Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All right, thank you Scott shouting our two Sean Hannity
Show toll free. Our number is eight hundred and ninety
four one sewn if you want to be a part
of the program. This being our last show with Joe
Biden as President Kamala Harris as Vice president. When we
return to the airwaves, we will be in our nation's capital,
the swamp the sewer, Washington, d C. Well, when that happens,
we will have a new president, Donald J. Trump. But
Joe Biden is on this mission to reinvent history, claiming
the borders more secure. Vladimir Putin, you know, fears him
and I thought his exit interview was just horrible. Let's
just take a quick trip down memory lane. Then we'll
talk to our friend Stephen A. Smith about all of
this straight ahead.
Speaker 2 (00:50):
During his first day in power, President Biden ordering all
wall construction to come to a stop within a week,
an administration's decision to end former President Trumps remain in Mexico.
Speaker 3 (01:01):
Polish resident planning to withdraw the remaining twenty five hundred
US troops from Afghanistan by September eleven.
Speaker 4 (01:06):
What will it take now.
Speaker 5 (01:07):
For these hurried, messy evacuations to get done, and why
was the White House not more prepared for the possibility
of the country falling so fast? Inflation Nation consumer Price
Index rose eight point six percent in May to a
new forty year high and signaled that price pressures may
be here for a while.
Speaker 2 (01:27):
This new influx that we're seeing comes just days before
a federal court is set to lift the pandemic era
border restrictions known as Title forty two. It was a
record breaking two point four million illegal border crossings in
the last year.
Speaker 6 (01:42):
Just one year later, President Biden is visiting the small
town offended by the health and environmental crisis of that
derailment created.
Speaker 1 (01:49):
The Department of Justice releasing a new report Thursday show
in crime rates remain elevated under President Biding.
Speaker 3 (01:55):
The administration is defending their border policies as Title forty
two has now.
Speaker 2 (02:00):
The migrants attempting to rush the border near downtown Opasso last.
Speaker 1 (02:03):
Night, twenty two hundred people have crossed illegally.
Speaker 2 (02:07):
Just since midnight, pro college Indian protesters and their opponents
engage in violent classes. Among the record number of migrants
that have crossed into the US are members of a
Venezuelan street gang.
Speaker 7 (02:24):
All right.
Speaker 1 (02:24):
All of this we chronicled, and we chronicled in real time.
We were showing you from the earliest days of the
Biden administration wide open borders. It was Ted Cruz that
was in the middle of the pandemic. It was twenty
twenty one, and he was able to get into these
cages that were overcrowded with children in them in the
middle of a pandemic. Couldn't make it up, and they
wouldn't let our cameras in, but they but Senator Cruz
shared the videos with us, and it was beyond shocky.
And then of course they said inflation was transitory. Average
Americans paying twelve thousand dollars on average more per year
than what they were paying four years ago. And they
kept saying, no, the economy's fine. We're paying anywhere between
a buck twenty five buck, fifty more gallon who was
hired at different points, and that's the price of democracy.
Kamala Harris once lectured us. Anyway, our friend Stephen A.
Smith is with us. I'm not sure if you're going
through some type of political metamorphois or I don't know,
maybe you're just doing a deep dive reality check, which
I really appreciate because I think a lot of people
that maybe supported Kamala Harris are unwilling to do so.
And I think you're somebody that genuinely has a desire
to get to the truth. So I applaud you for
all of that. How are you doing, my.
Speaker 7 (03:46):
Friend, I'm doing all right.
Speaker 5 (03:48):
I mean, you have me on last night. I come on, now,
you made me wait six minutes in order to hear
you say hello, only showing handed he does these things.
But that's what makes you do.
Speaker 1 (03:57):
So I'm here, well, I have to set up this.
I have to set up the segment so before the
twenty twenty election. And this really baffles me. And I
really want an honest answer, and I know you're gonna
give me an honest answer. But you said you watched
Joe Biden give his farewell address this week. Okay, we
all watched it. It was a disaster. Like everything else,
last night's interview was an unmitigated disaster. We'll run portions
of it on Hannity tonight. It was. It was awful.
He can, he mumbles, he bumbles, he stumbles, and you know,
he makes up accomplish accomplishments that he never achieved. I
don't think there's anything remarkable about his presidency. I think
he'll go down probably as one of the worst presidents
in history. And I think the most dangerous thing he
did is the biggest national security threat. He let in
all of these unvetted illegals, including terrorists, murderers, rapists, violent criminals,
cartel members, gang members, and we're going to pay the
price for years to come. You said you were sad
watching it. Why were you sad?
Speaker 5 (05:00):
Because he looked like a shell of himself. But most importantly,
he looked like someone desperate for folks to care and
completely tone death to the fact that no one did
when Clinton departed, when Reagan departed, when w. Bush departed,
When you know, when Barack Obama departed, you heard what
they had to say, and you still had people from
their party paying rapt attention and interested in their perspective
in what they had to provide. Nobody cared. I mean,
you looked at President Joe Biden and you found yourself saying, sir,
please go home, Please go home.
Speaker 1 (05:44):
Why though, And here's my question for you. And I
was excoriated for pointing this out before the twenty twenty election,
that he was a cognitive mess. We all these used
to be self evident, that all women are great equal,
you know. And now by the thing you know, oh, oh,
the thing God, the creator of everything. Okay. I pointed
all of this out in twenty twenty. Why did it
take so long for you to see it? I played
montage after montage of this.
Speaker 5 (06:12):
Well, first of all, it wasn't me. Don't say me,
because I've been I've been reunitating. He wasn't. My attitude
was this, You promised to be a transitional president. I
had always expected him to be won and done. Where
the heat turned up for me was when he had
every intention of running for reelection. That's not what he
sold to the American people when he first took or
when he ran for election in twenty twenty and he
took office in January twenty twenty one, he was like,
I'm a trans I'm a transitional president. I'm here to
paved the way for a younger generation of folks. And then, obviously,
when there was no red wave during the mid terms
of twenty twenty two, all of a sudden he changed
his mind and he decided that he wanted to stay
on board. And I say, wait, a minute now. And
then on top of all of that, in the mathmath
of that, when he gave a state of reunion address
and I saw people four more years, that's when it
became incredibly alarming and embarrassing and disturbing and everything that
you could put up to it, because that there is
no way in hell that we should be looking to
this man to serve four more years, And that obviously
at heightened the level of scrutiny somebody like you. You
have that naturally being a conservative and having an issue
with liberals and their policies for as long as you have.
But for those of us who pride ourselves to be
in the middle of the road, not necessarily left because
they're going to be who they are, but those who
prod ourselves being middle of the road. Me personally, I
voted for Republicans in the past. My issue was with
with Trump versus her in terms of an individual and
what kind of chaos could potentially invade this country. That's
all I was thinking about.
Speaker 1 (07:45):
But you know that, you know I'm a conservative because
I believe lower taxes, limited government, greater freedom, secure borders,
law and order, peace through strength work. These are principles
for me, it's nothing to do with a party. I
got to give you.
Speaker 5 (08:02):
Prop saw that's what That's what I meant with you.
It's clearly your principles. But you also have to remember
that you're a guy. You won't hesitate to call out conservatives.
Speaker 1 (08:12):
No, never, I do it all the time, exact and
by the way, it'll it'll happen within the next month
when conservatives don't unite. I got to give you some
credit though, when when Jimmy Carter's funeral was taking place
and we saw Obama and Trump yucking it up, and
then at not Tredameo and we saw Jill Biden and
and Trump yucking it up, you called it out for
what it was. They were calling this guy a Nazi,
a fascist, they were calling him Stalin, they were calling
him a racist, a threat to democracy. Now now you're
gonna now you're gonna yuck it up with the guy.
Did you mean it or not mean it?
Speaker 5 (08:53):
After you worked so diligently to convince us he was
that person, and you did a good job of convincing
some Americans that he was that person. And it's a
damn shame. And so my point is that when I'm
looking at it knowing as many conservatives as I do.
Remember I was, I was, I got along with with
with former Senator John McCain. God rest his soul. You know.
I've interviewed Byron Donald before, I've met Marco Rubio before.
I have no problem with him being I think urious
day that I'm looking forward to it. There's a like
Chris Christy I've known for years, of various others, you,
Mark Levin, will Kine, and so many others. I don't.
Speaker 1 (09:29):
I don't have a problem in a lot of in
a lot of situations. By far admit it. You're gonna
admit it.
Speaker 5 (09:36):
I'm not admitting that. I'm not admitting that even though
I do. But the point that I'm trying to make
to you is this a lot of these when I
look at folks and you're telling me you're not talking
about their policies, you're trying to attack folks as people,
and then you turn around once the results come in
and you're getting along with them like it's like it's nothing.
Wait a minute, that's not consider with the kind of
imagery that you put forth beforehand, Which is why I
don't have a problem with Nancy.
Speaker 1 (10:06):
And imagy and rhetoric. They're they're closing argument. Is a Nazi,
a fascist, a racist, a threat to democracy?
Speaker 5 (10:14):
Yes, and you did all of that, and then you're
getting along with them. So if Michelle Obama doesn't show
up to the auguration, I don't have a problem. It's
consistent with her position. Nancy Pelo gree they ain't think
it's consistent with their position. But if you're somebody that
spoke about them that way and then all of a
sudden you're getting along, I'm going to be like, that's
not a good look. That seems a bit hypocritical, which
is another thing you accuse people on the right of being.
I got a problem with that. I don't like stuff
like that.
Speaker 1 (10:39):
Good for you for calling that out, by the way,
because it was a croc and it is you know,
it tells the American people up to them. It's just
a game. All right. Here's the most important question I'm
going to ask you other day, yes, and that is
you're now questioning your vote for Kamala Harris and you
believe you were misinformed. We talk a lot. I you
hear my show, you watch my show. I talked about
her radical positions, defund, dismantle, no bad laws, the New
Green Deal, don't say radical Islamic terrorism, free sex change operations,
college education for illegal immigrants and convicts. You know how
were you misinformed? You knew she was insanely left wing radical,
which you're not.
Speaker 5 (11:28):
I'm not trying to imply that you and others didn't
say otherwise and I didn't hear it. What I'm saying
is I'm a center I'm a centrist who's leads left
all my life. There have been times I voted for
conservatives that I have no regrets about that, and I
will do so in the future as well, especially now.
But you do find yourself, and I keep telling you
this a lot of times. You're not voting party in ideology,
You're picking the individual. Remember I'm the town of guy.
You knowing me for over twenty years. You don't lived.
You're you're producer who I love dearly, knowing me as
long as y'all have. I'm big. I don't like one
party rule. If you got a Republican in that White.
Speaker 1 (12:09):
House, I want. But didn't those policies scare you? Didn't
those policies. Didn't you think this is nuts? We're gonna
have taxpayer funded sex change operations. We can't say radical
Islamic terrorism. We're gonna have the Green New Deal. You
know everything's free here.
Speaker 5 (12:28):
You're going there. How about this show on something to
say before you even get to that. I had a
problem with people whose jobs wearing jeopardy because you can
run into a student and it's not a he or she.
They want to be, you know, they want to they
want to come, they want to come to school, and
they want to be identified in a certain way. And
if you don't acknowledge that, you can lose your job.
If you utter the wrong pronoun, you can lose your
job and stuff. I had a problem with all of that,
But what I believed in my heart was this, if
you had Republicans having control of one of, if not both,
the houses, and she was in office, you could have
swayed her towards the center and we would be devoid
of chaos. The reason why I feel like I've been
misled is because in the aftermath of it all, even
though I know that so much was politicized, the manner
in which they've acted with one another amongst themselves, not
even taking the rest of America into consideration the things
that they did and how they plotted to move Joe
Biden out of the mix and whatever. They're no better
than the people they talked about. That's what I'm talking about.
And I said, the days of feeling guilty or being guilted,
or engaging or submitting to fear monitoring in terms of
what is going to happen to our country if you
don't vote this way being guilty listening to Michelle Obama
give a speech where you're literally saying of vote the
vote against women for Barack Obama to stead of being
talked to black man and talk about misogyny put playing
a role in why we wouldn't pull for her.
Speaker 1 (14:01):
Remember he said, why are so many the brothers don't
seem to be on board? Remember he made that comment
as if you know, listen, I have to run. I
think you're coming my way. I think I'm having a
positive influence on you in your life.
Speaker 5 (14:16):
You're not.
Speaker 1 (14:19):
Breaking news straight from the source. This is the Sean
Hannity Show A twenty five now till the top of
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transfer dot com. What's fascinating about all of this is
we'll be in DC. Will actually be in DC on Sunday,
and I will be doing Hannity's Sunday Night. But the
next time we do this radio program, we will have
a new president. Anyway, the inauguration now, in addition to
prayers and speeches, will be delivered inside the US Capital Rotunda,
as was used by Ronald Reagan in nineteen eighty five.
Also because of very cold weather and the various I mean,
could you imagine Bill Clinton and Joe Biden having to
sit out there for that amount of time, even though
they might because they're on the day is have some
access to a little bit of heat. I remember working
in the wintertime in a shipyard. I mean, they had
these big blowers of heat, but it never was enough.
I mean, you couldn't I remember just dying to sneak
over there for a lot, just to get my toes,
you know, some feeling again. Anyway, So then they're going
to open up the Capitol One arena Monday live and
it'll be after the presidential uh, you know, they'll have
a live viewing of the historic event and to host
the presidential parade, and he will join the crowd at
the Capitol One after the swearing in. So he's trying
to he's trying to include as many people as possible,
and you know, all three inaugural balls will take place.
And I just think it was the right decision. But
the question is, so, with the understanding this is going
to be the last show with Joe Biden, the last
radio show with Joe Biden as president, what are your expectations?
What are you hoping for? What do you want to
see happen? What are your hopes for the new administration?
Let's say hi to Vera in Connecticut. Hey, Vera, how
are you glad you called?
Speaker 4 (17:51):
I'm good? How are you today?
Speaker 1 (17:54):
I'm good, I'm glad you called. Can you imagine when
we come on the air Monday, Donald Trump will be president.
Speaker 6 (17:59):
For three Still holding my breath? Sorry?
Speaker 1 (18:04):
Why are you holding your breath?
Speaker 6 (18:05):
Because I until it happens, you know, anything could happen.
But anyway, I'm going to.
Speaker 1 (18:12):
Sound like Linda, you sound superstitious.
Speaker 6 (18:15):
I'm old fashioned and believe in being done properly. But
I'm really happy that the public came out to vote
and be engaged. Other people would give their lives to vote,
and this country has to remember that. It's a sacred privilege.
And I'm glad they need it and I.
Speaker 1 (18:36):
Need I'm some so grateful to the American people. People
thank me a lot. And as far as I'm concerned,
every one of us, we're all spokes in a wheel
and to make that wheel go round. The person that
put did the heaviest lift here, that put it all
in the line, that deserves all the credit is Donald
Trump himself and everybody that played a part. I don't
care if it's Laura Trump or Susie Files or the
staff on this campaign, or the pollsters or you know who. Everybody.
It was all hands on deck. But at the end
of the day, it took the American people to make
this decision in spite of legacy media. You know, the
Rachel Maddows, the fake Jakes of the world lying to
you ABC, NBCCBS lying to you, and that's what makes
us so historic. What is you so you're you're just suspicious,
you want you want the swearing into a curve before
you're gonna believe it? Is that what you're telling me?
Speaker 6 (19:28):
Yes, Yes, the public had to believe it was time
something had to be done. Okay, it was getting much
worse before he was going to get better.
Speaker 1 (19:38):
So all right, Vera, we appreciate your call. Hanging there.
I think he's gonna make it to Monday, but I
do want safety and security for our president to be
improved dramatically and with a new Secret Service director, I
have great hope there. Don Lake ron Konkoma, welcome onboard, sir.
We've been through a lot of ups and downs politically
over the years together. Donna's has been a long time
listener to this program going back to nineteen ninety six
and a good friend on top of that. And what
are your hopes, Don.
Speaker 3 (20:11):
Well, I'm like you, I'm just looking forward to a
President Trump's second term that he follows a straight down
the line conservative agenda, that he secures the border to
ports the illegal punishes sanctuary cities, and at the same
time let's get back to energy and dependence. I want
to drill, baby drill. I want to downsize government, and
I'm excited about Elon Musk and the beck Ramaswami in
the Doge Department and exposing government waste. I think, just
for starters, that would be just tremendous.
Speaker 1 (20:47):
If he does those things, with the addition of preparing
for the next generation of warfare, I would argue already
that would be a transformational presidency and not just return
to energy independence. I want energy outright dominance. I want
America to be the most energy rich country on the
face of the earth. That's my aspiration.
Speaker 3 (21:09):
Hey, Sean, I got to tell you, I really envy
you being at the inauguration in these White House celebration time.
Speaker 1 (21:16):
So do you know how hard it is to leave
the warm, free state of Florida to go hang out
in the freezing cold zero temperatures with the windshill Listen,
I'm doing my job. I have a job to do,
so I'm going to be there, but I'd rather much
rather be in my free state of Florida. I'm not
gonna lie to you.
Speaker 3 (21:33):
I think your blood is still thick. You've only been
gone a year, Sean.
Speaker 1 (21:38):
No, it's then, I hate it. I've hated it for
a long time. We love you, don You're the best man.
Appreciate it, Nate New Hampshire, Live free or die. What's up, sir?
How are you glad you called?
Speaker 7 (21:52):
Yes? Sean, thank you very much for taking my call today,
and I wanted to tell you real quick, I really
love your program.
Speaker 1 (21:58):
I'm a won't listener, and thank you.
Speaker 7 (22:01):
The main thing that I'm looking forward to in a
Trump presidency is I always feel like the Democrats talk down,
to talk down to us and are condescending. I mean,
I think Obama said like the deplorables, and like I
think Biden called us a garbage or something like.
Speaker 1 (22:21):
This, and now irredeemable deplorables was Hillary Bitter Americans that
cling to their God, guns, Bible's religion. That was Obama. Garbage.
That was Joe Biden. But it does reveal a certain
arrogant elitism and sanctimoniousness on the part of Democrats. They
know better how to how to run our lives, which
is what they've been trying to do, and they want
to control. They wanted to control every aspect of our lives.
They want to tell you how to think. They want
to take your money, and they want to pay for
sex change operations for you know, illegal immigrants and felons.
Speaker 7 (22:58):
Well go ahead, yeah, absolutely, And that's how during COVID
with doctor Faphi too, I mean, like I mean, and
all the mass stuff and all that, you know, I mean,
it was just like they don't better than that. They
think they're not better than us, you know. Just anyway,
that's what I had to say. Thank you for taking
my call, so I really appreciate it very much.
Speaker 1 (23:16):
Nate. We love our friends in New Hampshire. God bless you.
Glad you're out there. Thank you for the call. Appreciate
it and let's get back to our busy phones or expectations.
When we do our next show, it'll be Monday. Donald
Trump will be the President of the United States. Let's
say hi to JT. He is in Georgia. By the way, really,
many thanks to the people of Georgia, many thanks to
Governor Kemp and Georgia. We needed Georgia and North Carolina
to start. We had to hold those two states. Democrats.
I mean, if they would have taken one of those states,
it would have been it would have been a very
bad sign of what that night would be. I'm very
grateful to everyone that helped in that campaign, especially Governor Camp.
Although it's a little weird moment yesterday with one of
your state representatives not being allowed into a joint session,
but we'll put that aside for now. What's up, JT?
How are you?
Speaker 4 (24:11):
Hey? Thanks Sean for taking the call. And I couldn't
agree with you more about how important it was. And
we've been so active since twenty twenty trying to ensure
that President Trump would have a fair election, and certainly
the twenty twenty four results were just that. Hey, what
we're most excited about. We want to see President Trump
succeed beyond anybody's expectations. And one of my biggest concerns
is that I don't want the president to follow in
a pitfall with this Israeli gaz Amas thing. I want
him to be like President Reagan was so successful that
the Iranians immediately released the hostages. Am I concern is
that this Biden, Blink and Harris proposal would be like
Afghanistan two point zero if if it's completely supported by
President Strump, and I can't believe that Prime Minister Netanau
would support that. Netanau has been such a great example
of what true leadership and democracy, honesty and dignity is
like as a leader, and President Trump has been that
way as well. And we need to get every one
of these hostages back before Hamas gets any iota of
any benefit whatsoever. And that's what I'm certainly concerned about.
One other quick comment. I have two daughters that were
involved in swimming and President's Trump and looking forward greatly
to the signing of some executive order and the completion
of the Protection of Women and Girls Sports Act. It's
before Congress to ensure that we go back to a
true title man that protects girls in women's sports.
Speaker 1 (26:12):
I think all of that's gonna happen. There's not anything
anybody's mentioned so far that I think may it might
be a stretch. JT. We appreciate your vision. You know,
the Bible says if there's no vision, the people perish.
You know what, Trump has a vision. All of you
at home have a vision. I don't want America to settle.
I don't want to I don't want to read the
Washington Post and get lectured about how we should settle
for a townhouse instead of our dream home with a
backyard and a pool maybe and you know, a place
for our dog to run around. Well, maybe you should
just lower your expectations and get a townhouse. I choose
to live in a townhouse. But that's me. You know,
I've had the big house. I'm over it. I'm done. Anyway,
back to our phones. Let's say Kurt in Texas, God
bless Texas, Kurt, how are you glad you called good?
Speaker 7 (27:05):
Sean Gray?
Speaker 5 (27:06):
Speaker 8 (27:06):
Great show, great TV and radio shows. Always enjoyed watching
and listening. Most excited about the new cabinet picks. I
think he's got some really good people this time, not
not only really good, but really loyal. That's what he
was missing, I think missing out on last his last term,
his first term, he wasn't I don't think. I don't
think he realized the amount of political stuff that goes
beyond behind the scenes, that they have to be loyal
to him. Not only great, great people at what they do,
but but their loyalty you know, above above all, really
and so you know, really really excited about the new
cabinet picks and the new administration all together, all of
his policies, putting it, you know, implementing his policies. Really
excited about that, getting back to some common sense government,
but really concerned also at the same time about it.
I'm glad they moved it indoors the inauguration. I'm really
concerned about you know, we've had all these drones flying around.
Nobody's explained whose they are, what they are, why they're there,
who's controlling them. We don't you know, if there was
a sudden attack of those during the inauguration, what would happen?
You know, we don't know. I mean, nobody's giving us answers.
Why why does this happen?
Speaker 1 (28:33):
I think the closest answer we got was from Donald Trump,
and he pretty much told us that it's our there
ares and he had the willingness to be honest with
the American people, while the Biden administration did not.
Speaker 8 (28:48):
And they had and they're not gonna quit going after
him regardless. You know, they've they've slacked off a little bit,
but they're not going to stop going after and they
are going to no matter what it takes, no matter
And the same people who are in charge of keeping
him safe until he gets in there are the same
departments that are going to look like clean house on
So they almost have a vested interest in not keeping
him safe in a way. And I hate to say that.
I mean, I hate to say that. That really obsessed
me to say.
Speaker 1 (29:20):
That about our own We have to keep every elected
official safe, sir. I don't care if you're a Democrat.
I don't care if you're a Republican. You just have to.
And what happened in Butler, PA, what happened at Trump International,
we better get to the bottom of it, and those
people that failed on the job need to be held accountable.
There's going to be a lot of accountability anyway. I
appreciate you sharing your thoughts. Kurt, thank you. Eight hundred
and nine point one seaw if you want to be
a part of the program,