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March 27, 2024 32 mins

Robert Kennedy made a surprising announcement today as he introduced his running mate, Philanthropist Nicole Shanahan.  Sean reacts to this announcement and the impact on November.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:02):
All right, thank you Scott Shannon, and thanks to all
of you for being with us. Here's a toll free
telephone number. It's eight hundred nine four one Sean if
you want to be a part of the program. All right,
Nicole Shanahan is going to be RFK Junior's vice presidential pick.
I can tell you a lot about her, but as
the event started, I'm looking here. It is not star anyway.

She's from the Bay Area, and I know a lot
about her. I can tell you fifty five things you
might want to and need to know about her. Raised
on welfare, single parent, household, Oakland, California, daughter of a
Chinese immigrant. She went on for a successful career patent lawyer, entrepreneur,
marrying into uber wealth after meeting the Google co founder

Sergei Brinn at a yoga festival. What the hell is
the yoga? Do you know what a yoga festival is.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
It's where very flexible people go and celebrate each other's flexibility.

Speaker 1 (01:00):
Okay, it's a celebration.

Speaker 3 (01:04):

Speaker 1 (01:04):
I Actually there's a mixed martial artist. I know that
is amazing at it.

Speaker 2 (01:10):
I'm yoga is phenomenal. I do it three four times
a week. I love it. It's awesome. But what people
do when they go to yoga festivals with their body
is beyond That's not regular yoga, like what I'm doing
for a half an hour. These people can stretch beyond
the limits. It's ridiculous.

Speaker 1 (01:25):
Listen. I've had sense as made me plank and I'm like,
oh man, this, you must be great at that. I'm
actually not bad, but I don't like it. It's like
doing burpies. Who the hell wants to do that?

Speaker 2 (01:37):
I don't do burpies. That's that's no.

Speaker 1 (01:39):
I'm too anyway. So he ends up a very, very
wealthy woman. She's been married divorced twice. I'm not getting
into the the specifics of it, but a mass of
fortune in the tech sector. I'm not against people being successful.
Has become fillow uthropic and and a political player, leading

donor behind RFK. Junior's unexpected Super Bowl ad in February
emerged as a top contender for VP. After a few
days of speculation that maybe it's gonna be Aaron Rodgers
or or what's his name from Deadly at Catch Mike
grow I'm like, no, it's not, or you know, Jesse

the body vent Tour. I really wanted Jesse. I was
pulling for Jesse. I wanted Jesse just just for the
sheer entertainment value he would bring to it. Because he's
he's not the same guy he was when he was governor.
I'll tell you that he's he's kind of crazy these days. Anyway,
long story short, here's my take on it. I think
that probably she was chosen because she can finance the campaign.

Is that terrible to say? Yes, you think it is terrible?

Speaker 2 (02:55):

Speaker 1 (02:56):
Why because I'm not the only one that's been saying it.
I've read it numerous talking.

Speaker 2 (03:01):
About everybody else. You just said, is it a terrible
thing to say?

Speaker 1 (03:03):
I said yes, Why is that a terrible thing to say?
Do you think it's true?

Speaker 2 (03:06):
I don't know if it's true or not, but I
would say, well, perhaps she has some technical prowess. Perhaps
she can help with promotion, she can go prowess so media,
you know, she might have any social media.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
Okay, what background and experience does she have.

Speaker 2 (03:20):
I'm gonna tell you right now. I don't know she's
gonna I don't know anything about this woman. I would
not vote for her for vice president. I would vote
for you know my dog Winston over her. I don't
know her. You know Winston, I know him. He's a
good dog, you know. But at the end of the day,
you know, RFK at least is trying.

Speaker 1 (03:34):
To hold let me, let me, let me serve her
a compliment. I mean. She grew up in a single
family parent household. Mother raised her and her brother low
income on welfare. She said she remembers her mother being
a shamed to use food stamps, asking her brother to
leave the store so that they wouldn't watch her using them.

She grew up, she said, she only had two T
shirts that fit her. I'd love this story about her.
I did you do it?

Speaker 2 (04:00):
I think it's awesome and honest. Where are we coming from?
Right the community? When the community is in the community.

Speaker 1 (04:09):
Yeah, I got Okay, you know this is the bench.

Speaker 2 (04:12):
More important, it's a very low bar.

Speaker 4 (04:15):
So many incredible leaders for us at every moment in time,
and certainly this one. To see the moment in time
in which we exist and are present, and to be
able to contextualize it, to understand where we exist in
the history and in the moment as it relates not

only to the past but the future.

Speaker 1 (04:39):
We invested and can't. I can't take it, and I
have too much to get there. She did say that
school was the one reliable thing I had in my life.
There's nothing here except an impressive resume in life story,
which I think is compelling, that tells me she has
any clue about being the vice president. Nobody's ever heard

her name in political world before. I do like her
life story or personal story, but I will tell you
the fact that she she funded that football add at
the Super Bowl and everything in between, you know, makes
me suspicious that maybe money had something to do with this.
I don't know. I mean, because apparently she's extraordinarily wealthy,

which is great, and but short of that, you know,
tell me what she has done since she you know
that that would qualify her to be vice president. I
don't know. I don't see anything. Here's here's what's the
most interesting part of rfk's run now is has now
become is Biden's team is so freaked out about Robert F.

Kennedy Junior and his impact on the election, they have
now built an entire operation, according to Axios, dedicated to
attacking Kennedy and those contrasting approaches are now coming in
focus because he's polling better than any independent candidate since
Ross Perot did in ninety two, and now he is

facing real scrutiny, which he deserves to face. I know
that some conservatives have been intrigued by him, but the
last interview I had with him to not go particularly
well on his behalf because I challenged him. I said,
beyond these three issues, about what he says about immigration

and what he says about men playing in women's sports.
And obviously everybody knows him best for his position on
immusation immunization, and probably more conservatives than the liberals were
more skeptical, and studies have shown this than the left
on the issue of COVID in the vaccines. Okay, those

positions of Robert F. Kennedy. There's the three issues that
might appeal to conservatives. Might maybe they do, but this
is a guy that is the most radical environmentalist I've
ever seen in my life. When you read the background
and the narrative that he has been pushing his entire life,

then you look at his political history. He has supported
every radical left wing democratic presidential candidate in history. That's
his life's history. Not saying he's bad I'm just saying
that's where he stands, so naturally, Biden's campaign the DNC
have now had to dedicate a team of staffers and

consultants to diminish Kennedy. The DNC's arguing that RFK Junior
is a stalking horse for Trump. You're not doing anything
for Donald Trump that I can tell you. Who shares
Mega donor Tim Mellon with the former president. But anyway,
the White House also notes the Kennedy family isn't I
do feel bad for him. His entire family has turned

against him and is now campaigning against him. I don't
like that. Or maybe is that a red flag that
we should pay attention to. What do they know about
him that we don't know about him? Well, anyways, now
in talks to run on the Libertarian Party presidential ticket,
that could translate, you know, whatever popularity he has into
becoming a near guaranteed choice on ballots in all fifty states.

And you know, although they're saying that the Libertarian Party
chair is spoke with Kennedy in recent weeks and anyway,
the two have been in contact. Kennedy's not a libertarian,
but his presidential campaign was he wanted to be a
Democratic presidential nominee, and the Libertarian Party has consistently made

made it on the ballot in all fifty states in DC,
and the Libertarian ticket has performed better on the presidential
level when it has a candidate with high name recognition.
But he's he's not He's a Democrat, He's a liberal,
left wing I'm an alarmist, religious, poultist Democrat. And I'm
sure this person probably say, anyway, this is Kennedy's wife. Okay,

Kennedy's wife has kerl Hinz herb your enthusiasm.

Speaker 5 (09:15):
It's a very exciting day, and you will not be disappointed.
One of the things that I love about Bobby, there
are a lot, I won't spend the day naming them,
but one of the things that I truly respect about him,
I have watched him and continue to watch him inspire

people of all different parties to come together for the
greater good of this country.

Speaker 6 (09:45):

Speaker 5 (09:47):
So when you look around you, you're probably going to
see Republicans, Democrats, independents all gather together to see what
we have in common and how we can work together.
And that's what Bobby's all about, and that's who he
is and that's what he's doing, and America is listening
and is inspired. All right, I think we should just

do it. Are you ready to.

Speaker 2 (10:19):
Hear from Bobby?

Speaker 5 (10:24):
Are you at all interested to hear from the new VP?

Speaker 7 (10:29):

Speaker 5 (10:33):
Okay, okay, Well, let's make a lot of noise. I
want to really hear how enthusiastic you are about this. Please,
ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together for my love
for the next President.

Speaker 2 (10:51):
Of the United States, Robert F. Kennedy Junior.

Speaker 7 (11:18):
Thank you all very much, Thank you all very much,

thank you, thank you.

Speaker 1 (11:43):
Again. I want to start out first of all for.

Speaker 3 (11:48):
Thank you all of you, and thank you Oakland, and
thank all of you for being here today. I also
want to thank them, the the tribal chiefdoms, the moki
Oloney tribe, and the chairwoman of the Tribal Council for

endorsing me today, for putting their faith in me. And
they know thema Olone tribe and they know very much.
They that this struggle for indigenous rights has consumed a

lot of my life, my personal and my professional life,
and that this work is going to continue when we're
in the White House. The thewk Maloneys are one of
the many tribes that were decertified during the nineteen fifties

nineteen sixties, and these tribes need to be would relegitimize,
and that's something that I will do as soon as
I get in the White House.

Speaker 1 (13:10):
All Right, We're just going to take a break here,
and we already know who the pick is, Nicole Shanahan,
and we'll get back and so we'll get your reaction
throughout the program as well. But he's a Democrat, trust me,
I know his record, all right. Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Has given a speech. We know who the choice is.
Great family, great background, great life story. But I don't

really see any experience that would say that Nicole Shanahan
has the leadership to become the president of the United
States and have but one but one heartbeat away from
being the president, because that's the job. It is fascinating
to watch that the people attacking Robert F. Kennedy Junior

the most Democrats. Let me tell you where that's coming from.
That is a clear indication that polling is showing that
most people rightly see Kennedy as a liberal Democrat. Okay,
as a couple of positions that maybe are unique being
a liberal Democrat in this environment. But he's part of

the climate alarm as religious cult. He's got far left
positions on pretty much everything. He's voted for every left
wing radical for president and in the modern error. I mean,
what else do you need to know? I mean, his
own family is mad because it's they think it's gonna
hurt Joe Biden anyway. So we'll see what happens. We'll

see what happens with the Libertarian Party. I don't really
see any need to take take this any further until
he actually finally makes the announcement and we get to
hear a little bit from Shanahan. We'll do that probably
in the next half hour, and we'll get to the
other news of the day. Looks like Ronald McDaniel is out.
At MSDNC, the inmates running the asylum over there have

a successfully had a coup. God forbid. They have a
dissenting voice. At NBC News, the lunatics went insane last night.
We'll play it for you straight ahead.

Speaker 8 (15:12):
Come on, man, It's taken me forty seven years to
perfect doing nothing. I had to become president the show. Yeah,
I could do that better than anybody. Joe Biden the
most dangerous man in America. This is the Sean Hannity show.

Speaker 1 (15:31):
Well, good thing. I didn't stay with the Robert F.
Kennedy thing because it's just he's going on and on
and on and on. Now I've just gone through her
bio way more detailed. Nicole Shanahan is going to be
his VP, all right. She received her certificate in the
World Trade Organization Studies Okay Ding Ding Ding red Flag.

He was in law school. She studied intellectual property in
Chinese law at the National University of Singapore. She, according
to a Wall Street Journal, was married to the billionaire
from Google. One of their co founders, Sergey Brynn, sought
apparently a billion dollars in the settlement. They had an

out of court settlement and in confidential arbitration. There were
plenty of allegations on not getting into the salaciousness of anything.
She claims that it was nearly impossible to have mega
wealth and be deeply grounded. She said, when I was
living the wife of a billionaire, I was not the
best version of myself. I felt conflicted every day, like

I couldn't access the thing that made me what I am.
She described herself pay very close attention as a progressive
through and through got it, that is a radical leftist, progressive,
radical liberal. You know, she was a in other things.

She actually claimed and this goes to the issue of defund,
dismantle and reimagining the police. She said that having a
mental health professional at the scene of George Floyd's death
would have possibly de escalated the situation and saved his life.
I mean, remember, there's this whole group of people thinking that, well,
maybe we need to send social workers when there are

issues involving people that have some type of mental disorder.
What happens when they get violent? How is the how
is the social worker going to handle that. She's the
president of the Baya Echo Foundation that invests in reproductive
reproductive longevity and equality and et cetera, et cetera, and
a livable planet. Getting the point livable planet A lot

of code words in here and anyway, she told a
panel on population pressures at COP twenty six and that's
in in Glasgow and Scotland, that we have around sixty
years of science that is missing around reproductive issues and
that soil health and gut biome, which she says are

interrelated or critical to increasing reproductive longevity. Sounds like alternative
health I know Linda would love. She's also interested in
regenerative agriculture carbon sequestration. In other words, yeah, she's probably
well in line with Robert F. Kennedy's views on the environment,

which are radical and extreme. Let's see her past donations.
She has donated to Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Pete Buddha Judge,
local congressman Democrat Roqahanna Rocana. I believe is how you
say it. She hosted a big fundraiser for Buddha Judge,

supported Mary Ann Williamson's long shot twenty twenty bid, donated
to Biden's victory fund to and then you know, started
getting interested in Robert F. Kennedy Junior's run. I'm not
an anti vaxer, but I do wonder about vaccine injuries,
you once said. In February, she contributed four million dollars

to the American Values twenty twenty four pack, a super
pack to help Kennedy fund a retro Super Bowl ad
that linked Kennedy with his uncle JFK, the former President.
The ad spark blowback from the Kennedy family. She was
apparently involved in the creative process of creating that ad

and anyway, I mean, I could just keep going on
and on, and it's it sounds like maybe ideologically the
perfect pick for Robert F. Kennedy Junior. And maybe this
is why the Biden campaign is just freaking out and
flipping out. I have so much other news I haven't
gotten to yet. Today I got to get to it.

The inmates are running the asylum. Hang on, he is
with Transportation Secretary Pete Bootage. Have visited East Palestine nearly
three weeks. Blah blah blah blah. He's with the governor.
I'm not sure what this means. What does that mean?

Speaker 2 (20:13):
Pete Booda judges right now with the NTSB and the
Governor of Maryland, hours after what happened last night at
the Franciscott Key Bridge. It took him three weeks ago
to East Palestine.

Speaker 1 (20:23):
Okay, maybe they're learning from their mistakes. Maybe it'll be
only six months until Joe shuts it shows up. Anyway,
I just don't it just somebody no background, no experience.
I mean, the least admiral Stockman member Ross Perot's pick
maybe one of the greatest lines ever used in a

vice presidential debate. You know, when he started out who
am I and why am I here? It was pretty funny.
Looks like the inmates at the asylum known as NBC
and MSDNC. Well, according to The Daily Mail, NBC has
dropped former RNC chair Ronald McDaniel as a paid contributorist

than a week after her role was announced. He did
a whopping one day appearance and then the wheels came off,
all started by Chucky Todd. This is hurting our credibility
as journalists. They all claim to be journalists at MSDNC.
None of them a journalist, none of them. They're all
talk show hosts. Now, I'm a talk show host. I'm

honest about who I am. I don't claim that I
am a journalist, but as part of my role as
being a talk show host, we do journalism and I
could produce thousands of hours on TV and radio me
doing straight news. We do investigative reporting, looking at the
Biden family, syndicate that the Mob ignores looking into Obama's

radical associations, getting right the Russia hoax, that the mob
and the media all got wrong because of their liberal
talk show host views. They all claim to be journalists Nope,
they're liberal talk show hosts. And anyway, we've got a
new montage of how insane it just it went on
and on from there. It went from Chucky Todd to

liberal Joe Tamika and then all the way through the day,
you know, into prime time and circle back Jensaki and
conspiracy theorist extraordinary. Apparently they gave her uninterrupted airtime last
night to give this long emotional speech. How Roni McDaniel
will not be on ms at MSDNZ really and I

say that and give you that level of detail because
there has been an effort since by other parts of
the company to muddy that up in the press and
make it seem like that's not what happened at MSDNZ. Okay,
thank you for straightening that out, Joy Reid, Nicole Wallace,

I mean Lawrence O'Donnell, I mean the whole place. Okay, Well,
who runs the asylum here anyway? Apparently it's them.

Speaker 9 (23:06):
Listen, there's a reason why there's a lot of journalists
at nbcnw's uncomfortable with this because many of our professional
dealings with the RNC over the last six years have
been met with gaslighting, have been met with character assassination.

Speaker 10 (23:18):
We want asked about our opinion on the High Ring,
but if we were, we would have strongly objected for
several reasons, including but not limited to miss McDaniel's role
in Donald Trump's fake electri scheme and her pressuring of
election officials to not certify election results.

Speaker 2 (23:37):
What we've also said.

Speaker 6 (23:38):
Election deniers is not just they can do that on
our airwaves. So that they can do that as one
of us, as badge carrying employees of NBC News, as
paid contributors to our sacred airwaves, our.

Speaker 11 (23:50):
Democracy is in danger because of the lies that people
like Ronald McDaniel have pushed on this country.

Speaker 2 (23:55):
And look, this is not about not having Republicans on.

Speaker 7 (23:58):
We welcome publican which more Republican.

Speaker 3 (24:01):
I want Adam Kinsinger and Liz Janey to get right.

Speaker 7 (24:03):
Here, come talk to me.

Speaker 3 (24:04):
The reality is this isn't a difference of opinion.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
She literally backed.

Speaker 11 (24:10):
An illegal scheme to steal an election in the state
of Missigon. We were told this weekend in clear terms,
Ronal McDaniel will not be on our air Roni McDaniel
will not be on MSNBC. And I say that and
give you that level of detail, because there has been
an effort since by other parts of the company to

muddy that up in the press and make it seem
like that's not what happened at MSNBC. I can assure
you that is what happened at MSNBC.

Speaker 1 (24:42):
Okay, So this is what they're all saying, and then
it got worse from there. If I'm Ronald McDaniel, I
am hiring the best libel attorney in the country, and
I am going hard big time after NBC, big time.
And it's not just whatever the contract payout is, no
who I'd go way deeper than that. But you know,

we'll see what happens. That's what I'd be doing. We'll see.
You know, we're talking here about Shanahan being the choice
of RFK Junior. Well, you know, Ford lost four point
five billion because of electric vehicles. I mean, he has
been on this kick for on the environment for pretty

much all of his adult life. And Chrysler owns the Lantis.
They're cutting four hundred jobs to focus on electric vehicles.
Ford lost four point five billion dollars. Anyway, it's the
company of several auto brands, Dodge, Jeep, Chrysler confirming that
they're laying on hundreds of US workers to trim their

workforce amid their transition to the electric vehicle production. Wow.
I mean they wanted to forced electric vehicles down your throat,
whether you like them or don't like them. They literally
want you to get rid of your gas stove, your refrigerator,
your air conditioner, stop eating meat. There's no end to this.

It's unbelievable. Look at the economy Americans dream is shrinking.
New home sales slipping again last month. Builders are now
ramping up production and going smaller because people can't afford
it with especially interest rates high in the inflation that
Joe Biden created. Never mind, America's debt is now a

debt spiral. This was on Foxnews dot Com. The US,
our country is now on track for the Treasury to
pay one trillion dollars only on interest on the debt.
You guys and legal experts are raising the alarm on
Biden's plan B student loan handout is told by the
Supreme Court he couldn't do it, and what is he doing?

Billions of more dollars a student loan forgiveness. Costco is
going to crack down on non members eating at food courts.
I mean, everybody knows they have their one hundred I'm sorry,
dollar fifty hot dog and soda combination. They're chicken bakes
and their pizza. I love Costco, I love Target, I
love Walmart, I love all those stores. They have everything

you want. Great you save money in the process. But anyway,
back to this issue about MSDNC. Why would MS the idea, Linda,
I'm in my twenty eighth year of Fox. I've been
hired to do a show. My show runs from nine
to ten Eastern. My job is not to do the

hiring and firing at the Fox News Channel. I don't
own the Fox News Channel. I don't run the Fox
News Channel. I'm an employee of Fox News, a contractual employee.
That's what I do. And my job is to do
the best job I can do. And I take my
responsibility now in my twenty eighth year, more seriously now

than I ever have. And we take great pride in
getting it right when the mob in the media gets
it wrong, like on the Russia hoax, like explaining that
Joe Biden leveraging a billion dollars, you know, of tax
payer money so his son can be paid millions, even
though he admits he has no experience and admits at
the time he was addicted to drugs. That's a big story. Less,

of course, you're a liberal talk show host at fake
news CNN, like fake Jake over at MSDNC, like Liberal
Joe and the Party over there, and Chucky Todd and
conspiracy theorist Matdow and circle back Jensaki, and we have
Joyliss Behart, Joyless Red, and then we got Lawrence O'Donnell.

I haven't really come up with a nickname for him yet.
I will just for kicks and giggles. But they claim
now we do do journalism, as I said earlier, we
do investigative reporting that they don't do. They lied about
the Russia hoax for three plus years, no apologies, no corrections,
none of that. And we do other things as well.
We give opinion. They give a They just don't. They

just call their opinion journalism and it's not. They have
an opinion. They hate Donald Trump. MSDNC doesn't even want
a conservative voice. Oh, we want more Republicans on. We'd
love to have Liz Cheney and Adam kinsing are on.
They're not Republicans, they're not conservative, they'll claim they are.
But what they did on that January sixth committee is

a disgrace. How they allowed a phony narrative about Donald
Trump trying to commandeer the car that was being driven
by the Secret Service, except the Secret Service agents that
it never happened, and they never told us, you know,
all the missing documents and files that we're now learning
about the fact that Donald Trump had a meeting and

that now Chris Steve was his name, the former acting
Defense Secretary, Chris who was Miller Cash Bettel, Mark Meadows,
Donald Trump, Mark milly All admit, yeah, Trump talked about
bringing up the Guard, but in writing Muriel Bowser said no,
she had to legally say yes. Well, well, if he

wanted an insurrection, why would he be authorizing the Guard
to be called up? Can't make this up. Eight hundred
ninety four one, Shawn is a number if you want
to be a part of the program. Uh, all right,
when we come back, we got a lot of other
news we're going to get to today. We'll look into
the meltdown of the left about the Trump production. In
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Speaker 8 (31:37):
This is the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 1 (31:42):
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