Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, thank you Scott Chaddan, thanks to all of
you for being with us. Right down are toll free
telephone number if you want to be a part of
the program. It is eight hundred and ninety four to
one Sean if you'd like to join us. We are
broadcasting from our nation's capital, ice freezing cold, not Florida weather,
the swamp, the sewer that is Washington, DC. Now normally
I would be home, and we did a great time.
We were at the Commander in Chief Ball last night,
which was awesome and it's really special because, I mean,
these are the people that keep us safe every day
and they deserve to be honored. It was the first
ball that Donald Trump went to and the first ball
that he and Melani had danced at and he spoke at.
And then what was really also pretty amazing, there was
a moment when they had a satellite feed from soldiers
abroad and they were communicating back and forth with them,
which I thought was very cool too. I believe from
South Korea is where they were based. And so it
was just a special night and to and to actually
meet people and and see people that are you know,
we have an all volunteer armed services and from every
branch of government. And you know these guys, man, I
was wearing a tux and I was under dressed. They
look they look pretty pretty cool in those uniforms, they
really do. And the nicest people, the most respectful people.
I wish I had more time to be around the people,
but we were working. We were on for two hours
last night. And Donald Trump was so busy yesterday. I'm
going to go through a list of everything that he
accomplished that he ended up arriving at the balls late.
He went to three of them, uh late into the night,
and it was just it was it was just very special,
special that he went to the military ball, the Commander
and Chief ball first. I'm not sure exactly what happened
today because I was so busy prepping. Now, a couple
of programming notes. Tonight we will be doing and this
is the reason I'm staying is tonight we will be
doing a town hall at the Capitol with Speaker Johnson
and House Republicans. Now, why is that important. It's important
because we have a very slim majority in the House.
It's important because every one of them need to be
on the same page. You know, they're gonna have a
five vote margin by the time all is said and done.
And these replacements, you know, kick him that they've got
a number of people they got to replace, what Mike Waltz,
They got to replace Elise Stavonic, So they're shy a
few seats. And so that's got to happen. And for
Donald Trump, he got nearly two hundred executive orders. I'll
go through the whole list of it in a second
passed yesterday. There's a lot he can do on his own.
There's many things that he's going to need the help
of Congress on. There are going to be times and
I mentioned this to you where we come to you
and ask you and deputize you, just like we did
during the election, and say you got to call you congressman,
your senator and ask them to vote this way on
a particular bill because you've got to bring some pressure
on these people that don't have a spine or a backbone,
and that frankly, don't understand the real nature of the
mandate that Donald Trump was given here. And Donald Trump, frankly,
you know, if you go just a week two weeks
before the election, it was there were predictions out there
that Republicans had a twenty percent chance of holding the House.
It was not looking good for them to hold the House,
but they did hold it. Indeed, that helps him pass
his agenda, but that will it will only get passed
if they stay united. Now what does that mean for
these members? That means that they're not going to get
everything that they want. I wish I got everything ON
wanted in life. I don't get everything I want in life.
Linda has a bad mood occasionally. You know what, Well,
that's a random thought.
Speaker 2 (04:07):
Oh my god, I thought that Toldo was the worst.
I guess it's me giving you a hard time.
Speaker 1 (04:11):
Yeah, you give me a hard time all day about
the stupid tuxedo which I had to wear.
Speaker 2 (04:15):
I was at a ball. I think you should just
walk around and want every day. I think you should
go home. Oh.
Speaker 1 (04:21):
I lost all control of the show last night when
they started talking about you know, a tire, I mean,
as you know and all these different brands. I'm like, okay,
I'm I'm like it's it's it's over.
Speaker 2 (04:33):
Speaker 1 (04:34):
So there are gonna be times that we're gonna have
to do this, and we will let you know if
you think that just voting for Trump was enough.
Speaker 2 (04:44):
I'm gonna be blunt. It's not. It was.
Speaker 1 (04:47):
I'm very grateful to all of you because many of
you did things and and and heard me ask you
to do things you did not want to do. I
would say, I know you're reluctant, you're resistant, you don't
want to vote earlier, you don't want to vote by mail,
you don't trust it, but you did it anyway because
you understood the importance of it. We ended up going
into Pennsylvania, for example, a very important swing state, and
Kamala Harris started that day Election day down seven hundred
thousand votes from where Joe Biden was because so many
of you decided to embrace early voting. And what you
may not know is behind the scenes, Republicans every day
get an update of the people that have voted. And
then you have high propensity voters, people that will vote
in every election. Then you have mid propensity voters, people
that have vote yeah, maybe only in presidential election years,
maybe in congressional years, maybe gubernatorial years. Then you have
low propensity voters. They identify based on that day's voting
who they.
Speaker 2 (05:55):
Need to target.
Speaker 1 (05:56):
That maximizes the impact of the final answers that they're
spending on targeting.
Speaker 2 (06:02):
People to go out to vote. It played a huge.
Speaker 1 (06:05):
Role all day on election day, I was checking in
with these heavily democratic areas of Pennsylvania, Philly, Allegheny County,
you know, in and around the Pittsburgh area. I wanted
to know whether or not for Kamala Harris to win,
she would have needed record voter turnout in these heavily
democratic areas, the same in Milwaukee in Wisconsin, wouldn't. She
went into election day down forty five percent from where
she was, so, you know what does all that mean.
I was on with with Dana Perino and Bill Hemmer
that morning Election day morning at nine am, and I said,
we're starting this day and Kamala has a math problem.
Then at nine thirty nine that night, I was on
a panel. It must have been twelve people on that panel,
and I said, I might be getting a little over
my skis here because I've been checking in with the
Trump room all day long in all of these heavily
democratic areas in all of these battleground states. I knew
we would win by that point, North Carolina, I knew
we would win. Georgia, I was looking to turnout models
numbers all day long, talking to people on the ground,
people that follow these districts, these numbers, these votes. I mean,
it's actually a science, and I didn't want to get
people's hopes up, nor did I want to have people
thinking this thing was in the bag. Although I felt
very confident going into election day based on the early
voting numbers, did I want to communicate that to you,
Not really, because I wanted you to believe, because you
never know. I mean, what if the turnout in these
heavily democratic areas was much higher. I had no idea
of knowing what would happen that day. I don't have
a crystal ball, and you have to assume in an
important election, like any election, that your vote is going
to be the determining vote for the entire country.
Speaker 2 (07:59):
And I don't.
Speaker 1 (08:01):
I don't back off what I did anyway. So that's
why we're doing this tonight. Then on Wednesday, I am
still going to remain in our nation's capital, where it
is freezing. I mean, twenty minute walk to the ball
last night. My feet were numb, my face was numb,
my ears were numb. But I got there and I
made it through a little bit of heat, and when
you got inside I felt better. And anyway, so we
get there and you know, ten minutes before the show, Uh,
do you mind doing two hours? I'm like, oh, no problem,
glad to And it was actually really fun.
Speaker 2 (08:39):
I enjoyed. I enjoyed meeting all all of our brave
military people. They're amazing.
Speaker 1 (08:44):
There's still going to be opposition, the lunatic legacy, state
run media is the same.
Speaker 2 (08:51):
You know, this happened this morning.
Speaker 1 (08:53):
Somebody handed sweet Baby James handed me some posts on
this that apparently, you know, at the National Cathedral today,
some bishop.
Speaker 2 (09:04):
I don't know who the person is. I don't know.
Oh I do know who the person is. Where you're
left right there on my life? All right?
Speaker 1 (09:14):
We got more, all right, but there's no reason to
bring up the person's name anyway. Spiritual leader for eighty
six episcopal congregations ten episcopal schools in D C and
Maryland counties. The first woman elected to the position serves
as the chair of the Protestant Episcopal Cathedral Foundation, which
oversees the ministries of the Washington National Cathedral and cathedrals.
All right, blah blah blah, I don't have a problem
that she has political views. However, this was supposed to
be a bipartisan interfaith prayer service today, and immediately she
gets political. Donald Trump is there with JD and his wife,
are there, Eric Trump, Donald Trump Junior, Tiffany Trump Laurd
They're all there, The whole family's there. And then the
bishop urging Donald Trump to protect transgender children and not
deport illegal immigrants because they're not criminals. Well, if you
enter the country illegally, by definition, Bishop, you are here illegally.
Speaker 2 (10:25):
You broke the law.
Speaker 1 (10:26):
You didn't respect our laws, our borders and sovereignty. And
if I had a conversation with this bishop, I'd have
a lot of questions for the bishop. What part of
terrorists being in the country, murderers and rapists being in
the country, other violent criminals being in the country that
are hurting Americans? Are you having a hard time understanding
or the people that are plotting and planning and scheming
terror attacks on our country. Anyway, here's what was said
during the quote, you can't make it up the bip
artisan inner faith prayer service.
Speaker 3 (11:02):
I ask you to have mercy upon the people in
our country who are scared. Now there are gay lesbian
and transgender children in Democratic, Republican and independent families. Some
who fear for their lives, and the people, the people
who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who
labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants, who wash the
dishes after we eat in restaurants, and work the night
shifts in hospitals. They may not be citizens or have
the proper documentation, but the vast majority of immigrants are
not criminals. They pay taxes and are good neighbors. They
are faithful members of our churches and mosques, synagogues, widara
and temples. I ask you to have mercy, mister President,
on those in our communities whose children fear that their
parents will be taken away, and that you help those
who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own
lands to find compassion and welcome here. Our God teaches
us that we are to be merciful to the stranger,
for we will all want strangers in this land.
Speaker 1 (12:31):
What about safety security? Would she say that to Lake
and Riley's family, Rachel Morn's family, Joscelyn Nungary, that little
what thirteen year old girl was a twelve year old
girl raped and videotape being raped in Queens, New York.
Speaker 2 (12:48):
What do you say to those families.
Speaker 1 (12:50):
No, we have to vet people coming into the country,
and it's merciful that we ask people if you want
to come here. I'm all in favor of legal immigration
and I don't really care where you come from, but
we got to vet you. We've got to make sure
you don't have radical associations. We've got to do a
health check in a post pandemic world, and we've got
to meet not with forty trillion in debt, afford to
pay for free housing, healthcare, education, etc. By the way,
legacy media mob, they're never gonna learn over at MSDNC
last night, you know, they're blasting Elon Musk claiming he
did a Nazi salute. No he did not. They've learned nothing.
This is conspiracy theorist extraordinary. Rachel Manow. I mean, it's
just let's double down on dumb, stupid and conspiracy theories
hating Trump and lying and calling him a Nazi fascist,
a racist and comparing him to Hitler Nazi installin.
Speaker 2 (13:47):
Let's go back to that.
Speaker 1 (13:49):
How can this be happening to our country because the
American people voted for it.
Speaker 2 (13:53):
That's how it's happening.
Speaker 1 (13:54):
Like we got stuck with Biden because you hid his
cognitive decline and I did not, you know, but that
that triggered. Right now, all right, we continue. We are
in our nation's capital. Do you have that Anna Navarro tape?
Let's just play it. Apparently she went, I guess it
was on that hard hitting news show.
Speaker 4 (14:13):
The view was spotlighting Snoop is because of the things
that Snoop Dogg said ten days before the inaugural in
twenty seventeen. And so look, if you opposed and stood
up against Trump in twenty seventeen, but you were there now.
If you spoke up against Trump January seventh, twenty twenty one,
but you were there now applauding him like a trained seal.
Donald Trump has not changed. You've changed.
Speaker 2 (14:46):
Speaker 1 (14:47):
And for those of you that think that the state
run legacy media mob, they haven't learned a thing. All
these shows, I'm telling you right now, they're all on
cancelation watch, I promise you. And that goes for all
you know, Bear fallon Kimmel. They're all on cancelation watch.
And if you want to be a content pretor, you
better some and speaking of truth, Donald Trump fired a
thousand people on day one, on top of a million
other things.
Speaker 2 (15:15):
We'll get to all that. On the other side. I
see Russell Brand out there. Maybe he'll come in and
say quick hello to us. I know him. He's a trip.
He really is.
Speaker 1 (15:25):
What a crazy life he's led. Anyway, we'll get to that.
We continue from our nation's capital straight ahead.
Speaker 5 (15:37):
Continuing the mission of saving America. As we return to
the Sean Hannity Show.
Speaker 1 (15:45):
I twenty five now to the top of the hour,
eight hundred and ninety four, one sewn number. You never
know who you're going to run into. So we have
a we have an undisclosed radio location, and I walk
outside and I see Russell Brand. Russell Brand is going
to be on my podcast, Shawn on Function Nations soon.
And all right, you have to run to the airport.
You have the single greatest life story I've ever heard.
Let me run through a quick Addicted to crack heroin
feet for decades, Okay, you completely used to be a
huge liberal.
Speaker 2 (16:18):
You've completely changed.
Speaker 6 (16:20):
And he's doing my whole life bio, my whole bio.
Speaker 2 (16:22):
And now and now you're a big Christian. Your whole
life has changed.
Speaker 6 (16:27):
The Heaveny Father is the only one that can create lasting, urgent,
immediate change, and you can only do it here in
the now, Sean Hannity, in this exact moment, where we
are right now, is where you will find Christ, Jesus
and thanks.
Speaker 2 (16:40):
Two or more gathered in my name there, So shall
I be.
Speaker 6 (16:44):
Yeah, and two or more that's his minimum, though just one.
I'm not doing that, although sometimes in moments of absolute
despair is when you find it most. And some of
my moments of darkest despair of being in solitude actually,
and some of my moments of greatest pleasure, But that's
another story and not for the Sean Hannity radio show.
Speaker 2 (17:04):
Oh gosh, those days are behind me.
Speaker 6 (17:07):
All pleasure sought for self, no use to me anymore,
I will be honest. The metronome between ego and his
glory continues to swing back and forth continually. I would
endow Lucifer with that which he demands instead of the
Heavenly Father. But he's calling his strong Sean. Once you've
been caught, once you've been called, once you've been guided
guarded by him.
Speaker 2 (17:30):
Oh it's how do you like the fact that Donald
Trump's back being president.
Speaker 6 (17:34):
Okay, this is what this is the canary in the
cage as I see it, Hannity, you know more about
politics than me, so just so I'm just going to
say that in the front so it doesn't feel threatened
to get annoyed and start.
Speaker 2 (17:43):
Talking all the time.
Speaker 6 (17:45):
He's like, this is what I believe is that as
long as Bobby Kennedy gets confirmed and sworn in, then
we will know that this is something that's never happened
before in your great country, in your epitomizing and glorious name.
You have a movement that defies taxonomy and category. Because
Bobby Kennedy was I don't want to say to the
left of the Democrats, because I know how inflammatory that
word is in this particular vernacular. But what I mean
is he's more anti corporate, more pro true freedom, more
pro Christ, more pro love and if you are pro
all those things, and of course you care about kindness
and care and health and healing and decency. Now, Bobby Kennedy,
I happen to know him a little, and actually I
can see him a friend, and I love him, and
I know that he's a good man. I also know
that doctor menmett Oz is a good man. So if
you really, and of course you do. I told you, Sean,
you know more people than anyone. You're at the Oval
Office tomorrow interviewing Trump. If you missed that interview, you're crazy.
That's Sean Hannity and Trump. We all remember that defining
moment in the campaign when on Sean's show, Trump said,
I'll make yourself dictator for a day. Georgan and the
mad me when ah see he admits it, he's going
to make himself dictator and then surely said today saying
as sensible people saw the context, and the context was
Sean Hannity.
Speaker 2 (19:11):
Let's never forget that.
Speaker 6 (19:12):
Sean Hannity is providing the context, and we knew they're
lying to us, because if they're trying to make something
that he said as a joke crazy mad like that,
then what else are they lying about?
Speaker 2 (19:23):
Speaker 6 (19:24):
You won't believe it, mate.
Speaker 2 (19:25):
I saw this reel of.
Speaker 6 (19:26):
MSNBC when Trump was departing in twenty twenty, before the
Biden administration. I saw them apoplectic about if he pardons
Stan Junior, and if he pardons all those people, if
he pardons them, then that shows you because You don't
need to give someone a pardon if they've not done
anything wrong.
Speaker 2 (19:44):
Yeah, yeah, they are evil. They are evil.
Speaker 6 (19:47):
And I was watching it and the only reason that
I was I was confused because Joy Bare, the lady
of MSNBC, the woman of color.
Speaker 2 (19:53):
I read Joy read, Joy read she had hair.
Speaker 6 (19:55):
So I was thinking, is this now?
Speaker 2 (19:57):
Is it? And then then it's like, oh my.
Speaker 6 (19:59):
God, this is four years ago. Why they better be
saying that about Fauci. They better be saying that about
the Bidens and the O'Neills and that endless list of pardons.
Speaker 2 (20:10):
I beg your pardon.
Speaker 6 (20:11):
I never promised you a rose garden, but I promised
you a job of barisma.
Speaker 2 (20:15):
And you sure as hell got it.
Speaker 6 (20:17):
If they if then the reason that I think that
Bobby is so important to this is because if Trump
can accommodate Bobby, this is a new alliance. This is
a new era.
Speaker 2 (20:26):
It already is that we can ask him tomorrow.
Speaker 1 (20:31):
I'm not going to tell you now. You'll have to
tune in. You better go catch your plane. You're at
the Hilton.
Speaker 2 (20:38):
Who's Linda, that's Linda. You're unbelievable. I mean that in
a good way. You're unbelievable.
Speaker 6 (20:46):
It's going to take one twenty two out of break
then you're.
Speaker 2 (20:48):
Out of here. Well, you're the ones saying you're going
to missure your plane over your country. Sean, my fault.
I didn't not talk to God. Jesus, realize you don't
speak to God.
Speaker 6 (21:01):
You're not gonna do an exclusive Showan Hannity with God
in the Oval Office, Hannity and God's chosen prophet.
Speaker 2 (21:11):
Sean Hannity, do do Doom.
Speaker 1 (21:13):
Yeah, I'm out there in the worlderness eating plants and
go get your plane.
Speaker 2 (21:19):
Get out after you, mate, I am gonna see you.
You're gonna you're.
Speaker 1 (21:23):
Coming on my podcast and we're gonna talk about your
whole life and we're gonna go as long as it
probably means poor.
Speaker 2 (21:28):
Whatever you want, sure I will deliver.
Speaker 6 (21:30):
I'm happy to be in your service, even happy to
pretend that it wasn't pre taped.
Speaker 2 (21:34):
That's how much I love you. That's how much I
love you. Already take it.
Speaker 1 (21:39):
Goodbye. Russell Brandt. Oh my gosh, the life story is amazing.
It is unbelievably amazing, and uh he really it's a
real deal, all right. Eight hundred and nine point one
Shawn our number. If you want to be a part
of the program, and look, God forbid you find yourself
in this very dangerous world. You have to defend yourself,
your family. Somebody breaks in your house, your business, and
what happens. You know, with today's justice system as weaponized
as it is, government overreach. You know, look at some
of these people out there. The album brags of the world.
It's too real. And these politicians, these prosecutors, they want
nothing more than to make an example out of you,
especially out of law abiding gun owners, people like me
and you. And that's why I've been a proud member
of the USCCA for over nine years. And I know,
of God forbid, I have to defend my life, my
family's life. I know that I will not be standing alone.
Speaker 2 (22:34):
And I want to.
Speaker 1 (22:35):
Encourage all of you please protect your family, your freedom's
Join the over eight hundred thousand responsible gun owners like
me that trust the USCCA. They're going to teach you
safety and training, They situational self defense in your area, resources,
self defense, liability insurance. Do it now while you can
before something got God forbid, ever happens. Text my last
name Hannah to eight seven to two to two. Learn
more about how membership with the USCCA will safeguard your
family protect your rights. Text Tannity h A n N
I T Y to eight seven to two to two,
and you'll be glad you did so. Russell brim you
know I'm doing this new podcast for a Fox Nation
dot com.
Speaker 2 (23:16):
I'm sorry, he's a trip. You're you have an exclusive
with the baby Jesus nobody told us he's not the baby. Okay,
so he was addicted to crack I by Russell brand
I was talking about the fact that he said you
had an exclusive with God.
Speaker 1 (23:30):
Well he was joking, I uh, crack, heroin and sex.
Speaker 2 (23:35):
And this guy sounds like a good no, no, no,
he's been.
Speaker 1 (23:39):
He's been off of drugs for twenty plus years. He's
been and he's now changed his whole life around. Married
at one point to Katie Perry, I asked him about that,
and that's gonna be one.
Speaker 2 (23:52):
Of my interviews coming up. Oh my god, well he's
out a heat. Why she was the one who took
the property away from the nuns. Anybody I remember that fight.
I'm sorry, You're going to hell. Have a nice trip.
Oh my god, can you help yourself? Can you please
help yourself. You're kidding me. I assure you most people
would agree with that. You can't take property from nuns.
There's got to be some kind of like you know,
unspoken law.
Speaker 1 (24:11):
Hello law, Okay, hello. Anyway, so he will he will
join us. I'll let you know when that comes up.
I will tell you.
Speaker 2 (24:20):
Yesterday was amazing for a million different reasons. It really was.
Speaker 1 (24:24):
And to see the lightning speed that Donald Trump worked.
I mean, by the way he fired a thousand people.
Buckle up Washington because a lot of you last minute appointees.
Speaker 2 (24:38):
No, you're on probation for a year.
Speaker 1 (24:40):
And Joe Biden thought he was going to sabotage Trump
with that little maneuver of his. That's not going to
work out too well either. But anyway, the purge has
begun a thousand by the administration appointees. If they're going
to be there to sabotage Trump, they need to go.
He was elected by of and for the people, and
the people elect him to do the things that he did.
Now TikTok became a pretty big issue. And anyway, Donald
Trump has a directive for the dj not to enforce
this ban and give them seventy five days to divestimate.
Speaker 2 (25:16):
And the reason is simple.
Speaker 1 (25:17):
Senator Tom Cotton and others say that TikTok is a
spying app, which I have no reason to doubt them.
Marco Rubio has said as much. Then you know what,
let elon Musk or somebody else by it. If you
have the money, go buy TikTok. Let me tell you
be a billionaire in no time. He stopped seventy eight
Biden error executive actions, Thank god. He withdrew from those
ridiculous Paris Climate Accord agreements, the ones that deem China
and India developing nations. He ended all federal cases and
investigation of any Trump supporters. He revoked protections for quote,
transgender troops. We can't have a woke military. And I'm
not saying to go after people. I'm just saying, I
want freedom in this world. If you want the freedom,
but you can't expect taxpayers to be accommodating. And he
did declare that there are two sexes, male and female.
And by the way, that just flipped out the state
run media mob. Overhauling the refugee admissions program to align
with American principles and interest a national emergency, he declared
at the US Mexico border, designating drug cartels and Trende
Aragua as foreign terrorist organizations. Reversing all the immigration orders
from the Biden era, including one that narrows deportation priorities
to people who commit serious crimes and are deem national
security threats or were stopped at the border. We're send
a policy created by Biden that sought to guide the
development of AI to prevent misuse, whatever that means. I mean,
this is all big government nonsense that's costing us a fortune.
Riscind the Biden policy that allows federal agencies to take
certain initiatives to boost voter registration. Riscind the twenty twenty
one Title nine order banning discrimination based on gender identity,
sexual orientation, and education programs that get federal funding.
Speaker 2 (27:17):
Well, okay, that has.
Speaker 1 (27:19):
Everything to do with, you know, men playing in women's sports.
It removes the whole purpose of Title nine, and Donald
Trump ficks out. Donald Trump revoked what Biden did last
week when he rescinded Cuba from a US state sponsored
terrorism list.
Speaker 2 (27:36):
That was a bad idea.
Speaker 1 (27:38):
He ordered federal employees get back to work in the
office five days a week like everybody else. And guess what.
Watch a lot of these people that aren't really doing
a lot of work, they're going to say bye bye.
He ordered a federal hiring freeze, including exceptions for posts
related to national security, public safety, military, directed every governmental
department of an agency to address the cost of living crisis.
Restore freedom of speech, prevents censorship of speech, and the
weaponization of government against political adversaries. Impose twenty five percent
tariffs on products from Mexico and Canada as of February first.
By the way, that is called the beginning of a negotiation.
That's how he works. Reverse the Biden's sanctions on Israeli
settlers in the West Bank. Reverse Biden's order requiring fifty
percent of new cars sold in twenty thirty to be
electric vehicles. How about we believe in freedom. If you
want a gas powered vehicle, get a gas powered vehicle.
If you want a hybrid, get a hybrid. If you
want a Tesla, you want an EV get an EV.
No problem, but stop forcing Ford to lose four and
a half billion dollars in a year and all the
jobs associated with it. It's insane. He instituted enhanced screening
for visa applicants in total, over four hundred I'm sorry,
over two hundred actions yesterday, all totaled.
Speaker 2 (28:58):
He reopened and walked.
Speaker 1 (29:00):
He ordered the Attorney General, Secretary of State, and Secretary
of Homeland Security to take all appropriate action to prioritize
the prosecution of any illegal immigrant that commits a crime,
which draw the US from the Global Minimum Tax Agreement.
Thank god, you know what that means, all the countries
get together. Oh, we're going to all tax corporations at
a high rate, and that prevents any competitive advantage for
America to bring big companies that pay high paying salaries.
Speaker 2 (29:32):
For American workers. That's so stupid anyway.
Speaker 1 (29:35):
He also instituted a ninety day pause in issuance of
foreign aid. He ordered the Attorney General to pursue the
death penalty for killing a law enforcement officer or any
capital crime committed by any illegal immigrant. He ordered the
Secretary of Commerce Interior to restart efforts to route water
from California's Sacramento San Joaquin Delta to other parts of
the state.
Speaker 2 (29:56):
He withdrew the US from.
Speaker 1 (29:58):
That propaganda arm of the the communist Chinese called the
World Health Organization.
Speaker 2 (30:03):
Globalism needs to die. Frankly.
Speaker 1 (30:05):
The next step needs to get out of the UN,
send it to China. Let them pay the seven billion
dollars we pay a year. He ordered the Treasury Department
to explore the creation of an external revenue service. Oh,
other countries that don't have free and fair trade with US,
they now begin to pay us instead of you know,
hiring you know how many hundreds of thousands of IRS
agents to harass moms and dads. Revoke security clearances for
ex National Security Advisor John Bolton and those fifty one
former Intel officials who said the Hunter Biden laptop boiled
classic gear marks of Russian disinformation. They did that as
a talking point for Joe. They knew nothing about that.
He declared the border crisis and invasion. He ordered the
Attorney General and Secretary's of State and Homeland Security to
take appropriate action and repel, repatriate, and remove any alien
engaged in such, formally renaming the Gulf of Mexico the
Gulf of America. He fired the chef of the World
Central Kitchen clapback at his firing on x saying he'd
already submitted to his resignation last week. My two year
term was already up. May God give you wisdom, mister President.
Speaker 2 (31:18):
And I can go on and on. And that's day one.
Speaker 1 (31:22):
And by the way, bye bye former Atlanta Mayor Keisha
Lance Bottoms from the President's Export Council, and a thousand
other a thousand other people the Golden Age of America.
Let's hope and pray he's successful in every way, shape,
matter and form. All right, this issue of Democrats all
saying the same thing, Oh no, you can't have preempted pardons. Well,
Joe Biden said it, Chuck Schumer said it, everybody in
the media said it.
Speaker 2 (31:52):
We've got all the tape, We've got new Gingrich.
Speaker 1 (31:55):
We might take some of the president's press conference, but
he had one yesterday, so we might dip in and
out of it. Want to remind you, ever since I've
had an opportunity to save money once I got out
of a living paycheck to paycheck for many years, I
always put a small percentage of money in gold and silver.
Speaker 2 (32:10):
I'm glad I did.
Speaker 1 (32:12):
And you know what, getting this economy back on track
is going to be bumpy. And I love the security
of gold and silver, always have. My company now is
called Gold Co. Why they are the best. You have
global conflicts, you have credit card default soaring, a national
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Speaker 2 (32:58):
I'm not taking any chance anyway.
Speaker 1 (33:01):
Go to hannitygold dot com Hannitigold dot com today anyway,
don't forget tonight town Hall Speaker Johnson and House Republicans
tomorrow Donald Trump from the Oval Office, as we stay
in the freezing cold capital of our nation, DC, the
swamp straight ahead