All Episodes

March 25, 2024 30 mins

 Gregg Jarrett, Fox News Legal Analyst and NYT’s best selling author and John Solomon, Editor in Chief of Just the News, joins to discuss Kevin Morris and the effort to seize Trump’s properties. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
All right, thanks Scott Shannon and Hour two this Monday,
this busy news Monday of the Sean Hannity Show, Toll free.

Speaker 2 (00:07):
Here's our number.

Speaker 1 (00:08):
It is eight hundred and ninety four one, Sean, if
you want to be a part of the program. In
what was not really a surprise decision, frankly, I thought
it would be even lower than this, New York Appeals
Court said they would pause the clock enforcing this insane
four hundred and sixty four million dollar judgment against former
President Trump, and the state Appeals Court said they said

it would act if the Trump organization and top executives
posted a one hundred and seventy five million dollar bond
within ten days. Kind of last minute. Nobody knew what
was going to happen. I did have a pretty good
idea in my head what I thought might happen, but
it was just just a guess on my part. And

Donald Trump responded both on Truth Social and here as well.

Speaker 2 (00:57):
Listen, thank you very much.

Speaker 3 (00:59):
A terrible disservice to the state of New York. What
he's done is arrible business is a fleeing You see
that we just released the state that our food business
is a fleeing in crime is flourishing all over the state,
and what he's done is such a deserviance and should
never be allowed to happen again. New York State is

being battered by his decision.

Speaker 4 (01:23):
So I greatly respect the decision of Depellate Division, and
I'll post even one hundred and seventy five million dollars
in cash or bonds or security or whatever is necessary,
very quickly within the ten days. And I think the
Appellate Division for acting quickly. But Judge and Gordon is

a disgrace to this country and this should not be
allowed to happen.

Speaker 5 (01:48):
Thank you very much.

Speaker 1 (01:49):
He further went on to post on truth Social that
Judge hag Gorn and the Attorney General should be forced
to explain why a ruled mar a lago was worth
a ten million dollars. This whole case was about valuations.
It is not worth eighteen million dollars. We've shown you
property on television. A two acre plot of votion front

property in Palm Beach, empty dirt, goes for sale for two.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
Hundred million dollars.

Speaker 1 (02:16):
Another lot with a street between the ocean and the
and the plot or the lot that's going for one
hundred and fifty million dollars. This is just unbelievable. We
have some other news and updates we're going to get
to as well, but let's bring into the program Fox
Dow's legal analyst Greg Jarrett and course best selling author

John Solomon, editor in chief, founder and investigative reporter just
thenews dot com. Welcome back both of you to the program.
On the legal side, not really a surprise that the
Appella court jumped in here, and the President clearly happy
about that part. I mean, half a billion dollars, you know,
not cast that anybody has laying around. I don't care

how Richard, Greg Yarrett.

Speaker 6 (03:02):
Yes, I said Sean this morning on Fox that I
still had confidence in the appellate Court to do the
right thing, and it did by knocking down this obscenely
high appeal bond to a more reasonable amount. So I
think this is a slap of the face to Judge
Arthur and Goron and Leticia James, who seemed to have

conspired together to manufacture a ludicrous fraud case against Trump
where all the banks testified there was no fraud. You know,
they commandeered a consumer protection statute where no consumers were harmed,
not a single dollar was lost by anybody, and yet
in Goron awarded this astronomical set of damages in a

case where there were no damages. So today's appellate ruling
I think votes poorly for in Goron and James, because
it suggests the higher court actually scrutinize what these two did.
And Trump, I think has a decent chance of prevailing
on the merits.

Speaker 1 (04:08):
I agree with you, And there was no complaintan here
that nobody complained at all.

Speaker 2 (04:14):
Nobody was hurt here.

Speaker 1 (04:16):
No bank John Solomon, no insurance company John Solomon, are
either going to lend or ensure hundreds of millions of
dollars in property based on a loan application that somebody
makes or an insurance application that they may sign. But
we do need to note, because I do believe this
is critical. In every one of those applications put forward

by the Trump organization, they had a disclaimer saying, don't
use our valuations. But of course those companies would have
the fiduciary responsibility to do their own due diligence, especially
with the amount of money we're talking about here. And
the last thing is, if this whole case is about valuations.
You explained to me, how do you value our a

lago with twenty two akers historic property, pristine condition on
the both the ocean side of the island of Palm
Beach and the the you know, the the the inlet
side of Palm Beach. And I'm trying to really understand
how did they get to this crazy conclusion. You have

multiple cottages on the property, fifty some odd bedrooms and
and you know, forty some odd bathrooms.

Speaker 2 (05:26):
I mean, this is insane the reaction, I think.

Speaker 7 (05:29):
I think the numbers are pulled out of thin there
to be whatever. Leticia James and judge and Joon Wonton,
and I think that what you're seeing is a complete
corruption of our justice system. It's instead of their being merits,
instead of their being facts, instead of there being very
specific legal interpretations, the law for democrats in New York
and many other places around the country has become whatever
the democratic whims of the prosecutor are. And I think

that that's what you're seeing play out here. I think
the Appellate Court, by reducing this so much to send
a signal to the judge and also probably indicates if
the penalty itself is going to be reduced in a
significant way, since, knowing me, the bond is designed to
protect whatever the court believes the final penalty is for.
So I think Greg had it right. I think that
there's a powerful message that the appeals court was setting here.

A lot more litigation ahead, but I think in all
these cases now we're beginning to see prosecutors reined in
because they've exceeded the bounds of Lowton.

Speaker 1 (06:25):
Fifty six percent John McLaughlin, McLoughlin and associates in a
national poll believe that Biden really wants to stop Trump
from winning by putting him in jail or certainly getting
a guilty conviction. They think it would it would help.
Sixty seven percent say politics played a role in the
indictments of Donald Trump. Fifty eight percent said Biden played

a role in the indictments of Donald Trump. I mean,
these numbers are staggering. Do you think that has a
political outcome, Greg Jarrett, that maybe nobody on the left
is anticipating they've gone so overboard and they've so weaponized
justice in the country that nobody trusts the system anymore,
and why should they.

Speaker 6 (07:08):
Well, I think Democrats have been in a panic. They
look at Biden's pull numbers sinking to historic lows, and
so his Department of Justice and local Democrat prosecutors in
two Blue states, Bragg and Willis determined that the only
way to prop a mop propt Biden up in the
twenty twenty four election was to tear down his opponent,

Donald Trump. So their scheme, I think sean, was to
manipulate the legal system by bringing a slew of specious
criminal charges to damage or delegitimize Trump's candidacy. This is
classic law here, and you know, don't forget Joe Biden
himself lobbied for the prosecution of his political opponent. His

Confederator confederates, you know, went about weaponize statutes, contorting the
law to accomplish it, and others tried to banish Trump
from ballots by bastardizing this provision and the Constitution's fourteenth Amendment.
Media handmaidens happily joined the cause, declaring Trump guilty in

the court of public opinion before any trial ever began. So,
as I say, this is classic law fear, and it's
boomeranging against Democrats because Americans see this for what it is,
selection interference.

Speaker 1 (08:33):
You know, we've had these issues involving, for example, the
FBI and no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute, and the double
standard on the document's case in particular, especially if your
last name is Clinton and Biden, you can get away
with pretty much everything, including the leading subpoena emails and
destroying devices with hammers and removing sim cards and top

secret classified information on your servers, and you're only the
Secretary of State or Joe Biden. You know, eight separate
locations that he had top secret classified documents that he
willfully according to Robert Hurr John Solomon, he willfully kept
and retained these documents, telling a ghostwriter who didn't have
any security clearance, Oh, I just found some more documents

this morning, meaning top secret, and let me read them
to you. No security clearance. So it raises the question.
Then we had a story that I know that you
covered at length on justinnews dot com about, you know,
why did the CIA interfere and stop Kevin Morris from
going before the House Committee and testifying.

Speaker 2 (09:36):
How did that happen?

Speaker 7 (09:37):
That is a really great question. Right, here's a guy that,
since Joe Biden began running for president very contemporaneously, has
given more than six million dollars of loans in painting
purchases to Hunter Biden. This is the single largest source
of revenue that Hunter Biden has lived on over the
last four or five years. And the US government wanted
to speak to him as part of the tax case,

and the CIA intervened in extraordinary thing. What is a
Hollywood lawyer doing with the CIA? Those are questions that
Congress is now endeavoring to answer inside the impeachment inquiry.
But you see this time and time again where whenever
there is accountability to be had for Democrats, there are
roadblocks and contortions and Jim Comey press conferences finding a

way not to fund it the Democrats. And then, as
you Sais, you rightly pointed out Donald Trump so much
as bits on the sidewalk, and there's already a bunch
of cops ready to cite him and start legal prop proceedings.
You've been talking since we started them. We're unraveling of Russia, Lucian, you,
Greg and I that there's a dual system of justice,
and now the American people are one hundred percent certain

of it. One of the greatest liabilities that Democrats have.
They think the American people are stupid. They're going to
find out in the November election. They're not they have
figured out what's going on.

Speaker 1 (10:52):
I think there's just so much going on. And then
that raises the whole issue of all the other legal cases.
You know, we've got President Trump now has this case
with Alvin Bragg, but apparently that now was running into
obstacles as we learned today. And although that trial is
set to begin I believe now April fifteenth, according to

the judge in New York City. And like in the
civil case, I don't think Donald Trump can get a
fair trial in New York City. I don't think he
can get a fair trial in DC, and certainly not
Fulton County, Georgia. You know, Fannie Willis now seems to
have doubled down on getting Trump because she seems very
angry after all that she's been through. And the quote
warning that the train is coming. How do you interpret

those remarks, Greg Jarrett?

Speaker 6 (11:40):
Well, as to Bragg, first and foremost, he still hasn't
identified the underlying crime that Trump allegedly committed. It cannot
be campaign finance because that's federal as state prosecutor, as
an authority. So Bragg is playing hide the crime. Regardless,
the payment to Stormy Daniels did not constitute an illegal

campaign donation. The FEC investigat and said, sorry, no crime here.
Federal prosecutors investigated. They said the same thing, no crime here,
mainly because payments in exchange for silence and an NBA
are not criminal at all. Are quite common. But the
biggest rate of all is that bragg star witness against

Trump is Michael Cullen, a notorious liar who told so
many whoppers. He was convicted of perjury and shipped off
to the Huscal. It's irrelevant legally that Cohen voluntarily pled
guilty to a campaign finance charge. He played guilty to
a non crime. He did it to curry favor with
prosecutors and shaved time off his sentence. So Bragg is

taking a misdemeanor case and bootstrapping it to a mystery
federal charge that doesn't actually exist. As for Fanny Willis,
she's a model of self immolation. I do not see
her case a traction and getting to trial anytime.

Speaker 7 (13:02):
Before the election.

Speaker 1 (13:03):
All right, we'll take a quick break, we'll come back,
we'll continue toll free. Our number is eight hundred and
ninety four one Sean, if you want to be a
part of the program. More with Greg Jarrett and John
Solomon on the other side as we continue, all right,
we continue now with Greg Jarrett and John Solomon. A
lot of news break it all over the place today.
Let me go back to the CIA question, John Solomon,

because you really did a deep dive into this, because
House Republicans are pressing the CIA. Why because they have
this whistleblower. This whistleblower claims the agency helped cover up
Hunter Biden's tax crimes. Now, by the way, I thought
we put great weight and whatever any hearsay whistleblowers that
never mind a real whistle blower. Are we getting any

satisfactory answers at all on this? And what do you
think deep down this is all about? If if you
can give us more detail from your investigation.

Speaker 7 (13:54):
Well, what we know is that the CIA told the
IRS the reasons that they didn't want the government to
speak to Kevin Morris were classified. That's all we know.
There's some classified matter involving Kevin Morris said. The CIA intervened.
It's rare for the CIA to intervene in a law
enforce of proceedings. We'll have to wait and see what
those classified reasons are. I think the process has begun,

but it is extraordinarily unusual to see this in a
federal law enforcement case, and it could be challenged. One
of the questions that comes to mind is why is
the Justice Department pushed harder back then in twenty twenty one.
What's a Hollywood lawyer who's paying hundred buying a lot
of money? What classified admission does he have? Those are
questions that maybe the Justice Department could have answered in

the beginning. But these are important revelations. And again, I
just want to remind people, just think about this. If
any other president in the history of this country had
a son who first took millions and millions and millions
of dollars from foreign actors with a significant reputational and
legal issues, and then when he got himself out of
that game, he suddenly gets large donations from a Democratic

donor to his father's campaign, Kevin Morris. This cycle of
living off other people is so extraordinary, and yet the
Biden family, it seems to want to suggestsors know there
that I think most Americans think this is not what
we do in America. That's not a for sale sign
out in front of the White House.

Speaker 1 (15:19):
Well, we really appreciate both of you. John Solomon, Justinnews
dot Com. Greg Jarrett, Fox News Legal Analyst, Guys, thank you.
What a news there we got today, eight hundred and
ninety four one Sean if you want to be a
part of the program. Obviously, our top story is the
Appella Court in New York lowering the bond amount and
granting Donald Trump estate for ten more days, down to

one hundred and seventy five million from over what was
half a billion dollars.

Speaker 2 (15:48):
We're watching that.

Speaker 1 (15:49):
We have more chaos on the border yet again, the
US Border Patrol Chief talking about the southern border, citing
one hundred and forty thousand illegal immigrants who have evaded capture.
What have I been warning? I've been telling you you
got a complete meltdown and utter chaos at MSDNC. I mean,

part of this just makes me laugh. The idea that
you're going to let the inmates run the asylum is
pretty interesting to me. I've been on longer than any
of these people, the longest running prime time host in
cable news history. I know that sounds odd, doesn't it
sound odd London. Basically, isn't that an announcement? Hannity, You're
getting old.

Speaker 2 (16:30):
No, that's not true. Your season is your season. It's
like a fine line. I'm a seasoned professional. There you go.

Speaker 1 (16:39):
But you know, now my twenty eighth year at Fox,
the idea that I would make hiring and firing decisions
is insane to me, And people ask me, I mean,
have I advocated for people that I think would be
really good to have on our team?

Speaker 7 (16:54):

Speaker 2 (16:54):
I have.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
Do I ever ask for people to get fired? No,
I've never done that. That's not my job. Which I
don't believe in cancelation. Anyone that's listened to the show
knows I don't support boycotts. I don't support firings and
cancelations because of what people say. I'm open to any
point of view, you know, look at something like the
hit show The Five, and they've got all sorts of

viewpoints on that show, and it's a great show anyway.
So but the hiring of Rona McDaniel, you know, you
just got to listen to this meltdown. He melts down
and let me just play one of his cuts. This
is what he says. What is Rona McDaniel bring to
NBC News. Not that I'm afraid to speak my mind,

but I just it's not my channel. I don't get
to program it. I don't get to hire and fire.
That's not what my job is. My job is my
one hour every night to do the best show I
can do. And my job is also to my viewers
to deliver news and information and as entertaining way as
I can that I know they're not going to get

from the rest of the mob and the media. But
Chuck Todd just just goes scorched to earth on the
management at NBC News, and then Joe Scarborough and Miko
follow up doing the same exact thing. Liberal Joe. What's
happened to liberal? Can you analyze that? What's happened to
liberal Joe? I think liberal Joe. I think he just

wanted to be on TV. So if he had to
be a liberal at MSDNC, he's going to be a liberal.
He used to beg Fox constantly to hire it have
all those details.

Speaker 8 (18:33):
Don't you remember Joe's real dream was to be a
rock star, right, just I mean listen to that, It
just it really, you know, it makes you wonder how
could no one else hear that and think, yes, welcome
to the monkey house. It's amazing.

Speaker 2 (18:53):
Yeah, okay, thanks for you are welcome.

Speaker 8 (18:57):
Happy Monday.

Speaker 1 (18:58):
All right, here's the cut of Chuck Todd in the
cut of Joe and Mika Brzinski. Although Mika says, oh,
we're not against other opinions, Yes you are. That's exactly
what this is about. They don't want another opinion on
that network.

Speaker 9 (19:11):
Listen, when NBC made the decision to give her NBC
News's credibility, you got to ask yourself what does she
bring NBC News? And when we make deals like this,
and I've been at this company a long time, you're
doing it for access, access to audience. Sometimes it's access
to an individual, and we can have a journalistic ethics
debate about that.

Speaker 10 (19:32):
To be clear, we believe NBC News should seek out
conservative Republican voices to provide balance in their election coverage.
But it should be conservative Republicans, not a person who
used her position of power to be an anti democracy
election denier. And we hope NBC will reconsider its decision.

It goes without saying that she will not be a
guest on Morning Joe. Her capacity as a paid contributor.

Speaker 1 (20:03):
Let's get to our busy phone. So much news out
there today. Zan is in North Carolina on the Sean
Hannity Show. Zan, Hi, how are you happy Monday? Glad
you're with us?

Speaker 11 (20:12):
Hey, Sean, thank you for taking my call.

Speaker 7 (20:14):

Speaker 11 (20:14):
We really appreciate everything you're standing for and what you're doing.
And I'd like to start with saying that you know
this administration and is is acting illegally, unconstitutionally, and and
and it's disgusting and repulsive.

Speaker 2 (20:32):
Absolutely constitution is shred.

Speaker 1 (20:34):
I mean, think about the Supreme Court decision on the
student loan issue, the debt forgiveness issue, and look at
Joe Biden's you know, reaction to it. He just keeps
out handed, he keeps handing out tens and hundreds of
millions of dollars, and he just does whatever the hell
he wants.

Speaker 2 (20:50):
We have laws well that at the bot their butts off.

Speaker 1 (20:54):
Yeah, what about them, the heart, the people that make
this country great every day? Yeah, the guy that's the plumber,
the electrician, the contractor, the tile layer, the painter, the
wall paper hanger, the secretary. I don't know if we
just said I guess personal assistant Is that the proper
title these days?

Speaker 2 (21:11):
I don't know.

Speaker 1 (21:11):
But but whoever, they don't need to. They didn't sign
for that loan. They're not on the hook for that loan.
But that's who ends up paying for it as they
go out there and try to appeal to a constituency
to support them electorally. I mean to me, there's no
difference in saying here, here's here's one hundred thousand dollars,
please vote for me. What's the difference. I paid my

student loan off. I didn't like it, but i'd paid
it off, I had, I signed, I made a commitment.

Speaker 2 (21:38):
Anyway, Go ahead, I digress, Charan.

Speaker 11 (21:41):
What I would what I would like to address is
a subject of this illegal this illegal invasion. What's going on?
And and how how the federal government is not going
to do anything about it. They're they're they're aiding in
the betting. And but it comes down to the municipalities
and the states, which should have more power than the
federal government anyway, constitutionally. And it's just so simple. Look,

if a municipality says, hey, you get no commerce here,
you get no vehicles registered in this county, you can't
buy so much as a bottle of water, or use
a public restroom or public transportation unless you can you
can show proof that you're here illegally. It's just that simple.
And then with that being said, let's do a comparison

several months later of the amount of crime and just
what's going on in this community as opposed to the
sanctuary cities and states.

Speaker 2 (22:35):
Well, I'm gotta tell you, and I'll take it a
step further.

Speaker 1 (22:38):
Every Senate Democrat voted last week against barring your taxpayer
funds from flying illegal immigrants into US towns. They are
as a matter of policy, they are. They're trying to
codify something they can never get passed legislatively into law.

That's that bad. Biden Border bill was all about old
Donald Trump says, blame him for not passing it. Yeah,
because it didn't kick in until five thousand illegals already
entered on any given day. At number one, and they're
all unvetted. And number two, they have the authority not
to abide by the new law if they so choose.

They have the quote discretion, And that would be Biden,
and that would be the Homeland Security secretary. I mean,
you watch this weekend. I mean, you know what we
see a stampede of illegal immigrants, you know, you know, plowing,
trampling right through National guardsmen and then celebrating that they
got across the country illegally. Are we not listening to

the US Border Patrol chief who's saying that our southern
border is a national security threat, citing one hundred and
forty thousand illegals who have evaded capture. Have you not
heard the admonitions of the FBI director. It's never the
chatter about terror has never been this life out ever,
he said it twice now, the last two times he's

been on Capitol Hill. Not been his biggest fan, But
you're not wrong about this. All right, let's get back
to our busy, busy telephones here. Let us say hi
to Greg and Minnesota. Greg, how are you glad you called?

Speaker 2 (24:16):

Speaker 5 (24:17):
Hi? Sean Greg Olsen, how are you?

Speaker 2 (24:19):
I'm good? What's going on?

Speaker 5 (24:23):
My idea is very simple. This is about Kevin Morris.
I believe that Kevin Morris is actually employed by the
CIA as a domestic spy of some sort and using
the pipework or the conduit of Hunter Biden and government
to investigate other countries. Through that pipework. It's just kind
of an odd ball.

Speaker 1 (24:43):
Let me tell you, it's the honest thing I think
I've ever seen. I know that Jim Jordan and James Comer,
you know the idea that the CIA is preventing them
from interviewing you know, Hunter's sugar brother as they call them.
Why and why is the CIA protecting them? Is he
an asset? You don't have to tell me, but you
certainly should be telling James Comer and Jim Jordan. Has

got to be a good reasonable explanation put forward otherwise,
after all that, we have seen fifty one former Intel people,
and you know, no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute illegal. Faiza Warrens,
as far as I'm concerned, signed four separate ones based
on a dirty Russian disinformation dossier. A court was lied to,
no consequences. But you know, what are you going to do?

Speaker 2 (25:30):
Anyway? I appreciate the call.

Speaker 1 (25:32):
Eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn Todd, California, Next
Sean Hannity Show, What's going on?

Speaker 2 (25:36):
Todd? How are you?

Speaker 7 (25:38):
I'm good?

Speaker 11 (25:38):
How are you?

Speaker 12 (25:39):
Sean? Thank you for taking the call. I kind of
been watching you since you were with Hannity and combed.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
Well, I appreciate it. Have I changed a whole lot?
I hope I got a little better.

Speaker 12 (25:51):
You got a little more gray.

Speaker 2 (25:54):
I don't know if it's gray or white. I have
no idea.

Speaker 1 (25:58):
You know, people, somebody wrote something the other day about
how I look at I'm like, if you only knew that,
the amount of time I take to get ready in
terms of makeup and hair for my show, it's probably
about oh forty seconds maximum on any one given day.
It's powder or comb over and boom, I'm out there.

Speaker 12 (26:21):
Okay, here's my point here. I got a couple of points.

Speaker 11 (26:23):

Speaker 12 (26:24):
I think half this country never really hears the truth.
They don't listen to Newsmatch, they don't listen to your show,
and they don't watch Fox. And I'm saying, if we're
slowly becoming a banana republic, here's my idea of it,
and the lies that they talk to people and they
don't want to hear. What I think we should do

is the same thing they do in these other countries.
One and all the barrios, all the inner cities, all
the little neighborhoods. Start a grassroots program. People with their
cars and speakers have, and you could put up bullet
points on your show of all the good things Trump did,
of all the good things he's going to do, and
then just blaw it out there so that each person

can hear it in their neighborhoods and be able to
really understand and think about it, so that they can see.
I mean, when I think about Trump, I think about
the guy that never had to do this. He had
a great life and then he gave four years. He's
only one of three presidents that worked for free Hoover
and Kennedy the other. And the things that he did,

the stronger military, right to try the border. I live
in southern California, and I've seen my state change, and
I just want you to know, Hannay, here's another point one.
There's a lot of patriotic, good people in southern California.
We have the ocean, we have the weather, and we
have very few bugs.

Speaker 4 (27:48):

Speaker 1 (27:48):
I have a couple of bugs in Florida that I
don't like. Apparently some of them actually liked me one
day and I got bitten. It wasn't pleasant. Not the
worst thing of the world. I'm not complaining at all,
But I love Florida. That's great, But I'll.

Speaker 2 (28:02):
Tell you there's something happening in this country. I don't know.

Speaker 1 (28:07):
I can't even put my finger on it yet, but
there is a movement. It's kind of reminiscent in ways
of the Tea Party movement in twenty ten. I think
people have had it. They are fed up, and I
hope I'm right. I hope my instincts are right, because
if they're fed up, they're going to want to get

rid of the status quo. I know I'm fed up.
I cannot believe law fair. I cannot believe weaponization of
our justice system. I cannot believe aiding and abetting law
breaking at our borders. I cannot believe the biggest national
security threat. I cannot believe how bad this economy is,
how awful Joe's energy policies have been. I can't believe

government's trying to force electric vehicles down our throat and
take away our gas stoves, our refrigerator in our air conditioners.
I can't believe that we've abdicated our role of the
world stage. I'm hoping in two hundred and twenty four
days that all of that changes. I'm hoping eight hundred
nine to four one, Shawn our number if you want

to be a part of the program. I've been telling
you about a couple. Frankly, an organization that's very near
and dear to me, the International Fellowship of Christians and
Jews between Chuck Schumer Kamala Harris now has joined the chorus.
You better not going to Rafa. There's going to be
is There's going to be consequences. Really, there are victims

of terrorists. Why don't you stand against terror and hamas
I don't get it now. While Israel's going a fight
for its survival on the ground, the situation for thousands
and hundreds of thousands of Israelis are dire. Many can't
return to their homes. Thankfully, groups like the International Fellowship
for Christians and Jews, the IFCJ is right there in

the middle of it every day and they're distributing critical essentials, food, medicine,
emergency supplies, hundreds of thou of suffering people. They're desperate
and the government has to focus in on its survival
right now.

Speaker 2 (30:06):
Anyway, they need your help.

Speaker 1 (30:08):
And now your gift will be matched because of a
generous donor, and that will double the impact of your
donation and help provide twice the support again.

Speaker 2 (30:18):
That's again.

Speaker 1 (30:19):
The website is SUPPORTIFCJ dot org and thank you so
much for your help. This is These people are in
desperate need.

The Sean Hannity Show News

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