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March 28, 2024 32 mins

Mark Simone fills in for Sean Hannity and is joined by Carol Roth, author of "You Will Own Nothing," to talk about the Biden fundraiser that's bringing New York City to a halt. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Well, we've come in your city, get a conscious zone,
will be desill.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
And if you want a little bang y, I come along.

Speaker 3 (00:18):
But you know what, Jesus didn't do the wrongs that
he was persecuted for and executed for.

Speaker 4 (00:24):
Trump did.

Speaker 5 (00:25):
But people aren't going in the New York socc Exchange
now because of what's happening in.

Speaker 6 (00:28):
New York, because they don't want to be attacked by
a thug like this horrible Attorney general.

Speaker 4 (00:34):
That we have.

Speaker 6 (00:34):
Border security is a big piece of national security. And
if we don't know who is coming into our country
and we don't know what their intent is, that is
a threat.

Speaker 5 (00:49):
Only two hundred and twenty one more days left until
you get to vote.

Speaker 7 (00:56):
That We're coming.

Speaker 5 (00:58):
To your city from coast to coast. It's from border
to border, from c to Shining Sea.

Speaker 4 (01:15):
Sean Kennedy is on, Well, hey, it's a Sean Hannity show.
Mark Simone here for Sean. Normally I'm on our big
flagship station here in New York. W r uh. But
it's great to be here and with us right now.
Carol Roth, best selling authors, you wrote that great book
You Will Own Nothing, Your war with a New Financial

Order and hey, make sure you follow on Twitter. Very
good on Twitter, Carol Roth, How you doing.

Speaker 8 (01:44):
I'm doing well, Mark, And you know I follow you
not just on Twitter, but on Instagram, where I lived
my life vicariously through. You were hanging out with Mariano Rivera.

Speaker 5 (01:52):
My goodness, oh my love.

Speaker 4 (01:54):
He was my favorite New York Yankee, the greatest pitcher
ever in the history of the world. And yeah, we
did in a event with him yesterday. You know how
some guys went, it's got to come to some big
fundraiser and they don't want to talk to anybody. This
guy spent an hour beforehand taking pictures with everybody in
the crowd, an hour after taking pictures. What a nice guy.
Isn't that good to hear?

Speaker 8 (02:14):
God bless It's wonderful to know that there are people
like that. Not only is doing good right, he's there
for charity, but then very gracious about it as well.

Speaker 4 (02:22):
Yeah, it's on my Instagram. Mark Simone NYC at Instagram.
The same event a long time ago was Chuck Schumer
was the speaker, and we had to hide him in
a room beforehand, and you want to talk to anybody,
came out, made the speech, got the hell out of there,
didn't do to talk to anybody. Can you what a
difference in character?

Speaker 8 (02:38):
Okay, shocking?

Speaker 4 (02:40):
Now you listen to this. Right now, I am sitting
right here in this studio, and within about two blocks
of me are four US Presidents Trump down there where
he lives. Over there at Radio City, it's Biden, Obama,
and Clinton doing a fundraiser tonight at Radio City, Stephen
Colbert hosting it. Is he supposed to be hosting fundraisers

working in the campaign.

Speaker 8 (03:07):
I mean, is that really any different than what he's
doing as a late night talk show host? I mean,
isn't that basically the mouthpiece for the DNC, running all
of their talking points. I mean, certainly from the clips
that I've seen, doesn't seem like the comedy in the
late night shows of yesteryear. No, Johnny Carson, He's not
even vintage David Letterman. So I kind of feel like

there's a pretty thin line between what he does every
day and then just you know, hanging out with the
different presidents.

Speaker 4 (03:36):
Yeah, in these cases they're going on in New York.
Letitia James, this wacko attorney general, Could you even for
a second figure out what she's charging Trump with that
could even be considered a crime.

Speaker 8 (03:48):
It's actually very frightening to me because you know, I
am a recovering investment banker Mark and one of the
things that we do as people in corporate finance is
we have to do valuation. And valuation work is very
challenging because it is somewhat subjective. The true value of

something is what any person is willing to pay at
a point in time, so you usually give a range
of values for something. When you try to say, hey,
you know, we're coming up with a value that's different
than what you put down, and we think that was fraudulent.
But the lender did their own due diligence and came

back and said, well, you know, we didn't feel like
there was a problem. We didn't lose any money. I
am just flabbergasted that that's something that could happen in
the United States of America, and particularly in New York City,
which is supposed to be this, you know, beacon of capitalism.
It's giving people a lot of pause as to whether

or not they want to continue to do business in
that city.

Speaker 4 (04:54):
You know, if you actually look at what he valued
his apartment and it comes out to about two hundred
million dollars. Sounds crazy, but there's about fifteen apartments in
this neighborhood that went for more than two hundred million.
And this is certainly the most famous apartment in America.
It's easily probably worth two hundred million.

Speaker 8 (05:12):
And here's the thing. If the lender didn't think that
that was the case, or any of their other assets
or information that was provided, they're going to do their
due diligence. They're going to give a haircut, and they're
only going to give a loan that they feel comfortable with.
And again, it was paid back with interest. They didn't
lose any money. So there is nobody who seems to

be upset with the situation except for the government. And
that is something I have a huge problem with. Whether
it's Donald Trump, a person off the street, small business,
gig workers. Why is the government getting in the middle
of private transactions. And if both parties are happy with
the way that you transact, they're saying, I'm sorry, you
can't do it that way. We're finding fault with it.

Speaker 4 (06:00):
How do you run a democracy without actual working, normal
fair media. You know, if you watch Joe Biden, he
makes these crazy comments about Trump, it was just tax
SU's for the rich, which is not true. And nobody
fact The fact checkers have all gone on strike this year,
haven't they.

Speaker 8 (06:16):
Well, I think they've gone for multiple years. You know,
it's called the corporate press, you know, in certain circles
for a reason. You know, one of the things that
popped up on Twitter recently, you know, with Joe Biden
and Elizabeth Warren and the like touting their wealth taxes
is Joe Biden keeps saying the wealthiest Americans only pay

a tax rate of eight percent. And I'm thinking myself,
eight percent, That sounds amazing. How can I get in
on that? And I go and I do some research
and I google you know, what's what's the rate that
the unaverage millionaires pay? And you get all of these
links back to the White House's site.

Speaker 4 (06:55):

Speaker 8 (06:56):
Well, the White House did a study, and their study
was of income. It was of unsold stock at a
certain point in time, not income. And that's how they
came up with the eight percent and then said, oh,
the wealthy people pay less than their secretaries, and the
entire media ran with it. So now Americans believe this

and this is how they create this class warfare propaganda.

Speaker 4 (07:22):
Yeah. Also they deliberately, like Biden of the Denver, they
confuse income with assets. You know, Warren Buffett pays less
tax and as secretary because he hasn't sold anything, there's
no he only pays himself seventy five thousand a years,
So he's just paying tax on that, not on one hundred
and sixty billion.

Speaker 8 (07:42):
So it's just and which, by the way, the stock
market moves, and that whatever it's worth today, it could
be worth a different amount tomorrow, up or down. If
things go down. They never want to give you a
credit for that loss. They only want to take more
if it goes up. And you know, somehow that doesn't
really work out for people.

Speaker 4 (08:01):
Hey, we're talking with Carol Roth. Do you understand this
p Didty situation? What is he actually being charged with?

Speaker 8 (08:09):
So this is all unfolding. I know it's not the
Port of Baltimore thing. I know he didn't have anything
to do with that gied him to that, But it
sounds like and this is you know, based on the
report I'm seeing that allegedly that he might might have
been involved in some sort of sex trafficking. Oh he

had you know again allegedly according to reports. I'm just
reading off of other people's reporting, but the lawsuits is
saying that there are certain Instagram models and different people
who are associated with other celebrities that were sex workers
for P Ditty And you know, in entertainment circles, there

have been a lot of rumors over the years that
there were different unsavory things that he was involved in.
I know, it's shocking somebody who calls himself a bad
boy for life would be involved in something, but yeah,
it sounds like that potentially is one of the things
they're looking at. Not a pleasant situation by any means, not.

Speaker 4 (09:17):
Good at all. Hey, Carol Roth has a best selling
book called You Will Own Nothing, Your War with a
New Financial World Order and How to Fight Back Now
that title you Will Own Nothing, That that was actually
Klaus Kruber, the guy that runs this awful Davos conference
every year. Didn't he actually say that that that was
the idea?

Speaker 8 (09:37):
I love that you called him Klaus Kruber because that's
his name, is Klaus Schwab, But you Klaus Schwab, sorry,
Hans Gruber, who was the bad guy in Die Hard
and he is kind of of that villain vein right.
So his organization, the World Economic Forum, put out their

top eight predictions for twenty third, and the number one
prediction was you will own nothing and you will be happy.
It's such such funny language because it's not we will
own nothing. You know, the elite that he's a part of.
You know, they're gonna be fine, but you're going to
own nothing. And then they're trying to tell you that
because of that, you not having property, you not owning things,

that you're going to be happy. And throughout history, the
people who haven't owned things, as we know Mark, they
haven't been happy, they haven't been wealthy. Many of them
have lost their lives and starved. So, you know, the
idea that not having property is a good thing is
it's a big campaign of the elite, and certainly it's

one of the big issues that is making young people
more and more depressed about the American dream because they
do feel like it's outreach.

Speaker 4 (10:47):
Yeah, well, Klaus, it's a good plan. You own nothing.
You can't have a car, that's part of his deal.
And they'll tell you where you're allowed to go and
what you're allowed to do, and they have this conference
over your Davos, Switzerland. Why all these business guys go
to this thing? Why do they get involved in this?

Speaker 8 (11:03):
Yeah, so Davos is this sort of snotty boondoggle, and
I think some of them go because everybody else is going,
and it's a way to see people, to be seen
to make some deals. But then there are these billionaires
who want to quote unquote effect change. Now. I don't
know why they just can't be normal billionaires, Like why

can't they just go around on their megayachts and buy
race horses and hoard art and do the things that
billionaires do. That's not good enough for them. Mark they
want to control our lives. They want to say there's
too many people in the world, or that we have
to go back to living like there's you know, we're
in the stone ages, or you can't have a car,

or you know, you shouldn't have a house, and we're
going to have these fifteen minute cities to prove you know,
how wonderful and smart they are. I wish they would
just go back to being normal hoarding billionaires.

Speaker 4 (11:58):
Yeah, they got a private chef, a helicopter, six cars,
twelve planes, nineteen boats. But you should take the bus to.

Speaker 8 (12:06):
Shut up and enjoy it. Leave the rest of us alone.
Just just mind your own business.

Speaker 4 (12:10):
Yeah, well it's a great book in everybody. If you
haven't read the book yet, big bestseller. You will own
nothing by Carol Roth. And where where else did people
follow you? On Twitter? Of course? Carol J. Roth at Twitter.

Speaker 8 (12:21):
Graham Yes is YouTube Carol JS Ross Okay, and great
stuff and always good talking.

Speaker 4 (12:27):
Thanks for being.

Speaker 8 (12:28):
With us, Thanks for having me. Have a happy Easter,
all right, take care.

Speaker 4 (12:32):
Oh and coming up, we'll take some calls. Eight hundred
nine four one. Seawan is the number, eight hundred nine
four one, Shawn, if we get to check out Hannity
dot Com, Hannity every night at nine Fox News Channel,
and we'll be back in a moment on the Sean
Hannity Show. Hey, welcome back. It's the Sean Hannity Show.
Mark Simone here for Sean. Let's take some calls. Let's

go to Jesse in Louisiana.

Speaker 9 (12:57):
Jesse, good afternoon.

Speaker 3 (12:59):
Yeah, the anchors are still up on that ship. Yeah,
before an impending collision. They're supposed to be dropped.

Speaker 10 (13:06):
They had and you don't need to have power to
drop them.

Speaker 4 (13:08):
Well apparently apparently you did in that ship. They did
try to drop it, but they didn't have any power.

Speaker 9 (13:14):
Don't know.

Speaker 3 (13:15):
They're supposed to be an emergency thing that they can.

Speaker 4 (13:17):
Apparently not in that ship. You know, it's interesting that
ship has had nothing but trouble it get. They get
inspected all the time. It flunked a Danish inspection for
not having proper power propulsion. They had those problems before.
It's had previous accidents. The problem is these ships are
from all over the world, different countries, flagged to different countries,
so there's no standard and all of that. It's a

horrible situation. But thanks for calling, Jesse. Let's go to
Doug in Virginia. Doug, how you doing good, sir, Thank
you for the call.

Speaker 11 (13:47):
You know, it's been reported that the last number I
heard was forty five thousand Chinese. It coming across the border. Yes,
now owns a lot of property in this country, and
I'm wondering is anyone paying attention to what the connection
might be, especially curious about how those properties your opinion
on how they might be developed, or they properties being farmed,
constructed or what.

Speaker 4 (14:08):
Yeah, Unfortunately again I said this before you it's hard
to have a democracy without actual working media. They're not
paying attention to anything. That's a good point there that
nobody's paying attention. China is buying up a land all
over America. You know who else is Bill Gates, the
two of them trying to buy up every last piece
of land. One reason is with all of this land,
you tend to control the food supply. I don't know

who's scarier to me, Bill Gates controlling our food supply
or China. But it's a good point. China is buying
tons and tons and tons of farmland, and that's the problem,
control of the food supply. You know, we manufacture everything
in China, including a lot of our medicine, including our
very vital of medicines and antibiotics and all that stuff.

You're putting a lot of stuff in control of China.
Let's go to James in Florida. James, how you doing?

Speaker 9 (14:58):
Hi? How you doing?

Speaker 3 (14:58):

Speaker 4 (14:59):

Speaker 3 (14:59):
I just want to ring a couple of points. When
we were talking about the electric cars that's being forced
down on us. The added weight of the batteries alone
is about an average two thousand pounds per car. You
start adding all those cars in parking garages and apartment
units and condo parking garages multi level. There's going to
be a lot of collapsing buildings around the area, and
I don't think anybody's even considered that.

Speaker 4 (15:20):
Yeah, it's a very good point, James, Thanks for calling
a very good point. You know, the cars, the electric cars,
weigh a lot more than a regular car. That's why
they have to have special tires. They don't use regular tires.
They use much much wider, bigger, heavier tires. And you know,
a tire admits pollution as it runs along the road,
It creates a lot of pollution. So the much much

bigger tires on the electric car cause even more pollution.
You know another thing, You got to charge those cars.
You got to plug them into a charger. Nobody has
figured this out in an urban area like right over there,
I'm looking out the window. That's an apartment building with
a couple hundred apartments in it. And all these builds
have these garages, hundreds and hundreds of cars. How are

you gonna charge all these cars overnight? And there are
people in New York that live in New York, but
they don't have a indoor garage where they park. They
park on the street. Howre you gonna charge all these
cars if you actually did force everybody to switch to
an electric car, which will not happen. That'll it's just
absolutely insane, impractical. It'll cause more pollution than gas powered cars.

It'll it'll all be stopped at some point, hopefully with
this Novembers election. Anyway, we'll be back. We'll take some
more calls. One eight hundred nine for one Sewan is
the number. One eight hundred nine to four to one Sean.
It's Mark Simone here for Sean handed. You can follow
me on Twitter, but I still get Shadow band there.
You can follow me on Instagram. It's Mark Simone NYC,

New York City. Mark Simone NYC at Instagram back in
a moment on the Sean Hannity Show. Well, it's Mark
Simone here for Sean Hannity. Tonight is this big fundraiser
three presidents. It's a Biden fundraise Radio City Music Hall,
six thousand seats. Tickets start in the very back at
two hundred dollars and in the front five hundred thousand

of tickets. You're going to make twenty five million on
this thing tonight, and Stephen Colbert will be the host
the MC. He's not even trying to cover it up anymore.
He's actually working formally working on the Biden campaign. He's
hosting their biggest fundraiser. You look at Bill Clinton, he's
like an old, old, old school Democrat, you know, he

was kind of a kind of a common sense Democrat,
especially second term, kind of conservative and far as tax policy,
try to get tough on crime, was tried to be
good on the border. Boy, you compare him to today's
Democrat with a wide open border, total chaos, drugs, fentyl,
sex trafficking, everything flowing across the border. Crime in the

city's just let everybody out, let all the criminals out,
Squatters taking people's houses, shoplifting, legal life. It's just unbelievable
the turn the Democratic Party has taken. Now, expecting some
trouble down the street there in front of Radio City
Music Hall when this thing takes place, the anti Israel protesters,
the pro Hamas, anti Semitic, all that kind of stuff.

I know they say they're not, but clearly they are.
So that could cause a lot of chaos tonight right
in front of Radio City. And it's another thing the
Democrats really have to worry about this anti Semitic nonsense,
this anti Israel stuff. Obviously it's going to kill them
with the Jewish vote, but also to the rest of America,

the Gentile vote. They don't like this anti Israel stuff.
They really don't like this. It's just awful to watch.
So as they're doing this, Donald Trump was at the
wake for the fallen officer, and now he's attacking these
three ex presidents, well two the one soon to come.
Two ex presidents plus Biden. They say, the three living

presidents if you count Biden is living, but the three
stooges he's called him, the three stooges who skipped the
slain officers wake, the three stooges who didn't show up
for that slain officer. Obviously Biden can't show up because
he's in large part responsible for this. Let the criminals out.
Defund the police, I know, I know, FactCheck dot whatever

we'll say. Well, he didn't say defund the police. Checked
the video. He pretty much did. He said, divert the
funds to somewhere Else's what he said. Hey, anyway, let's
take some calls. Let's go to Don in Missouri. Don.
How you doing, Uh?

Speaker 10 (19:35):
Well, Mark, how about you let me check not bad?

Speaker 4 (19:38):
Not bad? There you go.

Speaker 10 (19:41):
Hey, question I have that. I want everybody to ask,
all these liberals, are you a salesman? I'm sorry?

Speaker 4 (19:47):
You see you got a personality for a salesman. Good personality.

Speaker 10 (19:51):
Oh well, thank you. I was actually in sales for
like twenty years.

Speaker 4 (19:54):
Hey, I could tell how are you good? To talk
to you? Everything? Got a nice personality?

Speaker 10 (19:58):
Well, it's just common courtesy is all it is.

Speaker 4 (20:01):
I've tried, I can't. I just how are you? You've
got a great PERSONALITYO John? Go ahead, well, thank you.

Speaker 10 (20:07):
Every time you talk to liberal and about global warming,
I want you to ask, in three questions, what the
heck is the perfect temperature of the world supposed to be?
And I want to the tenth of a degree because
that's what they worry about, Okay, And then I want
you to ask, okay, who gets to decide that? And
then why do they get to decide it and somebody

else doesn't.

Speaker 4 (20:29):
Well, they keep telling you it's going to be like
one degree warmer in forty years. I gotta be honest,
I'm a little chilly right now. It's not that warmer. Here.
Let's say it's one degree warmer? Am I gonna really
worry about this? You know, if it's one degree warmer
and ten, they're panicking. Meantime, people pay a fortune to
go to Florida where it's forty degrees warmer. So what's
the difference if it's one degree warmer, It's not gonna

bother me.

Speaker 10 (20:50):
You're in Missouri, right, I'm in Missouri, in God's Country.
I love it down here.

Speaker 4 (20:54):
Okay, one degree warmer? Would you even notice if somebody
didn't tell you what it was? Degree warmer next century?
Would you even care? It wouldn't even bother you.

Speaker 10 (21:04):
No, I wouldn't care. But I want to know what
the perfect temperture they're supposed to be, because they keep
saying that we're messing with the earth and we're changing things. Well,
I want to know what the hell's of them perfect temperature.

Speaker 4 (21:15):
That's a very good question, Very good question. Thanks for calling.
Let's go to Stephen in Texas. Stephen, welcome to the
Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 2 (21:22):
Yes, their good afternoon. I just got a question, and
maybe it's already been asked, but you've got a big platform.
Sean Hanny has got a big platform. I retired Coast Guard.
Retired Coast Guard achieve over twenty years in service. If
a ship has a problem with a pilot plug, meaning
the pilot cannot plug his laptop his device into a ship,

the captain of the port will slap in order on
that ship, not permitting it to leave the pier unless
it meets certain waiver criteria and that staylight transit only
Harvard tug Assist things of that name.

Speaker 4 (21:58):
So well, they lost the whole power plant the ship.
Are you saying they should have tested that thoroughly before
they pulled out.

Speaker 2 (22:04):
The ship had a history.

Speaker 4 (22:06):
Yeah, of losing their power plant your side.

Speaker 2 (22:09):
There's a dock side inspection that's required.

Speaker 4 (22:13):
Yeah, I know. Well, supposedly the the ship had power
as it left, then the whole plant went out. They
lost power. I checked they did. There is a way
to drop the anchor without power. They did do that.
It didn't work, though it didn't stop the ship the
anchor as much as they could drop it, they did
drop it. Let's go to Craig in Washington State. Craig,
how you doing. Welcome to the John Andity Show.

Speaker 12 (22:35):
You remember I think it was twenty ten when Harry
Reid accused Mitt Romney and being.

Speaker 4 (22:40):
A tax cheap. Yeah.

Speaker 12 (22:43):
MIT's feelings got hurt and he spent the next year
on his heels playing defense, and a couple of years later,
in an interview with Harry Reid, he was asked about
that and it was a big lie, and Harry just
grinned and said, well, it worked, didn't it.

Speaker 4 (22:57):
Yeah, that's a good point, Craig, thanks for that was
Mitt Romney's fault. Mitt Romney really bungled that up. Harry
Reid was on the floor of the Senate and he said,
Romney is a tax sheet. He didn't pay his taxes. Now,
believe it or not, Legally, the law is you can't
sue anybody for a senator for what they say on

the Senate floor. They have total immunity from any kind
of lawsuit. And Harry Reid knew that, so he could
say anything and not get sued over it. Now, the
problem is, if this were Donald Trump or somebody smarter
than Romney, they would have done something about this. They
would have been outside the capital the next day, hold
a press conference outside the Capitol and say he lied,

he knows he has immunity on the floor of the Senate.
And that's why he lied like that. I dare him
to come out here on the sidewalk and say that,
because then he'd face a lawsuit. Just do that now,
Harry Red probably wouldn't have come out and said it,
but you would have made your point. And Romney bumbled that,
as he bumbled a lot of things in that campaign.
Let's go to Joe in New York. Joe, how you doing?

Speaker 9 (24:05):
Hey, Mom, I'll trade you. You can give me one
free insult at the end. You'll know why when I'm finished,
give you one what I'll give you one free intel.
You can insult me?

Speaker 4 (24:16):
When one free? What would you say?

Speaker 9 (24:20):
I'm seventy seven years old, monk, and I've been enjoying
you on the radio ever since.

Speaker 4 (24:23):
I kid you got a radio? Now, that's good? All right,
go ahead, That's not the way I call you.

Speaker 9 (24:28):
Got a bridge that got knocked down that needs to
be rebuilt. Yeah, well they want it built by labor day. Yeah,
who can they call? Donald?

Speaker 4 (24:40):
Donald? All right, thanks for calling, Thanks for that. Uh yeah,
they can't. There's no way by labor day. If they
really really really rushed, maybe two years on. This bridge's
gonna be a long time on this bridge, and it's
not going to be rushed. It's going to be the government. Uh,
the Army Corps of Engineers said, it's going to be
a long time just to clean a mess out of

the water. There's a ton of bent up steel and
all kinds of stuff in that water. It's gonna be
a long time to clean that up. And they said
that's before they can even begin to figure out what
needs to be done and how long it'll take. Let's
go to Chris in New York City. Chris, how you doing, hello?

Speaker 3 (25:18):

Speaker 13 (25:20):
You know we want The Republicans lost another election in
Alabama over abortion, and I think this is a way
bigger problem than people are giving it credit for.

Speaker 4 (25:32):
We all say, oh, well, I know you call all
the time on my New York show here all the time.
This is your one concerned abortion. It doesn't rate very
high in any exit polls or polling. It's usually at
number eight. It's not a major issue in most states
because like here in New York, abortion will always be legal.
It's not a presidential issue because the president no longer

has any authority over abortion, nothing to do with it.
So it's not a big issue for a lot of people.

Speaker 10 (25:57):
But people don't know that.

Speaker 4 (25:58):
They think, well, if they don't know it, no, no, no, no,
it's really not that big. Why are you so worried
about it? Most people aren't that concerned. The border is
the big issue. Crime is a big issue, a lot
of things. Abortion way down the list. Why are you
so concerned about it?

Speaker 13 (26:11):
Okay, I live in Manhattan and there's a lot of
Jewish people in my building.

Speaker 4 (26:16):
Nothing you know.

Speaker 13 (26:17):
And now I ask them, are you still going to
vote for Democrats? And they say yes, and they tell
me because of abortion, And I said.

Speaker 4 (26:24):
But yeah, no, no. I think that's why you're all
confused about this. It's not showing up in any kind
of polling with actual normal Americans. People that live in
Manhattan are all crazy. I live in Manhattan. I'm just
saying they're all left wing cooks, and that's a great
excuse to use. And that's how left wing cooks operate.
They'll give you an issue, a climate change is something
that doesn't even affect anything. They've they've got all their reasons.

It's not Trump is not going to win Manhattan no
matter what. They're very, very left wing. But everywhere else
in America abortion way down the list. It's not a
major issue. One more. Let's go to let's see, let's
go to Rob in Utah. Rob, how you doing? Hey?
How you doing today?

Speaker 14 (27:03):
Can you hear me?

Speaker 4 (27:03):

Speaker 14 (27:04):
Yeah, you know, I'm kind of curious about all these
military personnel, police department people that have taken an oath
to defend this country against foreign and domestic enemies. They
took an oath. Our country is falling apart right before
our eyes.

Speaker 4 (27:21):
Right now.

Speaker 14 (27:22):
We have the borders are wide open. We have people
citizens here being raped and killed on a daily basis
by illegal immigrants. We have setinol coming over the borders
from China. These people are killing our financial system. We
are paying. We cannot afford to be given these people
debit cards. Our children can't afford this.

Speaker 4 (27:44):
No, it is an absolute disaster. Thanks for calling, Rob.
You know, I'm looking out the window right over there
as Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Bill Clinton. They're doing
this fundraisers tonight. So to protect them, they have obviously
a ring of police all over the place where they
put a bar walls, barricades, concrete barricades. They've lined up

a million sanitation trucks filled with sand, so it's like
seventeen walls around them. Not to mention hundreds and hundreds
and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of policemen. This is
to protect them. These are the people tell you walls
don't work. Meantime, they've built like forty two walls around
Radio City just to protect this fundraiser. Expecting a lot
of trouble with protesters, but we'll see what happens. It

starts a little later tonight. Hey, it's Mark Simone here
for Sean Hannity. He'll be back on Monday. It's the
Sean Hannity Show. We'll take some more calls in a moment. Hey,
welcome back. It's the Sean Hannity Show. Mark Simone here
for Sean. I bet right now, a very panicky meeting
is taking place somewhere up the street. You know. Today

Donald Trump goes to the wake this fallen officer. You're
seeing it all over television all day, This very moving
visit to the page at the wake and they talk afterwards.
Now Biden, Obama and Clinton are going to be at
this very very glitzy fundraiser at Radio City. The comparison
is not good. The optics do not look good for Democrats.

So I'm sure they already had Colbert and everybody figure
out what they were going to talk about tonight, the questions,
the topics. I bet you're this a panicky meeting right now,
figuring out we've got to do something the fallen officer.
We've got to say something. We've got to pay tribute
to him somehow. We can't have Trump being the one
there comforting the family while we're just raising twenty five

million dollars. The comparison is not good. I'm sure the
original plan was they would go after Trump for politicizing
this wake, but he really was pretty moving when he
spoke from there and the family hugging him, the family
behind him, and the family will come out and help
Trump politicize this. They want to politicize this slaying of

this hero officer. They want to politicize it as much
as possible, hoping it will finally turn the tide and
turn things around for the police department and maybe do
something about these politicians who let the criminals out let
this thing happen. So Biden, Obama, Colbert, and Clinton. Right now,
I'm not Biden, He's not incoherent. But the rest of

them are probably huddling talking about what they could say
on stage, what they could do so it won't look
so bad. We've got time for one more call. Let's
go to Rick in Texas. Rick, Welcome to Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 15 (30:27):
Thank you very much for the opportunity to call. I
just wanted to say that those of us in the
know who watched President Trump today deliver that speech saw
a true American and a man with true compassion and sincerity.
Whether you want to politicize it or not, those were
genuine thoughts and feelings from that man.

Speaker 10 (30:46):
And it's not just this time.

Speaker 7 (30:48):
I've noticed over the years, every time you see mister Trump,
he's hugging the flag, he's talking about his citizens, he's
saluting the flag. I've never once seen the current whatever
you want to call him in the White House, mister
Obama once say they love this country or hug the flag.

Speaker 4 (31:04):
No, you're not going to see that. You know. They
a lot of flackover Donald Trump saying selling bibles people good.
The more people reading the Bible, the better. Tempograts don't
want to hear about any Bible or anything like that anyway,
good call, Rick, thanks a lot for calling. Yeah, this
is gonna be interesting the next twenty four hours. It'd
be very interesting to watch CNN, MSNBC, Lester Holt, the

Sunday Shows, how they try to spin this, what they
I'm sure they're discussing it right now, how to handle this.
They ignored the wake the slain hero officer, and we're
busy with their fundraiser. Not gonna look good. Hey, we're
out of time. Sean will be back. Check out Hannity
dot com. Great site. There's always new stuff up there

every day. You can go to my website marksimone dot com.
You can hear my show there or also follow me
on Instagram. Mark Simone at NYC. Hey, thanks for listening
to The Sean Hannity Show.

The Sean Hannity Show News

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