All Episodes

March 25, 2024 31 mins

President Trump fights back on the New York court that has been asking for hundreds of millions of dollars in "penalties."  Sean has the latest...

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
All right, thank you, Scott Shannon, Happy Monday, and thank
you for being well us. Here's our toll free number.
It's eight hundred and ninety four one Sean. If you
want to be a part of the program. Well, I
mean some sanity, some court in New York. Although I
still think one hundred and seventy four million dollars is
an awfully high judgment when you consider the case, the

civil case at hand that we're talking about. But I've
got to give some credit to the New York Appeals
Court for pausing this four hundred and sixty four million dollars.
But with interest, it was over almost it was over
half a billion dollars. I mean, this is insane, and

we expected the possibility. We weren't sure if the court
would rule on this by today. Thankfully they saw the
urgency in terms of the timing of this, and they
now have removed that four hundred and what really is
over over five hundred million dollars, over a half a
billion dollars. And the state appeals court panel said that

it would act if the Trump organization and top executives
posted one hundred and seventy five million within ten days.
And this last minute reprieve for President Trump and his lawyers.

Speaker 2 (01:20):
You know. Anyway, here's the President reacting.

Speaker 1 (01:24):
Thank you very much.

Speaker 3 (01:24):
Jud j.

Speaker 4 (01:25):
Goran has done any terrible service to the state of
New York. What he's done is terrible.

Speaker 2 (01:31):

Speaker 4 (01:32):
Is a fleet you see that you're just released a
state that number two business is a fleeing in crime
is flourishing all over the state. And what he's done
is such a disservice and should never be allowed to
happen again. New York State is being vettered by his decision.
So greatly respect the decision of the Depellent Division. And

I'll posting one hundred and seventy five million dollars in
cash or bonds or security or whatever is very quickly
within the ten days, and I think the appellate divisions
were acting quickly. But jud Ji and Gordan is a
disgrace to this country that this should not be allowed
to happen.

Speaker 2 (02:14):
Thank you very much.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
He is a disgrace to the country. I mean, how
much more do we have to get into now? The
President put out a number of statements on truth social today.
The judge and that civil case in Goren and the
Attorney General in New York should be forced to explain
why he ruled and maintained all throughout the penalty phase,
because remember he ruled by summary judgment. There was not

going to be a trial. There was not going to
be a jury. He just decided through summary judgment that
the case was overwhelmed. He's guilty. They just declared him
guilty and moved to the punishment phase, which ended up
being this insane amount of number. Anyway, he points out
in his truth social post that that bar A Lago
was worth eighty million dollars, and he said that in fact,

it's worth fifty to one hundred times that amount. I
don't know if there's anyone else on television that has
done the simple research that we have done, and that
is look for properties on the ocean in Palm Beach
as a comparison, and I think the most glaring examples
there are two that I have used, and I have
shown both properties on TV is if you want there

was I don't know if it's still for sale. At
the time when I first did it, a plot of
land on the ocean that had two acres on it.
It was dirt, there was no home on the property,
just for the two acres on the ocean. It was
two hundred million dollars. Then there's another lot that is
probably in the worst location possible. Now it is on

the inner coastal and it has a street between whatever
house you might build and the ocean in Palm Beach.
Palm Beach is an island and at certain points there
is a street that would divide the inner coastal from
the ocean, because they need the transportation and infrastructure for that.

Without giving too much detail, now here's what the facts
about mar A Lago. It is in pristine condition. It
is over twenty two acres. It is on both the
inner coastal and on the ocean side of the island
of Palm Beach. It has not one, but two clubs
associated with it, and it is a historic property. It

has over twenty two acres over in the main residence,
I think fifty some odd bedrooms. It's got cottages all
over the property. It's got great facilities and you know,
pools and whatever whatever you could ever want or imagine.
Is their hair salon, A massage massuse is there. I
don't like massages, but if people like it, I guess

if you're a member, you can have that, and it's
just as massive just to p if there was no
property there, it would be worth just extrapolating out the
math of these ocean from properties two hundred million dollars.
I know it sounds insane to everybody because Palm Beach
real estate is insane, and a lot of coastal properties

in Florida are going for massive amounts of money. That's
just what the market is bearing. And I don't think
it's going to get any better. The baby boomers are
not going to stop retiring. There's still ten to fifteen
years of them retiring and coming down to Florida, probably
in droves and other states including Texas and Tennessee and
the Carolinas. That seems to be the area where the

greatest migration is headed towards and anyway, So how is
the judge able to get away with that? If that
isn't This is why we call this the weaponization of
our legal system.

Speaker 2 (05:43):
This is what it is. It is glaring now.

Speaker 1 (05:47):
If they started to take Trump properties away today, I
would argue that every single property they tried to take
would probably lift Donald Trump's poll numbers that much higher.
America fundamentally since unfairness when they see it. But anyway,
so he's got a reprieve. He's got ten days for

that reprieve. And you know, and Donald Trump put another
post up about judge and Goren and he's refused to
obey a decision of the Appellate Division relative to the
statute of limitations. I believe this has to do with
Ivanka Trump, a confrontation between the judge and those that
rule above him, A bad situation in which in New
York now you have people like O'Leary over at CNBC

on Shark Tank, Kevin O'Leary and even Mark Cuban saying
this is insane. This is not justice or equal justice
under the law. This is abusing the justice system. This
is to Kevin O'Leary. I mean, he's been ripping on
this day in and day out on how he's not
going to invest money in New York anymore. You got

this multi multi hedge fund billionaire. His name is Ken Griffin,
and I only know because he actually knocked on the
door of five major estate owners in Palm Beach on
the Ocean and said I want to buy your property.
And he did it a number of years ago and
I think he paid about one hundred million for each

if and then knocked him all down. And he's building
two homes on five lots, one for him and one
for apparently his mother, according to what I've heard. I
don't know the guy, but that's that's that's Palm Beach
real estate for you. All one needed to do was
to go on Zillow or any other real estate website
and you'll be able to determine what the average cost

of an ocean front or intercoastal property is going for
in Palm Beach. Not that hard to figure out. Real
estate is actually pretty simple. Supply and demand and that
kind of criss crosses and dictates the price.

Speaker 2 (07:48):
Here's Kevin O'Leary.

Speaker 3 (07:50):
The collateral damage to the American brand is horrific. If
you go across the world and say, what's the number
one econ me on Earth you want to invest in,
It's the United States of America. That's why it is
the number one economy on Earth. Transparency property rights are
mentioned thirty seven times in the Constitution. Do process very important?

Why steal someone's asset in twenty seven days? Why not
give them more time to come up with the cash.
Forget about DoD Trump. I want this to happen to them.
You want to bring three billion dollars to build a
data center in America, which I'm going to go and
raise next week all around the world. The number one
question I have when I go to these countries to

try and raise this capitalist what the hell is going
on in New York. And I can tell them it's
not America. It's just an anomaly. I swear to you, everybody,
this is not America. Don't worry. Adults will enter the
room soon. It's like a dress up party in court.
It was a crazy night o with the parents. Poopoo happened.
But someone will come in and fix this. This is

not America. Where to you this is not America?

Speaker 2 (09:02):
Well, it's not. Now.

Speaker 1 (09:03):
We've talked at length and a lot about our eighth
Amendment to our Constitution. It protects against imposing excessive bail,
excessive fines, cruel or unusual punishment. And it was adopted
in seventeen ninety one along with the rest of the
Bill of Rights, and it serves as a limitation.

Speaker 2 (09:23):
Now, all Donald Trump.

Speaker 1 (09:25):
Is pursuing here is an ability to bring this whole
case to another court and make an appeal. And already
I guess we're seeing indications of what I have always said,
the most dangerous part of every legal case that Donald
Trump faces is that they have arranged this that even
a twenty sixteen case that would be the Alvin braggcase.

And we have some news on that today that that
can be that they contrive that during the election year.
But the odds would be next to zero, probably impossible
of having an appeal where Donald Trump might have a
more a better opportunity at fairness in court. I have said,

and I stand by, I do not personally believe that
Donald Trump can get a fair trial in New York State.
I don't think he can get a fair trial in DC.
I don't think he can get a fair trial in
Fulton County, Georgia for that matter.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
You a new poll.

Speaker 1 (10:23):
McLaughlin and the associates want people that pay attention to him.
Polls are Matt Towery Insider Advantage and Robert Kahley the
Trafalgar Group of McLaughlin. Fifty six percent of all voters
think Biden wants to stop Trump from winning by putting
him in jail or getting the conviction. I mean, wow,
it's unbelievable. Only thirty percent don't believe Biden's trying to

jail Trump. You have a super majority of Republican's eighty
six percent agree what Biden is doing weaponizing the justice
system against Donald Trump. It's also not a partisan issue.
Independence fifty to thirty three. They think Biden is seeking
to jail Trump for political reasons.

Speaker 2 (11:04):
Moderates forty eight to thirty two.

Speaker 1 (11:07):
These are not And if you look at even Democrats,
by the way, Democratic constituencies have a negative view of
Biden's actions. You know, with African Americans forty one percent
negative view, Hispanic Americans fifty three percent, women fifty three percent.
Why do you think Joe's gone so hardcore trying to
rally his base and bolster support in his base because

he's losing the traditional coalition that represents the Democratic Party
in droves. He's down twenty somewhdd percent twenty three to
four percent among African Americans according to a number of polls,
and where he was in twenty twenty. You know, right
now it's almost a dead heat with Hispanic Americans again,

down by over twenty points from where Biden was back
in twenty twenty. You look at the rest of this,
You've got saying that Biden played a role in the
indictments of Trump. You don't think we have a weaponized
justice system? Really, you don't think so?

Speaker 2 (12:09):

Speaker 1 (12:09):
Explained Hillary Clinton top secret classified information on her servers.
Explain thirty three thousand subpoena emails erased by bleach bit,
destroyed with hammers, sim cards removed. It's unreal. Look at
Joe Biden, eight separate locations. He willfully, he wilfully withheld

classified documents held onto them and tells a ghostwriter, without
any any clearance whatsoever. He tells the ghostwriter, Hey, I
found some new classified information. I want to share it
with you. He doesn't have any security clearance from our government,
but probably a jury would find him to be nice

and old and very forgetful. Therefore, we're not going to
bring charges that sound like equal justice in America, equal
application of our laws in America doesn't, does it anyway?
So that now comes to an end, and Donald Trump
saying that I guess he will pay it within the
ten day period, which I think is probably the right decision.

Speaker 2 (13:12):
We've got a lot of other news.

Speaker 1 (13:14):
We have a huge warning about one hundred and forty
thousand illegal immigrants. US border patrol chiefs calling the southern
border a national security threat. I told you I'm not
going to be proven wrong, but I pray to God
that I am.

Speaker 2 (13:28):
We got that.

Speaker 1 (13:30):
We've got the inmates running this asylum over at MSDNC.

Speaker 2 (13:34):
We'll get to that today.

Speaker 1 (13:36):
James Carville under a little fire for something he said
about his fellow Democrats. Bill Maher is telling Democrats to
move on from identity politics. All right, as we roll along,
eight hundred and nine to FOURT one Sean, if you
want to be a part of the program, we'll have
more analysis on this last minute reprieved the Trump bond

reduced by the Appeals Courty as ten extra days one
hundred and seventy five million after it was over a
half a billion dollars. Wow, but AOC is arguing there
is a risk and not seizing Trump's assets. They just
were praying and hoping and just couldn't they just salivate
anything that's anti Trump, fake news CNN, MSDNC. They live

off of anti Trump twenty four to seven. It's manna
from heaven for them. Even the New York Times did
have to acknowledge, you know, seizing somebody's property not exactly
a slam dunk, not even likely to happen. Jonathan Turley
pointed out, these properties are partnerships, they all have leverage, debt,
all of that has to be unraveled. You know what

it's like to unravel that mess. Larry Cudlow added, So
they aren't just you know this one and that one
and that sort of math that goes along in the
minds of people that know nothing about real estate. In
order to seize the property that have to be pulled
into court, They're going to be challenges. It wouldn't happen overnight.
I think he's gonna probably end up paying based on

what he said that amount. There will be seizure, he
dells in telling MSDNZ they're happy, that's.

Speaker 2 (15:10):
The only thing.

Speaker 1 (15:10):
They're just so deranged in their thinking it is at
this point, it's a disorder. I mean, they're psychotic over
their hatred. Anyway, we'll continue. We have a lot more
news to get to straight ahead, including the inmates running
this asylum at MSDNC.

Speaker 2 (15:29):
There is other news out there.

Speaker 1 (15:31):
Look, we've gone through in great specificity, great detail on
the issues involving Donald Trump and these legal issues. I mean,
the idea that this Bragg case here, it is twenty
twenty four and all the country knew about this prior
to the twenty sixteen election pretty much tells you everything
you need to know about that case.

Speaker 2 (15:53):
You know, the document's case.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
Well, we all see the clear double standard, the shenanigans
going on in Fulton County, Georgia. Yeah, you see the
disaster that that is. You know, now we're learning a
lot more about the January sixth case and the issue
of presidential immunity, I believe is a constitutional issue of
our time. And I don't even think they should have
argued for you know, unfettered immunity, if you will, or

absolute immunity as they call it. I think they should
have gone for legal immunity, and that would have been
the end of it. But look at all we've learned
about the January sixth Committee in just the last few weeks. Oh,
we just all these all these files and documents, the
just we can't find them. How convenient, pretty amazing. What

else did we learn? The blockbuster testimony? I bet you
if you tested almost everybody in the country. Donald Trump
on January sixth, try to common deer the vehicle that
was driving him from the Secret Service agent.

Speaker 2 (16:52):
They'd probably say yes.

Speaker 1 (16:54):
What little do most people know is that the Secret
Service agent driver testified before the j six Committee and
said no, he never tried to commandeer the vehicle, and
if he did, it would be virtually impossible, considering there's
a barrier between where he sits and where I sit.

Whoopsie Daisy, that narrative is dead. And of course, the
five people that I have played on Hannity that were
in the room in the days leading up to January sixth,
all on tape saying Donald Trump was making National Guard
troops available. And of course then we have the Capitol
Police chief son who's been on this program.

Speaker 2 (17:37):
He said the same thing.

Speaker 1 (17:38):
He said originally he didn't think he needed it, but
in the days leading up to January sixth, he saw
actionable intelligence that said, yeah, we need we need extra
help on this on standing by, and all of that
fell on deaf ears.

Speaker 2 (17:52):
Nobody heard that much.

Speaker 1 (17:53):
We didn't bring in mister sun or the Sergeant of Arms,
or Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer in charge of Capital Safety.
How convenient, pretty unbelievable. All these cases are now really
tainted and all, but they'll have the They want to
have the trials this election year, with just two hundred
and twenty four days until election day. They want that

conviction badly. They want a jail sentence put out there
desperately because they think that's going to help Joe Biden.

Speaker 2 (18:20):
The polls show it. I just read you the maclachlin poll.

Speaker 1 (18:24):
Andy McCarthy had a peace out today about Alvin Bragg's prosecution.
It's he's saying it's on a false premise. Former Southern
New York Southern District, very prestigious Andy McCarthy is now
accusing DA Bragg of quote falsifying his prosecution of Donald Trump.
He writes, we we should think of Bragg as falsifying

his prosecution, just as he accuses Trump of falsifying business
records and the statement of facts that Alvin Bragg issued
in connection with the Trump indictment. The DA camouflaged his intentions,
knowing that a plane spoke an admission that he was
trying to force federal law, even though responsible federal enforcement
agencies that opted not to charge mister Trump would ignite

a firestorm telling Lee. Then he goes on Bragg avoided
specifying the statute. We still don't really know to which
his key witness. You know, Trump's former lawyer Cone ha
pled guilty to a federal statute that the state prosecutor
has no authority to in force. According to Andy McCarthy,
not a dumb guy. Far more consequential than the attorney

of the Trump organization at the time was the Justice
Departments carefully considered action adopted not to prosecute Trump. The
DOJ under Trump end Biden and the FEC investigated the
twenty sixteen quote hush money payments, and they found and
took no enforcement action. Why Because A the payment was
not technically a campaign expenditure. B federal spending restrictions did

not apply to Trump. C Even assuming that Trump had
a disclosure of obligation, the lack of regulatory disclosure cannot
possibly have influenced the outcome of that election, since no
disclosure would have been required prior to the election. Well,
the bottom line is quote. The other crime that he
maintains Trump was trying to conceal was a federal crime,
a campaign crime, one that the FEDS themselves didn't believe

he committed, but don't worry. They had that go on
in New York today and that trial is supposed to
be in April the fifteenth. This is so dangerous for
this country so day, and the Left is salivating. They
just they can't wait. There will be seizure. Keith Ellison saying, AOC,
we must get his property. Wow, pretty amazing. Uh. We

got a lot of news as it relates to what's
going on at the border. We saw what happened last
week Joe Biden's unvetted illegal immigrants that rushed the National
Guard of Texas.

Speaker 4 (20:55):

Speaker 1 (20:55):
Now we've discovered that authorities confiscated knives and shanks from
many of the illegal immigrants that were celebrating after they
tried to push after they pushed through the National Guard
down in Texas. Joe Biden's been aiding and a betting
in all of this. I mean, it's literally just granting.
What is that insurrection? Because I'm sure the Democrats of

it was a Republican they were probably that's their favorite word.
And then of course give an unsupervised released into the country.
Here's the biggest problem we have today. What have I
been warning you about terror cells in the country. We
have people coming from Syria, Iran, from Egypt, Afghanistan, China,
Russia unvetted into the country.

Speaker 4 (21:38):

Speaker 1 (21:38):
Now, the US Border Patrol chief says that the southern
border is a national security threat. What have I been saying?
A clear and present danger? He cited one hundred and
forty thousand illegal immigrants that have evaded capture. Uh oh,
And here you're gonna love this. You love your Senate Democrats.
You want to vote for them this time? Okay, go
right ahead. In two hundred and twenty four days, every

Senate Democrat voted against barring taxpayer taxpayer funds to fly
illegal immigrants to US towns. In other words, why bother
going to the border looks makes us look bad. We'll
just fly you in in the dark of the night,
straight from your country to ours. It's insane, It is insane.

Is this all caused by the radicalism that is now
in charge known as the Biden administration? I gotta get
to the issue. I don't know what's going on with
James Carvel. He kind of cracks me up a little bit.

Speaker 2 (22:34):

Speaker 1 (22:35):
He actually I think was quoted was it in More
Endowed's column? I think it was anyway, He offered up
to more endowed over the weekend for The New York
Times that there are too many preachy females now controlling
the Democratic Party. A suspicion of mine is that there
are too many quote preachy females dominating the culture of
his party. They don't drink beer, they don't watch football,

they don't need Hamburgers. This is not good for you.
The message is too feminine. Everything you're doing is destroying
the planet. You've got to eat your peas. I mean,
he's not pulling punches here. These are the people that
want to force an ev into your driveway, take away
your gas stoves, take away your refrigerator, take away your
air conditioner and what else do you want, and take

away your right to eat meat. If you listen to Democrats,
democratic elites, Carvell said, r mprs might go to place
for that. The whole talk is about how women and
women of color are gonna decide this election. I'm like, well,
forty eight percent of people the voter mails, and do
you mind if they have some consideration. Oh, he's going

to be in hot water with the with the woke
police here. I may have to come to James's defense.
I've actually debated him. He's a fun, fun guy, and
he's not dumb. I'll tell you that he's not dumb.
When it comes to Biden's low approval ratings, he said,
when I look at those pulling numbers, it's like walking
in on your grandma naked.

Speaker 2 (24:01):
You can't get the image out of your mind. I
can't help it. Is that a little funny? Oh, he's
on TV tonight.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
My favorite senator of all time, Senator John Kennedy, Louisiana.
He just destroyed this Olympic skier, some guy named Gus Schumacher,
after the Democrats invited him to testify as an expert
witness on climate change. Anyway, he struggled to answer basic questions.
You couldn't remember the fact that he had at the

time put out posts or tweets at the time claiming
of the war on drugs was designed to jail black
people calling for the police to be abolished. And the
exchange continued with Schumacher insisting that carbon dioxide is a
huge part of our atmosphere.

Speaker 2 (24:45):

Speaker 1 (24:45):
Senator Kennedy then pointed out it accounts for zero point
zero four percent. His answer, well, okay, but I didn't know.
I mean, you just can't make this up. We'll have
Senator Kennedy on tonight. We'll show it to you. Bill
Maher is telling Democrats you better move on from identity politics.

Speaker 2 (25:04):
He's warning them. He says it's not working.

Speaker 1 (25:07):
He says, I do give an Adam shipp about who
wins the next election. An outdated racial pandering is one
reason Democrats lose elections. When when Schumer and Pelosi put
on you know whatever, I'm not sure exactly what he
said or I can't read it. I don't think it's
hurt earned them one vote. I guess when they're talking

about when they're playing I guess identity politics. Then he
continues a lot of what he says I just can't
actually say.

Speaker 2 (25:39):
I mean, which makes them kind of real.

Speaker 1 (25:42):
You know, you know the people that stuck up for
Bill Marwin, politically incorrect was being taken off the It
was conservatives, people like me, And I know he hates
conservatives like me. That's I don't care. I believe in
his right to free speech. He's actually pretty independent thinking.

Speaker 2 (26:01):

Speaker 1 (26:01):
What can I say here? California doesn't just have amber
alerts for our missing children. We have ebity alerts for
Black children and feather alerts for Native American kids. I
just don't want to it's gonna be on tape. Hannity
said this. Now I'm quoting Bill Maher. They're losing their
minds at MSDNC. The inmates are running the asylum and

now throwing a hissy fit because they dared to hire
an opposing viewpoint. Oh my gosh, Ronald McDaniel, Liberal Joe
and Mika. Now Meek actually said, no, it's not that
we're opposing different points of view. No, they're opposing different
points of view. This is after Chucky Todd went nuts
over the weekend. I'll play both of this for you later.

We weren't asked our opinion of the hiring. Joe Scarborough
actually said that Liberal Joe okay, I work at Fox News.
Nobody asked my opinion about hiring. I'm the longest running
primetime cable news host in the history of cable news.
I know that makes me old. Linda hates when I
say that. I mean I didn't when I started. I

was the worst person on television. If you bet that
I would last as long as it was a bad bet.

Speaker 2 (27:09):
I don't know why we can't plenty of any of
that old tape. I actually think it's endearing. Okay, it's
not endearing enough.

Speaker 1 (27:17):
My my TV team wants to play it all the time,
and my answers are hard.

Speaker 3 (27:20):

Speaker 2 (27:21):
I mean honestly, when you drop the golden e ib mic,
it's pretty funny. Okay. Can we not go back to
that errortory? No, it's just it shows that you've grown.
We've all you know, listened, We all joy said, you're
you're you're you're being such a wises No I'm not.

Speaker 1 (27:39):
Oh yes, you are you are being you Oh no
it by the way, let's send his voice goes up,
not at all.

Speaker 2 (27:44):
You have to make mistakes to learn and to rally
and then to move on.

Speaker 1 (27:49):
Right, Okay, but I want can I move beyond what
I what I did twenty eight years ago?

Speaker 2 (27:54):
Please? Well, no, because you know it's on video. Because
you're not gonna let me. You're right, it's on video.
It's not up to me, brother, what is your joy?

Speaker 4 (28:01):
Get this?

Speaker 1 (28:01):
We weren't asked our opinion of the hiring, but you know,
if we were, we'd have strongly objected to him. For
several reasons. Let me tell you what Fox has never
done in my twenty I'm in my twenty eighth year.
They don't ask my opinion. I've offered my opinion. Chucky
Todd just lectures as bosses. Here's what now happened? Ronic

can't go on MSDNC, which I actually texted to her.
I said, well, that's a blessing. I mean, who the
hell wants to go on with those lunatics anyway? I
mean the biggest conspiracy theory channel in the history of mankind.
But I mean if these people, I let me tell you,
life doesn't flow that way where I work.

Speaker 2 (28:43):
It just doesn't.

Speaker 1 (28:45):
I would never be that disrespectful. Let me tell you
what my job is. My job is my hour. My
job is not to critique other hours. I always want
to help my colleagues and my network do well. Of course,
want to be a good fellow employee, want to be
a good employee. But this is madness, and they're all
like speaking out. Well, I'm gonna outdo Chuck Todd's outrage.

I'm gonna get more outraged. They must be losing their
Adam Schift today over there, over the fact that Trump
had to reprieve over the half a billion dollars. They
you know, if God forbid, Trump ever goes out of
the news for whatever reason, whatever day, they're gonna go
through massive withdrawal.

Speaker 2 (29:27):
They're gonna have to be sent to Trump rehab.

Speaker 1 (29:31):
We're gonna have the need for therapy and emotional comfort
and comfort little animals and furry, little stuffed animals. They're
gonna have to be bought for these former MSDNC people.
All right, when we come back, we've got Greg Jarrett
analyzing the decision by the court in New York today.

Speaker 2 (29:51):
Not a small decision.

Speaker 1 (29:53):
Now the half a billion has been reduced to one
hundred and seventy four million, the judgment against Trump. They
have put a pause on it, and we'll let you
know more about the details. John Solomon has some investigative
news regarding why was Kevin whatever his friend is out
in California of Hunter. Why did the CIA stop his interrogation. Hey,

let me take a moment and shoot straight with you.

Speaker 2 (30:16):
You're a hero.

Speaker 1 (30:17):
The donations that you have been giving the good work
are preborn. Guess what it's saving lives through science. It's
incredible and right now these babies are taking their first breath,
and your impact reached eternity.

Speaker 2 (30:29):
And we've only just begun. Why because babies need our help. Now.

Speaker 1 (30:33):
Thanks to Preborn, we can save a lot of people's
lives using the science of Ford the ultrasound. When expecting
moms get their pre forty ultrasound, guess what, they hear
a baby's heartbeat. Then they get to see facial features
and sometimes even count fingers and toes, and it changes
their hearts. By the way, the cost of a dinner
well can be a life saved, and it only happens
because of you. They've saved hundreds of thousands of babies

because of these great clinics and this great mission. They
don't get a penny from the federal government. Like Planned Parenthood.
You can donate. You can dial pound two fifty on
your cells say the keyword baby, or you can go
to their website preborn dot com slash sean that's s
E a N. Preborn dot com slash sean or pound
two fifty keyword baby.

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