All Episodes

March 27, 2024 31 mins

Devin Nunes, CEO of Truth Social and TMTG (Trump Media and Technology Group) is here to talk about the success of Truth Social and acquisition by DWAC. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Hi, Thanks Scott sad An Hour two Sean Hannity Show
toll free on numbers eight hundred and ninety four one
Sean if you want to be a part of the program.

Speaker 2 (00:10):
Well, a lot of people are upset that.

Speaker 1 (00:13):
Donald Trump had this insane over half a billion dollar
fined by this crazy judge in a case that had
to do with valuations, and a judge that stuck to
and remain stuck to evaluation.

Speaker 2 (00:28):
That is insane.

Speaker 1 (00:28):
That Mara a Lago's worth eight million, and nobody seems
to really care. And you know, I listened to the
critics of this. There are no victims here. Nobody complained,
not one insurance company, not one lender, not one bank.

Speaker 2 (00:41):
Nobody, just the opposite.

Speaker 1 (00:42):
The Deutsche Bank executive said, Nah, valuations are subjective. If
you're going to lend hundreds of millions of dollars or
if you're going to ensure hundreds of millions of dollars,
are you going to take the word of the person
borrowing the money or the person buying the insurance, so
you're going to take their valuations? Or do you have
a fiduciary responsibility to your company to make sure you

do your own background and work. It's an obvious answer.
On top of that, then you add the legal side
of it, and you have a disclaimer from the Trump
organization that says, don't use our evaluations, you must do
your own due diligence. And yet that didn't impact anybody anyway.
Joining us now for analysis on all of this. It's

great to have on the program. Pam Bondi, former Attorney
General of Florida, Leo two point oh Terrell, Fox News contributor,
civil rights attorney. Great to have you back here. I
still think one hundred and seventy five million is high.
I know the former president said that he's going to
pay it, Pam, I guess he really doesn't have any
choice in the matter at this particular point in time.

But if I'm reading the Appella court here, I think
that they're recognizing a grave injustice has occurred, and I've
got to imagine that this fine is going to be
greatly reduced and probably the Trump family will be back
in charge of their own organization.

Speaker 3 (02:05):
Yeah. I believe that there's nothing Sean that Latisia James
would have liked more than to have gone and slapped
an eviction notice on Trump Tower. That's what she wanted
to do. Remember, she campaigned on getting Donald Trump. Going
after Donald Trump. This is not what an attorney general does.
AGS don't do this. She should be out there, Sean,

you're in New York. She should be out there fighting crime,
all the crime.

Speaker 2 (02:30):
Pam, I do need to interrupt you. I am not
in New York.

Speaker 1 (02:33):
I am a full time I am a full time
domiciled resident of Florida officially, and I have been since January.

Speaker 3 (02:45):
First, I stand corrected, and that is music to mi
mind that you were in the free state of Florida.

Speaker 1 (02:52):
No, I knew you knew it. But I'm just having fun.
I'm just reminding everybody. And I did it for a
lot of obvious reasons. But then it's not about me.

Speaker 3 (02:59):
But no, but she that's.

Speaker 2 (03:02):
Not when an ages.

Speaker 3 (03:03):
Could you imagine if when I was ag if I
was doing that in the state of Florida instead of
fighting crime, I mean, New York crime is rampant out.
That's what she should be doing. And the judge has
been reversed at least five times by this appellate court already,
So yes, I agree they're sending a strong signal. I
don't think they're going to put up with this. This

case should have never ever, ever been taken on to
begin with. She should have never gone after him. The
judge should not have handled it. They both didn't even
have just an appearance of a conflict. They both have
a clear conflict because they they hate Donald Trump. They've
made that very clear. And yeah, I think ultimately it
will get reversed. But you know, now President Trump has

to put up still one hundred and seventy almost five
million dollars as a bond. But at least it would
do it and they won't start seizing his assets.

Speaker 1 (03:56):
Well, I think that's a good point. And he did
say that he'd follow through on it. Leoh, let's get
your take over all on the case.

Speaker 4 (04:02):
Well, I'll tell you, Sean and Pam would know this.
If you try to look at this case through the
legal lens, you'll be frustrated. It's all politics. It's not
about legal there's not a legal claim against Trump. This
is all because the Democrats wants to stop Trump from
running for president and it's not going to world. It backfired.

What you saw with the appellate court ruling, Sean, is
the beginning of the end for this particular case, because
the appellate Court understands that this case has to be reversed.
It's excessive, it violates the Eighth Amendment. And I'll tell
you right now, what you saw yesterday was the appel
Court saying, you know, we don't want to really want
to get reversed by the US Supreme Court eventually. So

they sent a clear message to the Age and to
this idiotic judge that this case is going to be
reversed and it will probably end up with zero damages.
Why because there's no victims, There was no one who
was harmed. I'll also tell you this too. How this
Attorney General acted, It doesn't I mean, it doesn't make

any sense. The ag acted like she was some type
of agent for the Democrat Party. Get me ready to
file judgment claims against the property. There is no finality
in this case yet until there's a final ruling by
the Appellate Court. So the bomb line is simply this,
this case is going to be reversed. You saw in
the beginning of the end with this Appella Court ruling,
and it's just a matter of time. And I saw

a very happy President Trump yesterday because he knows the
end result is going to be a complete reversal.

Speaker 1 (05:35):
Let me just go over the facts of the case,
because I don't think I've ever seen a more egregious instance.
Forget about the attorney general running to get one organization,
the Trump organization, one man, Donald Trump, one family of
the Trump family, which Pam, as you rightly point out,
no attorney general should do. And you know, if you
ran for attorney general ever again, you would never say, oh,

I'm going after Sean Hannity if I become attorney general,
I'd be like, whoa. Or if you said you were
going after one, you know, prominent left winger, I would say, Wow,
that's not justice. That's not the job of an attorney general.
You know, they're there to apply equal justice under the law.
I believe an equal application of our laws. That's not

the case here. But when you break down the facts
in this case, what do we know. We know that
the whole case was based on quote valuations. As the
Deutsche Bank executive said, valuations are subjective, and every single
company that did business with the Trump organization were given
a very clear disclaimer that says, don't go don't use

our valuations. You have a responsibility to come up with
your own valuations. Okay, all of those companies did not
one of them complained, all of them made a lot
of money, and all of them were paid back on time.

Speaker 2 (06:52):
And here's the kicker for me.

Speaker 1 (06:56):
If this is really about valuations by the Trump organisation,
then we have to look at the judge in this case,
because he's still to this day maintains that mar A
Lago is between eighteen and twenty some odd million dollars. Now,
I have shown properties on my TV show Pam Bondi,
and you know real estate in Florida better than I do.
You've been here much longer than me. Although I've had

a place in Florida for over twenty years, I just
haven't been a full time resident.

Speaker 2 (07:21):
And you know that.

Speaker 1 (07:23):
I mean these prices, the prices in Palm Beach are insane.
And I would show people if say, you see that
lot on the ocean and Palm Beach, you can have it.
It's right now selling for two hundred million dollars a
two acre lot. And I'd show another lot that had
a street between the ocean and the house that would

be built on that lot. And they did have on
the backside of it. It's a it's one of the
I guess more narrow parts of Palm Beach Island. The
inner coastal is back there. But okay, so it's a
nice piece of property. But that's one hundred and fifty
million dollars for a lot of trees and a lot
of dirt.

Speaker 2 (08:02):
That's all you get with it.

Speaker 1 (08:03):
You'd have to build the house there, which I'm sure
would cost a fortune on top of that. And the
judge if that's up for one hundred and fifty million
and two acres on the ocean, then you got to
look at Trump Tower, I'm sorry, not Trump twe.

Speaker 2 (08:16):
Then you gotta look at mar A Lago.

Speaker 1 (08:17):
Mar A Lago is a property that is in pristine
condition on twenty two acres. It's on the ocean side,
it's on the inner coastal side. You have not one,
but two clubs associated with mar A Lago. It's a
historic property. And you know, fifty some odd bedrooms and
forty some odd bathrooms. I mean, it's it's insane, and

that judge is going to stand by the evaluation. Now,
if a judge makes a decision that is that egregious
Pam Bondi how do you hold that judge accountable for that?

Speaker 3 (08:52):
You know, And that's why, Sean, we have appellate courts
in our country and we're not a communist country, although
I think that judge wishes we were, because that's how
he's trying to act like a dictator right now. That's
how he's behaving. But the appellate courts will keep him
in check, and I think the Judicial Qualifying Commission should

look at him after this case is over. He had
an ax to grind with Donald Trump's turn, he made
it crystal clear that he was out to get President Trump.
So with Lakeisha James, the way he treated President Trump
during the trial, the way he treated his lawyers during
the trial, that's not how a good judge acts, and
he will be held accountable. I think President Trump's team

will report him to the JQC to be investigated after this,
because again I think overall people are seen in New York.
If judges can do this, if Latisia James can do this,
no business will want to do business in New York
and back tomorrow. Lago for a second, that was Marjorie
post Estate. Like you said, it's a historical, beautiful, sprawling,

massive estate, way more than that judge said it is.
And ultimately that all Pam.

Speaker 1 (10:04):
If we just extrapolate out the acreage side of this,
if two acres on the ocean is worth two hundred
million dollars, and if you have a house on the
inner coastal of a property of one and a half
acres and that's worth one hundred and fifty million dollars, Okay,
don't we get close to the billion dollar plus range there?

Speaker 4 (10:27):

Speaker 3 (10:27):
Absolutely. And the funny thing is Sean is he wasn't
even willing to bend on this knowing that he's wrong.
That's why I called him a dictator. He didn't care.
He doesn't care that he's wrong. His ultimate goal was
what Letitia James goal was to go in and seize
Donald Trump's assets or to make Donald Trump run out
of money before the election. That's what this is all about.

I am convinced of that. That's what this is all about.
And it's a concerted effort, not only with him, but
with these other cases going on around the country. They're
all working in concert together to get him. And thank
goodness for the appell at court because it's not going
to work. And that's why we have checks and balances
in our country. Sometimes John and Leo will tell you this.
In illegal profession, it takes a while for justice to

be served, but ultimately it will be served and Donald
Trump will be vindicated. I believe on every single one
of these cases.

Speaker 1 (11:20):
How do you hold the judge in this case accountable?
Leo two point oh Turoll, Well, I'll.

Speaker 4 (11:26):
Tell you right now, Sean, you first of you and
Pam has laid it out, and every fact that you
laid out. Like I said, again, justify why this case
should have never been brought. It was brought for political reasons.
Everyone in America knows that. But the answer to your
question very directly. Time will take It will take time
to get this case resolved. And I'm going to give
you a little inside baseball. I was aware of this

case a couple of years ago, and I give advice
that after this case is over, Donald Trump has a
perfect selective prosecution civil lawsuit against the city of the
State of New York and Letitia James that you know,
the judge gets away with this absolute immunity crap. But
I guarantee you Trump will have a payback day and
it's going to be a very massive civil lawsuit. There

has to be a deterrent effect to make sure that
the age and the Democrat Party cannot weaponize.

Speaker 5 (12:18):
The legal system in New York.

Speaker 4 (12:19):
You know, Donald Trump is absolutely correct. He's taking fire
not only for himself, but he's protecting every citizen in
this country. Because they go after Trump, They go after
every business in New York. If you're not a Democrat,
they can go after every citizen. So Donald Trump is
doing a service for every American who believes in the

rule of law. But he will have a judgment day
because I guarantee you he has and I say this
as a civil rights attorney, he has a perfect selected
prosecution case. Once this appellate court reversed his case, outright,
he should follow a lawsuit against the state of New York.

Speaker 1 (12:54):
Well, it's truly unbelievable to me that we're in this situation.
We continue now with Pam and Leo two point oh Tourell.
Can you hold an attorney general? I mean, I guess
she's probably celebrated in New York, probably will be governor.
I guess one day, Pam BONDI because the state is
so radical left. I mean, I would think that she's

viewed as a champion now in New York.

Speaker 3 (13:15):
Am I wrong, Oh, Sean, please don't say that. I
think people are catching on. I think businesses are catching on.
I think crime is through the roof. She's not focusing
on her job. I mean, I truly believe she will
never be governor of New York. I think people are
seeing what's important. I pray they are in the great

state of New York. They're seeing that crime is at
an all time high, that it's not safe to ride
the subway, it's not safe to walk down the streets.
That's why people are leaving. And now she's letting people
know it's not safe to work on Wall Street if
she's there, because she will target individuals. So no, I
think I think her days are numbered as a politician,
at least I hope they are. But that the way

to get to get her is to have to vote
her out of office. And I don't think she's more
popular than ever. I truly do not.

Speaker 1 (14:05):
I hate to tell you New York is that left.
I bet she wins re election in a landslide. I'm
just being honest, not trying to be the bearer of
bad news here. Anyway, Pam Bondi Leo two point oh turou.
Great to talk to both of you. Leo, what are
you moving out here?

Speaker 4 (14:21):
Well soon soon, But you know what, don't give up
in New York. I'll met your two worths Lee Zeldon,
who did a great job in the election for governor.
And I'll tell you right now, people who are traditional Democrats.

Speaker 1 (14:32):
Le Leo, it's over. I'm gone, it is over. I'm
never going back. Thank you both for being with us.
Appreciate it. Eight hundred and ninety four one shown if
you want to be a part of the program. Wow,
did you watch what's happening to the stock price? Of
Truth Social and Trump Media? WHOA, We'll check in with

its CEO. Our friend Devin newna is coming up. All right,
we have a lot going on now. To say, I've
been friends with Devin Nunez for a long time, and
when he kind of left Congress, I'm like, oh, we
don't have many good guys. We really don't really strong
principal conservative fighters that that lead anyway, So be leaves

and anyways, the CEO now of Truth Social and the
Trump Media and Technology Group now listed on Wall Street
as DJT and it's actually a phenomenal story. But after
making its debut shares for the Trump Media and Technology
Group stock DJT, it's spiked a whopping fifty plus percent.

Trading was briefly halted for the stock because of the
sharp rise. You've got more than six point five million
shares of the stock that were bought and sold by
ten am. Anyway, or report from Reuters found that the
company is now worth about ten billion dollars after the
surge on Nasdaq. That means billions in Donald Trump's pocket

as well. But anyway, at seventy two dollars sixty three cents,
the last time I looked, the company's market capitalization was
nine point eighty four billion on an undoluted basis, but
the former president's majority stake was valued at five point
seventy two billion. Although lock up restrictions exist for six months,

it could prevent him from selling or borrowing against his shareholding,
but you know, still up a dramatic amount of money.

Speaker 2 (16:33):
I'm not the biggest stock guy.

Speaker 1 (16:34):
I've said this many times on on radio and TV before.
I'm a bricks and mortar guy, but I kind of
wish I got that stock anyway, probably somebody that did
as part of his deal is former congressman and now
the CEO of Truth Social and the Trump Media and
Technology Group.

Speaker 2 (16:52):
Our friend Devin Nunas is back, sir.

Speaker 5 (16:54):
How are you great? Shot? It's great to be with you.

Speaker 1 (16:58):
Is it wrong for me to assume that you're a
rich man today, at least on paper?

Speaker 5 (17:05):
Well, look, Sean, this is really all about free speech,
and I can't think you enough. You supported this platform
when most people would not. I don't think we had anybody,
you know, like you that would go out there. You know,
you started on the platform from the very beginning. I
know you're not much of a social media guy, but
you know you do a lot of pose.

Speaker 2 (17:24):
Well, I have to clarify here. I actually was.

Speaker 1 (17:27):
I was addicted to it, and it became a problem
because it'd be two in the morning. I'd be fighting
people like Alec Baldwin and Jimmy Kimmel and wasting my time,
and it became a third job. Finally I just gave
up social media.

Speaker 5 (17:41):
Well, but the thing is is that you and your
whole team have been phenomenal. Your radio show, your TV show.
You guys are great, and look, we couldn't do it
obviously without DJT former President Trump, but we couldn't do
it without the all the shareholders who have said, look,
we're going to take a stand. This is really about
protecting your voice and your freedom without without true social

And know a lot of people, you know, have glossed
over this because the sake news, but it's really Donald
Trump got kicked off of all the platforms, and so
did people like me were being shadow band So you
talk about why I left Congress, I got sick and
tired of you know, not being able to get my
message up. I was down to the point where the
only show I could go on was was your TV
and radio sean to get the truth out. And you know,

we had to fight through the Russia hosts, Ukraine, impeachment hopes,
everything that everybody knows. And when when the President called
me and said, hey, I know you're having trouble with
this with social media, would you mind you know, leaving
Congress and running this deal for me? And look, it
took us two years, two and a half years to
get listed on the stock exchange. You know, we did

not have access to capital markets. But you know, we
just plugged along as a little r and b company
with a massive following because of people like you that
were participating on the platform. And now I jokingly say,
Sean that we're now an official startup to be a
real company. So it's another notch in I think Donald
Trump's great career that we persevered through government bureaucracy that

stopped this from going public for two and a half years.
I mean, imagine if we would have had the capital
two years ago where we would be today. But look,
we believe in the in the in the company, we
believe in the shareholders, and this is really about a
mission of restoring free speech to the Internet. We're just
building a massive open pipeline, Sean, on the on the

Internet that has not existed before. You know, we don't
use Amazon Web Services and others. If you remember, one
of the most horrific days in American history, in my opinion,
was when a company called Parlor, which was probably worth
several billion dollars that was flourishing as Twitter and everybody
else were cutting off Americans. Thirty US companies destroyed that

platform and I was one of that. I think you
were on it too, Yeah I was.

Speaker 1 (19:58):
And look, we're just by the way our mutual friend,
Dan Mangino, and I don't want to mention his name.
I don't know if he'd want me to mention it publicly.
But I know people that invested heavily in it, and
they really wanted it to wanted it to work. They
wanted an alternative at the time to Twitter. I don't
know if you know this, I mean, but Jim Jordan

told me on both radio and TV that they purposely
suppressed my social media presence leading into the twenty twenty election,
and they being quote the deep state as we often
call it, and they have the evidence of it. I mean,
this is our government, what trying to suppress conservative voices?
You got to be kidding me, Well, what country are

we living in here?

Speaker 5 (20:45):
You'll love this what we found after the fact. So
in you remember the you remember twenty eighteen at the
height of the Russia hopes and all of that nonsense.
We caught all the social media companies targeting You'll love
these names because they're all friends of yours, myself, Jim Jordan,

Mark Meadows, and Matt Gates. We were the first ones
to be shadow band as members of Congress, trying to
you know, cut through the nonsense of the Russia hoax,
and we were being shadow band and that's why Parlor started.
That's why you know, Rumble got started. And you know,
ultimately Parlor, you know, made those mistakes by relying on

these woke companies, and that was the different piers that
President Trump wanted to make sure that he built something
that would last forever, where we don't rely on any
woke company. We're building all of this ourselves. It's all internal,
and it's this critically important infrastructure for free speech in
this country and around the world, by the way, because
we are open around the world.

Speaker 2 (21:46):

Speaker 1 (21:46):
I am not telling people what to do, but I
would strongly urge people. And I have no financial interest
in this. I own no stock, I have none at all.
But I believe in freedom and I believe in him
a speech and this will be a free speech platform,
and I urge everybody to get on it because this

is an opportunity now to be able to bypass what
is a corrupt medium mob and technology mob that is
after the heart and soul of this country and suppressing opinions.
I once had Jack Dorsey a number of years ago
on this program, and I asked him specifically about the

practice of shadow banning. He denied it right to me,
and it turns out a lot of what he said
in that interview I don't believe. I don't believe in
this hour to be true. This is certainly one platform.
And when you took it over, I knew that it
was a heavy lift on day one, and I hope.

Speaker 2 (22:45):
You do very well with it.

Speaker 1 (22:46):
Let me let me ask you this, What about just
the average investors out there that did invest very early on.
What were they paying at that time for I don't know,
was it an initial public offering or what? What was
the availability back then?

Speaker 5 (23:02):
Well, Sean, it's you know, someday this story will all
be told. But you know, and I don't want to
get into all the government bureaucracy and the corruption here,
but you know, this is one of the longest deals
in history, if not the longest deal, from the time
it started to the time we were approved. And I
can tell this it's one of the reasons the President
stood by people because there was a there was an

entity called the Spack that people had invested in, some
four hundred thousand shareholders, and they wanted to own part
of our company. But the government was stopping us from
allowing it to merge, and so much so that by
last year about oh, i'd say in the October time frame,
the price of the shares at that time were down

to like twelve or thirteen dollars. And what we found
was is that people didn't care even if they had
bought in hire, they never sold Sean. They stayed with us,
They stayed with the spack. They waited for us to
get this done. And you know, we have got approval
by the SEC to get it done. So you know,
look those folks that came in at twelve dollars, you know,

six months ago, they've they've done pretty pretty well. But look, Sehn,
this is as you just said, it's not about the
money for President Trump. It's not about money for me.
It's it's creating a lasting Oh.

Speaker 1 (24:17):
You're you're you're playing long bawl and you're doing this
as as you have like your years in Congress.

Speaker 2 (24:23):
You did it at a principle.

Speaker 1 (24:24):
You did it to serve and you felt you saw
a big need here and avoid and you went out
to fill it. And I remember talking to you at
the time and I'm like, I have no idea how
you're going to pull this off. And you guys have
been able to put forward a real platform that is
really successful and obviously people are very interested in and

we can see it with the stock price. And I'm
just happy for you, and I'm happy for the American
people having a platform where their conservative views are not
going to be suppressed.

Speaker 5 (24:58):
Yeah, Sean, And it's really an investment in your freedom.
I mean, that's how I look at this. And and
you know, I jokingly say, but it's you know, it's true.
Donald Trump didn't need another company, and I didn't need
a new job. But what we all needed was to
make sure the Internet remained free for the American people
around the world. And that's what we've built. And it's

it's a you know, I told I told the President,
oh maybe a month ago when it looked like we
were going to get this deal done. And and you know,
I know you spent a lot of time with him,
and he gets you know, he's he thinks big as
you know, and I'll never forget the conversation we had.

He said, he said, you know, we're gonna leave something.
He says, you know, once we're all you know, you know,
we're all dead and gone. This will last forever that
we opened up the internet, kept it open for the
American people, and I think, you know, he's really proud
of it, and you know, it's something that will have
a lot legacy for everyone involved. And I can tell

you it would have been really easy for the President
to not persevere through this. I mean, you know, we
had other options. We could have taken this technology and
went somewhere else, But because there were four hundred thousand
Americans who wanted to invest in it, the President said no, Devin,
We're going to keep fighting. And we fought all the
way through it, and despite the naysayers, we got the approval.

And just like I said, I'm so thankful for you
and Linda and the whole team that have been, you know,
such an integral part of helping us get this done.

Speaker 1 (26:35):
All right, quick break, We'll come right back and we
will continue more with Devin nun As CEO of Truth
Social and the Trump Media Technology Group. What a massive
economic story that is for everybody. Anyway, we'll come back.
We'll get to your calls also, and at the top
of the hour, the situation that the border has even
gotten worse, we'll check in with Mark Morgan, Tutor Dixon,

and we'll get your calls in eight hundred and ninety
four one Shawn, as we continue, It's time to.

Speaker 4 (27:06):
Take Back America.

Speaker 1 (27:10):
It's a Sean Hannity show.

Speaker 2 (27:14):
The New Mess.

Speaker 1 (27:15):
He is the CEO of Truth Social and the Trump
Media and Technology Group, Big story on Wall Street all week.
You know, we live in a weird society where people
are either jealous or I don't know, maybe they covet
other people's success. I'm kind of just the opposite. I
want to celebrate people's success. I want to celebrate when
people are happy. And I couldn't be happier for you.

We've known each other for so many years now, I mean,
how many years ago was it that I was out
in the San Joaquin Valley covering the story of the
Delta smelt and how farmers couldn't even grow their crops
because they were being denied water to protect this little
minnow fish that wasn't even a endangered species. I remember

being you know, I think we did the show from
a farm out there one day.

Speaker 5 (28:03):
That's right, that's and you know, there's great memories of that,
and people all the time still ask me about that.
I think that was like two thousand and eight or
two thousand and nine, somewhere in there. It was a
long time ago. And you now, Sean, it's interesting right now,
I'm spending you know, so much of my time in Florida,
and I know that you are too.

Speaker 1 (28:23):
Now, Mom, I'm domiciled. I'm a full time resident, I mean,
and I'm here to stay, never going back.

Speaker 5 (28:29):
Yeah, And you know what, it's sad to watch and
you see it because of the time you spent in
New York, and I see it at the time I
spend in California. You go to Florida. It's like two
different planets, two different worlds. I mean, you know, Florida
would not tolerate the nonsense that people in California are
having to put up with. And you know, I get,
you know, very irate about this water issue. It's what

drove me into politics. But you know, we're wasting water
in California. You know, California is such a beautiful state
and the state's being destroyed. So you know what what
you and I did out there fifteen years ago when
we said, Hey, this whole damn thing's gonna dry up,
it happened.

Speaker 1 (29:05):
Sean I mean there was a preview of coming attractions
about how a state can be destroyed. The state's been destroyed.
New York has been destroyed. It's not the same place.
Devin Nuness truth Social what a great success story. Hey listen,
I'll tell you about a scary story. And now we
have our own government siding with the anti Semitic un

going against our ally Israel, trying to get a ceasefire
rather than encouraging them to win the war of terror
was the worst terror attack in their history. These are
sad times politically, but on a humanitarian side, things are horrible.
And that's where the ifc J comes in. And look,
it's been months now since Amas murdered the so many

Israelis and took so many others hostage. If you haven't
seen the videos, it is chilling. The economic situation for
hundreds of thousands of his rallies is dire. That's just
a nice way of putting it. You have thousands and
thousands of Israelis unable to return to their homes. They're
being evacuated now in the North because things have been
heating up with Lebanon and Hezbollah and the International Fellowship

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been on the ground in the middle of this. Every
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