Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Say you're right here for our final news round up
and information overload.
Speaker 2 (00:04):
All right, News round Up, Information Overload. Our toll free
number is eight hundred and nine four one sean if
you want to be a part of the program. Senator
Rubio his confirmation hearings beginning today. Similarly Pam Bondy and
her confirmation hearings. John Ratcliffe his confirmation hearings. You know,
the idea is, once Donald Trump is sworn in, you
want the Senate to have the votes and then the
president will have the cabinet that he wants and that
he frankly deserves from day one, so they can get
the job done in spite of all of the distractions
that they threw in place yesterday and the lack of substance.
When it comes to Pete Hegseth, I would expect that
he is going to pretty much scroll through. The issue
of weaponization came up in Pam Bondy's hearing today, and
I thought it was very interesting because she said she
will restore confidence and integrity to the DOJ and that
partisanship and weaponization will be gone. And then she testified
to Sheldon white House the DOJ won't have an enemy's list.
I would argue under Merrick Garland, it did, and that
enemy was Donald Trump. And then she further went on
to tell Sheldon white House the problems about weaponization and
what happened to Donald Trump.
Speaker 3 (01:28):
Listen, would you have hired someone into the Florida Attorney
General's office who you knew had an enemy's list?
Speaker 4 (01:36):
Senator, to cut to the chase, you're clearly talking about
Cash Battel. I don't believe he has an enemy's list.
He made a quote on TV which I have not heard.
I saw your sign or Senator Darvin sign about Cash,
but I know that Cash Battel has had sixty jury
trials as a public defender, as a prosecutor, he has
great experience in the Intel Department, Department of Defense. I
have known Cash, and I believe that Cash is the
right person at this time for this job. You'll have
the ability to question mister Patel.
Speaker 3 (02:16):
And I about whether you will enforce an enemy's list
that he announced publicly on television.
Speaker 5 (02:22):
Oh, Senator, I'm sorry.
Speaker 4 (02:23):
There will never be an enemy's list within the Department
of Justice.
Speaker 6 (02:26):
Thank you.
Speaker 3 (02:28):
It would not be appropriate for a prosecutor to start
with a name and look for a crime. It's a
prosecutor's job to start with a crime and look for
a name.
Speaker 4 (02:40):
Correct, Senator, I think that is the whole problem with
the weaponization that we have seen the last four years
and what's been happening to Donald Trump. They targeted Donald Trump,
They went after him actually starting back in twenty sixteen.
They targeted his campaign. They have launched countless instigations against him.
That will not be the case if I am Attorney General,
I will not politicize that office. I will not target
people simply because of their political affiliation. Justice will be
administered even handedly throughout this country. Senator, We've got to
bring this country back together. We've got to move forward.
Speaker 1 (03:22):
Speaker 2 (03:22):
I love how Pam did flip the script on Sheldon Whitehouse.
Here's the problem with his line of questioning. He never
wants that I know of, or neither have any of
his Democratic colleagues ever spoken out about the weaponization of
the DOJ under Joe Biden. They never did it one
single time. Nobody's ever been held accountable for PISA abuse.
Nobody has ever ever ever questioned the double standard in
rating more Lago. You know Donald Trump did was covered
by the Presidential Records Act, but Joe Biden was not.
He had top secret classified information in four separate locations,
never once. It was the same, you know, rules of
justice applied to Hillary Clinton top secret classified information on
her servers thirty three thousand, the pened, emails deleted and
devices destroyed, and sim cards removed. The dirty Russian disinformation
dossier she paid for. It turned out to be full
of lies and garbage that was used not for one,
but for four PISA applications. And Christopher Steele, even after
they're fired, they still used that dirty dossier and they
were warned ahead of time not to touch it. Nobody
was ever held accountable with the weaponization of the DOJ,
how the FBI and our intelligence community has been politicized.
And I think one of the biggest challenges Donald Trump
will face is firing a lot of people, those people
in the deep state, those people who have loyalties to
the likes of call Me and Ray and Merrick Garland
and Brennan and Clapper and others that are frankly up
to their eyeballs as far as I'm concerned, and a
lot of what never should have happened and never should
be allowed to happen in this country. And what this
really comes down to is Democrats now fear that which
they did to Donald Trump and his associates and his
friends will be done to them. Let's see how many
preemptive pardons Joe Biden gives the people on the way
out the door. I doubt he'll mention this in his
farewell addressed tonight. But let's see where we are by
Sunday night. Eight hundred nine four one. Shawn is a
number if you want to be a part of the program.
Brett Tolman, former federal prosecutors here with his on the
confirmation hearings. You know, I went into great detail earlier
with Bill O'Reilly about Pete Hegseth and how the complete
lack of substance. We didn't talk about the next generation
of warfare. We didn't talk about the gap of vulnerability
when it comes to military technology. We didn't talk about
recruitment problems we have. We didn't talk about eliminating WOKE
and the DEI from the Department of Defense using our
money more efficiently. None of that was a topic of discussion.
Democrats just reverted to form and they went to identity politics.
Women in combat, and Pete Hegg says personal life from
a decade ago, which is very predictable. But with all
that said, I don't really see a problem for any
of these nominees in terms of getting confirmed, do you, yeah, Sean?
Speaker 7 (06:50):
You know, before I was US Attorney, I was lead
counsel on several attorneys general and their confirmation hearings from
Ashcroft and Gonzalez. Kay see, and I'll tell you We're
used to absurd hypocrisy from the last This is this
is a new level. It's a new level. When you
you know the highlight you played from White House, it
actually is the perfect capture of the left, unwilling to
look at where they've been, what they've been doing, all
the weaponization, the abuse that they've used. And for those
of us that have been in the department, we have
been screaming it. You've been screaming it. We've been highlighting
all of this. And finally, finally we have a moment
and an opportunity. Who with Pam Bondi, with Cash Betel,
John Ratcliffe, with all this, a team that is being
put together, highly credible, incredibly qualified, they will get in
there and they will do a phenomenal job of actually
exposing what has gone on that all of us have known.
I think they'll get confirmed. I know that. I've had
even conversations with senators and individuals on the left who
have indicated these are really qualified candidates that have been
put up there. I think none finer than what Attorney
General Pambonni did today.
Speaker 2 (08:04):
I thought Pam Bondi I felt like even Democrats are
going to be voting for Marco Rubio. I thought John
Ratcliffe went very, very smooth. I mean, I expect a
little bit of pushback when it comes to Cash Pattel
and to Tulsei Gabbard and Robert F.
Speaker 5 (08:20):
Kennedy Junior.
Speaker 2 (08:21):
I mean, a lot of this is very predictable, but
Democrats revert to form. I already know the answers. For example,
I was talking about this with Bill O'Reilly. He's worried
about RFK Junior and his chances. I'm like, well, I
spent a lot of time talking to him. You know,
while the Democrats and you know the people that you know,
the conspiracy Theory Network MSDNC in Vague New CNN are
out there lying and saying that he's going to take
away the polio vaccine.
Speaker 5 (08:47):
That's that's not true.
Speaker 2 (08:48):
What he's going to do is provide people, non pharmaceutical
industry information about health so that they can make their
own choice and decision. He's not going to lie to
the country the way we will lie to about COVID
and about the vaccine that if you got the shot,
you're never going to get COVID and you're never going
to infect anybody else, which they knew from the beginning
was a lie, or their attacks against any of the
various treatment methods that in the end, numerous studies have shown,
for example, hydroxychloric when taken early, mitigates a lot of
the symptoms of COVID.
Speaker 5 (09:28):
Nobody wants to talk about that.
Speaker 2 (09:30):
Well, the fact that monoclonal antibodies actually did work, but
they never got in the business of mass producing him
to the extent that they should have starting with regeneron.
So you know, he's not going to take away people's choices.
He's not going to take away Donald Trump's McDonald's. He's
not going to take away Donald Trump's Kentucky Fried Chicken.
He's not going to take away his diet coke. He's
not going to take away his pizza. It's not going
to happen. And if you listen to the left wing media,
you know you would think he's going to do all
those things. Nor is he going to have do anything
on the issue of abortion, which some conservatives are concerned about,
except follow through on what the president's policy is, because
he's not the president.
Speaker 5 (10:10):
The president sets policy.
Speaker 7 (10:12):
I haven't heard John. I haven't heard one single disqualifying
fact on any of the candidates. And that's what has
to be revealed. Is there a disqualifying fact, something in
their background that would disqualify them and result in the
Senate not confirming because there is a presumption that the
president gets his cabinet if they are qualified. And that's
all that's been put in front of the Senate.
Speaker 5 (10:37):
Speaker 2 (10:38):
I think the person they're going to go after the
hardest is Cash, buttel they don't like Cash. Cash knows
where all the bodies are buried. In terms of the
deep State, I think he has every intention of cleaning
it out. And what that really means the average American
is he will restore what was one the world's premier
law enforcement agency back to its former greatness. That would
be a good thing. You know to hear Christopher Ray
one more time, globalfore Congress. The threat level has never
been so high, but never lifting a finger. Who enforce
the laws of our country and secure the border. Even
though Joe Biden was not securing the border. It was
a dereliction of duty to me. And the fact that
we have known terrorists, murderers, rapists, we have gang members,
cartel members in our country. Now we have to find
them and deport them, which is going to cost a fortune.
Speaker 5 (11:38):
And he never lifted a finger. Is unconscionable to me.
Speaker 7 (11:42):
Well, you're right, you know he's most excited about cash
Betel coming in. Besides the American people, the rank and
file members of the FBI, they have spent decades seeing
the politication being pulled off of important violent gang task
forces being pulled off of it enforcing against sex trafficking
and human trafficking. They've experienced nothing but being told the
direction they had to go in that was not consistent
with what it means to keep America safe. And so
those agents, you talk to them and they're saying, we
can't wait for things to be exposed for a leader
that says, get back in there with your state and
local law enforcement and work together and let's make America
safe and let's clean up you know, this problem that
we have in America.
Speaker 2 (12:30):
Let's restore law and order, and let's restore these agencies
to their former greatness.
Speaker 5 (12:37):
Anyway, Brett, appreciate you being with us.
Speaker 2 (12:38):
Eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn, we got time
for a quick call. Let us say hi to Dwayne
in Wisconsin. Hey, Dwayne, how are you glad you called?
We love our friends in Wisconsin. I know it's called
up there today.
Speaker 6 (12:52):
I don't get called in Wisconsin.
Speaker 2 (12:55):
Green Bay Packers. I'll go out there. I'll just I'll
sit in the stands with my shirt off like some
other people.
Speaker 6 (13:03):
I'm too old for that. I don't take my shirt
off until our time. But I had a real quick
question on all of this, with Biden leaving and throwing
these blanket pardons out, what are the parameters of a
blanket pardon? I mean, does this mean that they can
only be prosecuted if it happened outside of what they've
already established as a crime, or does this mean.
Speaker 2 (13:33):
That they honestly this aspect of the power of the
pardon has never been tested. However, I would imagine that
there's going to be a lot of leeway given to
Joe Biden or any president because the power of the
partners is absolute, and if the president wants to preemptively
pardon his brother, maybe himself, maybe Liz Cheney, maybe Anthony Fauci,
maybe you know, Benny Thompson, and whoever else, then I
would argue he probably has the ability to do it.
I don't think the Supreme Court would want to get
deep in the weeds as to as to what that
absolute power is defined by.
Speaker 6 (14:18):
Yeah, to me, that sounds almost as if it's h
King Joey is saying, here's your absolution. You go out
and shoot somebody now, because you are a pardon for life.
It just it makes no sense and it can't no
it does.
Speaker 5 (14:34):
It does.
Speaker 2 (14:34):
It only extends to the date of the pardon. It
doesn't mean the next day you can go out and
shoot somebody. But if you shot somebody prior to that,
then you Again, if he put the dates in like
he did in the Hunter Biden pardon, in that case,
it would it would be relevant relevant to the timeframe
that he puts into the pardon. So it's not like
you can go out the next day and start, you know,
being a drug dealer and and stealing and murdering and
being involved in violent crimes. That wouldn't work anyway. I
hope that answers your question. Dwayne Love our friends in Wisconsin.
All right, quick break, right back, all right, twenty five
now till the top of the hour, eight hundred and
nine to four one, Sean, if you want to be
a part of the program, is you know it's so
pathetic that the current president of our country announced two
hours after Donald Trump, because it was Donald Trump's team
that negotiated this epic ceasefire. As it relates to Israel
and the release of hostages, why do you think these
hostages were released? Why do you think that the first
release will be on Sunday, the day before the inauguration.
Why would the hostages in a ran released in nineteen
eighty one.
Speaker 5 (15:53):
When just as.
Speaker 2 (15:54):
Ronald Reagan was becoming president because they saw Jimmy Carter
as weak, just that they see Joe Biden as weak,
and they feared Reagan and they feared Donald Trump. Anyway,
the first phase of the hostage deal will include the
release of female Israeli soldiers. The hostages held by Hamas
are expected to be released over a number of days,
and they have now reached a cease fire deal to
release these hostages. Is it ever a fair deal for Israel?
Speaker 5 (16:28):
Speaker 2 (16:29):
Is it a fair deal that we're getting these hostages
back that it takes Donald Trump's threat to unleash Hell
to get them back.
Speaker 3 (16:37):
Speaker 5 (16:37):
How is it that Donald.
Speaker 2 (16:38):
Trump announces this two hours before our very own president
the epics ceasefire agreement that have only happened as a
result of our historic victory in November. As its signaled
to the entire world, my administration would seek peace, negotiate
deals to ensure the safety of all Americans and our allies.
I'm thrilled American and Israeli hostages will be returning home
to be reunited with their families and loved ones with
this deal in place by National Security Team through the
efforts of Special Envoy to the Middle East Steve Whitcoff,
will all continue to work closely with Israel on our
allies to make sure Gaza never again becomes a terrorist
safe haven. We will continue promoting peace through strength throughout
the entire region as we build upon the momentum of
this cease fire to further expand the Historic Abraham Accords.
Now this is only the beginning of great things to
come for America and indeed for the world. You know,
we have achieved so much without even being in the
White House. Imagine all the wonderful things that will happen
when I return to the White House that my administration
is fully confirmed, so they can secure more victories for
the US. Anyway, so the Historic Deal goes through. But
it was Steve Whitcoff, who, on his own dime because
he's not officially in the government yet he happens to
be a successful, wealthy business man, was flying himself back
and forth to the Middle East over and over again.
But it was Trump's word that he's going to unleash
hell if in fact this did not happen before his inauguration.
And then two hours later out comes Joe Biden with
his announcement. I'm like, oh, gee, thanks, Joe, really appreciate it. Anyway,
let's get to our busy phones here, all right, let's
get to our busy phones. Let's go to Wanda in Tennessee,
Wanda High, How are you glad you called?
Speaker 1 (18:30):
Thank you?
Speaker 8 (18:31):
I actually was about Pete Haig Sath. I was just
wanted to say, as a female and a mother of
a son who's in Kuwait at the moment, I wanted
to apologize to mister Hagshift because the ladies said he
had to deal with yesterday from the other side were
just horrible people, horrible. They made women look bad. I
felt like I was very angry listening to them.
Speaker 2 (19:00):
By the By the way, how many times did he
have to answer the question of women in combat when
he gave a simple answer, very understandable that yeah, he
supports women in combat as long as the standards for
everybody is equal. Yeah, you don't want to lower standards
for anybody for any reason. And I felt that that
was the perfect answer. Oh, they treated him horribly. I
talked to him last night. He was fine. He knew
all of it was coming. All of it was predictable,
you know. And the sad thing is is they didn't
focus on what they should have been focused on, the
next generation of warfare, how America is falling behind in
military technology, how to rebuild our navy and our air force,
and and and what these new this new this new
generation of weaponry will be the iron dome that Donald
Trump has been talking about building him much much more.
They didn't want to talk about any of that.
Speaker 8 (19:55):
Yeah, No, they just wanted their moment. Yeah, but yes,
I was very up set all day and I worked
and I was listening to it on my stars right here.
But I was upset all day. Even when I went home,
I just let my husband have it. I was just
so angry.
Speaker 5 (20:11):
So you tell you you took it out on your husband.
That was not nice.
Speaker 8 (20:15):
Then he said, stand there and listen.
Speaker 2 (20:18):
Oh, that's different from taking it out on him. He
just you just vented to him. That's very different. That's okay.
You're allowed to vent to the people you love. No problem, all.
Speaker 5 (20:27):
Right, Wanda. We love our friends in Tennessee.
Speaker 2 (20:29):
Thank you. Let us get to our phones. Jeff and
Florida my free state. What's up, Jeff? How are you
glad you called, sir?
Speaker 1 (20:37):
I'm good, Sean. I appreciate you taking me. I just
a huge fan of listen to you every day, and
thank you. I was very much concerned with the drone situation,
which seems like it's been kind of down played in
the last couple of weeks. I just don't understand why
if the FBI or the CIA isn't going to shoot
one down just to figure out who it is, where
it is, China, Russia. Very disturbing. It seems to me
that we used to trust the FBI, we used to
trust the CIA as Americans. These days, with the shady
stuff that's happening, it really makes me wonder.
Speaker 2 (21:10):
Sir, makes me wonder. The good news is next Monday,
Donald Trump will be in office. I'm not sure when
he will do this, but he is committed to getting
us the truth about those drones. And I want to
get the truth about the drones. If they didn't shoot
it out of the sky, that tells me they know
exactly what this was all about. And they frankly lied
to us, like they lied about Joe's cognitive state, like
they lied about the borders being secure, like they lied
about the economy. I mean, they've lied pretty much about everything.
And now they're trying to sabotage Donald Trump on his
way in as they now leave the White House. But
they said they would they would make sure it was
going to be a smooth transition. Now they're doing everything
to sabotage him on the way in. Anyway, I appreciate
the call, Jim we will get that answer. I also
hope that Donald Trump opens up the files to the
JFK assassination. I hope he opens up the files to
the RFK assassination. I hope he opens up the files
about our UFO is reel. I mean, those are questions
that just I would like to I'd like to know
what the government knows. I believe in full transparency. I
don't think the American people are so brittle that they
can't handle it. And that seems to be the approach
of the nanny state leftists that they want to control
every aspect of our lives. Jason California Next Sean Hannity Show.
Hey Jason, how are you.
Speaker 9 (22:41):
I'm doing fine, Sean, thank you very much for taking
my call.
Speaker 2 (22:45):
Very sorry for what's going on out there. Feel bad
for everybody that is suffering. I would argue, you know,
all of this is preventable. What's on your mind today.
Speaker 9 (22:55):
I'm a certified arbor as sex done fire damage assessment
in California from southern California all the way up to
northern California over the past few years, and the biggest
complaint I hear from home owners because that's who I
represent is that the state dropped the ball completely, and
they ask the property owners to do their line of defense.
You know, they're to make their properties, say from fire.
They ask people to conserve on water and all that,
and the citizens here, the property owners have done that,
yet the state has failed totally in offering their support.
They're more of a reactive instead of proactive mind thought.
So I've been doing this for many years and they
have the state has just dropped the ball. I was
in lac In Chica doing a survey of a orchard
and I'm talking with the property owner and during the
drought season, and the property owner was telling me the
state won't let them use this reservoir that's right above
their property to irrigate their farms in a time of drought.
Speaker 2 (24:22):
Yet, well, by the way, this this wasn't even a
drought year my understanding in California.
Speaker 5 (24:27):
So I'm not exactly sure what they're talking about.
Speaker 9 (24:30):
Well, the state actually does runoffs from these water holding
areas into the ocean, but they don't they won't let
the farmers use this water.
Speaker 2 (24:42):
They pour you know, more fresh water into the Pacific
than anybody ever knows, rather than diverting it to southern California,
which is prone to droughts. And there's no explanation as
to why you said you're an arborist.
Speaker 5 (24:59):
Did you know?
Speaker 2 (24:59):
In twenty nineteen, the LA Department of Water and Power
began replacing nearly one hundred year old power lines, which
was a smart idea through Topanga State Park, when the
project was halted within days because of environmentalists. They were
outraged that the federally endangered Bronton's milk vetch plants had
been trampled during the process.
Speaker 5 (25:27):
Do you know what those plants are?
Speaker 9 (25:29):
Well, I know they're a California native and I'm very,
very familiar with a lot of California native plants. And
that's fine, and they.
Speaker 2 (25:37):
Will it's not it doesn't seem like a particularly beautiful
plant to me.
Speaker 9 (25:42):
Most California, and they have their season, but the rest
of the year they're just you know, why.
Speaker 2 (25:50):
Don't the environmentalists go out there and if they want to,
you know, dig up these plants from underneath the roots
and replant them elsewhere. I'm all for it if that
they want to take the time to do it. But
you know, it was the the reason that they needed
to update up update the infrastructure out there was to
prevent fires like they just had in the Pacific Palace SADES.
I mean, if you actually look at the real reason
behind this, it's it just makes a lot of sense.
And the goal of the project was specifically for the
Pacific Palace Sades to replace wooden poles with steel, widening
and also widening fire access lanes in the area, and
installing wind and fire resistant power lines for the area
because of the elevated fire risk. But the only reason
it got stopped was because of the rotten milk fetch
plants either. Does that make any sense to you, sort
of like the Delta smelt, You know, they get the water,
but the farmers in the San Joaquin Valley get nothing.
Speaker 9 (26:58):
That is correct, when I would when I moved here
in nineteen seventy eight, there was a slogan that they
had if it's yellow, mellow, if it's brown, slush it down.
And they have never done anything since then to increase
our water holding capacities, to capture ring water, to save
water for use in emergencies.
Speaker 2 (27:22):
It's beyond stupid on every level. I mean, they have
enough water in northern California that could easily create transportation
lanes down to southern California.
Speaker 5 (27:34):
By the way, we do need to give a shout out.
Speaker 2 (27:36):
Elon Musk is using Tesla cyber trucks and Starlink technology
providing free internet to the areas devastated by these wildfires.
And he did put a post up that set apologies
to those expecting cyber truck deliveries in California over the
next few days. We need to use those trucks as
mobile base stations to provide power to Starlink internet terminals
in areas of LA without connectivity, and a new truck
will be delivered by the end of the week. Now,
as he's rushing to do that, the Biden sec last
minute has decided to sue Elon Musk. He's offering all
of this freer charge to LA residents, and they filed
a lawsuit against Elon, accusing him of violating securities laws
by failing to disclose his active stake in Twitter, which
allowed him to purchase shares at artificially low prices. Eight
hundred nine four one show is a number if you
want to be a part of the program. So we
have the big hostage release announcement from earlier today and
at least temporary cease fire. Donald Trump will be in
power on Monday. Obviously that was a big part of
the reason why amaz and I'm sure Iran with their
wink and nods at okay to release these hostages.
Speaker 1 (28:54):
Speaker 2 (28:55):
That's going to wrap things up for today. Explosive hearings.
Pam Bondy taken into the Democrats in the US Senate.
We'll get reaction Senator Ron Johnson, Senator Ted Cruz, Rick Scott,
Eric Schmidt, also a Hannity shootout.
Speaker 5 (29:09):
It is back.
Speaker 2 (29:09):
We'll check in with a Peter spokesperson. Way do you
hear what they're up to these days? And Jillian Michaels Yeah,
Red Dye three. Oh, let's pan it just a few
days before we leave office. Let's get a jump on
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Unbelievable, nine Eastern Hannity sayd R.
Fox News. We'll see you tonight. Back here tomorrow. We
are one day closer to this long national nightmare being over.