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May 14, 2024 30 mins

 Rep. Cory Mills, of Florida is taking his claims against Biden to a new level by filing articles of impeachment against Mr. Choca Choca Chip himself. Mills reminded his followers on X about Biden’s claims regarding withholding aid being an impeachable offense...


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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Stay right here for our final news roundup and information overload.

Speaker 2 (00:04):
All right, News Roundup, Information Overload hour. Here's our toll
free number. It's eight hundred and ninety four one sean
if you want to be a part of the program.
Let me go back and look at the Twitter account
of Joe Biden. This is before Joe Biden was president.
It says President Trump withheld congressionally appropriated aid to Ukraine

unless they granted him a political favor. It's the definition
of quid pro quo. This is no joke. So you know,
Joe actually might have written as himself. This is no joke.
Trump continues to put his own personal political interest ahead
of the national interest. He must be impeached, and we
had an impeachment. Now he was not convicted in that impeachment,

but that was the phone call to the Zolenski about
the issue of corruption and whether or not he was
going to be like his predecessors and misappropriate funds that
were allocated for Ukraine, or whether or not America's money
would not be wasted as it been happened in the past.

All Right, let's fast forward to Tony wink and Tony
Blinken and this is right after congressional funds. If you will,
to use Joe Biden's term, congressionally appropriated monies to Israel. Well,
now they're conditional. Tony Blinken saying, winkoln Blinken, if Israel

invades Rafa, there's certain systems we're not going to be
supplying for that operation. Oh really, And then Joe Biden
saying he will withhold weapons from Israel if they go
into Rafa, Well it sounds like he's they're taking congressionally
appropriated aid to Israel and it will only be given

or granted unless they do what they want. That sounds
like the definition of a quid and a pro and
a quo by Joe.

Speaker 3 (02:01):
Listen, what we've been clear about is that if Israel
launches this major military operation to Rafa, then there are
certain systems that we're not going to be supporting and
supplying for that operation.

Speaker 4 (02:15):
I made it clear that if they go into Rafa,
they haven't gone on Raffa yet. If they go into Rafa,
I'm not supplying the weapons that have been used historically
to deal with Rafa, to deal with the cities, to.

Speaker 2 (02:27):
Deal with that problem.

Speaker 4 (02:29):
I've made it clear to bb in the work cabinant.
We're not going to get our support if in fact
they go on these population centers. We're not walking away
from Israel's security, walking away Israel's ability to wage war
in those areas.

Speaker 5 (02:42):
So it's not over your red line.

Speaker 2 (02:43):
Yet, not yet.

Speaker 4 (02:45):
But it's we've we've held up the weapons, we've we've
held up the one shipment as an old shipment we've
been designed, We've held that up.

Speaker 2 (02:58):
Now the issue is where all those Democrats that wanted
the impeachment of Donald Trump over an alleged quid pro quo. Anyway,
Congressman Corey Mills of Florida, he's taken note and he's
looking at the Joe quid pro quo. And by the way,
it's not his only quid pro quo. Remember Joe was
vice president a member of his It was an inter

agency approval that Ukraine admitted enough progress on the issue
of Ukraine and corruption that they decided to go ahead
with loan guarantees. John Solomon just thenews dot Com wrote
about that that that had happened in October of twenty fifteen,
and then Joe Biden went to Ukraine and that's when
he bragged about it the Council of Farm Relations years later. Well,

it turns out that his son Hunter, who went on
Good Morning America, admitted he had no experience and energy, oil,
gas coal, any of it, or Ukraine was being paid
millions to sit on the board of Maarisma at a
time when he admits he was addicted to crack, cocaine
and other heavy drugs. Anyway, you would think, wow, that's

a big deal, that's a real quid pro quo. But
these are two quid pro quos. Now, this one taken
as president, that would make it an impeachable offense, at
least if you believe Joe Biden. This is no joke
because Joe Biden continued to put his personal political interest
ahead of the national interest, and he's got to be
impeached for the quid pro quo. Anyway. Congressman Corey Mills

of Florida is with us now. Congressman, how are you.

Speaker 6 (04:31):
I'm doing well, Sean, and thanks so much for having
me on.

Speaker 2 (04:34):
Well, I fully support what you're doing. And the very
Democrats that this is their definition of what a quid
pro quo is. It's not like you're doing anything different
than they didn't do correct.

Speaker 6 (04:46):
Well, that's exactly right, and in fact, I actually used
ninety five percent of Jerry Nadler's own language so that
I'm hoping he gets on. They say the.

Speaker 2 (04:54):
President, Yeah, all right, so it's a quid pro quo.
You can throw all the words back in their face.
And I know that you have now moved forward. You're
filing articles of impeachment. I believe you filed them.

Speaker 6 (05:08):
Yes, they are filed. We have co Again, this violation
is with quid pro quo, which is the abuse of power.
But we could also add and we are two other
I guess amendments, if you will, which is one the
violation of the tape care clause where he is not
enforcing the border laws, or the overstepping and actually bypassing

of scotus to a law that was said to allocate
money for this tuition bailout. And again, the whole reason
for all of this is you've talked about on your
show numerous time, Shaan, is that he's trying to buy votes.
That's exactly what he's doing with the Israeli funding. He
is actually looking at Michigan, who at thirteen point two

percent one hundred and fifty seven votes who wrote down
uncommitted and that was I thought.

Speaker 2 (05:57):
I thought it was eighteen point nine percent. Am I
must taking or are you mistaken? We're closed? But it
does matter two.

Speaker 6 (06:03):
Percent over one hundred and one thousand votes that was
written down as uncommitted to not the other individuals, but uncommitted,
which was reshoot to waive what she requested. But the
bottom line is he's also pandering to the radical left
pro hibas sympathizers on these college campuses. This is a
very clear I'm withholding money in return for political favor

to try and win an election. That is pret quote, Joe,
is what I call it, if I even quit pro
quote anymore. But the bottom line is is that we've
allowed them to continue to do this. There's been no responsibily,
no accountability. But I'm tired of more hearings and more
evidence being submitted when we have far more than what
they had against President Trump and a sign for us
to take action.

Speaker 2 (06:44):
Well, what is the response, Beener among Republicans? Does I
know that the House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer and
the House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan I have been
working their tail off in this impeachment inquiry, and unfortunately,
with the very narrow what one seat margin that Republicans
have in the House, it has become near mission impossible

because you know, you've got x number of Rhino Republicans
that frankly are afraid of their own shadow and won't
take the appropriate steps and won't even apply the same
standards of what a quid pro quo is to Joe Biden.
And that's frustrating to me.

Speaker 6 (07:23):
Well, it's frustrating to us all Sean. At the end
of the day, I'm going to move this at a
privileged motion, which means it will get a vote, and
then we'll actually allow each one of these Republicans and
Democrats to truly show their real colors into albums to those.

Speaker 2 (07:37):
Yeah, all right, So now let's talk about the colleagues
that are supporting you. How many people have immediately jumped
on board with you.

Speaker 6 (07:46):
Well, we've got quite a few that's already on there,
people like Byron Donalds, Wesley Hints, Bring, Lauren bober goes
on and on, Mark Alford. So it's not just Freedom Caucus,
but it's others as well, and so it keeps rolling along.
My biggest reason why there's not more names on it currently.
It's just because I'm sick and tired sean to be

honest with just sitting around and waiting for you know,
Joe Biden to continue to abuse his powers or just
gotus and his elimination of the power of separation of powers.
But we have to do something. Joe and the American
people elected the Republicans to govern and to hold those
accountable who are being unconstitutional. I don't think there is

any president who has been more constitutional and weaponizing lawfair,
weaponizing federal government for its espionage like you know, events
on Americans, continuing to have his abuse of power and
now even bypassing the Supreme Court and Article one, which
is the little legislation of appropriating aid to continue with
the bailout of tuition funds, which is nothing more than

buying votes.

Speaker 2 (08:49):
And I think you can add to it what Joe
Biden admits in his own words that you know, he
demanded a prosecutor get fired in Iran, going against the
administry at the time, the Obama administration's own policy, and
that was something that directly benefited his son because his
son was under investigation along with Veris Maholdings, I would

assume because of his position as a board member over
is that correct?

Speaker 6 (09:14):
You're exactly right. I mean again, it's ten percent for
the big guy. But I step further on the quid
pro quote that I've submitted just to say he knew
what was in this aid package before it actually left
the House, before it left the Senate, and before he
signed it. He was aware of exactly how it was
going to be utilized. And the left has come unglued.
The radical left is an extremist, if you will, the

ill hand Omars, the aocs, the Corey Bush's, the Rashida
to Laibs, they have taken over and hijacked their own party.
And he's now pandering to that. And you see it
more and more Sean. And so this guy not only
did they block the aid to Israel and conditioned it
in the quid pro quote, but the day prior Sean,
he actually signed a waiver to bypass sanctions to put

we into the hands of Lebanon and Qatar, two of
the most anti Israel nations. Lebanon the one who has
actually headed up with Hezbola and Hassan Israla who is
launching attacks into Israel. That's who he signs a bypass
to the sanctions for, but he holds the actual weapons
immissions that Israel needs to wipe out hamas an Iranian

back terrorist organization.

Speaker 2 (10:22):
I never thought i'd see a moment in my life
where an American president would abandon an ally after the
worst terrorist attack on their history and surrender in the
war on terror, which you're not going to get any
dispute for me. You brought up a lot of other
issues though, that I believe would be impeachable. I mean,
I've looked at the issue of the border, and I

mean he has chosen who wilfully not only not enforce
the laws of our country, but aid in a bet
in the law breaking in the case of we recently
had a Supreme Court decision, and that Supreme Court decision
had to do with student loan forgiveness, and he's not
allowed to go forward with it. But he's doing that
as a means, I believe of buying votes. And I

think you're right. I think the money that would rightly
be appropriated to Israel, or to use his words, congressionally
appropriated aid that he's withholding based on conditions the very
thing they impeach Donald Trump over. I think he's trying
to placate the radical left that now is the Democratic Party.
And then we have the other quid pro quo but

I got, and the weaponized justice the system that you mentioned,
all of those things. I think you're dead on accurate,
and I just wish more people shared the passion that
you had, and that is to basically hold him accountable
for his actions. Not enough Republicans are standing up as
far as I'm concerned.

Speaker 6 (11:44):
Well, that's exactly right. And I know that Chef Royer
over the weekend, and that's where we were actually going
to amend this to put in the d take care
claus which Joe Biden's in violation of for not enforcing
port policy. But you know, at the end of the day,
he's utilizing his position, he's utilizing the congressionally appropriated funds
to buy votes. He's trying to weaponize lawfare against President

Trump to keep him in the courthouse full time so
he can involve himself the election interference. And now we
just pass the bill that I was a co sponsor on,
which will finally require an American citizenship question our census
surveys so that we can actually guarantee the lines that
are being drawn to the redistricting that's going on to
the nine plus million people that's coming in illegally into

our cities, and Trump push it more towards Democrats is
going to be stuck. We have to start thinking about
how do we approach and hold accountable constitutions by the
President of the United States. How do we actually hold
accountability for the open borders that's resulting in hundreds of
thousands per year dying. How do we hold accountable this

individual who's weaponizing taxpayer funding to buy votes, And this,
in my opinion, is the right step in the right
direction at least join Quick.

Speaker 2 (12:57):
Break more with Florida Congressman Corey Mills on the other
side than your calls coming up eight hundred and ninety
four one Sean, if you want to be a part
of the program with Congressman Corey Mills of Florida, who
is by the way, now officially filed impeachment articles against
Joe Biden over his comments about withholding offensive weapons that
were congressionally approved to Israel. You know, I don't know

what it's going to take to wake people up but
when I see the tens and tens of thousands of
people coming from our top geopolitical foes China, Russia, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Egypt,
Afghanistan and around the world, and I'm like, this is
the biggest national security risk we've ever faced in our life.

I don't think I'm wrong, Congressman, I prayed that I am,
But I don't think I am is that I don't
think people from these countries are coming here because they
want to better lives for themselves than their kids. I
believe terror cells are in this country plotting and planning
and scheming. Another nine to eleven are worse. And I
think it's one hundred percent certainty. Am I wrong? Please

tell me I'm wrong. I would love to hear.

Speaker 6 (14:01):
That well, Sean to tell you, but unfortunately you're not.
It's not about an if but a win. And I
have watched where four hundred plus people on a known
watch a terrorist list have crossed our borders in the
north and South. I saw where Joe Biden, who claimed
the great success after Afghanistan for the largest airlift operation
in history, didn't want to tell the American people that

over seventy three thousand people who actually not even SIVs
had helped the military, had any biometrics, had any background
investigations anything from Afghanistan, but yet he sent them here
and again, if you want to talk about another egregious act,
let's talk about the Americans left behind in Afghanistan. Let's
talk about the Americans left behind in Israel. Let's talk
about the Americans left behind in Haiti. And you know,

Sean that I have first hand account on that when
I went over in Riski, thirty six people out of Afghanistan,
twenty twenty one, two hundred and fifty five Americans out
of Israel, and twenty three Americans out of Haiti before
Joe Biden got out of bed, out of the basement, Aighties,
ice cream, smith children and got to the job.

Speaker 2 (14:58):
Appreciate what you're doing, Congressman Corey Mills. I hope every
Republican joins with you. I don't think you're going to
get them all. Unfortunately there are Rhino weak Republicans there.
But what you're doing is the right thing, and I
don't think you ever go wrong doing the right thing.
We appreciate you being with us, sir and keeping us
up to speed. Let me go to the crazy left here.
I mean, you gotta love that hard hitting news show,

The View where the co hosts actually melt down. When
when one of their fellow hosts, I guess, Alyssa, is
it Griffin anyway, he said that Michael Cohen has credibility issues.
I was like, you think, listen to this young girl.

Speaker 5 (15:35):
Madeline testified that she made the appointment for Michael Cohen
to come go into.

Speaker 7 (15:40):
The course Michael finds his money over the year.

Speaker 5 (15:43):
But somebody said it was specifically. Someone testified that it
was specifically for the stormy Michael Cohen.

Speaker 7 (15:49):
Will and let me just add Michael Cohen a known
perjurer who's lied before. I Trump too.

Speaker 2 (15:57):
Now he hates him, now you hate him. It's the
same thing.

Speaker 8 (16:00):
I've change their minds and they change them.

Speaker 7 (16:07):
But I'm talking about the credibility to a jury of
a known perjurer who has served jail time for Lyne
before their credibility bas you know, can I by the way,
I think Trump did it. I just don't think they
pre can.

Speaker 5 (16:19):
I So does anyone want to hear my opinion?

Speaker 2 (16:24):
I mean, you just gotta laugh. Of course he has
credibility issues. Is this even in dispute in any way,
shape matter form? Por Joe Liberal Joe Scarborough talks about
the New York Times poll consistently slanted towards Trump. Oh,
that's right, The New York Times has slanted towards Trump.
You got to hear this to believe it.

Speaker 8 (16:44):
I read the Times every day, especially because Peter Baker
writes for the Times. Uh yeah, I wouldn't get to
take him down as I say this next thing. But
the New York Times traditionally has consistently slanted toward Donald Trump.
And what's so funny is the Times will release their poles.

Liberals will run around with their hair on fire for
about a month, right, and then like three days later,
polls will come out that will show a deadlock race.

Speaker 1 (17:18):

Speaker 8 (17:19):
There's if anybody, by the way, if anybody wants, if
anybody wants to bet me, I can't bet. I don't bet.
Betting's for stupid. But if I were a better and
if somebody wanted to give me eleven or twelve points
and Biden in Nevada, come on, come on, I will
tell you these polls.

Speaker 2 (17:39):
It's very funny.

Speaker 8 (17:40):
It's the Times in Siena polls, which always slant for
Donald Trump, they put them out and the political and
media class have their hair on fire for weeks now.

Speaker 2 (17:52):
There is some truth that is getting through James Carvill,
who's not dumb, and I've debated him many many times
over the years, and he is now saying Trump is
more ahead than ever and everything that we are throwing
at him is not working. Well, what they're throwing at him,
lawfair is not working. Yeah, it's having the opposite effect.

They've they've overplayed their hand and people see this for
what it is. But he's not wrong.

Speaker 9 (18:20):
Listen in, Trump's more ahead than he's ever been more
it doesn't matter. You can you can prepare, you can
be on TV or you can write pieces, you can
have a YouTube channel, you can have a podcast in
nothing nothing in you know, we've got a why try

to think of something different because what we're doing is
really really not working.

Speaker 2 (18:52):
And he's not the only one. I mean, you got
this guy over at fake news CNN. What's the name
for Reed Zakaria. You know, trend lines not going in
Biden's favor. Yikes, listen to this.

Speaker 10 (19:04):
Trend lines are not working in Biden's favor. He needs
to do something bold and dramatic to seize the initiative
on a silent policy, for example, and reverse these numbers.
The one that troubles me the most is on the
question of who was the more competent. Joe Biden led
Donald Trump by nine points in twenty twenty, but Trump

now leads by sixteen points in January twenty twenty four.

Speaker 2 (19:30):
All right, let's get to our busy phones, crazy days
we're living. And I'll say that Darren Hoover is with us.
He's from Utah, he is the father his son Taylor
guiding Cobble. And we have this issue that has come
up today where Jensaki has been forced to edit her
book after making the misleading claim about Biden not checking

his watch. Remember when the bodies were received, Well, I
believe it was joint based andrew A, is thatver it
is Linda and Dover, Delaware? I believe is where it
actually was. And anyway, she made the claim, and oh,
excuse me, now, I guess if her name was Christy Nome,
she would go on every show and just be berated
for hours and hours on end. But that's not the

case here anyway, at the State of the Union. They
had gold Star parents that lost their children in Combole.
Thirteen Americans lost their lives that day. They didn't need
to lose their lives. Joe Biden saw that the Taliban
was marching very quickly and did nothing to stop them. Nothing,

And he made promises that he wouldn't abandoned any Americans.
He abandoned Americans, and then he put the other Americans
at risk, and then he abandoned our allies that had
helped America for decades. And then on top of it,
that information got in the hands of the Taliban that
took over. Anyway, they invited the families. Thirteen service members

were killed that day, but the families were invited by
Speaker of the House Mike Johnson. I give him a
lot of credit for that. And anyway, one father, his
son Taylor, who died in Cobble, has been following this
issue of Jensaki and making this mistake in the book
and wanted to comment on it. Well, first, mister Hooper,

I'm very, very sorry, and I mean this with all
my heart, and I know I speak for everybody in
this audience. I am so sorry that your son lost
his life serving our country and lost his life so unnecessarily,
and they've done a better job of preparing that withdrawal
and not allowing the Taliban to budge or to move.

It is just like every other Biden mistake. It was
so preventable. But I'm sure that gives you no comfort
because i can't nothing, no words, can bring back your son,
and I'm sure you live with that every single day
of your life. I'm so sorry. Father to father, I
can't imagine the pain you're in.

Speaker 1 (22:00):
On I appreciate it, we all do, and you've been
quite vocal about it, and we have too the utter
chaos that these kids were in. And make no mistake,
these kids made the best that they could of a
difficult situation, almost an untenable situation, and they still were

able to evacuate. You know, one hundred and one hundred
and twenty I've heard anywhere from one hundred and twenty
to one hundred and fifty thousand people Afghans. Unfortunately, a
lot of the interpreters and all those that worked with
our military were left behind and they're still there, hoping

like crazy that the Taliban isn't going to get a
hold of them. And it's just like I've said before
with you and with the other outlets, media outlets, that
this has been tracing is tone deaf. I mean, it's
it's sickening and disheartening that they continue to lie and

look at where our foreign policy is now because of
the debacle in Afghanistan.

Speaker 2 (23:19):
Well, I remember when I first interviewed you, and I
say this because it just made such a strong had
such a strong impression on me. I've been doing this,
this job for a pretty long time. I've been blessed that,
you know, the people that listen to the show keep
me employed and I get to follow my passion and
talk about the things that really matter to me and

obviously matter to you too. And I remember, you know,
first discussing this, and the hardest interviews for me to
do in life are to talk to people in pain,
people that have lost loved ones. And I could say
I had private conversations, for example, with and Riley's family.

I know this family will never be the same again ever,
and it just breaks my heart. I would imagine that
you're never going to be the same person you were
before your son was killed that day, and I maybe
maybe some level of healing takes place, but I don't

think you ever get fully over that, do you.

Speaker 1 (24:26):
No, not at all, Sean, not in one little bit.
You know, having a child taken, and especially in the
manner that Lincoln Riley was that our kids were, you
don't get over it. There's there's no way that you can.
A child is not supposed to to die before the parents,

and it's just, I mean, it is. It's the worst
pain ever. And to continually have stupid things brought up up,
like circle back Soke has done today, or you know
that that's come out today, it just reopens that wound

once again that we have to deal with it and
deal with the lives that are being told to us constantly.

Speaker 2 (25:18):
Did you ever get any resolutes? Did you ever get
a chance? I mean, I mean, I don't remember how
many times he looked at his watch, but the idea
that she had to, you know, now edit the book
after making this misleading claim about him not checking his
watch at the ceremonies, so insulting and a claim obviously
contradicted by photos and accounts of gold Star families like yourself.

Speaker 1 (25:42):
Yeah, we were there at Dover, and you know, for
Jim to even put that in her book, is discussing
and vile. She's a liar.

Speaker 2 (25:54):
She knew better, you were, she knew better there.

Speaker 1 (25:59):
We saw, We saw him do it day there, every time.
And it's just all she's doing in my eyes, Sean,
is she's trying to rewrite history. And you know, on
our on our kids' backs and on their legacy. It's

it's shameless. You know, she's going to make money off
of this, and it's just I don't know, you know it.
And at this point, you know, she's establishing wise from
the administration and everybody else in that sphere of influence,
whether it be the DoD, whether it be the State Department,

whether it be this administration. She's gaslighting this country and
it's not right. They claim to be the most transparent
administration in the history of this country and they're anything.
But we've gotten nothing but lies from them and omissions.
President Biden hasn't even said our kids' names in public,

not once. And he's been given the opportunities several times.
And if you were to go, you know, and talk
on his teleprompter, have a card in front of him, whatever,
maybe he would say it. But he doesn't know their names.
He never will And it's just disgraceful, you know, when

you talked about cancel culture. Right now I'm calling on
in NBC MSNBC to terminate Jansaki. She wants to. They're
talking about cancel culture. Let's cancel her for the lies
that came out. And it's now in priance and it's
been out for a week now, and now she's going

to go back and recant her story or recant that
part of the story that she had.

Speaker 2 (27:55):
Reatten only out of pressure. And she, by the way
she describes herself as a journalist, that it's a joke,
you know. Let me let me just say this, and
it's only because I'm looking at the clock and the
constraints of time. Please forgive me, But please know that
there are many many people in this audience like me
that care, and that we're praying for you, and that

may God give you the peace and the comfort that
you certainly deserve, and and you just please know that
you know there are people that really care. And what
happened that day in Afghanistan, and what happened at Abbey
Gate and what happened when the bodies came back to

the US should never happen in this country, and we're
just praying for you and your family and wish you, sir,
the best, and I hope you'll stay in touch with
us we can ever help you.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
I appreciate it, Sean, We all appreciate it. And you're
the big voice that we need to get this information
out there. So thank you, Thank you.

Speaker 2 (28:59):
Welcome on the show anytime, anytime.

Speaker 1 (29:02):
Appreciate it. Appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (29:03):
All right, God bless you. All Right, that's gonna wrap
things up for today. Yeah, we have insane times we
are living in. We have the latest that of the
Trump trial, their star witness, convicted liar Michael Cohene Well
full analysis, Jonathan Turley, Alina Hobb in the courtroom, Greg
Jarrett and Alan Dershwitz will join us nuking Rich, Tommy Laryn,

Ari Fleischer and Darrel Aisa with two gold Star dads.
That's all happening Tonight's ay DVR nine Eastern Hannity on Fox.
We'll see you them back here tomorrow. Thank you for
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If you've ever wanted to know about champagne, satanism, the Stonewall Uprising, chaos theory, LSD, El Nino, true crime and Rosa Parks, then look no further. Josh and Chuck have you covered.

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every week comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced, and brutally honest look into current pop-culture and her own personal life.

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