All Episodes

April 3, 2024 33 mins

Alina Habba,  DJT legal spokesperson, General Counsel for the Save America PAC, discusses President Trump’s fight against the woke mob currently sitting in positions of power throughout our justice system. While many are afraid to speak out and tell the truth about what is really happening all around this country, Alina Habba is speaking out and loudly, and she’s winning.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks, Scott Chadd An Hour two Sean Hannity Show, Toll free,
It's eight hundred and nine to four one, Shawn. If
you want to be a part of the program, we'll
get two calls coming up this hour. We now have
added words to our lexicon that really were never associated
with presidential elections before, like, for example, law fair. I

never thought I'd have to talk as much about equal
justice under the law, equal application of our laws, or
weaponized justice system or politicized justice system, or weaponized that
BI or politicized that BI.

Speaker 2 (00:37):
But that's really where we are.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
And you know, taking this all the way back to
Hillary Clinton, and no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute top secret
classified information all over her private servers and then of
course thirty three thousand subpoena emails deleted we had not
heard of. I'd never heard a bleach bit before that case,
and vice is destroyed with hammers and simcards removed. But

no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute Joe Biden as has top
secret classified information eight separate locations across you know, numerous colleges,
U Penn, University of Delaware, two homes that he has
in different locations within the homes. But in the case,
not a big deal, even though he tells a ghost writer, Oh,

I found new classified documents, let me read them to you.
But that is that is now the world we're living in.
We live in a world where attorneys generals can can
run to destroy one organization, one man, and one family.
Let me remind you of Letitia James, the Age of
New York.

Speaker 3 (01:44):
Listen, I will never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate
president when our fundamental rights are at stake.

Speaker 2 (01:51):
I believe that the.

Speaker 3 (01:51):
President of these United States can be invited for criminal senses,
that man in.

Speaker 2 (02:02):
The White House.

Speaker 4 (02:07):
Who can't go a day without threatening our fundamental rights. Yes,
we need to focus on Donald Trump and his abuses.
We need to follow his money. We need to find
out where he's laundered money. We need to find out
whether or not he's engaged in conspiracy.

Speaker 1 (02:24):
Now, the entire case was about the issue of valuations
and meaning as Donald Trump would apply for loans and
the Trump organization applied for loans, they offered two banks
and then would get properties insured and insurance companies valuations
in other words, what they believe a property is worth,

which even a Deutsche Bank executive during the well it
was a summary judgment, but during the penalty phase arguments
in this case argued that, yeah, those things are subjective.
Then of course you have in every trump organization contractor
disclaimer saying don't use our value oceans. Nor would any
company ever use the valuation of a borrower or the insured.

They have a fiduciary responsibility to assess that themselves. And
before you lend hundreds of millions of dollars or ensure
hundreds of millions of dollars.

Speaker 5 (03:16):

Speaker 1 (03:16):
And there was nobody that was harmed, nobody that complained
about being harmed. Everybody was paid back with interest and
was happy at the end of the day. Then the
biggest valuation error was made by the judge in this case.
And Goron he's the guy that throughout the entire trial,

you know, maintained that Mara Lagos worth eighteen million dollars. Well,
we showed your property of two acres now of wide
open land and palm beach on the ocean being sold
for two hundred million dollars. Another crappy lot to be
honest on a corner for one hundred and fifty million dollars.
And it's got a street between the ocean and the

property where they would ultimately build on. And yet the
judge maintained that mar A Lago's over twenty acres pristine
conditioned historic property, two clubs associated with it, you know,
more more bedrooms and bathrooms over fifty plus that I
can count, with all the amenities you'd want, and it's

it's pretty unbelievable anyway, joining us now, Alena Haba is
back with us. She is the president's legal spokesperson and
general counsel for the Same America Pack. Do you ever
see a case where the judge was more guilty of
that which which the person involved in the case was
even accused of? Because I can't think of a worse

appraisal than eighteen million dollars for mar Alago. I'd love
to buy the property if I'll pay double that amount.

Speaker 5 (04:48):
Yeah, and we'll still make a killing on that one.
Sean if we paid double. No, I've never seen anything
like it. So of course, if you're using numbers like
eighteen millions from Mary A Lago, then you would look
and say, oh wow, we overvalued his statements of financial condition.
You know, sure, use a ridiculous number. You could say
that about anybody, frankly, and we've seen what happened with

John Stewart. I want to see the equal justice of law.
I want to see them apply it to them when
it's on their side of the coin. But what you
played in the monologue, Fishia James screaming that she's going
to get Trump before she was even in office, before
she had any information on Trump. That is the core
of our problem. The judge is just a vehicle to
help miss James.

Speaker 6 (05:29):
And look, we've seen the.

Speaker 5 (05:31):
Appella Division reverse that judge five times now and we
hope to see it continue. I think once they look
at the transcript, once they see the gag orders, once
they see the nonsense that I sat through for four months.
You weren't cameras in that room, Shawan, and thankfully because
of people like you, people were hearing what was happening.
But once the Pella Division sees the transcript, sees the

misguided injustice, I think we're going to have a really
fair shot and get this case of our well.

Speaker 1 (06:01):
I've got to imagine that on the appeal level. Now,
they again they wanted over what I half a billion
dollars just as a bond so the President could appeal
a case which is unprecedented in and of itself. The
appeals Court stepped in and said, now are they going
to reduce it to still a very high number of
one hundred and seventy five million. The President posted a

bond yesterday regarding this, so now his appeal will move forward.
I've got to imagine front and center in that case
is whether the judge judges valuation of maur a Lago
is going to be allowed to stand, because that was
a big part of this case.

Speaker 5 (06:39):
Massive part of it. I mean there was a lot
of it. We had Deutsche Bank even saying that they
were happy. So who's she fighting for? Where's the victim?
There was no victim. They brought it under a consumer
fraud statute intentionally because under consumer fraud the ag can
step in to protect the people of the state of
New York. She had no one to protect here, so

she used a statute that has never been used in
this way against a private individual and a private company,
not a publicly traded company, to protect too. I have
no idea Deutsche Bank, Zurich Zerich Star Insurance. Deutsche Bank
said we were the whale of clience, but somehow Miss
James would not stop because that's what she ran her
campaign on. So in some this is selective prosecution and persecution.

We know that. Like you said, we have new words.
Now we're using law, fair legal law, fair election interference
at its finest, it's a real demise of the country.
The judges miscalculation says it all because he really wasn't
there to apply law to facts. He was there to
help as a vehicle for Miss James. And now you know,

the real judges will step in and take a look
at it.

Speaker 1 (07:48):
Let me ask it seems and correct me if I'm wrong.
That of the number of cases the president is facing,
the Aluven Bragg case in New York, the DC case,
Fulton County case, and the case down in Florida with documents,
it seems like maybe only one is going to go
to trial before the election, and that would be the

Bragg case. Schedule to I guess start April fifteenth, in
about two weeks. Do you believe that's the case and
that's number one and number two as I analyze it,
correct me if I'm wrong. But it seems like Alvin
Bragg wants to charge based on a federal statute, not
a state statute.

Speaker 2 (08:26):
How is he going to pull that off?

Speaker 5 (08:29):
Well, I don't know. Maybe you should ask the administration
where they all go visit before they file complaints against
Donald Trump? Opened Washington, DC. You know this case that's
coming up.

Speaker 6 (08:39):
Yes, I do.

Speaker 5 (08:39):
To answer your question, Sean, think it's we're going to
go to trial. I don't think we should be going
to trial. I think there's numerous reasons we shouldn't. And
I'll leave that for the lawyers to articulate through papers
and keep that confidential. But let me let me just
say this, if anybody wants to know what kind of
hack is happening here, That case has been investigated for
years and years and years stems from Michael Collins. That

case was investigated, the DA decided not to bring the case,
not to indict. After all of the investigation. Mark Pomerance
left furious, wrote a book, furious that the DA wouldn't
do selective prosecution and persecution. But then he says, President
Trump decides he's going to run for office, announces, and

what happens, Sean? The indictment comes, and here we are
in an election year. He's clearly the nominee and we're
going to trial on a criminal case for him for
his for something he did he didn't even do. He
was in the White House. I mean, realize the facts
of this. He was in the White House. So it's crazy.

You know, we talk about immunity, we talk about the criticals.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
By the way, this is a case that goes back
to prior to the twenty sixteen election. Yeah, I mean,
I mean, this is how absurd, this is how many
years later and why just before election would they would
they bring that case forward? And then that raises a
lot of questions about you know, at what point does
the Justice Department policy there's not a specific policy, but

it's kind of unwritten policy, is they don't they don't
run with prosecutions before elections. When does that that? I
guess tradition kick in here. What are they going to
have a trial in d C during the Republican National
Convention if.

Speaker 5 (10:27):
They can, If they can do it, I think they would.
You know, don't forget we had Camy saying, you know,
we saw Hillary Clinton, she did things that were wrong,
but we're not going to you know, we're not going
to pressure. We just don't do that. Well, sure it
works for them, but not for us.

Speaker 7 (10:41):

Speaker 1 (10:41):
No, he laid out specific crimes that she committed for
twelve and a half fourteen minutes, and then said, but
no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute, Well, not the case, because
we know what happened in mar A Lago, in the
raid that took place there.

Speaker 5 (10:55):
Yeah, it's an unbelievable demise of our judicial system, I
really have to say. And I think that people, you know,
they hear about it on the news, But I'm in there,
and I'm telling you and your listeners you're only getting
two percent of what I see. I mean, the gag orders,
the things you hear on the outside, that's one thing,
but it's every day the decisions. You can't bring this

evidence in, you can't bring that. It doesn't matter if
you have a jury, because the judges will direct evidence
in and out a certain way so that the jury
doesn't get to see everything. You know, it's not the
way our constitution and our American judicial system was supposed
to operate. And we really are becoming a banner republic.
We don't have change soon, Sean. I mean, it's not

about Trump, it's about America. It's about us it's about Americans,
my kids, you know, your grandkids whatever.

Speaker 2 (11:44):
It's not right, easy, Elene.

Speaker 1 (11:47):
I don't have grandkids yet, Okay, I have two kids,
thank you very much.

Speaker 5 (11:50):
One day you will. And it's for them, you know,
that's the thing.

Speaker 2 (11:53):
No, I completely agree.

Speaker 1 (11:56):
And we're setting very dangerous precedents here that I think
over time people on the left of pay attention to
because it'll be applied. It will all be applied to
them as well. I mean, that's just the way it works.
Why do you think this will be the only case
that gets tried prior to November?

Speaker 5 (12:15):
Well, I think that the Jack Smiths cases have fallen
a bit on their face. He had, you know, years
in years.

Speaker 1 (12:23):
So we have the Supreme Court taking up the issue
of immunity. The only maybe disagreement I might have with
legal strategies is the argument over absolute immunity versus limited immunity,
because I've felt that the hypothetical brought up in court
about a sealed team six member ordered by a president
to assassinate their chief political rival was just too obscene

to even you know, to even bring up, but it
was brought up. But would limited immunity also not have
protected the president.

Speaker 2 (12:55):
I believe it would.

Speaker 5 (12:56):
So I think the difference is that actually presidential immunity,
which is the equivalent of absolute immunity. It's the same thing.
It's an immunity that's afforded, but it's different because it's
called that because it's the executive branch. So the immunity
is a governmental immunity, but the executive branch has presidential immunity.
It's called people think of it like your bulletproof. That's

not it. It's so that you know, officers of the
executive branch. Presidents, all presidents, not just Republican presidents. All
presidents can do their job without fear of getting sued
for something ridiculous when they leave the White House. That
does not mean there is not an impeachment process. That
does not mean that there is not a checks and

balances system for executive branch members. That means that we
need to allow judges, excuse me, presidents to not be
persecuted by judges and AG's and DA's for a political campaign,
and that's a very important thing. I personally agree with you.
I think the Seal Team sixth question was actually absurd.
The fact that that was even tried to become a

parallel to the situation is a third President Trump said
to peacefully and patriotically protest. There was absolutely no insurrection.
But those are trigger words.

Speaker 6 (14:07):
You know it, and I know it.

Speaker 5 (14:08):
That's what they do in a campaign.

Speaker 1 (14:10):
Also, we also learned that the January sixth committee put
in a hearsay witness, but when they actually got testimony
from the driver of the president that day, who stated
under oath that no, he never tried to commander the vehicle,
that was misleading. The fact that so many documents seem
to have disappeared is beyond troubling to me. The fact

that five people were in the Oval office days before
January sixth. I have four of the five on tape
saying that the President wanted to order ten thousand National
Guard troops and in writing, the mayor of DC said, no.

Speaker 5 (14:43):
Right, that's things we've been saying. And until the you know,
look at what happened with Deshaman, right, we got the
video footage came out all of a sudden, he was released.
These people there are still people sitting in jail. I mean,
you can't forget that that haven't had trial yet. That's
just a failure on the justices. That doesn't mean a
thing to me face trial, but they need to have process.

Speaker 1 (15:04):
Everyone needs to process and the presumption of innocence. Elena Habba,
thank you, appreciate you being with us. Quick break right back.
Your calls on the other side, eight hundred and nine
one Shaw on our number. As we continue straight ahead.
You can't always get what you want, but you can
get Sean Hannity online at Hannity dot com. All right,

twenty five to the top of the hour of your
call's coming in just a second here look for limited time.
Now is the time to get your legacy box delivered.
Why because you're gonna get a whopping sixty five percent off.
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Speaker 2 (15:49):
Linda, You've got to do this.

Speaker 1 (15:51):
You go to your basement, you go to your garage,
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great great great Gret Gret great great Grandma and Grandpa
looked and sounded like you're doing yours now.

Speaker 8 (16:22):
Yeah, you know.

Speaker 9 (16:23):
And I just had a friend she got married and
so like her future mother in law, her father used
to sing. So she played this video of her father
singing a sweet sixteen song and everybody just choked up
and was like it was like him being there. You know,
He's like he was part of this big day. So
these little things like being able to digitize something from

a videotape and turn it into an MP three or
an MP four that you can then give to a
videographer or somebody, you know, DJ to play at a
big special event. I mean, the whole family was just
moved to tears.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
This is just amazing, very cool.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
Sixty five percent off their nine dollars videotape sale. It's
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Hannity right now for sixty five percent off. You're not
going to regret it. Your family will love you for
doing this. There's a lot of talk about Robert F.

Kennedy Junior and the fact that he actually said that
Joe Biden is a worse threat to democracy than Donald
Trump because he's weaponizing federal agencies. Now do I am
I suspicious? Yes, I'll tell you what I'm suspicious about.

Speaker 6 (17:34):

Speaker 1 (17:34):
I think that you're going to see this on both sides.
I think Robert F. Kennedy Junior is going to adopt
a strategy to try and strip away voters from Donald
Trump and voters from Joe Biden, and he's going to
try and thread that needle by saying specific things that
would appeal to the base of both Donald Trump and

Joe Biden. Now, maybe I'm wrong, maybe my oporvasions are wrong,
but that was my take when I heard that comment.

Speaker 2 (18:04):
His family is livid with him.

Speaker 1 (18:07):
His own sister and other family members are just slamming
his campaign.

Speaker 2 (18:13):
Listen to his sister, for example.

Speaker 7 (18:15):
I feel strongly that this is the most important election
of our lifetime, and I do worry that Bobby just
taking some percentage of votes from Biden could shift the
election and lead to Trump's election.

Speaker 1 (18:30):
All right, Then then he has to respond to watching
clips of family members calling him an embarrassment.

Speaker 2 (18:37):
Yikes, listen to.

Speaker 10 (18:38):
This, Oh, I have a big family. I don't know
anybody in America who's got a family who agrees with
them on everything. I don't know if that's your situation, Aaron,
if you just have a family who believes everything you
do is you know, like unicorns and rainbows.

Speaker 2 (18:52):
But you know, I would.

Speaker 10 (18:55):
I come from a family from a millieu where we
came home at night and ate dinner with my father,
and he would orchestrate debates between us, and we were
in the same way that his father did with him,
and we could disagree on issues, and we could disagree
with passion and information, but we still love each other.

Speaker 6 (19:14):
And I love Rory.

Speaker 10 (19:15):
I love my family.

Speaker 2 (19:16):
I feel loved by them.

Speaker 10 (19:19):
Listen, I understand why they don't like me running.

Speaker 6 (19:21):
I understand.

Speaker 10 (19:22):
President Biden has been a forty year friend to me
and my family. He is a bust of my father
behind him on the Oval office. He talked about how
my father inspired him to enter politics. There's five members
of my family who work for the Biden administration. So
you know, I understand why they're dismayed that I'm running
against them. They're also worried that, you know what, my

sister said that you know, my candidates, he may get
Trump elected.

Speaker 2 (19:48):
What I get it anyway, So we'll just watch this,
this all on pold.

Speaker 1 (19:53):
I watched them on Fox and Friends today try and
protect his vice presidential choice. Seems like a nice woman,
great life story. However, comments about in vitro fertilization were
not ambiguous. They were actually very very clear, and I
think that then becomes a big issue for his campaign

for sure. And you know, I can give you one
example for example. You know what would qualify Nicole Shanahan
to be vice president. I don't see anything in her
background that qualifies her. The fact that she said it's
one of the biggest lies that's being told about women's
health today. And his answer today was, well, she had
a bad experience with it, that's why, well, wait a minute,

that's not what she said in February. And you know,
I wonder how the left will react to all of that,
and maybe some conservatives like RFK Junior's position on vaccinations
or women playing men playing in women's sports or he's
actually said some things about immigration that make him a

little more moderate than your average left wing, hardcore leftist democrat.
But however, he's voted as a history of voting for
every Democrat in the modern error and praising all of them.
I'm not so sure who is the real Bobby Kennedy Junior.
All right, let's get to our busy phones. Our friend
Don from Lake Grand concom as well as Don. Hi,
how are you welcome aboard?

Speaker 5 (21:20):

Speaker 2 (21:20):
Always great to hear from you. And I'm just waiting.

Speaker 1 (21:23):
There's a beautiful there's a beautiful place down here for you,
somewhere in the free state of Florida, just waiting for.

Speaker 2 (21:28):
You to come on down.

Speaker 11 (21:30):
I'll have your look for me. Sounds great, Sean. Listen
the border crisis crime statistics you outline last night on
Hannity or indeed frightening. The rise of the ISIS threats
to our country has never been higher, accord to that
general and the number of crimes that ICE reported committed
by illegals close to nearly fifty thousand crimes in just

a year. And if they were covering a murder, kidnapping,
sexual assault, rape, and none of these enemy threats or
the number of crimes, and not to mention the strain
on our schools with these illegals pouring over the border,
and that's train on our hospitals and the taxpayers a
wallet's it matters to the Democrats and office at all.

What matters is chaos. It's acceptable as long as they
have future voters. It's just so maddening those numbers you
showed us last night.

Speaker 1 (22:25):
Well, you know, we're trying to do our job and
get the truth out and news that you're never going
to get from the medium mob. That's our job, and
so far, you know, we're doing the job they should
do every day.

Speaker 2 (22:36):
It is amazing to me.

Speaker 1 (22:38):
Don we live in a time where it is twenty
four to seven NonStop rage and hate, conspiracy theories, and
it's now by any means necessary to stop Trump. There's nothing,
there's every everything's on the table. They're so triggered by
it all. Anyway, my friend, great to hear your voice.

Glad you're holding on the ship. Our prayers again go
out to the family of the slant officer of Massapequa
out in Long Island. How heartbreaking uh Norma is in
North Carolina next on the Sean Hannity Show, How are you, Norma?

Speaker 2 (23:14):
What's going on?

Speaker 6 (23:16):
Hey, I'm doing great. I've heard a rant from Joe
Scarborough last week that he said all crime is down,
all crime is down. He started listing all the crimes
and he said in the Trump era the crime was
higher than any other time.

Speaker 1 (23:31):
And he's flat out lying. And I put those numbers
on the screen last night. Joe is poor liberal Joe.
I don't know what happened to him, but he's become
unhinged and he's very triggered by all things Trump. I mean,
have you ever been up at six o'clock in the morning,
It's like, forget who needs espresso and coffee? When you
got him screaming at you every day and screeching away,

I could I don't know how anybody could watch that garbage.

Speaker 6 (23:56):
Well, he was actually comparing that to the U n
C in Alabama game, and he said, just look at
the facts. Look at the facts. That's what we're looking at,
all the facts. He said, I know for a fact
that Alabama beat UNC and then he again, you know,
he just continued to go on with his rent. But
the irony is there was a lot of high crime
during Trump, but it was riot crime. It was crime

from the Black Lives Matter and George Floyd. And so
we just need to make sure that that gets corrected.
Every time he says it or anybody else the Democrats
say it, We've got to correct that, We've got to
get it out there.

Speaker 2 (24:34):
Well, I agree with all of that.

Speaker 1 (24:36):
And the fascinating things is, you know, you hear the
left constantly talk about insurrection. Amazing how it was perfectly
okay for the vice president to support a bail fund
after they burned down the Minnesota police precinct. It was
perfectly acceptable for her to say, they're not going to
stop rioting. There were five hundred and seventy four riots,

We had dozens of dead Americans, thousands of injured cops,
we had billions in property damage. There was no hearing
in Congress over those riots. There was no chastising as
an insurrectionist the vice president for encouraging all of this,
or the lying media. You know, some of my favorite
videos or MSDNC or fake news CNN reporters literally sorry tonight,

it's mostly peaceful and right behind them, the entire cities
like on fire. I mean, it's it's laughable if it
wasn't so bad anyway, I appreciate the call. Thank you,
norma great observation. I think the best antidote to waking
up maybe put on Fox and Friends. I think it's
going to be a little a little more friendly for you,

a little more, a little more palpable in the morning,
especially all right, quick break, welcome back more you call
straight ahead eight hundred and ninety four to one, Sean.
As we continue, Keanity uncovers the real truth about the
politics of DC.

Speaker 8 (26:02):
He's your watchdog, one baby brother.

Speaker 2 (26:05):
Every day. Nity is on right now, Let's get back.

Speaker 1 (26:14):
To our busy bones. Eight hundred and ninety four one,
Shawn is our number. Let's say hello to Rose out
Long Island, New York.

Speaker 2 (26:21):
How are you Rose?

Speaker 8 (26:22):
Hi, Sean, thanks for taking my call on my first
time caller, and I've been a fan for a long time.
My comment is about how devastating the loss and the
continuous slaughter of our police officer. It was gut wrenching.
Listened to his wife eulogize him at the funeral mass.

I give her a lot of kudos because I don't
know if I'd be able to do that. But my
point is we have to do something. She called for it,
the widows prior to her called for it. And I
just think maybe it's time for a recall of Governor Hoko.

Speaker 6 (27:01):
You know, people are.

Speaker 8 (27:02):
Frustrated, the lore abiding citizens are just tie it.

Speaker 6 (27:05):
And what can we do.

Speaker 8 (27:06):
We have no recourse except a recall and a special election.
And I think there's a guy he works for another
radio station. He wears a red hat and thirteen jacket.
You put him in his bands of merry men and
women out in massive people, He'll get two hundred thousand

votes in a day. You put him in Harlem or
the Bronx, he'll get more votes and more signatures.

Speaker 1 (27:33):
So I would tell you that, I mean, you're talking
about my friend. You can say his name. He's a friend.
It's Curtis Leiwa. And I wonder if the election in
New York City from mayor were held today, if there'd
be a different result considering how poorly Eric Adams has
run New York City. He's run it right into the ground.

The issue, by the way, the Times Union. I remember
at the time when Andrew Cuomo during his resignation and
et cetera, et cetera. But there are for example, in
a parliamentary system, there's a vote of no confidence from
fellow office holders that are used to remove prime ministers.
It's not so in the separation of power system like

they would have in New York, where the executive's term
is fixed. Now, the two constitutionally defined option for removing
a governor, which is what I think where you're where
you're headed with this and what you're asking me before
his years are up of both would involve conviction either
after impeachment or following the commission of a felony crime

by it. Both require action then by the politicians, the legislature,
the legislative branch, and elected judges. Neither allows for action
by those who actually hired him, the people. So, by
the way, nineteen other states, the governor may be fired
by the people or we use the term recalled, and that,
for example, is what happened with Gavin Newsom. They tried

to do it out in californ Does that make sense?
Is that a good answer?

Speaker 8 (29:03):
But at least they tried something, you know, at least
it wasn't just rare rick.

Speaker 11 (29:08):
You know, you.

Speaker 8 (29:11):
Know, they speak possel tongue, you know, what Posseltn is. No.

Speaker 1 (29:16):
Well, let me tell you I actually recently met the
I think it was the grandson god for I think
it was the grandson of Hugh Carry. I don't know
if you remember Hugh Carry used to be the governor
of New York, and I said, why don't you run now?
I would tell you that I think if if lee
Zelden ran the good campaign that he ran, and he

did run a good campaign, and it was ten years earlier,
I think he might have been able to win.

Speaker 2 (29:42):
I don't think all the people that I know that
have been leaving New.

Speaker 1 (29:47):
York and have left New York are the people that
would have been able to put him over the top.
I'm not sure the population base is there now to
elect a Republican. I still think it is. In New Jersey.
We saw that in the recent gubernatorial race there. Had
we paid more attention, I think, like Lenn Youngkin won
Virginia in that cycle, I think that Murphy could have

been thrown out on his ass in New Jersey. And
I think if I was I was Donald Trump's campaign,
I'd pay very close attention to New Jersey and maybe
try to put that state in play. But New York
is a tough case.

Speaker 2 (30:21):
It really is.

Speaker 1 (30:22):
I mean, it's it has gone so far radical left.
You know, I have all these stories today about New
York and what's happening there and you know crime. I'll
just give you a couple of quick examples. I mean,
you know, we had the squatter issue, which we're going
to talk about at the top of the next hour.
Is a big, big deal. But it's just bigger than that.

You just have so much in terms of quality of life, taxes, violence,
everything has gotten worse under Democratic Party rule. I mean,
these people are out of their minds. They don't know
what they're doing, and it is now leading to in
many cases, unnecessary death and destruction. It's unbelievable to me.

But you know, that's why the mass exodus is not
going to end. It's going to continue. And I don't
know what these states do down the line because they
spend so much money that you know, look at California,
They're going to be seventy eighty billion dollars in the
hole this year alone.

Speaker 2 (31:26):
It's unreal. I got to run.

Speaker 1 (31:29):
I do appreciate your call, though. Eight hundred nine four
one Shawn is our number if you want to be
a part of the program. We'll talk to the guy
Flash Shelton is his name, of the squatter hunters. Do
you how do you deal with squatters if they try
to take over your home. It's happening to tens of
thousands of Americans. I know it's insane. I can't believe

I'm talking about it. But there's a lot of topics
I can't believe what we end up talking about. Look,
it's been six months since the horrific attacks against Israel
by the terror group of moss And and you know,
every single Thursday in Israel, our partners at the International
Fellowship of Christians and Jews, they are delivering ten bomb shelters.
They're doing this every Thursday. They put them in places

like bus stops where children get on a bus to
go to school. If there's a rocket attack, those shelters
provide a safe place for those kids and for other
people to go. The shelters cost fifteen thousand dollars each.
They need another one hundred and seventy of them to
spread out throughout the country of Israel. Now that's two
and a half million dollars. But they do have a

generous donor that has stepped up and any gift you
give will be match dollar for dollar. So now we're
talking about one and a quarter million to be able
to put up these shelters all around the state of
Israel in very critical locations. Any donation you can give,
we have hundreds of thousands of suffering Israelis. They need
your help. Please go to their website. It's one word

SUPPORTIFCJ dot org. That support IFCJ dot org and whatever
you can donate, thank you for that. They're in desperate
need today.

Speaker 6 (33:13):

The Sean Hannity Show News

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