All Episodes

November 27, 2024 31 mins

Rose fills in for the vacationing Sean Hannity and she hits the ground running talking about the rules necessary to being successful in this world!  It starts with humility and the power of God!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
Oh, thank you for joining me today on the Sean
Hannity Show. My name is Rose. I've been here before,
and I love being here with all of you. I
really appreciate Sean's listening audience. You guys are the cream
of the crop.

Speaker 2 (00:13):
So you know.

Speaker 1 (00:14):
I've talked before about my websites, Rose Unplugged. In fact,
if you use Rose Unplugged, you can find me just
about anywhere on social media. But I do have two
different entities. I have Rose Unplugged, but I also have
a women's ministry and it's called She Is Called by Him,
So you can find She is Called by Him or
Rose Unplugged on all social media. And I would love

it if you would subscribe and follow and like everything
that you see on there, and if you have a
prayer request, because I know that things have been tough
for a lot of people, and we go into this
Thanksgiving holiday and we think a lot about you know,
blessings or we're praying for renewal in our lives and
in the nation. And if you do want prayer for
something specific in that that you need renewal for your

own self, please just check out She is Called by
Him Because we do have a place where you can
go at our website and leave a prayer request. So
Rose unplugged here with you today, and I'm really looking
forward to today because we have some great guests coming up,
a lot of things to talk about. First of all,
we have the Attorney General Ken Paxton from Texas. He's

going to talk to us about his Blockbester case against
Black Rock, and he just filed it today, so you're
getting that news here today. And we have Pastor Greg
Laurie joining us. We've got Greg Jarrett, whom everybody loves,
and Tom Homan. And when I posted that Tom Homan
was going to be on the show today, people went crazy.
They just love this guy. And I'm getting all kinds

of suggestions like do we have to call him the
Borders Arc? Can we call him border Boss or something like?
I like Border Boss.

Speaker 2 (01:44):
I think it's kind of cool.

Speaker 1 (01:45):
So anyway, they're going to be joining us today, so
it's really a jam packed show today.

Speaker 2 (01:49):
I'm looking forward to it.

Speaker 1 (01:51):
One of the things that I did want to talk
about today was how you know, now that the election
is over, you can almost hear everyone breathing a great
big of relief, right, I mean, it's over. I thank
god it's done. And at least almost half of the
Americans feel that way. But listen, that's not enough though,
as we go forward in this country, and it is
a good thing. I mean, I mean Tom Homan and

some of the others that's been nominated to feel positions
or have been placed in positions.

Speaker 2 (02:17):
These are all great people.

Speaker 1 (02:19):
There are so many good things that are going to
be done, and I feel really good about that because
it does leave us hopeful that we're going to see
good and needed changes in this country. But my question
for you today is does it stop there.

Speaker 2 (02:31):
Or is there something more?

Speaker 1 (02:32):
Because our nation is still in need of healing really
big time. And it's not just the economy, which is bad,
and it's not just the high level of crime, also bad.
But this sickness goes much deeper. It's in the dark,
little corners that we don't always see, but we know
that it's still there. Things like pornography, child pornography, trafficking,

sex trafficking, the sacrifice of the unborn child through abortion.

Speaker 2 (02:59):
The list goes on.

Speaker 1 (03:00):
Not one person, not one man or woman, can really
heal this nation completely. It has to come from us.
And what concerns me is that we put most of
these things, these atrocities, into political categories, which I don't
think they belong in. I honestly think that these issues
that our country are facing right now are spiritual more
than they are political, and I think it's way more

spiritual than it is political. And the Bible has clear
positions on all of this. If you ever want to
check it out, just go there. You'll find it. But
that's not the point. The point is that when we
put them into political categories, then we're leaving it up
to some guy some woman to handle it all, to
bring the healing that our nation needs way deep down
in those dark corners.

Speaker 2 (03:42):
I don't think that's what we should be doing.

Speaker 1 (03:44):
I think it's sad that we think we could just
hire someone to do the job when the responsibility actually
is entirely with us.

Speaker 2 (03:52):
So here's what I wanted to do today.

Speaker 1 (03:53):
I wanted to encourage you, and I wanted you to
encourage you to play your part in this and the
healing of our nation. Because we have a really great start.
Trump is going to be in office for the next
four years. He's putting great people in place, but there's
still a job I think for each one of us
to do, and that comes from Second Chronicles, seventh chapter,
verse fourteen, because that's where we're tould. If my people,

who are called by my name, would humble themselves and
pray and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear
from heaven. I will answer them, and I will heal
their nation. Think about that. So that's I'm going to
give you like a how to break down on how
we can actually put this into effect, because I really
do believe it's up to us and we want to

go deeper and get to the root of a lot
of the ugliness and the evil that we see in
this country and even globally. It's going to require something
from all of us. So here it is okay. Number one,
it says humble ourselves, And so what does that mean?
In Greek and also in Hebrew, it's defined as the
disposition of evaluating yourself appropriately. So if we're humbling ourselves,

we're taking a really good look at ourselves, being honest
about what we see and what changes we need to
make in our own life. We're humble when we understand
that God has redeemed us. We're humble when we have
the appropriate of valuation who we really are, and we're humble.
If we remain subordinate to that God, then we're told
to pray, and we're told to pray as a part

of healing for this nation. And I think it's interesting
because when you think about it, prayer is communication.

Speaker 3 (05:22):

Speaker 2 (05:23):
As a parent, I can't tell.

Speaker 1 (05:26):
You you've seen the memes, like you see people running
and like dancing and hip hopping down the road and
skipping because their son texted them. We love as a
parent to have communication with our children. We love it
when they want to sit down and just talk to us.
It's like, Oh, it's the most fabulous.

Speaker 2 (05:42):
Thing that could ever happen.

Speaker 1 (05:43):
Right, Well, what do you think that God the Father
feels about us doing the very same thing, having a
conversation with him, communicating with him.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
And that's what prayer is.

Speaker 1 (05:54):
And I'm often in communication with God so much so,
in fact, like I walk around the house all the
time saying, Hey, God, what about this?

Speaker 2 (06:00):
And God should I be doing this?

Speaker 1 (06:02):
And I actually get so caught up in that during
the course of a day that sometimes I'll say, Hey, God, what's.

Speaker 2 (06:08):
The high temperature today?

Speaker 1 (06:09):
I mean, Hiisiri, what's the high temperature today, but that's
where my mind is all day long, just like in
this constant communication with God. And the other thing that
we're told to do is to seek his face. David
said in First Chronicle sixteen eleven that we should seek
his face always. And when you think about that, the
very essence in the Bible, it talks about how our

face is the very essence of who we are. Who
we are when we look at someone's face, that is
the essence of who they are, is the core of
a person, and that is what you're seeking when you
seek his face. David told us to do it seek
his face always, So we are seeking the essence of
the core of God, of who God really is. He

wants us to know him. It's his greatest desire, just
like as a parent, your greatest desire is to have
your child communicate with you. And then the last thing
that we're told that we should be doing as a
nation is to turn from our wicked ways. Now, this
is the part that always gets me because it says,
if my people. So a lot of times believers will

say he's talking about.

Speaker 2 (07:16):
Somebody else, those wicked ways.

Speaker 1 (07:18):
Uhh, that's not what he said. He said, if my
people who are called by my name would humble themselves, pray,
and turn from their wicked ways, that's when you'll hear us.
So I think that if we're humbling ourselves, if we
are praying, if we're seeking his face, all of those
things work together to help us to understand where we're

walking in wicked ways. They help us to understand and
be really honest about what we're doing in our own life,
what we need to stop doing in our own life.
That's the only way that you can turn from your
wicked ways if you are in that place of humility,
in that place of prayer, and in that place of
seeking out his face, sincerely seeking out his face. It's

not a suggestion, it's a command. If you do this,
If you do this, I will do this. So you know, people,
I love this country, and I know that you do too.
And I know that Trump loves this country, and I
know that the people he's putting in place also feel
that way. But there's only so much mere mortals can do.
There's something so much deeper, so much deeper than politics.

This is spiritual, and because it is, it requires something
great from each of us. And I would really encourage
you to take a look at Second Chronicles seven fourteen
and think about those things that are keeping you from
recognizing whether or not you are walking in wicked ways,
and to turn from that because guess what, it's so

powerful and it really is the key to healing a nation.
And if we don't do the steps that I just mentioned,
we'll never recognize those wicked ways, and we will never
play apart and what God desires us to play a
part in, and that is to bring healing to this nation.

That's the pathway to total and complete healing, humility, prayer
his face, in his presence, and then turn from those ways.

Speaker 2 (09:20):
That's God's promise. He doesn't lie.

Speaker 1 (09:22):
I mean he's saying, this is what I will do
if you do this. The question is can we do this?
Can we stop looking or expecting someone else to be
the entire solution to healing our nation. It really is
up to us, no political leader, no spiritual leader, just us,

and I think it has to be our next step
for preserving this nation, preserving this republic. We love this country,
all of us, I know listening today, we do. I
think there's something more for each one of us to do.
We have some really great guesses. I mentioned before. We
have breaking news actually coming up soon, so you don't
want to miss that. You want to stay with us

or that, And also remember it's Rose Unplugged. If you've
got a prayer request, especially go to she is called
by Him. Otherwise Rose Unplugged on every other social media platform.
I love hearing from you. I would really appreciate it
if you would like me follow me. Oh and check
out Rumble too and Spotify because I have great podcasts
on those platforms as well. Rose Unplugged. And also she

is called by Him if you have a prayer request.
We'll be back with a lot more and breaking news.
Welcome back to the Sean Hannity Show. I'm Rose sitting
in for Sean Hannity, which is the Sean Hannity Show,
and I'm I'm the guest host. All right, it's like
still the Sean Hannity Show, but my name is Rose.

All right, So we are all in this together. I
just I just want everybody to know that we are
all in this together, all of us, Linda Ethan Rose, Sean,
all right, we are all in this show together.

Speaker 3 (10:58):
All right.

Speaker 1 (10:59):
We're all in the show together, and don't let anyone
take your power from you. You are a Sean Handity
Show listener, okay, and don't let them take your power.
Don't you ever let them take your power from you
as a listener to Handity just because there's a guest
host today, Okay, it is still the Sean Handity Show.
Don't let them take your power. Okay, all right, all right,

Linda thought. When I read that to her earlier, she thought,
oh my god, you are not opening the show with
that today.

Speaker 2 (11:27):
Well, are you gonna play?

Speaker 1 (11:28):
I am gonna play. And this is why I did it, because,
come on an.

Speaker 3 (11:33):
Uncertain time, I'm clear out about that. I know you're
clear eyed about it, and it feels heavy, and I
just have to remind you, don't you ever let anybody
take your power from you. You have the same power
that you did before November fifth, and you have the

same purpose that you did, and you have this same
ability to engage and inspire. So don't ever let anybody
or any circumstance take your power from you. Look, this
mission that we have, it takes hard work.

Speaker 4 (12:16):
But as you've heard me say many times, we.

Speaker 3 (12:19):
Like hard work. Hard work is good work. Hard work
can be joyful work and in doing our work, we
will remain committed and intentional about building community.

Speaker 2 (12:33):
Oh my gosh. Anyway, so Harris re Emergin.

Speaker 5 (12:38):
Wait, I think I think what we should do is
we should remind the audience of what a wordsmith this
woman truly is.

Speaker 2 (12:45):
He truly is significant that we are.

Speaker 6 (12:48):
Here together in Tokyo.

Speaker 2 (12:51):
In that we.

Speaker 7 (12:52):
Also share a common goal and bond as it relates
to our dedication to piece and security and the indepecific
and the work that we will continue to do to
ensure that we are guided by what we are joined
and in terms of international rules and norms around the
importance of peace, security and prosperity.

Speaker 4 (13:14):
And I again want to thank the Secretary for your work.
This issue of transportation is fundamentally about just making sure
that people have the ability to get where they need
to go.

Speaker 3 (13:27):
It's that basic. We all watched.

Speaker 4 (13:31):
The television coverage of just yesterday.

Speaker 8 (13:36):
That's on top of everything else that we know and
don't know yet based on what we've just been able
to see, and because we've seen it or not doesn't
mean it hasn't happened, but just limited to what we
have seen, you know, there's this whole I talked with
somebody wants to say, you know, if you just look
at where the stars are.

Speaker 3 (13:56):
In the sky, don't look them as just brand of things.
If you just look at as points, look at the constellation,
what does it show you so you just outlined it Roland,
what does it show you that the cities that he
picks on in terms of black population or black mayor
or both.

Speaker 1 (14:15):
Oh my, so is there any more red wine left
in the studio over there? I'm just wondering.

Speaker 2 (14:22):
Kamala drank it all, gots it.

Speaker 1 (14:28):
You think, there we go, it's a gone, all right whatever,
But you know what it's I mean, who lets her
do this stuff?

Speaker 2 (14:38):
They actually somebody had to say this is okay to
do to get up.

Speaker 5 (14:41):
We don't even play the good ones there the community
the venn diagram, I mean, the problem is is that
every time she opened her mouth it was just some
sort I've never heard anybody talk that much and say nothing.

Speaker 3 (14:51):
I like you to think about a lot of things
in the context of a ven diagram.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
I love in diagrams.

Speaker 9 (14:55):
Always ask is there a vent diagram for this? I'm
telling you it's fascinating when you do so. Ven drgen
those three circles, right, and if you want to add
some more circles to the ven diagram, the solutions also
look like what we need to do to invest in
a clean energy economy.

Speaker 2 (15:14):
Okay, she wins.

Speaker 1 (15:15):
I was trying to do an impersonation of Kamala, but
she does it better than I do. Yeah, it's just
it's all over the place. Don't let anybody take your
power though. That's just a reminder from the Sean Hannity
Show today. Don't let anybody take your power.

Speaker 2 (15:28):

Speaker 1 (15:28):
So she came back after that loss with a message
to the supporters and that was her message.

Speaker 2 (15:33):
Oh my goodness.

Speaker 1 (15:34):
All right, So coming up, we have a lot going
on today and we have breaking news for you too.
Attorney General Ken Paxson is going to be talking about
a lawsuit that he just filed against Black Rock and
it's a blockbuster.

Speaker 2 (15:48):
So that's something we're to talk about.

Speaker 1 (15:49):
Then later on in the show, we've got Tom Homan,
the Border Boss, and then also I like that at
our thins are we'll be back with more.

Speaker 2 (15:57):
Oh all right.

Speaker 1 (16:00):
Black Rock Inc. Vanguard Group Inc. And State Street Corp.
Were all sued by a group of states that were
led by Texas and led by this guest, the Attorney
General of the State of Texas, Ken Paxson. Ken's joining
us today, Ken, how are you.

Speaker 6 (16:17):
I'm doing great. Happy thanksgiving to you and to your
family and to your listening audience.

Speaker 2 (16:21):
Thank you so much.

Speaker 1 (16:22):
In the same back to you, and also thank you
for always out there on the front line and watching
out for the rest of us. And that's exactly what
you did by filing this lawsuit for them allegedly breaking
anti trust law. Can you talk to us about what
it was exactly that you discovered and when did you
discover this.

Speaker 6 (16:41):
So over the last couple of years, we've been looking
at different companies banks have been doing this in certain ways,
discriminating its energy, and obviously Texas is an energy state,
so it matters to us that there's a free market
and an opportunity to sell our energy not just in
the United States but all of the world, and we
care about energy tenant. So we started looking at banks

that were potentially colluding to stop to use this climate
change thing to discriminate against lending to our energy companies.
And then we also realized with the coal industry that
these three entities black Rock that you mentioned, Dan Guarden
State Street Bank, they owned much many of the shares
of these companies, and they were they had We believe
they colluded to cut off coal production in the United States,

which allows them to make greater profits as coal becomes
more scarce. Unfortunately for consumers, especially those who can least
afford it, they're having to spend a lot more on
energy unnecessarily because these you know, these very wealthy h
banking and investment companies are discriminating against coal companies. That is,
we believe a violation about the Shermanac and the clay

Net and some of our state deceptive trade practice laws.

Speaker 1 (17:54):
Yeah, because basically what they did was start buying up
starts right of major Tell me if I have this right,
major coal companies and producers, I should say, so they
could force them to adopt their so called green energy policies,
and that resulted in limiting the amount of coal and
the amount of coal they can produce. And then that
affects us as the consumer too.

Speaker 2 (18:15):
Is that right? Do I have it right?

Speaker 6 (18:17):
You've got it exactly right. And it affects them and
that because there's less production, they can charge more for
that production. So their profits are going up as consumers
are paying more per unit of energy, and it's unnecessary
and it's it's illegal because the laws provided any major
shareholder or any group of major shareholders cannot collude to

restrain trade in the market. And that's clearly and exactly
what these companies done. They are restraining trade. They are
limiting the production of coal and the net beneficiary them
and the holders, and then the detriment goes to the
consumers into the country because we're no longer energy independent,
We're relying on foreign governments who hate us to import

energy and pay higher prices.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
Yeah, and that's what bothers so many of I mean,
they're making huge profits and at the same time the
energy users have to pay more for their energy. And
this is supposedly part of their mission, you know, to
have a green glow, but at the same time, it's
really to cut the supply of coal as well. Do
you think they're doing this too? Are there other commodities
and are you watching for other ways? And I wonder

if other states and attorney generals are looking at this
and thinking there could be other commodities that the same
thing could be done. Anything they can think of to
use climate as an excuse to corner the market.

Speaker 6 (19:35):
Well, they're mostly focused on fossil fuel, so coole, and
then in my state they've focused on oil and then
even natural gas, which was very clean, cool and yet
they are discriminating. We have stopped banks. We have a
law in our state that allows us to my office
to look at these different banking and these or any
entity that's discriminating its oil and gas and stop them

from issuing in our financial market so that we can
take away their opportunities. Banks opportunity to issue debt, make
money off of municipalities and state government if they decide
they want to discriminate against our old guess companies by
not lending money to them, and that's we've already kicked
several companies out of our state as a result of
that behavior and those actions.

Speaker 1 (20:19):
We're talking to Attorney General from Texas ken Paston. You know,
when we talk about that, I'm thinking also that we
talked about the increased prices for the consumer. Is there
can we put a number on that or a figure
to that percentage.

Speaker 6 (20:33):
I don't think we've run the full economic analysis that
that will be part of the damages when we get that,
we'll have our experts come in and testify what those
damages are. We do think they're in the billions. I mean,
we're talking lots of money because we're talking about a
large United States market and even just in Texas, we're
talking about a large number that when you cut back
that type of energy production, that type of coal production,

is costing consumers billions of dollars. We're all spending money
on energy that we could be spending on our families
in other ways.

Speaker 2 (21:04):
What would a win like this lawsuit actually do? What?
What could we how would an award look like?

Speaker 6 (21:12):
Well, first thing we're trying to do and join them
from continuing these practices that we can free up the
coal market and allow for for open trade and for
energy prices to drop for the consumers. And then second
we're going to we're gonna we're going to try to
measure damages and uh with our experts, and then that
money would come into the state and then the legislature

would have to decide how they want to allocate the damages,
whether a subsidized energy for for for techniques, or what
they're going to what they're could do, maybe they build
more infrastructure to make energy uh more reliable and more
efficient in our stay. I don't know they'll have to
decide that, but we're just trying to stop what they're
doing and hold them responsible for this plan, this collusion

to impact our entire country negatively.

Speaker 1 (21:58):
Yeah, and Blackgrow came out with a statement today too,
I think it was today. They said that the lawsuit
undermines Texas pro business reputation. They also said that the
suggestion that Blackrock invested money in companies with the goal
of harming those companies is baseless and defies common sense.
But you guys had to have your ducts in order,
I would suppose before you even file a suit of
this magnitude.

Speaker 6 (22:20):
Of course, any lawsuit, they would argue any lawsuit. Again, right,
business is anti business, which is not true. We are
a pro business state. I'm a pro business guy. You
can look at my legislative record. I voted for less taxes,
less regulation. But if you're going to defraud people and
you're going to collude to harm consumers, then you've gone
too far or somebody's got to protect against that because
individual consumers don't have the ability to sue these companies

at least not very many of them, and so they
can get away with it unless you have a state
willing to step in and protect them. And that's what
we're doing. So this idea is how we're anti business,
and the idea that they would never do anything to
the harmed business. Will guess what, They're not harming themselves.
They are harming consumers. They are they are profiting off
of this by charging higher prices because they're limiting the

supply of coal and therefore limiting the ability of limiting
the ability of these cultrotusues to provide energy. So, yeah,
they can say that, but they're not being They're not
They're being very disingenuous by not acknowledging that their profit
margins are going up as they're cutting back on production.

Speaker 1 (23:21):
I find it absolutely astounding that there was such an
organized I don't know why I'm surprised by this, but
such an organized effort to do this knowing you would think,
knowing that the person that the people that would be
harmed the most by this would be the consumer, would
be average American people who have already for the last
four years been struggling economically.

Speaker 2 (23:41):
Where's your heart, man, I don't get it.

Speaker 1 (23:43):
It just astounds me that they would actually set forth
to make this effort that would eventually hurt the American people.

Speaker 6 (23:51):
I think their view is that climate change everybody should
have to pay for you or and no matter what
the cost, you know, to the to the individual consumer,
no matter how much it harmed them, they have a
greater good in their mind, which is climate change. On
the other hand, of course, they're not paying for it.
They're making money as this process is going on. So
it's really it's really ironic that they're so willing to

sacrifice the American people, especially those who can least afford it,
the poor in the middle class, and they're making tons
of money out They're making billions of dollars off of
harming people. So I just find it very disingenuous and
very ironic that they would complain that, you know, they're
being harmed. They're not being harmed.

Speaker 1 (24:31):
They are harming us absolutely, and by exploiting the so
called climate change, and they're filling their pockets screwing the consumer.
And you know, I think I did read somewhere that
they said by twenty thirty they wanted to see that
production cut in half.

Speaker 2 (24:44):
Am I wrong? Did you read anything about that.

Speaker 6 (24:47):
Yeah, that's exacticult and it fits in with the you know,
Paris Accord where Obama signed on to that, Trump got
us outing that Biden cut us back into. It's completely
anti American. It's against our interests because interest are in
producing clean, reliable energy, which we can do and we're
getting better at using coal. We're getting obsolutely natural gas
is very clean burning. We have the ability to do this.

We have we have an amazing amount of resources that
will allow us to produce the energy that we need
for our country and e support to others, and we
can bring down the cost of energy for really the
entire world, and we benefit both ways. We are consumers benefit,
and we also bring more wealth back into our country
that you know, investors, American investors through the stock market

benefit from.

Speaker 1 (25:33):
You know, I have one more question for you. I
know that you're leading this charge. You are the Attorney
General Texas Ken Paxton, and we really do appreciate what
you're doing. I understand that you do have some other
states that are supporting you in this effort, or how
many do you have?

Speaker 6 (25:47):
So there's ten other states and they are Montana, West Virginia, Indiana, Alabama, Iowa, Arkansas, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming,
and the course of Texas. So those are states that
are to step up to the plate. There are other
states that I mean, they have some legitimate fears. These
are powerful players that contribute and dollars to politicians. I

get why there may be people that are that are
hesitant to join us because it is a battle against
some very powerful forces.

Speaker 1 (26:16):
Yeah, well, I don't think fear should be a factor,
and that's why I appreciate very much what you're doing
there in the state of Texas. We have the Attorney
General of Texas, Ken Paxton. Thank you so much for
what you do there and how you're watching out for
the American people.

Speaker 6 (26:29):
Hey, thanks for covering this important issue. And again happy.

Speaker 1 (26:32):
Thanks to thank you Sam to you all right, So
you are listening to the Sean Handy Show. My name
is Rose. Check me out on social media. You can
go to Rose Unplugged on just about any platform.

Speaker 2 (26:43):
I would love it if.

Speaker 1 (26:43):
You would follow me like me, you know, and share
some of the things that you see there, particularly the
podcast I am on Rumble, Spotify, Apple. I love using
Rumble though. That's my place to go and so it's
Rose unplugged on Rumble and please sign up there as
well and listen if you've got a prairie quest. She
is called by him dot Com and we do have

a team of people that pray for you when those
come in, and it's kept anonymous.

Speaker 2 (27:09):
So anyway, we'll be back. We have so much more.
I can't wait. Greg Lauri is joining us at the
top of the hour. And even more.

Speaker 1 (27:16):
Than that, Tom Homan the Border Boss. I'm not try
to make that work border Boss instead of borders are.

Speaker 5 (27:21):
The last time I talked to him, he said we
could call him the border God.

Speaker 2 (27:24):
So you know, of course I love you. Whatever he needs.
All right, We'll be back with more of the Sean
Handedy Show after this.

Speaker 5 (27:39):
Dig DD to expose how the government waste your money
each and every day.

Speaker 6 (27:48):
This is the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 2 (27:51):
Welcome back to the Sean Handedy Show. My name is Rose.

Speaker 1 (27:54):
Checking out on social media, Rose unplugged on all platforms,
also taking prairie quests at she is called by him
dot Com. We're going to go to Blanca who's calling
in Maryland. Blanka Linda tells me that you are a
lot of fun and I have to put you on.

Speaker 10 (28:09):
Well, good afternoon. Yes, well, I am thrilled that you
can take my call. I am among the forty six
percent who voted for number forty seven. I am Hispanic,
I am Latina, and I am a naturalized citizen immigrant
from El Salvador.

Speaker 11 (28:29):
I am a proud American first.

Speaker 1 (28:31):
I am Well, we are so glad to have you,
and I love that you called into the show today.
And I also appreciate and you probably can appreciate what
Tom Holman is planning on doing for this country and
he is coming up. But you mentioned El Salvador. We
all saw the heartbreaking video of that little two year
old girl who was traveling alone at the border, had

a little piece of paper in her hand with phone
numbers on, and it was like it was heartbreaking, Bronco,
this girl alone, treacherous journey to the United States. God
only knows what might have happened, could have happened, And
here she is and this is and and that same day,
by the way, there were about a dozen other miners
that were unaccompanied. So that's got to break your heart.

Speaker 10 (29:15):
It does. I what I well, she was also guided,
Uh you know these individuals, uh, these coyotes coyotes are
are paid, and so they know, they know more about
the border than most of us know, and they know

exactly where to stop and what to say. And you know,
I mean, who hasn't posted by hand, you know, in
hand while you're uh trafficking. No, these are they're rehearsed.
This is a rehearsal that happens with any crime like this.
The child is is basically at the mercy of the predator.
And so I am sure that this was a rehearse

I'm sure that. And somebody children as you noticed, they
might be eight years old, but they look like they're
about five and a half years old.

Speaker 1 (30:05):
Oh my, Yeah, it was just so sad to see.
And Blanca, thank you for your phone call, honey, and
happy Thanksgiving to you. Do we have time for Kathy
real quick. Let's take Kathy from Florida. Hey, Kathy, Hi, Hio.

Speaker 11 (30:19):
I'm so happy to talk to you. You have a
great speaking voice. You're doing great, You're doing wonderful. And
I just want to say happy Thanksgiving to all of you,
to Sean his family, his loved ones, and all of
you Rose and Linda and Katie and everybody in the
studio and I just want to say too that I'm

in West Palm Beach. I'm in Palm Beach right now,
not far from my logo, but I want you to
know the feeling, the vibe is so wonderful, and it's
not the weather.

Speaker 2 (30:51):
It doesn't hurt.

Speaker 9 (30:52):

Speaker 2 (30:52):
The weather doesn't hurt.

Speaker 11 (30:54):
That's right. We have great, beautiful weather. But whenever I
say hello to someone and they asked me how I am,
I say, I'm great, how are you? And so many
people have replied I'm great too, with a smile.

Speaker 8 (31:09):
Or a smok on their face.

Speaker 11 (31:11):
Because we know what's going on. We are making it
circ a great again.

Speaker 1 (31:15):
Yooo, happy, thank you for your phone call, Sweety, and
happy Thanksgiving to you.

Speaker 2 (31:19):
But I think you're already pretty darn happy.

Speaker 1 (31:21):
When we talked about the El Salvador girl, the little one,
the two year old, you know, this goes to the
fact that this is a humanitarian issue. It's all about humanity,
and to turn your head from that and not focus
on that. It's just the last four years. It's just
that's an outrage. If you ask me,

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