All Episodes

January 15, 2025 • 30 mins

Milton Stumpus, a Premiere Networks and iHeart Media salesperson, lost his home in the Palisades fires. He joins today to talk about what happened to him and his wife, Julie and their home which is gone. 

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):

Speaker 2 (00:00):
Leonard Skinner's simple man, and that can only mean one
thing on this radio program, and that is all things
self proclaimed simple man. That means all things Bill O'Reilly,
all things Bill O'Reilly. Of course you can find at
Bill O'Reilly dot comist or o'reiley. Glad you're with us.
What a time we have when we speak next week,
at this time, we will have a new president that

will be President Donald J.

Speaker 3 (00:24):

Speaker 2 (00:25):
We have a lot to talk about. The hearings for
his nominees are moving forward. Frankly, I don't see any
of them not getting in at this particular time. In
spite of you democratic hostility and predictable pettiness, we have
this deal in Israel where hostages held by Hamas are

expected to be released over the next forty two days.
You got the same media acting learning nothing from the election,
the wonderful, joyful people over at that hard hitting news show,
the view or attacking Carrie under Would for singing America
the beautiful at the Trump inauguration. You have yet to
go after the village people or Rascal Flats. I guess

that's next. You have President Biden and Kamala Harris, very
bitter trying to sabotage the incoming Trump administration. And then
we have this whole issue of wildfires in California. Is
there any preference that you have where you'd like to start.

Speaker 4 (01:26):
I want to just make a couple of quick points
on the wildfires. So I've investigated it because there's a
lot of he said, she said, and that drives everybody nuts.
I can't find one thing that the state of California
and Gavin Newsom has done since two thy eighteen when

President Trump said to them, look, you got an ongoing problem.
You're not clearing your forests. It's a tinderbox out there.
It's a mess. So that's a space of seven years.
I can't find one thing, Hannity, that the state of
California has done to mitigate the threat of wildfires. Not one.

Speaker 3 (02:12):
Let me take it a step further. There is a science.

Speaker 2 (02:15):
You can go to many top notch colleges and get
a degree in forestry. I'm sure you're pretty well aware
of that. Maybe you know, maybe you don't know. Gavin
Newsom is going to spend one hundred billion dollars on
electric vehicles for green energy, but he did cut one
hundred and one million dollars for fire prevention efforts from

the budget, and it gets it actually gets worse than
that bill, and it gets frustrating. If I were to
live in California, I'd be furious. And that is, you know,
one hundred billion dollars for electric vehicles. They're buying these
eight hundred thousand dollars street sweepers, electric sweet street sweepers.

In Los Angeles. They cut the firefighting budget in spa
to the fire chief warning that they have only half
the man power they would need for a wildfire, and
they still cut the budget, but they have the money
for the street sweepers. They're spending six hundred and fifty
million federal state dollars to make the La Port go green.

On top of everything else, we have fire hydrants that
don't work, we had empty reservoirs. They're not practicing the
basic science of forestry, which is to clean out the
brush the kindling for such fires. And similarly have these
controlled burns with which they used to do more regularly,
and they're not doing anymore for environmental reasons. But I

wouldn't imagine the air quality is too good in Los
Angeles right now.

Speaker 4 (03:47):
So with all of that. I guess you agree with me.
But they've done to mitigate any threat of any fun
in California.

Speaker 2 (03:57):
Well, do you want to give you one little tidbit?
It'll probably make your head explode. I mean, I'll be
glad to Do you know one of the reasons why
this all happened? And do you know that the reason
that they stopped a lot of fire prevention efforts was
to protect a little bush that I've never heard of before?

Speaker 3 (04:18):
Did you know that?

Speaker 4 (04:19):
Yeah, when you say a little bush and you don't
mean a political family, you mean a shrub.

Speaker 2 (04:24):
Yeah, like a shrub, I mean a plant. For crying
out loud, man, it wasn't weed. I mean, they have
no problem with weed out there, all right, So they
have plenty of money for sanctuary states and cities.

Speaker 4 (04:34):
Yeah, and I got a lot of weed which you're
selling in the stores. But look when you break it
down like that and you say to the people of California,
are you mad? Are you angry? I don't know. If
the election were held tomorrow, Gavin Newsome against Garvey Right

or anybody any Republican, I think some might still win.

Speaker 3 (05:00):
I think absolutely you'd win.

Speaker 2 (05:02):
And I hate to tell the people in California, and
I would imagine of the what fourteen thousand structures burned,
that many of those people are going to leave the state.
There's my prediction too. But I bet if there was
an election and Kamala Harris was on the ballot to
replace Gavin, and I think there are two peas in
a pod, I think she'd win.

Speaker 4 (05:22):
Yeah, So then you classify the situation as hopeless and
you say, look, the primary reason of any government, local,
state or federal is to protect the citizens. But the
progressives don't see it that way. They think that their

primary reason is to virtue signal and to have all
kinds of theoretical programs where they spend money, most of
which doesn't do any good at all, and you leave
the citizens exposed to danger and horror. And that's what
it is. So, you know, we have fifty states and
Americans can live in any state they want. But if

I'm in California, I'm packing my bags. And we got
a similar situation New York. And you used to live
here and now you live in Florida.

Speaker 2 (06:10):
But why aren't you packing your bags out of New York.
I've asked you this question, and you heard the state
of the State addressed by Kathy Halkel Yesterday's She's not
going to lift a finger to fix the state of
New York.

Speaker 3 (06:22):
Why do you stay because I.

Speaker 4 (06:24):
Got family stuff here and I am It's.

Speaker 3 (06:27):
Called Jet Blue, Bill, you get on Jet Blue.

Speaker 2 (06:30):
There are more flights to Florida from New York than
you could ever shake a stick.

Speaker 4 (06:34):
Hut. Look, I don't have four days to fly from
Miami to New York on Jet Blue. And that's how
long it takes. That's the worst there line in the war.

Speaker 3 (06:43):

Speaker 2 (06:44):
You can take Delta, you can take America and every
airline out there flies from New York to Florida.

Speaker 4 (06:49):
Let me tell you something. I read it. I read it.
Go on a pogo stick and fly gyp.

Speaker 2 (06:57):
They have TVs. You take a nine o'clock flight. Get
to watch me in the process.

Speaker 4 (07:03):
I always watch you. So that let's go to the
headset situation. So I don't know him. I left Fox
when he I guess he was coming, but I've never
met him really face to face, and I was surprised
that Trump nominated him. The main reason I was surprised

was he doesn't have any administrative experience in the Pentagon's
the biggest corporation in the world. So if I'm a
senator sitting there, that's in the uppermost of my mind. Okay,
can this guy run the Pentagon so it doesn't descend
it to chaos? And he would have to convince me
of that if I were a senator. But that's not

what the hearings were all about. The hearings weren't about
that at all. It was all partisanship and on both sides,
and that's not helping out. So I wanted to hear
with heg said had to say about how he would
reorganize the Defence Department. What he would say isn't allowed

any longer. And you would think that the woke stuff
would go flying right out the window, because I think
that most Americans would back that. All right, That's what
I wanted to hear it, But you didn't hear it.
You're heard all of this stuff that designed to smear
him and hurt him and hurt his family from the
Democrats and from the Republicans. Here, none of it matters.

If Trump wants them, he's good and I don't think
that's healthy for the country. You know, I think that
we should be starting to see.

Speaker 2 (08:39):
Would why would you ever having done this for as
long as we both have done this, why would you
expect anything other than what was unfolding yesterday. I would
have liked to have heard about how we would invest
in the technology, maybe using artificial intelligence to assist us

in really creating an iron dome to protect the entire country,
considering the level of sophistication of the weaponry that is
already out there in the world. They didn't bring any
of that up.

Speaker 4 (09:13):
No, and that's why Trump and people have forgotten this
form the Space Force. So you remember before he left
in his first term, he allotted money to the Defense
Department for the Space Force that disappeared. Okay, nobody even
remembers that, but that was designed to do just what
you said. Now, does Peter haig Seth know that I

don't know what I'm trying to say.

Speaker 3 (09:36):
I do.

Speaker 2 (09:37):
I can tell you because I've had long conversations with him,
and the main focus of our conversations has been the
gap of vulnerability. As I mentioned, the next generation of warfare.
We have talked about DEI and our recruitment levels the
way down. Those have been the main topics of discussion

and he also has other people behind him, people that
most people don't know have been appointed. I believe the
number two you probably know him, Steve Finberg, who ran
a multi multi billionaire. He ran a company, Serberus. He's
a blue collar billionaire. He drives like an old pickup truck.
And I've known him for many, many years. And he
was on the Civilian Intelligence Board and as top security clearance.

And if you want somebody involved in advanced technology in
the military and procurement, that's your guy.

Speaker 4 (10:29):
Well it's good to hear. But I didn't know any
of that, and the American people didn't know any of that,
and we didn't get any of that from the Senate.
So the main arch of this discussion for me is
the Senate is now tribal and they are caring about,
you know, presenting evidence to the American people, good and bad.

Now I don't think RFK Junior is going to be confirmed,
so the others will be. I think Haig Seth will
make it by one vote.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
I'll take your bet.

Speaker 4 (11:02):
I don't you take my bet.

Speaker 3 (11:03):
I'll take the bet. How much you want to bet.

Speaker 4 (11:06):
Lavish dinner down in Palm Beach, a Labish.

Speaker 2 (11:09):
Thinner down in bomb Beach, Bill Bill, I eat almost
every meal at home.

Speaker 3 (11:14):
I cook my own food.

Speaker 2 (11:16):
But I'll make you anything that you want, your favorite meal,
and I will cook it to perfection thanks to chef
I Q sense, which I need to give you one,
all right, I need.

Speaker 4 (11:25):
I want blackened scallops, scalloped an angry Okay, that's it now.
If I lose a bet, I can't cook anything but
microwave popcorn.

Speaker 3 (11:39):
So you can, I'll cook. I'll cook you either way.
How's that?

Speaker 4 (11:45):
Yeah, that's all I can do.

Speaker 3 (11:46):
But anyway, wait a minute.

Speaker 2 (11:48):
I can't make you like my Hannity pork ribs. I
can't make you like a delicious ribbi bone in Tomahawk's steak.
I can't make you know something that would that would
if you like fish, you know, the best salmon you've
ever had in your life?

Speaker 4 (12:07):
Well, you can make it if you want to, and
I'll i'll if it's free, I'm gonna eat it. That's
my book. If it's free, I'll eat it, all right,
I'm not you know, wet it in?

Speaker 3 (12:19):
All right?

Speaker 2 (12:19):
Quick break more with simple man Bill O'Reilly All Things
Orreillybilloreilly dot com. As we continue. All right, we continue
now with all things simple man. That's all things. Bill
O'Reilly all things Orreillybilloreilly dot com.

Speaker 4 (12:33):
Do you think is gonna get confirmed?

Speaker 2 (12:35):
I do believe in the end he's going to be
confirmed because I've had conversations. Everything that you probably have
read about him has been mischaracterized. Now, for example, his
boss eats McDonald's, KFC and and pizza on a regular basis. Right,
He's not going to ban any of those things. He's
not going to ban soft drinks, He's not gonna ban vaccines.

He's not going to take a different position than the
president on the president's stated position on abortion, and all
of that will come out in the hearings. What he
will do will he will produce non farmer meaning the
pharmaceutical industry, scientific information to help inform the American people

on what is healthy and not healthy. Certain things will
get banned, like you know, red dye number three and
things that are known to cause cancer. But short of that,
he's going to give people the choice to decide for themselves.
If you want to get a quarter pound to a
cheese fries and a coke every day, Bill, go at it?

Speaker 3 (13:36):
How about it?

Speaker 4 (13:37):
Here's the problem. He has said so many things that
are off the wall in his past that that's all
you're going to hear about. And the Republicans are going
to be on the defensive there. And I know for
a fact that some Republican centers simply don't trust him.
So I don't think he's going to get through. But
I'm looking forward to the dinner and you know me,

I'm good for it.

Speaker 2 (13:58):
If I lose, I think Tulsi's going to have a
harder time than RFK Junior.

Speaker 3 (14:03):
I think she'll get.

Speaker 4 (14:04):
Through it too, because Tolsi Gabbard is entitled to her opinion,
and if she comes into the hearings and say, look,
I've changed my opinion, and here's why I think she'll
sail through. Pam Bondi did well today. I can hardly
watch it because of the partisanship. But she was very
relaxed and presented himself very well, gap very talented in

that area. She knows how to do.

Speaker 3 (14:27):
She was amazing.

Speaker 2 (14:29):
Right, Listen, I want you to stay on the line
just for this Adam going to do, because I'm going
to get you this as a president. It's called chef
iq sense. Now you say you only can cook microwave popcorn.
I'm gonna I'm gonna make it so even Bill O'Reilly
can cook the perfect burger, steak, pork chops, ribs, fish.
It'll come out to your preferred outcome. How do you

like For example, you meet cook, do you like a medium? Rare?

Speaker 3 (14:53):
You like a medium? You like it well done?

Speaker 4 (14:55):
How do you like it medium?

Speaker 2 (14:57):
Okay? You like it medium. It's simple. You just take
a you put it inside. Let's say you're eating a steak.
You put it inside your steak. All right, Let's say
you're broiling it. Let's say you're grilling it. Whatever you
happen to be doing, you put it in there. Then
you go to the chef iq app and you put
in okay, steak ball, bounces, rare, buy, you want it medium.

It will tell you when you should turn your steak
over Bill, and then it will tell you exactly when
it's done to perfection, whether you're cooking chicken, pork, burgers, steak, fish.
It's so easy to use. You just insert the wireless
probe in your food. You select your desired level of
dumbness on the chef i q app. It tells you

when it is ready. That means you will have a masterpiece.
You will be people will actually think you're a real chef.
That's how great chef I Q senses. I'm going to
give you one as a gift. How do you like that?

Speaker 4 (15:52):
Oh, that's great. Do you have to wear a little
chef's hat though? When I get it?

Speaker 2 (15:56):
No, you don't. You could, you know, you could just
wear your baseball cap.

Speaker 3 (16:01):
You're good.

Speaker 2 (16:02):
Just go to just go to chef iqueu dot com.
Every meal will be a masterpiece. This technic. I wish
I thought of this. I wish I could invest in
this company. I love it so much. Anyway, you're gonna
love it. It's very anexpensive chef I queue dot com today,
working every day to remember the forgotten man. This is

the Seanannity Show. You know, I still cannot get over
the catastrophe, the unmitigated disaster that has been Los Angeles.
We still have a good percentage of these fires that
are not contained, even at this late date. I mean,
it's hard to it's it's hard to wrap your mind around,

isn't it. And I was looking at the coverage of
what's going on out there today and I'm like, I
just I cannot believe that the reservoir at the Santa
Inez Reservoir in the Pacific Palisade was empty and nobody
seemed to care. I can't believe that they have fire
hydrants that didn't have water in them and didn't work,

and the answer, well, they're not designed for wildfires. What
are they designed for? And what is your plan for wildfires?
I can't believe that that was the situation. I can't
believe that a lot of the science of forestry was
not used to protect a little shrub as we learned
yesterday and gave you a great specificity in detail, something
I'd never heard of. You know, only seventeen percent of

the Pacific Palisades fire week after broke out, only seventeen
percent of it is contained. You know, we're looking at
more than forty thousand acres of southern California have been
a blaze now in recent weeks. And yeah, and now
we still have more days of Santa Ana wins. All
of this is predictable, All of this is preventable. And

you know, out in Los Angeles residents they're furious, but
you want to bet any amount of money that they
probably would re elect Karen Bass and Gavin Newsom tomorrow,
and they'll probably elect Kamala Harris after Gavin Newsom leaves
office at the end of his second term, because I
think the bet would be, you know, a pretty darn

good bet. And then it even gets worse out there
because now we have issues involving looting where these you know,
these people are taking advantage and they're going out there,
you know, targeting abandoned homes, and you've got another problem
of price gouging. People are are, for example, they're jacking

up the prices of water and bare necessities. That that
can't happen is a very big distinction. Nobody has to
live in Los Angeles and the proximity near where the
fires were and the homes that survived, nobody that does
not need to happen. People can move further out and
get different places. In my view, Milton's Stumpess is a

Premier netw work. iHeartRadio is our parent company of the
Premiere Radio network. He is a salesperson. He is one
of the people, you know, the fourteen fifteen thousand people
that lost the structure of most of them homes. Anyway, Milton,
I'm so sorry my heart goes out to you and

your family, and your friends and your neighbors and everybody
that is suffering out there, And I would argue suffering needlessly.
I think this could have all been prevented.

Speaker 1 (19:28):
Yeah, Sean, I appreciate it. My wife here is with me, Julie,
and we have just been you know, our hearts are
full with all the love and support and prayers, and
it really is you know, helped keep us strong. So
thank you very much for that.

Speaker 2 (19:42):
Well, I mean it really is amazing to me. I
mean when you discovered, when did you first hear that
the reservoir was empty? When did you first discover that
fire hydrants didn't work? You know, what did you make
of you know, the fact when you learn that out

in California they're spending an absolute fortune on electric what
do you call the street sweepers, and over one hundred
billion dollars on electric vehicles in the state, and they
cut one hundred and one million from the state firefighting budget.
They don't practice the science of forestry. They don't do

the controlled burns, they don't clear out the brush the
kindling for these fires.

Speaker 3 (20:30):
I mean, as you've learned.

Speaker 2 (20:32):
More since all of this occurred, and you lost every
possession you ever had in that house and now you've got,
you know, your life upbended in ways that most people
can't imagine. When you learn all of that, I would
think I'd be pretty angry. Are you guys angry? Because
I'd be pretty angry.

Speaker 1 (20:50):
We're furious, Sean. You know, we're responsible. We've lived in
this neighborhood twenty three years and just to give you
some perspective of where we live, we're on a street,
a very small street, on the top of the Timiscal
Canyon Gateway Park, a street called Rimmer, and we had
direct line of sight to not only where the fire originated,

but over the twenty three years we've lived there, we've
seen tons of fires like this and almost in every case,
you know, the the air assets are right on it.
There's trucks all over the place, this, that, and the
other thing. Yeah, we have a fire hydrant forever house.
Every single year, we religiously and we have to is

we clear the hillside, we fin out the yuke, We
dead brush all the you know, any other trees in
and around the area. And on top of that, you know,
on top of the property taxes which should go to
support the fire department, police of course, and keeping us
safe and keeping our properties safe. We have assessments for
open spaces which is sold as fire clearance and abatement,

and you know, park maintenance and this, that and the other.
I will tell you that this, this area behind our house,
this Santa Monica Nature Conservancy was a freaking tinderbox. And
we saw the fire. I started documenting it at around
ten thirty seven am. The first air asse that I
saw was around twelve thirty Palisades Highland. I mean I

saw all these neighborhoods burned. I saw the Palisades Highland burn,
I saw the mal Media area right across Mescal Canyon
from us burning. I did not see a single truck,
a single firefighter the entire day until we got off
our hill, and I did see. I did see a
couple of DWP trucks though, and they control both our

water and power. They were not looking overhead at our
overhead lines. They were all stationed in and around water
shut off valve areas, and so all of this is
just maddening. After you know, hearing about no water in
the you know, no water available to the fire department

and that's I guess one of the reasons why they
didn't deploy. I mean, we thought, we thought for sure
we would have a fighting chance with a truck on
our block and the foss check line being drawn or
something helping us. But we were sitting freaking duck stron.

Speaker 2 (23:16):
I mean, it really is remarkable. And when did you
finally make the decision you had to get out?

Speaker 1 (23:22):
We you know, luckily, my wife and I took cert
training because basically the fire department that teaches us this
basically said, you know what, you guys are probably with
the major event, and we're thinking earthquake, right, We're going
to be alone and we're going to have to fend
for ourselves. So we all all of our neighbors on
the street got together and made sure that everybody was

able to get out of there with their lives, and
my wife and I were one of the last to
leave our streets with an older neighbor and a police
car behind us at about just a little under four PM.
My wife and I tried to get back into the
neighborhood at five PM, and that was our last attempt
because at that point, our entire neighborhood was involved in flames.

Speaker 2 (24:02):
All right, quick break, welcome back. One of the victims
of the Pacific Palisades fires happens to work with our
company iHeart Media and Premiere Radio Networks, Milton stump As
he lost everything.

Speaker 3 (24:14):
As we continue.

Speaker 2 (24:20):
On the Sean Hannity Show, a place where free speech
and the First Amendment are still alive and well. Liberalism
is a failed ideology. Get your dose of independence and
liberty every weekday right here with Sean.

Speaker 3 (24:37):
With Sean Hannity, more with Milton Stumpus.

Speaker 2 (24:45):
He works with us at iHeart and Premiere Radio Networks,
and he was one of the victims, his entire home
burn of the ground in the Pacific Palisades. As we
discussed the real impact on real people and of course
the failure year of government on every level. Do you
know where you lived in Pacific Palisades. In twenty nineteen,

the LA Department of Water and Power began replacing nearly
one hundred year old power lines cutting through Topanga State Park.
When the project was stopped within days of starting by environmentalists.
They were outraged that the federally endangered Broughton's milk vetched

plants had been trampled on during the process. The whole
purpose of the project was to improve fire safety for
the Pacific Palisades area by replacing wooden poles, which steel,
widening fire access lanes in the area, installing wind and
fire resistant power lines, all after the area was identified

as having an elevated fire risk. This project will help
ensure power reliability and safety and help reduce wildfire threats.
They said at the time. It was stopped within days
because of radical environmentalists. Now do you even know what
a Bronten milk fetch is because it looks to me
like a weed, I.

Speaker 1 (26:14):
John, I doubt, and I wonder how they're doing at
this time in my neighborhood right because there's I don't
see a single thing that's living well.

Speaker 2 (26:22):
The governor cut and slashed one hundred and one million
dollars in June from the firefighting effort budget that you
guys have out there. The Mayor's cut it by just
millions of dollars prior to this, but they had six
hundred and fifty million state and federal dollars to make
La Port the Laport green. They have over a billion

dollars that they put aside, which kind of shocked me
for electric vehicles on a state level, and in LA
you're paying for these green energy sweepers that street sweepers
rather than cost eight hundred grand apiece.

Speaker 3 (27:02):
Did you know any of that?

Speaker 1 (27:04):
You know what I have because we followed that. Thank
you for bringing that up. So this, I think, this thing,
what we've gone through in the Palisades is going to
be unprecedented in the in the regard as the toxins
are so unbelievable because there were so many evs there,
those EV charging stations, solar panels, and basically it's with

all the lithian ion that has been burning like crazy.
I remember the I fifteen was closed for like almost
a month when one truck with evy with the batteries
spilled over and it took them like a month to
put the fire out. This entire neighborhood Sean is covered
with lithian ions that have been burning. The ground is

probably going to be having to be you know, managed
by some kind of super fun site because it is
extremely toxic.

Speaker 2 (27:54):
Right now, what are your plans? I mean, obviously it's now.
Gavin did say that he would try to expedite the
building process, the rebuilding process for people, but I don't know.
There's an insurance problem out there. What are your plans?
Are you going to stay in California? Are you going
to sell off you a lot? Are you going to rebuild?
And how long is that going to take? What are

your plans?

Speaker 1 (28:17):
Our mor neighbors that you know work together to get
everybody out alive. We all kind of have formed a
text thread and we're communicating and so far everybody appears
to want to and we included is rebuild. And here's
my thought on that. Because you've got the twenty eight
Olympics coming to Los Angeles. They do not want to
lose the Olympics. You've got Rick Caruso, who you know,

with his own money, saved his own village because you know,
he brought in his own water trucks, tanker trucks, and
he had a private fire department. And with all the
other people that are literally the movers and shakers of
Los Angeles, many in California and you know this country
that have lost their homes, their kids have lost their
homes and schools, et cetera. I think there's going to

be an all hands on deck rebuild effort to get
this thing up and running, and you know what I
would like to be a part of, you know, rebuilding
a neighborhood that's very important to Los Angeles. It's amazing
to Los Angeles that it doesn't necessarily have million and billionaires.

Speaker 2 (29:16):
Can I ask you an honest question, why would you
bother to stay out there? You pay the highest taxes
in the entire country, and this is the type of
service you get, and this is now the biggest project
you're going to take on in your adult life. Why
I I mean, these are the reasons I got out
of New York right and I've been gone for a

full year and I'm now my second year full time
in Florida. I left, I sold everything, handed my gun
license back, I de registered to vote.

Speaker 3 (29:48):
You know, I just disconnected. But you're going to this
sounds like you're going to stay.

Speaker 1 (29:54):
Well, if you know what, I'm cautiously optimistic. If this
does not change policy with forest management, with water management,
including you know, the reservoirs and not blowing up dams
and all of those things, and staffing protective services that
will keep citizens alive and the property safe. If that
doesn't happen, then you know, like you we just may

tap out, you know, because it.

Speaker 4 (30:19):
Won't worth it.

Speaker 2 (30:21):
I'm sorry I have to go through all of any
of it, and I'm sorry for your neighbors, and i'm sorry,
sorry for every victim here and I mean that with
all my heart and I wish you the best and
I'm sure you'll make the right decision for you.

Speaker 3 (30:33):
Hi Palm, Thank you, Sean hanging in there.

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