All Episodes

October 6, 2023 32 mins

 Lara Trump, host of the podcast, The Right View, talks about her new song, and why Apple music would not allow Americans access to purchase it. Plus, Alex Marlow is the editor-in-chief of the Breitbart News Network and his new book, BREAKING BIDEN Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration, just came out this week. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):

Speaker 2 (00:00):
Way, up coming to you a conscious News.

Speaker 3 (00:10):
Sean Hennity Show, more in the scenes, information on freaking news,
and more bold inspired solutions for America. Coming up next
our final news round Up and Information Overload Hour.

Speaker 4 (00:26):
A news roundup and Information Overload Hour. Thank you for
being well. This here's our toll free number. It's eight
hundred and ninety four one, Sean. If you want to
be a part of the program. Uh, you know, with
all that is going on, and you know the absolute
you know, back and forth disaster on immigration within the
administration today on top of everything else that that we

have been discussing and debating, and who's going to be
the next speaker and so on and so forth. All
Joe Biden seems to be fixated on is Ukraine.

Speaker 2 (00:54):

Speaker 4 (00:55):
We just accumulated I told you yesterday in one day alone.
Remember it was a big deal, just a couple of
weeks ago, three point three I'm sorry, thirty three trillion
dollars in debt, a new record, all time high. We're
now at almost thirty three and a half and next
to no time because they added another what two hundred
and seventy five billion one day alone, and in spending

that they don't have the money for now. I've been
pointing out that America should not be giving a penny
to Ukraine until Europe, the continent on which this war
is being waged, until those countries step up and do
their fair share. But they have not had they have
not felt the need to because Joe wants another one
hundred billion dollars to go, you know, into the Ukraine.

But of course he's had restrictions and handcuffs on the
Ukrainian army and Zelensky and their ability to fight to
actually win the war by denying you know, MiGs that
Polanded offered early on, and we can't have cluster bombs
and we can't have this. I mean, okay, what's the
point of engaging in any conflict if you have no
intention of winning it? If that's the one thing we've

learned from Afghanistan, that would be a lesson that would
serve us well for long periods of time. I definitely
sympathize with the people of Ukraine. I am sorry for
what this maniacal, madman, evil murdering dictator thug in Russia
has done. I hope and pray that he is soon
deposed and gets the justice he deserves. But this is

no way for America to be spending its money without
any accountability at all whatsoever. And people around Zelenski, just
to be fair, they have been involved in the corruption
and abuse of moneies that have been sent to them. Well,
that should piss off every taxpayer. But Joe Biden is
all he's worried about is because of the delay and
having a speaker, though he may not be able to

give more money the one hundred billion dollars more to Ukraine.

Speaker 5 (02:54):
Capital'll have your conversation with allies yesterday.

Speaker 1 (02:57):
Is worrying you that you won't be able to deliver
the hate of.

Speaker 2 (02:59):
The un US as PAMs to you?

Speaker 6 (03:01):
Right, It doesn't worry me, but I know there are
a majority of members of the House and Senate in
both parties who have said that they support funding Ukraine
with your I'm going to be announcing very shortly a
major speech I'm going to make on this issue and
why it's critically important for the United States and our

allies that we keep our commitment.

Speaker 4 (03:24):
How about it, it's very critical that European countries step
up and protect their own continent. Just a thought, maybe
old fashioned, if nothing else. Anyway, we'll welcome back a
friend of the program, Alex Marlow's with us. He's the
editor in chief of Breitbart News and he's recently written
a book, a best seller called Breaking Biden, exposing the
hidden forces and secret money machine behind Joe biden Is

family and his administration.

Speaker 2 (03:48):
Sir, good to have you back. Thanks for being with us, a.

Speaker 1 (03:51):
Sean, It is so great to speak to you and
your incredibly powerful audience.

Speaker 4 (03:54):
All Right, you go into a lot, and we've been
doing a deep dive and I know you guys have
as well into all things. I'm calling it the Joe
Biden corruption and money laundering scandal allegations. And you know,
there have been people that have been critical of, for example,
what the House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith
has been doing in James Comer in the House Oversight

and Accountability Committee, Jim Jordan in the House Judiciary Committee
have done. But what they have done is they have
exposed things we never knew before. And the walls, I
would say, are closing in very very tightly on this
Biden family syndicate. You talk a lot in the book
and expose a lot of the secret cadre of consultants

that actually are running Joe Biden's Washington. Well, I don't
think many people listening to the show believe it's him,
So who is running it?

Speaker 1 (04:44):
Yeah? I actually am in the rear group that think
that Joe Biden is in charge. And I think he's
in charge because he's established this system over the last
fifty years where see, all he has to do is
move believers, and he knows where they are, he knows
how to operate them. And that explains how a guy
that doesn't seem have any natural political gifts or really
any great affiliation for this country or any deep ideology

of why he's gotten so much done for the left,
it's because he does know what he's doing. And I
think we in the right sometimes fall for a trap
that he's just some sort of a puppet. Well, you
mentioned that Danastan. He went completely alone in that Khanistan.
He went against all these generals. Everyone knew his strategy
was terrible, he said, went forward anyway, and it was
the biggest disaster in recent memory in this country. Thirteen

American service members died. He drowned a car full of
children and somehow got away with it or I guess
he didn't personally do it, but you know it's his responsibility. Sean,
you mentioned Ukraine. If you don't mind, I have a
chapter in the book I've not had a chance to
talk about with anyone where no.

Speaker 4 (05:41):
You do you talk about an exposed Biden's undeniable role
in Russia's invasion. This is an interesting why do you
believe that?

Speaker 1 (05:50):
So going through it in the book and I document
it in incredible detail. I teamed with a group of
five researchers who had all worked a number one best
bestseller from our friend Peter Switez at Gai, and we
went through detail after detail, after going through the history
of the Ukraine Russia relationship in Biden's role in it,
and see time and again missed opportunities to de escalate

and pursued a foreign policy that no doubt tempted Putin
to engage. First of all, he started off by cutting
off the US oil. I'm sorry, cutting off oil at
home enables putin his minor incourasion line, which I know
your audience knows well, was a signal to Putin that
there'd be American weakness trying to revive the JCPOA a
Ran deal empowered Putin on the world stage. If you

go back to the Obama Biden policy, all of it
helped build up the Russian economy, from a New Start
treaty to the Skokovo where they had essentially created a
place to transfer military tech to Russia. And then time
and again he ignored the most crucial thing, which is
that Putin's always had a red line that any entertaining
of the idea that Ukraine joins NATO than Putin evade.

He did in Georgia, he did again in Crimea. Every
time there's talk of that, he evaded, and Biden allowed
Versilenski to keep doing that. He was out there seeing
we're joining NATO, We're joining NATO, and she did nothing
to de escalate. In fact, he escalated Sean by putting
Victoria Newland, who's the known restio in charge. And you
ask what's the point of all this, Well, all of

Biden's buddies in Washington, in the deep State, they're all
part of this sort of military industrial complex where they
leave the government, they work for defense contractors. That's where
all of our money stops off before it gets Ukraine.
It goes to these defense contractors. They're in the Russia
Ukraine war business. This is the math that no one's
done well.

Speaker 4 (07:35):
I mean, that's pretty significant math. I think in every way.
Let me and I think it's important that our audience
understands this because that's where his priorities are. It's not
to secure our border. You know, the idea we're building
a wall today. We're going to rescind all these environmental restrictions.
But border walls don't work. And the moneys were appropriated
during the Trump years, and I have to do it,

but I've waited three years to do it. But they
didn't have to lift the environmental regulations. They could have
fought that in court to the end of his administration
if they wanted. They're just lying. They just won't admit.
Everything they've been telling us here too, forore has been
a lie. The border they've said is closed, it's not closed.
The border is secure, it's not secure. Every American knows

they're being lied to. And probably the most effective thing
that has happened is these Republican governors like Abbott and
DeSantis and some others have said, Okay, you're a sanctuary
city or state here, you go, you take them, and
now all of a sudden they're squealing about it and
live it about it and making demands and Biden's not responsive.

How interesting it is when it's in your own backyard.
Let me go to the issue though, of the Biden
crime family, because you're right, you take this an inch
deeper from all the great work that Peter Schweitzer and
the Government Accountability Institute has done. They have done a
phenomenal job. I did the first interview when his book
came out, Secret Empires, and wow, it has become more

true than and he would tell you this than he
even thought, and he was dead on accurate from the beginning.
Do you believe the walls are now closing in on
this syndicate as a result of these three committees? Do
you believe that the Ways and Means Committee, Judiciary Committee,
Oversight Committee. Do you believe now that they have sufficiently
collected as of now enough evidence that could be a

prima facia case in terms of bribery money laundering for Biden,
Joe Biden himself and the family.

Speaker 1 (09:34):
Absolutely I do. And we've got two things working for us.
First of all, we have the precedent because Joe Biden
gave it to us on tape with Bisma that they
are willing. He is willing to change US policy in
exchange for his family, not necessarily him. We might not
get the picture of him with the foam check about.

Speaker 4 (09:50):
The bribery statute does not require any benefit or of
official action taken for the benefit of a family member
that fits the statute.

Speaker 1 (10:00):
I think so. And you've got case after case where
there's money going directly to the family and Joe's policy
is changing. The clearest one is Barisma. But when we
start looking into the other countries, China in particular, when
the investigations conclude, as we go through them, we're going
to see evidence that Joe Biden and his family, maybe
not literally, but his family members are still retaining massive

equity states in companies around the world, particularly in China,
and Joe's administration is doing everything he can to protect
the interests of those companies. But it's not just going
to be China in Ukraine. It's going to be other places.
I've in the book Joe and his family doing business
in Kazakhstan, in Iraq, Costa Rica, Jamaica. The Bidens are
all around the world and This is why I don't

like the idea of underestimating them. They're quite crafty in
their ability to come up with creative ways to sell
the America.

Speaker 4 (10:51):
I don't know if they've been crafty so much as
they've been protected and they've been protected by the deep state.
They've been protected by a weaponized Department of Justice and FBI.
They've been protected because those those areas have been politicized.
I don't think they're particularly clever because they didn't really
hide it. I mean, he's actually out there on tape

bragging about it. Hunter does the dumbest interview I've ever
heard of fifty some on year old man ever give
on Good Morning America, admitting he had no experience and
energy oil, coal or Ukraine.

Speaker 2 (11:23):
Well, why you paid all this money? Don't know.

Speaker 4 (11:26):
Maybe because of your father probably, and you know he's getting,
you know, all this energy money from China, CEFC, Ukraine, Barisma.
They're they're oil and gas giant. So I don't know
if they're so crafty. He's just that nobody. They've just
gotten the past because they're Democrats.

Speaker 1 (11:43):
I think you you touched on something. I think the
extent to which they've been able to cut deals all
over the world and evade scrutiny. I do think that
they've been more sophisticated than I think some of us
have led on in conservative media, Sean. But your point
is well taken, particularly with regard kid Joe getting busted
on tape with Beurizma, and that story has been furthered.

We now know that Joe went directly conquered to the
secretary to the State Department. The State Department said the
prosecutor who Joe got fired and bragged about it was
doing a good job. So we know that is materially
us policy changing thanks to Joe's family making money. It's
on tape, dead to rights and the DJ not pursuing
that is a total dereliction of responsibility. And that's why

these committees that are happening right now are so important,
because we know the brides are out there. Just got
to go on earth the quick break.

Speaker 4 (12:30):
We'll come right back. We'll continue toll free. Our number
is eight hundred and nine point one, Sean. If you
want to be a part of the program, more with
the editor in chief Bright part News Alex Marlowe on
the other side. All right, we continue with Alex Marlow,
editor in chief, Bright Part News, let's talk to I mean,
I think one of the biggest betrayals of the American people,
and it's the lifeblood of the world's economy, and that's energy.

And here they're making all of this money and energy
and yet you know, look at what they're trying to
do and the costs they're putting on American families. First
of all, you pay more for oil and you know,
to heat and cool your home, and gas you pay
more to pay fill up your gas tank. And every
product you buy and every store you go to costs
more to get it there. That means you pay more

for that too. Takes more energy to produce a more
energy costs. So but it doesn't seem to matter when
it comes to the environment, when it comes to lining
their pockets with millions and millions of dollars. To me,
it's a great hypocrisy. We have to, you know, now
consider getting electric vehicles that the American people have just

roundly rejected. They don't want them. These windmills are not
affected effective. They have not perfected this technology. And you
know they now they want us to you know, update
our homes and make it more energy efficient and friendly,
and get rid of our old appliances and replace them
with appliances that suck that we don't want.

Speaker 1 (13:57):
That's right. Actually, the longest chapter in the book, Believe
It or Not, is on Joe's energy policy, and I
had to cut it down from where it was because
you could really do an entire investigation into the corruption
in the way he's handled energy. And he starts from
the premise that some good that will never be able
to see Shan one hundred years from now is better
and more important than America thriving today, even if that

compromises our national security, even if it means life is
more expensive and more difficult for normal Americans. He does
not have your priorities at heart. His priorities are the
green left and the globalist laft. He's not even looking
at Americans. He's looking at the whole world. But once
you start digging into the details, you start seeing the
connections to the family members making money. One of the
best examples is Fisker, which is an automotive company that

ended up buying this plant that was in Delaware that
was important to Joe, and they were building electric cars.
They got tons of tax incentives to do it. The
company went bankrupt, not before a Hunter, though, got one
of these viskers, was worth one hundred and twenty five grand,
and his Rosemont business ended up being one of the
investors and then a bankruptcy creditor for the company. And

since then the company's been sold to the Chinese. So
you start seeing these patterns. They go deeper than just
he has a stinky energy policy. It's so much corruption
is inside of.

Speaker 4 (15:12):
It, it's pretty unbelievable. Anyway, great to talk to you,
Alex has been frankly too long. Alex had released a
new book called Breaking Biden, exposing the hidden forces and
secret money machine behind Joe Biden. Of course, he is
also the editor in chief of Bright part News. Sir,
good to hear your voice. Thanks would being one of us.

Speaker 1 (15:31):
Hope all as well here, Shawn, thanks so much. The
media is trying to supress this book, so I can't
thank You're not forgiving to mere Well what.

Speaker 4 (15:37):
A shock Amia, And the media hates conservatives, and I'm
not being sarcastic here, just it's our reality.

Speaker 7 (15:45):
I'm standing up for what's right with America. We're back
on the Sean Hennity show. All right twenty five now
to the top of the hour. Thank you for being
with us. Here's our toll free number. It's eight hundred
and ninety four one.

Speaker 2 (15:58):

Speaker 4 (15:59):
If you want to be a part of the program,
I want to remind you about the mission of Preborn
dot com slash Sean that Shawn is ea in. You know,
a lot of women find themselves with an unexpected pregnancy
and preborn clinics are all around the country. I've always
said abortion is a heart issue. Frankly, the more it's

out of the political arena, the better. And what's really
amazing is what the way they approach the issue of
abortion is because any expecting mom can get a free
four D ultrasound, and what they're finding through the use
of science and the poor D ultrasound is that more
and more women are choosing life once they are introduced

to a beating heart, and once they can see facial
features and count fingers and count toes and see the
miracle of birth literally before their eyes thanks to this,
you know, advancing technology, and it's amazing the impact they have.
They also help expecting moms with free counseling post birth
that they need Baby formula, diet, papers, counseling, whatever they need,

they're there for them. The only difference between Preborn and
say a group like Planned Parenthood is they don't get
a penny from the federal government. They rely on the
support of people that believe in the sanctity of life.
I recently donated two for d ultrasound machines to their facilities.
They desperately need help because they want to continue this
mission and they're having a great impact on the lives

of so many people. Anyway, just how pound two to
fifty say the keyword baby, pound two fifty, keyword baby,
or check out their website. It's preborn dot com slash
sean that's preborn dot com slash sewn Sea n. So
we're going to be joined by Laura Trump in a
second here now, by the way, her husband is once
again and will be for the next number of months,

you know, in court before this idiotic judge on this
issue of the Trump family Trump Organization. Now, we do
have a lot we're going to talk about. I want
to talk about another issue first, and that is so
Laura Trump. She doesn't want to change her career. She's
got a great, great podcast that's very successful. She's often

on TV. She's a phenomenal commentator, host of her own
show now and she's doing very very well. But she
also loves music. Anyway, so I'm reading one day in
the paper and I see, oh, Laura Trump cut a
version of Tom Petty's I won't back down. And then anyway,
so they decide to buy a billboard and this way

kind of get the word out. Billboard's in Times Square
in New York City are a lot of money. They're
not cheap. I've had my face up there. People throw
eggs at it, which I'm very proud of. That makes
me know that I have the right enemies. But putting
that aside, then all of a sudden, two days before
the billboard's about to go up, they give her a
call and they say, oh, yeah, we're not going to

put it up quite the way we agreed to put
it up, or you know, we're not going to put
your name up there.

Speaker 2 (19:00):
It's like, well, what's the point.

Speaker 4 (19:02):
You know, the whole point is to let people know
that Laura Trump cut a new single, and she wants
people to hear it and hopefully like it and buy it.
You know, it's not going to be her forever career.
If she's told me that herself, she'll tell you in
a second. However, it's kind of cool. I love risk taking.
I'd never stare sing a song, though I've done it

on stage many times with Charlie Daniels back in the day,
singing the Devil went Down to Georgia. There's many versions
of it on YouTube that remind me of how bad
I am. But anyway, you know, here's just a piece
of her version of I won't back down. All right,

Laura Trump joins us now. Anyway, So here's the really
cool thing. We brought this up on TV last night.
She was on Hannity the TV Show, and I'm very
proud to tell you she woke up and she wrote
me this morning and she goes, you're not gonna believe this.
I said, well, she goes, after I went on your
show last night, it's number two in all of country

music around the country. It's number nine in all of
music in the country. You know, once people discovered that
the song, they liked it, and they're buying it on
pretty much well every platform that's allowing the song to
even be sold, because not every platform is allowing it
to be sold, which is a whole other issue.

Speaker 2 (20:44):
Laura Trump, how are you well?

Speaker 5 (20:46):
Thank you, Seanya. I mean when in my wildest dreams,
I would have ever expected to have a song, let
alone a song that anyone bought listened to, and now
is number two, like you said on the country charts.
I'm astonished by it. But yeah, you did a great
version of my story. Thank you for you know, telling
people about it and for informing people, because I think

the goal has been for a lot of these woke
companies for a long time. We know big tech has
censored conservatives for a long time. Turned out no shocker.
The music industry apparently wants to do much of the same.
I released this song this you know, a record, I
guess you should specifically call it this version of Tom
Petty's I Won't Back Down last Friday, and we had

this billboard plan to go up for about a week
in time.

Speaker 4 (21:35):
By the way, it's a really cool shot that's you
on horseback. Yeah, I want to cut the music video.
I want you and Eric dressed up in kind of
Yellowstone gear and it could be a really cool song
and maybe with pictures, well intersperse pictures of the swamp
and the sewer in Washington and all that your family
has to go through every day, which is hell.

Speaker 5 (21:55):
There you go. But it wasn't two days before. It
was two hours before the.

Speaker 2 (21:59):
Billboard was the Oh my gosh, two hours I sorry,
I got that wrong.

Speaker 5 (22:03):
Well, they called and said, you know what, we know,
we agreed to this, We know you paid for it,
and we knew beforehand that the artist was Lara Trump,
but we just decided we don't want to put the
Trump name up, so could we just put Laura? And
I said absolutely not. I want my full name up there,
as we agreed to. I want, you know, the name
of the song, like you said, so people can find it. Sean,
They didn't put the air up. They just put the

picture of me on the horse, so it had absolutely
no meaning. There was no context, No one knew to
look up my song. Very frustrating, but it is indicative.
I think of the you know, the shadow banning and
the censoring that we faced my song.

Speaker 2 (22:40):
So this is like canceling your song so it can't
even be heard.

Speaker 5 (22:44):
Well, yeah, the radio, mainstream radio will not play it.
They say that it is a political.

Speaker 4 (22:49):
Well, it was just played on seven hundred and thirty
great radio stations around the country.

Speaker 2 (22:53):
So there you go. This radio show will be glad
to play it.

Speaker 5 (22:56):
Thank you. But this is not the end of the fight.
I think we need to start are standing up and
demanding that we don't want special treatment, we just want
equal treatment. I want my song treated like anyone else's
song out there. I want a billboard I paid for
to go up as I paid for it and as
agreed to. So as conservatives, we need to start fighting
back a little harder. And that's exactly what I intend

to do with this. So thank you for helping me
get the word out.

Speaker 4 (23:19):
I just can't believe two hours before they put it up.
But why did they even bother putting it up? Because
it's not what you paid for. I mean, I assume
you probably have to pay in advance at a minimum.
I demand my money back now, and I'm beyond that.
I think there is a contractual breach. That's pretty clear.

Speaker 5 (23:39):
Yes, they are fully in breach of contracts because we
did pay ahead of time. Again, they did know the song,
they knew the artists, and they agreed to put it up.
And you can't come back in the last second and
decide on your own to change it, especially when I
said I do not accept those terms, absolutely not. So
this is not the end of this story. For sure.

It is discrimination against me based on my last name,
clearly based on my political beliefs, and they are in
breach of contract, exactly right.

Speaker 4 (24:07):
Well, it sounds like a lawsuit could be in the
making here, and we'll follow this. You know, it's been
a very frustrating week. We've been friends a long time.
I've been friends with Eric a long time, and I've
never seen anything like this in my life. We have
new Now, I've got this old Letitia James tape that
I've played many many times. She ran she's the Attorney

General of New York, and ran on a platform to
go after one family, the Trump family, one man, Donald Trump,
one organization, the Trump organization of which your husband, Eric
Trump is a part of. And now you know, we've
got new tape. Let me play the new tape.

Speaker 8 (24:47):
The President of the United States has complained that I'm
engaging in some sort of political witch hunt, that I've
got some personal vendetta against him, that I campaigned against him.

Speaker 2 (24:56):
That is not true. It's all right else.

Speaker 9 (25:01):
That president because he's not my president. He's an illegitimate president, and.

Speaker 2 (25:06):
Our number.

Speaker 9 (25:09):
Her number. We've got to get ready to mobilize, and
we've got to get ready to agitate and irritate until
victory is one from more importantly.

Speaker 2 (25:20):
Until Trump is defeated. Rise up and read this.

Speaker 9 (25:26):
This man.

Speaker 2 (25:30):
Had him down, this illegitimate president.

Speaker 8 (25:33):
I'm going to give you the same level of respect
that you gave to President Obama.

Speaker 4 (25:39):
And that is absolutely no respect at all.

Speaker 9 (25:43):
Trump has got no hay hi o, my god.

Speaker 2 (26:02):
That is not true. Oh really.

Speaker 4 (26:05):
We even have the original tape that we played many times.
Let's let's go to the audio tape.

Speaker 8 (26:10):
I will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate president
when how fundamental rights are at stake.

Speaker 2 (26:17):
I believe that the.

Speaker 8 (26:17):
President of these United States can be indicted for criminal offenses,
that man in the White House, who can't go a
day without threatening.

Speaker 2 (26:37):
Our fundamental rights.

Speaker 8 (26:38):
Yes, we need to focus on Donald Trump and his abuses.

Speaker 2 (26:41):
We need to follow his money.

Speaker 8 (26:44):
We need to find out where he's laundered money. We
need to find out whether or not he's engaged in conspiracy.
It's important that everyone understand that the days of Donald
Trump are coming to an end to going.

Speaker 9 (26:55):
Into the always of Attorney General every day sun and
then going home.

Speaker 4 (27:04):
Yeah, that sounds a little dangerous tow our justice system.
Now here's the worst part here, this judge. Now, I
showed on TV the other night. I'm not sure if
you saw the show. I was showing how much Now
mar A Lago has over twenty acres of land. It
has multiple buildings on it. It's on both the ocean
as ocean front part of the property as intercoastal part

of the property. It is a zoned residential property with
a special cutout for membership availability, which they have the
club there on top of it being I believe a
historic site down in Palm Beach. There is one realtored
down there that I know that doesn't start at over

five hundred million. How does this judge hold firm to that?
I mean, that's this form of madness.

Speaker 5 (27:50):
Well, the whole thing is madness. The whole thing is corruption.
The sound that you just played from Letisha James, who
I mean, what in a front and an insult to
every prosecutor in this country. She is she calls herself
the Attorney General of the State of New York. It
is absolute corruption at its worst. Sounds like a very measured,
impartial attorney general there, doesn't it, folks. I mean amazing

to see. She did run on a campaign of taking
down one man, one family, and one business, and it
was Donald Trump, our family, and the Trump organization, and
she right now is trying to make good on her
campaign promise. It is so sick to see what is happening.
And Sean I talked a little bit about this on
your show last night. The part that nobody focuses on

here is the real human element. You have people, thousands
of people who have worked at the Trump organization, some
of them for thirty years. These are good, hard working people.

Speaker 1 (28:47):
They love their jobs.

Speaker 5 (28:49):
These are housekeepers, These are custodial staff, These are valets,
dorman drivers. These are people who if Lekeisha James gets
her way to dissolve Donald Trump's businesses, to ruin him
in every way.

Speaker 4 (29:03):
By the way, they will take over the businesses, put
him in receivership. The family will have no input into
the property management anymore. Probably them be forced to sell
the properties, maybe at at prices that you know, a
way below value, which would be so it's like, you know,
legalized stealing in my view, and then a two hundred

and fifty million dollar fine and never allowed to do
business in New York again.

Speaker 5 (29:29):
Exactly these people, though they're livelihoods hang on the line,
and we could have moved this company out of New
York a long time ago. And actually so many people
told my father in law and my husband who runs
the company, you should do it. And do you know
the only reason my husband said, we will not do
that right now because it would displace the thousands of

Trump employees who have been loyal, hard workers to that company,
and he was not willing to do that to them.
It is an absolute shame to see all the lives
that are impact did no different than the bloodthirsty Democrats
have done to anyone who dares say that they support
Donald Trump. Anyone who with an R beside your name,
You are a target. They go after you. They don't

care if they destroy your lives.

Speaker 2 (30:12):
What is happening, You're living it. So let me add
one thing.

Speaker 4 (30:16):
I've seen the disclaimer in every contract loan application, don't
use our valuations you have and it's common sense. They
have a fiduciary responsibility as a lending institution to establish
the value of any property that might be used as collateral.

Speaker 5 (30:32):
Which is why this is so infuriating. Everyone knows that
that's the case. They would never just take my I said,
I got a house down the street. It's worth two
billion dollars. You can trust me. Of course, they can't
trust me. They do their own valuations, they have their
own due diligence and their own people to do such
a thing. So to claim that there was any issue
here is absolutely crazy. It is just more of the

same witch hunt against Donald Trump. And I'll tell you,
but I hope that the people of this country are
mad enough now that they really rally together and we
really get some great support as we head into twenty
twenty four. We have to win this one by such
a landslide that there is no question about anything. That
we absolutely clean out the Washington d C. Swamp. What

is happening to this country, and what is happening to
my father in law is communist banana republic type stuff.
It should never be allowed to happen in America.

Speaker 4 (31:27):
Well, I can't say it any better. It's said, how
do people get your music?

Speaker 5 (31:31):
You can download on any platform. You can go to iTunes,
you go to Spotify, Downcloud, Pandora, wherever you get your music.
Laura Trump, I won't back down. Thank you very much, John, I.

Speaker 2 (31:42):
Appreciate all right, Laura, Sorry, your family has to live
through this.

Speaker 1 (31:45):
All right.

Speaker 4 (31:45):
That's going to wrap things up at Today, We've got
a great Hannity nine Eastern on Fox. We have Jim
Jordan now running officially for speaker. He will join us tonight,
as as will Senator Ram Paul Riley Gaines Is. On tonight,
we'll check in with tom Me, Laryen, Steve Miller, and
also the one and only Jimmy Faylis. Say you DVR please,

nine Eastern weeknights, Hannity on Fox. We'll see you tonight.
Back here tomorrow. Thank you for making this show possible.

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