All Episodes

April 2, 2024 32 mins

Crime is skyrocketing in New York and the liberal left has wanted to dismantle and defund the police... could these policies be part of the reason?  Ya think?!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All right, thank you Scott Shannon, and thanks to all
of you for being with us. Here's our toll free
telephone number is eight hundred nine four one, Sean if
you want to be a part of the program.

Speaker 2 (00:12):
How many of you maybe.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
This this weekend, this Easter weekend, had an opportunity to
watch the eulogy of the wife of this slain officer,
Jonathan Dillar. It's about nine minutes we're gonna we're gonna
play this, and how powerful it was. She got a
standing ovation as she was about to give the eulogy.

And you know, just as a reminder, I mean, they
have a one year old, this one year old little
boy that they have together, and that's the officer Jonathan Dillar,
and of course his wife, Stephanie.

Speaker 2 (00:47):
My thoughts, my prayers, my love goes out to them.

Speaker 1 (00:51):
I know the community of Massapequa, well, I grew up
in Long Island. Have many friends in Massapequa. It's a
town that you know, istriotic, they love God, family, faith
and country. It's in Nassau County, Long Island, where I
happen to grow up, which is not it's not New
York City. I'll tell you that and a lot of

a lot of firemen, a lot of policemen, a lot
of military personnel out there. And you know, very very interesting.
The Nassau County executive, a guy by the name of
Bruce Blakeman, he was there. Donald Trump showed up there
for the wake on Friday night. I know it meant
a lot to the family. And I can tell you

that I know for a fact that it meant a
lot to Donald Trump, although he's being criticized.

Speaker 2 (01:38):
For doing it.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
Meanwhile, you had three other US presidents Obama, Biden, Clinton.
You know, they were raising twenty five millions trashing Trump
at Radio City Music Hall on Friday night when Trump
was at the wake for this slain officer. I mean
the recidivism rate of of the people involved in this. Anyway,

Guy Rivera, the thirty four year olds suspected of fatally
shooting Jonathan Diller, this was a simple traffic stop. He's
now being charged with murder in the officer's death and
attempted murder for allegedly trying to turn the gun on
his partner. And anyway, we'll see what happens in New York.

But it was you know, he had three presidents in town,
they couldn't go and spend a few minutes with the family. Well,
Donald Trump didn't go to every officer's dead no, But
nor was he looking at his watch when he would
go and meet the families of slain soldiers when they
were brought back home to the country. He wasn't looking

at his watch the way Biden did. I think it
was when the thirteen Americans were slain in Afghanistan during
his botched pullout out of Afghanistan. All this officer did
was his job. The approach the car that police say
was illegally parked at a bus stop. That's that's their job.
That's what they're supposed to do. When they asked the

occupants to step out of the vehicle. Well, anyway, the driver,
you know, opens fire outside. The guy in the passenger seat,
Rivera opens fire against this officer, and the first bullet
hit Officer Jonathan Dillar in the stomach below his vest.
Obviously we have to rethink that vest. But anyway, then

they tried. Then they tried to turn the gun on Rosen,
who fought back, pushed the barrel away from his body thankfully,
according to court documents, and allegedly you know, Rivera allegedly
aimed at Rosen again and pulled the trigger, but the
gun thankfully jammed and anyway, community members poured out the
town of mass of Pequa. Wonderful people there. You know,

they were out last week for a candlelight vigil for Diller.

Speaker 2 (03:55):

Speaker 1 (03:55):
He leaves behind a wife and a one year old
little boy. Later in the program, I'm going to play
nine minutes of the eulogy so you can hear it yourself,
and just you know, just trying to imagine for a second.
I got to thank our friends at the Tunnel to
Towers Foundation. They immediately thanks to all of your generosity.
They immediately jumped in they're going to help this family out.

Both men involved in this had lengthy rap sheets prior
felony convictions. Why were they out on the street. Rivera
had twenty one prior arrest nine of them for felonies,
and he recently got off got off parole. The other
guy was convicted of attempted murder in two served time
in prison, but he's out on the streets despite of
pending felony firearms case from last year. Great job with

these liberal das in this case. In the Queen's DA's
office anyway, So all these people are out there, there
is a GoFundMe for anybody that would like to donate
to the family. I know David Portnoy, apparently over a barstool,
raised a fortune for this family, and I just, you know,
is so sad, and to listen to this widow thank you,

it was heart wrenching, frankly, but I was happy to
see it when she got a standing ovation when she
approached the church electorate to deliver her remarks and obviously
fighting back tears, thanking the public for the outpouring of
support following her husband's death, and saying that I'm so
proud of the thousands of people across this country calling

Jonathan a hero. But the truth is he's always been
a hero to Ryan and me. The rest of the
world is just catching up and saying, how many more
police officers, how many more families have to make the
ultimate sacrifice before we start protecting them. I know, maybe
we take it for granted, but when I show you
videotape of cops getting the crap beaten out of them

in Times Square in New York, I'm not showing it
to you for kicksing giggles. This is what life is
now like in New York City. Every day. What officer
wants that job, what officer wants to get involved. She
closed her eulogy by saying, when the gates of Heaven
open for me, I hope I'll see Jonathan standing there

looking at me like he did on our wedding day.
How sad is that? How unnecessary is that? How is
it that our justice system is that broken? Rest in peace,
Jonathan Dillar, the man that captured my heart, and now
all of New York's, frankly, all of the countries. You know,

it's it's so sad, and it's so predictable, and it's
so unnecessary. You know, this doesn't have to be the
America we're now living in.

Speaker 2 (06:43):

Speaker 1 (06:43):
The family of this slain hero, you know, told Governor Hokels,
she has blood in her hands. What do you think, defund, dismantle, reimagine,
no bail laws. They haven't done a damn thing in
New York about this.

Speaker 2 (06:58):
I want to know.

Speaker 1 (06:58):
One of the reasons I I couldn't stay there anymore.
And I made that decision a long time ago. I
just had obligations that kept me there. This is one
of the main reasons, one of the main Or you're
doing it because you're saving money, that's one of the reasons,
but it's not the top reason. It's not the same
state I grew up in.

Speaker 2 (07:20):
It just isn't.

Speaker 1 (07:22):
It was good to see the President Trump went there.
You know, I will tell you I learned this Yesterday
happened to be the anniversary of my father dying in
March thirty first, nineteen ninety seven. What is that twenty
seven years ago? And it was six months after I

started at Fox News. Now, my mom and dad weren't
sure if I was gonna My mom in the prison
guard wasn't sure if I was going to end up
on the other side of the prison.

Speaker 2 (07:51):
And I joke about that.

Speaker 1 (07:52):
But you know, there were good people that had the
hardest of lives and grew up just poor in the Depression.
My dad in BEDSTI my mom then the South Bronx,
and they just didn't have money. My dad spent four
years in the Pacific, fought in World War Two, and
they just had much harder lives. My mom killed herself

pretty much work in sixteen hour days at a prison
as a prison guard. She was the valedictorian of her
high school class. She could do the New York Times
Crossroad puzzle and ink for crying out loud, and there
was no money for something like college that didn't exist.
And you know it's I know, I stand on their shoulders.

That's why I say I'm living an undeserved life that
others before me sacrificed for.

Speaker 2 (08:42):
I just know it.

Speaker 1 (08:44):
But I learned at my father's funeral, I mean and
ever since. And Linda can attest to this. If I
hear anybody that I know loses a loved one or
a family member, you know, I either said food and
or you know, flowers, because little little gestures like that
mean things to people. All the people of massive Pequa

that took time to show up this weekend, that made
me proud of them.

Speaker 2 (09:09):
I was happy they were there.

Speaker 1 (09:12):
You probably you know, you're just part of a crowd,
but the sheer size of that crowd meant everything to them.
And we're living now in an upside down world where
you still have people on the left that want to defund, dismantle,
reimagine the police and no bail laws. But they'll throw
the book at Trump. I can give you a list

of crimes that I just chronicled. This is part of
my research every day. I don't have time to mention
it every day, you know. But he had a boardwalk
Empire actor attacked by rock wielding homeless guy in near
Central Park.

Speaker 2 (09:47):
That's in New York.

Speaker 1 (09:48):
Have a woman seventy five stab multiple times in the
head by a parole followed her into her Bronx elevator.
You had Chicago thirty two people shot this weekend, a
number of them fatal. You can predict that on pretty
much every weekend. How many times have I scrolled the
names of people you never heard of before, shot, shot
and killed in Chicago. I've been doing it on TV

since two thousand and nine. And these politicians don't do
a damn thing to make their city safer.

Speaker 2 (10:16):
Why not?

Speaker 1 (10:17):
Why didn't Obama do it? Was his home city. I've
been scrolling those names since the first year he was president.
He had eight years to fix this. Downtown La Slammed
is a third world city. Videos of homeless camped out,
trash covered sidewalks, people defecating in the street, shooting up
in the street, urinating in the street. Oh, finally, Gavin

Newsom has figured out that that they have a crime
problem in Oakland. He's gonna put up five hundred cameras.
Big deal. What are they going to do? Probably nothing.
Three juvenile girls arrested in Connecticut. Why for the murder
of a sixty four year old Northwest DC man. What
did they get? No bail to a slap on the wrist.
They'll be out in a couple of years. It's unbelievable.

A report on Fox that Muriel Bowser is proposing a
plan to hold parents in the district accountable if their
kids missed too many school days. Okay, why don't we
go after the hard criminals first? A woman seventy five
stabbed multiple times in the head by a parole lee.
They just told you about her. A disabled Washington DC
man beaten to death by three girls aged twelve and thirteen.

We showed you the Missouri place.

Speaker 2 (11:30):
You know what.

Speaker 1 (11:31):
The latest game in New York City is sucker punching
people just hitting him, running up to him, breaking their jaw.
I know how to do a targeted strike to break
somebody's jaw. If you know how to do it very effective.
Wouldn't want to ever do it against anybody because it's
you know, but they get away with it every time.
They're not getting caught, they're not getting arrested. If they're arrested,

they're let out on bail. You know, remember the guys
beating up the cops. They were out in just a
couple of hours, flipping the double burden, heading out to
the sanctuary state of California.

Speaker 2 (12:05):
You just can't make this up. These are unbelievable.

Speaker 1 (12:10):
Times we're looking in looking at I've been warning you
when about Joe Biden's open borders. How many times have
I said this is now, it's a matter of when,
it's not if we're going to have a terrorist attack
in this country. You can't have tens and tens of
thousands of people coming from our number one geopolitical foe, China,

and then you add Russia to the mix, and then
you add Iran, the number one state sponsor of terror,
and then you add Syria, and then you add Egypt
in Afghanistan. Why are they showing up at our southern boarder.
You think they wanted better lives for themselves and their family.
What about the former retired top FBI officials writing a
letter saying this is an invasion of military age men.

You know there was a peace out today that isis
is back in the US. Doesn't care and they're ignoring
it isis in the US. I'm telling you when it happens.
I've been warning this is gonna happen, in the hopes
that somebody might do something, but they just want more
open borders, more and more and more open borders. I

got a lot to talk about it regarding this today,
but this is the country that we're living in. If
this election is about Joe's open borders, about law and
order and safety and security, about his horrific economy, in
spite of him saying just the opposite, If this election
is about America abdicating its role on the world stage

as the leader of the free world, and now the
emergence of a new access of evil China, Russia, Iran.
You know this is a prescription for unmitigated disaster. You
don't think it can happen. Go back to the last
century now, China, Stalin, Russia, Hitler, Germany, Mussolini, Italy, Paul Potter,

killing fields tojo Japan. One hundred million humans dead in
that century alone. You don't think evil? More evil can
happen on a mass scale. Wake up, because it's probably
now when, not if, the election in two hundred and
seventeen days. You don't think this is an inflection point
for this country. You don't think this is a referendum

on our future. You don't think that this is a
all hands on deck moment. Then you don't know what
the hell's going on. But you hate Trump? Trump Trump Trump.
Eight hundred nine four one sewn is our number. If
you want to be a part of the program.

Speaker 2 (14:40):
How as we roll.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
Along on a Monday, all right, we got a lot
coming up today, two hundred and seventeen days till election day,
best election coverage. That's our promise, our pledge, our solemn vow. Also,
a huge controversy broke out over the weekend and over
this issue of not only yesterday being Easter Sunday, but
Joe biden proclamation that of recognizing the quote transgender Day

of Visibility on Easter Sunday. We have Caitlin General will
join us who put on X. I'm absolutely disgusted that
Joe Biden has declared the most holy of Holy days,
a self proclaimed devout Catholic, asgender day of Visibility. The
only thing you should be declaring on this day is

he is risen. So we'll check in with Caitlyn on
that issue. By the way, breaking news a suspect directed
arrested after crashing the car into the FBI. Atlantic Gate
will update you as necessary on that issue. When fake

news gives you lies, Hannity supplies the truth.

Speaker 2 (15:55):
Sean Hannity is on right now, al.

Speaker 1 (16:01):
Right, twenty five now till the top of the hour,
eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if you want
to be a part of the program. Joe Biden now
restoring promising to restore Roe v. Wade as the law
of the land. You know, they're so desperate to shore
up their base and literally and invigorate the radicals in
their party. I mean, now Kamala Harris is going to

abortion clinics. No president and vice president had ever done
that before. It wasn't long ago Clinton said it should
be legal and rare. That party has become that extreme
since then, then, of course, Kamala Harris meeting with the
you know, pro drug legalization groups, and then Kamala Harris,

of course, you know, turning on Israel in a vicious way,
a dangerous ways they battle their war against terrorists anyway,
So a lot going on. But that's Biden's pledge is
to make Roe v. Wade law of the land. And
that's where Preborn Networks come in. And Linda, I know
this is a particular passion of yours.

Speaker 3 (17:01):
Yeah, and this is the thing that we've been talking about,
you know, all during Holy Week. You know, now we've
got Easter Sunday. They're trying to take that away. You know,
these these babies have a right, they have their own
voice too. And who is the government to take your
money and put it towards planned parenthood and let them
make the decision.

Speaker 2 (17:17):
You make your decision.

Speaker 3 (17:18):
You take that money back if you want to donate
to a place like Preborn. You're giving the voiceless a voice,
you know, and they need it more than ever now
because these people can't wait to take your money and
put it to all of their special interests crap. So
it's about time we take it back, give it to
an amazing organization like Preborn. They're doing everything they can
to give these moms the truth and the options and

a full year of coverage afterwards, formula diapers, all the
things you're not thinking about because they don't have anybody
else to turn to. But preborn is there, so preborn
dot com you can find out more there.

Speaker 2 (17:49):
It's incredible, all right.

Speaker 1 (17:51):
By the way, just go to preborn dot com slash
Sean sea N or dial pound two fifty say the
keyword baby or preborn dot com slash Sean s e
A N. I told you the headline ISIS is back
and the US doesn't care and they're ignoring it. This
is scary now. That was on Fox News dot Com

and the Wall Street Journal. I mean, this is a
one time top military official that served under Biden is
pointing out Americas far more vulnerable to a terrorist attack
by isis K than it was before Biden became president.
This is General Frank Mackenzie, in charge of US forces
in Afghanistan or in Biden's withdrawal. We now know the

military did not want to do what Biden insisted that
they do, and he's obviously the commander in chief. He said,
we should believe them when they say this, they're going
to try to do it. I think the threat is growing.
I've not been the biggest fan of Director Ray the FBI,
but he could not be any more clear, and his

last two appearances before Congress, how dangerous this threat is.
He's never heard chatter this loud, He's never heard threats
on this level ever before in his career.

Speaker 2 (19:10):
Are you listening, America?

Speaker 1 (19:12):
And maybe they should stop investigating moms and dads at
school board meeting as domestic terrorists and focus on real terrorists.
But anyway, McKenzie goes on to say, the threat is growing,
and it started growing as soon as we left Afghanistan.
And he's and we know that al Qaeda training camps
have been growing in Afghanistan. Also add that to the mix.

You know that that goes to the heart of all
the people coming from Iran, number one state sponsor terror,
their satellite Syria, Egypt, home of the Muslim Brotherhood, Afghanistan,
home of al Qaeda, at isis K. I mean, this
is all real, you know, And this general is saying,
you know, expect further attempts of this nature against the

US as well as our partners and other Western nations abroad.
Biden assured the American people when he left Afghanistan that
the US would retain and over the horizon ability to
monitor terrorists there, but he said that is not true.
Now in Afghanistan, we have almost no availability to see
into that country and no availability to strike into that country.

Speaker 2 (20:22):
Not good.

Speaker 1 (20:24):
Add that to Joe's open borders and we know the
countries they're coming from. And what do we have Joe
Biden taking Governor Abbott and Texas to court every chance
he gets. We had a ruling this weekend an Alpasso
judge ordering the release of hundreds of illegal immigrants accused
of involvement in the border riot that we showed you

that took place well last week or the week before,
when these weeks run together. The judge made the ruling
yesterday during an online teleconference bond hearing. He accused the
ol Paso d'ie's office of not being ready to pursue
with de tension hearings of each defendant. It is the
ruling of the court that all the rioting participating cases

will be released on their own recognissance. How stupid are we?
These guys was celebrating after they got into the country.
I've been pointing out that our government does not keep
statistics on illegal immigrants that are involved in murder and
rape and violent assault. Well, ICE did put out a

press release and they're pointing out the mob in the
media is telling us that the crime rate among Biden
illegals is actually lower than than American citizens.

Speaker 2 (21:35):
Well, it doesn't sound like it. I said.

Speaker 1 (21:38):
Quote in fiscal year twenty twenty three that they made
one hundred and seventy five hundred and ninety administrative arrest
the nineteen point five percent increase over the previous year,
arresting seventy three eight hundred and twenty two non citizens
that have a criminal history. Who's the one been telling
you unvetted Joe bidene Lee immigrants. Those that have those

arrested had an average of four charges and convictions per individual,
including thirty three thousand, two hundred and nine charges of
convictions for assault, seven five hundred and twenty for weapons offenses,
one thousand, seven hundred and thirteen for homicide related offenses,
one thousand, six hundred and fifteen for kidnapping, remove kidnappings.

Speaker 2 (22:26):
And we don't even we don't even.

Speaker 1 (22:28):
Deport these people. But these are the unvetted Joe Biden
illegal immigrants. Now Congressional Republicans are accusing Biden of aiding
in a betting my term. By the way, an illegal
immigrant is accused of raping and disabling a fourteen year
old girl. This in Alabama. I've been telling you about

this case anyway. This is one of Biden's illegals. Name
is Pablo Mendoza. He's twenty three. Reportedly committed first degree rape,
having sex with the fourteen year old girl. The girl
could not consent. The girl was quote physically helpless and
mentally incapacitated. Reacting to this, Congressman Wesley Hunt wrote on

X Joe Biden did this in reference to the President's
immigration policy.

Speaker 2 (23:17):
Alabama Senator Tommy Tuberville. Tuberville took to X.

Speaker 1 (23:21):
Said he's an illegal alien who is just arrested in
South Alabama for raping a mentally incapacitated fourteen year old girl.
Joe Biden is aiding and abetting these monsters. How many
more examples does this country need? If you don't think
this election matters, if you don't think this is a
tipping point in two hundred and seventeen days, what is

it going to take for you? Are you happy with
what's happening at our border? Are you not seeing this
threat for what it is? Do you think that I'm
lying to you when I say it's one hundred percent
it's gonna happen that we have now allowed terror cells
into our country, vetted Joe Biden, illegal immigrants from our
top geo political foes. You don't have to be a genius,

a Havid or MIT grad to figure this out. It's
it's when it's not if. And I still add, I
pray I'm wrong. I pray to God in Heaven that
I am wrong. Massachusetts Democrats say they're going to use
veterans housing for Biden illegal immigrants.

Speaker 2 (24:23):
You got to be kidding me. And what do we
get out of Joe Biden.

Speaker 1 (24:28):
Did we get a correction to Lincoln Riley's family that
their name isn't Lincoln. No, we got the I regret
using the term illegal, I should have said undocumented. And
now we know that the Mexican this Mexican president goes
on sixty minutes and what is he He's lecturing America,

We're not going to shut down our border until you
change your policy on Cuba and you changed your policy
on Venezuela. It's okay, and it's it's okay for what
the American people to get lectured by the Mexican president
that is aiding and abetting this invasion, according to FBI
former top luminaries, really an invasion of military men, to

quote them exactly, and then demanding twenty billion dollars and
allowing illegal illegals from Mexico to become full fledged citizens.
You got to be kidding me. You think that would
happen under Donald Trump? You know the guy that sends
out mean tweets. That guy, No, I don't think so.
It's unreal. Really, these are I cannot believe. Do you

not know that this is an inflection point for the country.
Do you not see it for what it is? Do
you not see the radicals now have taken over the
Democratic Party? Joe Lieberman passed away. I was friends with
Joe Lieberman. He's a Democrat, got along with fabulous, very tough.
We agreed on most foreign policy issues. We agreed little

on social issues. But he was a very kind and
decent man. My thoughts and prayers go out to him
and his family, his wonderful wife, Dasa, who I know.
I've reached out to them. I've not been able to
get a hold of them. I've tried. I want to
just sell my condolences, But I got along great with
him and then he lost. He was the former vice
presidential candidate of the Democratic Party in two thousand. He

ran with Gore, then he lost the Democratic primary. That
was the canary in the coal mine about how radical
left this party was going to go. And sure enough,
you know, then he became part of the No Labels Party,
you know movement. I don't know how far they're ever
going to get. By the way, we're not learning a

lot about about Robert Kennedy's platform. Now, no wonder why
Democrats have opened a war room to destroy that guy.
You know, look at this radical party. You have this guy,
Jamal Bowman. Wasn't he the guy that pulled the fire alarm?
I think it was a squad member, you know, now
joining Biden and Schumer and Harris attacking Israel. Israel was attacked.

They were victims of a terrorist attack. And we're trying
to tell Israel how to fight their war and when
to end their war. No, They've got to win their
war against terrorism. They lost the equivalent of what would
be if you base it on population and extrapolate out
of the numbers, that would be forty thousand dead Americans

in a day. You want them to stop, and you
want to cease fire and they're fighting the war to
win the war, and you're going to be critical, Well,
would we have taken that? I don't think so. But
you have more and more administration officials. They're bailing out
on Israel day in and day out. I'm not sure
how many of you saw the incident that took place

at Saint Patrick's this past weekend. I remember year years
ago the group act up when in there and they
were thrown around condoms all over the church. Well, this
weekend you got attention seeking protesters you know previously who
you know previously, one of whom previously glued his feet
to the stands at the US Open as part of

their climate alarmism cult. Anyway, they were now hauled out
of Saint Patrick's Cathedral, disrupting Easter Sunday Mass with the
shouts of free Palestine. On Saturday, police were called to
the Midtown Cathedral because of what was that They literally
were racing to the altar of a Catholic mass during

services on Easter.

Speaker 2 (28:43):

Speaker 1 (28:44):
Their Democratic National Committee now is using AI to attack
Laura Trump and anyway, they take a name at the
New Republican National Committee co chair, not unlike the way
NBC treated Ronald McDaniel, and they're writing songs to her.

Speaker 2 (29:04):
Oh, Lara or Lara, What have you done? What have
you done?

Speaker 1 (29:06):
Anyways, shall respond on Hannity tonight. It's just unbelievable. Times
we are living in are unbelievable. We also have Speaker
of the House Johnson on I know a lot of
you are angry with them. I'll tell you, I'm more
angry at the Republican rhinos that he has to deal with.
And they have such a tiny majority that nobody could

do the job. I'm just I'm telling you straight up.
And we have more Republicans bailing out. I guess they
have financial motives and incentives to do so. It's really
pissing me off. You don't think this is an inflection
point for the country. What about the Biden administration having
finalized the long awaited regulations that target emissions generated from

eighteen wheelers and trucks and buses. They now apply to
short haul, long haul tractor trailer trucks, vocational trucks like
delivery vehicles, garbage trucks, school and public transit buses, concrete trucks,
fire trucks. Let me just tell you right now, this
means all of you will pay more. These rules kick
in in twenty twenty six for model year twenty twenty seven.

They become more stringent through twenty thirty two, and they're
forcing a larger number of trucks and buses to zero
emissions that they're trying to make them all electric. America
is rejecting electric vehicles. It's unbelievable. Wonder how crazy the
left is. You know they're now doing this. Biden's EV

mandate now is severely limiting how many conventional vehicles automakers
can produce. You have one EV maker having to slash
their prices because they're trying to avoid bankruptcy. Fiskers the
name of the company. I'm not even aware of it.
It's pretty unbelievable. You want to know how radical the
left wingers are, because this is not just Joe, it's

the entire Democratic Radical Party. You have a pair of
led squatters accused of unlawfully moving into a queen's duplex.
They're suing the owners of that for refusing to vacate
their own home. Thankfully, Florida just passed a squatter law.
Every other state should pass one as well. And by

the way, you want to think that's you think that's bad.
I happen to like I don't know how Linda, what
you like the most, but I happen to like thin
crust pizzas that are made with wood and coal fired ovens.
That's my favorite. It needs to be my favorite. Okay,
So now all of these these pizza places are going

to have to adapt and get rid of their coal
fired and wood fired stoves. That's how they make their living.
How many tens of thousands of dollars are they going
to cost? These companies? They then knock it, You don't
make that much from a pizza. You can only charge
so much before people say the hell with it. They're
going to do without it. Unbelievable. Two hundred and seventeen days.

Hope you're ready, all right? When we come back two
hundred and seventeen days till an inflection point in our country,
we'll get the latest on the pending election. We'll check
in with New Kingrich and yeah, why did Joe Biden
on Easter Sunday put out a proclamation uh Transgender Day
of Visibility?

Speaker 2 (32:23):
We'll ask Caitlin Jenner,

The Sean Hannity Show News

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