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April 2, 2024 30 mins

 Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House and author of March to the Majority, is here with the latest on Joe Biden’s appearance this weekend with Clinton and Obama. While President Trump attended the services for Officer Diller, along with 10k other people who care  more about the cop, than Lizzo - President Biden headlined a Radio City Music Hall fundraiser Thursday that was set to bring in $25 million for his re-election campaign. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, thanks Scott Shannon and our two Sean Hannity
Show toll free. It is eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn,
you want to be a part of the program.

Speaker 2 (00:08):

Speaker 1 (00:09):
You know, if you look at every issue we're now
dealing with, you got you got Joe Biden needing the
help of former Presidents Obama and Clinton to try and
pull him over the finish line in two hundred and
seventeen days. You know that you've got a White House
so out of touch, you know, trans Transgender Recognition Day

on Easter Sunday. You got Kamala Harris now trying to
shore up the base by going to abortion clinics and
meeting with you know, these these advocates for legalization of
marijuana weed. Then, of course everybody in the administration now
attacking Israel on a on a very high level, and

they just go harder and harder. Left the image of
seeing Obama, Clinton, and Joe at Radio City Music Hall
juxtaposed to President Trump at the wake of this police
officer speaks volumes the White House now just like they're
blaming immigration on Donald Trump after three years of saying

that the voter is secure and the borders closed. Now
they're blaming all the violence around the country on Donald Trump.
And we saw what happened this weekend, which at Saint Patrick's.
And they're actually now citing Obamacare, which every promise was
never kept, as a reason to vote for Joe Biden.
And you just can't make this up. Now he's actually

telling Al Roker, because he won't do a real interview
with a real reporter, that we have the best economy
in the world.

Speaker 3 (01:47):
Okay, well, let's play it well.

Speaker 4 (01:49):
When people are saying, you know, but mister President, I'm
feeling I'm feeling, you know, my buck isn't going as far.
What do you say to those folks about the economy
and what's going on.

Speaker 3 (01:58):
Well, I say we have the best.

Speaker 5 (02:00):
I mean in the world.

Speaker 4 (02:00):
We got to make it better. We really do have
the best economy in the world. Jobs are up more
than they've ever been. We're in a situation where the
lowest unemployment rate in fifty years is maintained.

Speaker 3 (02:10):
We have people who just but people, look.

Speaker 4 (02:14):
I think we're going to find out that what happened
is a consequence of the crisis we had in health
is to have a lasting effect, and we just got
to get people to move in.

Speaker 3 (02:24):
But we're ready.

Speaker 4 (02:26):
I mean, I think the country is ready to come
together in a way that I mean necessarily. I'm truly optimistic.

Speaker 1 (02:32):
I'm glad you're optimistic. Tell the sixty percent of Americans
live in paycheck to paycheck. Former Speaker of the House
New Kingrich is on with us, author of the bestseller
March to the Majority, which we'll know a lot more
about in two hundred and seventeen days. Mister Speaker, how
are you, sir?

Speaker 5 (02:51):
Well, I'm doing well, and I'm with you. It's a
number of different things going on that would have been
unthinkable twenty years ago, just amazing, including you know, Biden's
desperate need to spend money. You know, he came out
to it and said that we the taxpayers, we're going

to pay to repair the bridge in Baltimore. I couldn't
help but think, you know, these shipping companies have insurance.
Why would we the taxpayers have to pay for a
bridge which a ship hit and the ship and it's
insurance companies of liability for And it's just sort of this,

you know. I think Biden went up in the morning
and says, spend the money now, tell me what the
topic is.

Speaker 1 (03:38):
Well, I think that's what their basic standard is. Look,
they're running on the following things, A democracy in peril
January sixth. Then we're learning a lot more about January
sixth that we had been told as falls a lot
of missing records, you know, exculpatory information just disappearing. I

think it's a big deal that the country was told
that Donald Trump tried to commandeer the vehicle he was
in on January sixth. The meanwhile, the January sixth Committee
had testimony from the actual driver saying no, that never happened,
but they went with hearsay information from a more favorable
testimony from somebody that didn't see the event, wasn't there

at the event, and so it's a little bit of
you know, dishonesty there.

Speaker 3 (04:27):
And add to that, five people that have.

Speaker 1 (04:31):
Now confirmed Donald Trump in the days leading up to
January sixth wanted National Guard troops called up, including the
Capitol Police chief. That would be six people, and that
in writing the Mayor of DC who had to sign
off on calling up National Guard troops in writing to
cline them that wasn't told the American people either. And meanwhile,

the same people that ignored the five hundred and seventy
four riots in the summer of twenty twenty. How interesting
that they select which riot is more well.

Speaker 5 (05:01):
But it's a little bit like the tragedy of the
New York policeman who was killed at a traffic stop
by somebody who's been arrested twenty one times before that.
You know, all the sympathy of the liberals goes to
the guy who's been arrested and who kills the policeman.
They somehow don't ever quite get around to the policeman

and his wife and his child. And I think, you know,
this kind of very selective focus. I think on the
January sixth Committee, there's no question that Liz Cheney led
a deliberate witch hunt that was dishonest, designed to get
the results she wanted, deliberately blocked out information which would

have proven that her version was totally pony, and I
think they were gradually, partly thanks to Congress and Laudermolk
on the House Administration Committee, we are gradually pulling together
the evidence that this entire story was a lie. But
they knew it was a lie, and that they went
with it anyway because it was a useful lie for them.

Speaker 1 (06:07):
When you juxtaposed the image at Radio City Music Hall
of Obama and Clinton and Biden with Donald Trump showing
up at the wake of this slain officer, what do
you think the American How did the American people react
to that? Or maybe the tone deafness of the Biden
administration and the quote celebration and recognition and proclamation of

the Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday? How does
that go over? Does Karine Jean Pierre? Could she make
the case blaming Donald Trump for the surge and violent
crime around the country.

Speaker 3 (06:45):
I don't think that's going to fly well.

Speaker 5 (06:47):
I live in an alternative universe. This is a minority
of the American people. On some issues like transgenderism, it's
down at the fifteen or eighteen percent level. On some
other issues that's up his eyes twenty five or twenty
nine percent. But the fact is this is a Democratic
party which has been taken over by a lot of

pretty weird people who believe things that are not true,
but they do believe them, and they talk to each
other and they keep themselves all ripped up emotionally with
a whole series of falsehoods, and they have as a
leader a guy who about half the time is out
of touch with reality. And I think Biden in that
sense maybe the perfect symbol where the Democrats are going.

And of course, anybody who does grocery shopping as close
than I did over the weekend knows that Biden can't
make the case about prices. In fact, we were noticing
that some of the things we're buying costs this in amount,
but by the way, they're twenty percent smaller, and you

begin to.

Speaker 1 (07:56):
Think, you know, well, well, Biden's answer to that is greedy.
You know, greedy corporations are responsible for shrinkla and higher costs.

Speaker 5 (08:07):
Of course, which is whish? Is this plane a lie?
By the way, you'll notice that that in offering to
pay for the Baltimore Bridge, he is happy to take
the burden off greedy corporations to run the ship and
run the insurance company. You know. But this, the whole
model on the left is just fundamentally wrong. I mean,

it's not a question about left or right. These are
people who believe in a world that does not exist.
That's why they're wrong, and how they approach hamas that's
why they're wrong, and how they approach criminals, that's why
they're wrong, and how they approach the border when when
you look at thousands and thousands of people pouring in

the United States, this is by design, this is APO,
this is a Biden policy. This isn't competence or failure
from their standpoint. And I think you'll notice now that
the New York City Council and a number of other
places are asking permission for people who are here illegally
to vote. So if you think.

Speaker 1 (09:14):
Well, they're asking for that, and Democrats are pushing Biden
for an amnesty bill that would allow citizenship for tens
of millions of people that are already in the country illegally.

Speaker 5 (09:26):
Well we know that when Carter offered amnesty for the
draft dodgers who had drawn to Canada and several hundred
thousand of them, it was a block amnesty. So technically
the president probably has the power to pardon, you know,
millions of people. Now he can't make them citizens, but

he can make them no longer illegal technically, and therefore
others will to begin applying for citizenship. And I mean,
the only thing I can really come up with is
that the wrestling Democrats has concluded they can never compete
successfully inside the traditional American system. They're losing Latinos, they're

losing African Americans, they're losing the young. The new pallout
showing young people voting for Trump over Biden, and so
they're reaching around desperately trying to find and if that
means they got to import you know, eight or nine
or ten million people illegally, well, if that's the price
of winning, that's the price that they're willing to pay.

Speaker 3 (10:31):
All right, quick break right back.

Speaker 1 (10:33):
We'll continue more with former Speaker of the House New
king Rich, and then your calls coming up. Eight hundred
and nine to four to one, Shawn, as we continue.
All right, we continue now two hundred and seventeen days
till election day, which former Speaker of the House New
king Rich is with us. You saw this weekend this
Texas judge dismissing the charges against those rioting Biden, the

illegals that we saw on video a week ago, and
then celebrating that they've pushed through the Texas National Guard.
If you look at an ICE press release that came
out over the weekend in twenty twenty three alone, because
the Biden administration or federal government doesn't keep statistics on
violent crimes committed against Americans by illegals, but Ice pointed

out nearly fifty thousand Joe Biden illegals were arrested for homicide, rape, kidnapping,
or violent assault. That's twenty twenty three alone. Aren't they
the ones that then would therefore have blood on their hands.

Speaker 5 (11:30):
Well, there's no question that the number of people who
have been killed, carjacked, robbed by illegal immigrants is just staggering,
and it gives everybody a sense of insecurity. I mean,
you know, if you can't go running during the daylight

at a public university without risk of being killed, how
can you possibly have a sense of security if when
we had a former Trump administration official killed in a
carjacking on Fourteenth Street, which is the very heart of Washington,
just a few blocks away from LAYDK and I think
that this is a real problem. But it's also compounded

because the George Sorows left wing prosecutors refused to prosecute.
That's how you end up with somebody who'd been arrested
twenty one times still back on the street, a hardened
criminal and killing a fine young policeman who had a
young baby and leaving behind his widow and his child

because these people follow policies that are dangerous for legal Americans.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
Almost everybody I run into everywhere I go, has one question,
you know, what's going to happen in November. I can't
give them an answer. I don't know if anybody knows
what's going to happen in November. I hope that all
of the failure will be very transparent to the American
peace people. We know the media is going to lie
to most Americans. What is your answer to those people

that ask you that question?

Speaker 5 (13:07):
Well, I think that all of us have to go
out and work to make it possible to think. We
have to remember, we're not running against Joe Biden. We're
running against a left wing machine of enormous power with
a huge amount of money, with all of the labor
union organizations and all the left wing activist organizations, and
all of the money are tax money that Biden can

spend to buy allies. So you know, the challenge for
Trump is he has to beat all of that. He's
not just running against Biden head the head, He's running
against the entire machine, and that machine is terrified because
for the first time we have a presidential candidate who's
already proven that he is prepared to take them on

and prepared to get real change. And if you're one
of these left wing groups, and you know, and by
the way, I have to give Speaker John us and
a little bit of credit in the middle of a
general mess, they did get a little amendment inserted into
the spending bill and as of this year, you will

no longer see the gay Pride flag or any other
flag than the American flag in front of American embassies
around the world. And the left had worked very hard
to be able to have the gay Pride flag up
and then about to start having the flag the transgenders
and you name it, you know, in black power, but

all of that has now been stopped in his traction.
It's one of the places where Johnson william has.

Speaker 1 (14:40):
Been helpful, I would tell you, and I know that
he's been under heavy fire. He has too many rhinos
in his caucus and he doesn't have a big enough majority.
Former Speaker of the House, New Gingrid, thank you, sir
for being with us. Eight hundred nine one. Shawn is
our number, all right. By the way, Linda, did you
see this that? Do you call it cicada cicada?

Speaker 6 (15:02):
I don't.

Speaker 1 (15:02):
I don't even know if these bugs are called. All
I know is, yeah, I can't stand bugs in my house.
I hate it if I see ants of my house,
if I have and any if a mosquito gets in
my house, I can't stand it.

Speaker 3 (15:15):
I hate them.

Speaker 7 (15:16):
Well, these are a little different. These don't typically in Florida.

Speaker 1 (15:19):
They have no seams they have anyway, so it's they
have no seams that basically baby, I don't know, baby mosquitoes,
and they can they bite the hell out of you,
and they like feast on your arm. They literally attack
one part of your body. I've seen this on friends
of mine and like it looks like you have a
disease and no, they just like that part of your body.

Speaker 3 (15:42):
It's insane. But anyway, so, uh, this is going to be.

Speaker 1 (15:46):
A once in two hundred and twenty one year mating
frenzy in the weeks ahead, and it's going to impact,
you know, a pretty long portion of the country, from
say the middle of the country to the east coast.
Is it cicada or socicata do you know?

Speaker 3 (16:00):
I don't know. I think it's akada.

Speaker 7 (16:01):
They're actually said both ways, like I.

Speaker 3 (16:03):
Have from homage, homage, homage.

Speaker 1 (16:07):
Okay, okay, that was by the way, it was homage.
And the one that says homage would be Linda, not
you know, miss miss.

Speaker 3 (16:17):
Miss New York Talk radio quote.

Speaker 7 (16:20):
Actually pretty funny is that that I say it that way?
But I guess you know homage.

Speaker 3 (16:25):
Oh you want to pay me any homage today?

Speaker 8 (16:28):
My god.

Speaker 1 (16:29):
But they're talking about not only billions, maybe trillions of
these bugs are going to emerge across seventeen states, according
to the professor of Yukon's Department of Ecology, Evolutionary Biology
and anyone, they're the brood thirteen and fourteen have been

underground for seventeen years dormant and thirteen years dormant, respectively.
They're going to emerge at the same time for the
first time in two hundred and twenty one years. And anyway,
you know this is occasionally now comes to fruition in
North America. They tend to emerge in very large numbers

once they hatch, then the nymphs feed off roots sap
underground until it's time to mate. Mating season has been
described as noisy and a chaotic display that could happen
for weeks. And this this has not happened since Thomas
Jefferson was president. Can you imagine that won't happen again
until you're twenty twenty two forty four? By the way,

I think Pennsylvania, your state is right in the middle
of this. But yeah, the co emergence of these these
you know, two different cycles is rare. But anyway, that's
you know, it hasn't happened in two undred, in twenty
one years.

Speaker 3 (17:49):
This is gonna suck. Now, thank you? You have you?

Speaker 7 (17:53):
Have you been through it before? Have you ever heard
the socadas and like the noise they make? It's pretty odd?

Speaker 1 (17:58):
Okay, I don't really want to live through why. I mean,
there are parts of the country they're going to get
blasted by this. Thankfully, the Free State of Florida is
not a part of it. Your state is the northeast is.
I'm kind of glad. It looks like New York City
is going to get hammered by this. I'm not sure
where they're nesting, considering there's like barely anything there but concrete,

but whatever, I.

Speaker 2 (18:20):
Told them to visit the Governor's mansion. I'm like, listen, guys,
it's beautiful. Really a hole of loves out of towners.
Go see her, she'll love it.

Speaker 1 (18:29):
Tuberculosis cases in twenty twenty three the highest level in
a decade.

Speaker 3 (18:34):
Why do you think that is?

Speaker 1 (18:36):
FEDS now set to widen the Diddy sex probe after
claims that the rapper apparently was boasting about shooting people,
bribing jurors, and using j Lo as a gun mule.
I wonder if j Lo knew about any of this,
or if it's even true. But this is getting really
off the wall. It's getting crazy.

Speaker 7 (18:59):
Question before you go to your calls, boss, I just
want to ask you a question.

Speaker 3 (19:03):
Wow, did you call me boss for ones? Finally? I
always first of if i'm.

Speaker 1 (19:07):
That Stace News, I always call you boss. Okay, that's true.
But if I'm the boss and the boss tells you
not to use the New York City subway and offers
to pay for other transportation so you don't have to
take it, I.

Speaker 7 (19:21):
Mean I could call you batman. It doesn't mean that.

Speaker 3 (19:23):
You are Well, why don't you listen?

Speaker 1 (19:25):
Why don't you listen to your boss and and take
him up on his generous offer?

Speaker 6 (19:30):
All right?

Speaker 7 (19:30):
I want your opinion on this, You ready answer?

Speaker 3 (19:34):
Go ahead?

Speaker 7 (19:34):
That's right. I know it's it's a woman's prerogative. What
can I say?

Speaker 3 (19:38):
So liberal?

Speaker 2 (19:38):
Go ahead, exactly, exactly like a liberal for this brief moment,
I'll be compared to that the Department of Homeland Security
is at the helm of this investigation into p Didty.
So the Department of Homeland Security, which just lost its
secretary of maw Yorcus and has Kamala Harris. As the
borders are where there's more sex trafficking, more crimes against children,

more child trafficking, more slave labor being brought in across
our borders, more murders happening. They have a thing called
the rape Tree. I mean, I could go on and
on and on, but they've decided to serve their p didy.
Sarah Carter reported on that I know it's incredible.

Speaker 1 (20:21):
Okay, Okay, So you're asking me why, I don't know
the whys. You know, Why is it that thirty four
people were shot over the weekend in Chicago and a
number of them died and nobody will ever know their name,
but everybody knew the name of George Floyd. Why is
it that some people Why is it that Joe Biden

could never mention the name Lake and Riley and get
it right. Why does one name make it into the forefront.
I don't know that phony narrative Michael Brown hands up,
don't shoot never happened, according to African American eyewitnesses and
Ferguson that we were tipped off about very early on
in the investigation. One of the reasons we didn't get
it wrong or why we didn't get wrong what happened

in Baltimore with Freddie Gray, or why we didn't get
it wrong with Ducal Cross, or why we didn't get
it wrong with Uba, or why we didn't get it
wrong down in Florida in the Zimmermann case and Trayvon
Martin case and the media they always get it wrong.
They never correct the record, they never apologize. They're just
corrupt to the core. And they're not journalists. I'm so

sick and tired of these idiots over at MSDNC, the
Conspiracy Theory Channel, calling themselves journalists or fake Jake Tapper
calling himself a journalist.

Speaker 3 (21:34):
They're not.

Speaker 1 (21:35):
They're absolutely full of Adam Schiff. Anyway, let's get to
our phones, all right, Let's say, hi, Jessica is in
the great state of Montana. Jessica, how are you glad
you checked in? What's going on?

Speaker 9 (21:48):
Oh? Finally getting warm here?

Speaker 1 (21:52):
I don't know how do you define warm after a
cold Montana winner? How warm is it?

Speaker 5 (21:59):

Speaker 9 (21:59):
It's warmer than seventeen below? Was the seventeen below?

Speaker 6 (22:04):

Speaker 1 (22:04):
And that that would that we felt that this year
in Iowa. So what's the temperature today?

Speaker 8 (22:11):
It's fifty six?

Speaker 3 (22:13):
Fifty six?

Speaker 1 (22:14):
Okay, I'm going to tell you it's like eighty three
in sunny where I live in Florida. But you know
who's who. Every time I tell my friends now, they
get pissed off at me. I'm like, why are you
mad at me? We live in a free country. You
can live in the free state of Florida. That's your choice.
But my friends used to harass me that were down
here before me.

Speaker 9 (22:32):
Oh, I know you're loving it, and they're they're back there.

Speaker 3 (22:38):
Well, what's on your mind today?

Speaker 9 (22:40):
Well, I've been a nurse for about ten years. With
all our timers and dimensions, I don't off. But I
know he's in the bad stage if this, and he's
going to get me and he's going to get worse.
He's just and nobody's going to say anything. You know,
Trump going to get back though, well I hope.

Speaker 1 (23:03):
So we have two hundred and seventeen days. The one
thing I want to tell everybody right now, don't take
this election for granted. I cannot tell anybody, and I'm
always honest with my audience with any degree of certainty,
what is going to happen this election? You everybody, This
is an all hands on deck moment. I use any

cliche you want. It is a tipping point election, an
inflection point for the country.

Speaker 3 (23:30):
All of it is true. But I can't.

Speaker 1 (23:33):
Yeah, I'm only one vote and one voice. And we
learned what do we learn from Jim Jordan and his
committee that my social media was suppressed in the twenty
twenty election. He said it on this show and he
said it on TV and I believe him. But so
we've got to be you got to get the word out.

I've got to deputize every one of you that listens
to this show and watches Annity and thank you by
the way for listening and watching. So, yeah, it would
not be good for the country. We see what's happening
when America abdicates its role on the world stage. We
see what happens when we have a president that caters
to the radicals within his party. Not good and it's

not going to get better. Jessica, love our friends in Montana.
Thank you for checking in. Enjoy your fifty six degree
warm day. All right, quick break, right back, We'll continue,
Mari your calls. Eight hundred and ninet four one, Shawn
at the top of the hour, Caitlin Jenner checks in
with us on Easter Sunday, and of course the Transgender
Day of Visibility, the proclamation of Joe Biden on Easter Sunday.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
That's all straight ahead.

Speaker 6 (24:46):
The final hour roundup is next. You do not want
to miss it, and stay tuned for the final hour
free for all on the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 1 (25:00):
Let's get back to our busy phones. Let's say hi
to Jan in Colorado. Jan High, how are you glad
you checked in?

Speaker 9 (25:07):

Speaker 8 (25:07):
I'm real good.

Speaker 3 (25:09):
What's going on?

Speaker 8 (25:11):
Well, Sean, I've been reading some articles and there's a
potential threat to Donald Trump and being on the ballot
in twenty twenty four that seems to be flying under
the radar, and whats that? Well, it's the anti Trump
rhino Republicans resigning and retiring the majority way to Democrats.

And recently Jamie Raskin introduced some legislation to keep Trump
off the twenty four ballot, which would then go to
the Senate. But I think Speaker Johnson is keeping that
from coming to the floor and it wouldn't pass anyway.
But if the Democrats somehow gained the majority in the
House to all these rhino Republicans retiring and resigning, They're

looking at possibility of the Democrats having the majority in
the House, which would open the way for that legislation
to pass the House and pass it on to the Senate.
And I'm curious if you've heard anything about that, or
if you have any thoughts or of no meaning, or
have any comments.

Speaker 1 (26:21):
Look, all I know is is that the Republicans still
have a lot of catching up to do in terms
of how they approach elections. I'm trying to do my best,
and I get some pushback from some people, and I'm
perfectly willing to accept it. I know I'm not wrong,
and that is I don't like the system of voting
that we have. I would like one day for voting,

not a month for voting. I would like paper ballots,
voter ID signature verification, chain of custody controls, updated voter roles,
and I'd like partisan observers that watch and every precinct
in the country, the voting all day and the vote
counting all night. That's what I want. It doesn't exist.
The only way that changes is to win elections. So

with that said, I can't emphasize enough that Republicans have
got to get over their reluctance to voting early and
voting by mail, and they've got to get involved and
up to speed and match and hopefully surpass the legal
ballot harvesting efforts that the Democrats are up to their
eyeballs in very very critical now. I know they're in

the process of trying to catch up. I hope they
can get it done by election day in two hundred
and seventeen days. But it's going to take every one
of you hear in my voice right now, to commit
to educating everybody you come into contact with about what's
at stake in this coming election. Now they're going to
try and destroy Trump. In the meantime, they're going to

demagogue and lie about abortion and in vitro fertilization. They're
going to January sixth the country to death, while ignoring
the five hundred and seventy four riots in the summer
of twenty twenty. They're going to talk about democracy in peril,
the very party that wants one elected official to have
the power to eliminate a choice for president in their

state and remove them from the ballot, which is a
bit of a joke. But they're not going to talk
about their record. If this election is about issues about immigration,
about law and order and safety and security, if it's
about Joe Biden's horrible economy, if it's about as horrible
foreign policy, Donald Trump will win by a landslide. But

they want to make it all about Trump, hating Trump,
demonizing Trump, and demagogueing issues. And then they'll play the
race card and they'll claim Republicans are racist and sexist
and homophobic and xenophobic, is Lamo phobic, transphobic, that want
dirty air and water. Are you going to fall for
the same playbook that they use every year? I hope not.

I've warned everybody I'm doing the best I can. I
promise you I'm not going to stop either. I can't stop.
Even if I wanted to stop, I can't stop. All right,
quick break, we'll come back. I want to remind you
first though about Delta defense. Let's face that America is
not the same country. We all knew violent crime spiking
at a very alarming rate, the mob, the media.

Speaker 3 (29:17):
Then I'm going to tell you about it.

Speaker 1 (29:19):
And in the wake of defund dismantle and no bail laws, well,
most police departments now are underfunded. You have officers saying
they've had it, They're leaving the force in droves new recruits.
They're not where to be found right now. And meanwhile,
we're watching emergency response teams now doubling across the country.
And here's the unsettling truth. You and your family, you

and your employees are increasingly pretty much on your own.
I know it's a harsh reality to face, but ignoring
this puts people you love at risk. Now, thankfully, there
are people at the USCCA, our partners. They have the
former head of the of Training for the FBI. They
have pardoned together and they're bringing you something I wish

I had years ago. It's the complete Concealed Carrie and
Family Defense Guide.

Speaker 3 (30:09):
It's absolutely free.

Speaker 1 (30:10):
You can download it when you go to USCCA dot
com slash Hannity. You may also want to check out
they have classes self defense classes to help prepare you
for any situation you might encounter in your life and
when is the right and proper time to maybe have
to use lethal force? Training will only help you and

protect you anyway. You're going to love this organization. They
have so much to offer. Start by getting their complete
Concealed Carrie Family Defense Guide.

Speaker 3 (30:40):
It's free.

Speaker 1 (30:41):
Go to USCCA dot com slash hannity right now you
get instant access

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