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June 18, 2024 30 mins

 Newt Gingrich, Author of March to the Majority and former Speaker of the House - has a birthday today! He’s 81 years young and still knows more about politics than anyone else. Today he wants to discuss his efforts to expose the corrupt committee led by Liz Cheney regarding the events of J6.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Thanks Scott chan An Hour two Sean Hannity Show, eight
hundred and nine to four one Sean, if you want
to be a part of the program on this Monday,
joining us now former Speaker of the House, Newkingridge. We
have a big announcement today. It is his thirty ninth
birthday and we wanted to wish you happy birthday, mister Speaker.

Speaker 2 (00:34):
That's great to be with you, and that, of course
was an old Rigan thing where he would say, I'm
now celebrating the thirty fifth anniversary of my thirty ninth birthday, budd,
It's great to have a chance to chat with you.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
Aren't these unprecedented times that we're living in here? I
mean just I mean here we are one hundred and
forty days out of an election, ten days away from
the first presidential debate until early voting begins in Pennsylvania,
and then it rolls out from there, and this is
now very real and you can see, you know, Joe

Biden is struggling mightily.

Speaker 3 (01:12):
You saw that at the G seven.

Speaker 1 (01:14):
We saw that this weekend when he was with George
Clooney and Barbara Streisan and Julia Roberts and Jimmy Kimmel
and Barack Obama. And by the way, if you dare
to point out Joe wandering away, oh that's a cheap,
fake conservative video, I'm like, no, we're just kind of
pointing out the obvious that this guy is a mess cognitively.

And then you take it a step further, and people
are speculating that, you know, this is Joe's last test
and if he doesn't do well on this debate in
ten days, there's gonna be a lot of chatter to
get rid of him, get him off the ticket.

Speaker 3 (01:50):
Do you think it's possible, Well, it's possible.

Speaker 2 (01:52):
But look, I would simply warn all of my friends
that some of this could also be liberally setting us up.
You know he did he did okay with the State
of the Union. Uh, and that was a long speech
and he stood and delivered the whole speech.

Speaker 3 (02:14):
He mad I was with a teleprompter.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
But we've never seen that Joe before, and we never
have seen him after. Now I agree with you, I
am predicting here and now ten days from now, on
debate night, we're going to see a hyper caffeinated, as
I call him, jacked up Joe. I believe that that
Joe the State of the Union that we've not seen
since we're going to see it that night.

Speaker 2 (02:38):
Oh, I think that's right. So so assume for a
moment that he does addequately. Remember also, if you go
back and you look at his debate with Palin, you
look at his debates as the vice presidential Canada with
Paul Ryan, he was fine partially because Joe just lies. Uh.
And there's a certain advantage if you're cherefully willing to

lie every chance you get. You create a certain environment
in which he just cheerfully sits there and says whatever
he thinks he needs to say. So and I think
he will deliberately have trained to try to bate Trump
into getting Trump to lose us to his temper. So
things they see that Trump's not Trump's.

Speaker 1 (03:23):
I think that's going to be the whole strategy. He's
going to call him a convicted fella and a convicted
fella in It's going to be one attack after the other.
And if I'm advising Donald Trump, I'm telling him I
wouldn't react to a single thing that he says, right, or.

Speaker 2 (03:39):
The study carefully Reagan's nineteen eighty degree where he kept
saying there you go again, and the American public figured
out that meant that Carter was lying, and so you know,
there are ways you can handle it. But I do
worry a little bit about whether or not Trump will
be so confident that he will not take seriously the

kind of debate prep which, frankly, I think you need
to have, even if you're a good debater, in this
kind of setting, with just two of you and where
so much is at stake, you need to go through
and practice and practice and practice because you are faced
with opponents who are are going to try to figure

out every way to trip you up. And I'm sure
they're going to go after him on January sixth, where frankly,
Congressman very a lot of my students, it's a great
job proving how totally phony the January sixth Committee was.
That I've come out and said, I think they should
the Congress should actually repudiate the committee and every single

thing the committee's done. But I'm sure they're going to
try to somehow get Biden is going to try to
get Trump wrapped up in that. And remember this is
a four on one debate. All three of the CNN
people who on stage the moderator and the two questions,
all three of them are going to be providing. And

then yeah, Bud, so Tom's sung into a game where
it's set up as four to one against him, and.

Speaker 1 (05:13):
I think the questions are going to be designed to
be against Trump. But with all that said, I think
there's a good answer for everything, and it's just a
matter of what, you know, how prepared President Trump is,
my guess is just observing him lately, he seems very
dialed into me, he seems. Having spent time with him

a week and a half or whatever ago and interviewing him,
he was very very dialed in, very measured, very well
thought out, very well informed. It was very clear to
me that there's a certain, you know, sober reality that
he knows he's facing here and that everything is on
the line, not just for him but for the country.

And I've known him a long time and I've never
seen in this style.

Speaker 3 (06:00):
And to be very.

Speaker 2 (06:01):
Honest, well, I had the same experience. I spent about
half of Thursday going to three meetings with him. Speaks
to the House Republicans, a meeting with the Center Republicans,
and a meeting with about seventy five business CEOs at
the roundtable and watching him back to back for three
different meetings, I'm first sure, I was very impressed with

how much he knows. I mean, it's easy to forget
this guy was president for four years. He knows an
amazing range of people, and he talks from the level
of experience that very few people ever get to do.
And so I thought, in that sense it was very impressive.
And I think if he relaxes and focuses on just

communicating what he knows, he's going to be fine. And
the fact is that he is a remarkably knowledgeable person.
Where he could potentially get tripped up is by he
said he's such an aggressive competitor that he could end
up in a situation where Biden get team off balance

and bates him into doing something. These debates often turn
on the right thirty seconds picked by the media to highlight,
and so you have to be careful about that part.
But there's no question, you know, if you just say
to yourself, there's a Russian submarine, nuclear submarine and a

number of Russian warships now in Havana, if you ended
up in the equivalent of the nineteen sixty two Cuban
missile crisis. Do you really think Joe Biden is cognitively
capable of handling that in the way that John F.
Kennedy did or do you think we would just be
in desperate trouble because Biden wouldn't have a clue.

Speaker 1 (07:50):
I think it's the latter. I mean, we saw that
Joe Biden. I mean, these are not, as they're calling,
cheap big videos. And you know, I noticed that the
Biden Mets ration wants to attack the New York Post.
But they attacked the New York Post about Hunter's laptop
and they all lied and said it was false, and
it wasn't false. And our own eyes are not deceiving us.

We see, you know, millions of illegal immigrants crossing the border,
as they tell us over and over again, the borders
closed and the border secure. We see that Joe Biden
cognitively has been deteriorating before our eyes. And we saw
what happened at the G seven, and we did witness
Barack Obama having to go back, grab his hand and

pull him off stage and put his arm around him.
Now some would say, well he was absorbing the crowd applause. Okay,
but if it didn't happen so often. I might say
there's some credence to that, but based on his history,
I don't really give a lot of credence to it.

Speaker 2 (08:47):
Right. Well, we had the same thing with the meeting
in Italy where Prime Minister Maloney had to walk over
and seize his arm and bring him back to the group.
Now semi legitimate excuse that he wandered off and was
looking at some paratroopers who were folding up their pressures,

but in fact, nobody else did it. Everybody else understood
that they were supposed to stay where they were, and
everybody else understood that the paratroopers are going to come
to them, and Joe just kind of forgot. Well was
the point where kind of forgot doesn't cut it. If
you're the President United.

Speaker 1 (09:26):
States, it's assuming that whatever amount of caffeine and I'm
being charitable here or whatever else Joe had before the
State of the Union, if you were acall speaker, Johnson
wasn't even given the opportunity to introduce the President of
the United States, as is tradition which you yourself participated in.

You know, distinct Donna and privileged introduced the President of
the United states that never happened in that state of
the Union. He went right into embraced through that speech
at lightning speed, and yeah, he delivered it with a
lot of energy. But that's we haven't seen that guy
ever since that that one night, and which tells me

that maybe that much caffeine is not that healthy, healthy
for him or whatever. You know, seventy percent of Americans
think that it would be right to give a drug
test to both both candidates.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
Much like horse racing, you'd have to be drug test
before you were allowed out on the stage. You know.
I think, first of all, it tells you how sick
our entire system has gotten that we would even have
that conversation. I mean, think about it. We're now saying
that somebody who is running for president of the United

States of America might be so disqualified that we should
seriously consider giving them a drug test just to get
on the debate stage. I mean that that's if you
think about it, that's really kind of an astonishing comment.

Speaker 1 (11:00):
We continue a former Speaker of the House, New Gingrich.
You know, if it really is about if this election
is about his open borders policies, and I think he's
created the greatest national security threat. I believe it's a
clear and present danger to the country, especially what thirty
thousand Chinese nationals this year alone, on top of last

year's twenty six thousand, and we still have months to
go before the fiscal year ends. And if you look
at Biden inflation, and you look at law and order
and safety and security versus defund dismantled nobil laws, and
you look at the state of the world and America
abdicating its role as the leader of the free world,
and worse than that, surrendering in the war on Terror

as it relates to not allowing Israel to fight their
war to win it and pressuring them to stop. I
just I don't really see what compelling case he can
make that he deserves another four years. And add to that,
what we've been discussing is cognitive decline.

Speaker 2 (12:00):
Well, I think that's why they're so desperate to attack Trump.
They understand that if the issue is Biden, they're going
to lose, period, that there's no way they can win
if the issue is in fact Biden. And so I
think that there's a real feel on the side of
the Democrats that they have to focus on making Trump.

The key issue and the problem they have there is
a Frankly, and I think you agree, having no name
Zanjev Trump is dramatically better. He's more disciplined, he's more positive.
He's going to be very formidable for them to try
to turn into a demon in every effort they've made
has failed.

Speaker 1 (12:42):
I mean, what a contrast this weekend. I mean, you
got George Clooney and Julia Roberts and Barber Streisen and
Jimmy Kimmel and Barack Obama. And where's Donald Trump. He's
meeting with African Americans and telling it and laying out
the case why they should vote for him. And if
you look at the actual numbers, they are staggering in

many regards. And that is that now the president at
President Trump has been able to consolidate seemingly all of
this vote out there among African Americans, Hispanic Americans. Biden
has a forty three point poll plunge among African Americans.
Among Hispanic Americans, Trump and Biden show up tied in

poll after poll. I mean, that's a dramatic demographic shift
that is the core of the Democratic Party base.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
Well, that's right, and so you're really faced with one
of the most interesting elections in history, because I think
there's a very real possibility that, for the very first
time since nineteen thirty two, the Roosevelt Coalition is about
to be replaced by a totally new structure that's really

built around the kind of people who Donald Trump has
managed to attract and which gives him a tremendous capacity
to lead the country in a way that nobody on
the right has head literally since the nineteen twenties.

Speaker 1 (14:16):
Unbelievable times we're living in, mister speaker. Just one hundred
and forty days to go, ninety one days until early
voting begins in the state of Pennsylvania rolls out from there,
and ten days until this first presidential debate. Interesting times.
We're living in, no doubt about it. New Ingrich, Happy birthday,
my friend.

Speaker 2 (14:34):
Thank you, Take care.

Speaker 1 (14:35):
Eight hundred ninety four one. Shawn is a number. If
you want to be a part of the program.

Speaker 3 (14:42):
Be sure to check in as soon as you get
to your car after work for breaking information you need
to know about. This is the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 1 (14:53):
A right twenty five to the top of the hour.
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You know, it's amazing. In spite of everything, the media mob,
all they want to do is just they just want
to cover. They just want to cover for Biden's mental decline,
cognitive decline. They just want to cover, you know, his

lies about the Biden laptop hunter, Biden's laptop. They want
to they want to cover the Biden economy and say, oh, no,
things are really good.

Speaker 3 (16:54):
No they're not.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
You know, the border is secure and the borders closed.
What are these what are these rascally Republicans on Fox
News Talk radio? And what are your own eyes telling?

Speaker 4 (17:05):

Speaker 1 (17:05):
Don't believe what your own eyes tell you and they
just tell you now is but Biden is sharper than
he's ever been. He's so sharp, he's so mentally alert.
I'm like, uh huh, just like the border secure.

Speaker 5 (17:18):
Listen, start your tape right now because I'm about to
tell you the truth and f you if you can't
handle the truth. This version of Biden is the best
Biden ever.

Speaker 6 (17:31):
Do you know?

Speaker 7 (17:32):
He knows so long as nine.

Speaker 5 (17:34):
In fact, I think he's better than he's ever been president.

Speaker 2 (17:38):
Biden has a photographic memory, His understanding and mastery of.

Speaker 1 (17:43):
A complicated geopolitical situation remarkable.

Speaker 8 (17:47):
He is sharp, intensely probing, and detail oriented and focused.

Speaker 7 (17:52):
Jackie, you hear us, Jackie, sure up here?

Speaker 6 (17:57):
I was sitting, you know, a two feet from him
across the table, and he was, you know, intense.

Speaker 5 (18:03):
To have trouble walking sometimes, yeah, so did FBR.

Speaker 3 (18:07):
He wanted gd war. But he's totally focused. He's very sharp.

Speaker 5 (18:10):
They say he's sharpened meetings and so on.

Speaker 8 (18:12):
Very lucid, will, very well informed.

Speaker 5 (18:14):
Biden's stately and he comes with gravitas.

Speaker 1 (18:17):
There hasn't been, as far as I know, a single
claim that Biden made a mistake.

Speaker 3 (18:23):
Agism is an issue.

Speaker 1 (18:25):
Americans have a rich history of holding people's physical characteristics
against them.

Speaker 3 (18:30):
Okay, you can ask African Americans.

Speaker 2 (18:31):
He's older, that doesn't mean that he is unfit.

Speaker 5 (18:35):
And there's a lot of ages in there.

Speaker 3 (18:37):
Now, this age attack.

Speaker 1 (18:38):
This obsession by the right, Joe Biden may not be
able to speak for himself the way that he used to.

Speaker 7 (18:43):
They want to think is to take on government if
we get out of line, which they're talking on again
about and that's him lying around.

Speaker 1 (18:52):
I think people's the same group of people that just
lied to you about the Hunter Biden laptop in the
lead up the weeks before the twenty twenty election.

Speaker 3 (19:02):
They just flat out lied.

Speaker 1 (19:03):
They didn't know anything about it, but they just flat
out lied to you about it, you know, And you
know you heard a lot of liberal Joe in there.
If you don't like, f you Linda, f you Hennity,
like really, yeah, my favorite is well, FDR had trouble
walking around to FDR had polio. I mean, good grief.

But anyway, remember Joe last week, we went back in time.
This is what he was saying in the lead up
to the twenty twenty election.

Speaker 6 (19:33):
If they publish a series of lies peddled them by
Rudy Giuliani, who admitted that nobody else would take it
but Rupert Murdoch New York Post because they might look
into it and tell the truth.

Speaker 8 (19:46):
Here we are in twenty twenty. This is what it's
come down to, America. Juliani is feeding Russian misinformation to
Donald Trump and reading it, feeding Russian disinformation to the
New York Post. They know it's a lie.

Speaker 3 (20:07):
Yeah, that's where we are in twenty twenty.

Speaker 5 (20:09):
Here just to let you know.

Speaker 8 (20:11):
That they're still talking to Russian By the way, Russian
hoax come on, really, so history will expose you all
as fools and useful idiots for the Russians. It's for
four years now, fulls.

Speaker 1 (20:30):
And useful idiots. You think the media will ever ask
him about that? I tend to doubt it. But here's
Joe that they telling you is just he's the best Joe.
He's the best ever Joe, the best Joe we've ever seen. Well,
this is your average Joe.

Speaker 7 (20:49):
He knows so long as nine our freedom can never
be secured.

Speaker 8 (20:54):
Look, I'll do what he's unable to do.

Speaker 3 (20:58):
I'll lead to effect a.

Speaker 7 (20:59):
Strategy them up lies true and I severage of pressure
isolated punnies.

Speaker 3 (21:03):

Speaker 7 (21:04):
Great to have you here, and I'm very happy to
see norther lyons adeculate assembly renstated last month, but then
when I signed the biparts influxer again, which Ron Johnson's
friends didn't vote.

Speaker 5 (21:16):
They all voted against.

Speaker 7 (21:18):
We have the most productive workers in the world, four
times of productive ast workers in Asia.

Speaker 3 (21:23):
And that's not I Pat's real.

Speaker 8 (21:25):
Bro teach Donald Trump, but a valuable lesson.

Speaker 7 (21:29):
Don't mess with them in Aweric unless you want to
get the benefit the national debt.

Speaker 3 (21:36):
So far, I still got all the other they did.

Speaker 7 (21:42):
It said important for him products. I'm exporting for their products,
four to five years of training to become electricians, the
best in the world.

Speaker 3 (21:50):
That's why to the state, I really mean it.

Speaker 1 (21:55):
That's the guy that's the best Joe ever. Okay, I'm
not buying it. All right, let's get to our busy phones.
Drew in Pennsylvania, Hey, Drew, how are you glad you called?

Speaker 3 (22:07):

Speaker 4 (22:08):
Hey, I'm good.

Speaker 3 (22:09):
Thanks, Sean.

Speaker 4 (22:10):
How you doing.

Speaker 3 (22:11):
I'm good, Sorr. We need your state desperately. Well, we're
gonna win it here in Pennsylvania.

Speaker 4 (22:19):
I think I think lots of support.

Speaker 5 (22:21):
I can see everywhere I looks Trump flags and signed everywhere.

Speaker 4 (22:24):
So hoping for the best. So check this out. I
think that maybe Donald Trump, President Trump's on.

Speaker 5 (22:31):
The debate stage should ask Joe.

Speaker 4 (22:34):
Specifically what he is being charged for, and see if
Joe can articulate the alleged crime.

Speaker 1 (22:43):
I think it's a great idea. It's so funny you
bring this up because everybody knows Velma, who's a regular
call to this show. And I was checking in with
Velma yesterday and she had many of her her friends
with her, and I said, and she brings up the
issue of the thirty four guilty verdicts in the Trump case.

I said, okay, I need you to do me one
favorite of album. Can you tell me what he's charged with?
What was the crime that he committed? She couldn't answer,
and she just tries to go off on tangent after
tang And I said, no, no, I just just tell
me what he was charged with, tell me what he
did wrong, what was he convicted of? And she couldn't answer.
And I've yet to find one liberal that can actually

answer that question. I mean, a part of it is funny,
but another part of it is like scary, considering this
is what lawfair does. Well, you bring up a great point.
I think there's a lot of a lot of questions. Again,
He's not going to answer Trump's questions, and the media
is going to be, you know, corrupt and abusively biased.

We already know that part. But I look, I am
not minimizing Joe Biden showing up at this debate. I'm
taking it seriously because I think you're going to see
a return of jacked up Joe.

Speaker 3 (23:59):
That's what I think.

Speaker 1 (24:01):
I think the hyper caffeinated guy that we saw at
the State of the Union is that gonna be the
guy that we see on that.

Speaker 3 (24:06):
Debate stage that night.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
And whatever he drank, or ate or took before that
that State of the Union, I think it's it's gonna
happen again. And I would expect he will perform much
better than he does on a daily basis. That's my prediction.
So I would not take him lightly at all, and
I think you've got to be prepared for that anyway.
Appreciate the call, my friend, eight hundred and nine four one, Sean.

If you want to join us, let's swing right back
to our busy phones.

Speaker 3 (24:33):
His Monday. Henry is in New Jersey. Henry. How are you, hey, Sean?
How you doing. I'm good, buddy. What's going on.

Speaker 4 (24:41):
I've been listening to you since the day you broke
the Golden the microphone.

Speaker 1 (24:48):
Really, you got to, you got to bring back a
traumatic day in my life like that, and thank you.
I really I didn't, didn't. You know, Rush Limbak comes back.
I'm doing filling in for Russia for the first time.
I'm doing an opening monologue. I'm sweating profusely, you know,
having a half a panic attack, and I'm getting through it,
and then all of a sudden, boom, the mic literally

fell on the desk and I couldn't.

Speaker 3 (25:12):
I had to.

Speaker 1 (25:13):
I had to literally put my head down on the
desk and finish the monologue that way. And Rush in
typical you know, Rush humorous form. Sean Hannity tended the
golden EIB microphone and I did not dent theicle to
the IB microphone. He had heard about it. He laughed

about it. I thought it was funny. He had a
wicked sense of humor. He really you know what I
did one time back in the day, I used to
do when I first started at Fox in ninety six,
I was doing late night radio on the ex Wife
station in New York and Anyway, and it was from
eleven to two at night. I loved it, and Rush's
phone lines would ring all night long and they were

on the same phone bank as as the local radio station.
Is a film at the time, and I would take
calls and I'd be Rush, welcome to the IB network.
You are on the Rush Limbaugh Show. And people would
think that, oh, Megadido's Rush hit Carson rip my head off.

When he finally when he heard I was doing that,
finally I told Russia sorry, and he goes, I wish
I thought of that. That's a great idea. So it's
a different take on it. It was a great guy though.

Speaker 4 (26:29):
Yeah. Anyway, what I'd like to ask you is how
do we hold these other media people accountable for the
lies that have been proven? I mean, we can't go
face to face with him, or can we? I mean,
you know, they lie, you know, every day, and nobody

calls them out on it because unfortunately, you know, conservative
media is great, but it doesn't cover what the liberal
media covers.

Speaker 1 (27:02):
And listen to the garbage we just played you, I mean,
listen to what the media was saying about the Hunter
Biden laptop that we now know four years later was
very real. Right, there were a bunch of fools and
useful idiots. If we dared to believe it, you know,
if you believe what you saw at the G seven,

if you believe what you saw with with Barack Obama
going back and grabbing Joe by the hand and putting
his arm around him and getting him off the stage
at this star studded Hollywood elitist event. I mean, you know, oh,
you're you're gas lighting, You're cheap faking the videos. That's
not he was absorbing the crowd. Applause is all he

was doing. I'm like, now, that's Joe on a daily basis.
He's a cognitive.

Speaker 3 (27:48):
Mess, right.

Speaker 4 (27:50):
But I mean, people still believe that the Russia hoax
was real. People still believe that Trump deserved to be
in peace twice.

Speaker 2 (28:00):

Speaker 4 (28:00):
I mean, it's like we could, we could talk about
it all we want, but people aren't hearing it in
the main public that But.

Speaker 3 (28:08):
But are they? I mean, don't you think by now?

Speaker 1 (28:11):
I mean, for example, Donald Trump, maybe maybe he's taken
a minor hit in the polls, and we'll get to
that with our polsters at the top of the hour,
But I don't really see it. I think most Americans
have figured out that they'll do and say anything to
keep Donald Trump from ever being president again, and God
only knows what October surprise or Deep State surprise. You

know they have waiting for us in November. I put
nothing past these people.

Speaker 4 (28:39):
Well, like the last guy said, if there was a
way that we could see him face to face and
then say, okay, explain what he did, Explain what he
did with Russia, Explain what he did to be impeached,
Explain what he did.

Speaker 3 (28:54):
You know, for all, they can't.

Speaker 4 (28:56):
The four times he's been indicted. But if we were
face to face with them, somehow you got them. They can't.
They can't lie their way out of it face to face,
you know they can.

Speaker 1 (29:08):
I mean I should put Velma on just to just
to kind of go over the conversation that we had.
And all she knows is that she hates Donald Trump.

Speaker 3 (29:17):
That's it.

Speaker 1 (29:19):
And and can she give you the ins and outs
and the specifics of what you're referring to? She cannot,
And nor can anybody else that I've ever questioned. We've
had liberals call into this show. They can't answer that.
They can't tell you what policies Joe has implemented that
have made our lives better either. They he can't run
on are you better off than you were four years ago.

So you know, we've got a lot of work to do.
But you know, you're in the state of New Jersey.
You know what would be really effective. I'll tell you
what would be effective is if you can get your
friends in New Jersey to flip that state red.

Speaker 3 (29:54):
That'd be awesome.

Speaker 4 (29:55):
I know I got a lot of friends that are interested,
so we just hope I get enough.

Speaker 1 (30:01):
Yeah, I hope you have enough to hire friends in
New Jersey as well, and I hope they're listening. Anyway,
I appreciate you being with us. Thanks so much, and
have a great week. Henry, appreciate it.

Speaker 3 (30:13):

The Sean Hannity Show News

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