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December 2, 2024 30 mins

Peter Schweizer, President of the Government Accountability Institute and Host of the Drill Down Podcast, has been out front and ahead of most when it comes to the Biden clan. Today’s news is no different.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
Well, we have come in.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
To your.

Speaker 3 (00:10):

Speaker 4 (00:10):
I get Tom saying you a confid zone, will be
high all.

Speaker 5 (00:19):
And if you want a little banging agin me, I
come along.

Speaker 6 (00:22):
And what we're seeing here is Donald Trump's presidential transition
is getting.

Speaker 1 (00:27):
A thumbs up.

Speaker 6 (00:27):
And dare I say two thumbs up from the American people.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
Look, he's talking about doing two two million dollar cuts,
financing it with things like taking away people's social.

Speaker 7 (00:35):
Security in order to be able to do more.

Speaker 2 (00:38):
Get the waste for billionaires.

Speaker 1 (00:44):
I have to see.

Speaker 4 (00:45):
Please take it, don't jump in the pool.

Speaker 1 (00:48):
Freedom is back in style. Welcome to the well, come.

Speaker 5 (00:55):
In to your saying you a conscious song.

Speaker 1 (01:03):
Sean Hennity Show.

Speaker 5 (01:07):
More, I'm the scene's information on freaking news and more
bold inspired solutions for America. H Thanks, Scotch had an
hour too. Sean Hannity Show told free it's eight hundred
and ninety four one.

Speaker 2 (01:20):

Speaker 5 (01:20):
If you want to be a part of the program,
well it is. It is getting credible reaction. I think
what we're going to play later in the program will
will kind of shock you. Oh no, Joe will never
ever ever pardon Hunter. And of course Joe in his
own words, which we have been playing and will continue
to play over there a fake news CNN one analyst

actually saying that the Hunter Biden pardon will tarnish Biden's legacy.
He'd lied to us. Well, he lied and said the
borders were secure, and he lied repeatedly and said that
inflation was transitory, and he lied about Donald Trump and
Maga Republican that he calls us garbage and all this
surrogates called a Nazis and fascists, et cetera, et cetera.

Just never ends. Anyway, here's even fake new CNN.

Speaker 7 (02:10):
Well, I totally agree with the governor that this parton
will tarnish Joe Biden's legacy. I mean Joe Biden. Let's
be clear here. He lied to us for a long time.
He said categorically, I will not pardon my son. He said,
I will take it off the table, and he couched
it in very high minded terminology. I respect the Justice Department,
I respect the juries very well. Now he's gone back

on that. I don't know how many people actually believed him.

Speaker 5 (02:32):
I certainly didn't, Okay, And it's not just that it
was the lies that Kamlotol that Donald Trump will he's
going to limit your access to contraception. He'll sign a
National Abortion Band project twenty twenty five, he'll stop IVF
treatment for treatments for women, et cetera. And now you've
got women out there getting hysterectomies and shaving their heads

and swearing off sex, divorcing their husbands, and stockpile abortion pills.
And that's just the beginning. It gets crazier and crazier.

Speaker 1 (03:04):

Speaker 5 (03:05):
Then, of course you've got Biden repeatedly saying denying that
he would you know that he ever talked to his
son about his private business dealings. There are Democrats saying
you may want to pardon yourself too on the way out, Joe, listen.

Speaker 6 (03:21):
There's this testimony now where one of your son's former
business associates is claiming that you were on speakerphone a
lot with them talking business.

Speaker 2 (03:30):
Is that whatever?

Speaker 1 (03:31):
Jogg business? Never? Man? I know you have a lousy question.

Speaker 6 (03:35):
Well what do you Why is that a lousy question?

Speaker 1 (03:37):
It's because it's not true.

Speaker 7 (03:39):
How involved were you in your Sun Tines shakedown text mess?

Speaker 1 (03:44):
Were you sitting there?

Speaker 3 (03:45):
Were you involved? Don't you know?

Speaker 6 (03:50):
Your vice president? How many times have you ever spoken
to your son about his overseas business dealings.

Speaker 7 (03:56):
I've never spoken my son about his overseas for the zuers,
I have never.

Speaker 4 (03:59):
Discussed with my son, or my brother or anyone else
couldn't be having with their business period.

Speaker 3 (04:06):
You stand by your statement that you did not discuss
any of your son's overseas business stage.

Speaker 4 (04:11):
Stand by that.

Speaker 5 (04:12):
Student, Yes, I stand by that statement. Okay, So whatever,
we know that all of this was a lie. Now,
the person that first broke this story is a friend
of this program, and that's Peter Sweitzer. He's the president
of the Government Accountability Institute. He broke this story six
years ago, and the Biden family syndicate and their business

and most of the mainstream media ignored all of it.
We did not. We paid very close attention to it.
Had Peter on this program often, I would say, you know,
take a bow, but you're never going to get the
credit you deserve. But history needs to know all that
you did, because I didn't know about this till you
exposed it in your book and did the first interview

with you.

Speaker 1 (04:57):
Well, thanks Sean, great to be with you. Merry Christmas,
and yeah, you're right. It's funny how things have come
full circle. And I think one of the reasons that
they latched onto the Democrats tried to create the Russia
collusion narrative is they know how powerful and troubling it
is to the American people that prominent American political figures

would somehow be taking money or have a relationship with
our foreign adversaries. And of course, in the Russia collusion case,
it was all made up. It was Sony, it was fake.
In the case of the Bidens, it's not. And so
what's happened now is that Joe Biden has not just
pardoned his son, he has also effectively pardoned his co conspirator,

which happens to be Joe Biden himself. Because let's remember
Sean six months ago when they filed the tax charges
against Punter Biden for failing to pay taxes on millions
of dollars for money coming from overseas. They said in
that statement that there was an ongoing influencing, influenced pad
investigation that the dj was embarked on looking at Hunter Biden.

Who would have been the subject of that foreign influence
pedaling scheme. That would have been Joe Biden himself. So
by pardoning Hunter, he's not only absolved him of all crimes,
that's what the pardon says, but he has also basically
ended this floor and influenced peddling investigation, which was of

course directly involving him.

Speaker 5 (06:27):
Let's go back to the beginning, because you were able
to expose this and the corruption of others. And I
think it was the book Secret Empires. You've written so
many number one best sellers. I don't remember, but I
think that was the first book that exposes Am I wrong, No,
you're right.

Speaker 1 (06:42):
It was twenty eighteen, came on your show, and at
that point, you know, people didn't really know much about
Hunter Biden. They knew that he had gotten kicked out
of the Navy for cocaine use. But what we were
able to show is that there was a systematic effort
by the Biden family. Hunter was the center point of
it to profit off of foreign deals because Joe Biden

was vice President of the United States under Barack Obama.
And we uncovered it, frankly, because we ran across some
posts in Chinese social media in late twenty sixteen, where Sean,
you have Hunter Biden, the son of the vice President
of the United States. In twenty thirteen meeting with in
China by himself with one aid, the equivalent of the

Treasury Secretary of the United States, the head of the
Federal Reserve, the head of Goldman Sachs, and the head
of JP Morgan. And I wondered, why is this guy here?
He has no and then we've discovered, oh well, and behold,
he has launched this business. And that's what got us
looking at to the deals that he was doing in China,
he was doing Ukraine, and he was also doing in Russia.

Speaker 5 (07:51):
The thing that really amazes me is the sheer amount
of money and the total lack of coverage altogether, especially
with all that was going on involving Donald Trump. Like,
for example, mar Alago is rated, but they never rated
Joe Biden's four locations where he had top secret classified documents.
Hillary Clinton deleted thirty three thousand emails with bleach bit,

destroyed you know, phones with hammers, and removed SIM cards
her home her office was never rated. So we had
all this double standard. I mentioned FAISA. PISA is another
issue where I feel it was nothing but you know,
an abuse of power. And then you have the whole
Bearisma issue in the Biden family business. And then you

have you know, Betharina, the Russian oligarch lady and the
monies that came from there. But we also talked about
Russia money coming from Bisma. Now in that particular case,
you have Hunter Biden at a time when we're told
he was addicted to drugs, and Hunter Biden, who also

is making millions of dollars for something in which he
has no experience, and he said and Joe Biden himself
is out there saying I never once spoke to my brother,
my son, or anybody for that matter about their foreign
business deals. And all of this evidence emerged thanks to
your initial research that proved that Joe Biden met with

many of Hunter Biden's business partners. So we learned all
of this in the course of this investigation. Again, it
was like unpeeling layers of an onion, like the Russia
hoax that was exposed and it became a big fraud.
And it just is amazing to me that this level
of corruption does exist in our government.

Speaker 1 (09:32):
Yeah, and Sean, look, none of the details of the
story that you're talking about, the research that I did,
the research that John Solomon and others exposed, none of
the story was exposed by the mainstream media. None of
the investigative journalists of In York Times, the Wall Street Journal,
the Washington Post broke any of those stories. So the

fact that the Biden's got thirty million dollars from five
Chinese businessmen, this all came from the laptop. And the
fact that all five of those businessmen had direct ties
to Chinese intelligence, meaning the Ministry of State Security. The
fact that they received they continued to receive payments even
though there was absolutely no discernible legitimate thing that they

did for that money. You know, why does money keep
showing up Because you're giving them something that they want,
but you're not providing any legitimate service or good. Something
is going on here. All of those elements came together
in this story, the same thing and the research when
it came to Ukraine. You know, as you mentioned, John
Solomon did a lot of work on Ukraine. You reported

on a lot of it. Again, none of the main
elements of those stories were ever broken and reported by
our established media, And that tells you all you need
to know that as far as the mainstream media is concerned,
investigative journalism that looks at both sides is completely and
totally debt, and I think it's not going to come

backdamage their credibility to the extent that they now have
lower approval ratings in Congress. They're at about seventeen percent
for the mainstream media. That is one of the consequences
of what's gone ahead. And as I've always said, if
let's have transparency, if you want to investigate Trump, have it,
but be honest about it, be truthful about it, but

also be investigating the other side. And they never want
to do either one of those unfortunately.

Speaker 5 (11:26):
All right, well, take a quick break, welcome right back.
More with our friend Peter Sweitzer, president of the Government
Accountability Institute. On the other side. We'll get to your
calls coming up as well. All right, we continue now
with Peter Sweitzer. He is the president of the Government
Accountability Institute. And it was Peter himself, through the book
Secret Empires exposing the Biden family syndicate from the very beginning.

The mainstream legacy media mob, of course, ignored all of it.
They were too busy obsessing over Donald Trump every second,
every minute, every hour of every twenty four hour day,
seven day week, and every year for nine years they
were a little busy. We continue with Peter Schweitzer. I
think what they fear the most is that a lot
of this corruption is going to be exposed. I think

that's one of the reasons that you're seeing such a
reaction to, for example, Cash betel And who has promised
to do the very thing that we're talking about here,
and that is the weaponized you know, get rid of
the weaponization of the DOJ And frankly, my goal, Peter
is not revenge. My goal is to restore what it

used to be the world's premier law enforcement agency to
its former greatness and put in place measures that will
prevent the FBI or intelligence community from ever being weaponized again.
And to your credit, you've not only exposed Democrats, you've
exposed Republicans that have been involved in these foreign deals

and making a lot of money for themselves and their
families and using their access and.

Speaker 1 (12:59):
M well as you have as well, Sean, and I
think you're right, that's exactly what we need to do
with the FDI. There's a lot of people that I
think are saying, hey, we need to go after them.
The problem with that is, once you continue this cycle
of weaponize in the FDI. Guess what, probably, I hate
to say it, at some point the Democrats are probably
going to win some election at some future time. You

don't want to perpetuate this cycle. And so I think
what you need to do is what cash Hotel would
others have called for, which is mass transparency. I mean, so,
for example, let's go back to nineteen sixty three, really
the JFK assassination files. I cannot think of a legitimate
reason that something that is now sixty years old can't

be to classify. I see no reason why we cannot
release internal communications to how the FBI became politicized. Let's
put it out there. Let's fire people, and let's put
people in place, and put systems in place that gave
learnt the integrity of the system. But I think your
instinct is exactly right here. It's the time to go forward,

to return the FBI to what it once was. It
was never perfect, but it was certainly less political than
it is now, and that is our best hope because
we need a vibrant FBI. The FBI, let's remember, is
the same agency that deals with counter terrorism. They deal
with Chinese espionage. So they do some terrible political stuff

and they overreach. But we still need to have a vibrant,
effective FBI that is protecting us and doing the job
that it's supposed to.

Speaker 5 (14:33):
Do, especially in this day and age when the threat
level has never been this high, Peter, which is my
greatest concern. You know, because of Harris Biden open borders.
We have known terrorists in the country, cartel members in
the country, gang members in the country. We have people
that have been committing murders and rapes against and other
violent crimes against thousands of Americans. And these people need

to be returned home. They did not respect our laws,
voters sovereignty, and most Americans support that anyway. Peter Sweitz
are a great job. A tip of the hat to you.
He was six years out of the curve and here
we now find ourselves. Last question, So Joe Biden himselfie
held accountable for his role in this.

Speaker 1 (15:15):
I think they should continue to investigate this. I don't
know the legalities of what the pardon does in terms
of changing a case against Joe Biden, but the American
people need to know what went on. I do believe
there were fairer violations. That's the Foreign Agent's Registration Act.
There are plenty of people that are in jail for
those violations. And look, we're not talking about rank and

file corruption where some guy back in a home congressional district,
you know, gave a congressman money for a paving contract.
That's bad, that ought to be prosecuted. We're talking about
corruption at the highest level involving foreign governments and foreign
officials of our adversaries. And if we cannot root this

out with it, expose it, and accept as a country
this is wrong, we are sunk. So yes, I think
we need to continue, even if it's at a congressional level.
Let's get Hunter Biden there. He can't really plead the
Fifth Amendment anymore because he doesn't risk any criminal action
because of this blanket subpoena. So let's continue to investigate

this to find out the full extent of foreign corruption,
how much money and what deals were done for the
benefit of the Biden family to the detriment of the
country with our foreign adversaries.

Speaker 5 (16:32):
All right, appreciate, appreciate you, Thanks so much. Peter Sweitzer
eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn is our number.
If you want to be a part of the program.
Let's go to that hard hitting news show, shall we
the View? And Alyssie Griffin is calling out Whoope, saying
that Biden lied about Hunter's pardon and will Be Goldberg

is not too happy about it.

Speaker 3 (16:55):
Listen, ipect it as a parent, I understand why you
would do it, but I wanted to understand why lie
about it for so long?

Speaker 4 (17:03):
I'd stopped one calling it a lot?

Speaker 3 (17:06):
Okay, why repeatedly say you're not going to when you do?
And secondarily, for the part of this country, half of
it that doesn't support Biden, doesn't no one personally doesn't
get to tab phone calls, and they're just looking at
a system that seems like it's only benefits the people.
Who are we going to say resident?

Speaker 6 (17:21):
Does that sound?

Speaker 4 (17:22):
This is very different than any other situation that we
have average out with because when we're talking about who
gets a pardner and who doesn't get a pardoner, this man,
I think Biden had no intentions of pardoning Hunter. And
I think the more stuff that went down, I think

he said, well, why am I busting my behind?

Speaker 7 (17:44):

Speaker 2 (17:44):
Stay straight? But Dody where nobody else say.

Speaker 1 (17:49):
What you all know?

Speaker 6 (17:50):
You well?

Speaker 5 (17:51):
I mean it's pretty amazing because all you've heard and wait,
do you hear? We have a long montage we're going
to play in our final half hour of the program
today of the media reassuring us though they would never
do this, never ever, you know, but Joe Biden is
never going to do it. He means it, unlike Donald Trump.
He means what he says, Graby and put it together

and it is so powerful and so entertaining and so
funny that he really can't make it up. Over at MSDNC,
Molly Jong Fast has no take at all after learning
about Hunter's pardon. Listen.

Speaker 8 (18:26):
NBC News is reporting that President Biden is expected to
pardon his son, Hunter Biden. The President's son, was convicted
on all three felony charges in June related to the
purchase of a revolver in twenty eighteen, when prosecutors argued
Hunter lied on a mandatory gun purchase forum by saying
he was not illegally using or addicted to drugs. According
to NBC News, the President made the decision this weekend.

Molly Fast and furious. What do you make of this
new news?

Speaker 1 (18:53):
I just heard it. I have to process it.

Speaker 2 (18:58):
I don't have a take.

Speaker 5 (19:00):
Sorry, I don't have a take. I can't believe that
Joe did something that he said he would never do.
But isn't that the story of the entire presidency. I
never once spoke to my son, my brother, or anybody
for that matter about their foreign business deals, and then
we find out about meetings with Hunter his business partners,
overseas partners and their business deals. You know, all the

money from Barisma, good Case in point, millions and millions
of dollars addicted to drugs, no experience at all whatsoever.
You know, it just you can't make it up anyway.
Miranda Divine, who has been in the forefront, and I
need to point out anybody that talked about this issue,
that exposed this issue. We had Peter Schweitzer on earlier.

Let me tell you something. You were exposing yourself to
a lot of criticism and even potentially legal attacks by
Hunter and his team through a false Miranda Divine, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (19:53):
Hi, Hi, Sean, that's true. They don't play fair, they
don't play clean, and I don't think anyone would be
surprised about that. I think what's surprising is that anybody
is surprised that Joe Biden lied that's what he does.
He lies, and I think you know, you just played

the montage of various Whoopi Goldberg and other Trump deranged people.
They are so naive. Are they naive or are they lying?
Or are they just so mentally addled because of their
Trump derangement that they just swallowed the blarney from Joe Biden.
I mean it's hilarious hearing them even now swallowing the

story that Joe made any of this decision reluctantly on
the weekend, on Thanksgiving weekend. I mean, that's just so preposterous. Obviously,
Joe Biden planned a pardon Hunter from the start. Hunter
knew that, and that was why he and his lawyers

behaved in such a wreckles fashion, sumbing their nose that
you know, the normal norms, defying subpoenas from Congress, gate,
crashing one of the House Oversight Committee hearings of the
stunt for the TV cameras. All in all, Hunters behaved

like smug arrogant, entitled elitist.

Speaker 1 (21:22):
Which is what he is.

Speaker 2 (21:23):
He's the son of Washington privilege.

Speaker 5 (21:26):
Well, it's such a good way of putting it. Put
you put it all on the line on two very
big issues that I think in the end were very
impactful to voters when leading into this election. And you
did it with two number one best selling books, and
the first one the Laptop from Hell, and we saw

deep corruption. There were fifty one former Intel officials that
in the weeks before the twenty twenty election were organized
by wink and Tony Blinken, according to reports, and these
people that knew nothing about this very real laptop, These
very same people were acting like they all said the
same thing. And at the all of all the ear

markings of Russian disinformation, not one of them had ever
examined the laptop. Not one of them knew a thing
about the laptop. The only thing that they were looking
for with the then Biden campaign was a talking point
for Joe Biden to use in his upcoming debate in
a couple of days against Donald Trump. And that is

exactly what he did in that debate, and he just
flat out lied to the American people. Nobody had ever
seen it. The laptop was always real. John Paul mac Isaac,
the repair shop Guide. Look at how his life has
been overturned. He lost his business over this whole deal.
And you know, look at the other people, you know,
go back to Faiza. Whatever happened to Carter Page, his

whole life was ruined. And it turned out the car
to Page, you know, would go to these foreign countries,
come back and be debriefed by our intelligence community for
crying out loud he was helping our country. And I
know because he said it right here on this radio
program and it had been confirmed. And then you follow
up with the big guy, how way president and his
son sold out the country. My question to you is, Okay,

Hunter's in the clear? Is Joe and the clear?

Speaker 2 (23:13):

Speaker 1 (23:13):
Well, look very good, point, Sean.

Speaker 2 (23:15):
I think the greater story, even greater than the tale
of Biden corruption, is the corruption of the very agencies
and entities that we pay to keep us safe, and
that being the FBI and the CIA and the State Department,
Department of Justice all conspired to protect Joe Biden and

Hunter Biden and Joe's brother Jim Biden from the consequences
of their own actions. And we have seen that over
and over. Whenever Hunter was in trouble, there'd be an
invisible hand would reach out to save him, same with Joe,
whether it was by censoring our first stories out of

the New Post about Hunter Biden's laptop. We saw there
the FBI co opted the social media companies to censor
our stories and thus protecting Joe Biden and ensuring that
he won the twenty twenty election. They sabotaged the criminal

investigation in Delaware into Hunter Biden. You saw the prosecutors
there just putting every obstacle in the way of those
valiant IRIS investigators who turned whistleblower. So I think that
that's the task ahead for the Trump administration is to
ser it out the wrongdoers in all these agencies and

reform them top to bottom to ensure that this kind
of politicization and weaponization never happens again. This was really
the power of those agencies harnessed on behalf of one
political party against the American people.

Speaker 5 (24:57):
And you can see how the bureaucracy desperately wants to
preserve and protect the bureaucracy. I mean, just look at
the reaction to cash Betel, because this is the very
thing that cash Battel said he would do. And the
deep state, more than anything, wants to protect itself, does it.

Speaker 2 (25:12):
Not, absolutely? And cash Bettel is exactly the dose of
salts that they need, and he has several very good
ideas that he's made public already. Part of that's transparency,
to declassify documents that have been overclassified, and the other
part of that is to sever from the FBI this
intelligence that has been at the root of so much

of the perversion of justice that we have seen, including
the cover ups for the bidens. I mean, you just
even look at the Russia hoax and so on. So
just to task the FBI to do what they were
originally set up to do, and that was to be
a federal crime fighting for cash battels. That he wants

them to go across the country and solve crimes, catch criminals,
and that's exactly.

Speaker 1 (26:04):
What they should be doing.

Speaker 2 (26:05):
Nothing less. They should not be, you know, having swat
raids on Christians whose crime is praying outside an abortion
clinic or you know, parents who've spoken up at school
board meetings. That is really not the way the FBI
should have been utilized. And that's exactly what happened under

the Biden administration. And you know a lot of that
you can stem back to corruption. Those agencies being corrupted
because they were co opted by Obama and Biden during
his vice presidency.

Speaker 5 (26:42):
All right, quick break, welcome right back. More with Miranda Devine,
author of two best sellers, The Laptop from Hell and
The Big Guy, How a President and his son sold
Out America and later Joe Biden's pardon of his on Hunter.
More on the other side. Your calls coming up eight
hundred and ninety four one, Shawn, as we continue privately,

Continue now with Miranda Divine, all through two big best sellers,
The Laptop from Hell and The Big Guy, How a
President and his son sold out America? In light of
Joe Biden pardoning his son Hunter. Then you go back
to James Comia. I think Director Ray had the opportunity
of a lifetime, and that was to return the FBI
to its former greatness. But yet he did just the opposite.

I mean, he protected the institution. He's an institutionalist in
my view, and he turned a blind eyed look at
something as obvious as not enforcing the laws at our border,
and he allowed all of that to go on, and
would go back to Congress again and again and again
and say the threat level has never been this bad. Well,

if you allow in known terrorists, and you allow in
gang members, and you allow in cartel members, and in
the process, thousands and thousands of Americans have been victims
of murder and rape, by the way, even children, and
other violent crimes. On top of the high cost of
the illegal immigration. You know, how does an FBI director

turn a blind eyed to that, Miranda, Well, I mean.

Speaker 2 (28:09):
That's exactly what Chris Ray has been doing. He's just
been quite happy to sit atop this organization as it
rocks from within, and to punish whistleblowers in the cruelest
and harshest way. He presents a benign face when he
turns up when he deigns to turn up occasionally for

oversight hearings in Congress, but even there he's arrogant and dismissive.
He could never forget what he did to Chuck Grasley
when he said he had to leave early from one
oversight hearing and saying that he had business to attend to.
Turns out, I traced his FBI plane and it was

high tailing it back to his family's holiday house at Arondeck.
He lied to Chuck Grasley and Chuck were not very happy.

Speaker 1 (29:01):
About it at all.

Speaker 2 (29:02):
So he should definitely be replaced with cash Forttel, and
I don't care if people ran to raid that Donald
Trump's picks are unorthodox. They need to be unorthodox because
you don't want to have any more the situation that
happened with some of the nominees in Trump's first presidency,

when he didn't know the full extent of the corruption
of the deep state. That these people were, as you
call them, institutionalists. They may not have been bad people,
but they went with the flow and they were never
going to buck the system, and they trusted the people
underneath them who were committing all sorts of atrocities in

their name. So I think that will never happen again.
I don't think Trump's going to be snowed twice.

Speaker 5 (29:51):
It's pretty unbelievable amazing times we're living in. It may
be one of the most I don't know, impactful presidencies
I think that we may ever see in our lifetime.
And I think this is a one in one hundred
year opportunity in terms of its potential to be transformative.
And it's my hope that if he just keeps to

his agenda, meaning President Trump, he'll get us there. Miranda,
you deserve a tip of the hat. You've done phenomenal work.
You have not gotten the credit from the mob and
the media. The legacy media, I think has died in
the process. But you do get credit from us and
everybody in this audience. And they're never going to survive
because they don't tell the truth, and that's why they

were ignored in the lead up to this election. But
people like you will listened to Miranda. Thank you very much,
appreciate it.

Speaker 2 (30:39):
Thanks so much. Sean

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