All Episodes

January 20, 2025 • 30 mins

Sean covers Inauguration Day and looks ahead to the many changes that President Trump will bring as he fights to put America first.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All right, thank you, Scott Shannon, and thanks to all
of you for being with us.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
Right down our.

Speaker 1 (00:06):
Toll free telephone number, it's eight hundred and ninety four
one Sean if you want to be a part of
the program. It is inauguration day in our nation's capital.
It's freezing, but it's an inauguration day with the windshill.
I think it's somewhere down about zero degrees, although people
are kind of out and about a lot more than
I'd be out and about. I literally have no appetite

at all for this kind of weather ever under any circumstances.
But all that, put all that aside, it could be
one hundred degrees below zero, and I'm still happy. Today
is a great day, and for so many different reasons,
but really great because of all of you. And I've

said this before, and just indulge me a little bit
in saying thank you to all of you, because this
day is not possible without you, and it is Words
cannot even really capture how important a role all of
you played in today being possible. When you think of

everything that they did to this man, and how they
tried their hardest to destroy him, and how they corrupted
every system to do so, and they weaponized our Justice Department.
They destroyed what was once the premiere law enforcement agency

in the world, the FBI. They weaponized our intelligence community.
They politicized both the FBI and the intelligence community, and
all the various ways they used law fair and novel
legal theories and false evaluations of Trump Tower, and we
didn't have equal justice under the law or equal application

of our laws. And you stuck by him, and you
didn't buy, you didn't listen to the state run legacy
media mob. That's why I can officially say that they're dead.
In two thousand and seven, we did declare over and
over again the journalism is dead. I now declare legacy
media is dead. And if anybody you know I get

people ask me questions all the time about getting into
this business.

Speaker 2 (02:19):
I'm not sure if I would go about the.

Speaker 1 (02:21):
Same model that I've found, because if you really look
at the timing, I feel like I've been blessed beyond
measure and blessed beyond what I deserve. But the timing
for me getting into talk radio was the ground floor
of new media. Talk radio when I started was only

on a couple of hundred or news talk stations or
only a couple of hundred around the country. Now they're
you know, four or five thousand stations, the number one format.

Speaker 2 (02:51):
In all of radio.

Speaker 1 (02:53):
And I mean, I never thought we'd get to as
many stations as we have, seven hundred and fifty, and
you made all that post possible. When I'll never forget
when I left Atlanta, well, the Atlanta Journal Constitution reminded
me at the end of nineteen ninety six is that
it was a great year for the city of Atlanta.

The Olympics came and Sean Hannity left, and I left
for the Fox News Channel and people said, oh, you're
going to Fox five in New York and I said, no,
I'm going to the Fox News Channel.

Speaker 2 (03:24):
It's cable news.

Speaker 1 (03:26):
And people looked at me like I had ten heads
on and they're like, you're crazy, and I'm like, no,
it's I have a lot of confidence is going to
do very, very well. And I'm on the ground floor
of that. And that became a revolution, and it's expanding
out now and then. And you know, some people say, well,
there's more competition. I don't look at it that way.
I look at a rising tide lifting all boats but

if you're going to be a content provider, if you're
going to be there's one thing now that is a
prerequisite if you want to have any success. And now
tell this to anybody that talks to me about doing
any form of media. You better tell your audience the truth.
You better dig hard for the truth, and you better

be willing to even put ideological differences aside at times.
And there have been many, many times on this program
we have gone after Republicans. I expect in the weeks
and months ahead that we're probably going to deputize many
of you to start calling Congress because there's going to

be a couple of Republican congressmen or women or both,
or senators and they're going to start going wobbly on us.
And they don't have the spine of a Donald Trump.
And if you want this presidency and this agenda that
is transformational implemented, where we're going to need your help

and your support. And I think if the I listened
to politicians, I listened to these people in the media,
they're back to where they were.

Speaker 2 (05:06):
At the end of the campaign. AOC will play it
later in the program.

Speaker 1 (05:09):
Fascist Nazi racist Hitler Stalin Mussolini.

Speaker 2 (05:16):
Trump said a crazy thing.

Speaker 1 (05:17):
I mean, it was a hilarious opening to Saturday Night
Live and it had MSDNC.

Speaker 2 (05:26):
Oh, we got breaking new. Donald Trump believes this.

Speaker 1 (05:29):
Donald Trump said that Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump,
Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, breaking new, Donald Trump,
Donald breaking newt.

Speaker 2 (05:36):
I don't know what did they do.

Speaker 1 (05:38):
They pedaled lies, conspiracy theories for three long years. They
pedaled that Russia hoax. They pedaled the p tape story
or the ping on the bed story at the Rich
Carlton in Moscow, which never happened. And we broke down
that story, and we unpeeled every layer of the onion

in that story with a lot of help from the
likes of John Solomon and Greg Jarrett and Sarah Carter
and Catherine Herridge, and I can't name there were very.

Speaker 2 (06:09):
Few of us.

Speaker 1 (06:09):
I think we counted it up on seven or eight people,
and there were very few people in Congress that worked
hard with us to help sources that I had that
provided truthful information that we could bring to you. And
it's not just that I was explaining this the other morning.
I'm Fox and Friends, and I've explained it to you before.

Richard Jewel we got it right. Uba, we got it right.
Duke Lacrosse, we got it right. We don't rush to
judgment on this program. Ferguson, Missouri, we got it right.
In the Duke Lacrosse case. I took the time. I
went to the homes of these kids that were being accused,
and I sat down and talked to him. I learned
that they had exculpatory information. In Ferguson, Missouri, I learned

from law enforcement that they had multiple eye witnesses that
confirmed Darren Wilson's story that in fact, hands up, don't shoot,
never happened, and that Michael Brown was charging at the
officer when he was defending his own life, and that
story would eventually come out. And the same with Freddie Gray.

We had contacts in Baltimore. They told us the same thing.
They said, nope, never, They're never going to be found
guilty of anything, and eventually the charges were dropped on
most of them. So I only say that is that
this is a new era and the American people, you
were smart enough, discerning enough to see through all of

that noise, and this is only the second time in history.
Was what eighteen ninety two, Grover Cleveland where somebody was
elected president lost and then won reelection again. And we're
living through historic times. And I'm going to get to
the president's speech because I thought it was amazing today

the president. The only thing I was sitting there was
watching it. I was glad they moved it inside. And
I'll tell you why.

Speaker 2 (08:04):
I was glad.

Speaker 1 (08:04):
Not for the President's sake, but I see people outside
my hotel. I mean they are bundled up to the
max and they're still freezing. I mean they were The
hospitals would be filled probably today with people at a frostbite.
They would and because people would stay there, and then
law enforcement, the military, everybody would be suffering, and it

would be it's just too much with the second coldest,
I think inauguration and history somewhere around there. I've been
telling you for weeks that we are on preemptive pardoned watch.
We saw the Hunter Biden pardon, then the commutations of
all these you know, drug criminals, et cetera. And I

knew this would happen, and I knew it would be
last minute. None of it surprises me, but it all,
you know, for all all the talk about democracy, all
the pledges to never do this, all of the guarantees
the constitutional order. You know, we have cuts of Chuck

Schumer when it was brought up as an issue in
twenty twenty. Let me play Chuck Schumer, you know, talking
about this. Then we have Adam Shift, the congenital liar,
conspiracy theory pedaling, you know, pathetic senator from the communist
state of California, saying the same thing about preempted pardons.

Speaker 2 (09:27):

Speaker 3 (09:27):
Nonetheless, it's silly season at the White House. The President
seems intent on filling each of his remaining days in
office with petulance, grievance, self interest. The president's asking his
staff about whether he can preemptive part whether he can
issue President's reportedly asking his staff whether he can issue
preemptive pardons for himself, his family members, Rudy Giuliani, there's

a simple answer. No, No, mister President, that would be
a gross abuse of the presidential pardon author.

Speaker 4 (10:00):
Have you ever heard of somebody getting a preemptive pardon
who was innocent of all crime, who's just an innocent person.
Have you ever heard of that, just somebody getting a
blanket pardon and they're an innocent person.

Speaker 5 (10:11):
But no, you know, I think that it's an effort
not only to prospectively pardon people for things they have
not yet been charged with and may never be charged with,
but also it's the president's own family. It's people that
had been covering up for the president in addition to
his own family. This is the nature of those the

president that has surround himself with, including his family, and
that is it's been essentially a denties and thieves environment.
And so I think the president views this as his
way of trying to protect those that have protected him.

Speaker 1 (10:49):
How ironic is that one of the people pardoned today
was the guy you just heard from, Adam Schiff, you know,
as in Adam Schiff Show, Adam Schiff head, Adam you know,
a congenital I said, Shiff. Why am I getting those looks?

Let's see, he not only pardon Hunter earlier today, he
pardoned his brother James, Sarah Biden, Valerie Biden, Owens, John
t Owens, and Francis Biden, all the people the Hunter's
laptop implicate as receiving monies and the James Comer identified
receiving monies from these entities, oh oligarchs that Joe Biden

warning about oligarchs like the Russian oligarch Elena Batarina, or
the Kazakhstan oligarchs, or the Ukrainian oligarchs, or the Chinese oligarchs.
They all got pardons. Anthony Fauci. Why did Anthony Fauci?
Did Anthony Fauci lie to us about COVID? Did Anthony
Fauci cover up with COVID? Did Anthony I'm come asking questions.

I'm allowed to ask questions. I'm not accusing of anybody
of anything. Did Anthony Fauci have any financial relationships that
maybe we don't know about.

Speaker 2 (12:05):
I'd like to know more.

Speaker 1 (12:06):
Why did General Mark Milly, remember when Trump was leaving
the first time, wanted to kind of take over the
power of the presidency. Why did he He's so thankful
he got his pardon. And let's see Zoe Lofgren, Chairman
Benny Thompson, let's you know, Jamie Raskin, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger,

Adam k I don't want to part them. Oh, you
got one. You didn't have to take it. You got it,
you took it, you own it. And it just is,
you know, such a contrast. Now with all that said,
the President will sign in the next two days anywhere
from one hundred to two hundred executive orders. But it

was his speech today and I sat there wondering if
you're Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Basically he just went
up there and it was a complete decimation. He just
decimated and just outlined their utter incompetence and failure and
how everything is going to change and change dramatically. You

know who said famously was Obama that famously said elections
have consequences?

Speaker 2 (13:19):
Yes they do.

Speaker 1 (13:21):
So on behalf of everyone here of this show. I
can tell you we are very grateful for this day,
as cold as it might be in the Capitol. I'm
here till Wednesday. I can't tell you the reasons why,
but I'm here till Wednesday. One of the reasons is
we'll have a town hall with Mike Johnson and House
Republicans on how they can stay on the same page,

what their agenda needs to be to be successful.

Speaker 2 (13:44):
But it's a great day for the country. It really is.

Speaker 1 (13:47):
And the President's speech was phenomenal, phenomenal, hard hitting, a
complete and utter one hundred and eighty degrees shift and
direction for the country, all for the better, and how
anybody could be against it. I'm having a hard time understanding,
I really am. Anyway, we're in our nation's capital. It's

inauguration Day. I hope you all have a big smile
on your face. Going to be a fun night tonight.
We'll be broadcasting from the Military Ball where Donald Trump
and Millennia will be during my hour nine Eastern. Now
the best part of the day. I mean, we could
talk all day about what hypocrites the Democrats are. There's
a part of me that doesn't really mind the preemptive pardons.

All right, well, do you want to hear the go
ahead and say it on the air instead.

Speaker 2 (14:36):
Of giving the look?

Speaker 6 (14:37):
You know, a look says a thousand words. So go ahead, you.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
Know what, because after we witnessed these democrats abuse their
power and weaponize the justice system. If we think it's
going to happen to innocent people in the future, they
not us have created a precedent to do so.

Speaker 2 (14:58):
They have created that accident.

Speaker 1 (15:01):
Now, Donald Trump could have done this in twenty twenty
he did not. They were in twenty twenty one when
he was leaving all of it. He didn't do it.
And there were many people telling him to do it.
And there was Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff. Adam Shiff
who got a pre emptive parton today. I'd like to
know what he did in his life, Liz Cheney, all

that they didn't say.

Speaker 2 (15:22):
So there's a part of me.

Speaker 1 (15:24):
Do I think this shows that everything that Jim Jordan
and James Comer and John Solomon and everybody in between was.

Speaker 2 (15:31):
Telling us was true. Yeah? I do.

Speaker 5 (15:34):

Speaker 1 (15:34):
I think that January sixth Committee was trying to interfere
in an election, one hundred percent.

Speaker 2 (15:39):
They were.

Speaker 1 (15:40):
There was too much information they withheld from the American people.
They had a predetermined outcome. They had their prime time
made in Hollywood theater presentation, but it was missing major
facts like Donald Trump authorizing the use of the guard,
like the Capitol Police chief begging for the guard, like

Muriel Bowser in writing it was her authority at that
point once Donald Trump authorized it. You know that she
in writing said she didn't want the guard. Nancy Pelosi,
what was her role? What was the sergeant of arms role?
Why didn't they play Donald Trump never calling for violence,
saying many of you will peacefully patriotically, the lie about
commandeering the beast or the car that Donald Trump was

being driven in. But let's bring in a hearsay witness,
not the actual driver, who they knew testified Donald Trump
never tried to do such a thing. And then there's
the John Solomon investigation into Liz Cheney. I'd like to
get an answer to it one day. You know, was
she coaching witnesses in terms of what to say about
Donald Trump? Anyway, there's a lot that part infuriates me,

all of this, all the bidens. They made a fortune.
As evidence by Hunter's laptop. The evidence was overwhelming, it
was incontrovertible. It shows what a hypocrite Joe is. But
he goes out that way. But it's time to turn
the page. And Donald Trump did just that today. He
did it, and he did it. You know, it was
actually an amazing speech.

Speaker 6 (17:11):
Can you tell us about the border?

Speaker 1 (17:13):
Well, I have a lot of news about the border.
The first thing I can tell you as effective as
of twelve oh one today, the functionalities of the of
CBP one that previously allowed undocumented he had legal immigrants
to submit advance information and schedule appointments at eight Southwest

border points of ports of entry. That is no longer
available and in the Al Paso sector. Yeah, I saw
a picture and guess what, everybody there, that border is
now officially closed. You're not getting through the El Paso section.
Remember I went down to El Paso. Remember I went
to the Rio grand I've been down to that border

more times than anybody except maybe Sarah Carter, who I
got sick and tired of going.

Speaker 2 (18:02):
You know, she graciously would go for us.

Speaker 1 (18:05):
The president, you know, he went into great specificity, went
into great detail about the border, and but more specific
He's spoke in broad terms, but on the border specifically.
He talked about the actions that he's going to take,
and he said they're common sense, and he's right. The

idea that Harris and Biden left his border open for
terrorists and cartel members and gang members and rapists and
murderers and they didn't met anybody is madness. The number
of people that are dying from fentanyl. And I'm going
to tell everybody today. And remember I said this on
the day that Donald Trump was inaugurated. I've said up before,
Joe Biden's legacy has yet to be cemented. His legacy

is going to be open borders. His legacy is going
to be any more people like Lake and Riley, Rachel
Moore and John Usse and Nungary that die at the
hands of their unvetted illegal immigrants, or the people that
get raped, including children, or the people that are victims

of other violent crimes. Those terrorists, they've come from nearly
two hundred countries unvetted into the Why would people from
Iran and Syria, Egypt, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Russia and China, Why
are they coming to our southern border?

Speaker 2 (19:27):
What about you know?

Speaker 1 (19:28):
I had Tom Homan on TV last night. We did
a special show last night and he said, Sean, the gotaways,
the two and a half million they paid the car
tells more money so that they can get in.

Speaker 2 (19:41):
The back door.

Speaker 1 (19:43):
The people that have the money to pay for that
are not the people that are looking for a better
life for themselves and their children and their family. And
he's right. Anyways, Trump said that America. It was very
very clear He's just clearing a national emergengency at the border.
All illegal entry will immediately be halted.

Speaker 2 (20:04):
It already has started.

Speaker 1 (20:07):
And we will begin the process of returning millions and
millions or criminal aliens back to places from which they came.
We will reinstate my remain in Mexico policy. We will
end the practice of catch and release. I will send
troops to the southern border to repel the disastrous invasion
into our country. Under the orders I signed today, we

will also be designating the cartels as foreign terrorist organizations,
and by invoking the Alien Enemies Act of seventeen ninety eight,
I will direct our government to use the full and
immense power of the federal and state law enforcement to
eliminate the presence of all foreign gangs criminal networks bringing
devastating crime to US soil, including our cities and inner cities.

And he says, I have no higher responsibility to defend
our country from threats and invasions.

Speaker 2 (21:01):
And that's what I.

Speaker 1 (21:02):
Am going to do, and we'll do it at a
level we've never seen before, and further went on to
say that next we will direct members of my Cabinet
to marshall the vast powers of their disposal to defeat
record implation, rapidly bringing down costs and prices. I think

the thing that I'm most excited about, the thing that
will make this country risk rich, I've talked about at
length energy, dominance, and then he talked in broad themes
that are very The golden age of America begins right now.

Speaker 5 (21:38):

Speaker 1 (21:38):
Imagine if you, Joe and Kamala listening to this. From
this day forward, our country will flourish, be respected again.
We will be the envy of every nation. We will
not allow ourselves to be taken advantage of any longer.
During every single day of the Trump administration, I will
simply put America first. That's his first opening paragraph. I'm like,

let's go, time to you know, man up, everybody, lets
we roll.

Speaker 2 (22:05):
Let's roll.

Speaker 1 (22:07):
And he said, our sovereignty will be reclaimed, our safety
will be restored, the scales of justice will be rebalanced.
The vicious, violent, unfair weaponization of the Justice Department and
our government will end. And he said, our top priority
will be to create a nation that is proud and
prosperous and free. America will soon be greater, stronger, far

more exceptional than ever before. I returned to the presidency confident,
optimistic that we are at the start of a thrilling
new era of national success. A tide change is sweeping
the country. Sunlight is pouring over the entire world. America
has the chance to seize this opportunity like never before
American citizens, but provide sanctuary and protection, you know, against

dangerous people. But first we've got to be honest, he
said in front of Kamal and Joe about the challenges
we face. And while they're plentiful, they will be annihilated
by this great momentum that the world is now witnessing.

Speaker 2 (23:07):
In the USA.

Speaker 1 (23:09):
For many years, radical corrupt establishment has extracted power and
wealth from our citizens. The pillars of our society lay broken,
seemingly in complete disrepair, and now we have government that
cannot manage even a simple crisis at home.

Speaker 2 (23:25):
I was really glad to hear that.

Speaker 1 (23:26):
He mentioned the people in North Carolina, by the way,
and then he said, while at the same time stumbling
into a catalog of catastrophic events abroad, it fails to
protect our magnificent, law abiding Americans from these criminals and
people that have entered our country illegally.

Speaker 2 (23:46):
He said.

Speaker 1 (23:46):
He will defend our borders, defend america borders. Our country
can no longer deliver basic services in times of emergency,
has shown recently to the wonderful people of North Carolina.
And he is so right, he said, about Los Angeles.
Other states are suffering. You know, we're watching, you know,
fires still tragically burn from weeks ago without even a

token of defense, in other words, no science of forestry.
They're raging through the houses, the communities, affecting some of
the wealthiest, it doesn't matter. They're affecting everybody, you know.
And he said all of this, you know, we can't
let it happen anymore. And this is what today is
really all about. This is the most this This I've

been saying it differently. I'll say it in my own way.
This we have an opportunity you get maybe every hundred years.
You know, everyone keeps saying, who's the next Trump, Who's
the next Trump. There is no next Trump. There's only
one Ronald Reagan, only one New King Rich is only
one Donald Trump. He is a force of nature. Nobody

they might say the same words like they did. People
would quote Reagan, but they didn't have Reagan's spirit, they
didn't have Reagan's strength, they didn't have Reagan's conviction. Only
one Donald Trump that is going to talk in a
State of the Union address about taking back the Panama Canal.
I'm sure this shock and awe of that speech was like,
oh my gosh, in front of Obama and George W.

Bush and let's see everyone else, all the other dignitaries
that were there, whoever else was there Joe, and Joe
looked like he was napping there for a while. It's sad,
I mean, he said, America's decline is over. Our liberty
is Our nation's glorious destiny can no longer be denied.

And we will immediately restore the integrity, competency, loyalty of
America's government, you know, he said, over the last eight years,
I've been tested and challenged more than any president in
our two hundred and fifty year history, and I've learned
a lot along the way. The journey to reclaim our
republic has not been easy. That I can tell you.

Those who wish to stop our cause have tried to
take my freedom and take my life. And he talked
about Butler, and then he talked about all Americans coming together.
We will move with purpose and speed to make that happen,
you know, to bring home prosperity, safety, peace for citizens
of every race, religion, color. He goes on January twentieth,

this day he calls Liberation Day, and that it hopefully
will be remembered as one of the greatest, most consequential
elections in history. If he accomplishes his stated goal, if
he secures the border, if he deports the illegal immigrants,
if he makes America the most energy dominant country on

the face of the earth, we will be rich again.
We'll have the money to modernize our military, prepare for
the next generation of warfare. We'll have the money to
save Social Security and Medicare. We'll have the money to
deport these people. And you will have the money to
tax American citizens less and stop robbing and stealing from

our children and our grandchildren as has gone on for generations,
and cut two trillion dollars in spending. He reached out
to the African American Hispanic communities, thanking them for their
outpouring of love and trust. He said, you know we
set records. I will not forget. I have heard your
voices in this campaign, and I look forward to working

with you in the years to come. You mentioned today
is Martin Luther King's Day, his honor. He said, this
will be a great honor, but in his honor, we
will strive together to make his dream a reality. How
about we get rid of identity politics. Why don't we
all just be Americans? Now, to be Americans? You know what,
based on meritocracy, the harder you work, the better are

you going to do in this country. Linda doesn't work hard.
She doesn't do well. You know, she works, she hardly works.

Speaker 6 (27:58):
No, And I worked very hard day, you know, I
worked hard at but laughing my ass off at Joe
Biden and Kamala Harris sitting there looking so sad.

Speaker 2 (28:06):
They weren't happy. You know.

Speaker 1 (28:07):
He's declared today a national energy emergency. We're gonna drill, baby, drill.
We have the largest amount of oil gas of any
other country on Earth, he went on to say, and
you know he's right, that is that is where we
will bring down the prices of energy. We'll fill our
strategic reserves up again. I mean, this is a great day.

I'm so happy. I am so happy.

Speaker 2 (28:35):
Sorry, I don't know, I'm just happy. I want to
thank this audience because they.

Speaker 6 (28:39):
Are happy about We're in a tuxedo again tonight. It's
a big day for you. Tuxedo sign.

Speaker 1 (28:45):
I'm not happy about the tuxedo part. Hang on, where's
my CLICKI pen get to clicking upset when I clicked
the pen.

Speaker 6 (28:54):
Don't you ask your audience how much they love?

Speaker 2 (28:56):
Is my audience? I don't have an audience. You mean
the audience.

Speaker 6 (29:00):
You know what, Why don't we talk over our rapid radios?

Speaker 2 (29:02):
All right?

Speaker 1 (29:02):
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Speaker 2 (30:11):
He's next. Then Trump's inaugural speech

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The Bobby Bones Show

The Bobby Bones Show

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