, radicalism in
his own words. First, want to remind you about a
great service if you serve in the military. If you served,
the same goes for law enforcement, first responders, or teachers,
and that would be anybody that serves their community or

their country or has served in the fat past. You
get a free membership to gov x dot com. Sweet
Baby James was in the Navy and he is now
a proud member, and he's saving a ton of money
thanks to gov x dot com, like for example, for
the most part, you'll these are things people are going
to buy anyway, and because of your service, they have

partnered with these great companies like ray Band and Oakley
and Yeti and north Face and so many more. And
what you have is almost ten million members. Membership is
completely free. That are saving millions of dollars every month
on things that they're going to buy anyway. You can get,
for example, forty percent off amazing vacations, like for example,
one thousand dollars off all cruises, you know, the ones

that have unlimited open bar, specialty dining.

Speaker 2 (17:23):
You know.

Speaker 1 (17:24):
Norwegian Cruise Lines is one example. That's real money in
your pocket. It might be the difference between being able
to afford the vacation or not being able to afford
the vacation. Anyway, it's simple. Just go to gov x
dot com. Whether you're serving currently or you have served
your community your country, you will be eligible. And they'll
also if you used the promo code sewn sea n

they'll give you fifteen bucks off your first purchase. That's
gov xgovx dot com. You have ten million plus members,
saving millions every single solitary month. Let's play a little
bit of the radicalism of the left, shall we, you know,
because Kama is full of giggling and full of joy.

And this campaign is now descended into one of the
ugliest campaigns I've ever witnessed in my lifetime. This and
is getting worse by the minute, and this week is
going to be a rough and tumble, emotional rollercoaster. And
my advice to everybody is to write it out and
ignore the noise from the radical, panicked left.

Speaker 5 (18:27):
I intend to be a president for all Americans.

Speaker 4 (18:30):
And let me ask you tonight, do you think Donald
Trump is a fascist?

Speaker 5 (18:33):

Speaker 8 (18:34):
I do.

Speaker 5 (18:34):
I find joy in the American people.

Speaker 4 (18:38):
This guy's tendency towards leaning towards dictatorship is un American.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
That is about fascism. Why can't we just say it?

Speaker 5 (18:45):
Yes, we can't say that it's a joyful campaign.

Speaker 2 (18:49):
I love that level of joy and enthusiasm.

Speaker 5 (18:53):
I find joy and optimism in what I see to
be our future.

Speaker 6 (18:59):
A dark, dismal, fascist and increasingly obviously fascist person.

Speaker 2 (19:06):
He is a fascist to his core.

Speaker 4 (19:11):
Let that sink ken, and don't be a bit afraid
of saying it because that's exactly who he is.

Speaker 2 (19:17):
Finders locked beyond if you gonna lock him out.

Speaker 11 (19:23):
To mimic the Nazi rally of tenth February nineteen thirty nine.

Speaker 5 (19:28):
It thinks that to say that he's a fascist is
completely accurate.

Speaker 3 (19:32):
She has brought back compassion and decency and humor and shure,
you're politician, so.

Speaker 11 (19:45):
Hold on, hold.

Speaker 9 (19:48):
On, hold on.

Speaker 2 (19:49):
Everything he does is despicable.

Speaker 3 (19:51):
The reason why it doesn't and his career is because
his supporters are just as despicable.

Speaker 5 (19:56):
I think we should all find joy and have a
sense optimism about who we are as Americans and what
we mean to each other and what we can do
to lift each other out.

Speaker 1 (20:06):
Well, it's not so joyful when everyone's calling you racist, nazi,
fascist every second, every minute, every hour of every day.
And that's what this campaign is now descended into. Let's
get to our busy phones. Let's say hi to Beverly
in the very important state the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. How
are you, Beverly, Glad you called, Thanks for being with us.

Speaker 11 (20:26):
Thank you Sean for everything you do. I'm a first
time caller. I am encouraging everybody to go out and
vote early vote. Today, I voted. I had the mail
in ballot. I'm legally blind, so I don't drive. I
can see my ballot, believe me. Oh and by the way,

this whole joy thing, there's no joy when I go
to the grocery store. It's close to me. Over twenty
dollars just for myself at the grocery store every week.
And that's just the basics, because.

Speaker 1 (21:02):
It is just the big I basically meeting eggs. And
I went to the store yesterday. I went to my
local grocery store, and I'm telling you, I'm paying about
twice as much for everything that I used to pay
four years ago. And Okay, I can afford it, so
I'm not complaining, I am, but I am upset that
sixty six percent of Americans say that they're gulping water

every month. Twenty five percent of our fellow Americans say
in the last year that they have had to four
go meals. That upsets me a lot because I've been there,
living paycheck to paycheck, and it honestly sucks.

Speaker 11 (21:38):
Oh, it's awful. It's awful. When I go to the
store and I'm paying to sixty two for a dozen
of eggs that cost me less than a dollar I
think several years ago. You've got to be kidding me.

Speaker 1 (21:52):
To sixty two, I'm paying six seven, eight, and depending
on how organic I want to go with my eggs
as much as ten doesn't because there's different levels of organic. Anyway,
you make it a great point, Beverly.

Speaker 11 (22:08):
Yeah so, but anyhow, getting back to I urge everybody
to go out and vote early. Things happen, and it
happened to me. Well, I decided because I listened to
you and listen to others vote early. I did vote early.
I'm so thankful I did because I have to depend
on somebody to take me to the voting poll.

Speaker 2 (22:29):

Speaker 1 (22:29):
Well, I'm glad you listened to do. I'm glad you did too.
And I voted early and I got my little sticker.
I didn't put it on. I took a lot of
selfies in line too, with people that were there. I've
got to run, Beverly. I have a lot of people
waiting to sound like. You have a heart of gold.
God bless you, and we appreciate you being out there. Okay,
Kim in Georgia, another important steak, Kim, how are you

glad you called.

Speaker 12 (22:51):
Hi, Sean. We love you, and Georgia, We're so glad
that you're closer to us now in Florida. We love you,
We thank you for everything you do.

Speaker 1 (22:59):
I love my friends in Georgia, and we need you
now more than ever. There's no doubt about it. We
need Georgia. We need Georgia badley. And you know, there
was an interesting analogy yesterday. It was a big day
for the Democrats in terms of you know, what they
have is something that you might be familiar with. I'm
not sure if they still use the terminology here, but

you know, the souls to the polls program and it's
a big effort and a mobilization effort to get people out.
And they did not have a great day yesterday based
on past years, and neither did North Carolina, which had
the same thing. But I just don't think there's a
lot of enthusiasm for Kamala Harris.

Speaker 2 (23:40):
I just don't.

Speaker 1 (23:41):
And I think this this closing message of racist, fascist
Nazi's not gonna not exactly joyful or inspiring exactly.

Speaker 12 (23:49):
We just out in the Athens area where I'm from,
and the murder of Lake and Raley took place. We
are not excited to see her come down today to
even Atlanta. There's so much vitriol for her outside of Atlanta,
and we could just target, you know, with all of
our conversations about the candidates, we know Sean is coming

down the policy. One thing I wanted to ask, because
we love your show, and when you're on at night
and you are scrolling the death showing the indirect responsibility
of the Biden Harris team of these children's and people's
deaths from the illegal immigrants, when you're showing that, we're

wondering too, because everything is going to boil down to
policy the bigger picture. Do you think people in the
country who are forty years old and younger are just
not comprehending what communism and socialism really means.

Speaker 1 (24:49):
I think that the media has done a very effective job,
and that's why I say, as a public service, we
put Kamala he radicalism in her own words, and why
we have we have harped on this so much on
this program because I knew. I knew from the beginning
that nobody else in the media would ever touch it.
And I think some of it is a lot of

it actually has gotten out there, but Most people have
not highlighted her support and co sponsoring of the Green
New Deal with Bernie Sanders and the elimination of the filibuster.
That's ninety three trillion dollars. It would be the end
of capitalism as we know it. Nobody's highlighted her co
sponsoring with Bernie Sanders, you know, government healthcare, Medicare for all,
with the elimination of private health insurance. Nobody is highlighted

her position. You know, the bail tweet she put out
in the Summer of Love four days after a police
precinct was burned down in Minneapolis, and they didn't highlight
the fact that she said on Stephen Colbert that the
rioters aren't going to stop, shouldn't stop, and she wasn't
going to stop supporting them. Nobody has been highlighting really
the immigration lie, which is free housing, food, healthcare, education,

college education if you're in Minneapolis, legal driver's license, and
a sex change operations taxpayer funded for illegals and for convicts,
and a path to the citizenship called amnesty. So you know,
nobody's really highlighting this or defund or dismantle lize in
the police, no fracking, no offshore drilling the media hasn't

really the media is dead. Journalism is dead, and so
the reason I've been so repetitive on it, and forgive
me for those of you that are regular listeners, but
the more I get people that, more people that are
familiar with this, the more informed they will be as
a voter.

Speaker 2 (26:39):
In my view, it's a public service what we're doing.

Speaker 12 (26:41):
Right Shawn, When she mentions or anyone on her team
is doing a rally and calling President Trump a Nazi,
I wish that he would just go back to the
point of the indirect responsibility of the murders of our
people or the deaths of our people, not murder the deaths,
because you know, we can't prove anything. But the other

thing is we're having still some mail in ballot or
just general mail. US postal system issues in Georgia. We've
had it for months now. Our governor and our senators
have looked at the problems, addressed the problems, but we
are still having people mail in ballots and our mail,

some of it just regular mail, is six to eight
weeks late, as late as this recent as this passed
to August, so we are concerned about that and just
feel like Atlanta is going to be a hold up
ballot box problem for us.

Speaker 2 (27:41):
Well, we'll see.

Speaker 1 (27:42):
I think that they they have made legislative fixes in
Georgia as they have in other states, and I feel
more confident. I'm looking at the early vote numbers every day,
but I take nothing for granted. And you know, everybody
wants me to give them assurance that Donald Trump is
going to win this election. I'm not giving you that
insurance assurance because I don't know. I don't have a

crystal ball. I have a sense of urgency. That's my
message I am conveying to every single person listening to
this program, especially if you're in your state of Georgia,
or if you're in North Carolina, Pennsylvania, or if you're
in Wisconsin and Michigan, or if you're in Arizona, Nevada,
or if you're in New Hampshire according to today's pole,

but any state, just assume that your vote will be
the deciding vote in this election. And if everybody you
know takes it upon themselves to do that at this
late date, and ignore the noise, ignore the name calling,
ignore the last minute prognosticators, you know this is going
to be Nazism and fascism and all this insanity that

no conservative I know would support. He's going to be
arresting his enemies. Just just ignore the noise, because that's
what it really is at this point.

Speaker 2 (28:58):
It's noise. Thank you.

Speaker 1 (29:00):
I appreciate it. Best to my friends in Georgia. We
love Georgia. All right, quick, Frank, we'll come right back
to our phones. We go eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean,
If you want to be a part of the program,
one week from today, it'll be election Eve in America,
but it's election day today if there's voting in your state.
As a public service, we have all that information every state,

every commonwealth, Hannity dot Com for all the information you
would need about registration, when are early voting starts, when
it stops, and much more.

Speaker 2 (29:28):
As we continue.

Speaker 10 (29:34):
The final hour roundup is next. You do not want
to miss it, and stay tuned for the final hour
free for all on The Sean Hannity Show.

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