All Episodes

June 25, 2024 30 mins

 Karoline Leavitt, President Trump’s National Press Secretary, joins us to talk about her attempt to have a real conversation on CNN this weekend. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks scout you on an hour two Sean Hannity's show
Told Free on numbers eight hundred and nine to four
one Sean, if you want to be a part of
the program, just to give you an idea of what
President Trump will be up against during Thursday nights. You know,
Fake News CNN debate Trump campaign spokeswoman Caroline Levitt. She's

been on this show, She's been on Hannity the TV
show numerous times. She was on the network this morning
and Fake News CNN literally pulled the plug on the
interview as soon as she said something that they didn't like. Now,
it was just an interesting moment. She's been interviewed by
somebody named Casey Hunt, and literally when she points out

the truth, which we've been playing for you, I played
it friday night, I'm gonna play it again tonight. We've
been playing it here today. If you point out that
fake Jake Tapper and fake Dana Bash have a history
of hating on Donald Trump and that they're not they're
not journal list, the liberal talk show hosts, oh god forbid,
you tell the truth. Anyway. Here's here's how this all

went down this morning on fake News CNN.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
What do you expect from Joe Biden.

Speaker 3 (01:12):
Well, first of all, it's until it takes someone five
minutes to google Jake Tapper Donald Trump to see that
Jake Tapper has interview.

Speaker 4 (01:21):

Speaker 5 (01:21):
Ma'am, I'm going to stop. If you'm stating to attack
my colleagues, I would like to talk about you and
Donald Trump, who you work for, if you are here on.

Speaker 2 (01:30):
His behalf, and I am willing to have this conversation.

Speaker 3 (01:33):
I am stating facts that your colleagues have stated in
the past.

Speaker 6 (01:36):
Now we're going to conpectation.

Speaker 1 (01:38):
Caroline, thank you very much for your time.

Speaker 5 (01:40):
You are welcome to come back at any point. She
is welcome to come back and speak to Donald Trump,
and Donald Trump will have equal time to Joe Biden
when they both That's join us at next early later
this week in Atlanta for this debate our thanks to Caroline.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
They can't handle what Caroline of It was saying is true, Like,
for example, I mean, I have you know, I literally
can play you know, thirty minutes of just abusive opinion
and bias against Donald Trump by these two quote moderators
that Donald Trump had no say in selecting. You know,
here's fake Jake on. Oh well, for millions of Americans,

their long national nightmare is over when Donald Trump leaves office.
Now I'll let I'll report You decide. Is this coming
from a liberal talk show host that claims to be
a journalist, or is this journalism?

Speaker 7 (02:34):
Listen well, if it has also been a time of
extreme divisions, many of the divisions caused and exacerbated by
President Trump himself.

Speaker 1 (02:43):
It's been a time.

Speaker 7 (02:44):
Of several significant and utterly avoidable failures, most tragically, of course,
the unwillingness to respect facts and science and do everything
that could be done to save lives during a pandemic.
It has been a time where truth in fact we're
treated with disdain.

Speaker 1 (03:00):
It is a time of.

Speaker 7 (03:02):
Cruelty, were official in humanity, such as child separation became
the official shameful policy of the United States. But now
the Trump presidency is coming to an act to an
end with so many squandered opportunities and ruined potential, but also.

Speaker 1 (03:19):
An era of just plain meanness.

Speaker 7 (03:22):
It must be said, to paraphrase President Ford, for tens
of millions of our fellow Americans, their long national nightmare
is over.

Speaker 1 (03:32):
A long doubt. Does that sound like opinion or does
that sound like a journalist anyway, Caroline Levitt, who got
thrown off CNAH, But you're welcome back at any time, Caroline.
You're welcome back any time you want. Oh, you're not.
You're thrown off the air because you dared to tell
the truth about the moderators in this debate that Donald

Trump had no say in selecting He had no say
in selecting the venue, no say in selecting the moderators,
very little say on any of the rules that they
imposed on him, including muting the microphone. I mean, I
mean what CNN can't handle that they have critics in
the media that call out their bias. I mean, it

was outrageous what they did to you today.

Speaker 8 (04:17):
Yeah, it really was, and it was shocking, Sean. I mean,
I do a lot of television, and never before I've
I been booted off of a show so abruptly for
simply pointing out the truth. It's shocking how triggering the
truth is to CNN. I was literally repeating statements that
Jake Tapper himself has made on the air, so he
can make those statements about President Trump on the air

all day long. But as President trump spokeswoman, when I
try to bring them up. I'm not allowed to. It
really was incredible. But whether Casey Hunt knew it or not,
she proved my point in going on that network today
that this is going to be a three on one
debate on Thursday night. President Trump knows that he knows
he's walking into a host island vironment with Crooked Joe

and two moderators who hate him and have unfairly treated
him for eight years. But it speaks to President Trump's
determination to win this election that he's willing to do that,
to go into a cage match, and he's willing to
take his message to every corner of this country.

Speaker 1 (05:16):
Well, I like this strategy. I mean, I have so
much tape I can play that shows their bias. Here's
just a small sample.

Speaker 2 (05:24):
Insults, invective, and outright lies. That's what we heard from
Donald Trump and Iowa this weekend.

Speaker 7 (05:30):
We're not carrying his remarks live because, frankly, he says
a lot of things that are not true and sometimes
potentially dangerous.

Speaker 2 (05:37):
The most important question now is the culpability of the
President of the United States and the fact that he
went to that rally and called for an incited violence.

Speaker 1 (05:48):
A fitting end to.

Speaker 7 (05:50):
The Trump presidency, a speech full of puffery and lies,
although of course, with this president it always could have
been worse.

Speaker 1 (05:59):
I mean, you've got to be kidding me if you're
going to tell that now. By the way, this is
taking place on a network that had to pay out
a fortune for their horrific bias coverage on Nicholas Sandman,
A network that went full bore three long years of
lies about the frump Russia collusion that never happened. A
network that went along and spent months downplaying dismissing Hunter

Biden's laptop. They just make this stuff up, and they
go along with liberal leftists, radical talking points, and the
result is you go on the air and you try
to push back. They say that they're balanced and fair
and that their journalists they're not. They didn't want your opinion,
they didn't want your facts that you would have brought out.
I'm sure you had a list of quotes a mile

long like I do.

Speaker 8 (06:46):
I did, yes, and the cuts you just played. I mean, gosh,
you could fill up your whole radio show today with
fake Tapper and his anti Trump statements. And as you
just said, he's been one of the greatest mouthpieces for
the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax, the Hunter Biden laptop scandal,
and I was going to bring up if they allowed
me to. You know, while we know this is a
hottile network, we hope that you all will hold Joe

Biden accountable for the lie that he told on your
network four years ago saying the Hunter Biden laptop was
a Russian smear. We know that's not true. I hope
that you will ask him about that. But they didn't
give us me opportunity to bring that up. But you know,
and they're cutting me off and kicking me off the network, Sean,
They actually they did us a favor because now everyone
in the media today and on Twitter and elsewhere is

talking about Jake Tapper's statements, and Dana Bash too, She's
she's no innocent spring chicken over there. Okay, She's said
a lot of anti Trump stuff as well. And now
the whole world understands what this debate is going to
be about on Thursday night. And I think again it
speaks to President Trump's determination to win this election that
he is still going up there on Thursday. And what

Joe Biden ever do something like this? Absolutely not. That's
why We've committed to a debate on the Fox News channel,
but Joe Biden's team hasn't because they know he can't
handle it. He can't take tough questions from the press.
He's hiding away at Camp David for a whole week.
He can't even have one public event. No, he's up
there cramming. His advisors are cramming talking points into his

dull brain because he can't take the heat. But President
Trump can. And that's what Americans should expect and want
in a leader of this country.

Speaker 1 (08:22):
It's pretty unbelievable what we're doing now. You're welcome on
this show anytime. And I would even put on fake
Jake and Dana Bash and confront them. They're not gonna
come on with me. I will be in Atlanta on Thursday.
I'll be there for the debate. I'm sure everyone a
fake news CNN is going to love to see me.
I certainly have no problem seeing them, and it should

be it should be rather entertaining, but you know, I
have full confidence. Look, you're right. President Trump decided to
walk into this environment knowing what he was getting into.
It was basically Joe's way of the highway, meaning there'd
be no debates at all, and I think the President
believes that it's in the best interest of the country
to have one. We're not sure if it's We're not

sure if it's going to be hyper caffeinated, jacked up Joe,
like we saw the State of the Union, angry and
speed it up and I don't know what whatever whatever
that was that day. It's interesting we never saw that
kind of Joe before the debate, I'm sorry, before the
State of the Union. We never saw him after the
State of the Union. So I expect that's you know,
it's anybody's bet what which Joe's showing up. I'd say

it's an eighty five percent chance hyper caffeinated Joe is
showing up.

Speaker 8 (09:34):
What do you think, Well, I think that's going to
be the case. Obviously, he's hiding away in the wood
that camp David, far away from the cameras to get
as much rest as he needs. And to your point,
there was a different Joe Biden at the State of
the Union address. We don't know why one could make
assumptions as to why he was so jacked up and
ready to go. And I think we should expect him

to be in that same energy, if you will, on
the debate stage on Thursday night. And the Biden campaign
gets very upset when we ask that very fair question.
And if they want to prove that Joe Biden is
not taking artificial stimulus for these big nights, then sign
up for the drug tests. President Trump has challenged Joe

Biden to one. If he has nothing to hide, then
what's the problem with doing that? And it's a fair
question for Americans to ask. The media won't ask it,
of course, but our campaign is and we should expect
that Joe Biden is going to be juiced up like
he was for the State of Union on Thursday. It's
the only way he can get through. And there's also
these reports that his team is up there, his advisors,

they're practicing having him stand for ninety minutes. I mean,
just the fact that the leader of the free world
has to practice standing for ninety minutes is deeply concerning.
I mean President Trump does that multiple times a week,
give hours long speeches to crowds of thousands of people.
But Joe Biden has to practice standing. It's actually quite sad.
So we'll see how he turns out Thursday night. But

I think we should expect the same juiced up by
him that we saw at the State of the Union.

Speaker 1 (11:03):
All Right, quick break more with Caroline Levitt, who is
with us President Trump's national press secretary. All right, we
continue with Caroline Levit, President Trump's national press secretary. Thrown
off CNN this morning. You know, I watched the president,
President Trump that has give speeches this weekend of the
Faith and Freedom Coalition, and he gave another speech in Pennsylvania,

and I'm just watching him. I mean, he's got stamina
second to none. I'm not sure if you saw the
interview that I had with him just a couple of
weeks ago. I mean we just sat and we talked
for an hour and ten to fifteen minutes straight. Then
he went into another room and taped another interview for
over an hour with doctor Phil McGraw, and doctor Phil

was there, and I watched that interview and for the
whole time, he's energetic, he's informed. You know, I don't
know what the debate prep is for President Trump, but
I don't really think he needs a lot of prep.
And I think he knows these topics up backwards and forwards.
I think he's got a challenge and as much as
how often they're going to try to interrupt him, I

think he's got another challenge is they're going to mute
his microphone. That might actually work in his favor. I
thought maybe he was a little too aggressive in the
first debate in twenty twenty, and I just think that
as long as he understands the rules going in, just
if he just makes his points, I feel like the
case is too compelling against Joe Biden and his failure,

and just comparing and contrasting records is a simple way
to win this debate, exactly right.

Speaker 8 (12:35):
And that's the game plan. And President Trump has been
doing that in all of his speeches on the campaign
trail thus far. He's been very disciplined and on message.
And as you just said, he's one of the most
well read people ever. I mean, he constantly knows what's
going on here in our homes, in our country, but
also in the world at large. He's been meeting with
policy advisors, yes, but he's been continuing with his busy schedule,

which includes not only taking questions from the hostile media,
which is great debate prep, but also questions directly from
American voters. He was in a chief steak shop in
Philly on Saturday, you're asking people how they felt about
certain aspects of his campaign, and so he'll be ready
to go on Thursday night. Absolutely, And to your point,
he has a winning message and that is why he

feels so confident to go into these hostile environments because
he has a record to stand on our economy, our border,
this world. We're all far better off under his leadership
than they are today and every statistic, every number proves that.
That's why he's leading in the polls. That's why we
are winning in every battleground state according to Emerson THROUGHCINT poll.

That's why we just opened new offices in Virginia and Minnesota.
We're going on offense in deep blue territories that Joe
Biden should be winning in but he's not because the
contrast is so stark between life and Donald Trump's America
versus life and Joe Biden's America. And all President Trump
needs to do is go out there to share that contract.
And he's going to win this debate on Thursday. We're

confident that he will.

Speaker 1 (14:04):
I think certainly he knew what he was doing when
he knew he was walking into a hostile environment. I
think it's good for the country to have the debate.
I think Americans will know exactly what the environment is
stepping into. And I give him props. You know, it's
sort of like those that step into the octagon or
the ring. Listen, you're going to be on TV with

us tonight. We're going to show what happened this morning.
I can't believe you had to go through that. You're
always welcome to speak freely on this show and on
my TV show. And if Fake Jake wants to come on,
I'd even put him on.

Speaker 8 (14:40):
Heyend to debate fake take Jake myself on your show tonight.
But I don't think he'll take us up on that. Sean,
and I can't believe that.

Speaker 1 (14:47):
Well, why don't you challenge him and I'll sell facilitate dot.

Speaker 8 (14:52):
All right, let's do it.

Speaker 2 (14:53):
Let's do it.

Speaker 8 (14:53):
I don't think he'll be taking us up on the offer,
you know.

Speaker 1 (14:57):
I tend to doubt it too. Anyway, Caroline will see
you will show this on TV tonight. Caroline Levett, thank you.
Eight hundred ninety four one, Shawn is our number.

Speaker 4 (15:10):
Come on, man, it's taken me forty seven years to
perfect doing nothing.

Speaker 1 (15:16):
I had to become president this show. Yeah, I could
do that better than anybody.

Speaker 4 (15:21):
Joe Biden the most dangerous man in America.

Speaker 1 (15:25):
This is the Jean Hannity Show, all right, twenty five
now to the top of the hour, eight hundred ninety
four one. Shawn, if you want to be a part
of the program, all right, let's get to our busy phones.
Let us say hi to Matt. He is in the
free state of Florida. Matt, how are you glad you cold? Sir?

Speaker 9 (15:44):
Yeah, thanks for taking my call. Sean, And you made
a few predictions on the debate that's coming up and
said that Biden's gonna hammer away and maybe Jake Tapper
hammer away at Trump being a convicted felon. Now, you know,
because of media advice, Trump's never going to have this
big an audience again because they're not going to report

anything that he says that makes sense, and I'm trying
to make him look bad. So with this audience, I
think he could be ready and come back with you know, yeah,
right now, I am a convicted felon. I think the
court system overturned that. Either way, my life's going to
go on. But you know, whose lives aren't going to
go on, or the thousands of young black men and

women that were put in jail under the under Biden's
nineteen ninety four in Clinton's nineteen ninety four crime bill,
they saw their conviction rate and their convicted felons going
from twelve hundred per one hundred thousand to twenty four
hundred per one hundred thousand because of a bill that

my opponent or Biden put into place. So their lives
are not going to go on. They can't get back
what was taken from them. So I think that'd be
a great comeback for them when they start doing so.

Speaker 1 (17:01):
I think that's a great idea. I am being very
very koy and circumspect in terms of what strategies and
answers I would give, because I suspect that the left
wing media mob is probably monitoring me as they do
every day, more closely than ever, you know, probably looking

for an indication. Well, what would Hannay say about this?
I'm not going to give answers that I would would give.
I have a lot of faith in Donald Trump's ability
to debate Joe Biden. I think there's certain things that
he's gotta he's absolutely got to do. There is an

answer for every predictable question, and it will be predictable.
There's a strategy how to deal with biased moderators, which
you have in fake Jake and fake Dana. And I
just think that a lot of it is is it's
it's it's a layup. It's not that hard. And I
think if Donald Trump had to just jump in there

and debate today, he would do fine. Now, the question
that we were asking is are we going to have
jacked up Joe? Are we going to have you know,
are we going to have a normal cognitive mess Joe?
I would bet it's going to be the latter. I
don't think he can go in there and think on
his feet for ninety minutes and do it with any

degree of effectiveness. And I don't care that he's resting
ten days before the debate, and I don't care that
you know, he's I just don't see it. I think
Donald Trump My advice is he needs to be himself.
You know, we know what the trick questions will be.
Who won the twenty twenty election? You you encouraged insurrection.

Democracy is in peril. You'll use your office for retribution.
It's it's you're gonna put AOC in a camp and
Matt or Matt I want to camp and AOC in
jail and canceled Joila's Behar and Nicole Wallace. You know,
fake news CNN. Donald Trump will come for you ms
DNC's Ali Velshi. I don't even know who this guy is.

You know he's a threat to media critics. No, he's not,
and he won't be. And the issue of abortion. But
then I think Trump is very well versed on foreign affairs,
and that would be Israel, that would be Russia, that
would be China, that would be Iran. I think he's
very well versed on national security and defense issues. And

I think on domestic issues, I think, you know, when
it comes to the economy and how life will be
better and different, and I just in law and order
and safety and security and energy dominance. I think he
knows what he's talking about. It's it's it's I would
argue that before he did, whatever debate prep he's done
and is doing is just just listen to his rallies,

all of his all of his rallies, all of his
interviews showed that he's very well versed and everything. I
spent an hour and a half with him, you know,
just two weeks ago, and I'm just telling you he
was on his A game. He seemed ready to me.
But so I'm not that worried about it. And whenever
Joe Biden shows up the screaming lunatic, you know that's
hyper caffe dated or a regular you know, cognitive, you know,

mess Joe, it doesn't matter. He just he has to
be Trump, has to be Trump. Well should I lay up?
He was asking people, or should I you know, you know,
just be just be your normal self and follow the
rules of the debate and don't let them cut you
off of your microphone and don't take any crap from
the moderators. That's what I would say, which he is
a history of doing. Anyway. Anyway, appreciate the call, Matt,

Thank you, California. Mike. Next, Sean Hannity Show, Mike, how
are you.

Speaker 6 (20:53):
I'm good, Sean, Great to talk to you. I was
also kind of a little bit of a reference to
when we were talking about Rachel Maddow and Joy Behar
and their actions being.

Speaker 1 (21:06):
An AOC and Chrissy t ganting in this Ali whatever
his name Velshi guy Is and uh yeah, you know,
joy List, Nicole Wallace, they're all losing their mind.

Speaker 6 (21:18):
Yeah, well that's that's the point I wanted to make.
It's not really Trump derangement syndrome. And it's kind of
like the prior thing. By calling it a Russian hoax,
it made a little bit less of it by inferring
it was a little bit of a practical joke. And
Joy Behar and Rachel Maddow, those people, It's not derangement syndrome.

They know exactly what they are doing. They know that
what they are saying is absolutely not true, and they're
just putting out that false image for campaign purposes. And
it's not because they're crazy or they're deranged. They know
exactly the lie that they are telling it and they

know that it's a lie.

Speaker 1 (22:04):
Listen, if you you know, they've been using this term
cheap fake videos, right, you want to talk about cheap fakes,
you know, think of the lie that they use mischaracterizing
Trump's bloodbath comment or the Charlottesville issue, or you know,
the smearing of fake news CNN over Nicholas Sandman and

that whole story being being wrong, or that you know,
Haitian migrants whipped at the border. None of that was accurate.
None of this none, None of these allegations are true.
CNN has a long history fake news, CNN of pushing
you know, disinformation. You know, Russia collusion. I mentioned Nicholas

Sandman ended up paying a lot of money lying about
Hunter's laptop.

Speaker 10 (22:53):

Speaker 1 (22:54):
These are all big issues. They're not small issues on
their part. You know, remember when they misreped Joe Rogan
an ivermectin and they called it a horse pill, and
Joe Rogan pushedback. He had whatever his name is, doctor
Gupta on his show, and he shot back, you know
that his network is lying about people taking human drugs

versus drugs for animals and calling it a horse de warmer.
And Joe Rogan was cleary when he got COVID. He said,
I threw everything at it. He said monoclonals, he said ivermectin.
They said HGQ. And instead of just saying we're glad,
you're okay, Joe Rogan, which is what everybody should have said,
I don't want anyone sick from COVID. You know, he

just said it's a lie. The network flat out lied
and it was a conscious lie because Ivermectim is designed
for human beings as well, or the Jesse Smolep case
that they all lied about. I mean, this is what
they do. This is the media today, and this is
you know. I've been playing these you know, I could
play more of them, maybe in the final half hour

of the show today, but I mean, all of these
tapes of Fake Jake and Dana Bash. I mean, they're
not journalists. They're a liberal talk show host. And you
know what's amazing is they're infuriated when they get confronted
with their own words. It's not like I'm making it up.
I'm playing them in their own voice, in their own words.

You know, for millions of Americans, their long national nightmare
is now over. Fake Jake said, when Donald Trump left office,
Does that sound like a journalist or a liberal talk
show host to you.

Speaker 6 (24:33):
Well, it sounds like somebody who knows that they're lying
and is lying and is doing it intentionally and purposefully.

Speaker 1 (24:45):
I would say, you are correct, sir. Anyway, I appreciate
the call. Mike, listen, if you own a gun to
defend yourself and your family, if God forbid, a horrible
situation emerges, and you got to defend yourself. It is
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Speaker 4 (26:40):
The Final Hour roundup is next. You do not want
to miss it, and stay tuned for the final hour
free for all on the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 1 (26:53):
All right, let's hit the phones. Back to our busy phones.
Eight hundred and nine four one, Shawns on number. We'll
stay in California. Curve Kerk, you're on the Sean Hannity Show.
What on earth are you doing out in California? You
got like a fifty billion dollar budget deficit. Now they're
putting aside monies for reparations. They're entertaining an exit tax
if you leave the state, on top of a wealth tax,

I mean, and on top of the largest, you know,
largest income tax in the country. I mean, how much
of the money, your money do you want to give
to California.

Speaker 10 (27:27):
It's a little as possible. Unfortunately, I'm one of the few.
I was actually born here. I've watched it go down,
but I can't afford to move. I would love to.

Speaker 1 (27:36):
What do you mean you can't afford not to move?
If you ask face.

Speaker 10 (27:40):
Perhaps? But the reason I called is to kind of
get back to the debate. Is I think it would
be a wonderful opportunity for mister Trump, when he's accused
of being a convicted felon, if he simply turns to
you know, mister Biden says, well, okay, as such an
esteemed law professor at you know, Penn State, perhaps you

could tell me what I was convicted of, because we
know it's a lie that he was a law professor,
and nobody has been able to come up with a
reason why he what he was convicted of. Just to
sort of watch him the expression change, you know, or
even the moderator I have.

Speaker 1 (28:25):
I think the best answer for this, but I'm not
going to tell you now. Doesn't that sound mean to
me to say that?

Speaker 10 (28:32):
No, because in a sense, I mean just because I'm
not I want to. I kind of like the idea
of surprise, is I almost didn't want to go on
the air and talk about it, to let the other
side know that this is a possible response to you're
a convicted selling.

Speaker 1 (28:48):
I guarantee you that this show is being monitored at
a very higher level than usual, and you have people
that are paid to record the show and monitor every
word that is said on the show every hour of
every day. Now, why would I want Why would I
want to give away potential answers that I think would

be good personally that may or may not come up,
depending on whatever Donald Trump says during the debate.

Speaker 10 (29:16):
Yeah, because you know, the way I look at it,
the way that answer would be framed is he would
have to if he perpetuates the lie that he was
a law professor at was it ten? That is an
easily fact checked right there.

Speaker 1 (29:30):
I don't know if he said he was a law
professor or a professor. Did he say law professor, Linda,
do you remember? Yeah, she's checking. I think it was
a professor. But neither here nor there. He never taught
a class there. He did have top secret classified documents
at the Pen Center, the Biden Pen Center, but of
course that didn't get raided. His homes didn't get raided.

The University of Delaware didn't get raided. Nothing seems to
get rated except you know mar A Lago. That's unbelievable.

Speaker 10 (29:59):
We all know he he was number one in his
walk lass, you know, to just further remind people of,
let's say, the questionable background that he purports.

Speaker 6 (30:10):
You know.

Speaker 1 (30:12):
Yeah, look, it's going to be interesting must see TV
for sure.

Speaker 10 (30:16):
I'm looking forward to that debate.

Speaker 1 (30:20):
He said. Professor. By the way, quick fact check by
Linda Okay, Well, I mean they, friend, I appreciate you
being with us, are just running out of time. You
can't afford to stay there. In my view with what
they have, what they're about to hit you with is
going to be dramatic, and you know, I it's a
shame they're chasing good people away anyway, eight nine four

one shot. I've been the one thing about Trump's conviction.
I'm very convinced it's going to be overturned. The problem
is that's going to happen after the election.

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