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January 3, 2025 • 30 mins

Leo 2.0 fills in for Sean and is joined by Lara Trump to discuss her contributions to the Trump campaign including the RNC's efforts to protect the vote.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Welcome to the Sean Hannity Radio Show. Leo two point
zero and for mister Hannity, and our phone number is
one eight hundred nine to four to one, Sean one
eight hundred nine four to one, seven three two six.

Speaker 2 (00:14):

Speaker 1 (00:15):
This is the second hour of the Sean Hannity Radio program.
And UH, this is Leo Trewelf Philly in for Sewan.
Let me just start off by telling you that my
next guest, UH is somebody who I consider very very
important and the Trump administration. I'll tell you what. Besides
being the son, I call him the gatekeeper. And when

I call him the gatekeeper, he's making sure that the
people in the Trump administration are committed to MAGA, committed
to making this country great. And I think that's a
big difference than it was eight years ago. I'm going
to find out if this is true, but that's what
I call him. I consider him also a friend. So
without further ado, welcome Donald Trump Junior.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
Well, thanks so much. Le'm good to be with you. Man.
Everything well, everything is well.

Speaker 1 (01:04):
You know what you know on social media. I call
you the gatekeeper because I honestly believe you are responsible
for bringing in the best and the brightest to the
Trump administration, and I think lesson learned from twenty sixteen.
These people are committed to America to maga. Am I
wrong about that?

Speaker 3 (01:23):
Don No, not at all. I mean, in twenty sixteen,
the reality is we didn't know. We wouldn't have known
any better. You had to take a word of someone else,
you know, some other swamp creature and see what it is.
Now we actually know, And it's not that we even
learned in the four years of the prior administration, Leo,
we learned in the four years between the prior administration
and today. Who are those people who are actually loyal

to the movement, who are just part of the swamp
telling you what you want to hear and acting as
sort of the unelected representatives of what's right, you know,
the people who are the arbiters of what the BAGA
movement should be, not actually following the world of the president.
And so now it's just a great change. As much
hell as we went through in the last four years,

I think that period of time was so critical to
be able to make such a difference in this next administration.
So I'm incredibly excited about it. You know, when I
say people were there on day one. Day one doesn't
just mean you know that, you know in fifteen, you
know when he announced, or sixteen when he won. Day
one is where were you on January seventh, twenty twenty,

if you were still on the team there, if you
still got it, if you understood the narrative that was
being pushed and you saw through all of that nonsense
and you were still on board. You know, those are
the people that are coming this into this administration. So
I'm very excited about it. And you know, my father
is always going to make the final call on any
of those decisions. But you know, I've been on the ground.
I've gone to all the places that he can't be.

I've spent a lot of time getting to know all
these people. So you know, I'm glad he's listened to
me on some of these and you know, again he's
always going to make his own opinion, but we have
a lot of people that understand who those people were,
and I think we have a chance to have a
truly America first administration this time around.

Speaker 1 (03:04):
I think you're absolutely right talking to Don Trump, Donald Trump, Junior,
host of the podcast Trigger on Rumble, and it's a
privilege to have him on the Sean Hannity radio show.
I think the legacy media don is just going bonkers
in shock because I don't know why they're in shock.
The president won a super majority of the electoral college,

won the popular vote. Do you do you think they
will ever come around or do you see them as
the adversary for the next four years. I haven't seen
anything positive what's coming out of the legacy media regarding
what truck plans to do, secure the border, lower inflation.
How do you see that confrontation going in the next

four years.

Speaker 3 (03:46):
Yeah, they're going to continue with their same nonsense. They
haven't learned at all. If you've been watching Leo over
the last few weeks since the election, you know, you
see people today seriously on leftist media saying, who cares
if you can't afford your growth? You know, children three
year olds should be able to have gender affirm and
care without parental consent. These are the social justice issues
of our day. I mean, they just don't get it.

You know, they never will, so they're gonna act as
the opposition. The good news for us is the last
you know, let's call it eight or nine years, they've
really exposed themselves for who they really are. They're not
about news, they're not about facts, they're not about anything.
They're about pushing a liberal agenda. They are the propagandists.
They are the marketing department of today's Democrat Party. Everyone

gets it. It's why their ratings are down so much.
It's why so few people are tuning in. You know,
we we created an environment. It got so extreme. They
were so ridiculous, they were so out of their minds.
You know that other people were actually able to become
the media, whether that's on truth or XT you know,
or you know, just the podcasters having much more influence
about pushing out those facts because Americans realize they've been

lied to, frankly for generations, but especially over the last
few years, and they're not going for it anymore. So
they're going to continue to function as that sort of
controlled opposition. But I don't think it matters because no
one's actually listening anymore.

Speaker 1 (05:07):
I think you're absolutely correct. I think the alternative media,
the podcast your program X, Alternative Truth Social has basically
supplanted the legacy media, has basically made them almost not existent.
They're fighting just for a few crumps don I always
say sometimes, however, Rhinos sometimes become more dangerous than Democrats.

Congratulations for your father. Mike Johnson is now the speaker
the legislation. What MAGA has in planned on January twentieth,
Do you anticipate problems with some of the republic Is
when it comes to confirmation of Trump's cabinet members?

Speaker 3 (05:52):
Listen, I think they're going to try. I think the
only good news that has perhaps come out of the
tragedies of the beginning of this year multiple terrorists attack,
the shootings in New York, Las Vegas, you know, bombings,
the you know, when a car magically drives through you know,
it's a car. It's not a you know, a radicalized
you know, Islamic terrorists with an ISIS flag. It's a
car that managed to magically kill people in New Orleans. Uh.

You know, I think that in and of itself, the
fact that our border has been so open and porous
for so long that there's these cells that have been
radicalized in our country. I mean, I think, if anything, uh,
the one good thing that can come out of that
is it shows that Donald Trump needs to be able
to have his cabinet. There's been a mandate by the people.
He won every swing state, he won the popular vote.

The Rhinos, You're one hundred percent right. They are oftentimes
more dangerous because you think they're on your team, but
they have an easy existence in DC if they fold
up the Democrats when it actually matters. But the events
of the last few days, in my mind, are really
what says Trump needs to be able to have his cabinet.
He needs the people who are going to be the
loyalist delivering on his agenda. It's the opposite agenda of
what the Democrats have done that has created an environment

for these things to happen in the United States. Uh.
You know, we look like a third World war torn
country right now. Uh. And that has to stop. That's
not gonna stop overnight, unfortunately. I'd love to say that
it would, but it's gonna take time to do these things.
But we need our cabinet. My father needs the guys
he knows that can deliver on that agenda, on the
promises that he made to the American people. Uh. And again,

the events of the last few days are proof that
he needs that and he needs it now. I think
it's gonna be a lot harder for the Rhinos, Uh,
to play their games. The Democrats will do their thing
because they have no shame, they have no moral compass.
It doesn't actually matter. Uh, They're they're gonna, they're gonna
do what they're going to do. But it's gonna be
a lot harder for the Rhinos. And if they do it,
and if they do try to mess around with with

those confirmations, uh, they're gonna get primary and they're gonna
get thrown out really fast.

Speaker 1 (07:45):
Talking to Donald Trump Junior, host of the podcast Trigger, Uh,
without revealing any secrets. Uh, what are you planning to
have a role in the Trump administration or are you
taking a role of just being a a great sign
and a great advisor From an informal standpoint.

Speaker 3 (08:05):
Yeah, now I'm going I'm gonna be on the outside, Leo.
I did my things with the campaign, I've done my
things for the transition. I've been you know, about as
involved as you could possibly be. Uh, you know, on
all of those things. But you know, right now, government
isn't for me. You know, I think there's a component.
Uh you know America, we've seen it even in the
public sector. Uh, you know where you know, conservatives are
getting d banked and the FBI is looking into people

who bought my duschwag or bibles. Uh. You know, parents
that go to PTA meetings are the greatest domestic terror
threat to America according to the FBI. You know, yeah,
all of this nonsense. So, you know, I'm going to
focus on the stuff that I've been doing, building up
that parallel economy, making sure that people are able to
exercise their rights, and so, you know, I think there's
a there's an important component of that that doesn't just

have to come from government, but has to happen in
the private sector as well. So you know, that's what
I've been focused on on the last few years. Obviously,
the campaign for the last eighteen months has taken up
a lot of my bandwidth. But I'm going to be
you know, back to work, fighting for the same values,
the same beliefs, the same concepts, but in the private sector.
And I think that's important because they've gone frankly as

woke in that world as they have in politics, as
they have in the you know, it's called the leadership,
not necessarily the door kickers, but the leadership of the military,
the leadership of all the institutions, within government, So you know,
we're gonna try to effectuate real change across the board,
not just in government.

Speaker 1 (09:23):
Talking to Donald Trump, junior, host of the podcast Trigger
on Rumble don, I honestly believe that after November fifth,
there's been more of a sense of relief that Trump
is now the next president. I mean, people are happy,
anticipating great things from the president. And on the other hand,
I feel that right now, as of January thirty, this

country does not have a working president in the White
House right now. And that's when you look at the
what's going on in New Orleans, Las Vegas. We're without leadership,
and seventeen days cannot come fast enough.

Speaker 3 (09:58):
Your perspective, now, leadership for four Just so we're clear
LEO leadership in four years. You see a guy that
doesn't know what he's doing. You can't walk up flaty stairs,
he can't go down to flato stairs. He can't remember
where he is, you know, but he's pardoning eight thousand people,
He's partnering pedophiles, he's partening Chinese nationals with forty seven
thousand images of kitty porn on their computers. You know,

he's more pardons than any president in history by major multiples. Frankly,
that's not Joe Biden. He's not making these decisions on
his own. That's the Democrat Party and that shows you
everything that they stand for these days. So we've been
without leadership for quite some time. You see that insanity
that was caused by Democrat policies. Not again, not Joe Biden.
I'd love to make him escape go But the reality

is the Democratic Party they believe all of this nonsense.
This is the stuff that they push. He's just simply
a scribe that's happy to sign on to whatever bill
they've put in front of him. So we've been without
leadership for far too long. That changes immediately, and again
the events of the last few days shows that there
is a reason for this. There is a mandate. The
optim I see from people, and you know me, I'm

not the guy that goes to the big parties, and
not usually with my father. You know, if he's in
the room, that's enough. Trump's in one room. I go
to the office is where he can't be in real America.
The optimism I see from those people, the people you
know at the small restaurant, you know, whatever it may be. Hey,
we're building and you know, we're expanding, We're doing this.
They were sitting on the sidelines waiting because they weren't sure.
They couldn't live in the regulatory environment that the Democrats want.

The optimism that they have now that they're going to invest,
they're going to expand they're going to take the chances.
They're going to be entrepreneurs again. Rather than simply trying
to buckle down and survive. We're creating the environment for
those people to be able to thrive. They get it,
they see it, they know it. They're telling me, you know,
the optimism is just great. It feels like, you know,
those people really think that a country that they thought

was perhaps pretty close to the precipice of being lost
is now back and they have a chance. And that's
what it's all about. I'm just super excited about that.
And literally I hear it every day. It's amazing.

Speaker 1 (12:00):
I agree with John your percent. I hear it every
day as well. And I just want to honestly thank you.
Don I'm gonna call you the gatekeeper because I honestly
believe you played a major, major role in the composition
of the people who are surrounding the president. He needs loyalty.
I think you have made sure that there are loyal
MAGA Republicans who are going to have that same interest

of making this country great and on behalf of the
people who follow me and this country. Thank you for
your service in helping President Trump get the right people
on the team.

Speaker 3 (12:32):
Thanks so much, Leo. I really appreciate that. That's an
honor and look forward to talking to you soon. I'm
sure i'll see you in a couple January twentieth can't
come fast enough, but I'm sure i'll see you in
DC then.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
Thank you very much. God bless you. Don Jr. Thank
you very very much. That's Don JR. I'm telling you
right now. I call him the gatekeeper because he made sure.
I hope the people in Marlago are listening. Don Jr.
In my opinion, is has been the key ingredient he
figured in making sure the right people around President Trump.

We'll take your phone calls when we come back. We'll
take a break. This is the Shah Hannity Program. One
eight hundred nine for one. Shawn one eight hundred nine
for one, seven, three two six will be right back.
Welcome back to the Sean Hannity radio show. Uh leo
two point zero in for mister Hannity.

Speaker 2 (13:21):

Speaker 1 (13:21):
By the way, call in at one eight hundred nine
for one seawan. That's one eight hundred nine four one
seventh three two six. I want to thank Don Junior
to me, who's a great American. And I call him
the gatekeeper because this guy, this son of the President,
in my opinions, responsible for keeping loyal people around President Trump.

And you know, I'll tell you right now. I everybody
knows when I made the change in June of twenty twenty,
and I'm proud of the fact that I'm loyal to
the president. I don't hide that fact. I'm a Trump supporter.
And I've been very, very consistent since June of twenty
twenty when on the Sean Hannity television program, I said,

Audiel's Democrats, I'm gone. And you know what, I made
the right decision. Look at the Democrat Party now, look
where it was in twenty twenty, and look where it
is now. And look at the Republican Party at twenty twenty,
and look at where the Republican Party is now. I

made a smart move. This country is better off with
Trump as president. Everyone knows it. The problem with the Democrats.
They don't care about making this country great. They're upsets
with power and control. I think President Trump wants to
go down as the greatest president ever. In order to

do that, he has to make America great. He has
to have the right people around him, and he's accomplishing that.
So Rhinos step aside and let Trump do his job.
When we come back after our little break, we've got
Lara Trump coming in on the Sean Handedy Radio program
at one eight hundred nine four one, Shawn. That's one

eight hundred nine four one seven three two six Leo
trelle And for Sean Hannity, we'll be right back. Welcome
back to the Sean Hannity Radio program. However, Leo two
point zero in for mister Hannity.

Speaker 3 (15:25):

Speaker 1 (15:25):
And by the way, our phone number if you want
to call in, is one eight hundred nine four one
Sean one eight hundred nine for one seven three two six.
Shawn's great executive producer, Linda always asks me if I
whenever I appear fill in for Sean, who are my guests?
Who do I want? I always pick this person all
the time. Her name is Lara Trump, and uh, she

hosts her own podcast, The Right View, and the reason
why I pick Lara all the time because he she's knowledgeable.
B I think just like having Don Junior on, I've
said owt tweets to President Trump. I said, mister President,
you can always trust your family members. They're always going
to be loyal. And what Laura did for President Trump

and for the Republican National Committee outstanding. And she just
she's a great mom, great wife, great daughter in law,
great American. It's the privilege to have my friend Laura
Trump on Sean Hannity radio program. Hi, Laura, Well, I'm.

Speaker 2 (16:29):
So flattered that it was a personal request. Now I'm
even happier. I can't it is.

Speaker 1 (16:35):
I'm not gonna lie. I put your name down Whenever
Linda asked who do you want, always, I put your
name down always.

Speaker 2 (16:43):
Well, I'm honored and I'm flattered in all all different ways.
So thank you so much, my friend. It's so nice
to be with you.

Speaker 1 (16:50):
My pleasure. And you know, I'll tell you right now,
the Republican Party owes you and Michael Whatley a tremendous
amount of gratitude and thinks the way you approach the
goals and the objectives of the R and C during
this election, I think played a major pivotal role in
the election of President Trump, primarily getting into those courtrooms

taking action before the election to make sure the election
was fair and conducted properly. How do you see it, Lara, Oh, well.

Speaker 2 (17:23):
That's so nice, thank you. You know, we had a
it felt like a huge hilt to climb when we
took things over back in March as sharing coacher of
the r and C, and we said, listen, we have
three goals. One is to put on a world class convention,
two is to get out the vote, and three is
to protect the ballot. And one of the ways we
had to go about protecting the ballot was to make

sure that the rules of the road were set up
properly before voting started, so make sure that there was
no funny business, that there was no nefarious activity in
certain states, and really keeping an eye on things. I'll
give you a great example, Leo. You know you're supposed
to have an equal number of Republican and Democrat poll
watchers in locations around the country. Well, you had certain

areas of the country where they would play games and
they would take maybe you know, fifty of the eight
hundred people the Republicans would give to the local polling locations,
and of course they would take like two thousand of
the Democrats poll watchers. And you know, we would catch
these things and we would have to deal with them
in the moment and make sure that they were set
up so that when voting started, we weren't trying to

play catchup. We weren't dealing with those sorts of things.
We could actually keep our eye on real time election integrity,
making sure that everything was conducted freely and fairly. And
obviously we're incredibly proud of the results. We had a
great team at the RNC, and I'm just humbled to
have had a front row seat to history to have
played a small role in all of this. And obviously

the country and the world, I think is very excited
because now we know Donald Trump will be the forty
seventh president in seventeen days. I can't wait.

Speaker 1 (18:58):
I can't wait either. Up. Tell you right now and
just your from where you stand right now, it seems
like there's been a feeling of a change in the
attitude the temperament of the American people. The people around
me are happy the president Trump is going to be
our forty seventh president. What say you, do you feel

a change or people more relieve that there's going to
be something. There's gonna be an American first agenda.

Speaker 2 (19:27):
Oh my gosh, a weight has been lifted off of
the entire world. I'll tell you it's not just a country, Leo.
I've had an opportunity since November fifth to travel to
several different countries, and what I can tell you is that, yes,
I think we all feel it. Here in the United States.
We have finally exhaled for the first time in four years.
You finally feel hopeful and optimistic and positive about the

future for the first time in years. But it's not
just us here, it's the rest of the world. Because
what we know to be true is that whenever America
is strong, and whenever we lead from a place of strength,
then the rest of the world is stabilized. Then you
don't have wars breaking out in the Middle East, you
don't have wars breaking out between Ukraine and Russia. You
actually have stabilization when the leader of the free world

operates from a place of strength, and the people of
this country and the people of the world understand that
Donald Trump is going to be back, and that is
exactly how he's going to operate. People everywhere are excited
and it just feels like we can finally breathe again.
And I think, look this holiday season, there was so
much to celebrate. This New Year's there was so much

to celebrate. That really is going to be so great
for the future of America. I think it feels like
the United States got a second chance. And man, am
I grateful that the American people allowed that to happen
with their votes on November fifth, Thank you, America.

Speaker 1 (20:49):
Telling to Laura Trump, who's hosted the podcast The Right View,
you know, the president has transformed the Republican Party into
the working class part I mean you look at the
demographics and the different groups that were traditionally Democrats who
are now part of the Republican Party because of President Trump, Catholics, Blacks,

Jewish Americans, union workers. From your perspective, I mean, you
saw people who were not traditionally Demo Republicans are now
Trump Republicans. Why why do you see that happening?

Speaker 2 (21:24):
Laura, It's amazing and obviously, as the co chair of
the party, it's a trend. We love to see and
we want to see more of that happen. And I
actually think that what happened here in this election really
started Leo back when Donald Trump came down the golden
escalator in Trump Tower. I mean, he changed the game
as it relates to politics politics. Who will met her

be the same after that moment? And it's taken some
people longer than others. I know you were one of them,
my friend. You came over from the Democrat Party. You said,
I'm going to say that I'm a Republican. Now I'm
going to officially announce that. And we love to have
that happen. You've seen it time and time again, because
I think Donald Trump has opened so many people's eyes.

You know, he talks differently than most politicians, he operates
differently than most politicians, and he was able to expose
things like the mainstream media. He was able to expose
the deep state, the swamp that is Washington, DC. And
I think the American people, once they wake up, don't
go back to sleep. Sadly, it did take the past

four years for some people who really struggled, who really
had a hard time due to the horrific economy, the
high inflation, the open borders, the increase in crime around
our country, to start to see that the Democrats do
not care about making your life better. In fact, if
you vote for Democrats in the areas where you live,

you probably look around and see that things are going
in the wrong direction for you. And I think it's
why you saw such a shift with so many of
these demographics, people who were lifelong Democrats coming over and saying,
you know what, I'm going to cast a vote for
Donald Trump in this election. I'm going to cast a
vote for Republicans down ballot because you just have to
compare Leoh, the two track records, look at the way

the United States felt, look at your life and how
it felt when Donald Trump was in the White House
for the first four years, and take a look at
your life over the past four When you compare those
two things, you can't make an argument to vote for
Democrats anymore. And I think people have finally seen the
light in so many respects, and I hope we see
it continue. This is a wide open tent the Republican Party.

We want more people coming in. I think Donald Trump
started this trend in twenty fifteen, and I think we're
going to see it go even further after this election
and into the future.

Speaker 1 (23:39):
Talking to Laura Trump, she's the host of the podcast
The Right View, I may ask you to look into
your crystal ball. Will we ever get the legacy media
to come around and say, hey, you know what we've
been wrong about this guy? It seems like they're still
fighting law and I don't know why if they're interested
in making this country great, the legacy media just seeves

to just refuse to acknowledge what's going on.

Speaker 2 (24:04):
Yeah, well, and they're hurting because of it. You know,
you look at at so many of their numbers and
they're in the tank. There's a reason that you have
outlets like Fox News who have seen spikes in their viewership.
It's because people want the truth. They don't want to
be spoon fed these lies anymore and be told what
to think. They want to actually investigate themselves and come

to their own conclusions. And you know, it's been interesting
because I noticed the first press conference that my father
in law did after winning. He did a ninety minute
press conference you might remember from mar A Lago. Yeah,
it was after a billion dollars one hundred billion dollars
of investment was announced into the United States after he
takes office, and it was amazing because I switched between

a lot of different channels Leo, and one of the
things I noticed is that in the past, it felt
like those folks in the legacy media you just reference
were always trying to manipulate the words that Donald Trump said,
and the chiron's on the bottom of the screen would
reflect that it really wasn't what he was talking about.
They would try to, you know, manipulate the way people
receive his press conferences. I almost feel like, in some

ways they're finally like, Okay, we'll at least give this
guy a little with that press conference. I didn't see
them play those games, and you know what, I love
to see that. I hope we see more of that continue.
The truth is, this is a man who has given
up so much. I mean, he's seen zeros off the
back of his net worth leave that will never come back.

They have threatened him in every possible way. His life
has been on the line. You know, they've threatened his
own freedom as a citizen of this country. And it's
it's the reason he's continued on is because all he
wants to do is make this country great again. I
believe we're going to see it happen, and so I
would love to see a lot of those people kind

of say, Okay, enough is enough. Look Joe and Mika
showed up at mar A Lagos, so maybe this is
the start of something new. I'll certainly hold out hope
on that, although maybe I won't hold my breath on it.

Speaker 3 (26:02):
Leof talking to Laura.

Speaker 1 (26:05):
Trump, she's the host of the podcast The Right View. Now, Laura,
I follow you, and this is what I recall. I
believe you stating, either in text or some type of tweet,
that you're gonna have a big announcement in January. Now,
I know you're not going to tell me today, but
I should should the should the American people look forward
to a big announcement from you in the month of January.

Speaker 2 (26:29):
Yes, you probably you're referencing I think my post when
I said I'm not going to seek the Senate seat,
the appointment of the Senate seat that needs to be
fild for Marco Rubio here in Florida. But I will
have a big announcement.

Speaker 1 (26:43):
Yes, right, That's why I'm referring to inauguration.

Speaker 3 (26:46):

Speaker 2 (26:47):
And here's what I'll say, I'll tease it out this way. Leo. Okay,
you're going to be seeing more of me, not less
of me. So to some people that folks on the left,
I'm sorry. I don't know what to tell you. You're
just gonna have to deal with.

Speaker 1 (27:01):
I'm looking forward to that, and I want to I
saw you. You know that your more of you is
good because I saw you do a radio interview I
think with Charlemagne to God, and they were going after
you left right left right, and your temperament, your ability
to respond to their questions. I think you won them over.
And you have great communication skills. I'm just saying that

just from watching you and when questions being forward to
you back and forth, you responded, you gave a solid,
fact based answer. And I think more of Laura Trump
in the upcoming future is going to be good for
America because your communication skills and it's it resonates and
it comes from a from a from an area of sincerity.

Speaker 2 (27:46):
Oh thank you, that is so nice.

Speaker 3 (27:47):

Speaker 2 (27:48):
I haven't been asked back on the Breakfast Club, but
we'll see what they discuss if they want to have
me back. I was happy to go there. Listen. I
think when you have the truth on your side, you
know what, you can kind of go anywhere and you
can talk to anybody. And I've never been afraid to
do it. And I take notes directly from Donald Trump himself.
He's never been afraid. I'll never be afraid. And so yes,

more of me, not less of me. So stay tuned
for what's to come.

Speaker 1 (28:14):
All right, We got a little teased there on the
Sean Handedy Program. Laura, I just want to thank you
for taking time out whenever I feel in for Sean.
You can expect me to have. You have a phone
call from someone asking can you appear, And I thank
you very much. I hope you have a happy new year.
I'm sure it's gonna be a great one. And I
look forward to that big announcement. Thank you for joining

us on the Sean Handedy program.

Speaker 2 (28:37):
You got it. It's my honor.

Speaker 1 (28:39):
Thank you very much. As Laura Trump, she's the host
of the podcast The Right View, and she just gave
us a little nugget around inauguration day, big big announcement.
Looking forward to that. But let me just simply say this, folks,
I think Trump has endured a lot, but he has
a team around him called family. You know, I just

had Donald Trump Junior on and I didn't have Eric on,
but Eric and Laura Evanka the family. That's where loyalty
is a commitment. And I think he's in a very
good place because he has a family that has supported
him from day one. And I'll tell you right now,
it's finally resonating because Trump has a mandate from the

American people and Trump wants, in my opinion, like I
said again over and over again, I think he wants
to go down as the greatest president ever. And to
do that, he has to make America the greatest country ever.
And he's going to do that. We'll be right back
with your phone calls. This is a Sean Hannity program.
You can call me at one eight hundred nine four
one Seawan or one eight hundred nine four one seven

three two six LEO two point oh in for Sean Handy.
We'll be right back. Welcome back to the Sean Hannity
Radio Show. LEO two point zero in for mister Hannity.
Our phone number is one eight hundred nine four one
Sean one eight hundred nine four one seven three two sixth.
If you call in I'm gonna take your calls in

this next hour. By the way, we have Byron Donald
coming in uh in the final hour because as you
may have heard, Speaker Johnson has been re elected as speaker.

Speaker 2 (30:19):

Speaker 1 (30:20):
We'll get the insight from Congressman Donald. And there has
been a ridiculous hearing set for Donald Trump on January
tenth from this idiot, in my opinion, I call him idiot, judge,
and you're gonna get the expertise of thirty five years
as a civil rights attorney as to why this hearing
is ridiculous, much much more on the Sean Hannity Radio program.

We'll be right back

The Sean Hannity Show News

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