All Episodes

May 10, 2024 32 mins

 Rep. Chip Roy of Texas joins us today to talk about something that is very important, HR 7109. A bill that protects the US citizen from being affected by illegal immigrants who are counted in the Census, but not here legally or paying into the system. Not a single democrat voted to protect the American people. They all voted in favor of people who broke the law and endanger the safety of our nation.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Well we have come in.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Your get you down will be.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
And if you want at.

Speaker 3 (00:18):
Young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don't
even know what the word a computer is.

Speaker 4 (00:23):
Well, in terms of his campaign, you know, I am
thinking back and other people are making this reference that
this maybe Biden's Vietnam.

Speaker 1 (00:33):
If Roe v.

Speaker 5 (00:34):
Wade can fall, anything can fall, social security can fall,
and God help us all, but democracy itself can fall.

Speaker 2 (00:49):
One hundred and seventy nine days left until you get
to vote. Are coming.

Speaker 1 (00:57):
To your.

Speaker 6 (01:00):
Don't get saying you a conscious from coast to coast,
from border.

Speaker 1 (01:09):
To border, from c to Shining Sea.

Speaker 2 (01:14):
Sean Kennedy is on all right, thanks Scott chadd an
hour two Sean Hannity Show, Toll free. Our number is
eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn, if you want
to be a part of the program. An effort started
yesterday by conservative House Republicans, along with the Speaker of
the House, Mike Johnson, legislation that is aimed at blocking

non citizens from voting in US elections. I may surprise
you that it didn't become law, got stopped in the courts,
but in New York City, for example, they wanted to
allow illegal immigrants to vote local elections in DC. We
just had recently the city council there voting to allow
illegal immigrants to vote in local elections. But anyway, they

held the big press conference yesterday with the leaders in
the House and the Senate. It's being spearheaded by Congressman
Ship Roy in the House and Senator Mike Lee in
the Senate. And the bill obviously comes amid this flood
of what are illegal immigrants, over ten million unvetted Joe
Biden illegals. I'll keep repeating, tens and tens of thousands

from our top geopolitical foes, and that would be China
and Russia, that would be Egypt, and Afghanistan and Yemen,
that would be Iran, that would be Syria, And they're
all flooding into the country, which means that, unfortunately for
all of us, that it's not a matter of if,
it's a matter of when this country's going to be

attacked again. I have no doubt in my mind, and
I pray to God that I'm wrong, but I know
I'm not. Now the issue comes down to, Okay, well
Democrats they don't want voter ID why not they don't
want signature verification. But this well, obviously now has become
important and necessary amid this flood of Joe Biden unvetted

legal immigrants in the country and Democrats fighting hard to
allow illegal immigrants. I mean, think about this. It makes
no sense, does it. Why would they be allowed to
vote in any election? And by the way, it's not
just New York and d C. Other parts of the
country have been dealing with this as well. Anyway, Congressman
Ship Roy of Texas is back with us. Congressmen, great

to have you. Thank you for being with us. I
can't even believe we're at a point in this country
where this has to be even considered as law. I
can't believe we're at a point in this country where
you need an ID, for example, to go visit If
I wanted to go visit you in Congress, I need
a picture I did to be able to get in
the capital the last time I voted, before I exited

New York uh and became a full time resident of
Florida this year. You know, sure enough, I walked in
him mister Hannity, how are you uh? And I start
to pull out my wile, Oh, you don't need an
id alike figures right anyway, Chip Roy, welcome back to
the program. Tell us the status of all this and
what you're planning to do here.

Speaker 7 (04:11):
Sean great to be on and yeah, you just laid
it out perfectly well as usual. And yesterday I just
wanted to say, was I think a really good day
for what I think ought to be a strong six
month run of Republicans demonstrating how radical and extreme the
radical progressive Democrat agenda really is. We had two things yesterday.
One a press conference that you just described, where we

put forward with Speaker Mike Johnson standing there with me,
Senator Mike Lee, who's doing the Senate version of the
bill you just described, which we call the Save Act,
which is designed to say that it will be federal
law to require proof of documentary proof of citizenship when
you register to vote in federal elections, and that we

want to make sure that only citizens are therefore able
to vote, and that states are able to enforce that law,
which currently they're not able to. There is a federal
law now that says that only citizens vote, but in
the motor voter laws, it prohibits the states from doing
the things necessary to check that citizenship, which is crazy.

We've had good bills to say that will allow states
to do it. This bill goes further because of the
times where we stand today to just say, look, it
is our duty in Congress to require that if you're
voting in a federal election, you're going to have to
show proof of citizenship. That's it. Guess what, that is
an eighty seven percent issue. If you pull it, like
eighty percent of Democrats supports that, Sean, it's off the charts.

So we put that out there. I hope we can
move that through the House. We're going to try to
do that in the next couple of weeks. Speak our
job to this demonstrating great leadership on that point, and
then hopefully we'll send it to the Senate and see
what they do. I mean, look, my guess is they'll
oppose it and not bring it up. But you know what,
good luck explaining that. The second thing that we did
yesterday was we pass a bill on the floor of

the House to require that we check citizenship status in
the census and then only used citizens when we do
apportionment of our members of Congress. Literally on a party
line vote, two hundred and two Democrats unanimously opposed.

Speaker 2 (06:18):
Two hundred and two to two hundred and six. You
can't get one Democrat, not one that supports us, not one.

Speaker 7 (06:24):
It's shocking but very revealing of the current state of
the radical progressive Democrats that has been frankly undermining every
bit of what we've been trying to do for the
last two years. I have been and we don't need
to get into this in detail. Obviously at times a
critic of Republicans not pushing harder at times. But I
want all the listeners, all the conservatives out there, to
understand we have held the ball on our side of

the field, meaning we've had flat spending on non defense.
We increased defense spending by cutting the IRS. We ended
any discussion of amnesty, We moved a good border security bill.
We now have passed these legislations to try to fix
what's going on with our apportionment of our members of Congress,
and by the way, the electoral College for president, and
these radical progressive Democrats want none of it. They've blocked

us at every turn. They stopped HR two, they bought
us on spending, they're fighting us on this common sense
UH proposal to make sure that our voting rules are protected,
and to make sure that our apportionment is for citizens only.
This is the state of the modern Democratic Party.

Speaker 2 (07:25):
Show So explain to me why anybody would be against us,
Because if you're not for election integrity laws as simple,
as basic and as fundamental as you are describing here,
there's got to be a reason for it. And I
would imagine that we're beginning to see that that reason
reveal itself when you see radical Democrats in New York

City and d C and other other leftists havens around
the country as they unite together to allow illegal immigrants
to vote in local elections, because, as you rightly point out,
there is federal law that prevents them from voting from
in federal elections. But you know, you're taking this a
step further. You're saying, if you want to register to vote,

you've got to show that you're an American citizen. Why
is that so onerous? Why is that considered unfair? What
is their argument against that? Because why do I need
to show I'm you know, I'm not exactly eighteen years
old anymore, and I don't look like I'm eighteen years old,
and yet I have to show an idea if I'm
going to buy a jewel pod, or if I'm going

to buy a six pack of Corps Light or whatever
else I might be drinking on any given day.

Speaker 7 (08:36):
Yeah, Sean, look, I think what we're seeing is remember,
if you go back in time, we had differences with
our Democratic colleagues, but you had Democrats like Barbara George Right,
a known civil rights champion and someone that broke ceilings
from Texas. Barbara Jordans, you know, chared a commission on

illegal immigration under President Clinton in which she made very
clear the need for strong border security and to end
the flow of the legal immigration because it was bad
for immigrants, bad for America. We've had such a move
away from common sense by our Democratic colleagues. Democrats voted
for the law that currently exist. It says only citizens

can vote. But I bet if you held that vote
today on just that question, they would have problems getting
any Democrats to support it. We'll see, because obviously the
overwhelming majority of Americans support it. But they're so out
of touch because they don't believe in sovereignty, they don't
believe in American exceptionalism, they don't believe, frankly, that we

should even have a border at all. They don't believe
we should have fences and restrictions and ability to come
into the United States. And again I remind people out
there who I know. I've got a lot of my
you know, faith, people of faith who are like Chip.
But you know, we've got to make sure and everybody's
all and they're welcome. And we're a nation of immigrants,
I know. But guess what. Fifty one and a half

million people in the United States today are foreign born.
We allow in about a million a year legally. This
trope that we're anti immigrant that don't allow immigrants to come.

Speaker 1 (10:08):
In is faith.

Speaker 7 (10:09):
It's not true. It's fake news. The fact is we're
a native immigrants. But we're at a point now where
we're exploding the numbers of the legal immigration. Known people
who want to do us harm. And now on this issue,
Democrats who want people to come here and vote regardless
of their citizenship, as you pointed out in DC San Francisco,
Liberal Haven, that's what they want. They're already doing it

in state and local elections. They want to do it
in federal elections. And that's why we have to act.
We have a duty in a republic Texas has to
protect our vote against the radicals in San Francisco, and
same Florida, you have to protect against the radicals in
your former state of New York.

Speaker 2 (10:49):
All right, quick break right back more with Congressman Ship
Royo Texas and then your calls on the other side
of eight one hundred and ninety four one Sean, if
you want to be a part of the program, we
can tell you now with Congressman Chip roy great state
of Texas. You know, as I listened to you, what
I like about this issue, and I've talked a lot
about ninety ten or in this case, eighty seven to

thirteen issue, eighty twenty issues, seventy five, twenty five issues.
In other words, on all of these important issues of
the day. I think it should be the business of
the House to put all of these issues before every
Democrat and Republican for that matter, because with all due respect, Congressman,

you have some weak Rhino Republicans that I'm really fed
up and disgusted with among your coalition. I really am.
You were there the night it was after Mike Johnson
became speaker. I brought everybody together and I said, you're
gonna succeed together or you're going to fail together. And
I wasn't wrong in my prediction, but I would like
to take every major issue from immigration, voting integrity issues

as you're bringing up here. I want to talk about
late term abortion, tax payer funded abortion. I want to
talk about the economy and balanced budgets. I want to
talk about defund dismantle no bail laws, et cetera, and
put in support of Israel's right to win the war
against terrorism that they're now engaged in that Joe Biden

has abandoned them on. And I'd like to get the
Democrats on record before the election on November fifth, which
is really before November fifth, because early voting, voting by
mail begins, you know, god knows how early this year,
and we have all that on Hannaday dot com. But
I think this should be a vote on every major

issue so that the voters are very aware, you know,
where every every single candidate stands on every single issue,
Republican and Democrat.

Speaker 7 (12:47):
Well, Sean, I could not agree more. This is why
I said I think yesterday was a great day for
the next six months where we align and we do
what we need to do to demonstrate the American people
where there is a clear line of distinction between our
democratic colleagues and ourselves. Again, they are radical progressive Democrats
who want wide open borders, who don't mind underminding the

rule of law, who are fine putting criminals on the streets,
who undermine the beliefe at every turn, who spend money
at every turn, who want to increase your taxes, who
want all to good on the list, all of the
woke stuff, undermining the military, all the vans. They are
radically opposed to your way of life if you're a
hard working American. They're forgiving student loans, They're fufueling all
of this nonsense and the hatred and anti semitism on

our campus.

Speaker 2 (13:29):
By the way, didn't we have a Supreme Court ruling
on the issue of student loans? I mean, don't we
have laws that Joe Biden is not enforcing on the border.
How is he getting away with all of that? Well,
and parties getting away with it because you have weak
Republicans that won't stand on principle on a lot of
these issues, haven't supported people like Jim Jordan and James

Comer and their investigations and the work that they've been doing. Obviously,
you know, I think it's clear the quid pro quo
with Joe and well, why would a vice president go
against the administration policy leverage a billion taxpayer dollars to
get a prosecutor in Ukraine fired unless you find out
that his drug addicts son, who has no experience in

oil energy gas coal of Ukraine, is getting paid millions
by a big oil conglomerate in Ukraine. I mean, all
of this stuff should be no brainers for Republicans, but
you know what, you have a coalition there of left
wing Republicans that are no help.

Speaker 7 (14:29):
No, that's exactly right, and that's an important point without
going too far backwards, because we need to look forwards
and beating Democrats. But this is where to some degree Bothe,
Kevin McCarthy, and Mike Johnson's hands are are certainly, if
not tied, they were undermined by certain members of the
Conference who just vote the wrong way. Let me give
you an example. We forced all those votes last year
on appropriations bills. We were changing the House in a

good way. One of the votes we had in September
was when we've had a vote on defunding NRA entirely.
Now we had worked into the base bill language I
put for to undo a lot of unresdamaged. But we
had a full defund vote three weeks before, less than
three weeks before to ten to seven the October seventh
attacks on our friends in Israel. Eight Republicans voted against that.

There are numerous examples I could give you Sean where
we're trying to fight to actually wrestle control of the
party back away from the Unit Party and some weak Republicans.
The bottom line is they answer your question. Until Republicans
figure out that you have to unite to use the
power of the purse to force change from an executive
branch that's not following your rules or following what you

put forward to following the law, then you're never going
to change it. Anthon and Scalia gave a great speech
on this, and I'm happy to send it to you
where he made this whole point. When people are complaining
about the court not fixing some things, he ses, Look,
we can fix certain things when it's a violation of law,
but Congress has to a flex its muscle to stop
an executive branches out of control. So here we are,

we're putting forward now great legislation on making sure only
citizens can vote. We're going to keep pushing that issue.
We're going to keep pushing border security. We have the
spending fight here and for the fiscal twenty five we
probably need to kick a cr into next year so
we can focus on getting President Trump elected and then
fix all of this. Then, well that's where the clock is.

Speaker 8 (16:16):

Speaker 2 (16:16):
You got one hundred and seventy nine days. Congressmen, work hard,
We need you. We appreciate your time. Sent Congressman Chip Roy, Texas.
Thank you, sir, eight hundred nine to four one show
on number if you want to be a part of
the program. All right, twenty five to the top of
the hour. We're going to get your calls here in
just a second. I mean, Biden is so detached as

it relates to the economy, so clueless and out of touch. Oh,
Americans have the money to spend when told the grocery
prices are up thirty percent. Now this became a disaster
of an interview on fake news c and then this
is why they don't want Joe giving interviews except for

Howard Stern and the view. This is why Joe Biden,
you know, he can't walk without looking decrepit, so that's
why they try to surround him as he walks to
and from Marine one. This is why he can barely
get up the little boy stairs on Air Force one.
This is why, oh, we're going to do shorter speeches,
quality over quantity, because he can't give a speech. He

can barely, you know, string together five sentences for crying
out loud. But he's asked about you know, Okay, prices
are up. Grocery prices alone. Now I go grocery shopping myself,
or occasionally, when I'm lazy, I use Instacart, which I
kind of like too, but I like to I like
to go grocery shopping. I don't know why I'm a loser,
but anyway, but there prices are up significantly. I'm not

saying I can't afford it. But when sixty percent of
my fellow Americans will live in paycheck to paycheck and
I live that way at for a pretty long period
in the beginning of my adult life, it sucks. I'm
telling you it sucks. Imagine if you have kids and
you live in that way, it sucks that much more.
And by the way, is the illegal immigration is now

boosting mortgage rates. You know, this is why Gallup has
pointed out Americans expect home prices to increase. Yeah, of
course they're going to increase, you know, and people aren't
buying homes. That's another problem. And then here's Biden on
the economy. Oh, we've turned the economy around. No, you haven't,
and it's not the strongest in the world. He's just

flat out line to us.

Speaker 9 (18:28):
Listen, you're aware of many of these. Of course, the
cost of buying a home in the United States is
double what it was when you look at your monthly
costs from before the pandemic. Real income when you account
for inflation, is actually down since you took office, economic
growth last week far short of expectations. Consumer confidence maybe
no surprise, is near a two year low with less

than six months to go to election day.

Speaker 1 (18:54):
Are you worried that you're running.

Speaker 9 (18:55):
Out of time to turn that around.

Speaker 8 (18:57):
We've already turned it up. We have the strongest accompan
in the world, we say it again, in the world.

Speaker 9 (19:04):
Although GDP last week was far short of expectations.

Speaker 8 (19:06):
Alwyn't look. GP's still looking for response to the markets.

Speaker 9 (19:11):
But there's real pain. I mean grocery prices are up
thirty percent, more than thirty percent since the beginning of
the pandemic, and people are spending war on food and
groceries than they have at any time really in the
past thirty years. I mean, that's a real day to
day pain that people.

Speaker 8 (19:26):
No, it really is, and it's FREEO. But the fact
is that if you take a look at what them
and people have, they have the money to spend now.

Speaker 2 (19:37):
David Axrod said, oh, no, he's made progress on the No,
he's not made progress on the economy. They just dismisses
low consumer confidence. The last two months, respectively, we've had
an increase of inflation, the consumer Price index year over year,
up three point two percent the first month, then three

point five percent the second. That's why not going to
get any rate cut this year. But there was something
that Axelrod said that didn't that I did take note of.
He pointed out that Joe's arrogance and his pride may
cost him the election. Why because he's out of touch
with reality.

Speaker 5 (20:17):
Listen, they're experiencing it through the lens of the cost
of living. And he is a man who's built his
career on empathy, where is why not lead with the empathy.
And I think he's making a terrible mistake. You know,
it may not be if he doesn't win this race.
It may not be Donald Trump that beats him. It

may be his own pride.

Speaker 2 (20:39):
That is not the America that Joe Biden is describing
that every American is facing. And yeah, there's a lot
of arrogance and pride. And probably, you know, because I
doubt he reads on his own very much. Probably you
know the people around him that are covering for his
decrepit state and his cognitive decline line, Probably those people

are the ones filling his head full of garbage and
nonsense and lies. Anyway, eight hundred and nine four one,
Sean our number. If you want to be a part
of the program today, let's go to Dave in Ohio. Dave,
we love our friends in Ohio. Dave, You're a great American.
God bless you, God bless American. I want a full report.

I bet you know who I'm talking about there.

Speaker 1 (21:27):
How you doing, Sean?

Speaker 2 (21:29):
Can you ever listen to Willie Cunningham cunning him?

Speaker 1 (21:32):
No, I have not, I have not.

Speaker 2 (21:34):
All right, He's a radio icon of all time and
one of the most successful, longest running hosts in the country.
Dear friend of mine. Love him to death, and you
can catch him Sunday nights around the country, does a
syndicated show, and he's on the big one LW in Cincinnati,

our competitor. I shouldn't mention them, but I can't help.
But I love the guy. But that's how Sean Hannity,
God bless you, God bless America. I want a full
report anyway, That's how he introduces me. What's on your
mind today?

Speaker 6 (22:09):
Yeah, I'm just I'm just really baffled by the way
we're treating one of.

Speaker 2 (22:13):
Our closest allies. And it just it just does not
make sense to me how this administration can can.

Speaker 1 (22:23):
Act like this.

Speaker 2 (22:26):
Uh, it defies all logic. Look, look, let me let
me tell you something that Israel's not asking for. They're
not asking for American boots on the ground. They're not Nope,
They're actually willing to pay for the munitions and the
resupply of weapons that they need desperately. They are in
a war for their survival against radical Islamic terrorists. And

that that killed twelve hundred in a single day, and
that took hundreds hostages hostage into Gaza. We don't know
if they're dead or alive, including Americans, And all Joe
Biden is doing is saying, well, no, no, we'll let
you defend yourself, but you can't. You have to fight
the war that we're going to dictate that you fight.

And he did the same thing to Zelensky as he
gave him, you know, hundreds of billions of dollars, whatever
the final number is. It is repulsive. It is an
American president abdicating his role as the leader of the
free world and surrendering against the war on terrorism. And
as a result, he is simultaneously emboldening the world's worst terrorists,

the number one state sponsor of terror, Iran, and the
world is noticing our allies won't trust us moving forward,
and our enemies won't respect us moving forward. He's emboldening
terrorist organizations by doing this. It is it is a
catastrophic you know, the consequences are incalculable. How bad this is.

Speaker 1 (24:03):
It is because what's going to happen when we need help?
That's that's what's on my mind.

Speaker 2 (24:07):
What's gonna Okay, when did America you know, decide that, uh,
we're only going to play defense in the war on terrorism,
because that's what he's forcing Israel, trying to force Israel
to do. Now, Israel will find a way to win
their war. They're not going to let Joe Biden stop that.
And and what I won't even I know too much.

I have too many good sources. Israel is going to
get the weaponry that they need. They may not get
it from us because Joe Biden has surrendered. Joe Biden
is weak and frail, and Joe Biden is given in
to the radicals in his party, those people that are
responsible for October seventh, that were funded by Iran. Let

me tell you. If they had their way and they
they wiped Israel off the map as their charter calls for,
and destroyed Israel, let me tell you who do you
think is next? What do you do you think they
stop there? Do you think they're done there? Or are
they more emboldened than ever to come get us again
like they did on nine to eleven? Oh one? What
do you think the natural result of that is? That

is exactly what they what their planet, That is exactly
what is in the back of their heads.

Speaker 1 (25:18):
Right now, They're going to try their best to wipe
Israel off the face of the planet and then come after.

Speaker 7 (25:25):
Us, and well, basically the only.

Speaker 2 (25:28):
Thing standing in their way. Well, I got to tell
you something is that this is a low moment for
the cause of liberty and the cause of freedom. And
Joe's had a lot of low moments, and we're experiencing
the pain of all of his bad decision making. He's
been on the wrong side of every foreign policy issue

for the last forty years. Bob Gates said it a Democrat.
Thank you, Dave. Appreciate your call, buddy, eight hundred and
ninety four one, Sean, if you want to be part
of the program, I have some breaking news. Do you
see gold? By the way, Linda, have you been watching
gold prices one high high after another. It's crazy, right,
It's unreal, unbelievable. I told you years and years ago

that from the time I was able to start saving
money in my life, when I went living paycheck to
paycheck and I could start saving, I always took a
small portion of my savings and put it into gold
and silver. All right back to our busy phones. We
go Arizona. We're gonna need Arizona. In one hundred and
seventy nine days and the voting days leading up to it.

How are you ted?

Speaker 6 (26:34):
Glad you called excellent Sean, I have some questions for you.
I need education, okay, whatever I can do to help.
I am here to serve. I am a public servant.

Speaker 1 (26:46):
Yes, and I like to redress my government.

Speaker 3 (26:48):
But they wish to just hang her phones up on
me and refuse to answer my question.

Speaker 1 (26:54):
So let me pose it to you and let me
see what you have to say about it. Didn't you
serve our government too?

Speaker 2 (27:01):
That I served in what capacity? No, I've never been
in government.

Speaker 1 (27:04):
Nope, no military or old government.

Speaker 2 (27:07):
I have not been in the military. It probably wouldn't
take me at the time that I might have been eligible,
but no, I have not. And you know, by the way,
that's like less than one percent of the population has
ever served in the military. You may not know that,
and are all volunteer. Military has been the greatest fighting
force on the face of the earth. Although I've done

a lot of work with military groups, a ton of them,
and I still do.

Speaker 1 (27:32):

Speaker 3 (27:34):
Well, here's my question, and it's once again election interference.
I want to know why my and yours we paid
for the FBI is not investigating the courts. The court
overseeing this trial for paper documents. It is being up

the judge corrupted himself, and the prosecutor I don't even
think he's got the capacity to even try to try
a case like this. But I needed your opinion on
that for the fact that of the two of their
biggest witnesses, one is lying straight up, she's lying, and

the other one has been convicted of lying. How can
they do this in the United States? And I want
to know your opinion on the tenth Amendment of what
power is that the Constitution gives me under the tenth
Amendment at the end of the.

Speaker 1 (28:35):
Tenth Amendment.

Speaker 2 (28:37):
Well, look, you're asking a lot of questions at once. Here.
What you are witnessing, what we're all witnessing, is what
we call lawfare. Okay, So understand what it is. You
have heard me talk a lot about the weaponization of
our legal system. You've heard me talk a lot about it.
You've heard me talk about a politicized and weaponized Department

of Justice, Okay, and that is this is what we're
experiencing here. You have the third highest ranking DOJ official
and Biden's own Department of Justice was that left that
prestigious position to go down to New York or go
up to New York from DC just to prosecute the
case against Joe Biden's opponent in this election. That ought

to tell you everything. We had issues involving the daughter
of the judge and whether or not financially that family
may benefit in terms of her work, et cetera, et cetera.
You have a judge that himself has donated to Biden
in twenty twenty. We now know that the wife of
this ex Biden Department of Justice official who is serving
as the top prosecutor in this case, donating thousands of

dollars to Biden's twenty twenty campaign. That just came out
today that we learn. So why is it happening Because
this is what they have designed, this is what they want,
this is their way, and it's now backfiring against them.
Every case now hangs in the balance. That is likely

none of these other cases I don't think are going
to be tried before November fifth. It's not going to happen.
So and for the reasons that we've stated, the tainted
evidence as it relates to the document case in Florida,
Fannie willis now likely to be taken off as the
lead prosecutor in Georgia. That case is die. We're waiting

two Supreme Court decisions that would impact the Washington case. Now,
as it relates to the Tenth Amendment, it expresses the
principle of federalism or states rights by stating that the
federal government has only those powers that are delegated to
it by the Constitution. All other powers not forbidden to
the states by the Constitution are reserved to each state

or to the people. You know, how can you know
legal scholars have looked at this, you know, a whole
lot of different ways about the principles of federalism, and
you know, how can it be applied in terms of
judicial interpretation. I think you know that that's up to
the courts to decide. I don't see any quick remedy

using the Tenth Amendment, but it's certainly I think relevant
in a lot of ways. And you know the fact
that you have coordination. You know, why were why were
all these trips made by local prosecutors in Georgia and elsewhere?
Why were they going up to the White House a
meeting with Chief Counsel for the for the President of
the United States or Council for the President of the
United States. Were they coordinating. I'd love to see those

emails and those text messages. I'm sure they no longer exist,
But it seems like coordination to me, at least it
looks like it. Can't prove it, but it looks like
it to me, certainly should be investigated. But you raise
a lot of good points, and and right now we
have to live through this. And I'll state it again,
Donald Trump can't get a fit trial in New York,

not under these circumstances. He's not He wouldn't get a
fair trial in DC if it ever happens, and he
wouldn't get one in Fulton County, Georgia. And it's just
a sad state of affairs this election. Everything is on
the line. I can't say it any more passionately than
I'm saying it here. I just can't

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