All Episodes

May 10, 2024 33 mins

For the first time in American history we have an American President who has abandoned our closest ally in the Middle East.  He is now cutting off weapons to Israel.  What is our country doing?!

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Well, I am coming to your staying conscious Willow besire
and if you want a little may I come along.

Speaker 2 (00:18):
Young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don't
even know what the word a computer is.

Speaker 3 (00:23):
Well, in terms of his campaign, you know, I am
thinking back and other people are making this reference that
this maybe Biden's Vietnam.

Speaker 4 (00:33):
If Roe v. Wade can fall, anything can fall, social
security can fall, and God help us all but democracy
itself can fall. Minus one hundred seventy nine days left
until you get to vote.

Speaker 1 (00:55):
Coming to your sent.

Speaker 4 (01:04):
From coast to coast, from border to border, from sea
to shining sea. Sean Kennedy is on.

Speaker 1 (01:19):
All right. Thank you, Scott Shannon, and thanks to all
of you for being with us. Here's our tot free number.
It's eight hundred nine four one, Sean, if you want
to be a part of the program. This stormy, stormy, stormy, irrelevant,
immaterial under oath. Nonsense continues, and the cross examination has

been pretty brutal. Stormy under oath. Her account of the
Trump quote affair, you know, is contradicting every other time
she said it never happened. And by the way, the
story she told the year after the alleged account encounter
that just totally contradicts all of it. Never mind her

being confronted today with her own words and her own
letter that she signed, and you know, she said. The
fact of the matter is that each party to this
alleged affair denied its existence in two thousand and six,
twenty eleven, twenty sixteen, twenty seventeen, and now again this
was January of twenty eighteen. I'm not denying this affair

because I was paid hush money, as has been reported
overseas in tabloids. I am denying this affair because it
never happened. Here's my Instagram page. Okay, I mean I
think the worst thing came out yesterday. She admits she
was coached by prosecutors. You gotta be kidding me. Oh yeah,
well no, first question, she said, she admitted to being coached,

but then she said, well, I wasn't really coached, and
then she had to admit, well, yeah, they did actually
prep me for this, and we did have sessions where
I was being prepared for this. I'm like, what is
the difference here? You know what, what what difference at
all does that make? It doesn't make any difference. You know,
after you know, all of this, her whole demeanor again

changings trying to be funny and cute and went over
I guess the jury somehow, and apparently the jury is
not buying into her jokey demeanor at a lot of
this anyway. So we'll get we'll get to that. I
want to tell you this is a really, really sad
time for the world and for America. I never thought

things could get this bad. Now, before I get to
what I'm going to say, I want to play Joe
Biden in this horrific interview that he did yesterday on
fake news CNN where he goes directly at the issue
of he will withhold weapons from Israel if they go
into Rafa. Okay, now keep in mind as you hear

this that Israel was the well, first of all, the
history of Israel is they've they've been hit with hundreds
of thousands of rockets, many tens and tens of thousands
of them. One town on a border town that I'd
been to at Israel, Starote had been hit with ten
thousand rockets in ten years when I visited a number

of years ago. And the rockets, you know, a lot
of them have been preserved in the back of the
local police department. That's the town where kids play in
underground bunker playgrounds. Because it only takes about ten seconds
for a rocket to land after it's fired from Goza,
which you can see with the naked eye, usually fired
from a school or a hospital, as these gutlass terrorists,

you know, use human shields as part of their strategies.
But you know, but for the Iron Dome, I mean,
you know, Israel would have been wiped off the face
of the earth already. But I've always said the Iron
Dome is only a band aid. It doesn't solve the problem.
The rockets are still going to be fired, and his
rockets become more sophisticated. And I when I was there

and I saw the evolution of rockets over the years.
They they've gotten more deadly, more sophisticated than ever. And
at some point the Iron Dome may not be as effective.
And thankfully they were able to repel now Iran rather
than always using their proxies Hezbalah in the north and
Hamas and Gaz in the south, and the Yemi out

of Yemen, sorry, rather the Huti rebels. You know, that's
all a radiance supplied weapons. But they tried to They
tried to hit Israel directly, and I guess they were
confident they were going to do so. Unfortunately for them,
they were not successful. But then when Israel struck back
after Biden of course says don't don't you know to
Vladimir Putin, don't go into a Ukraine? He did, you know, don't.

He tells the terrorists you know, and they do. He
says to Iran, don't and they do. He tells Israel
don't and they do. And now he's gotten to the
point where now he is stabbing Israel in the back.
But it's way deeper than that. I'm gonna get into
that in a second here. And he says, now he's
he wants to control how Israel fights the war, and

he's basically only saying, we'll give you defensive weapons, debate
to defend yourself and shoot these missiles that are being
fired into your country out of the sky. Well, if
it's a war on terrorism, why is he surrendering? And
this is what he said on fake news CNN. It
was a disaster of an interview in and of itself.

Speaker 2 (06:25):
But is it I made it clear that if they
go into Rafa. They haven't gone on Raffa yet. If
they go into Rafa, I'm not supplying the weapons that
have been used historically to deal with Raffa, to deal
with the cities, to deal with that problem. I've made
it clear to bb in the War Cabinet, We're not
going to get our support if in fact they're going

these population centers. We're not walking away from Israel's security,
walking away to Israel's ability to wage war in those areas.

Speaker 3 (06:54):
So it's not over your red line yet, not yet.

Speaker 2 (06:57):
But it's we've We've held up the weapons, We've held
up that one shipment as an old shipment and designed
we held that up.

Speaker 1 (07:10):
Well, we held that. But I'm not, you know, walking
away from their security. Yes you are, because long term
security is winning the war against the evil terrorists that
attacked them on October the seventh. I mean, it's pretty unbelievable.
What we're looking at here is a critical shift in policy.

Let me play Biden from twenty to nineteen when this
issue came up. Listen to Biden then.

Speaker 4 (07:42):
News this week, to the extent that some of the
Democrats are saying that if because of.

Speaker 1 (07:48):
Israel's settlements policy, that they would look at cutting off
military aid to Israel as a result of that, it'd be.

Speaker 3 (07:56):
A tragic mistake.

Speaker 2 (07:57):
I strongly oppose Israel's settlement policy on the West Bank.
I've made that clear to BB when we're I was
vice president, I made it crystal clear to the Israelis.
But the idea that we would cut off military aid
to an ally, our only true, true ally in the

entire region, is absolutely preposterous, just beyond my comprehension anyone
would do that.

Speaker 1 (08:29):
It's preposterous. The the idea that we'd cut off military aid
orld be a tragic mistake. What are we now witnessing.
This is where you've got to understand here how profound
this is and how it is the damage is incalculable.
For the very first time in American history, we have
an American president that is gutless, spineless, cowardly even and

has abandoned our closest ally in the Middle East. He
has walked away, and Joe Biden now saying outright he
is cutting off weapons if they continue to fight back
and win their war on terrorism. Now, these are the
same people that invaded Israel on October the seventh, the

same people, and there's a lot of videos of this,
raping women, killing innocent men, women and children, torturing thousands
of men, women and children, burning and decapitating babies alive.
They only did this, what six short months ago? The
same terrorists that have stated in their charter the complete

destruction of Israel. Now think of the whole world as
watching this and what Joe is saying that our allies
no longer matter, that he wants to control how wars
against radical Islamic terrorists are being fought. You know, he now,
you know, is basically letting the terrorists have their way

and offering them a lifeline and hope for their continued existence,
rather than supporting Israel's right. They're not looking for boots
on the ground, they're not looking for they're not even
looking for a handout, just a replenishment of the supplies,
and they're willing to pay for it. You know, He's

just gonna let the terrorists have their way what and
hope for the best and think there's not going to
be ramifications. There will be incalculable ramifications here of radical
ignorant freaks on these college campuses and these these pro Haamas,
anti Semitic, anti American, you know, antifada, Death to Israel,

death to America. If that crowd just yells loud enough,
Joe's gonna do whatever they say. And Joe Biden now
has sealed the fate, frankly, of every hostage now in captivity.
He's not sealed the fate of Israel, because Israel will
be victorious in this conflict with or without America's help.

And I can tell you right now the coalition that
Donald Trump built with Israel, the US, the Saudis, the Emirates,
the Jordanians, the Egyptians. Trust me, there are other allies
that Israel has that the world will never know about.
But we now are living in a time where where

a president is more concerned about a few votes in Michigan,
Wisconsin and crazy kids on college campuses and in Pennsylvania
that he's willing to betray the cause of liberty and
freedom around the world. That is a president with no
moral compass. That is a president without courage or decency.

We already know he has a brain that can barely function.
But this is a president that cannot distinguish between right
and wrong and good and evil. He has now become
impotent and gutless and cowardly when it comes to standing
up for the cause of liberty and freedom over radical

Islamic terrorism. Remember Defense Secretary Gates under Obama, Biden has
been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national
security issue for the past four decades. Well, he was
right then and he's right now. This is now put
not only our country in greater danger, but the world

in greater danger. If Famas and Iran and Hezbollah and
the Huti rebels, if they're all successful, Let's say they
wipe Israel off the map, which is what they stated
goal is, what do you think happens? They're just going
to be happy and go away. No, they will be
empowered and they will be emboldened. That's what will happen.

The world is watching. Our allies now know they can
no longer trust on the United States of America and
they cannot trust the President of the United States. This
is a national security disaster. Our country now has been
put at risk because of Joe Biden's wide open borders.

Is ten million plus unvetted Joe Biden illegal immigrants from
Oh where are they coming from? Tens and tens of
thousands from China, Russia, Syria, Iran, Egypt, Yemen, Afghanistan. Do
you not understand how profound this is. It is a
clear and it is a present danger to every freedom

loving human being on earth, including American safety. All of
your safety is hanging in the balance here. You cannot
embolden radical Islamic terrorists like this. You know, you cannot
allow people unvetted from enemy countries into our country and

not expect the worst result. We're gonna get hit because
of Joe Biden's open borders. It's a matter of when,
not if. And I pray I'm wrong, I'm not wrong.
Now you have a president of this country at a
pure political ambition that is now surrendered to the radical

mob that we've been watching on college campuses, the mob
and the squad that controls his party. He has surrendered
in the war against radical Islamic terrorism. He has chosen
to abandon America's role as the leader of the free world,
and in the process, he is now embolded not only
the radicals in this country, but radical Islamic terrorists world.

Why if you think Neville Chamberlain was bad, He's beyond
the neverl Chamberlain of our time. You know, only the
Mullahs of Iran. It could be celebrating in high fiving.
The consequences to this policy are incalculable and it will
be very clear very soon what he has now done.

It is a sad day for our country. It is
a sad day for the cause of freedom, a sad
day for the cause of liberty, and mark my words,
a sad day for the world. These actions will have
dire consequences for many, many years to come. That's Joe

Biden's legacy. You have one hundred and seventy nine days
to get your act together. I'm deputizing every one of you.
Take this election seriously. Get all in. Embrace voting early,
voting by mail, Embrace legal ballot harvesting, Embrace you know

being maybe want to be trained a poll wise in
your precinct, whatever you can do. It's all hands on deck.
It's an inflection point for the world and certainly an
inflection point for America. New York Close today has on
their front cover betrayed. Biden vows to cut off weapons

if Israel tries to finish off Phamas. Why would anyone
be against defeating radical Islamic terrorism. Why would you be
against that? How has America gotten so far away? You
know I've given out the statistic a lot based on
the small population. This would be the equivalent of losing

forty thousand Americans in a single day. And he's just no, no,
We're only going to help you play defense when they
fire weapons at you, And no you can't, you can't
fight back, and you can't win the war on terror?
Who does that embolden Iran and every terrorist organization in
the world. Twenty five to the top of the hour,

Thank you for being well. Let's eight hundred and nine
to pour one, Sean if you want to be a
part of the program. Mike Lindell my pillow. We know
they don't have the support of big box stores anymore
or the shopping channels. They themselves victims of cancel culture.

Speaker 2 (17:15):

Speaker 1 (17:16):
But they now are selling directly to you. They're loyal customers,
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You know, it was very interesting. The Wall Street Journal
Editorial Board called this an arms embargo against Israel to
spare Hamas. Even Jonah Goldberg, you want the one of
the one of the biggest never trumpers in the world,
and he is now saying that even the most really

really anti Trump people that he knows have had it
with Biden. How could they not have had it with Biden?
What has he done that is that has improved the
state of the world. What has he done to improve
the state of our country? What can you point to
that he has done that has been successful. I can't

think of any of any any of this, you know,
it's it's pretty unbelievable the times that we're living in.
By the way, Linda, did you see Kamala Harris laughing
uncontrollably at ovaries and fallopian tubes. That's strange, strange, strange,
very strong, you're giggling, Vice President. I love this story.

Denver illegal immigrants refused to leave their encampment and they
now have sent the mayor out there a list of demands.
They sound like these, uh these you know, anti fought
of protesting rats on college campuses. Anyway, they must be
given fresh, culturally appropriate foods. Wow. Pretty uh, pretty brazen

for illegal immigrants that didn't respect our laws, our borders,
our sovereignty. And of course we're aided and embedded in
the lawbreaking by Joe Biden. Oh when you have a
representative of the squad, Jamal Bowman, that's the guy with
the fire alarm incident. He had a secret YouTube page.
We find out, uh subscribe subscribing two channels that share

anti Semitic, flat earth and Illuminati conspiracy videos. You just
can't make this up. By the way, Georgia squatters are
unshaken by a recent law change down there. Uh, good
luck with that. I don't think that's gonna work down
in Georgia just my past experience. Anyway. That was smart

of them to put that in place, following on the
heels of what they've done in Florida and a few
other Red states. I think it's the right thing to do.
I don't think there's any doubt about that, you know.
I gotta tell you this is a sad day for me,
sad time for this country. Everywhere I look, I just
I see nothing but worry and concern. I mean, I

was He has this interview last night with Aaron Burnett.
You know, do you know that Joe Biden. I'd forgotten this,
but it's true. He admitted he opposed the raid to
get ben Laden. He advised Obama against it. Wow, how
could you be that dumb? You know, he's bragging about
withholding weapons to Israel. You know, he says about the demonstrators, Oh,

they're real, but I mean, look, and I made his
speech at the Holocaust the other day. Huh. I made
a speech on the Holocaust the other day. That's it.
He had a hard time saying the word legitimate. You
know when I was in high school, even at the
tail end, the very tail end, before you went to
high school. This guy is just not there. I promise

ironclad support for Israel, but if they go into Rafa,
I'm not supporting or supplying any of the weapons that
they that have been used historically. Wow. Israel can only
play defense against their war on radical Islamic terrorism. Biden
telling Aaron Burnett that inflation was nine percent when he
took over, no fact check. I love how fake news

CNN loves to fact check Donald Trump. Why don't you
fact check in real time the fact? No, he inherited
an inflation rate of one point four percent. It hit
a high at nine percent about a year and a
half later because of his horrific economic policies. We'll talk
more about that coming up later in the program. Today,

the last two months inflation has gone up year over
year three point two percent and three point five percent, respectively.
It's pretty unbelievable, you know. Biden of course, then tells
his lies about a Catholic school teacher being drafted by
the Green Bay Packers. The guy last name, he says,

somebody last name. They looked up the first name, and
nobody with that first name had ever been drafted by
the by the Green Bay Packers. He just flat out lied,
like he always does. Pretty amazing. I'm just you know,
how do you it's like four more years? Pause? Are
you ready to choose freedom over democracy? You know? Or

going on Howard Stern, you know, lying about and then
of course my favorite is Uncle Bosey eaten by Countibals.
I love that lie. Or claiming that he got arrested
standing on the porch of a black family during the
Civil Rights movement. That's a flat out lie. This guy
was partnering with the former klansman Robert KKK Bird his friend,

his mentor his words to stop the integration of public
schools and bussing because he didn't want public schools and
his words to be racial jungles.

Speaker 3 (23:58):
You know.

Speaker 1 (23:59):
Then he also claimed the stern that women would send
him very salacious pictures when he was a senator in
the nineteen seventies. I just give them to the Secret Service.
Senators don't have Secret Service protection. Maybe Joe forgot. You
just can't you just can't win. But that's your president.

That's the world we're living in right now. It's a disaster.
You know, if you look at you know, look at
him yesterday trying to get up the stairs of the
baby stairs. Now they've given up totally and completely on
Joe Biden boarding the big boy stairs, and so he
goes up the back stairs, which are a lot smaller, shorter,
less steep, and less of a challenge. He's got new sneakers,

high grip sneakers apparently that he's wearing to aid in
a bet, and his walking he's at all of these falls.
I don't know what's worse, the time he tripped three
times going up the stairs at Air Force one or
claiming that the wind blew him over. I don't know
what's the worst scenario, or when he fell I think
giving a speech at I don't know, one of the

military Academy he's the Air Force Academy. I think you
know uses now Marine one. He looks so frail and
weak and feeble and old. His new super grip sneakers
are not enough to walk him out to Marine one
or welcome back from Marine one. So now they surround him.
That way, somebody will catch him if he trips some falls.

I mean, watching all this, I mean it's just unbelievable.
You know, Biden forced you know everything that he said,
He actually said this, He said, the green Bay Packers.
I want to tell you about a Catholic school, the
green Bay Packers, and a priest named Riley last name.
Clearly somebody who wrote the speech forgot to put in

the last name.

Speaker 2 (25:48):
I went to a Catholic high school in Delaware, taught
by the Norbiten priests. Yeah, from sat Norva's College, you know,
a little tea called green Bay. Now here's the deal.
We were the only high school in Delaware but overwhelmingly.

Speaker 4 (26:11):
Rooted for green Bay.

Speaker 2 (26:14):
Not a joke. I'll tell you why, every single Sunday.
Not only they have great teams at the time, we
still do, but not only that, my theology professor at
the Catholic school, I went to was a guy named
Riley last name, and he had been drafted by the

Green Bay Packers and he decided to become a priest
before that, so he didn't.

Speaker 1 (26:41):
Go Riley last name. You have, mister Riley last name. Well,
that never happened. The Green Bay Packers actually went back
and looked. They never Everybody looked. It's not true. The
New York Post confirmed it never happened. Just like his
arrest during apartheid in South Africa, it never happened. Just

like he claimed he was a big rig driver, it
never happened. Just like his upbringing in a black church,
it never happened. Just like his Puerto Rican heritage not happening.
His battle with corn Pop, his uncle Bosey eaten by cannibals,
that never happened. The guy just is a liar. He

just makes Adam ship up every day. Anyway, The sit
down was pretty much a disaster, and his campaign is
now run by anti Trump government lawyers and Donald Trump.
Agan has to sit through another day in court listening
to Stormy Daniels and her testimony, even though she admitted

yesterday that she was coached by prosecutors. Doesn't that sound
a little doesn't that sound a little out of whack
to you? You think maybe they were suggesting what they
had to say. You know, the fact that you know
this whole thing, the salacious details, every one of them,
that she gave yesterday and today, is completely irrelevant to

the charges against her against Trump. Rather, by the way,
you may not know this, but remember the Trump fraud trial. Judge,
the guy that stood by the that was the valuation case,
that was the case by the Attorney General of New
York that promised as made a campaign promise to get

Trump and his family and his organization. This Arthur and Goron. Yeah,
the guy that said Marlago's worth eighteen million, it's closer
to a billion. I know that sounds insane, but Palm
Beach's real estate prices are insane anyway. For allegedly receiving
unsolicited advice, he's now under investigation for unsolicited advice he

received from a high profile attorney before issuing the fine
against the old Trump. Well known real estate lawyer has
reportedly prompted the state of New York to investigate him
after he claimed to have given the judge unsolicited advice,
and Goren ordered former President Trump to pay that whopping

fourgnerd and fifty four million dollar judgment after thirty lenders.
Nobody puts up a bomb that high. It's never happened.
And he posted one hundred and seventy five million dollar bond,
which is unprecedented. Also, they really wanted to do is
take his assets. Now, we also find out the wife

of this ex Biden DOJ official who's now serving as
the top prosecutor. You know, the guy that left the
third highest ranking job in Biden's DOJ just to go
prosecute Biden's opponent in twenty twenty four. Wow. Anyway, it
turns out no surprise that the wife of the prosecutor

oh donated to Biden's campaign in twenty twenty Whoopsie also
supported Obama's two thousand and eight campaign and John Kerry's
two thousand and four presidential campaign. Wow. Career as, by
the way, a background during the Obama administration, including the
Security and Exchange Commission. Yeah, you always, I'm going to

leave this this really prestigious job, the number three jobs.
So there's Merrick Garland, the number two guy, and this
guy is the number three guy. So we'll send him
over to prosecute let's see our boss's opponent in the
upcoming presidential race. It really is unbelievable. But you get
into this, you know, we now have every one of

these cases now is in jeopardy. Now do I still
think that probably the odds are high that Donald Trump
is found guilty in New York for a bookkeeping error
with all the smoke and mirrors and all the salacious
material that the jury should have never heard in the
first place. Yeah, I do. The judge of Biden donor
his own daughter has been about as possibly being compromised

and benefiting from the outcome of this case. Yeah, that
judge that keeps ruling against anything and everything Donald Trump's
lawyers bring up. Yeah, I think it's pretty high. But
the case in DC now contingent on two Supreme Court
decisions likely not to come until mid to late June. Well,
that's not enough time to try those cases. I do

believe they're going to rule in favor of limited immunity
for the president, not absolute, but limited. And this other
January sixth case, I would say, will greatly impact Donald
Trump too. But he doesn't mean he doesn't have to
sit in a kangaroo court led by this Biden donating
judge and a prosecutor who donated to Biden, another prosecutor

third in command, basically Biden's handpick guy running the case
against his opponent. It's pretty unbelievable times. Even fake news
CNN we played this yesterday. Even they say this case
is in trouble, but it's New York. Nine out of
ten people in the jury pool in New York didn't

vote for Donald Trump. Never would vote for Donald Trump,
all right, eight hundred and ninety four one, Shawn, if
you want to be a part of the program, you
know where the election coming up. If you ever asked
yourself why it is that there are people in this
country that don't want, oh, something like voter ID. You
need an ID if you want to buy a six

pack of beer, pack of cigarettes, if you smoke, not
a good idea to smoke. A jewel podvaping probably not
the best idea. I've been caught a time or two.
But anyway, you need an ID. You need an ID
to get into the halls of Congress or the White House,
you need an ID to get into the Democratic National Convention,

but not to vote. I mean, it's ridiculous. Or signature verification.
Why are they against those integrity measures? Why are so
many cities now trying to pass laws that allow illegal
immorer rints to vote local elections, like DC and New York?
Why they? Why they? Why are they pushing this anyway?
Chip Roy and Republicans are now pushing a bill that

would insist that people show that they legal citizens to
get registered, and we'll talk to him. Will also have
the latest on the Biden disastrous economy that he claims
is going so well, and a lot of your calls.
Eight hundred and ninety four to one. Shaw

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