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May 2, 2024 31 mins

Signs were everywhere that Israel was under real pressure before the attacks in October but the world turned its back.  Violent threats in the United States now really confuse the situation.  What is happening in this world?!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:01):
And thank you Scott Channan, and thanks to all of
you for being with us. Here's our toll free telephone
number if you want to be a part of the program.
It's eight hundred nine to four one Sean if you
would like to join us. I got to start the
show and tip my hat to New York and the NYPD.
When I started Hannity last night, the police had already

arrived on the campus of Columbia University, and right at
the top of my show at nine o'clock, they began
getting into Hamilton Hall, which had been taken over I
guess by the Hamas Wing of students at Columbia, the
radicals on campus there and anyway, so I'm watching this

all unfold. I was on for two hours last night,
from nine to eleven PM, and by the time we
got to about an hour and fifty two minutes into
the show, Linda, I don't know if you had a
chance to watch last night, but I know everybody was.
First of all, I was scared to death for the cops.
I'm watching these cops. They had barricaded the doors. They

couldn't get in that way, so they're literally one by
one they're They're climbing through a window and all I'm
thinking is, I'm like in praying in the back of
my mind, please they have no idea whether there are
armed students behind that window. And one by one they
were able to get enough police into the building and

in other places around the perimeter. We were watching this
all in real time last night and showing it in
real time, and by the time an hour and fifty
two minutes passed, they not only had cleared Hamilton Hall,
the building that had been taken over, they did it
without a single incident, a single injury, no violence, and

they pulled it off perfectly. When you think of all
that possibly could go wrong in an vice like that,
it was. It was pretty amazing. Now, I know a
lot of cop haters out there. You know, you're never
going to praise the police, of course you don't. If
there's one bad apple, one rotten cop, you know, then

that's all you hear about. Is reported on day after
day after day after day after day. And and of
course I think cops need more training. I think cops
need I think every cop should have a burner and
non lethal alternative on top of the lethal alternative, which
is a firearm, which might be the only option that
that a situation calls for. I think they need a

lot of things, and you've got to weed out bad cops.
But these guys were amazing last night and they never
get the credit that they're due. I mean, a job
well done, well thought out, well planned out, well executed,
and it ended up the way you know, you would
anybody with a heart and a conscience and a soul
would want it to. But you know now, we see,
you know now on the campus of Fordham University in

New York. My friend John Gomes graduated from Fortham Law.
I'm sure he's not happy about this today. But what
are we seeing around the country from HAVED and Yale
and Columbia and UT and UCLA and USC and f T.
I mean all these all, it's like the same thing

all across the country, mostly in blue states, Texas to
being the exception. But it is Austin, if I'm not mistaken,
pretty liberal area of Texas. But you're watching anarchy, you're
watching insurrection. Where's Liz Cheney when you need her to
form a bias committee with a predetermined outcome and be

arresting those people that are involved in doing all of this.
You know, it was amazing. You know how many times
have I brought up that with all the talk about
January sixth, January sixth, and now we know that a
lot of the evidence is not available, somehow magically disappeared.
Now we know that that committee knew that the driver

of Donald Trump on January sixth had testified that No,
Donald Trump never tried to commandeer the car at all.

Speaker 2 (04:11):
That never happened.

Speaker 1 (04:13):
But they take a hearsay witness and they make it
the biggest news possible in their Hollywood primetime production. We
now know that five people, you know, including Trump himself,
talked about Yeah, Donald Trump authorized bringing up ten thousand
National Guard troops, but in writing, the mayor of DC,
who had to sign off on it for it to occur,

in writing, said no, we know that the police chief,
the DC police chief requested the National Guard. Also, they
never brought this guy in. That's Chief Sun, who now
is no longer on the job. I mean, it's pretty
unbelievable that which they've hidden from the American people never
once said they play. Many of you will peacefully and

patriotically march the Capitol, so your voices will be heard.
So in the summer of twenty twenty, you have five
hundred and seventy four riots. We had over two dozen
dead Americans, thousands of injured cops.

Speaker 2 (05:10):
I've talked about it so often.

Speaker 1 (05:12):
They would hit rocks and bottles and molotov cocktails and
you know, pelted with bricks, thousands of cops, injured, billions
in property damage. Had all of this on videotape, there
wasn't a single congressional hearing by Liz Cheneying Company. And
most of the people involved in the rioting in the
summer of twenty twenty were never held accountable, and most

of it was on videotape. We could have arrested every
single person involved. That would be insurrection. That would be rioting.
If rioting's wrong, and I believe it is, and I
condemned it in real time on January sixth on this
radio show and that night on TV on Hannity, I
don't want that.

Speaker 2 (05:52):
We've got to keep our elected officials safe.

Speaker 1 (05:55):
End of sentence period, end of sentence doesn't matter if
you're a Democrat, doesn't matter if you're a republic if
you're an elected official, you can't allow that to happen again.
The worst part of that committee they never came up
with a plan to prevent it from ever happening again.
And then we even NBC and Lester Holt ended up
reporting that actionable intelligence was available in the days leading

up to January sixth, and they didn't do a thing
to stop it, and they've done nothing to prevent it
from ever happening again. And that should have been a
bigger part of their mission, but their mission was, of
course just a bludgeon Trump with their predetermined outcome. Now
you've got anarchy insurrection at these universities around the country,
and you've got violence, and you've got people storming buildings

and taking over buildings, and they're putting people on campus
their lives in jeopardy.

Speaker 2 (06:43):
You know. Now we're we're.

Speaker 1 (06:45):
Back to the Summer of Love and the chas and
the chop and the love zones again. And what did
Democrats do in the summer of twenty twenty They either
flat out ignored what was happening before their eyes or
they just lied to us and told us, no, they're
mostly peaceful. No, they weren't mostly peaceful, not at all.
Burning down uh, burning down police precincts isn't considered peaceful.

Injuring cops is not peaceful. Destroying property is not peaceful.
Having dead Americans, you know hers Lorenzo uh what was
his name?

Speaker 3 (07:19):

Speaker 2 (07:20):
Cooper Cooper his father. I'll never forget the interview I did.

Speaker 1 (07:23):
He lost his son and the Chaz Chop spaghetti pot
luck dinner Zone, the Summer of Love Zone, and he
and they couldn't even get help to him in time,
and and nobody was ever held accountable that I recall
Harras Lorenzo Anderson. Thank you Linda for remembering Uh. I

appreciate it. I mean, I I'll never forget that interview
for the rest of my life. And I did stay
in touch with that father. This man will never be
the same again. He's a He's a lovely man, and
he had other kids that he had to take care of.
It's just this, all of this, why we you allow
the inmates to run the asylum? And why are democrats

just like in the summer of twenty twenty, they're either
silent and their silence is deafening, or they're just in
outright denial, or they just support what the students are doing,
but they just you know, many of them won't say
it publicly, some will, like squad members, will say it.
But what is what they're allowing to happen? You cannot
You have to have law and order. This is the

same you know, no bare law, defund dismantle reimagined police
insanity that the radical left, led by Joe Biden, have
bought into. You know, why is Joe Biden so silent
on all of this? Why after what would have been
the equivalent of forty thousand dead Americans in a day
based on our population versus Israel, After twelve hundred Israelis

are killed in a day, and they're burnt alive, and
they're beheaded, and women are being raped, and children are
even being beheaded and burned to death and murdered, and
then hostages in the hundreds being taken and still being
held hostage six months later. You know, how is it
that Joe Biden is pressuring Israel when the message should

be clear and unambiguous that we support Israel's right to
defend themselves from radical Islamic terrorists that attacked them. Nobody's
asking for troops on the ground, nobody's asking for any
of that, If anything, they want to just buy supplies
from US so they can resupply and win their war

on terrorism. And as President Trump said, he called into
my show last night, Yeah, Israel has the right to
win their war, and he said win it quickly. And
what he was referring to, how it was exactly how
he defeated ISIS and the Caliphate. He just wiped them
off the face of the earth. Nobody was even paying
attention to it at the time. I mean, it was
amazing military success story that he never got credit for.

I mean, you have all these buildings and all these
schools locked down, school officials, you know, Okay, they can
warn students all they want, you know, but when you
have to tell Jewish students to stay home at Ivy
League institutions, you've got a problem. And then when the
night before, it was about twenty two hours before the
police cleared out Hamilton Hall, what do we see? You

saw hammer wielding rioters decked out in Islamic garb and
face coverings smashing their way into the main academic building,
chanting for the total destruction of Israel from the river
to the sea.

Speaker 2 (10:29):
What does that mean?

Speaker 1 (10:31):
It means they want Israel wiped off the map when
they chant death to Israel, death to America. Believe them
when they say it. You know, they proceeded to vandalize
the building. They unfurl a giant banner with the word
antifada written in blood red. The term antifada, if you
don't know, represents a violent holy war against the Jewish people.

And this was allowed to continue. You had Canadors and
others that were taking hostage, that were held against their
will yesterday until the early morning. You ask students about it,
they said, oh, that never happened. Yeah, no, it happened,
just like October seventh happened. And then they are amazing.
They take over Hamilton Hall at Columbia because the president

of that university is so pathetically stupid, ignorant and weak.
And then they start demanding food and water and humanitarian assistants.
After they take over the school, you know, and thank god,
the police did their job and there was no incidents
last night. You know, you have violent threats, vandalism, virulent,
repulsive anti semitism, praise of Hamas praise for the attack

on October the seventh, the worst in Israel's history. This
is not a peaceful anti war protest. It's a bigoted,
pro terrorist the Hamas wing, if you will, of the
radicalized Democratic Party. And it's been in the halls of Congress,
it's on college campuses, it's all over Europe, it's all

over Australia. And why is this happening? And why are
some people so afraid to speak out about it? Why
is the President of the United States pressuring Israel to
surrender and not win their war on terrorism because he
doesn't want to lose the votes of the people that
we have been watching for weeks now on these college campuses.

And it's not unlike the summer of twenty twenty. Kamala
Harris tweets out a bail fund after the Minneapolis police
station and precinct has burned to the ground. Oh, she's
supporting insurrection, Liz Cheney, have any comments about her, No,
her silence is deafening. As always, just get Trump, Get Trump,
Get Trump. And she partners with the very same people

that wanted her own father tried as a war criminal
and put in jail over business dealings involving Halliburton. You
think she might understand a thing or two about the
radical left, but she understands nothing. You know, God forbid
that any of these campuses. You know, you use the
wrong pronoun or you commit some other verbal mistake that

triggers somebody, any microaggression, Oh forget it. You know you'll
probably be expelled or suspended. But it's okay to support
the rape, the torture, the murder, the hostage taking carried
out by Hamas, the killing of innocent men, women, and
even babies. I guess that's okay on these institutions are
higher learning. Joe Biden is in hiding, scared to death

to say a word because he saw what happened in Michigan.
When eighty when over one hundred thousand voters said uncommitted,
an eighteen point nine percent of Democratic primary voters said
that they're uncommitted to Biden. He flipped out, And then
fifty percent did it in Wisconsin, and another fifty thousand

in Wisconsin and another forty thousand in Pennsylvania. Americans are
getting physically blocked from attending class. They're being told to
stay away from their school because there's so much anti semitism.

Speaker 2 (14:02):
All right, I'm getting worked up, all right.

Speaker 1 (14:05):
Twenty five now till the top of the hour. Eight
hundred and ninety four one. Do you want me to
forget it or you won't now me not to forget
I didn't hear exactly what you said, Ethan in my ear?

Speaker 2 (14:15):
What did you see? We would like you to take you?

Speaker 1 (14:17):
Okay, there you go, all right, thank you all listen,
there's no question in this economy.

Speaker 2 (14:23):
Let me be honest.

Speaker 1 (14:24):
I mean, everybody's feeling the impact of Joe Biden's inflation,
Joe Biden's horrific economy. Filling up your car with gas,
grocery shopping, home repairs, I mean, everything is more expensive.
If you have sixty percent of Americans struggling to make
ends meet every month, you have twenty six percent of
Americans saying that in the last year they've had a

hard time putting enough food on the table. Credit card debt,
people putting bare necessities on their credit cards. That's at
an all time high. However, if you are a homeowner
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Speaker 2 (15:19):

Speaker 1 (15:19):
You can call absolutely free get a no obligation consultation
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Speaker 3 (15:42):
ANMLS twenty two through through four animals, Consumer Access dot Ork.

Speaker 2 (15:45):
I might have Linda do that. Can you do that
in real time?

Speaker 3 (15:49):
Because that's not in a way that it is appropriate
for the audience, because they would lose their minds hearing
me do my matchbox twenty Yeah?

Speaker 2 (15:55):
How many takes did it take? Feed to now that?

Speaker 3 (15:57):
And be honest, I mean, I honestly, I do it
pretty fast, I do, you know, because I've done it
so many times. The first time I did it, I
was like.

Speaker 2 (16:05):
Oh lord, some of it. I know. It's such a
heavy lift.

Speaker 1 (16:09):
Being on radio talking is such a you know, compared
to the real work that both of us have done
in our life. We don't really have a reason to come.

Speaker 3 (16:16):
It actually is a very hard job because I tell
you the things I want to stay in the language
I can't use. It's tough for me.

Speaker 2 (16:22):
I'm working. You have no idea. Oh, don't trust me.

Speaker 1 (16:26):
I've I've got my finger on the dump button every
time you talk.

Speaker 3 (16:30):
I got some things I want to say. And it
takes a saying.

Speaker 1 (16:33):
Okay, it takes a lot to keep you, you know,
out of trouble. Yes, I'm I'm doing you a favor. Listen,
I would be just I have seven separate dumps, and
then I have the ability to just unplug your microphone.

Speaker 3 (16:47):
I can do that myself. I don't need you to
do that. I can do that.

Speaker 2 (16:50):
I mean, you do have long arms, but not long
enough from Florida, That's true. I don't uh anyway.

Speaker 1 (16:56):
Lindsey Graham just on Fox literally ripping Biden for doing
nothing thing, and you know, Kareem Jean Pierre Okay, Oh,
there isn't a whole lot of update from the president.
Did they not watch and witness what happened last night?
Are they not watching what's going on? Around the country
that they don't have anything to say.

Speaker 2 (17:14):
Oh, but he.

Speaker 1 (17:14):
Will be the keynote giving the keynote address at the
Holocaust Day of Remembrance.

Speaker 2 (17:20):
On May seventh.

Speaker 1 (17:21):
Well, what does that have to do with what's been
happening across college campuses now for a month? Where is
where is this Gutlass wonder? He doesn't want to alienate
And I think this is Lindsey Graham is right. He's
afraid of the protesters what he calls the Hamas wing
of the Democratic Party because he doesn't want to lose

their votes. The Democratic presidential primary in Michigan freaked out
the entire Biden orbit, just like the votes in Wisconsin,
just like the votes in Pennsylvania. That's what they're thinking
about and nothing else.

Speaker 2 (17:57):
You know.

Speaker 1 (17:58):
Police had to use heavily arm SWAT teams and armored
vehicles last night to quell this pro Hamas violence, not
only at Columbia but at UCLA at violent clashes that
erupted at UCLA last night between protesting students and counter protesters.
Tensions between pro Israel and pro Palestine protesters now reaching

a boiling point out there out at UCLA, pepper spray
skunk spray. I never heard of skunk spray and fireworks
reportedly being used as weapons in the melee. Some people
were armed with large sticks and were beating other people.
Security was tightened on Tuesday. We'll try and get this
video for Hannity tonight. Then income the SWAT teams, heavily armed,

later seen arriving at the scene in armored vehicles. I mean,
every one of these cops is putting their life on
the line. As I'm watching the cops go win one
by one at Columbia last night, I'm like, please, God,
please let these guys get out of this safely. And
I wanted the students out of this safely. But they
should be punished. I guarantee you most of them have
already been released when they arrested. The when they had

the initial arrest, going back a couple of weeks ago,
they were all released and.

Speaker 2 (19:10):
Their records expunged.

Speaker 1 (19:12):
Why Because Alvin Bragg is too busy trying an eight
year old case whose statute of limitations had long past
about a bookkeeping error involving paying Stormy Daniels at which
he tried to, you know, raise up to a felony
when sixty plus percent of the time he reduced his

felony charges to misdemeanors. Mister Nobel law himself, mister coddle
the criminals himself. This is madness, what's unfolding in this country.
The NYPD did remove the Palestinian flag from the City
College's campus. The City College of New York NYPD commissioner

applauded the move not long after officers gained control of
the campus.

Speaker 2 (19:58):

Speaker 1 (19:59):
We're watching now Fordham University, which is in the Bronx
and New York that they're now having their their moment
of protesting, but an incredible scene, proud moment. They assisted
City College restoring order on their campus. And it's happening
around the country. Now here's where things get really nuts.
Joe Biden wants to literally now import thousands of people

from Gaza and take them in as refugees. Now, we
got a little education to do here, a little educating
to do.

Speaker 2 (20:33):

Speaker 1 (20:33):
Have you ever wondered why Egypt? Why did Egypt at
the start of the conflict with Israel and Hamas, why
did they they shut their border to Gaza closed as
tight as humanly possible. I've interviewed President l CECI of Egypt.
I know President l CCI, he's a law and order guy.

But if you are, if you are living in God
and you're a Palestinian, you are not allowed to go
into Egypt, nor are you allowed into Jordan in most cases.
And now Joe Biden is now considering a plan, according
to the Daily Caller, that would transfer quote refugees from
Gaza to the US. And they're considering relocating certain Palestinian

refugees from Gaza to within the United States if they
have immediate family members or American citizens or permanent residents,
according to CBS News. Now, I'm going to tell you why.
I forget about the US, but why is there this
resistance among Arab nations neighboring countries to help absorb some
of the Palestinian population. Well, could it be? I can

give you examples of what children in Gaza are taught
in school, you know, in the West Bank and Gaza,
including graphics portraying violence against Israeli soldiers and positive portrayals
of individuals that have committed acts against citizens of Israel
rail or the target of they target Zionists. You have

textbooks in these schools that feature inaccurate misleading maps of
the region, including militaristic and adversarial imagery, or a view
of textbooks used in Palestinian schools in twenty twenty and
twenty twenty one showed kids are taught to read with
passages that describe suicide bombings and gruesome murders of IDF soldiers,

to do math using numbers of martyrs and jiahadas, and
learn the history by asking them to discuss how the
US took advantage of the nine to eleven attack, and
then of course memory is They give examples of propaganda
for young children. In other words, anybody that Joe would
be taking into this country, if they're coming from Gaza,

if they're coming from these areas of the West Bank,
they likely have been indoctrinated and brainwashed into hating the Jews.

Speaker 2 (23:00):
You know.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
Death to Israel, Death to America is a children's cartoon.
We've shown some of these on Hannity, the TV show
The Wailing of the Alaska Mosque, depicting children from around
the world gathering praying for the soldiers of that are
involved in terror. I mean, in a video, girl asks

a bird flying over Jerusalem to tell the children of
the world that the Alaska Mosque is in danger to
ask them to come and save it before it's too late.
The bird flies across the world, including the United States,
and returns to the mosque. All the children of the
world who help support the girls, support the children, also

pledge we are a lot oscar soldiers, I mean, and
it gets worse from there. You have mosqu TV cartoons
depicting the Koran based story on Jews being transformed into apes.
You have Hebrew music glorifying the killing of Israeli Jews
circulating on Palestinian social media. You have an animated music

video with Hebrew lyrics posted on the Palestinian YouTube channel.
You have a video of a campaign that has been
making the rounds on Palestinian social media for weeks under
the hashtag you know a rage for Alaska and the
Mosque and unrest. It includes footage from stabbing in car
ramming attacks, lyrics like we will attack you, tear you apart,

will stab you, and I will cleanse my country of
every Jew. I mean, that's one of the reasons. And
I have three more pages of research that I can
I can tell you about, but get the point. The
point is the radicalization begins at a young age, and
that's why neighboring countries do not want to take in

people that have likely been radicalized since their youth. By
the way, hundreds of former Obama staffers this was in
the Huffington Post of all plays, are pressing Biden to
halt's US support for Israel. More than two hundred and
fifty former staffers of the Obama administration and workers you
know for the Obama Biden tickets sent a letter to

their former bosses on Tuesday demanding an immediate cease firing
Gaza and calling for the US to end its staunch
support of Israel.

Speaker 2 (25:23):
I mean, You've got to be kidding me.

Speaker 1 (25:25):
You know, Pro Hamas Cutter has poured five hundred billion
dollars into America's colleges and universities. Quote Cutter is hamas
most important, most important financial backer, and foreign ally according
to the Jerusalem Post. As put in the La Times,
I mean, are you kidding me? Senator Marshall Blackburners urging

the TSA to put pro Hamas college protesters on their
terror watch list. The group organizing the pro Palestinian protests
on college campuses apparently are being funded by chefs that
have ties to Hamas. According to The Daily Mail, the
group behind the pro Palestinian student protests at Columbia got
over three million dollars a year and is linked to

organizations accused of funding terrorist organizations like Hamas.

Speaker 2 (26:15):
According to the.

Speaker 1 (26:17):
A new think tank study, the Study of Global Anti
Semitism and Policy, I mean these are scary times. You
have the Iranian Ayatola lauding pro Palestinian campus protests in America.
Israel's reputation is ruined. Wow, I wonder if that makes
them feel good. And meanwhile, the majority of Americans do

support Israel's operation in Rafa. Why start a war if
you're not going to fight it and win the war.
Those days have come and they have gone. We're also
learning what Biden has been doing the bulk of illegal
immigrants who qualify for this insane policy that we've been
telling you about, the where you don't going, you don't

collect two hundred dollars. They're just flying people into the
United States and the vast over forty five cities are included.
But I'll tell you the cities they're targeting the most.
They're cities in Florida. Oh is this payback to Ronda
Santis because Ronda Santis doesn't support this, and Ronda Santis

had the unmitigated gall of sending Joe Biden's illegal immigrants
to Matha's vineyard. White House is considering now bringing in
Palestinians from Gaza as refugees. How are we ever going
to know? How do you ever test whether or not
they've been indoctrinated with some of the materials I just
mentioned to you, and there's a lot more that I
can mention to you, there's no way to know that.

By the way, immigration remains the top US problem for
the third straight month, and there's no good news for Biden.
And I don't care if it's the political polls that
come out. We have more polling numbers that have come
out today. He's not doing well. And every poll, now
the Emerson poll shows that Donald Trump is winning in
all seven swing states that will determine the outcome of

this election. Now, to win back the youth vote, Joe
Biden apparently is making a move to make marijuana more
available to young users. Great, never mind recent studies that
show especially the strength of marijuana has gone through the roof.
It's fifty times stronger than it was, you know, twenty

years ago, and it's triggering in some kids schizophrenia, psychosis, depression.
Wall Street Journal is saying they want it because they
want to win back the youth vote. They had a
plan to stop the sale of menthall cigarettes. Now they're saying, well, well,
African Americans. I don't know why African Americans. They think
only African Americans smoke menthol cigarettes. That's like Joe's saying

it doesn't want schools. You know, where did that come from?
But so now they've backed off on that front. On
the economy, things aren't going particularly they're either. Now the
Biden administration literally wants to justify their tax hikes based
on a racial criteria and saying that tax hikes disproportionately

effect white people would ease racial inequality and increasing taxes
on capital gains and income based wealth would reduce racial
wealth inequality for African American and Hispanic families. And the
Treasury points out that white families disproportionally hold assets.

Speaker 2 (29:32):
Okay, you tax capital.

Speaker 1 (29:34):
Gains, what do you think is going to happen at
forty four percent before that law goes into effect. Everybody's
gonna pull their money out. They won't invest a dime,
They'll throw them in treasuries and get five percent back
on their money. And then trying to even tax unrealized
capital gains. Well, you know your stock is up fifty
percent by the end of the year. You have to

pay US taxes on that, Okay, but you didn't sell
the stock, so you haven't realized that gain. And that means, well,
what happens when you sell it? Are you going to
get a refund? I tend to doubt it. The economy
will collapse if this insanity is institutionalized. Look, twenty bucks
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Speaker 2 (31:05):
Sean Hennedy

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The Nikki Glaser Podcast

Every week comedian and infamous roaster Nikki Glaser provides a fun, fast-paced, and brutally honest look into current pop-culture and her own personal life.

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