All Episodes

March 28, 2024 32 mins

Mark Simone grabs the wheel for Sean and sits down with Peter Schweizer, host of "The Drill Down" Podcast and #1 NY Times bestseller to talk about the real goals of China!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Well, we'll come o.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Your city. One of the get saying your.

Speaker 1 (00:07):
Conn will be tell and if you want a little
Trump alone.

Speaker 3 (00:18):
But you know what, Jesus didn't do the wrongs that
he was persecuted for and executed for.

Speaker 4 (00:24):
Trump did.

Speaker 5 (00:25):
But people aren't going in the New York's acc Exchange
now because of what's happening in New.

Speaker 3 (00:28):
York, because they don't want to be attacked by a
thug like this horrible Attorney general.

Speaker 5 (00:34):
That we have.

Speaker 3 (00:34):
Border security is a big piece of national security. And
if we don't know who is coming into our country
and we don't know what their intent is, that is
a threat.

Speaker 4 (00:49):
Only two hundred and twenty one more days left until
you get to vote that we're.

Speaker 2 (00:57):
Coming to your city, a conscious sock from coast to coast,
from border.

Speaker 5 (01:10):
To border, from c to shining Sea. Sean Kennedy is on. Hey,
it's the Sean Hannity Show. Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity.
Normally I'm on our big flag ship here in New York,
right down there, sixth floor w R. But we've got

a great guest. Let me see what it is. Oh,
it actually is a great guest. How about that? Peter Schweitzer,
best selling author, president of the Government Accountability Institute. You know,
he also does the Drilled Down podcast, and in fact,
he talks about his new book there. It's a New
York Times number one best seller, Blood Money, Why the
Powerful turn a blind eye while China kills Americans? And

he's with us right now. Peter Schweitzer, How you doing right.

Speaker 6 (02:00):
My friend, Mark?

Speaker 5 (02:01):
How are you very good? Number one bestseller New York Times.
That must be killing them to have to put that
down there.

Speaker 6 (02:09):
Yeah, I think I think you're I think you're right. Uh,
you know, it's it's kind of like elections, you have
to win by a wide margin. Yes, close, they're gonna
they're gonna you know, they're gonna figure out a way
to fudget.

Speaker 5 (02:20):
Yeah, they do tamper with that list a little. So
what is the real deal with China? I mean, what
are they really up to? They want to just dominate
us economically? Do they want to take us over? Do
they What is it they really want in the end?

Speaker 6 (02:32):
Uh, they want to see the United States fragment and disintegrate.
They don't want to have a shooting war with us.
The strategy Mark is called disintegration warfare. And they're doing
it right now. And it includes lots of things. It
includes Sentinel, which is the leading cause of death of
people under the age of forty five. Uh. It's really
a Chinese operation much more than it is a Mexican

drug cartel operation. It's also swing violence in America street China.
Since twenty eighteen, we got leaked to documents from the
Department of Homeland Security. Since twenty eighteen, China has been
smuggling these devices called glock switches and giving them the
criminal gangs in drug dealers. This switch turns an ordinary

glock handgun into a machine gun, highly illegal, but China
is doing that, and so we've seen the return of
widespread gunfire on America's streets. But it also includes swing
a social and racial division in America. Mark, probably the
most surprising thing I found is that two of the
biggest funders of the trans movement in America are actually

billionaires in China that have given tens of millions of
dollars to this cause. And the troubling part, Mark is
not only but they're doing it, but they're not advocating
for these positions in China itself. So this is part
of a strategy to really seek to tear America part
and at some levels it's working very very well.

Speaker 5 (04:01):
You know, we always feared Russia, especially their military, but
we've seen in Ukraine their military is unsophisticated, bumbling, and
they may be brutal in Russia, but it's really the
Chinese are the master chess players, aren't they like one
hundred year strategy something like that.

Speaker 6 (04:18):
Yeah, no, that's exactly right, Mark. I mean, look, the
Soviet approach was a blunt force object. You know, they
would come up and smack you on side of the head.
China's approach is far more sophisticated, far more subtle, and
I also think far more effective. And it kind of
lay out the book in that way. So you know,

you have a section on the book on a fentanyl
how they control every chain of the fentanyl crisis in America,
and that section is a title is based on a
Chinese strategy which is called murder with a borrowed knife.
In other words, if you're going to really do damage
to somebody, do it in such a way as to
win it appears to be somebody else's weapon doing it.

And that's what they're doing. They you know, our focus
tends to be on the Mexican drug cartels, when it's
China that controls the precursors. They control the actual production
of Sentinel in China itself, sorry, in Mexico itself. There
are two thousand Chinese nationals in a town in northern
Mexico creating the stuff. They control the money laundering. But

our focus is on the drug cartels, who are actually
the junior partners. Another one of their strategies that the
strategy of sowing racial division in the United States. They're
involved with these, you know, very violent extreme left wing
groups in America that are causing these protests. That section
is titled after another Chinese strategy, which is watched the

fire burn from across the river. In other words, maybe
you start the fire, maybe you fan the flames of
the fire, but you say, well that that fire is
burning across the river. We weren't involved in it. So
you are quite right, very different than what we saw
with the Soviet Union, and our political leadership class in
Washington is completely outclassed because they do not understand what's

going on.

Speaker 5 (06:10):
Wow. As the reason they give so much money to
the Bidens, They just love them, right, They're just kind
of useful idiots for them.

Speaker 7 (06:19):

Speaker 6 (06:19):
Yeah, it's it's really part of this strategy called elite capture.
And I tell you it's not just that they give
them money and they kind of hope and you know,
pray that Joe Biden's going to go soft on them.
There are very real entanglements that make it hard for
Joe Biden to talk about these issues. So, for example, Sentinel,

you know, I keep talking about Sentinel, but it's just,
you know, it's killing one hundred thousand Americans a year.
Most people taking it don't even know they're taking fentanyl.
They think they're taking an adderall or a viking in.
So it's really a poisoning. It's not like heroin or cocaine,
where people, you know, overdose on a drug that they're
addicted to. So this is a massive problem, and Joe
Biden has repeatedly said no finger pointing against China, will

not call them out on it, he will not hold
them responsible for it. Well, I think one of the
reasons is related to money, because you see in twenty seventeen,
Mark the Biden's got a five million dollar interest free
forgivable loan from a Chinese businessman. Everybody acknowledges that the
bank wreckers prove it. The Bidens don't deny it. They

never repay that loan. Here's the curious part that five
million came from a Chinese businessman who was partners with
a Chinese criminal gang leader who goes by the name
White Wolf. And White Wolf is the gang leader and
his gang who set up the Sinaloa cartel in the
fen trade and made them the kings of fentanyl. Everybody

in Mexico acknowledges that. So the question is, does Joe
Biden really want to have a conversation about Chinese involvement
with the fentanyl trade when there is quite literally one
degree of separation between his family's money and the sentinel
trade itself. I don't think he wants to have that conversation.

And these are the kinds of entanglements that the Chinese
absolutely wants. It's costing American lives and that's why I
titled the book blood Money.

Speaker 5 (08:18):
Yeah, but as you can hear it, fascinating book, blood Money.
It's the new number one bestseller. Peter Schweizer, make sure
you get the book.

Speaker 7 (08:26):

Speaker 5 (08:26):
The fact that we have all of our manufacturing in China.
We're dependent on them to make everything from our medicine
to our iPhone. That is not a good idea, is it.

Speaker 6 (08:36):
It's not And you're quite right, Mark, And this is
also intentional by China, by the way. They want to
gain leverage over us because it gives them the ability
to squeeze us. So I've got a section in the
book that looks at the whole crisis with COVID, and
that section of the book is titled A Loot a

burning House. And this is the Chinese strategy that when
you've got your enemy, which is how they'd be the
United States in trouble, go for maximum advantage and really
do the damage. So loot the burning house. So what
do we know now? We know that the Chinese knew
in early November of twenty nineteen that they had a

virus that was very dangerous and that that virus was
transferable from person to person, but they waited Mark three
months to tell the rest of the world. It wasn't
until the end of January twenty twenty that we found
out about what did they do during those three months?
They cornered the market on ppe medical supplies. You know,

the K ninety five masks versus responders use and that
was intentional because they now knew they had leverage over
the United States that if we were too critical or
if we did something they didn't like, they could cut
us off. And that applies to a whole host of
things like medicine and a sillin. Basic sources applies. And

you know, the Trump administration talked mark about dealing with
that and was starting to make progress. But that progress
has basically been lost by the Biden administration, whose policy
is making us more dependent on China. All the EV batteries,
all the solar panels, the vast majority of those technologies, windmills,

all of that comes from China. So we're making ourselves
more dependent on China, not less dependent on China. And
history shows they use that to leverage us and damage
us when they feel it's necessary.

Speaker 5 (10:35):
And we're talking Peter Schweitzer. The book is Blood Money.
What is the real idea of TikTok to collect data
or to spread propaganda?

Speaker 6 (10:43):
A great question. It is to do both. But I
think there is not a full appreciation, especially of you
critics of this bill. And I understand the concerns that
people have of this TikTok bill. But here's what we
have to understand. It's not just that Byte Dance, which
is parent company that owns TikTok, is a Chinese company

that would be worrisome enough because they have to respond
to what the government tells them. By Dance is joined
at the hip with the Chinese state. So what do
I mean by that, Well, the TikTok algorithm that feeds
videos to people and that is so powerful to gather
so much information on us. It's not just a buy
Dance company secret. In twenty nineteen, the Chinese government declared

it a state secret. That's how much they value this.
And by Dance, the company that controls TikTok, does joint
research with the Chinese Ministry of State Security on, among
other things, how to manipulate people online. So this is
not even a conventional Chinese company to be worried about.
This is part of the Chinese propaganda spying apparatus. And

one of the things I do in Blood Money is
really quote extensively from Chinese officials. We got access to
some restricted military journals. They're not classified, but they're restricted,
and they lay out exactly how they are already using
TikTok to manipulate young people in America. And when you
read these extensive quotes, it's pretty shocking because it's very

clear that they're doing it, it's working, and they believe
it's One military official like quote saying, this is the
ultimate trojan horse that they have to manipulate young people
in America. It's part of cognitive warfare. So TikTok is
a major threat. It is a vehicle for propaganda. It's
subtle propaganda. It's very very hard to detect unless you're

aware of it, and that's why it is so effective.

Speaker 5 (12:42):
Hey, China, all these tactics we're talking about it, are
they just using it on us or on other countries
as well?

Speaker 6 (12:48):
A great question mark. They do use it in other countries, Australia,
New Zealand, Singapore, certainly in Europe. But for them, the
country that they most want to take down is of
course the United States because their strategy of disintegration warfare,
which is to defeat their enemy without actually fighting them,

is purposely designed for the United States, and they viewed
the United States as some unique areas that they can exploit.
One of those is racial division. You know, there are certainly,
you know, issues in our country and there have been
you know, disputes over policy, and certainly in twenty twenty

with the riots. But they are fanning the flames there
in a way that would be harder for them to
do in Europe. So they find these left wing groups
and support these left wing groups that are leading a
lot of the violent protests. They led the protests in
twenty twenty with BLM, and they're now leading the protests,
the pro Hamas protests. A lot of people characterize those

protests as Palestinian protests. If you look at the actual organizers,
they're pro CCP Chinese organizations that work very closely with
the Chinese government and have pledged their loyalty to them.
The other thing they're doing, though, Mark, is they have
these massive operations involving a thousand, more than a thousand

military personnel in China, each of which controls more than
a thousand social media accounts where they're posing as Americans,
and half of these social media accounts say that we're
a hopelessly racist, bigoted society. The other half of the
accounts say I only like white people. They're purposely trying
to provoke greater racial tensions in America and they view

this as something that they can uniquely do to the
United States.

Speaker 5 (14:39):
Well, Peter Schweitzer like to thank you for scaring the
hell out of us. That's frightening. But it's a number.
You're you're going to hear why it's a number one
best selling book if you'd get the book Blood Money,
Peter Schwitz's new bestseller, Blood Money. Why the Powerful turn
up blind eye while China kills Americans. Hey, thanks for
being with us, great stuff, and everybody get the book.

Is Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. We'll take some calls.
One eight hundred nine four to one. Sewan is the number,
and make sure you check out Hannity dot com and
watch Hannity tonight Fox News Channel. Back in a moment
on the Sean Hannity Show. Hey, welcome back. It's the
Sean Hannity Show. So we're kind of stuck here. We
can't even get out of the building. Joe Biden doing
a huge fundraiser. This is a big deal. This is

one of the biggest fundraisers I've ever seen. It's Radio
City Music Hall, six thousand seats. Now Biden can't talk
for two hours. So they're going to have Bill Clinton
and Barack Obama sit on stage with him, and Steven
Colbert will be the moderator. He's not even going to
try to pretend to be objective anymore. He's actually working
now for the Biden campaign, hosting this big fundraiser. They'll

take in twenty five million dollars. Now, as you watch
CNN and msnbceing all the left wing media, they're going
to try to make it look like Trump is now finished,
Trump is finished, why they made twenty five one night.
They're going to tell you that Biden so far is
up to like one hundred million and Trump is only

a twenty three million. You know, it doesn't matter. Let
me just remind you the first primary, Jeff Bush had
raised like a billion dollars. Trump had a dollar fifty
and beat him without a sweat. Hillary Clinton had something
like one point two billion. In the presidential campaign, Trump
it was like one hundred and fifty million. No problem,
it's not about money. It's not nineteen eighty six anymore.

It's not about buying TV commercials on Barnaby Jones. It's
not going to help you. It doesn't mean anything anymore.
Trump is just fine, Biden. You could give you give
him the lottery ticket, the billion dollars. It's still not
going to get any place, but it's a big event
that you're going to be hearing about it. Well, we'll
talk more about it in the moment and we'll take

some calls. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity, and
glad you're listening to the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 4 (16:57):
You're on the Sean Hannity Show. A place for a
free speech and the First Amendment are still alive, and
well get your dose of independence and liberty every weekday
right here with Sean.

Speaker 5 (17:11):
Hey, thanks Scott Shannon. It's Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity.
He's been following this Sam what's his name, Sam Bankman Freed?
Have you been watching this? He got sendence to twenty
five years. Have you ever seen a dumber looking guy
than this guy? He is the stupidest looking guy. Kle
the heck? Did this guy make eight billion dollars? You know,

Bernie Madoff? I could see it look like some kind
of real business executive, some sort of financial top guy.
This Sam Bankman Freed. If he wanted a change of
a quarter. I would run away from this guy. I mean,
if you were a TV show and you said, they
called the casting people, we need a guy to play
a really stupid neighbor. He has to look really dumb.
They would send this guy over.

Speaker 4 (17:56):
Are you saying he wouldn't make the cut in the Apprentice?

Speaker 5 (17:58):
No, he would definitely be put in because he's so
dumb looking. That's what they look for in the Apprentice.
Somebody's an unbelievable character.

Speaker 8 (18:05):
Well, he did manage to make eight billion, that's the question.

Speaker 5 (18:09):
How did this guy make eight billion? Is this infuriate you?
The dummost see just goes to show you if you
apply yourself, if you really try, you can do stuff
no matter what you look like or act like. It's uh.
I'll tell you one thing about because I know a
lot of these guys, these billionaires, billionaires, Donald Trump among them.

These guys work hard. You know, every time we think
about what we're gonna do, they've already done it. They've
already They don't think, they do, they do. They take action.
They're always out there. They love to go to work.
They don't even you know, they get upset when it's Friday.
If you say, oh, it's the weekend. They're mad they
want to work. They actually say, thank God it's Monday.
They can't wait to go back to work. So hey,

the bridge collapse. This is a horrible, horrible tragedy, this
whole thing. But now the problem is getting this thing fixed.
This is one of the biggest ports in America. It's
one of the most important ports. If you look on
the map, it's right in the middle of the Atlantic coastline.
It services half of America. That's the reason this is

such an important port. From this port, like thirty six
percent of America is within a one day drive, So
that's why a lot of stuff comes there. And it's
something like eighty billion worth of cargo comes through there.
Here's the thing. Pete Boudhajeedge has actually been helpful here.
The way he helped was he screwed up so badly

in that supply chain mess. Remember two years ago. It
took him so long and he was such a bungler.
The supply chain was clogged for a year and a half.
So what happened is it forced a lot of these
shipping companies to develop lots of backup plans, alternate routes,
other routes, all kinds of alternatives which they put in place.
So because of that, we're actually not going to be

too bad on this as bad as we could be
because of the bungling of Pete bootage. They developed also
alternative backup stuff. Now they got to fix the bridge.
Joe Biden made this big pronouncement, we will pay for it.
The federal government will pay for it. Sounded impressive, didn't it.
Well he knew probably what I know that nobody's paying
for it. The insurance company's paying for it. It's insured,

it's Lloyd's in London. They estimated it'll be a couple
of billion dollars. But Lloyd's of London has to pay
the cost. So Biden is just claiming he'll pay for
it as an excuse to get more money infrastructure, more
money which he'll spend on. Who knows what it's going
to be. Actually, they believe it could be the biggest
marine insurance payout ever in history. And when can they

fix it? Well, I don't know. If you brought in
a private company might get it fixed in a year.
But the government's going to do it that could take years.
The Army Corps engineers said they can't even begin to
estimate how long to fix this until they get underwater
and start pulling apart the wreckage and all of that. Hey, well,
take some calls. Let's go to Mark and Kansas. Mark,

Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 7 (21:03):
Hey, how are you doing.

Speaker 5 (21:04):
I'm good.

Speaker 7 (21:06):
Hey, I just wanted to let you know I'm a
first time caller.

Speaker 5 (21:09):
I can tell I can tell you don't sung an
old pro, but you sound like a nice guy.

Speaker 7 (21:15):
Well, I'm sixty four years old and I'm in Kansas,
and Russe lin Bag was my favorite for since the eighties,
and then Sean Handy became my next.

Speaker 5 (21:26):
Very good, very good. You ever listen to me? What
I am just so, I guess that's a no.

Speaker 7 (21:32):
I'm so disappointed. Whole complete process of the Democrats and
everything going on. Anybody has to be completely I want
to try to hold my language, but anybody's stupid to
vote for Democrat right now.

Speaker 5 (21:52):
I know it's tough to figure out why this happens.
It's a lot of it is the if you watch
the network news, the crazy New York Times, you actually
think they're okay. You don't really know what's going on.
But Mark, thanks for calling from Kansas. That's the real problem.
As long as you don't have any actual working media,
it's hard to run a democracy. It's really, really, really tough.

Gave you ever watched him? MSNBC put it on for
an hour. Watch that morning, Joe for an hour. You
won't believe the things they say on there. It's just
out and out distorted, weird propaganda. I'm watching two days ago.
He just out and out lives. He said the toughest
border bill ever, and the Republicans voted it down. There

was nothing in that bill that would have done anything
about the border. Was a complete disaster of a bill.
But they keep pushing this, and I know you get
mad at your Democratic friends. Why could they? How could
they think this? They watch this stuff, they're brainwashed by
this stuff. They actually believe it. Let's go to Mark
in Missouri. Mark, Welcome to the Sean Hannity Show.

Speaker 9 (22:58):
Thank you very much. Mark. The Republicans past any bill though,
even their HR two and that's got through, but Biden
would just ignore it. He can go to the Supreme
Court and Stephen Loans and everything else. So I don't
even think that would matter. But my question, where are
the Republicans. I mean, if we had an army invading
this country right now and they killed one hundred thousand
a year, would they just be walking around and be
on a two week vacation. Now, this is an emergency.

Our country is being brought down right now, right before
our eyes. We're being destroyed. And like your two great
guests or two great interviews with Wi Lescoe and Peter Schwizer,
Joe Biden is cooperating with China to do that, and
he's leading the invasion into our country. I mean, he
should be impeached for this right now. And the Democrats

couldn't care less about Lake and Riley being killed or
the many others who have been killed and Grape just
this week in the news or the New York City,
you know, giving us the finger these guys there and
let go, And they don't care about that. They don't
care about the collateral.

Speaker 5 (23:54):

Speaker 9 (23:55):
They're part of this who wants to take over the country.
Like you said, they're going to change the senses and
all these states blue and then god knows what turns
us into a police state and everything else. But the Republicans,
I don't think they get what we're up against in
these Democrats. This isn't the old Democrat Party even. It's
just they're evil. I mean, they're Marxists and they're bringing

us down right now. The Republicans should be they have
the bully public. They should be on the floor every
day if they can't be a legislative league and tell
us what these Democrats are doing to our country. This
is an emergency. We're being destroyed right now.

Speaker 5 (24:29):
I know, I know, I know, Dave Mark, thanks for calling,
great call. That's all.

Speaker 6 (24:34):
You know.

Speaker 5 (24:34):
They always say it's the most important election ever. Hey,
this time it actually is November. You just got to
hope and well, you got to assume Trump wins easily
if the election were today, in all the real polls,
not those stupid public polls, the real ones, Trump wins easily.
You got to just figure in November, a lot of
the Independents, a lot of what they used to call
that silent majority, is just going to come out. They've

had enough of total chaos in the border, total chaos
in their cities. Imagine shoplifting is legal. When I think
about the shoplifting is illegal. Look at this squatter stuff.
It's okay to squat and steal your house. It just
people are going to have enough of this by November
and just change course. Hopefully elections two hundred and twenty

days away. If it were, that's a long time anything
can happen. But if it were today, Trump wins easily.
Can you imagine you're an MSNBC viewer, You're all they're
all furious about Trump and has overvalued his assets. His
apartment overvalued is he had a two hundred million in
the evaluation. There's a fifteen apartments that's sold for more

than that in the same neighborhood. And his is the
most important, actually the most best known, most famous apartment
in America. It's easily worth two hundred million. Now they're
all upset about that, but they don't even notice that
Hunter Biden is overvaluing his paintings. He's selling paintings for
one hundred thousand million dollars, these junk paintings. Talk about

over valuing an asset in a business transaction that doesn't
even bother them. They don't even notice that anyway. Let's
go to Eddie in New Jersey. Eddie, how you doing.

Speaker 7 (26:11):

Speaker 5 (26:12):
Mark, how are you doing good?

Speaker 8 (26:15):
First time Cohler. I just want to comment about the
you know, the cop that was slain, and how they're
going to politicize it. I mean, it's sad because the
family asked Trump to be there, and they're never going
to mention that in the news. He maybe Fox might
mention a newsmax, but as far as CNN and the OOS, MSNBC,

they're never going to mention anything.

Speaker 5 (26:38):
Yeah, that's a good point. Thanks for calling Eddie. That's
the idea. They're gonna all day tomorrow Tonight you're gonna
hear him say. Trump politicized the wake of this fallen hero,
the cop who was shot by this career criminal, who
was let out by the Democrats. He should have been
in jail. They just let all the criminals out. Trump
will be accused of politicizing this, and he isizing it

for good reason. The family has asked him to politicize it.
The family does want some good to come from this tragedy,
and if this is politicized enough, hopefully it'll wake up America.
You can't have these crazy district attorneys letting everybody out
of jail. This is these two guys in the car,
both career criminals, with dozens and dozens of priors. The

guy that did the shooting just arrested recently on a
gun charge, and they let him out again. And there
he is with this gun kills this heroic cop. Trump
attends to wake today. He's at the wake. Biden is
with a bunch of one percent hedge fund billionaires in
an apartment in New York collecting money while Trump is
at the wake. And yeah, we will politicize this death

of this hero hopefully, hopefully bring attention to this whole thing. Hey,
we'll take some more calls in a moment. Do me
a favor. Don't say first time caller. I get nervous
when you say first time call. If you got on
the plane and the pilot came out and said, hey,
my first time flying the plane. Just say yeah, I'm
an experience caller. Don't worry. I know what I'm doing. Anyway,

We'll take some more calls in a moment. One eight
hundred and nine to four to one. Sewan is the number. Hey,
you can follow me on Instagram, Mark Simone NYC at Instagram.
You can follow me on Facebook. That's flight censorship. Twitter
is total. I'm shadow band there, but Instagram. Everything's good.
Mark Simone NYC at Instagram. Hey, also make sure you
go to Hannity dot com. Coming up more on the

Sean Hannity Show. Hey, welcome back. It's the Sean Hannity Show.
Mark Simone here for Sean Hannity. Quite a day. Donald
Trump at the wake. He's going to be in Manhattan
for a while because this Actually you'll leave for a while.
But April fifteenth, the trial begins here. This is a
trial for paying hush money to Stormy Daniels, and they're

estimating it'll take eight weeks. That means he has to
be in New York City for eight weeks. Now. He's planning, plotting,
planning to do some rallies while he's here. He's got
a big, big chance at being one of the first
Republicans in a long time to take New York state.
It's very possible. A lot of New York very upset
about the chaos, the crime, the migrants. So he'll start

doing those rallies. I bet watch they'll wrap up the
trial real fast just to get him out of New York.
They won't want those rallies. He's being tried for paying
hush money as if this is a crime. This is
not a crime. It's done all the time. We're in
a big skyscraper right now, Manhattan. Right now, I guarantee
in this building somebody is paying hush money. This is
what corporations do all the time. They're called non disclosure agreements.

It's common business practice. Non disclosure agreement. You agree to
sign a document saying you won't talk about this, he
won't say anything. And here's a check for one hundred
thousand dollars. I'm looking out the window at another skyscraper.
There's probably six people in there right now signing an NDA.
It's not a crime to pay hush money. They're claiming
he mislabeled it where in his own file. You can

write whatever you want on your own file. You can
call it whatever you want. This will never hold up
in any appellate court, no matter what they You could
find a Trump hating judge and a Trump hating jury.
It'll be tossed out in any appellate court. They're going
to try to They tried to claim it was campaign finance,
but that won't work because that's only a federal crime.
And the federal government looked at this and said no

crime here, and they dropped the case, so they can't
do campaign finance. I don't know what they're going to
try to twist us into. Now, the real reason for this,
it's involves a porn star or stripper or whatever she is.
So they're going to try to make this into some sordid,
awful So they just create these these myths. You know,
look at the pictures of the boxes at mar A Lago,

fifty boxes, one hundred boxes, boxes in the bathroom, boxes
on the stage. Yeah, all those pictures of boxes. Has
anybody pointed out to you those boxes do not contain
any classified documents. You know. Jack Smith, if that's really
his name, after he went through everything, said he only
found one hundred and two classified documents. One hundred and
two documents. If you put that into folders, it's about

an inch maybe maybe an inch and a half. That
would take up an inch and a half of one box.
That's it. Those other two hundred boxes you see are
not classified documents. Does anybody ever point that out to you?

Speaker 6 (31:18):

Speaker 5 (31:19):
Did Joe Scarborough ever tell you that they're not classified documents?
All of these trials, well, in Georgia, he called the
election officials, and he tried to Well that's done all
the time, you know, Al Gordon did that in two thousand.
His team was calling every election official in Florida trying
to change things. People on the team have admitted to
making exactly word for word, the same exact phone calls.

What's the other trial is the documents, the election stormy dangers.
I'm forgetting one. I don't even remember what it is.
Oh no, it's a Letitia James overvaluing this apartment. All
of this will get tossed out on appeal. They may
get a conviction. You never know here in New York
before the election, but it'll all get None of these

will stand. And it's a tribute to him. You can
be sure. They looked at every inch of everything in
his life. They couldn't find an actual crime anywhere. This
is the most crime free guy. Nobody has had a
more thorough inspection than him, and they can't find anything
to go after a month. Well, anyway, we've got a
lot to get to in the next hour. Mark Simone

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