All Episodes

March 28, 2024 30 mins

Bill O’Reilly, author of the upcoming book, Confronting the Presidents, No Spin Assessments from Washington to Biden, takes a hard look at the reality of this country and the steep decline we find ourselves in at this moment.

The collapse of social order in America is not hard to see.  Foreign nationals treated better than working and poor citizens, violent criminals going unpunished, skin color preferences dominating universities and many companies.  It's all on vivid display.

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Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:32):
Uh, the iconic Leonard skinnerd simple man, and that can
only mean one thing on this radio program, all things
self proclaimed simple man. That means all things Bill O'Reilly
and you get all things Bill O'Reilly of billoreilly dot com.
Mister O'Reilly, sir, thank you for joining us on this
Holy week.

Speaker 2 (00:51):
We appreciate it. And you know, I know, maybe.

Speaker 1 (00:55):
Hopefully you're taking a couple of days off and to
be with the fam and have a good time.

Speaker 3 (01:00):
Yeah, it's a little shoutow. I'm going to the funeral
of the slain New York City police officer on Saturday
in Massapequa, Long Island.

Speaker 2 (01:09):
By the way, I'm glad you go into that. I
really am. Does that not break your heart?

Speaker 3 (01:13):
Yeah, it's really And he attended Saint Mary's, which is
my parents. And when you're old child, then everybody's reported it.
But when you look at the gross irresponsibility of what
led up to this, and these two thugs in the
car combine thirty five sellony arrests out on the street,

both armed, and you have to then step back and
tamp down your anger. So my sympathy, of course is
with the family.

Speaker 2 (01:51):
But my bill can I add one thing.

Speaker 1 (01:53):
Sure, these people that have instituted these policies that would
allow people that have thirty five felonies a felony or
US no bail, defund, dismantle, reimagine the police. I'm sorry,
they have blood on their hands, Bill, they do it

is It is reckless and irresponsible. And all these crimes,
violent crimes, murder, rape that are happening by Joe Biden's
unvetted ten million illegal immigrants, every crime they commit, and
whatever terror attack is coming our way, and I predict
it's gonna happen, but I pray to God I'm wrong.

Speaker 3 (02:33):

Speaker 1 (02:34):
When that happens, they will have blood on their hands again.
And why this doesn't, you know, keep Joe Biden awake
at night. I don't understand he is. This is beyond
a dereliction of duty.

Speaker 3 (02:47):
Let me try.

Speaker 2 (02:48):
It is a clear and present danger.

Speaker 3 (02:50):
Go ahead, let me try to explain it. And a
lot of folks just don't believe it because it goes
against their nature. There are people in this world who
are sociopathic. That means they don't have empathy for anybody
but themselves. I put Joe Biden in that category. I've

watched the man decades. I've seen him reverse every single
belief system he's ever had. He parades around his Catholic
Joe going a mass, and he is the most pro
abortion president by far, even way worse than Hillary Clinton. Okay,
and you say, how could you possibly hold that belief

and go up to the communion round. You couldn't. If
you had some kind of vision or conscience, you couldn't.
So Biden compartmentalizes, and it's all about Joe. It's all
about getting and keeping power. So if people have to
die in the process, he would never admit to himself

that he's the cause of that. So then go down
to Albany and go down to New York City, where
you had the same mentality. These people can't deny their
own policies are getting people killed because they are the
bodies are there. So Officer Diller was a human being,

thirty one years old, three years on the force, and
he's dead. And he's dead.

Speaker 1 (04:21):
Because I believe you, and I believe you as a
one year old, yes, one.

Speaker 3 (04:25):
Year old baby, and he's dead because of politicians correct,
who passed these insane nobel laws, who will not punish
criminals because they think the criminal justice system is racist.
That's where it all comes down to.

Speaker 1 (04:41):
And Bill are the same people that we'll talk about insurrection, insurrection, insurrection,
every incident here is resulting in death. Use whatever phrase
you want. But they think they have the moral high
ground on all these things. Now we've learned a lot
of things we were not told about Jackanuary sixth, that

put a lot more context and texture on it. They
interviewed the Secret Service agent driving Donald Trump. He did
not try to commandeer the vehicle. They hid that from
the American people. Bill, they hid from the American people
that Trump wanted to call up ten thousand Guard troops
in the days leading up to that. They hid that
the Capitol Police chief requested the same. They are dishonest

to the core. Bill, and we've got an information crisis
in this country, which I want to ask you about.

Speaker 2 (05:30):
Next go ahead.

Speaker 3 (05:31):
So that's Liz Cheney, and I think that your responsible media,
and it's dwindling. You know they pretty soon is it's.

Speaker 2 (05:38):
Going to be me and you By the way, I
think we're pretty close to there now.

Speaker 3 (05:43):
I mean we have to put names on these things now.
I mean we have to tell people that Governor Hokal
of New York is partially responsible for Officer Dillar's death,
and so is former Governor Guomam. Now they won't ever
go to the funeral mass. Can you imagine if folk
walked into that funeral on Saturday.

Speaker 2 (06:03):
No, it would not be good. I wouldn't.

Speaker 1 (06:07):
I always say protect our politicians, Democrat, Republican. We must,
it's a must. It's at the top of the list.
But we need to protect our citizens. To Bill, our
cops need to be protected. You're getting a living Adam
shit cook out of them on in Times Square on video, Bill.

Speaker 2 (06:25):
I'm sick of it.

Speaker 3 (06:26):
On the same day that Officer Diller was assassinated by
people who have been wrested thirty five times. A commuter
was pushed in front of a subway train and was killed,
but another guy who had a long, long rap sheet
and shouldn't have been out on the street. Now Trump
says he's going to go to the wake of the officer,

and I just hope and I hope. You know he
follows you closely, so I hope he here's my words here,
I would do that mostly in private with the family.

Speaker 1 (07:00):
You know, you know, you know he did meet with
Lake and Riley's family privately.

Speaker 3 (07:04):
Right, And what's the best way to do this because
you can imagine the overwhelming emotions of everybody here. We
don't want to whip up during the wig or the funeral.
And the only reason I'm telling your audiences is most
people don't live in New York. They don't know what's
happening here. But it's happening all over the country. It's

not just New York. Every urban center is now controlled
by these far left das who want to enforce the law.
So people got to know. And you know, it's funny.
Joe Biden never one time has to address this issue,
just as he has never explained why he opened the border,
and he feels that his obligation is not to the
American people, it's to the far left that controls him

and funds him. He I mean, when you read my book, Kennedy,
and I'm going to hire somebody to read it to you,
confronting the presidents.

Speaker 1 (07:55):
When you were doing great up until you just became
a jackass, Why do you do something like that?

Speaker 2 (08:01):
What is that all about?

Speaker 3 (08:02):
Muses me.

Speaker 2 (08:05):
I'm glad, I amuse you.

Speaker 3 (08:06):
Somebody has to do this and it's in my job.
So when I hired jobs and the person will be
very articulate to file you around and read you confronting
the bridges because you're busy, and I know you can't
sit down, but you'll see.

Speaker 1 (08:19):
Actually, I have read some of your books. I haven't
read all of them, but i've read. Do you write
too many of them? I can't keep up.

Speaker 3 (08:25):
I write one a year, I know how that is.

Speaker 1 (08:28):
No Bill, I've got to read voluminous amounts of information daily.

Speaker 2 (08:32):
So I have four hours of content.

Speaker 3 (08:34):
So Lie Hannity, and I have to write them.

Speaker 2 (08:37):
No you don't. I write it too.

Speaker 1 (08:39):
And by the way, I don't write the radio show,
but I write, you know, my scripts at night. But
wait a minute. You don't do four hours of content today.

Speaker 3 (08:47):
We do a lot of content.

Speaker 2 (08:49):
I mean, you don't do four hours like me.

Speaker 3 (08:52):
I'm on your show today. I'm on News Nation tonight.

Speaker 1 (08:55):
Oh this is like, this is like a cup interview
for you.

Speaker 3 (09:01):
Okay. But the point of the matter is there have
been socio passed in the past of our country who
have been praising it and and and exhibited the same
kind of behavior that Joe Biden is. People don't even
understand that. So let me make a segue because I
know the time is tight into the MSNBC NBC news thing.

Speaker 1 (09:23):
All right, now, slow down, because that was actually where
I was going to go with this interview today. But
I am I'm really glad that you're going on a
serious note on Saturday, and I'm sure it will mean
a lot to the family and Donald Trump, should you know.
I am sure that he will be seated in the

church if he's going to the funeral, to the wake, Okay,
well regardless, I mean he's going to go in and
and the media will want to be there. I hope
they don't let the media anywhere near it. I would not, now,
Donald Trump will not have that say. That'll be up
to the family, and the family has a right to say,
no cameras at our son's wake. I mean, for crying

out loud, Can we have some level of decency?

Speaker 2 (10:10):
Will all right?

Speaker 1 (10:12):
Quick break right back more with simple man self proclaimed
all things bill O'Reilly and all things O'Reilly a Billoreilly
dot com. Then we'll get to your calls next half hour.
Eight hundred nine four one, Shawn is our number. As
we roll along this Wednesday, try to continue. Now, Bill
O'Reilly is with us all things O'Reilly a Billoreilly dot com.

And I may have to actually carry you over into
the next half hour. You're that good a guest today.
But I want to play for you. And I noticed
I don't know if you stole my words from the
radio show, because I noticed the next day we had
used the same phrase that the inmates are running the asylum.
And first, okay, I don't believe so, but if you

want to convince yourself of that of that lie, you
go right ahead. Actually, I think it probably was a
case of great minds thing alike, because the inmates are
running the asylum, and both of us have had long,
successful careers in cable news and we know a lot
about it, and I want to get into some of
the detail. Maybe I'll even set this up for the

bottom of the half hour. But I want to play
for you.

Speaker 2 (11:21):
MS. I call it DNC MS.

Speaker 1 (11:23):
DNC hosts ripping their network, the people that write their
checks because they dare to hire a Republican that happened
to be a Trump supporter, a network that won't even
run a Trump's speech. This is them going insane and
throwing a temper tantrum.

Speaker 4 (11:42):
Listen, we hope NBC will reconsider its decision. It goes
without saying that she will not be a guest on
Morning Joe. In her capacity as a paid contributor.

Speaker 5 (11:53):
She is also, as of last week, a very very
well paid contributor to NBC News, something that has alarmed
many of us in this company because Ronal McDaniel has
been a major peddler.

Speaker 6 (12:04):
Of the big lie.

Speaker 7 (12:05):
The fact that ms McDaniel is on the payroll at
NBC News, to me, that is inexplicable. I mean, you wouldn't.
You wouldn't. You wouldn't hire a wise guy. You wouldn't
hire a made man like a mobster to work at
a DA's office.

Speaker 6 (12:23):
Right. I found out about it on Friday when it
was publicly announced. I stopped inviting Trump liars like her
on this program in twenty sixteen.

Speaker 8 (12:32):
I wanted to work on behalf of the American people
to try to make their lives better. That's why I
did campaigns.

Speaker 6 (12:38):
But here's the thing.

Speaker 8 (12:39):
That kind of experience only matters and only has value
to viewers, all of you, if it is paired with honesty.
This is about truth versus lies. Service to the country
versus service to one man committed to toppling our democratic system.
That is the type of experience that Ronal McDaniel brings.

Speaker 3 (12:59):
To the table.

Speaker 1 (13:00):
Then we have the ms DNZ hosts celebrating their efforts
to basically it is sort of like a coup get
Ronald McDaniel after only one appearance. My understanding it was
a two year deal getting or fired after one appearance.
They couldn't handle one appearance of somebody that has a

different point of view than they do. And then my
favorite comment was, well, we don't mind talking to Republicans.
We'd love to talk to Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.
They're not Republicans, but anyway, let me play that.

Speaker 5 (13:36):
I just have to say, when somebody does the right thing,
I feel like it should be acknowledged as publicly as
we acknowledge our outrage. And so I know how I
feel about it. I am grateful to Caesar for actually
making the right decision. I think it was the right decision.

Speaker 7 (13:47):
Acknowledging that you might have gotten something wrong is a
real sign of strength, a real show of strength, and
I think it's a show of strength, and I think
it's a show of respect for the people who work
at this company and who make us who we are.
That leadership is willing to change on this. I'm I'm
grateful to that.

Speaker 6 (14:01):
We really are trying to get it right. We are
not feeding you lies. To be good team players. It's
a foundational principle for both working in the press and
I think healthy democratic dialogue and debate. And I have
to say it, I really appreciate working in a place
that was able to say we got this one wrong
and then made the right decision.

Speaker 1 (14:19):
All right, let's get your general take on it before
I have to take a break.

Speaker 3 (14:23):
Okay, So I saw your coverage on TV last night,
and Kancha, it was pretty good. But what everybody's missing
is this is a far bigger story than is being reported.
Number one NBC News and another Cliches jumped the shark,
so they're never going to come back as a legitimate
news agency. It is now solely a carrier for liberal

information to a left wing audience.

Speaker 1 (14:48):
All right, now, I'm going to leave it there because
I want to get your remarks. I really want your
take on this, and I want to have a little
discussion about it. All things simple, man, Bill O'Reilly is
with us all things. O'reillybilloreilly dot com. Uh, he's been
so good today. We're gonna carry him over a little
bit into the next half hour. Then we'll get your
calls in eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn is

our number, al right, twenty five to the top of
the hour. Bill, O'Reilly's been such a good guest today.
We are holding them over. Then we'll get to your
calls coming up. Our toll free telephone number is eight
hundred and nine four one, Sean if you want to
be a part of the program before we get back
to Bill.

Speaker 2 (15:26):

Speaker 1 (15:26):
The organization I've been telling you about is very very
close to home for me. It is the International Fellowship
of Christians and Jews. It's been what six months have
passed since Hamas responsible for the worst terror attack in
Israel's history, killing so many people, taking so many others

as hostages. And you know Israel right now, they are
in a war for their very survival economically on the ground, Israelis,
hundreds of thousands of them are suffering. Many thousands of
Israelis can't return to their homes as now. Things have
been heating up in the North with Lebanon and his Belah.

Now the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, the IFCJ.
They have been there on the ground from day one.
They're in the middle of this every day. They are
distributing critical essentials, food, medicine, emergency supplies to hundreds of
thousands of suffering Israelis. They are in desperate need right now,
and we are partnering with them. They need your donations

urgently and to give to this life saving organization, please
go to their website one word SUPPORTIFCJ dot org. Support
IFCJ dot org. If you donate today, that gift will
be matched by a generous donor that will double the
impact of your generosity. Anyway, support IFCJ dot org. All right,

just before we went to break, we played MSDNC hosts,
you know, ripping on their management everything starting from Chucky
Todd to Liberal Joe to let's say, Nicole Wallace Joyless
read who else do we have? Oh, conspiracy theorist extraordinary,

Rachel Maddow in her case, and what do we call
Larry loony Larry now Lawrence O'Donnell. Anyway, they're all going
crazy and we play also played after management capitulated to
the inmates running the asylum. They were celebrating. It's unbelievable.

If you are a Republican, a conservative, or god forbid,
pro Trump, that's how you are treated at NBC News.
You know, they claim that they all claim that they
are journalists.

Speaker 3 (17:47):
They're not.

Speaker 2 (17:48):
They got everything wrong.

Speaker 1 (17:50):
They live in a world of Trump derangement and hatred
they fixate on and it is their programming twenty four
to seven.

Speaker 2 (17:58):
They claim their journalists. No, they are talk show hosts.
Like I admit that I am.

Speaker 1 (18:04):
We do journalism, we do investigative journalism, we do opinion.
But I'm honest about who I am. I am a conservative.
I want conservatives because I believe their philosophy is a
better governing philosophy. When they're wrong, we call them out.
We do opinion, we do culture, we do sports. We're

like the entire newspaper. I'm a member of the press.
But I'm a talk show host and so are they,
except they claim to be something they're not. Anyway, Bill O'Reilly,
responding to the tape we played, I won't play it again.
We have both worked in cable news combined over like
you know, cable news only and I know you worked
at ABC and CBS, but about fifty plus years between

the two of us, and now I'm the longest running
primetime cable news host history. Bill, you know how bad
I was on day one, the fact that I ever
reached that milestone. If you bet on it in nineteen
ninety six, it was a bad bet. Now I was
hired to do a job. My job is to do
the best show possible. Hired as a talk show host

with opinions, who give opinions, and the idea that Fox
would ever consult me about their hirings or firings.

Speaker 2 (19:25):
It's beyond laughable to me. I am not the management
of Fox. I am not.

Speaker 1 (19:30):
I don't own the channel. I kind of wish I did.
Channel does very well, However, I don't. And have I
recommended people over the years. Sure, Have they sometimes listened
and taken a recommendation, Yes they have. Have they sometimes
said now we disagree and not take my recommendation. That's

happened as well. But I don't overstep that line. I
have people that I must report to. With that said,
I'm never told, I never been told to say or
not say. They expect me to be responsible and how
I run my show, and I am Bill.

Speaker 2 (20:07):

Speaker 1 (20:08):
I think you had the same experience at Fox, if
I'm not mistaken.

Speaker 3 (20:12):
Yeah, nobody ever told me what to say. I had
a little you know, once in a while we did
a little point of view discussion about certain things, but
it was run in a fair way.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
Usually by the way when you wanted to attack me
and rush. But I will let those days be by cuts.

Speaker 2 (20:31):
But I'm kidding.

Speaker 3 (20:31):
Go ahead, I mean, I come on. Look, this is
a much bigger story than people really understand. So we
have three networks in America, ABC, CBS, and NBC, and
you are looking at NBC jumping the shark, to use
the cliche. They are never again going to be looked
at as a news agency. It's like CNN. It's exactly

the same thing that happened with CNNCN and at one
time as a premier news agency, you could tune in
to get information first, and then they went nuts under
Jeff Zucker to hate Trump. That is what happens is
happening to NBC News. You don't hear a word from
Les your Holt, you don't hear a word from any

of the Today Show people. Okay, because they know what's
happening as well. Their audience for NBC is now going
to be exclusively left wing. That's not a good place
to be although CBS and ABC are not far behind now.
I wrote a column on Saint Patrick's Day March seventeenth,

and I said, and this was way before Ron McDaniel
was in play. And then this is why I'm an oracle.
I said that this kind of blackball banishment of conservative
voices began in twenty sixteen, after Trump was elected president.
The network moguls, the people who run the operations, were

so that Donald Trump won the election that immediately all
voices who would ever support him were silenced on all
three networks. I was on late night morning network shows
seventy eight times Hannity, by the way.

Speaker 1 (22:17):
All three networks and two cable channels, and every major newspaper.

Speaker 3 (22:22):
Okay, so if you supported Donald Trump, you were banished, canceled. Now,
before that, as I just mentioned, I was, I had
access to those programs all right, with Letterman and Leno
and Fallen and Kimmel and all of them. But then
the curtain dropped, and.

Speaker 1 (22:44):
By the way, the curtains dropped, and their ratings hanked,
their writings.

Speaker 3 (22:48):
Dropped in because people are bored with it. Now they're
bored with Colbert telling them every night that Trump's the devil. Okay,
they're bored with it. It's not funny anymore. So this
was by design. This wasn't an accident. And the same
thing happened in Hollywood. You will notice that ron McDaniel's
agent CAA dropped her.

Speaker 1 (23:13):
Why like a hot potato, I can tell you why,
And I know they do represent some people of Fox,
not me. I don't know if you ever did any
business with them. I don't think you did. Maybe you have,
and they dropped her because they represent so many people
at NBC and frankly, if i'm Ronald McDaniel, I would

be looking at well maybe asking some serious questions, or
somebody on her behalf asking really important questions, but I
won't go into detail.

Speaker 3 (23:45):
Well, look, CIA is a powerful show business agency. They
dropped her because their left wing clientele in Hollywood sided
with MSNBC, and that's why they dropped her. They didn't
want to lose those clients. So you have a blackout
now in Hollywood, film industry, television entertainment industry, and in

New York television news industry. You cannot hear Look at
Mark Levin. This is the best example I can give you.

Speaker 2 (24:15):
Thank me, God, bless us. Get off my phone, your
big dope, go ahead.

Speaker 3 (24:21):
Don't be unkind to Mark.

Speaker 2 (24:23):
So I'm being unkind. That is Mark, We're best reads.

Speaker 3 (24:28):
He deserves to get some jazz. Anyway. He's got a
massive best selling book last fall. I know because I
competed with him Killing the Witches at the same time
that his book was out, massive bestseller. Couldn't get on
any of the network shows, and neither could I and
way we're dominating the best seller lists here, both of us.

And it's just unbelievable. And so the reason that this
is a big story is if you choke off information
flow out of the conservative community over a period of time,
that's going to take its toll because the younger people,

in particular aren't gonna hear any other counterpoint of view
other than MSNBC and CNN. It really is a scandal.
It's so serious. And yet people they're concentrating on this
Ron McDaniel, which is bad enough, but they don't see
the bigger picture of the black ball way worse than

the nineteen fifties. Communism scare way worse than that. That
is actually in play in America today. There is no
freedom in the network media.

Speaker 1 (25:45):
All right, quick break, We'll come right back more with
simple Man, Bill O'Reilly, all things O'reillybilloreilly dot Com. As
we continue.

Speaker 2 (25:55):
Up next our final roundup and information Overlaw an hour.

Speaker 1 (26:05):
All right, we continue now with all Things simple Man.
That means all things Bill O'Reilly Bill. Are you or
have you ever been a Republican or a Donald Trump supporter?
That's where they are now. The left loves to lecture
the right about political anything politically correct. You want to

talk about a woke mob, this is it.

Speaker 2 (26:31):
Now. They're at a point where they cannot tolerate any opposition.
Like you, I would launch a book.

Speaker 1 (26:39):
I've been on Good Morning America for a number of
my books and the Today Show. Believe it or not,
I used to do the view like you did. I
stayed away from the late night shows. I never wanted
to do them, and I was invited like you are,
but I just felt I just felt it was not
worth my tie.

Speaker 2 (26:57):
And then I eventually gave up on all of them.
And they don't invite us.

Speaker 1 (27:00):
On anymore, Bill, and I will tell you there is
no point because my audience is way bigger than their audience,
as you know, and believe it or not, Bill, Except
for a few people, there are not many people on
the left that want to go anywhere near me. I
don't know if they think I'm Satan or what.

Speaker 3 (27:19):
They don't, It doesn't why do that? Because they have
they can say anything they want on the networks unchallenged.
So look, it all comes down to money. These people
like Joe Scarborough and the.

Speaker 1 (27:35):
Woman in the air by the way, No, no, no, you
got to call him the liberal liberal.

Speaker 3 (27:39):
Joe, all right, you know I'm not going to do that.
Scarborough and the woman in the Nicole Wallace, they used
to be conservative Republicans and they waved the checkbook in
front of them. And guess what they are now.

Speaker 1 (27:52):
Are you saying that you believe liberal Joe basically gave
up his political beliefs so he could be on TV.

Speaker 3 (28:00):
I'm saying that if you double liberal Joe salary and
said you got to be on Fox and a conservative,
he'd be over there in three hours.

Speaker 2 (28:08):
Bill. While he was working years at MSDNZ, he was
calling Fox regularly begging to be on Fox. You know
that for a fact.

Speaker 3 (28:17):
But I believe I do. I believe, I do.

Speaker 2 (28:22):
Know and you know how I.

Speaker 3 (28:24):
Know, Yeah, I know how. You know. Anyway, it's good
to be on with you because the folks are hearing
the truth. And that's it. I always do it.

Speaker 1 (28:35):
And uh, we don't always agree, Bill, I mean, and
we have kind of spirited debates, but.

Speaker 3 (28:40):
I'm not going to shade my coverage ever in any way.
But it doesn't matter how good we are or perceptive
we are, how right we are when we talk about
violent crime, we talk about the secure border, none of
that matters. Right now. We are censored by the most

powerful media agencies in the world.

Speaker 1 (29:04):
But you know what the beauty of the error that
we're living in is is that there is we have
become the media in our own way, and and people
have become very, very hip and very sophisticated in what
they watch and what they listen to. I can't force
anybody to watch my TV show, by the way, I

wish I could, I'm kidding, or listen to this radio show.
I have to do a good job every day or
they'll abandon me. They can fire me anytime they want.

Speaker 2 (29:34):
I don't want to. I don't want to get fired Bill.
I want to do a good show.

Speaker 3 (29:37):
Well and Phil you if that ever happens, will follow me.
Nobody can fire me. Annity, No, yeah but that.

Speaker 2 (29:47):
But but Bill, not any nobody has to tune into you.
They they choose to.

Speaker 1 (29:52):
I mean, this is why I have always my entire
career been against boycotts and cancelations and firings. I never
call for them, I never support them, because people have freedom,
and with that freedom, you can't force somebody to watch
or listen to something fifteen seconds.

Speaker 3 (30:12):
Okay, that freedom window is closing in American media. Here.

Speaker 2 (30:17):
You believe I kept you for an hour tonight.

Speaker 3 (30:20):
You know you're a lucky guy, Hannity. That's all I
can tell you.

Speaker 2 (30:23):
And he comes down to Florida. Who who paid for lunch?

Speaker 3 (30:28):
I had? Was oat meal?

Speaker 1 (30:32):
Well yead other stuff too, but we won't talk about
it yet. Berry's or something. I don't know what's gotten
into you. You're getting weird in your old age. Maybe
you're becoming a hippie. The latent bill O'Reilly hippies coming
out all right, o'reiley, all things, O'reillybilloreilly dot com sir,
thank you, appreciate you being with us. Have a great
Easter you and your family.

Speaker 3 (30:51):
Okay, you too,

The Sean Hannity Show News

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