All Episodes

April 29, 2024 32 mins

Horace Cooper, legal commentator and Co-Chair of the Black Leadership Network Project 21 and author of Put Ya’ll Back in Chains: How Biden’s policies harm Blacks and Pam Bondi, Former Florida Attorney General, discuss the 2nd week of Trump’s trial in New York and Bragg’s threat of contempt charges.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Right, Alan two. Sean Hannity's show Toll Free.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
It is eight hundred and nine to FOURT one Sean,
if you want to be a part of the program.
We have talked a lot about the weaponization of the
Department of Justice under Joe Biden. You know, interesting questions
have been raised by a lot of the Supreme Court justices,
especially when you look at last week and the arguments
over the issue of immunity. I think if Democrats had

their way for the next one hundred and eighty nine days,
Donald Trump would be in a courtroom and not have
any ability at all to go out and campaign, although interestingly,
his poll numbers keep going up, so maybe maybe they're
they're helping him in the end. And then we have
Uncle Joe crazy, You're crazy Uncle Joe out there talking
about Uncle Bosey who was eaten by cannibals and making one,

you know, verbal screw up after another. But interesting legal
points that have been raised by Supreme Court justices and
a lot of these cases. For example, Clarence Thomas has
asked the former president the President Donald Trump's lawyers about
whether they challenge Special Counsel Jack Smith and his authority

to even bring charges against the president, which, by the way,
you know, did you in this litigation challenge the appointment
of the special Council. Now, this raises a lot of
really really interesting points. Smith was never nominated by the
president confirmed by the Senate at any time, which Trump's
lawyer did point out in the answer here. Then you

have Justice Kavanaugh, as we have this weaponization going on
and the issue of in this case, it would impact
the January sixth case more than any other, but Kavanaugh
warning of a vicious cycle of malicious prosecutions that could
end the presidency. That's how dangerous that is. Neil Gorsiz
saying it didn't matter what the president, what his motives were,

That's something courts shouldn't be engaged in. I'm concerned about
the future uses of criminal law to target political opponents
based on accusations about their motives.

Speaker 1 (02:04):

Speaker 2 (02:05):
Here to help sort it out is Pam Bondi, former
Florida Attorney General of Horace Cooper is with US legal commentator,
co chair of the Black Leadership Network Project twenty one,
author of put y'all back in Chains. How Biden's policies
harm Black Americans. Welcome both of you Pam. I found
these arguments very, very interesting. But I think at the

end of the day, what everybody's missing is it's never
It's unprecedented that we have a presidential candidate sitting in
a courtroom being told they'll be put in jail if
he's not there every day, and meanwhile, the field for
campaigning is left to one the incumbent president because of
his Justice Department's actions.

Speaker 1 (02:48):
In part.

Speaker 3 (02:49):
Yeah, Sean, that's exactly right. There is no semblance of
law in our criminal and civil justice system right now.
I truly feel that way watching this unfold every single day.
I mean, telling him he can't even break to go
to his son's graduation, having him sit in court every day.
He wasn't he was the plaintiff. It's in front of
the US Supreme Court, Sean. Yet he was unable. The

judge would not would not break. Given the respect to
the US Supreme Court. Let Donald Trump be sitting in
front of the Supreme Court when there's immunity arguments were heard.
So I mean, he's this judge should be off the case.
You've discussed that many times. Because of his impact on
the Biden influenced his daughter's influence with Joe Biden. I

mean this is a Biden judge, a Biden prosecutor. Any
other judge would have accused himself by now, but making
him sit there every single day, I think that is
the ultimate election interference.

Speaker 2 (03:48):
All right, So, I mean, of course it's a means
of election interference. Now, as as you heard the oral
arguments being made last week, what was your take on
the questioning by the judge justices?

Speaker 4 (04:01):

Speaker 3 (04:02):
Oh, I thought the questioning was great by the justices,
especially the ones that you just mentioned. I mean, without
immunity in this country, Sean, all presidents would be hamstrung
with criminal issues. Their entire presidency. Official acts have got
to be prosecuted, I mean protected, They've got to be protected.
Otherwise we'd have an endless cycle of former presidents being prosecuted.

And you know what, you can go all the way
back to Able Lincoln. Look, look what would have happened
with Abraham Lincoln. I mean every single president throughout history.
These processes are in place for a reason so a
president can do his job and function every day. Otherwise
it would be pure chaos in our society, complete chaos

in our society if that was not protected So.

Speaker 1 (04:50):
Where do you see this going?

Speaker 2 (04:51):
I mean, the president could potentially now go from New
York to d C, from DC to Fulton County, Georgia,
from Fulton County, Georgia to Florida, what in one hundred
and eighty nine days till election day and not have
any ability to campaign. Are they going to now stop
Donald Trump from having a Republican National convention if there

was a debate date? Is a judge going to let
them debate? I mean, how does somebody campaign like this?
How do you run an election like this?

Speaker 3 (05:20):
You can't and they know that. And that's what this
is about. It's a concerted effort with all the jurisdictions
that you just mentioned. I'm most my guest, Sean. I mean,
my best guess on what the US Supreme Court is
going to do is I think they're going to find
there is immunity, but they're going to remand it back
to the lower courts for hearings, and then that will

push these cases past the election, which is I think,
you know, they could also find there's complete immunity, case dismissed,
but given the questions, that's that's my best guess. You
know that we have to have five justices who are
going to follow the law, that that's what's going to happen.
So I think the case they have going right now
in New York is their only shot at getting him,

and they want to take him into custody. I firmly
believe that, more than anything in the world, they want
to take him in custody.

Speaker 2 (06:12):
And do you think they would take a former president
on a eight year old case where it was a misdemeanor,
which I think it's going to be very hard to
explain that to a jury. Well, let me bring in
Horace Cooper. Do you think that Do you agree with
Pam that they would love to put Donald Trump in
jail over this case if there was a guilty verdict,
which I would argue is probably likely considering the venue

is not Trump friendly, conservative friendly, or Republican friendly.

Speaker 4 (06:38):
Of all the cases pending before the President, this one
presents the absolute best opportunity. By that, I mean a
selected judge to handle the case, mister Merchant, instead of
one randomly selected appellate court judges that appear to be
predisposed to be hostile to the president as a defendant.

So much of the constitutional regime that exists in the
care area of criminal laws is actually not in favor
of supporting and promoting the interests of the prosecutors, but
in fact the interest of the defendants. We are not
seeing that. And so, as I say, if you look
at the Fulden County case, while you do have a

radical progressive, Sorrow's funded prosecutor, what you don't have is
a similar person sitting in the bench, and you certainly
don't have in the appellate courts a posture of that nature.
And that means that it's very, very difficult for a
case that really ought never to have been brought forward

to survive just during the trial process. But George Merchant
has a problem, and I don't know how many people
have been paying attention. He keeps telling us that he
is going to issue a sanction for the president's failure
to follow with his court order.

Speaker 2 (08:10):
But normally a sanction would be a fine, right, is
the judge in this case kind of say no, I'm
going to put you in a jail cell. And then,
by the way, how do we deal with that problem
which has never been faced before. You're going to put
a president in jail and the president has full time
Secret Service protection in jail.

Speaker 4 (08:29):
Well, this is the problem. There's a nineteen forty seven
case called Craig v. Hardy. Don't want to go too
much into the weeds, just getting back to my law
school professor days, in which a judge had issued a
gag order and sanctioned a journalist for the activities that occurred.

When all the journalists did was speak about First Amendment
issues associated with the case. The Supreme Court said that
it was appropriate to bring that statecase into federal court.
A similar phenomenon might find its way if this judge,

mister Merchant, is excessive in how he handles enforcement of
his gag order. If he does it too light, he
runs the risk that if it's a thousand dollars fine
per event, that the fee is paid and the actions
go forward. If he does it too hard, he runs
the risk that this is ultimately appealed. Last point is

in the DC Circuit Court, the mainstream media failed to
report that, in fact, the gag order by Judge Chuckkin
was found in some elements to be unconstitutional and overly broad.
That's exactly what's going to happen in this case. And
so Judge Merchant is in a dilemma. He promised us

a week ago that he was going to issue his ruling.
He now says he's going to hold another hearing for
another set. The problem with law fare is the court
system was never designed to be abused. Where you single
out an individual that you target. It's supposed to be

we observe what crimes are committed, and then we act
in response.

Speaker 1 (10:25):
Well, that's the way it should be, Pam. What's your
reaction to that?

Speaker 3 (10:28):
Yeah, and I think Chris would agree with this. In
all my years of prosecuting, I've never seen a gag
order on a defendant like this. Gag orders are in
place to protect defendants so the defendant can have a
fair trial. Of course, the prosecution is entitled to a
fair trial, but the prosecutors are always gagged, not defendants.

And here they're letting Michael Cohen be out of the
star witness, the liar, the convicted liar, be out there
every single day trashing Donald Trump. Yet President Trump cannot
defend himself. This is absurd. And yes, eventually all of
this will be overturned, all of these orders, I have

no doubt in my mind, But it's going to be
too late, and you know, all they're playing right now
is the short game. They want to islence them, which
they're doing, and they want to throw him in jail.
I have no doubt in my mind. But all they need,
Sean and New York is one honest juror one juror
out of twelve that's going to follow the law and
say I will not convict this man because he did

not even commit a misdemeanor under the lawh.

Speaker 2 (11:38):
Right, we continue with our legal experts. Pam Bondi and
Horace Cooper are with us. Is you watch the case.
I mean, all they try to do is throw out
other issues that Donald Trump wasn't even you know, charge
with Horace. And that's that's the irony here. You have
a judge that donated to Biden, whose own family may

may profit and benefit from what of a decision he
makes here, he absolutely, according to New York law my
interpretation of it, anyways, he should have accused himself. Add
to that, you know the fact that the statute of
limitations had passed on this, this would be a misdemeanor charge.
Somehow they bring in a federal election law as a

means of justifying the charges. Which are to this day
not particularly clear to anybody, and they're just throwing out,
you know, oh well we'll catch and kill. Okay, what
does that have to do with a bookkeeping error? Why
was that even allowed into evidence? Why was why was
David Tucker even on the stand.

Speaker 1 (12:37):
In that sense, it's a.

Speaker 4 (12:39):
Maximum of our criminal justice system that we don't show
that a person has once done something we don't like
or something we thought was ignoble, and we use that
as a basis of saying that's proof that they did X.
That is an automatic reversal. What Judge Merchant is apparently

thinking he can survive the news that his ruling, like
a judge did with Harvion Harvey flying setting, he can
survive the news that they allowed evidence in and it
ultimately overturned the judgment. But as I say, he has
this problem, this overly broad gag order, how is he

going to enforce it? Any of the casual review will
show that this gag order misses the mark dramatically, And
the Supreme Court has said that the judiciary has no
special authority and a democratic government to suppress edit our

censor behavior reports are comments about judicial proceedings. That's the
law and he have to figure out will he get
smacked down or will he try to find a weaselway
to do small fines? So it is not to allow
this to get into federal court.

Speaker 1 (14:07):
Yeah, I'll tell you, yeah, Pam last word.

Speaker 3 (14:09):
All right, Yeah, I think Chorus is right. That's why
I think the prosecution is backing off a bit on
let's throw him in jail for the gag order. Let's
just keep finding him because they know how wrong they are.
If they tried to throw him in jail for the
gag order, it would get appealed much faster. I think
RAS would agree with that.

Speaker 2 (14:29):
All right, I appreciate both of you. Pam BONDI, thank you,
Horace Coop. Always great to have you both. Eight hundred
and ninety four one Shawns number. We'll get to your
calls coming up. Joe Concha on the corruption, the mob,
the media, the insanity that is unfolding on college campuses
around the country, and of course the mob, the media
and their corruption.

Speaker 1 (14:48):
We'll get to all of that.

Speaker 2 (14:51):
The radio show, the mainstream media, a love state. This
is the Sean Hennity Show. To the top of the hour,
eight hundred and ninety four one seawan our number if
you want to be a part of the program. So
much to talk about, I want to remind you about
our friends at the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. They're committed

to supporting our nation's first responders, are vets and heroes
that put their lives on the line for our communities
and our country. People like US Army Major Jonathan Turnbull
now Major Turnbulls sustained devastating injuries at the hands of
an ISIS suicide bomber. He had the complete loss of
his left eye a puncture to his right eye. He

needed more than twenty surgeries, countless countless hours of rehabilitation,
and thankfully, Tunnel to Towers paid off his mortgage because
of your generosity and gave him a specially adapted smart
home designed for his very special needs. And with help
from people like you, the foundation is supporting families like
the Turnbulls. Anyway you can join them in supporting America's heroes,

and please go to their website. They're asking all of
us to commit to eleven dollars a month so this
great work can continue. All of us here on Team
Hanniti are committed. Just go to their website. It's the
letter T, the number two, the letter T dot org.
The letter T the number two, the letter T dot
org for the Tunnel to Towers Foundation. We have been

watching all over the country today, you know, the madness
that is college campuses in America today. These protesters removing
the American flag, raising the Palestinian flag at Havid in
Harvard Yard. You have anti Israel, anti Israel protest reignited

outside the Fashion Institute of Technology. We've been watching this
whole weekend long cal Polytech Humboldt closed their campus for
the rest of the semester because anti Israel protesters are
occupying buildings there. You have anti Israel protesters re erecting
tents on Yale campus, on Yale's campus. It's unbelievable of

Bloomington Mayor Kerrie Thomas on Sunday, you know, standing with
anti Israel protests, calling police to use de escalation tactics
whatever that means. Fights breaking out between pro Israel pro
Palestine protesters as the Star Spangled Banner is playing at UCLA.
We told you last week at GW University, students standing up,

you know, finally to the anti Israel protesters, warning faculty
they're indoctrinating kids with lies. I mean, you just think
this can't get any more insane, but it is. You
have Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein among one hundred
arrested protesting at Washington University college. Protesters demanding amnesty. Is

they await consequences for their demonstration? I mean, it had
and it just goes on and on and on, and
yet what was it one of the colleges last week
you had what the final solution? They're now actually quoting Hitler.
You know, Israel compared to Nazis and Isis and a
deerborn sermon, you need to re educate the Jews religious

quote leader dearborn Michigan comparing Israel to Nazi Germany and
Isis in a sermon at their local Islamic Institute of
quote knowledge, Zionism is the Isis of today. What part
of Israel being a victim here do these students not get?
As we have been pointing out October seventh amass attack. Again,

if this happened against Americans, and I saw this in
the paper today, I'm like, finally somebody else is getting
what I've been saying. It would be the equivalent of
forty thousand Americans slaughtered in a single day, eight thousand
Americans taken hostage out of the country, thousands tortured, mutilated,
and beheaded. Do these kids have any sense at all

of what the hell it is that they're doing. It
was George Washington University, you know, that had one of
these protesters with the words final solution. Okay, that means
annihilating the Jews. Now we've been watching Colombia. Arrest now
being made at University of Texas at Austin. That happened there,

But we've been watching Columbia all day. The deadline for
them to leave the little ten city is coming. It
is gone. I think they should turn on the sprinkler
systems and like they did at Harvard. Apparently they didn't
do it on purpose, but it was pretty funny what
had happened anyway. So you have literally a pro homose
organization leading the tent city in talks with the university.

And this was in the New York Post today, And
the anti Israel tent encampment in Colombia is now being
led by a cohort of controversial student leaders that are
expressing quote solidarity with Hamas and saying Zionists don't deserve
to live. I mean, these students are the ones negotiating
directly with leaders of an Ivy League university and holding

the campus hostage with dozens of tents and hundreds of protesters.
Rabbis telling students there to stay home. If you're Jewish,
don't go to the university. It's pretty unbelievable. One of
the voices is one of the most prominent ones behind
the Columbia United part Apartheid the Divest campaign, which is

demanding the university divest from any company that does business
with the Israeli military, including a wide swath of fortune
five hundred companies. Anyway, the guy's banned from campus on
Friday in response to a resurface video that showed him
saying Zionists don't deserve to live. Well, anyway, they're not leaving,

but they are in Texas. They are taking action New
York of course, doing little to nothing. You know what,
this is what you send your kid to an Ivy
League institution for. Anyway, let me play for you. This
is one of the radicals, a leader of the Columbia protest,
comparing Zionists to Nazis and feeling very comfortable calling for

them to die.

Speaker 5 (21:09):
Listen, the existence of Nazis, white supremacists, Zionists, these are
all the same people. The existence of them and the
projects they have built I e. Israel, it's all antithetical
to peace. It's all antithetical to peace. And so yes,

I feel very comfortable, very comfortable calling for those people
to die. And with that being said, Kamani is signed
out to see you in New.

Speaker 1 (21:44):
York real soon. Pretty sick stuff.

Speaker 2 (21:48):
And you've got congress Woman Omar saying Jewish students should
be protected. If they are anti genocide or progenocide, they
should be protected.

Speaker 1 (21:57):
Listen, I think it is.

Speaker 6 (22:00):
It's really unfortunate that people.

Speaker 1 (22:02):
Don't care about the fact that all.

Speaker 6 (22:05):
Jewish kids should be kept safe and that we should
not have to tolerate anti semitism or bigotry for all
Jewish students, whether they are pro genocide or anti genocide.

Speaker 2 (22:18):
And if you think that's bad enough. When Bernie Sanders
was on one of the Sunday shows asked about this,
you know, about Congresswoman Omar's comments about Jewish students being
pro genocide and whether they should be protected, I mean,
it's okay now in America to make terroristic threats because
that's what you're doing.

Speaker 1 (22:37):
Anyway. Here's his pathetic answer.

Speaker 3 (22:39):
She said, some Jewish students are pro genocide.

Speaker 1 (22:43):
Is that something that you're comfortable with that?

Speaker 7 (22:46):
Well, I don't know exactly. Look what I think the
essential point veil hanmade is that we do not want
to see anti semitism in this country. And I think
the word genocide is something that is being the term
by the International Court of Justice. But this is what
I will say. I don't think there's any doubt that
when you know who's doing now displacing eighty percent of

the population in Gossip, is that the cleansing. That's what
it is, pushing out huge numbers of people. And now
we're looking at the possibility of an attack on Rafa
where people have gone for so cold it's a safety zone.

Speaker 2 (23:22):
All right, Let's get to our busy phones. Eight hundred
and nine to four one Sean, if you want to
be a part of the program. Dwight in California. Dwight,
how are you glad you called?

Speaker 8 (23:30):

Speaker 9 (23:31):
I'm doing well. They just want to talk about the
protests and all these universities, different locations, these kids are
very very smart. They're not they know what's going on.
The problem is.

Speaker 2 (23:43):
Well, they might have been educated at every ounce of
common sense they were born with, so maybe we can
take a little exception to that.

Speaker 9 (23:51):
Well here's the point. The point is this, they can
drive this narrative all the way from the White House down.
The problem is is the news media has not given
the truth to the people. And I understand you guys,
is you know you're getting pushed back that you know,
the FC the Federal Control Air Rays, whatever it is.

But they need to see the truth. They need to
have people that or we're on the ground, the first
hand witnesses. If they got the truth out there, they
wouldn't be doing this protest now, the first time that
I've heard in all these months. I guess there's going
to be a documentary coming out from this. But this
is way after the game. I mean, this is way

too late. They should have had the truth out there
a long time ago. And you've had the truth, you
know the truth, and you have held it back because
of whatever reason, right, and I know the vent and
all you guys are the same. You have to fight
the regulation. But still, these kids wouldn't be doing what
they're doing. If they had the truth out there, same
thing as happened in Germany when they controlled the media,

they could do anything they want. It's no different half
and now our kids are smart. They just need to
have the truth presented to them and they can they
can make the right decisions.

Speaker 2 (25:09):
Well, you know, some students will, and then some people
just cling to their radicalism like manna from heaven, think
they're doing God's work. I mean, you have these indoctrinated people.
I mean, sadly, this is, this is what's so sad
about Palestinian children. I mean, they're they're indoctrinated into hating
Jews from the times that they're very very young. You know,

they go to school and they're math problems and they
watch cartoons that are literally talk about killing Jewish people.
I mean it's it's literally straight out of Nazi Germany.
And we've shown this, Oh okay, five Jews, you killed
three three of them? How many Jews are left? And
I mean I'm not making any of this up. I

mean that's how pathetic and that's how sad this is.
And you know, if you've ever wondered why haven't neighboring
countries been willing to absorb or the Palestinian population. Is
Countries like Egypt and Jordan and others know that this
indoctrination is very, very real, and that to deprogram someone

from a lifelong you know, brainwashing is difficult, if not impossible,
But unfortunately that is what has happened to the Palestinian people.
And you know, for example, Hamas you know, pays the
families of quote martyrs, people that kill you know, of
suicide bombers, for example, that kill innocent Jewish people. Well,

those families will end up getting compensated as as a result,
they get rewarded. And where's a lot of that money
coming from a lot of that money is aid money
from the United States and even Israel. Money that's supposed
to be spent for infrastructure and schools and hospitals.

Speaker 1 (26:52):
It's not.

Speaker 2 (26:52):
It's being used to build terror tunnels and pay families
of suicide bombers. Even it's insane. I mean, what we're
talking about is just insane. Matt, Florida, the Free State
of Florida. How are you, sir, I'm doing great.

Speaker 8 (27:09):
How are you doing.

Speaker 1 (27:10):
I'm good? What's going on?

Speaker 8 (27:12):
Well, the thing of it is, I wanted to say
first and foremost that I definitely hope that Donald Trump
picks Tim Scott as his running mate, and I know
that the Democrats are terrified that that's who he's gonna pick.
See the other day, I saw something. I've heard two
separate things. I heard somebody talk about Christy Nolan and
then I heard somebody talk about Mark or Rubio. Neither
one of these would be a good good decision because

of the demographics of it. The fact of the matter
is is that the women that are for Trump are
going to stay with Trump. The women that are against
him are against him if he gets Christy Nolan. We
already tried it with McCain and Sarah Palin and it
went nowhere. Oh, let's get a woman, so and the
Democrats will vote for us. It didn't work, even though
everybody was mad that Hillary got passed up by Obama.

And on top of that, there are a lot of
black people that are afraid of Trump. They just they
they kind of like him, but they think he's a racist.
That's the biggest thing going around. If we ended up
with Tim Scott, it would change the demographic. There would
be people that would be bloodthirsty to support Trump. Black
people would come to him like ever before, and the party,
the Republican Party, would get overwhelmed because it would have

so many new people joining up. At the end of
the day, even with his case in Georgia, I see,
it would be a hung jury if he had Tim
Scott and his running mate. Because if he had Tim
Scott and his running mate, there are gonna be some
black guys on that war, on that on that committee
that are you know that jury, that are going to say, hey,
we don't want to convict this guy, we don't want

to destroy our people. Now there's a lot of there's
a lot of blacks that are voting for Biden because
of Obama. They have loyalty to Obama. They know that
a vote for Biden is a vote for Obama and
a vote for Trump is a vote against Obama. If
they had Tim Scott as in their corner, they would
want to support him and they would do everything they
can possible. At the end of the day, Marco Rubio

have helped. If Mitt Romney would have done the right
thing and picked Marco Rubio as his running mate, that
would have worked out perfect because Marco Rubio could have
done a better job in a debate, and the better
job all together, and he would have brought the young vote,
he would have brought the Latino vote, and he would
have brought the female vote. But now it is a
different time. If Marco Rubio were to be on the
be with him now, to Latinos who hate Trump are

gonna hate him, to the teams that love Trump are
gonna love him. Marco Rubio would not shift the demographics
in any way. And if he would have kicked us
the governor from what's his name from the Santas, if
he would have tried to stand, it non't work anywhere
because the Santus would bring no voters. Everybody who'd vote
for the Santus would vote for Trump anyways. They'd bring

no new demographics.

Speaker 2 (29:43):
Oh look, I think you mentioned a lot of good
people here, and I was glad to see the Santas
and Trump, you know, air out some of their differences.
I never liked when they were fighting anyway, because there
are a line I like Marco, I like Senator Tim Scott. Well,
this is probably a playout soon the later. I hope
people are thinking about it. I got a roll, though
I do appreciate the call, my friend.

Speaker 8 (30:09):
The final hour roundup is next. You do not want
to miss it, and stay tuned for the final hour.

Speaker 4 (30:15):
Free for All on the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 2 (30:23):
You know, I never really talked a lot at the
time publicly, but nine years ago I made a decision
that changed my life in one case, because you know,
I just saw the direction the nation was headed. I
saw what was happening, you know, the you know, defund dismantled,
no bail laws were becoming inevitables, the left one crazier,

you know, radical left over time, I mean, you know,
and thank goodness I joined the USCCA. If you want
to know about education and training and self defense, liability
insurance and situational self defense. I mean, it's pretty amazing
what they do at the us CCA. But anyway, back
then and now it's way worse. Crime was escalating. We

had politicians DA's all across the country letting criminals go free.
You need to protect your family. But I knew that
I needed to do more than just on a gun.
And when I decided to join the us CCA, well,
they will supply anybody, an any member with firearm education, training,
self defense liability insurance, which everybody needs to keep their

family safe. It's really that simple. Now things have gotten
worse since then, and hoping bad things won't happen is
not a strategy.

Speaker 8 (31:36):

Speaker 2 (31:37):
Thankfully, the us CCA and the former head of training
for the FBI put together a free guide and they're
going to show you proven ways that you can deter criminals,
protect your loved ones, to protect your business, defend your family,
and very importantly stay out of legal trouble. How often
we hear stories the people that are victims of crime,
they're the ones that end up getting arrested. You know,

a whole home owner can be arrested and a squatter
gets the house. It's insane. Anyway, go to their website.
It's USCCA dot com slash Hannity, USCCA dot com slash
Hannity right now and put in your email and they're
going to send you this guide instantly. That's USCCA dot
com slash Hannity. All right, when we come back, we'll
check in with our friend Joe Conca Media abusively biased

and corrupting, the biggest donor to the campaign of Joe Biden,
and we'll talk about polls and all you need to
know that the media mob ignores that's next.

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