All Episodes

May 21, 2018 95 mins

Congressman and Florida Gubernatorial Candidate Ron DeSantis and Sara Carter join Sean to discuss the latest news that the FBI and/or the Department of Justice was involved with surveillance efforts targeted at the Trump Campaign. Was there anyone from the Obama Administration involved? Could this be the single greatest abuse of power ever?! President Trump fought back this weekend demanding to know more! The Sean Hannity Show is on weekdays from 3 pm to 6 pm ET on iHeartRadio and

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Let not your heart be troubled. You are listening to
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al Right, clad you with us. I'm my head is
exploding because of all of the news and what a traumatic, shocking,
unbelievable but yet in a lot of ways predictable turnaround
in terms of everything that we have been telling you

about the deep state, about the abuse of power, about
the corruption about Look, it all goes back to Hillary
and it all goes back to rigging an investigation. It
all goes back to her felonies and obstruction covered so
that she could continue and they they thought she was
going to be the president, and they wanted to curry

favored number one, number two. They also hated Donald Trump,
and in the process, a lot of laws were broken,
and a lot of corruption took place, and a lot
of deep state actors are now being exposed. And what
is the most amazing thing I will tell you today
without giving details, is the damn is about to burst.

There is about to be a massive cascading of information
that will prove to you and has been literally it's
you can tell when the when the New York Times
Washington Post are now corroborating what we've been reporting, I
can take this back and give you the date mart seven,

Sarah Carter John Solomon on Hannity talking about there was
a FISA warrant issued against the Trump campaign, and now
that has evolved into now they might be multiple not
just one, but multiple uh FBI informants within the Trump campaign.
And probably the biggest breakthrough of the story, now we

all know who the FBI snoop was. This guy by
the name and I'm I'm the I had this name forever.
I didn't do it. The only thing I said publicly
I said little hints. I said to Sarah Carter a
couple of times on TV Leslie, Sarah, am I gonna
recognize his initials? Well, yeah, it's Stephen Helper Sean Hannity,

Stephen Helper, s H s H. That's what I'm saying.
So you know, but now the people that are outing
this guy are the deep state. This this was not Hannity,
and they have to in light of the fact that
three weeks from now or thereabouts, we're gonna get back
from Memorial Day weekend and that vacation. Hopefully you never
know in this business. I might be working, but we're

gonna get back, and you're gonna get an I g
report that, according to all counts, is going to be
devastating too many of these deep state actors. And apparently
from what I'm hearing, we'll see I hope Michael Horrowitz
did what he did in the case of the Deputy
FBI director UH Andrew mc cabe, and that ended up

in a criminal referral. And I warned James Comey, I
said I on Twitter tweeted, took the time to do it, Jim.
Remember you have the right to remain silent. Now I'm
gonna say these words to other individuals like UH, John
Brennan and James Clapper, and there are others of you

I will be talking about in the days and weeks ahead,
because this is this is all about to explode into
the open. Here's what you're gonna learn more than anything,
big picture, is that how corrupt your media has been,
how wrong they have been and how in their desire
to destroy a president and delegitimize the president that they

never believe could win, and we're shocked that he did win.
That they have been a part of an effort to
undermine and in their minds, hopefully impeaching or getting out
of office Donald Trump. It is all of that and
more a complete and utter deep state soft coup in

the United States of America, and it's all coming crumbling
down as we speak. Very interesting. I guess Trump is
supposed to be meeting with Rod Rosenstein. Keep the name
Rod Rosenstein etched in your brain for days and weeks
and months to come. I want you to remember what
I'm saying here. Watch what happens to Rosenstein. Rod Rosenstein

apparently meeting with the president today, and I guess the
FBI director Christopher Ray. But we do know Rod Rosenstein,
another bff of Mueller. We do know that people like him.
Well we know first of all, he was the one
that recommended that Comey be fired or the FBI would
never be able to recover. So he is a witness

against Comey. That's pretty fascinating. That would be called a
conflict of interest. But the bigger problem Berard Rosenstein, and
I am predicting right here and now today is he
signed the final FISA warrant against the Trump campaign associate
Carter Page. Every three months, remember the Carter Page. The

first fis a lie. Remember they used the bought and
paid for Clinton dossier formulated by Fusion GPS funneled through
the law firm Perkins Cooeie and and Fusion GPS hired
a foreign national by the name of Christopher Steele. Christopher
Steele used all of these Russian sources, Russian government sources,

and put the dossier together, the new Nest Memo, the
Grassly Graham memo. It was the bulk of information presented
to the FISA court. The only problem is it was
never verified, it was never corroborated, and they never told
the FISA judge ever they had an asterisk that I
might have a slight political taint. No, they knew and

did not tell the judges four times that Hillary bought
and paid for those Russian lines. And the worst part
is in interrogatories in legal cases in Great Britain, Christopher
Steel is under oath saying, uh, you know it was
raw intelligence. I mean I just took it as wrong
intelligence maybe fifty fifty chance, Well, you don't take something

that the author of says maybe kind of it's raw,
fifty fifty and use it to obtain a warrant to
spy on a presidential campaign in an election year to
help the one you want to win. So all of
these people involved in this because by fies a law,
they have an obligation not to purposely lie to a judge.

They have an obligation to have verified corroborated, and to
not omit or lie by omission by not telling them
who paid for it, who put it together, and what
the circumstances are, because the idea that any judge would
have signed off on it if they of the trip
never would have happened. Ever, you know, it's very interesting.
I'm watching like John Brennan is panicked. I mean, two

of the most very little anti Trump officials are now
shouting from the rooftops in panic at this point that
it's gonna be a disaster if the d J follows
the president's directive to launch a full blown investigation into
the FBI. Now we've got a spy and maybe maybe
I'm not we know we had a spy in the

Trump campaign, and don't believe the media that now because
of the I G Report, they're trying to get ahead
of it, which is what I told you last week
when I first saw the New York Times piece. They're
trying to get ahead of it because they know it's
all gonna come out, so they want to slow bleed
it then rather than have a one big, huge, massive

bomb blow up what their operation was. And they get
their willing accomplices at the New York Times Washington Post.
These are the two biggest hack liberal newspapers in the country.
They are the worst. They are not about news. They
brag about, well, if we go after Trump, you know,
you should see the number of subscriptions that go up. Okay,

so you've got the hard left. Oh so, in other words, basically,
you're all a bunch of liberal activists, you know, posing
as journalists or so called journals. Anyway, So now you've
got all these people. John Brennan and Sally Yates are
imploding before our eyes. And they are people who most
likely were up to their eyeballs in all of this.

Yates went into an anti Trump tirade, you know this morning.
Brennan hit the panic button last night after Trump announced
the new investigation. By the way, I wanted to say
something I disagree with the president, and Rod Rosen's steam response, Well,
we'll let the Inspector general. No, we're not gonna let
the Inspector general because that's a year and a half
that we buy time so that they can say, you know,

come up with whatever eyes they wanted, you know, corroborate
with each other in the interim. This needs to be
found out now, right now by law enforcement. Now, you
don't put somebody who doesn't even have the power to ultimately,
you know, recommend or or the power of putting together

convening a grand jury and indicting people. That's not within
the power of the inspector General. You know. So President
Trump's turning the tables. This whole thing go back to
January when I came back from vacation. This is the
year of the boomerang. Here's what shocking. Let me let
me it's so deep. I'm just I put together a

massive pile today everything that nobody covered. But let's see me.
Sarah John, Greg Sidney Powell, Sebastian Gorka, you know who
else was there? Pretty much from the VIC David shown
has become a great addition to us. Um, who am
I missing? They're all there. Tom Fitton with Judicial watched

another great great work he's done. Isn't about me? On radio?
You have Rush on radio, you have Mark on you know,
and and a lot of great local hosts, you know,
laws and and all these wonderful guys. Michael Berry, Laura,
Laura Ingram, by the way, has been amazing too, Just
been absolutely spectacular. Joe PAGs are buddy, Joe. You know,

there's everybody I keep saying that, anyone go to listen.
We're all spokes in a wheel here, and we need
every spoke to make the wheel go round. Dan Bongino
another one. Anyway, Look listen quickly. What Obama and his
political tune gang did as far worse than Watergate. Our
buddy Charlie Hurt. The mainstream media silence is in the
American thinker on Stephen Helper's name ends, and then it

goes on another piece. Washington and Examiner Rod Rosenstein asked
d J Inspector General to review possible Trump campaign infiltration.
They've got caught another one Trump buttorney after twice Lyne
the FBI admits Clinton, Lynch Tarmac documents exist. They've lied
to us, just like Clapper perjured himself. And Brennan has

lied to us repeatedly about all of these matters, and
including in front of Congress and congressional testimony sworn testimony.
Another headline, Trump to order investigation into FBI, d o
J surveillance of his campaign and Obama administration involvement. Um
the DP, what is it? Town Hall? Derrick Hunter? The

deep state is real and much bigger than you know.
And I continue, and it goes on one year in
the Russia investigation keeps leading back to the investigators. Uh,
let's see Molly Hemingway at at at the Federalists. You know,
you just go on and on, Joe to Geneva. Is

he nuts or does he know something? I can tell
you He's not nuts. The American Spectator has been Gray
John Brennan's exceptionally sensitive issue. The Americans Spectator helper spells
game is up for Obama spies. The American Thinker a
great piece out on that today. You know, um, then
you have you know, Devin Newness Freedom Caucus members. You

gotta add them to the list of people that have
done this Clapper pretends to know nothing of CIA opts
and denying planting spy on Trump. I've only gotten through
a third of the pile of articles that is now
coming out that we have been telling you is coming,
and the details of which we have been telling you
for a year and a half. And the media has

missed the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in our lifetime,
in our lifetime, and they went with a phony Russia
Trump collusion story and there was never and is never
going to be any evidence. But yet they ignored Hillary
paying for a phone, the Russian dossier to light of

the American people that she paid for that then becomes
the base of a FISA warrant after her friends fixed it,
so she didn't get the justice that she deserved under
the rule of law and equal justice under the law,
under our constitutional law system. This is bigger and deeper
and wider, and it's about the damn is about to

bust and cascade over like my show runneth Over a
little late here, all right, as we roll along, Sean
Hannity Show eight d Nying for one. Seawan is our
toll free telephone number if you want to be a
part of the program. You know, there's just so much
that we can and we'll get into that. It is
an amazing time in the history of this country, and

it's profound. And the sad thing is is if the
deep steak gets away with this and then they never
thought this is their big mistake. They never thought Donald
Trump had a chance. And if that was the case,
if he didn't win, you never would have known this existed.
All of this existed. So, Sarah Carter, Who's gonna join

us at the top of the next hour as a
new piece out concealed FISA documents may hold the key
to the Trump surveillance. What was I just saying about
Rob Rosenstein and the president? Apparently, as I reported his
meeting with senior FBI d j uh D n I
officials National intelligence officials in a meeting to discuss classified

documentation requested by the House Intel Committee and whether or
not members of the Obama administration authorize the use of
a long time informant of the CIA and the FBI
to be investigating members of the Donald Trump sixteen campaign. Well,
now we have reports out today that in fact they
paid this guy. Now, the New York Post says four

hundred thousand and we have another report zero hed says
a million dollars to the guy whose name that they leaked.
Why would they paying him so much? Mony, Okay, something
is wrong here now. Anyway, it goes on to say,
came on the heels of the President's demand over the weekend.
You know, once it became known Operation Crossfire Hurricane, including

surveillance of members of the Trump campaign at this meeting,
it was crucial. It's gonna be an opportunity now for
the President to order the Justice Department, Rod Rosenstein and
Jeff Sessions and the FBI to now turnover classified information
not only requested by the House Intel Committee, but may
give us the answers related to the scope of the

FISA abuse scandal against the Trump campaign and the Deputy
Attorney General Rod Rosenstein that signed the fourth warrant application. Well,
every application was filled with uncorroborated, unverified information that we
now know is false. Every judge was lied to, and

the lie Biomission they never told the judge just Hillary
paid for it all. Thank you, my good friend. Scott
Schott on eight hundred nine four one, Shawn, if you
want to be a part of the program, you know
you look at. There's so many new details that I
want to get to you with you first, and then
I'm we'll go into a deeper dive of Sarah's what
I think is really really insightful article about where these

visa documents, why we need to see these visa documents,
These applications are so crucial in all this. And while
this is all happening, remember we're probably in about two
three weeks, we're now going to get the I G.
S Report on as it relates to the Hillary Clinton
email investigation, we know she committed felonies, that it was

there's zero ambiguity about the server in the mom and
pop shop pathroom closet, just like the first draft of
Comey and Struck said that five to six foreign intel
services hacked into it. You know, so when people say, well,
where did delete emails come from? Bob Bob Okay, Well

it could have been anybody. And the fact that she
of course deleted thirty three thousand subpoena emails and acid
washed the hard drive. I doubt many of you heard
about bleach bit before Hillary Clinton and this particular case,
and then of course busting up devices with hammers, and
you know Hillary's answered ed, Henry, you mean like with

a cloth? You mean that I cleaned the server with
like a cloth, Uh, which she knew. You know, she
must think. And I guess a lot of liberals do
think we're stupid. I think they really do. Here's an
amazing development in all this. Now the Justice Department has
called for an inquiry after Trump demands the probe into weather. Uh,

the FBI infiltrated or surveiled the campaign. This is now
under pressure, rightly from the president. The president should be outraged,
you know, Trey Goudy, Oh, you need to act like
innocent people. Act innocent people act outraged when they are
falsely accused. That to me is the most natural reaction.
And the president reacting to all of these lies and

this witch hunt that has gone on with no evidence,
and his son being dragged into this, you know, for
thirty forty hours of testimony. You know, here's a question,
what percentage of people in Congress Democrat, Republican, Independent, if
they got a call and said we've got opposite and

research on your opponent, what percentage of politicians would take
the meeting? I would? It's not illegal. You know. It
turned out to be a meeting about adoption and the
mcginski Act with Russia. Nothing that nothing that would have
had to do now collusions, not even a crime on

top of it. Why are we even discussing it as
a possible crime. Anyway, this is a pretty markable step
and Rod rosen Stein's reaction to it. I don't like
the idea proposed by Rod Rosenstein. Well, let's have the
Inspector General look at It's taken fourteen long months to
get the report. We still don't have yet into the

handling of the Clinton email server. Five people are now
working have been working on that report. Now hand it
over to Congress and the d or sorry the d
o J in the FBI. You know, in case they
need to make redactions, Well, if you're Rod Rosenstein or
or any of the key deep state players, you're gonna
redact everything in the name of national security. And then

if they want to offer suggestions, yeah, take it all out.
You know. This is where I hope the Inspector General
stay strong. But anyway, that so the Justice Department, Rob
Rosenstein responded and um that in fact, it should be
looked into by the Inspector General and if anyone did
infiltrators availed participants in a presidential campaign for inappropriate purposes.

We need to know about it and take appropriate action.
He said, These developments in the wake of a longtime
US intelligence source assisting in the investigation. We now know
who the person is. You know the person that I
was just telling you about. Here's another amazing development in
all of this. Mark Penn, Mark Penn, Ted Olsen Uh,

Cheryl Atkinson. These are really really smart political operatives. I
never like Mark Penn. Mark Penn is my favorite person.
He actually writes a piece. He was Hillary's chief strategist
in the two thousand presidential campaign. He's worked with the
Clinton family since the mid nineties, and he literally dropped
a what is the equivalent of a bomb in terms

of a verbal altercation. We do not advocate violence on
the Shot Hannity Show, ever, but what is literally a
boom if you will? On Robert Mueller, Rod Rosenstein, Christopher
Stile and the Clinton Foundation and the intelligence community. And
he recognizes what we've been saying everything about the deep state.
He uses the word deep state, laying out the absurdity

and the danger of the Obama administration's abuse of the
surveillance and law enforcement of this country. What do I say,
weaponizing the tools of intelligence against political enemies and the
American people? He is correct, and the headline in the
Hill is stopping Robert Mueller to protect us all. I

never thought I was gonna read what I read. And
by the way, Ted Olson, same thing. Cheryl Atkinson goes
into such she's gonna be on the program later this week,
such in depth coverage of all of these abuses. Now,
I know you've heard it here, but to watch even
the mainstream media. Now, we have dragged them kicking and screaming,

and they paid attention, and some of them, to their credit,
have actually said, you know what, they're right, people like Hannity,
Sarah Carter, Greg Jared, Our whole team is right, the
Freedom Caucus, Devin nowonas right. The rest of the media
has been wrong. And so he writes at this point,
there's little doubt that the highest echelons of the FBI

and the Justice Department broke their own rules to the
to end the Hillary Clinton investigation. Wow. And then it
goes on to say, you know, in this particular piece,
if you when you read deeper into it, Hillary Clinton,
you know stopping Robert Mueller to protect us at the

all and um hits Trump pulls out the rush, she
pulled out the Russia hat, etcetera. But it goes on
to say, in this whole thing, but we can expect
the inspector role to document what was done or pointedly
not done. It is hard to see how a year
long investigation of this won't come down hard on the
FBI director, James Comey. I think the odds that Comy

is gonna get a criminal referral of very high. That's
my opinion. If if there is equal justice under the
law and Michael Horowitz does his job, James Comey will
get a criminal referral in this matter. And by the way,
I don't take any glee in saying it or saying
to him before his dope book came out in a
self promotion tour and I'm I'm better than everybody else

tour and i only had three meetings with Donald Trump,
but I'm gonna call him a mobster tour and everything
in between. I don't take any glee. As the son
of a mom who worked in a as a prison
guard for twenty five years and my father working in
family court probation and the and the you know, when
my grandparents come here at the turn of the last century,

one of the one of the best jobs anybody in
our family could get was in law enforcement, extended family
in the m Y p D. You know. And then
I had a couple of extended family in the FBI.
That was the that they were. They crime then let
crime the top. They made it, that was making it
such deeply, such a deeply respected and I still respect.

I'm not gonna get caught up in you know, broad
strokes sweeping indictments against rank and file, because I know
rank and file, FBI, Intelligence, CIA, they're there. As a
matter of fact. The truth is, without some of them
stepping up to tell the truth, we wouldn't be here.
There's an irony and all that. So just because a
few with the upper echelon, we can't judge them all anyway,

James Brian comey stopping Mueller to protect us all, blah
blah blah blah. Muller plans to wrap up the investigation,
et cetera. But you know what this is. Somehow this
thing is reading badly, But anyway it goes on, the
deep state is in a deep state of desperation, he
rights with little time left before the Justice Department inspector
generals were work becomes public, and with Special Counsel Mueller

having failed to bring down Donald Trump after a year
of trying, they know a reckoning is coming. What did
I tell you last week with the New York Times
article came out? This is Mark pen At this point,
there's little doubt the highest echelons of the FBI and
Department of Justice broke their own rules to end Hillary
Clinton's matter, and it goes on. But we can expect

the Inspector general to document what was done or more
appointedly not done. Mark Penn is basically acknowledging yes, Hillary
committed felonies and they rigged the investigation. It's hard to
see how a yearlong investigation won't come down hard on
the former FBI director and perhaps even former Attorney General
Loretta Lynch, who definitely wasn't playing in in a secret

no AIDS allowed meeting with former President Clinton on the
Phoenix tarmac. Thank you for observing what is obviously the
truth with zero With this report on the way, congressional
investigators begin to zero in on the lack of hard,
verified evidence for starting the Trump probe. Current and former
intelligence and Justice Department officials are dumping everything they can

to save their reputations, but it's backfiring. They started by
telling the story. This was in the New York Times
last week. Alexander Downer, in Australian diplomat, is having remembered
a bar conversation with George Papadopoulos. I didn't know who
this guy was. And then he goes on, but how
did the FBI know they should talk to him? That's
left out of the narrative. Down Her signature appears on

a million dollar contribution to the Clinton Foundation. You don't
need much imagination to figure out that he was close
with the Clinton Foundation operatives who were late information to
the State Department, which then called the FBI to complete
the loop. And then the same people that started the
investigation in the Trump with the same people that literally

days before had just exonerated Hillary knowing she committed crimes,
they covered up war and they rigged the whole thing
in no way. With a fourth hand report, which we've
been telling you from a multest professor, justify wholesale wholesale
targeting of four or five members of the Trump campaign.
It took Christopher Steele, with his funding concealed through false

campaign filings, to be incredibly successful at creating a vast
echo chamber around this unverified, fanciful dossier, bouncing it back
and forth between the press the FBI. So it appeared
there were multiple sources all coming to the same conclusion. Wow,
Mark Penn ted Olsen was amazing. I don'tenough time to

get into it. I love to get him on to
talk about it. So was Cheryl Atkinson. Is a new
letter from Charles grass Leader Rosenstein. It seems to have
a lot of bombshells in it. In the form of
a letter. As the head of the Senate Judiciary, the
Senator is exercising his oversight duties of Congress and his
asking all the tough questions of Rod Rosenstein. Pay attention

to that name, Rod Rosenstein, and that issue here is
the authority the marching orders that were given a special counsel, Mueller.
The term unfettered power was used by grass Lee very
very similar to what we heard from this judge. Ellis
the third A couple of Fridays ago, you know, um

and the person and I thought the Red State nailed us.
The people that are outing Stephan Helper wasn't me. I've
known about I've known his name for a long time.
Only I only went as far as saying, well, I
recognize Sarah the initials Stefan Helper, Sean Hannity. It's just
my way of cleverly I thought telling her I knew

who it was. I knew she knew the President. I
hereby demand, and I will do so officially tomorrow. The
Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI
d o J infiltrated or surveiled the Trump campaign for
political purposes, and if any such demands or request were
aid by people within the Obama administration. Yes, he's right,

he is right, Joe de Jennifer, you know the president. Yeah,
he Sessions has to go. It's unbelievable. The whole thing
is unbelievable. And you the saddest part to me is
this is happening in the United States of America. It
is sad that all this has gone down, all of it.

And yes, Sarah Carter is right that concealed documents may
hold the key in all of this if we can
never get to the bottom of it. Newness is now
saying the FBI had more than one spy, may have
had more than one spy survailing the Trump campaign. If
Devin Nooness says it, that's true, He's not saying it
from a point of ignorance. Is that we've asked for

specific documents that we still not have received from the
Department of Justice. Why won't they hand them over? Congress
has constitutional oversight authority. They're not turning it over because
it is damning evidence against them in their conspiracy, in
their desire to undermine the president. You the American people

voted for. And that a spy is paid between four
hundred and a million dollars in the last two years,
not bad work if you didn't get it. Who authorized
that funding, the president's right to authorize an order the
investigation of spying, and the fact that this witness who
helped launch the you know this downer guy, really million

dollars the Clinton Foundation. Sally Yates is in a panic.
Brennan is in a panic, rightly so. Rudy Julianni is
given Mueller a final ultimatum, no Trump interview unless the
FBI comes clean about what they've done here. This is
not rank and file FBI I am telling you do

not fall into the trap the media wants you to. Well,
now all of a sudden, law and order conservatives have
turned on No, we've turned on a few deep state
operatives that abuse their power and corrupted the process and
did things they never should have done. Alright, Sarah Carter

is coming up next to the next hour, one Sean. Alright, alright,
as we roll along, Sean Hannity Show, one Sean, if
you want to be a part of the program, A right.
Sarah Carter gets joins us when she gets when we
get back, has an incredible column literally just broke about
well about an hour ago, just as we were coming
on the air, Concealed FISA documents may hold the key

to Trump surveillance. Is a lot in here that I
think gets to the heart of where this all needs
to go. That's straight a hut. Wow, this is amazing news.
Glad you with us? How are to Sean Hannity's show. Alright,
one is um and I agree with this. I support
already Jim Jordan for the next speaker, a House Speaker
of the House, and Jim is now urged as one

of the stars in this effort to hold the deep state,
the FBI, the Justice Department accountable. Uh. Daily Caller now
saying a coalition of more than a hundred Conservatives sent
the letter to Jim Jordan's urging him to throw his
name in to replace Paul Ryan. I'm supporting him he
if he I want him to run and I want
him to win. That's my take. Now. Uh, the House

Intel Committee, a member is now saying that the today
that the FBI spygate scandal is worse than the White
House knows. We know that's true, although I think the
President is getting much more deeply involved and aware every day.
And I'll explain that in just a second. Here is

the latest leak. This all started with the New York
Times piece last week, and when I read it, I
kind of chuckled. On the one hand, it was a
great compliment, and that everything that Sarah and Greg and um,
oh gosh, I'm gonna forget everybody, Uh, John Solomon, Tom Fitton,

Dan Bongino, Sidney Powell, David Show and all of us.
I'm gonna forget people and all these guys in the
Freedom Caucus and of course Devan News. Everything we've been
reporting here on this show and on TV is now
being leaked, which is a great acknowledgement. But on the
other hand, they're only doing it because they want to
slow drip this out because of the bombs that they

know that are coming that will expose them. Here's the
latest political reporting. Rod Rosenstein, what did I tell you
the last hour? Pay attention to that name granted the
Mueller investigation quote special status, which gives Mueller's investigators the
power to investigate pretty much anything they wanted to investigate,

whether it's within the scope of the original mandate or not.
No wonder why Rosenstein wanted to redact so much of
the scope memo. No wonder why Judge Ellis the third
is demanding to see the not the original mandate, the
original authorization. But also remember they rated Manafort's home on July,

then on August second, then he authorized well more investigative powers.
It seemed backwards to me, and it was backwards anyway, Politico,
like the Washington Post, like the New York Times. It
seems like they're spreading it out, you know, amongst all
their liberal allies in the press, which means pretty much
everybody but me and talk radio and Fox News. Anyway,

goes on to say. Several court filings indicate when lawyers
from Mueller's office appeared in Alexandria earlier this year, they
did so not only as representatives of Mueller's office, but
also as a special assistant United States Attorneys attached to
the U. S. Attorney's Office. There, one lawyer who has
studied the use of this provision said, the granting of

that status, it's called sauce of as a U S
A pay attention. I'll explain that in a minute, gives
the authority Mueller's team, theoretically the authority to pursue matters
that are not within the Special Council's mandate. Now, the
designation gives Mueller and his prosecutors, his band of Andrew Weissman,

pitbull corrupt, you know, democratic donors, the kind of dual
status that that could complicate any attempt by Judge Ellis
to try to shift the cause or the case to
federal prosecutors based in Alexandria, possibility, the judge mentioned to
Fridays ago, and a spokesperson for Mueller's office confirmed to

Political they don't respond to the Hannity Show, ever, that
some of the attorneys on the Special Council's team have
that special status. Now, what this means is and what
Peter Carr pointed out from Mueller's office to a local
federal court rule that allows federal prosecutors to handle cases
there when quote appearing pursue went to the authority of

the United States Attorney's Office for the Eastern District of
Virginia quote as special assistant U S Attorneys, they are
not confined to the scope of the special Council is
acting under. So they're using this to basically justify what
Ellis was pointing out that they want to put the
screws to Manafort to make Manafort sing or maybe compose

so that they could either prosecutor or impeach Donald Trump.
So this has all been going on and they never
decided to leak until now because it's all coming out anyway.
At least four of Mueller's prosecutors submitted court pleadings indicating
they have this status, Andrew Weisman among them. What The

New York Times refers to is Robert Mueller's pitbull. Now
what's interesting, Wiseman is the guy that got tens of
thousands of people losing their jobs at Anderson Accounting you know,
the same Andrew Weisman was overturned nine zero in the
Supreme Court. The same Wiseman put four innocent Meryal executives
in jail for a year that was overturned by the

Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. The same guy has been
excoriated not once but twice for withholding exculpatory evidence in cases.
Why would anybody pick anybody with that atrocious track record
to be his pitbull, unless, of course Mueller wants, you know,
uh to go after Trump in as a bad away

as possible. All right, Now, the other news I'm telling
you about and joining us now is Congressman Rhonda Santas.
He's on the Freedom Caucus. Thank god for this group.
And also Sarah Carter, investigative reporter. She has a brand
new article out of Broke about an hour ago, concealed
FISA documents may hold the key to Trump's surveillance. Now,
the president's meeting with Rosenstein and Ray and other officials

were told probably the meeting's over by now, or maybe
it's ongoing. Rosenstein signed off on the fourth FISA warrant,
and of course we know that the bulk of evidence
to for the original application supplicuent applications. Is the debunked,
bought and paid for Clinton dossier by put together by
a foreign national with Russian lies in it. Sarah take
over absolutely. So this is what's so fascinating about this meeting.

You have, you know, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Christopher Ray,
and d and I Dan Coates at the White House
with the President. And as you say, the meeting maybe
ongoing or it may be over by now, but they
went there specifically to discuss these congressional demands for the
documents that are related to these FISA applications, these foreign

intelligence surveillance applications that they had on Carter Page and
the House Intelligence Committee as well as the other committees.
They believe that not handing these documents over are impeding
their ability to conduct oversight. And the documents are so important, Seine,
because those FISA documents and all the related material to

those FISA documents could answer all of the questions that
we have regarding both the informant that was giving information
on the Trump campaign and every subsequent piece of evidence
that they turned over to the fife of courts or
lack of evidence that they turned over to the fis
of courts in order to get those warrants. Just by

on page and think about this. It lasted seven months
into the Trump campaign. Seven months into the Trump campaign,
and the last person to sign off on the fight
a warrant on the fourth fis a warrant was the
Trump presidency. Is what you mean? It started during the campaign,
just before the election. That's correct, It started just before

the election, and it goes on all the way until
September two thousand seventeen, because there's a ninety day renewal
process for these fiss But remember, every single face A
warrant that goes before the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, that's
the secret Court, has compounded evidence inside. So not only
do they have the evidence that they previously showed the

Vice accord, they have to prove that they have even
more evidence to continue the surveillance. So what was it
that they used? Comey tried to describe this as a
mosaic when he did his interview to Brett Bear and
he tried to downplay the dossier, which, by the way,
they knew from the beginning. They knew that the dossier
was unverified. They knew that Christian doesn't that violate law, Yes,

doesn't it violate FBI protocol? Yes? Didn't they have an
obligation tell the judge that Hillary paid for it? Yes,
they didn't do any of the above at any point
that we know of. Correct, and they in the original application,
subsequent applications correct. But remember each subsequent application would require
that they provide continuing evidence to continue the surveillance. And

based on what Nunitz has said openly to Maria Barto Romo,
based on what everybody is asking for, it appears that
it is the evidence, the subsequent evidence which Rod rose
in Stein himself signed off on when they sent this
to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. It would be that
evidence that they let me bring in Rhonda Santis and

this Congressman Sean. Just think about where we're at here.
So supposedly you launch a counter intelligence investigation against Donald
Trump's campaign because George Papadopoulos popped off with at a
bar drinking about, oh, the Russians may of Hillary's emails. Now,
wouldn't you, if you were honestly that concerned about it,

Why wouldn't you just interview Papadopolis and ask him where
he where he found that out from? Asked him if
there's anything more he knows and then go from there. Instead,
they launched this massive investigation. They have this guy who
is an informant. Really, I think from what I've been
able to gather on it, um perhaps trying to get information,
but I think part of it was he was trying

to manufacture contact contacts between various low level Trump campaign
affiliates and for a nation knows, to provide a pretext
for further surveillance down the road. So the more and
more that comes out about this, the more and more
disturbing it is. And look, government getting beyond it's it's
it's bounds is a problem. Anyways, when you're talking about

surveillance and you start talking about intelligence capability used against them,
we're also talking about campaign that is as serious as
it gets. Were Also, this is look I've been saying
for the longest time, this is the biggest abuse of
power corruption scandal in history. Now where Newness is saying
Sarah Carter that the FBI may have had more than

one spy surveilling Trump, and we're learning. You know, when
I said to you last week on the air, Sarah,
am I gonna recognize the initials of this spy in
the Trump campaign. Obviously we all knew the name. Now
the guys. Stefan Helper's name is out all over the place.
I purposely chose not to release it until others did.

And it looks like the Intelligence Committee did it more
than anybody. Now there's two conflicting reports out, one by
the New York Post and one by the Zero Hedge
in their piece that anywhere between four hundred thousand and
a million dollars was paid the Helper absolutely, and so
now you see the problem. The problem here lies in

what did the FBI do, how did they handle their assets?
And as well as these assets were connected to the CIA,
they were connected to the intelligence community, and who else
could they have paid? It's Helper is not the only one,
and it's still alleged because the d o J will
not come out and verify that it was Helper, so
it's still alleged. But if Helper, who's allegedly the informant

providing information on four separate members of the Trump campaign,
who else could they have used and did they pay
for those assets as well? And that's something that can
only be answered in the documents connected to the fight application.
And it appears that Rod Rosenstein is fighting tooth and
nail and so is Christopher Ray to not allow the

committee to have those documents. And that's what makes me
so highly suspicious of it, because this is not about
protecting national security. This appears to be about protecting the
d o J and the FBI from malfeas in. All right,
we're gonna hold you guys over. Stay with us. We
just have too much ground to cover here and I
don't want to have to rush through it. So if

you guys can stay a little longer, we will keep
you into the next half hour. One, Shawn is our number. Alright,
so much newsbreaking today. Yeah, there was a spy in
the Trump campaign and according to two conflicting reports, the
FBI is campaign spy collected well anywhere between four hundred
thousand and uh a million dollars in the last two years. Sarah,

what is your reporting showing on it? Uh? It's well,
you know, this is what's so complicated. You're talking directly
about Seawan the investigation, right, how the cost of the investigation? No, no, no,
I'm talking about I want to know how much does
FBI spy was paid? Because you know there the look
the spin has been, oh he was in a spy

on the Carem Praier and I'm like, yeah, he was.
Just look at what the questions that he's asking Papadopolis
and everyone, Carter and everybody else, Carter Page. Well, this
is what we know. We know that Stephen Palper had
Stephen Helper, sorry, had multiple contracts with the with the
Department of the Defense New Assessment Division. One of those
contracts were for four hundred and eleven thousand dollars and

it was a sole service contract, which is really which
is really strange. It's not common in the Department of
Defense to have that type of contract, so it's not
certain what he did for all of this money. There
were also multiple other contracts included under the Department of Defense. Now,
remember sometimes this is and this is just based on

my sourcing. These are ways of paying an asset, right,
a way of paying someone money, get the money for
what for the services that they've done, because they still
have to do it legally. So it went through the
Department of Defense. Now, in order to understand the extent
of which he was paid or the extent of which
other possible informants were paid, if there were others um

and if Helper. Once again, I stressed that the Department
of Justice has not verified that this is a person,
but that would only be known through the documents provided
through the FISA. And let me because all right, you
guys are going to stay through the half hour. You've agreed,
Thank you, But let me bring Rhonda Santis in. And
that raises the question did they ever pay for example,

Christopher Steele, who they fired and then used of course,
you know, remembering the interrogatories and Great Britain. He was saying, wow,
the dacier you know, maybe true, may not be true
raw intelligence fifty fifty that's used to get a FISAL warrant.
I know. So I think what happened with Steele is
I do think there was an agreement to pay him.
I think what may have happened is that the payment

was ultimately not sent because when he started talking to
the press, the FBI had no choice but to stop
working with him because that was such a good day.
Tell the FAZA judges they fired him. No, exactly, they
never did that, And so there's a whole host of
problems from there, you know. Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows and
I wrote the letter to the President last week saying,
just declassify all of this because there's obvious answers to

these questions about whether this guy was paid. We know
there's a record, so let's just produce that. Answer the
question yes or no, and then answer the question was
he directed to make contact with these people by the FBI,
Justice or c I A. I stay right there. Rhonda
Santa's Freedom Caucus is also running for governor of Florida.
Investigator reporter Sarah Carter, We're gonna get into more of
our deep dive when we get back. If they ran

a spy ring or an informant ring, and they were
paying people within the Trump campaign, if any of that
is true, that is an absolute red line. There's not
an honest person in this country who can believe that
taxpayer dollars going to to fund this ring and and
operate like this, like what said in the New York Times.

I think it would have quite a quite a bit
of detail on it. If any of that is true,
this is a redline in this country. You can't do
this to political campaigns. But I mean this was done,
I mean according to them, this was done in in
the Spring. I mean before the counterintelligence investigation was even open.
If that's true, we need to know about it. Well,
I can tell you that nobody was ever interested in informant.

We asked for specific documents that we still have not
received from the Department of Justice. So they continue to
leak out things about this informant. Uh, And we don't
know if that there's one informant or more informants because
there's so much out there now it's really getting tough
to follow. And all we're asking for is give us
the documentation that you used to start this investigation. Alright,

twenty five till the top of the hour one, Shawn
are told free telephone number. You want to be a
part of the program. That was House Intel Committee, chairman
of a New nest And if there's a spy informant
that was put in the Trump campaign to spy on
the Trump campaign, that is a red line, you think,
just like lying to a phis A court. Yeah, that's

a red line too, and not corroborating, verifying, not telling
the court in an original application, subsequent application, three subsequent
application applications. Hillary paid for it, never checking Rod Rosenstein
of course, signing off on the fourth FISO warrant. Personally,
if he's not conflicted out for this, he's certainly conflicted

out over being witnessed number one on why the president
should have fired James Comey, and then new Nest now
suggesting that could be multiple informants within the Trump campaign,
and then of course they're down leaking the name of
the informant and so much more. And he was paid
the last couple of years anywhere between four hundred and

a million dollars. We haven't been able to but he's paid,
definitely paid money. Now we just have to find out
the act them out, which I think the taxpayers have
a right to know, and Congress has a constitutional right
to oversight. It is their duty in in our republic
checks and balances co equal branches of government, oversight is essential.

And the slow walking and the obstruction, and of course
the redactions, and then then the name of national security
which turned out to be outright lies, and then just
the refusal to turn over to Congress what is their
constitutional authority to have a look at. And we have
another leak today that Rosenstein granted Mueller investigation special status

in terms of at least four people. In other words,
that they could also be working on other issues involving
in terms of in other words, as special assistant U
S Attorneys, they are not confined to the scope that
the Special Council is acting under. And the sad part
about that, and it's called SASSA for short Special Assistant
U S Attorneys. Anyway, the sad part about that is

nobody knew and they're trying now to leak that because
now they have to justify the fact that they rated
Paul Manafort's home gunn's ablaze, which is typical quintessential Andrew
Weissman at six in the morning. And all they really
had to do was called Paul Manafort's attorney and say, uh,
can you please, we're outside Paul manifort store, would you

mind opening the door? Which would have been what did
they think to Paul Manafort at six in the morning,
was waiting with shotgun in hand? Is that what they
believed over a tax case from two thousand and five
that had nothing to do with Russia, that had to
do with the Ukraine. This is insanity, This is you know,

as Judge Ellis said, we don't want anyone branch of
government with unfettered power coequal branches of government, separation of powers.
Our founders and our framers, in their wisdom, they understood
the necessity of these checks and balances so that not
one group of people would have unfettered power. That's why.

And of course they put the screws to manifort, quoting
Judge Jellis, in the hopes that he'll sing so they
can prosecute or get information and prosecute Trump, even if
he's singing like a Canarian, composing like a caminary, brand
new music to get out of trouble. It's unbelievable. Anyway,
we continue. They've been willing and gracious with their time

to stay with us. Rhonda Santis, he is a member
of the Freedom Caucus, congressman from Florida running for governor,
by the way, in the great state of Florida. And uh,
also we have our investigative reporter, Sarah Carter, has been
with us. Uh. Let me start with you, Congressman de Santis,
what about this leak now to Politico on top of
the Washington Post leagues, the NBC leagues, the New York

Times leagues. Obviously there's a lot of scared Deep state
operatives out there that are trying to get ahead of
this because they know not only is the Inspector General
report on the email server and Clinton investigation coming out,
but now the FIA you know story, and everything seems
to be falling apart, including Mueller's investigation no exactly, and

the leak about Mueller having a special status that really
confirms Rosenstein is supposed to be overseeing and directing this investigation,
but really Mueller is directing Rosenstein. I mean, Rosenstein is
like Mueller's little poodle. Uh. He's not shown any backbone
to actually oversee this investigation. And I can tell you, Sean,

for all the complaining that they're saying that we in
Congress somehow want to damage national security just because we
want to get documents, they say you can't have the
documents because it will damage national security, and then they
turn around and leak it to the New York Times
and the Washington Post. The goal of this bureaucracy is
simply unbelievable. What are you you know, Sarah's I look

at this and I listen to Chairman Nunas talk about
a redline. A redline means this is it game over.
That's what he's talking about. And he's right, and it
should have been over a long time ago. But you know,
now we're talking also on top of a redline having
a spy in the Trump campaign, then we got the
issue of multiple informants now that he suggested, and I
don't think Chairman Nunas would make that comment unless he

knew something. Well, absolutely, you wouldn't. You wouldn't think that
he would come out and make these statements unless he
knew something. And this is part of that bit of
mosaic these is using Komey's words, you know, his own
words with Brett Bear that he was trying to downplay
the dossier and say it's say, it's part of a
mosaic of evidence that they had collected. Well what is

that evidence? Uh? You know former FBI director James Komy
And I think what's so crazy, Sean, is that the
d o J and the FBI have given more information
in the last week to the New York Times and
the Washington Post than they have given to a Congress
which has the authority for oversight. And that's because they

are trying to change this narrative and try to make
this narrative more in their favor and that's absolutely unbelievable.
I mean, this is the authority of Congress to conduct
oversight over what's happened here. And this will be one
of the biggest stories in modern American political history when

this information comes out, because they actually had people connected
to the opposition Hillary campaign, uh, the d n C
paying for spies, and it appears now that the FBI
was doing the same with assets inside a campaign to

collect evidence. And actually it appears, based on the evidence
that's out there right now, a lot of which was
leaked by the d o J and FBI, that they
were attempting to set up the campaign for a fall.
I don't think there's any doubt about this. This is
a coup. This is a this is an attempt at
a coup. Now, when the President tweeted this weekend, congressman

that he wanted a full investigation, I don't think he said.
The Inspector General Rod Rosenstein jumped on the President's tweet
to talk about well, these the Inspector General, well, it's
taken him nearly eighteen months to get out the first report.
With all due respect, this is not something that we
we have eighteen months to deal with here, and I

think that would be a bad idea, especially when Congress
should be handed over the documents yesterday. Exactly. We need
to documents, declassify everything. Obviously, I don't need to know
a source's name, it's irrelevant. What's relevant is the conduct
of the FBI, the conduct of Comy, the conduct of McCabe's,

maybe the conduct of conduct of Brennan at the c
i A. We need all of that information. Brennan and
Sally Yate seemed very nervous in the last forty eight hours,
very very nervous, and so once that's out there, then
I think it will be a matter of just going
through the documents before we determine does that need to
be referred for criminal prosecution. I've already referred people like

McCabe and Comy because I think that they've lied, But
maybe Brennan, maybe some of these people in your right
Sean the Inspector General. Ultimately they may do a thorough job,
but that'll take a year and a half. We don't
have a bigger problem than that. He doesn't have the
ability uh to indict at the end of this, he
doesn't He can't convene a grand jury, zero ability to

prosecute anybody, And just imagine Muller has has nailed a
bunch of people for extraneous offenses that have nothing to
do with the campaign. Wouldn't it be a tragedy of
the people who are actually violating the law during the campaign,
somehow are able to just get off the god free.
We can't let that happen. I've called this the year
of the boomerang. It's interesting I've read, for example, there's

spend so many great columns won by Cheryl Atkinson this weekend,
won by uh Ted Olsen this weekend. One that really
shocked me was Mark Penn, who basically Sarah is saying
everything that you and I and others have been saying
and and Freedom Caucus guys have been saying since March
of seventh of the Wall Street Journal is now called

on Obama to testify about what he knew and when
he knew it. I picked up last week, you know
the whole idea that right after they rigged Hillary's investigation,
days later the New York Times gave us some details.
They immediately are headed off to uh to meet the
you know this guy out Downer who donated million of

the Clinton Foundation because he got drunk with Papadopolis four
way hearsay, and even Mark Penn recognizes this. But the
little detail that was missed is they had to before
the FBI interviewed this guy. Doubted they They had to
go through diplomatic coop after diplomatic coop, which tells me
John Kerry knew, which them raises the specter that Barack
Obama new. And I think that Barack Obama, former president

Barack Obama, has a duty to explain what he knew.
And this isn't about you know, and you talked about
Mark Penn and his and his ed. This isn't about
whether you support Trump or not. This is about the
weaponization of the intelligence community to be utilized against a
presidential campaign and when and a president and hang on

and a president elect and a president elect and a
president because it's ongoing, true, yes, because it is ongoing.
And this shakes the foundation the core of our country
because this is how we lose ourselves. Right, if we
allow this to happen, then we're no better than Pakistan,

than Afghanistan in the former Soviet Union, than the current
Russian Republic. That's correct, That's the danger where Venezuela. That's it,
let me go. That's why we need to find out
the truth. And that's why I'm very concerned Sean as
well about you know, the meeting today that took place
at the White House, because you know, one thing is
certain that Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Ray were kind of

laying out their belief that the President should not turn
these documents over to the Congress. I hope they lose.
Now you mentioned John Brennan, Congressman de Santis. He tweeted
out Centator McConnell, Speaker Iran. If Trump continues along this
disastrous path, by the way, he wants voted a communist
for president. How he ever became CIA directors a mystery.

You will bear major responsibility for the harm done to
our democracy. You do a great disservice to our nation
and the Republican Party if you continue to enable Trump's
self serving actions. Um, he sounds panicked. And I also
noticed that, uh, you know, uh, Sally Yates is panicked,
and Sally Yates goes out and starts talking about his

assault on the rule of law is taken to a
new level by demanding the Justice Department look into the
surveillance abuses in the campaign. Oh, I guess she doesn't
care about free, fair, open elections and doesn't care about
the abuse of intelligence and the powerful tools of intelligence
turned on the American people. Are you kidding me? And
she abused I mean, she sent under her offices the

FBI to interrogate Flynn when there wasn't a good cause
to do it. They had the intercept of what was said,
and yet they did that. That was a perjury trap
for Flynn. Look, Brennan is going to be very difficult
to nail down to these very slippery but boy, the
way he is reacting. Uh, and then the fact that
you had this this source who very well may have

had CIA ties as well. I think he needs to
be probed very seriously for his actions and all of this,
and whether he was helping to facilitate some of these
contacts and passing along any of the fruits of the surveillance. Alright, listen,
I know we kept you much longer than we thought,
but I think it's there's so much to literally wrap
our arms around here. I think it's worth the extra

time and attention. And you guys have been phenomenal. Everybody
in the Freedom Caucus. Rhonda Santis, Congressman Florida, also a
guminatorial candidate coming up UH in that election, and I
think would be a great governor. Well the other way, oh,
Sean Hannity said nice things about Rhonda Santis and supports
him full disclosure, because if I don't disclose where I

went to the bathroom, apparently i've I've I've committed some
type of uh journalistic malpractice. These rules don't apply to
anybody else though. And Sarah Carter I once actually had
dinner with her and Linda together and it was a meeting,
and I paid all right, I'm telling you, I don't

trust this. Apparently the meeting with Rod Rosenstein and Ray
are over. It was agreed that White House Chief of
Staff Kelly will immediately set up a meeting with other FBI,
DO O, j D, and I, together with congressional leaders
to review highly classified and other information they have requested.
Dan Coates was in this meeting the Director of National

Intelligence Director Ray Rod Rosenstein, and I don't trust it
because the ones we need they're not going to release.
That's my prediction. More straight ahead, stay right here for
our final news round up and information overload everything we
think we know about the Trump Tower meeting, what Donald

Trump Jr. Testified before the Senate Um for the Senate
Judiciary Committee Um, and and the version of events based
on the transcripts that we've all read today. Do you
believe those version of events or do you think we
don't actually know what happened in that Trump Tower meeting.
I think there's still a lot that the public does
not know. I know there are a lot of things

that I don't know. I knew a lot when I
was in government, But I do you know more about
that meeting than we do in the public domain. I'm
not going to talk about what I might know or
not know about because you just said. You just admitted it,
so I didn't mean to say. Yeah, I'm saying I
know a lot about what happened during my time at
CIA during the presidential campaign that has not come out

publicly for variety of reasons. But I know that Bob
Muller and his team of investigators have uncovered a lot
more information, and I'm putting the pieces together. So I
don't think anybody should assume complete knowledge and the truth
about any of these interactions or meetings. Do you know,
if the Bureau ever relied on the Steel Dossier as

any as part of any court filings, applications, petitions, pleadings.
I have no awareness did the CEE I rely on it? No?
Why not? Because we we didn't. It wasn't part of
the corpus of intelligence. Uh. Information that we had. It
was not in any way used as a basis for

the Intel's community assessment that was done. It was It
was not. Yeah there, I can't wait till we get
the information on Brennan anyway. Glad you're with us one
Sean are told free telephone number. You want to be
a part of the program. You know. Um, everything that
the media, it's now becoming more clear by the day,
everything that they have been their narrative for over a

year and a half is crumbling before their eyes. The
narrative as I went through at the beginning of the
program to I won't do it again now, the narrative
about all of these deep state operatives, actors upper echelon Intelligence, CIA, FBI,
d o J and their actions spying on the Trump campaign.

The FISA warrants, the fixing for Hillary not equal justice
under the law of the Hillary standard of Justice and
then the rest of us all turned out to be true. Correct,
And I am telling you there is about to be
another cascade of information coming. I mean it is, it
is going to It is the single biggest corruption story,

abusive power story, sadly in American history, and the media
in this country have been missing in action. You know.
Is it reassuring that in the last week, as the
Deep State knows their their time has come and they're
getting exposed, that they leaked to their friendly media friends
like the New York Times and the Washington Post and

then spinning their way out of you know what, is
obvious abuse and corruption. I guess as a certain part
of that satisfying. It's sad to me that it all happened,
But it's not gonna work because the American people know
what they have been fed for the last year and
a half, and they also know that this counter narrative
has been going on in the background, and there have

been a number of us, just not enough of us
in my opinion. Anyway, He's from the Hill, Joe Concho.
He is a regular course on Hannity of the TV program,
and I saw that John Brennan sends out a tweet
to Mitch McConnell and Speaker Ryan and it says, if
Mr Trump continues along this disastrous path, you will bear
the major responsibility for the harm done to our democracy. Well,

we are a republic but small point. Uh, you do
a great disservice to our nation and the Republican Party
if you continue to enable Mr Trump's self serving actions.
And then you wrote Mr Brennan back. Not sure if
Mr Brennan understands that these kind of tweets he continually
puts out might give the impression and he isn't a
political Well, he was a former communist and that's a fact.

He did vote for a communist candidate, didn't he One point,
I read about that recently and I'm like, well, and
this guy became CIA director, Sean. I mean, you talk
about who the media is now. The media is made
up of pundits that include former heads of major law
enforcement agencies. Brennan NBC MSNBC contributor who sounds completely paranoid.

By the way, right now with the tweet you just read,
James Clapper is a CNN contributor. Phill Mudd formally c
I a FBI, CNN contributor James Comey on a book
tour like the Hillary book tour that will never end
bashing the president. And that's what all of these people
have in come, and all of them seem to really
really dislike this president. So now you have to believe

that while they were doing their jobs on that they
were a political That they just went about their business
the way a doctor doesn't looking at a patient, no
feelings whatsoever, just the facts, pursue the facts. But then
you see these tweets and you see them do interviews,
and you say, there is no way they could have
been nonpartisan when they're on the job, and it had
to affect the way they went about their business. Well

it's now obvious. And you know if you look at man,
I wasn't gonna do this. But let me let me
go back to where I started the program today, and
and that is, you know, if you look at all
the headlines, you know something has happened. Now you followed
media coverage, that is, you know, look at Cheryl Atkinson's piece,
or the New York Post, Michael Washer's piece, or even

I think the biggest shock of all of this is
you even have Clinton people now, Mark Penn, you know,
talking about the deep state. Now, there was a time
and you follow all of this where you know, I
was excoriated by so called newspeople for the coverage that
I have been involved in for the last year. You know.
But I'm looking at I have a pile of headlines

today and let's see, uh oh, Charlie Hurt. What Obama
and his political chum gang did. His far worse than Watergate.
Mainstream media silence on Stephen Helper's name ends the fact
that this guy was paid, according to the New York Post,
four thousand dollars in it and according to his report
and zero Hedge over a million. This guy was paid

a lot of money for spying on the Trump campaign.
That's a problem for them. Trump attorney, after twice lying,
FBI admits Clinton Lynch tarmac documents exist and will be issued.
They lied about it. James Clapper purjured himself while giving
congressional testimony. We're supposed to trust him. We're supposed to
trust Brennan. Here's another headline. Trump to order investigation into

the FBI d J surveillance of his campaign and Obama
administration involvement. Um the deep state is really a town
hall piece and much bigger than you know, Derrek Hunter. Now,
with all due respect, I mean some of these people
were there in the beginning, some of them. But you know,
like is always kind of the case of my career,
you know, vetting Obama and someone and thinking Donald Trump

can win two examples. You know, I have kind of
been hanging out here with just a few really smart,
hard working investigative reporters, and we've been ahead of it.
And the media has been wrong, Joe. They've been wrong
for a year and a half. And not only have
they been wrong, they've been hostile to those of us
that have been right and the president themselves, and they've

been part of what is the biggest abuse of power
in history, instead of covering the biggest abuse of power
in history, not only hostile seawn but sanctimonious, right, condescending,
patronizing towards the president. Remember when he first alleged that
the Obama administration, or at least the people are working
in his Department of Justice, had surveilled had wired Taft,

had done something to actually infiltrate Trump Tower, and to
basically what we're reading about now with Helper right as
far as putting an FBI agent into the campaign, and
he was laughed at for saying that. People were saying
he was crazy for drawing that conclusion. Well, who's right now?
So I have a By the way, Joe, I can
give you the date, March seventh, Hannity the television show,

Sarah Carter, John Solomon say the Trump campaign of faisal
warrant was issued, they were surveiled. Who is it? John Solomon?
You spick up his sounds very from the units, right
he rights for the Hill. Yes, and Sarah Carter, they've
been coming on your show pretty consistently making these allegations.
When I noticed about Sarah and John because now Sarah's
a Fox contributor, but she wasn't for a while. They're
they're free agents, right, they can go on any network

that they want to leave Solomon Ken and CNN, MSNBC
for whatever reason, they never have him on because they
don't want to hear what he's actually reporting. And he's
only been nominated for two Pulitzer Prizes, so what does
he know? But overall, uh, Sean, I would say that
we've gone now into Ken's Starr territory in terms of
public perception and of the Muller investigation and of investigations
of Donald Trump in any capacity, because that, in the

end seemed to be to the American people at the time,
something that was politicized, something that went way outside of
its scope, and something that explored things that people simply
didn't care about. And Bill Clinton left office with a
sixty eight percent approval rating, and now you see that
with President fromp to a certain extent, Yes, the economy
is doing great, in the North Korea developments, and ISIS
is destroyed. But really I think there's a boomerang effect
now going on that shows that when you go after

him this hard and you don't produce anything to back
it up, like I don't know, actual collusion with the Russians,
then you see slowly that real clear politics average of
polls that we've talked about going up in December now
over here a couple of months later, despite an overwhelmingly
negative press. So you know what, in the end, this
could end up being a positive for President Trump, a

big positive if he has vindicated, and it seems like
that is starting to happen, at least as far as
the way these investigations are being conducted. I made a
decision personally, and you've known the name of Mr Help
but for a long time as well. I knew it
all last week. I'm not sure when I first got it.
I don't remember the exact day. That's not how my
mind works. I can't tell you what who was my
guest on the show on Friday, But I can tell

you Reagan's accomplishments to the t from the nineteen eighties.
It's just how my my mind works. How are they
going to reconcile all of this insane coverage that has
been so off and the lack of coverage about the
biggest abuse of power scandal? How do they reconcile that? Well,
they're they're they're suffering, right. I mean, CNN, particularly just

this month, is down more in its ratings, which it
wasn't like they're on some high perch and they came
off of it a little bit like the NFL. But
they're already in third place, and I don't mean a
distant third place. Uh. And now they're even losing what
one fifth more of their audience because you can only
put on Michael Avanetti, which they've done now more than
seventy five times and talk about Stormy Daniels. But then never,

it never goes anywhere, right. I mean, we see these
people on all the time, but everybody at homesick, we
don't care. Let's let's talk about important things like you
used to do. So that's that's how they're gonna reconcile
it by you know what, when the ratings keep falling,
people get fired and uh, you know, they'll just have
to start over, maybe go back to the network that
I grew up loving, which was I don't know, how
does anyone ever get out of their head the branding

of fake news? How they don't know, they don't, they don't.
This is you don't recover from that. Look, I would
understand that, say Hillary Clinton rally, they saying Sean Hannity sucks.
But when you go to a Trump rally and they
just turn around to see all them back there, they're
all fake news, fake news, fake news, and then the
audience just on their own, without any prompting from candidate

or President Trump, CNN sucks. They go right to it.
Everybody knows to bring up. You bring up Bernie Sanders,
you can bring Corey Booker, you can bring up all
these candidates right on the Democratic side, and you'll get
some booze, but you don't get the kind of real
passion of boo the bronx kind of cheer that you
get when you bring up a CNN because they feel
they've been you know, when CNN says were objective and

we're just the searching for the facts, and they see
a jim Acosta, you know, go on the air and
actually tell Jimmy Kimmel that he was just as top
of Obama as he was on President Trump. And you
could just go back and play the clips where he's
saying he was getting uh. Oh, we got a great
clip of him asking a very tough question. He's actually
covering the second inauguration of of Barack Obama and uh,
I almost thought he had to thrill up his leg

like Chris Matthews. And obviously this is this is the
moment that everybody is waiting for on inauguration Day when
the President of the First Ladies step out of their
remo and walked down Pennsylvania Avenue. Uh. You know, I
feel I feel like I should pitch myself right now. Wolf,
I can't believe I have this, uh, this vantage point
of history in the making. So you're literally, what about

fifteen twenty ft away from the president. I'm probably a
good I would say fifty feet away from the president
right now, wild very very close. I mean him and
Chris Matthews and Obama. Could you imagine them in a
room together. We love you, We love you. I felt
this thrilling up my way. Remember that, Gonda, go Mr

uh oh. It's such a blessing to see Mr President.
Thank you for taking time out of your day. O Gantius, good,
thank you so much. As long as we're pulling out classics,
this is when Obama got elected. Listen to this. I
never whatever happened, I don't have all right, listen, we'll

take a break. We'll come back more with Joe Concho
on the other side of this. Right as we continue
with Joe Concho, media critic of the Hill, frequent guest
on Hannity, he's done an amazing job. All right, So
where's knowing that? Without giving away too much, I know
there's about to be a cascade of deep state information
that I think will shock the soul of the American people.

Where does the where does the media go, if anywhere
to get their reputations back in this kind of like
being cheated on Sean And I hate to get into
my personal life too much. Before I got married, I
was cheated and I never could look at that person
the same way again, you know, I mean I tried
to work it out. But now once that trust is
why would anyone cheat on Joe Kuncha, I have no idea.
That's the biggest mistake. Anybody may look at you now,

play Toby Keats song how do you Like Me? Now?
I have a feeling my ex girlfriend probably watches other
cable news network besides Fox, or listen to anity on
the radio. No, she's she's she's privately stalking you, following
your every move and saying, oh why did I do that? Wow?
We've gone off at tangent. But the point is that
once you've been cheated on, and I'm responsible for that, tangent,

it's it's kind of like putting a tooth toothpaste back
in the tube. It's like unringing that bell. You know
you can't do it. So I don't know, particularly conservative
and Republicans who already were very very wary of the
media before Donald Trump ever came along. Right now, that
that never that you never get those people back ever again.
And I think once Donald Trump leaves the stage, whether
that be uh in you know, a couple of years

or six years from now, I don't know how they
ever attract an audience again, or how they know how
to do their jobs outside of talking about Donald Trump again.
I think, yeah, it'll it'll break, and you're just gonna
see a lot of people who have careers now that
that no longer will because no one will be watching.
If no one's watching, no one's paying the bills, the
advertising bills, no one's getting the big contracts anymore. So yeah,
I think when Donald Trump goes away, a lot of

these people will be going away to all right, thank you,
Joe Concha. And by the way, uh there were so
many obituaries written about me because we do go Linda,
this is what we do. We go out on a limb.
We vetted Obama, nobody had the guts to do it,
and we were right, and we were proven right. What
would happen to the country. I wish we were wrong
in that sense, but we weren't the same thing here,
you know, we were righting about Trump. Nobody had no

chance to win. Yeah he did, and we're right about
the deep state. When we come back, your phone calls
coming up eight nine four one sean if you want
to be a part of the program. The body of
a young Hispanic female was found in the block of
Sharp's Crest, Houston, Texas. The victim appeared to have been
executed and left in the street. We were able to
identify a group of MS thirteen gang members who we

believe are responsible. Please in New York saying the suspect
in a series of brutal crimes is a gang member
and illegal immigrant who has been deported four times. Tommy
Vladim Alvarado Ventura is accused of stabbing two women and
sexually assaulting a two year old girl. And they used
two females to lure four young males to the park,

and they were brutally bludgeoned and stabbed and hacked up
with machetes. It's gruesome, and it's not like you're shooting
somebody from a hundred feet away. You are, You're getting
blood splattered onto you. The killers slashed Perez's neck. Today,
Alexandria police announced three suspects, an adult male, seventeen year
old boy, and sixteen year old girl. Investigators say those

men are MS thirteen gang members. Yesterday, three subjects responsible
for two attempted murders with bladed weapons and in one incident,
firing a handgun at the victim. We're taken into custody
last night. All purport to be MS thirteen members. Nineteen
year old Miguel Lopez Abrego was charged with first degree
murder of the victim, as the press release says the

victim had been stabbed over one hundred times. Investigators say
the Queensman is a member of MS thirteen and is
responsible for killing a Valley Stream team earlier this year.
According to court documents, Julio Caesar Gonzales's fancy's brutally beaten
body was discovered inside the massive Peak were preserved in
late March. Thirteen gang member which I know about. If

they don't reach a special threshold, I cannot tell ice about.
We have people coming into the country, trying to come,
and we're stopping a lot of them, but we're taking
people out of the country. You wouldn't believe how these people.
These are people, These are animals. So we saw what happen,
you know, all the bruhaha. By the way, glad you
with us twenty four now till the top of the hour.

One Shawn is a number. You want to be a
part of the program, I'll get your calls and comments
in here. Uh so, the President says, yeah, he's asked
a question about MS thirteen gang members. The numbers of brutal,
violent crop times committed by members of this gang have
been so well chronicled, and innocent Americans dying. Now he

was asked specifically about them, and he said that they're animals.
And then the media said Donald Trump called all immigrants
animals when he specifically did not, which is so dishonest
but yet predictable. Um, the reality is, I've been down
to that border twelve times. I've been out on horseback,
all terrain, vehicle, boats, helicopters, drug warehouses, tunnels. I've seen

it all, from the Rio grand to San Diego and
every spot in between. And I'm telling you I was
there when a gang member was arrested. I didn't know
at the moment, didn't know at the time, but we
found out later They informed our show, Yes, this is
a known gang member. Now, this is so important for
the safety, the security of every American in every city.

And on top of that, you know, look at the
opioid problem and the abuse problem. You know, go watch
the show trade on on Showtime or any of these
Netflix series. One's called Drugs, and you're gonna learn about
opioids and where they come from and how they're made,
and how there's literally our borders being so poor as
they pour across the border to target small towns and
big cities all across the United States. Anyway, joining us,

she happens to be and what are you doing in town?
Congresswoman Diane Black of Tennessee is with us, by the way,
Republican candidate for governor UM and this is an issue.
You have been against catch and release. You support the
president on building the wall absolutely. Where where the rest
of these so called Republicans. Well, we want to build
the wall, and the President wants to build the wall,
and yet Congress has not funded it. And look, this

is nothing new. We've been wanting to build this wall
for the past three presidents, and yet we don't have
the funding. And so my bill that I've actually put
into the hopper is that we allow the American people
who want to see the wall built to be a
part of that and it develops in a dedicated fund
so that you can send your money to build the wall.
Let's get it done. You know, the only problem I

have with it is this. Okay, I live in New York,
all right, Well, now my taxes are a little lower
except on the I don't get the DUC duct to
New York state tax. So I'm paying about when you
add state, federal, local city tax, and you have a
state income tax in New York of nearly ten percent.
City tax in New York at four on top of
the what was you know, uh, federal income tax. So

when I pay all my taxes, it's sixty three cents
out of every dollar. And I have to pay because
my name is Sean Hannity and there are a lot
of deep state actors that hate me, and so they
try they pull my file as often as they can. Unfortunately.
So my point is to you, you know, I don't
want to have to pay the money there. We have
enough money to pay for the wall and protect our citizenry.
Why can't we just pay it? Why can't the Congress

the Republicans funded well, So first of all, let me
invite you to Tennessee, where we don't have a state
income tax um and you don't have all those taxes
in each one of the How long have you been
in New York? How many days? I've only been here too, Okay.
And you see the dilapidated infrastructure it's and if it
was in Tennessee, your your phones would be ringing off
the hook what you see every single second in New York? Right,

that's right? Okay? How is it possible you have no
state income tax and you have far better infrastructure Texas,
same story, Florida. Same story than New York or Illinois
or New Jersey or California. Because people know that they
want to come to Tennessee and they want to be
a part of what we have there in Tennessee, where
we balance our budget by the constitution and we make
sure that we use our money in a way that

helps the people's lives and continues to invite more and
more people to come. That's why we invite you there.
But you ask a very good question, why are we
not funding the wall? I asked that same question, why
are we not funding the wall? And the House of
Representatives we do measures that fund the wall, and then
it gets to the Senate, and I hate to always
use that excuse, but it's not an excuse. It's a

reality that we cannot get the Senate to do the
right thing. And so the American people say, look, let
me have an opportunity. I'm willing to send some of
my dollars. But they can do that now, they can
send money to the federal government and say, here's my
money to help to build the wall. However, it's not
a dedicated fund. And that's really what this bill does,
is it sets up a dedicated fund so that when

that money comes into the Treasury, it will actually be
used to build the wall and what the President wants
to do, and that is just to protect us from
the people like Ms. Hind the closed doors, and you're there,
and I know you're gonna be honest with me. There
are Republicans that don't like Donald Trump. But meanwhile, if
any of them win, it will be in spite of
themselves after seven years of promising to repeal and replace

Obamacare and a lot of other things. Because this president
obviously everything he says he's gonna do, he did. Jerusalem
is the capital. He's out of this horrific Iranian deal.
We see what's happening with little rocket Man. We have
fourteen states with record low unemployment, record low unemployment for Hispanics,
for African Americans, for women in the workplace. Um, and

on top of all that, the biggest tax cut in history.
So he's doing his job. Where's Congress. Well, Fortunately we
have a president who's doing what he said, and we
have to frequently had presidents to come into office and
not do what they said. And again, I don't wanna
sound weeny about this and say it is the Senate,
but you obviously are not from New York and say,
I don't want to be weany about this. We work

in your house and I love people to Senate to
do their work. Sean, if we had the Senate without
that filibuster, just think about all the things were, not
just this year, but what we could have even during
the time of Obama, bills that have been sent from
the House exactly including law that's right. What do you
want for speaker after Ry? I think that will be
left up to the members, uh of what they decide.

What would you pick if you had to pick now,
I would not pick right now. I picked in Jordan's
I would want what I want to do is. I
want to hear what they're gonna do. I want to
hear what their thoughts are of how we can come together.
You know enough about McCarthy and Steve Scaliesa, and I
like them both, but I would pick Jordan's and I
want to. I don't think the Freedom Calger should give
in at all to any speaker unless they get a

seat at the table. Well, and and look, I don't
disagree with you that we need to have all voices
at the table. And as the Budget Chair, I did
just that. I had members from New York, which were
the more moderate all the way to members like um
Sanford that was part of the Freedom Caucus. And that's
what I did as the Budget chair, is to get
people all to come together. The omnimous bill gets so

out of control. Oh my gosh. Well, of course I
didn't vote for the omnibus bill for several reasons. It's
spent too much money. Uh. And part of that is
because again, you have to deal with the Senate and
try to get the Senate to come along so you
can get something done. And as a result of doing that,
Schumer gets more than what we want. It's crazy, it's

a crazy atmosphere. Well, the president has. We had the
budget director of Mulvaney on the program, and I guess
we're literally peeling back at least some of it. What
about fifteen billions, Yeah, about fifteen billion. And what they're
doing is they're actually just taking what was um what
we would normally have. When you come in studio, you
have to turn your phone off. I apologize that what

we're doing is we're taking what has been appropriated. And
when you appropriate dollars, those dollars sitting those funds. And
I always tell people it's kind of like when I
I used to do envelopes and I want to buy
a new refrigerator. Let's say, and I put my money
in the envelope for a new refrigerator, and the refrigerator
was a hundred dollars left left less than what I anticipated.
I don't leave that hundred dollars in the envelope. I
take that money and I'll bring it back into the treasury,

which is what we should be doing here. You know,
my first professional radio job was ninety miles south of
Nashville in Athens, Alabama, Huntsville, Alabama, right on the border
there right it's literally, what is the Highway sixty five
that's right off Highway sixty five. And I honestly have
always loved Music City. I'm a big country music fan,

which is rare as a person that's stuck here in
New York paying these high taxes. What are Marsha Blackburn's
chances because I'm a big fan of hers. I think
that Marsha will be okay. At the end of the day, Um,
people will realize in our state, because we are a
red state, they'll realize that if you send anyone, say
at the end of the day because it looks like
a close race, or because I think it will be

a tough race. I think that uh that the previous
mayor and governor of the state of Tennessee, UM is
respected because he was more moderate. He did work with
both the moderates and the conservatives. And so I think
that especially when you leave office and after you've been
out of office for a while, your reputation tends to

be better than you were when you were in office.
And that's kind of the way it is. Because he's
been out of office now for people forget that. You know,
It's like Clinton has loved and I'm like, all right,
let me remind you how bad he was. Um, what
about as I look at the race for the Senate
and I think it's a very important obviously to hold
for us. But I was never a fan of Bob
Corker either. Yeah, Bob Corker turned it out to be

a big disappointment. Well, he has disappointed a number of people,
including myself in Tennessee. And the fact that even now
he is not with um the person that could really
make the difference there and if we don't have a
Republican going there. Even though Brettison sells himself as being
so conservative, do you know what he's gonna do? Schumer

tells him, this is what I need you to do.
That that's what he's gonna do. We cannot lose that seat.
It's sort of like you do you see Joe Mansion
and people like Heidi Hike Camp and um Claire McCaskill. Right,
you know here it's an election year and there they
want to hold on to their jobs. Sure will pass
Gina Haspell and we'll vote for Mike Pompeio. They never, ever,

in a million years, would have done it otherwise, and
they have six years once they're elected to be able
to do whatever. People they think, well, we'll do that now,
get elected, and then as soon as they come back,
they'll be the old person again, and they'll wait until
seven years goes by and they'll try to change their
color again. So you cannot trust the Democrat when they say, oh,
we'll do this and we'll do that. We know what

they're gonna do. They're gonna listen to Schumer. All right,
it's good to see you everything that you're doing. Commerce
Woman Diane Black of Tennessee, krmerce Woman, we uh, we
always appreciate your hard work. You should have been a
member of the Freedom Caucus. Why didn't you join? You
should you? You are conservative? Well, I actually looked at
the Freedom Caucus. This is the reason why I didn't join.
It be very um. Whether Louie Gomer talks too much, no, no, no, no,

because he's one of my best friends. They take a
vote and they say the people in the in their
caucus vote that way, that everybody should, and you know,
my voting card belongs to the people the six congressional districts.
That's a good that's a good counter argument. But but
I would have joined anyway. We uh, we appreciate you.
Good look in your race for governor, and thank you
for stopping by. Good to see in New York. I

don't say that, by the way, I was shocked when
I moved down south. Come back and see us, y'all come.
I'd like, look around and I'm saying what you're talking
about them from the you walk? What do you mean that? Really? Anyway?
Good to see you. Thank you. All right, let's hit
our busy phones here as we continue is let's say
hi to Bill is in New Jersey the all New
AM seven ten w o R the Talk of New York,

New Jersey, Long Island. What's going on? Bill? How are
you glad you called? Sir? Hey, thank you very much
for taking my call. Thank you very much for the
work that you are Zoe. The reason I called I
called it is UM. I'm a Longford retire law enforcement
I I authored as the afan of two wire tap investigations,
worked for wire tap investigations and looking at I mean,

there's a lot of things that just scratch my head over,
but one the number of people, number of officers investigators
that would have to be involved, UM, and the instructions
given to the team. So when you know when, when
when the orders issued, you get everybody together and you
sit down with that team of investigators and you explain,

here's the target, here's the crime, here's what we're looking for.
And there's very strict minimization issue orders that go along
with the wire tap investigation. And what I what I'm
curious about is the inventory return. What was given back
to the court every time you go in for and

when they when they wanted a continuance, you have to
provide an inventory of the number of calls who you
listened in on, what information and the reason for the continuance. Yeah, well,
I gotta tell you something then, this is um really
really important. If we have FISA court slide to an
FBI informants in campaigns on election years, well we've lost

the country. And it's not a joke. This is as
serious as anything we've ever talked about. All Right, Hannity tonight,
an amazing show nineties stood on the Fox News Channel.
All Right, Sarah Carter's new breaking information the meeting at
the White House with Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Ray and
the documents we've been missing. Is there a second spy
in the Trump campaign, and when is Congress going to

get the information? And then of course we've got Mark
Penn and Ted Olsen and Cheryl Atkinson all now saying
everything we've been saying anyway. Joe Degenniva, Sarah Carter, Kimberly Strussell,
Jason Chafitz, New Gingridge, Michelle Malkin, and Danielle Hoffman. That's
nineties stood set v are a big opening monologue tonight
on the Fox new A Channel. Thanks for being with us.

We'll see you back here tomorrow

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