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March 27, 2024 29 mins

Tudor Dixon, Former Gubernatorial candidate, and now host of her own podcast here on the iHeart network and Mark Morgan, Former Acting CBP Commissioner and co-founder of Border 911 talk about yet another illegal immigration tragedy this time in Michigan. But don’t worry Whitmer will give you $500 a bucks a month to house illegal immigrants. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Stay right here for our final news round up and
information overload. All right, News round Up and Information Overload hour.
Here's our toll free telephone number if you want to
be a part of the program. It's eight hundred nine
four one sean if you want to join us. Well,
the issues surrounding our border is not getting any better.
It's not going to get any better because Joe Biden's

policies are designed to facilitate and aid in a bet
in the human trafficking and the law breaking that has created,
you know, a situation where we have over ten million
Joe Biden unvetted illegal immigrants in the country.

Speaker 2 (00:39):
You know.

Speaker 1 (00:39):
And if you think that that's not bad, last week
we saw the video of you know, of Texas troopers
you know, literally being you know, run over by a
mob of illegal immigrants. Then they get to the other
side and they're just cheering. Two illegal immigrants arrested by
the way Texas DPS for smuggling after leading authorities on

a dangerous high speed chase. You know, we got another
guy caught on video cutting part of the border fence
in Texas. But don't worry, Mexico is really going to
step up and help like they did in the Trump
years with the Stay of Mexico policy. As a matter
of fact, Mexico's president now is put out a list
of demands for your president, Joe Biden. He's now demanding

that Joe commit twenty billion of your dollars to poor
countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, lifting the Venezuelan sanctions
that are in place, enabling ending the Cuba embargo, and
legalizing law abiding that's their term. But really illegal immigrants

from Mexico that live in the US. Now, do you
think that any of this would happen if Donald J.
Trump were elected president? I don't think so. I mean,
he's gotten so bad. The border patrol chief, he's talking
about all of these unvetted and known people that are
on our watch list, terrorist watch list.

Speaker 2 (02:06):
It's insane.

Speaker 1 (02:07):
And by the way, not one Senate Democrat voted against
taxpayer dollars being used to charter illegal immigrants directly from
their country to our country. Why go through the arduous
difficulty of going to the border and making Joe look
bad when we'll just charter a plane from whatever country
you want to come from. We still won't vet you
and We'll fly you to whatever location you want in

the US. Does any of this make sense to anybody,
because it doesn't make any sense to me, And it
keeps getting worse day in and day out, and nothing
is happening. And we're going to be lectured now by
the President of Mexico. You know, you got a case,
you know, one after another, an illegal immigrant charged in
the shooting death of a Grand Rapids woman. I mean,

how does this happen in our country? Well, she has
a name. Her name is Ruby Garcia. Listen to this
news report.

Speaker 3 (02:57):
Here today in US made in the case of able
and found dead on a Grand Rapids highway. We now
know her name. Today. Family identified her to Fox seventeen
as twenty five year old Ruby Garcia and Michigan Stapely
sharing a social media post. Investigators just announced that they
took a person of interest into custody. This afternoon, Foxxantine's
Marisa Oberly joins us in studio with more on this

young woman's impact.

Speaker 4 (03:20):
Marisa matt She liked to travel and worked at a greenhouse.
According to her loved ones, they say Ruby did not
deserve such a brutal death. Her sister shared these photos
with us which capture that spirit. She described Ruby as
a great daughter, sibling, and and friend who loved to
spend time with family in her free time. According to them,

the twenty five year old grew up in Grand Rapids.

Speaker 5 (03:45):
Michigan State Police say.

Speaker 4 (03:46):
Around eleven forty Friday night they found her body on
US one thirty one South near Leonard Street with multiple
gunshot wounds. However, other details about the incident, like what
led up to it, more possible suspects, remain unknown. We
did try to ask the agency those questions in others
this afternoon, but they only said it remained an active investigation.

Speaker 1 (04:07):
Unbelievable anyway, joining US now Tutor Dixon, former good manatorial candidate.
She now hosts her own podcast on the iHeartRadio network,
and Mark Morgan Back with Those, former acting CBP commissioner
and also co founder of Border nine to one one. Anyway, Tutor,
I listen to this and I'm like, how many more

of these reports are we going to hear? And here's
the worst part. When it happens, and it will happen,
it's not if. It's when when Joe Biden's illegal immigrants
unvetted and the terror cells that have emerged in this
country when America is hit, all this blood is on
his hands as far as I'm concerned.

Speaker 6 (04:48):
Absolutely, And I hear him talk about losing a child
and how he understands the pain of losing a child.
And yet you made a great point, this will happen again.
And when you listen to that report that they had
from Ruby Garcia's sister, she talks about this is not
just Ruby's life lost, This is hundreds of people that
lost Ruby. It affects so many people. And Joe Biden

claims to be the guy that knows that better than anybody,
because he's lost his wife, he's lost his daughter, he's
lost his son, and yet he allows this to go
on knowing exactly what you just said.

Speaker 7 (05:23):
It will happen again.

Speaker 1 (05:25):
It's going to be nine to eleven or worse, Mark Morgan,
it's going to be October seventh or worse.

Speaker 2 (05:30):
And the idea that all of.

Speaker 1 (05:32):
These people and not being veted, and you have the
head of Border Patrol saying this is a disaster. Christopher Ray,
FBI director, couldn't be any more clear. The threats have
never been this bad ever that he can recall that
sounds pretty dangerous to me.

Speaker 2 (05:47):
That sounds dire.

Speaker 8 (05:49):
It is. Look, the issue I keep saying, Sean, you
not talk about it. It's not if we when a
national security threat comes to our border. The issue that
she shocked us all is it's already here, as you said, Director,
just a couple of weeks ago.

Speaker 6 (06:01):
You know.

Speaker 8 (06:02):
He says that the terrorists of threat was the highest
it's been prior to October seventh, but after October seventh,
it's reached new levels. He says he sees bring blinking
red lights every single day. Dats's own intelligence report says,
quote that criminal organization and terrorist organizations will exploit the

increased flow of illegal aliens into this country. We know
that the past thirty eight months, Border Patrol has operated
three hundred and forty five illegal aliens on the FBI's
terror screening database. That's more than it's been caught in
the past twenty years combined. We also know that in
the past thirty eight months, as you talked about, work
Toole's apprehended tens of thousands of what we call special

interest aliens that we'd come from countries that we know sponsor,
harbor and facilitate terrorism. Sean you mentioned a few Syria,
Iran Lebanon. List goes on and on, and to top
it off, we're approaching two million known god aways in
the past thirty months. That's why the chief of this

Weekend on sixty Minutes says, what's happened on our border
is a national security crisis.

Speaker 2 (07:10):
Well, I don't know what it's going to take.

Speaker 1 (07:13):
I mean, how many people have to be murdered, how
many people have to be raped? Can you explain, Tutor Dixon,
why the federal government fails to keep any statistics at
all on violent crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

Speaker 2 (07:25):
Why don't is it they do? They don't want us
to know the truth.

Speaker 6 (07:30):
Right of course, because if there's no record of it,
then he can go out and say America is safer
than it's ever been, which is what he has been saying.
He's saying there's no crime crisis, there's no problem because
guess what the numbers show that. Because if you hide
the numbers, in which we've had local people, local mayors
hiding numbers in the state of Michigan as well, When

you hide the numbers, then we don't actually know how
bad the crime is. But we see things like this.
Now it's to the point where you can't ignore it.
And then you have governors like Gretchen Whitmer, as you mentioned,
who is giving out five hundred dollars a month for
people to take illegal aliens into their home.

Speaker 7 (08:08):
Think about this.

Speaker 6 (08:09):
You have no control. This is someone's personal house. You
could either have bad people in Michigan taking people in
and using them to do whatever they want, or vice versa.
Innocent people could take someone in because they desperately need
five hundred dollars a month, and they could get harmed
by this person. There is no oversight, no control.

Speaker 7 (08:27):
It's absolutely insane, and yet no one is standing up
in saying how can a governor of a state like
Michigan take taxpayer money and entice illegal aliens into her state?

Speaker 2 (08:41):
It really is unreal.

Speaker 1 (08:42):
I mean, Mark Morgan, we've we've talked about this many
many times on radio and TV, and I feel I'm
one hundred percent right. I rarely say that. I mean,
you can always leave out the possibility that I'm wrong.
I'll add that, and I've been saying it often. I
pray that I'm wrong, I hope that I'm wrong, but

I know I'm not wrong. I'd have to suspend all
intelligent thinking and common sense. I have to believe that
we're not going to get hit and we're not going
to get hit hard, and that in this country right now,
our Joe Biden unvetted illegal immigrants plotting and planning and
scheming their next nine to eleven or worse on this country.

Speaker 2 (09:25):
Am I wrong? I'd like to hear that I'm wrong.
It would make me feel good.

Speaker 8 (09:30):
No. Look, and it doesn't bring me pleasure to agree
with you, Sean, But I'm with you one hundred percent.
And recall because you and I talked about this. Remember
it was just a few weeks ago that I was
one of ten signatories from a former FBI executives that
laid out in the letter to the President and two
many members of Congress what you're talking about right now.

And I've said for a very long time again, it's
not hyperbolic to say that we could have a terri sleeper.
Sell it's already in the United States. Find the next
terrorist attack, as you just laid out. But look, Sean,
and we'll look what we're talking about. We only talk
about drugs, right, Drugs pouring in they're killing the thousand
Americans every single day, and the last twelve months killed

more Americans than all the terrorist attacks, the wars in
Iraq and Afghanistan and Vietnam wars combined. And we're talking
about the criminal, illegal aliens and the habit that they
across this country. Look, we said in twenty twenty two,
when Kaylee Kayla Hamilton died, we say she wasn't the
first and wasn't the last, And she wasn't. Then Elizabeth
Medina came in twenty twenty three, killed by illegal aliens.

We said, then she wasn't the first and she wouldn't
be the last. Lincoln Riley, she gets killed by illegal aliens. Again,
we said the same thing. And now we have Ruber Garcia.
How many more Lincoln Riley? How many more Ruby Garcias,
Kayla Hampton, Elizabeth Madeenas do we need before we say
enough is enough?

Speaker 2 (10:52):
Sean, I don't know.

Speaker 1 (10:55):
I mean, that's why you know, I keep pointing out
to people, anybody that'll listen. We have a really important
election in just two hundred and twenty three days, and
I think this is probably the biggest inflection point in history.
There is an interesting phenomenon going on in Michigan, and
that is Joe Biden is not doing well there. Tutor Dixon,

what's the dynamic on the ground. I do understand that
there's been I know, you have a heavy pro Palestinian
population there if you break things down demographically, and eighteen
point nine percent of Democratic primary voters didn't vote for
Joe in the state of Michigan, and he's losing in
every poll that I've seen against Donald Trump, and I
head to match up what's happening in Michigan.

Speaker 6 (11:38):
Well, part of it is definitely the conflict in the
Middle East, but a lot of it is the fact
that we have the highest gas prices in the Midwest.
We have a governor who has just implemented Joe Biden's
climate policy that is crushing jobs in the automotive industry,
and those folks know they see the writing on the wall.

As soon as we flip over all electrics. These plants
are shutting down and they're leaving Michigan. And even if
some of them stay open, it's much fewer jobs that
are going and that it's going to take to build
cars in the future. They see the climate policies that
are crushing the state.

Speaker 7 (12:13):
They see that.

Speaker 6 (12:14):
People are poorer and poorer and poorer in the state
of Michigan, and Gretchen Whitmer is in such dire straits
to get population to come in. And let me tell you,
when there's not enough population, they start to tax us
more because they don't want to lower that budget at all.
So she sees that she's trying to take our taxpayer
dollars to bring it illegals into our state rather than

figure out how to bring actual business. She's paying the
Chinese to bring their companies in. Michigan is a mess,
and the people are going. Man, Democrats haven't done a
good thing for us in a long time. Maybe it's
time to look at the other aisle or just not vote.
That's the interesting thing. They might just not come out.

Speaker 1 (12:53):
Yeah, well, I mean a lot's going to happen in
two hundred and twenty three days. It seems like the
news cycles as fast as I've ever live through in
my life. We'll take a quick break, we'll come back,
we'll continue, We'll get to your calls coming up toll free.
Our number is eight hundred and nine to four one
sean if you want to be a TV to continue now,
the border situation is so dire. Anyway, we continue with

tutors Dixon and Mark Morgan back with us. Do you
see any way, Mark Morgan, that we can somehow find
all the nearly ten million plus whatever the number is,
biden on Vetita legals and find them and send them
home and support them. Is that going to be a
possible task or impossible?

Speaker 8 (13:32):
In my quick response is absolutely yes. And here's my
tongue in cheek response as well as I say, how
do we do it one at a time?

Speaker 9 (13:39):

Speaker 8 (13:39):
Look why that's important because that is the attitude we
have to have. We have to tell ourselves we can
do this, and Sean, I think we can. Now. Look,
it's going to take a hola governor approach, It's going
to take multiple agencies, and most importantly, it's actually going
to take political strength, courage and will from both sides,
including the Republican With Sean, I have not seen in

the past few weeks from the Republican side at.

Speaker 2 (14:04):
Capitol Hill unbelievable.

Speaker 1 (14:06):
We really appreciate both of you being on the program
eight hundred and nine four one. Sean, if you want
to be a part of the program, so you have
this Singapore flagged cargo ship that hits the Francis Scott
Key Bridge in Baltimore Harbor, causing it to collapse. A
number of people have died. We had a report from
Griff Jenkins earlier in the program and it's just sad.

I mean, the whole thing. Now here's the worst part.
Your President Joe Biden has a propensity to just make shift,
Adam Schiff up. He just makes it up all the time.
Listen very closely to what the President says here about
this incident.

Speaker 5 (14:44):
At about one point thirty container ship struck the Francis
Scott's Key.

Speaker 1 (14:47):
Bridge, which I've been over many many times commuting from
the state of Delaware.

Speaker 2 (14:52):
There a trainer by car.

Speaker 1 (14:54):
By train or by car. Linda, correct me if I'm wrong,
because I double check, and I triple checked, and I
quadruple checked.

Speaker 2 (15:03):
There's no train on that bridge, is there?

Speaker 10 (15:06):
There are no tracks for a train to travel on
that bridge.

Speaker 1 (15:11):
Has there ever been one? And maybe they took it
down one hundred years ago when when Joe was younger.

Speaker 10 (15:16):
Well, you know, Joe did say that he was one
of the original founders and builders of the bridge. He
also invested in the bridge and the bridge is actually
named after someone and he might be related to Franciscot Key.
By the end of this tragedy. Who knows. He's such
a creep and what unreal?

Speaker 2 (15:31):
What is this propensity? This man has to insert himself.

Speaker 1 (15:35):
Into everything, everything, and he lies And you know, I'm
so sorry you lost I lost my son the same way.

Speaker 2 (15:44):
No, you didn't stop lying to people. He's got the
meat the gold Star families.

Speaker 10 (15:49):
Yeah, he's got the Meto thing to the highest level.
And it's like this just happened. We don't even know
where people are. People are still missing, you know. And
I'm curious Ethan and I were talking about this today.
I'll be curious to see how fast money gets to
Bualtimore in Maryland, how fast the Biden administration gets down there,
because I know they didn't give anything the East Palestine

and they shore as hell didn't get out there to
East Palestine. So I'll be real quick to see how
fast they get down there.

Speaker 1 (16:16):
It won't matter because we know it's useless anyway, A
very own Ethan. You know a lot about this bridge.

Speaker 2 (16:22):
How's that? Well?

Speaker 11 (16:23):
I mean, I grew up going boating and whatnot, and
a lot of the stuff that people don't realize is
there are programs that can tell you exactly where a
ship is going to drift with the wind and the
tide conditions. So a lot of people have wondered what
happened with this, and there were some simulations that people
put out immediately that showed if it did lose its
engines and steering and whatnot, it probably would have hit

exactly where it hit. But I mean, people don't realize
that this is something that people have been worried about
for years. They've actually put a lot of money into
protecting these piers where the bridges sit on. And the
one thing that I don't know if it was rated
for such a large ship you're talking about. I think
they said one hundred thousand ton containership. And it's just

a tragedy. And it's also unfortunately that Biden has to
lie and try to make himself part of the story
when people lost their lives.

Speaker 2 (17:17):
It's unbelievable, said our prayers with those.

Speaker 1 (17:21):
My understanding is there's still a search and rescue mission underway,
but obviously with every passing minute, hope diminishes greatly. We
have other news we haven't hit today. Look I'm not
that into rap music in any way, shape, matter, or
form and anyway. So we have this issue of Sean

Didty Combs and Shawn Didty Combs was stopped for questioning
at a private airport. Now his two homes were rated
by the Department of Homeland Security, apparently all relating to
possible human trafficking charges. Apparently these kids were also involved
or arrested, according to several reports. I'm not sure what
happened there, but this ain't looking good for him now.

Apparently fifty Cent has been taunting Diddy on Instagram, and
he's not wrong in his observation. They don't come like
that unless they got a case, and he's right. Who
knows what happened and shouldn't shock anybody. Prince Harry is
named in this thirty million dollar lawsuit against you know, Diddy,

Combs and anyway producer suing the rapper over sex trafficking parties.

Speaker 2 (18:35):
Blah blah blah blah.

Speaker 1 (18:36):
Says the stars access to the Duke of Sussex and
other celebrities boosted as legitimacy.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
So I don't know.

Speaker 1 (18:42):
I have no idea what's going on there, none at
all whatsoever. Linda, this might it made me think of
you was a woman that posted a viral TikTok video
and I know we don't support TikTok, but anyway, it
sparked a lot of debate online about gender roles and
feminism and equality and anyway. Sd Williams, twenty six, began

posting videos in March of twenty two amssed millions of
views with her followers on TikTok. She publishes many clips
on YouTube discussing the benefits of being a what she
calls a trad wife. I assume traditional housewife and a
newly coin term for that. And it's a subculture of

housewives that believe in clear gender roles, the importance of homemaking,
and you know, having a patriarch or patriarchal marriage. According
to many women who self identify as trad wives, women
who honor femininity, care for their husband's children and family,
value the state of their home more than they do

a salary, yet are not subservient. In one video, it
amassed one point two million views. Anyway, and she offers
tips on how to become a traditional wife, and you know,
she's very outspoken about it. A lot of people on
the left hater, Well, I mean, I thought the left
was all about freedom of choice. What happened to the

freedom to be a traditional wife in the sense that
she defines it. That's her choice, it's her life, it's
her family, it's her husband, it's her kids. Why does
anybody care what other people do. You're not bothering anybody.
I thought we were supposed to believe in freedom. I
don't really care what adults do in their privacy at

their own house. You don't either, I actually do I
care a lot.

Speaker 10 (20:31):
I mean, if it involves children or small puppies, or
cats or any kind of furry animal, I'm not about it, I.

Speaker 2 (20:36):
Said, adults, Isaiah, adults.

Speaker 10 (20:39):
Doing anything to any of those, you know, groups of
individuals and animals, I'm not about it. But otherwise I
don't really care. And as far as I'm concerned, we
got all these other people out there doing all this
other weird crap. If she wants to be a quote
unquote trad wife, which I have to be honest with
they've never heard of that before, you know, then you
know more power to or knock yourself out, you know,
if you don't like what she's doing. You don't have
to follow her Instagram, you don't have to walk, sure,

you don't have to listen. But this whole idea that
everybody we're so different, were the same thing, Like, it's ridiculous,
like you're trying so hard to be different, that all
of you who are being different are actually all the same,
and you're all just hating on anybody who does do
something different.

Speaker 11 (21:15):
It's just such a load.

Speaker 2 (21:16):
You know, I'm over it.

Speaker 1 (21:17):
Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, be faithful, to
forsake all others and sickness and in health and good times,
bad times, blah blah blah blah till death to your part.
You want to start a fight at a like a
food table one day with your left wing family, say
oh no, love, honor, and obey. Remember that was part
of I guess the old Let me tell.

Speaker 10 (21:38):
You something I believe in that. I think that you
should obey your partner, But not in the way that
they make it. They make it like an ugly thing,
like somebody's bossing you around, like it's obeying, it's obeying
the vow that you took to that person. It's just
being honest and caring and truthful to your partner. It's
not like I can't go out today because my husband
said no. It's not that the word obey is being
misconstrued historically.

Speaker 2 (22:01):
Correct me if I'm wrong. The word obey only appeared, did.

Speaker 10 (22:05):
Only appear in the woman's vow?

Speaker 2 (22:07):
That's correct? All right? Just checking.

Speaker 1 (22:10):
Are Christine is in the free state of Florida? Christine?
How are you glad you called?

Speaker 12 (22:17):
I'm doing good, Sean. Thanks for taking my calls.

Speaker 2 (22:20):
Thank you for calling. What's on your mind?

Speaker 12 (22:23):
Well, I am a code officer here in the lovely
state of Florida, and I think that one of the
things that when we are listening to you, we get
frustrated because we're all wanting to be able to figure
out a way. Well, how can we make this work?
How can we help?

Speaker 2 (22:37):
What can we do?

Speaker 12 (22:38):
You know, how can we be boots on the grounds? Well,
this is what I've noted. We are being invaded, obviously,
and where are they all going. They're coming into our neighborhood,
They're coming into our vacant homes. We need to start
paying attention to our nextdoor neighbors. We need to get
back to the days where we would pay attention like
miss Krafts did back in the old days, and start

realizing that they're start infiltrating our neighborhoods and they're going
to squat in these homes, which is what we deal with.
We deal with vacant properties, and once you have squatters
in there, you can't get them out. And they're not dumb.
They're very resourceful when it comes to point out where
they can go and plant themselves.

Speaker 1 (23:16):
My understanding is now that this has become an issue
and it's in the forefront of people's minds. Governor DeSantis
wants to move decisively and quickly to protect homeowners' rights
from such a situation. I know Georgia is doing the
same thing in other states. I think every state has to.
I mean, before you know, I could tell you in

New York, I know a case about a four and
a half year court ordeal to get rid of a squatter.

Speaker 2 (23:44):
Four and a half years.

Speaker 12 (23:46):
Yes, yes, that's not very much in the light of
things I'm telling you right now. We have squatters that
have taken over properties and then when they can't get
their way, burn it down and they still aren't liable.

Speaker 2 (23:57):
Well, let me ask you this.

Speaker 1 (23:58):
I mean to these waters leave the house and then
just go back in. Can't you change the locks while
they're gone?

Speaker 12 (24:04):
You sure can, But they get back in, they just
break right back in. I'm telling you, they're extremely diligent.
And they can actually hook up the electrical the electric boxes,
whereas the Tico companies of the electric companies don't even
know that they're getting electricity back into the home. I'm
what I'm trying to say is we need to start
paying attention to the houses that are up for sale

and they're going to windle their way in there next thing.
You know, you got a neighbor that you didn't know
you were going to have, and we can't get them
out if they happen.

Speaker 1 (24:33):
Yeah, they can be there well if they have a lease,
but they're not paying then at some point, I mean,
somebody's got to pay the mortgage. In if the owner
of the house needs that money to pay the mortgage,
I mean, why should they be on the hook for
somebody stealing from them. That's just legalized stealing for the
period of time that the government lets them get away

with it.

Speaker 12 (24:54):
We're going to continue as long as we allow it
to continue. And I am glad to hear the cotantus
is going to take this to a high level because
we need to pay attention to these folks that are
in folks, these people that are invading our neighborhood. If
the people that live next door to a vacant house
would mow that lawn, it would make a huge difference
if we would start paying attention to when our neighbors

move out and we realize that we're going to have
to take care of that lawn, because as soon as
you see a lawn overgrown, you know that that most
likely is a vacant home, and that's when they get in,
and when they get in, can't get them out.

Speaker 1 (25:27):
Yes, wow, anyway, thank you. We appreciate the call. Christine.
Every state better get on this quick. All right, quick
break right back, we'll continue. I'm just loving Maybe you
should call Lawrence with Donald Looney Lawrence, what do you think?

Speaker 8 (25:41):
What do you like?

Speaker 6 (25:42):

Speaker 2 (25:43):
I like Looney Larry.

Speaker 10 (25:44):
It's got to be loony Larry all day long.

Speaker 2 (25:46):
Ludie Larry. H Okay if I can remember it.

Speaker 1 (25:51):
Anyway, here's the MSDNC inmates that running the asylum getting
Ronald McDaniel fire.

Speaker 13 (25:58):
Listen reason why there's a lot of journalists at NBC's
uncomfortable with this because many of our professional dealings with
the RNC over the last six years have been met
with gaslighting, have been met with character assassination.

Speaker 5 (26:10):
We want to ask about our opinion on the High Ring,
but if we were, we would have strongly objected for
several reasons, including but not limited to miss McDaniel's role
in Donald Trump's fake electri scheme and her pressuring of
election officials to not certify election results.

Speaker 14 (26:29):
But we've also said election deniers is not just they
can do that on our airwaves, so that they can
do that as one of us, as badge carrying employees
of NBC News, as paid contributors to our sacred airwaves.

Speaker 9 (26:42):
And our democracy is in danger because of the lies
that people like Roni McDaniel have pushed on this country.

Speaker 15 (26:48):
Look, and this is not about not having Republicans on.
We welcome Republican which more Republicans. I want Adam Kinsinger
and Liz Janey to get right here to come talk
to me. The reality is this isn't a difference of.

Speaker 2 (26:59):
A pin She literally backed.

Speaker 15 (27:03):
An illegal scheme to steal an election in the state
of mission.

Speaker 9 (27:07):
We were told this weekend, in clear terms, Ronald McDaniel
will not be on our air. Roni McDaniel will.

Speaker 2 (27:14):
Not be on MSNBC. And I say that.

Speaker 9 (27:19):
And give you that level of detail, because there has
been an effort since by other parts of the company
to muddy that up in the press and make it
seem like that's not what happened at MSNBC. I can
assure you that is what happened at MSNBC.

Speaker 2 (27:33):
Well, apparently there's no management at NBC News.

Speaker 3 (27:36):

Speaker 1 (27:37):
It is being led by the conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow. Oh,
and then people because somebody wrote Donald Trump and mentioned
this is Holy Week and Jesus, and the president shared
he's claiming that he's Jesus.

Speaker 10 (27:52):
No, he was it.

Speaker 2 (27:54):
But Joy read she thinks, so this.

Speaker 15 (27:56):
Bible verse is a psalm of King David. What they
did to trick evangelicals into worshiping Donald Trump like ball
in the Bible is to say he's convinted.

Speaker 2 (28:06):
But you know what, Jesus didn't do.

Speaker 15 (28:08):
The wrongs that he was persecuted for and executed for.

Speaker 8 (28:12):
Trump did.

Speaker 1 (28:13):
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Speaker 8 (29:28):

Speaker 1 (29:28):
That's going to wrap things up for today. Busy Hannity Tonight,
nine Eastern on the Fox News Channel. You don't want
to miss it. Loaded up, Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Tim Scott. Tonight,
we have a former NTSB investigator will join us, Steven Miller,
Tudor Dixon on the border disaster, the mob and the
media going wild. Joe Conca, Charlie hurt Say, DVR Hannity

nine Eastern, best election coverage. We'll see you tonight, back
here tomorrow. Thank you for making this show possible

The Sean Hannity Show News

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