Episode Transcript
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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Wow, this morning show in Boston.
Speaker 2 (00:02):
Billy and Lisa in the morning.
Speaker 3 (00:04):
It's just a great start to my day on tith Runaway.
Speaker 4 (00:09):
Well let's get it started then. Happy Tuesday, everybody. It's
the Billy and Lisa Morning Show. And Uh, Lisa, what's
the weather going to be like today? I'm a little confused.
Speaker 2 (00:19):
Why are you confused? It's still cold. It's going to
be partly sunny, breezy and.
Speaker 4 (00:23):
Cold, so very cold again. Yeah, we warmed up for
like a day.
Speaker 5 (00:29):
Speaker 4 (00:29):
And it's going to be windy today, windy tomorrow. What's
what the wind? It's I swear it's been a whole
year windy.
Speaker 6 (00:36):
Yeah. I hear the wind every night outside my window, howling. Yeah,
and I think you know, in the winter, the wind
makes it much colder. Oh yeah, it's the feels like.
Speaker 4 (00:47):
I was driving around yesterday in the wind, and uh,
all of a sudden, I found myself listening to Lisa
Dunovan's new podcast, which was launched yesterday. By the way,
sound amazing.
Speaker 2 (01:02):
Yeah, we did. It's been a long time coming since
the book Club has been around for over two years,
so we decided to do a companion piece to the
book Club and the in person event and so yeah, yeah,
So I just posted the first interview that we ever
did for the book club, which was with Ben Mezerick.
It was a great interview. He's such an amazing storyteller.
So it's up just you know, go to the iHeart app,
the free iHeart app search Lisa's book Club. It's right there,
and then we will post our next one will be
mel Robbins, Oh next week, and then we have all
of the interviews that I've done over fifteen of them
over the past two years, and then we're gonna have
new authors us.
Speaker 1 (01:41):
The Ben Mazwick one is great.
Speaker 7 (01:42):
I was at the first everone, the inaugural one, and
like I was, he's such an interesting person.
Speaker 1 (01:47):
He tells a lot of tea. He has no problem
telling you Hollywood stuff.
Speaker 2 (01:50):
He has so many people in his contact list, yeah,
like Russian oligarchs, and he's really an amazing storytelling.
Speaker 1 (02:00):
Very interesting guy.
Speaker 4 (02:01):
I was at the very first one too, were you,
which was great and don't have your own.
Speaker 2 (02:05):
Well, that's because I called all of you because I
didn't know if anyone would show up.
Speaker 1 (02:08):
And I remember that that day it was.
Speaker 2 (02:11):
It was December. Yeah, and yeah, it was, Yeah, but
thirty people showed up and look at us. Now we
have it. We're in the thousands for Mel Robins.
Speaker 4 (02:19):
Now you mentioned Mel Robbins. I got to tell people
right now. I love each and every one of you,
but we don't have any tickets for Mel Robbins. I
must get fifty calls or emails or tics every day.
Anything you can do for Mel Robbins. Get me a
couple of tickets. No, it's this thing sold out in
three minutes and that was a long time ago.
Speaker 6 (02:39):
No, it's reached the new level. This is like I mean,
I'm getting more more asks for this than jingle Ball.
Speaker 2 (02:46):
Yeah, I have to say that we are giving tickets away.
So just go to the Kiss Instagram and there's a
pin post with directions on how to enter to win
your way in the Tracks event.
Speaker 1 (02:57):
Well, we put two aside from the moment.
Speaker 6 (02:59):
That's it. Wow. So if you go to the Kiss Instagram,
you can enter for the Mel Robbins event and the
free car right right next to me, you've out a
free carte. Oh yeah, you can enter for both.
Speaker 4 (03:11):
Wow. I'm wondering why would you not listen to this show?
With all the stuff we do and giveaway. It's amazing.
We're giving away a car, and don't forget inside the car.
They're going to be a pile of concert tickets for
all the biggest shows of twenty twenty five. That in
itself would be a great prize, right, But it's also
a free car. Oh, by the way, a free car.
Speaker 6 (03:31):
Speaker 4 (03:31):
Wow. So Mel Robbins is coming up real soon.
Speaker 2 (03:34):
She is in a little over a week. So I've
been under the hood reviewing film I Mel Robbins. To
prepare for this, I read the book. The book is
an insanely good It's just something that you should just
keep on your bedside table and just go back to
it anytime you're feeling lost or like uninspired or confused
about something. She's She's just so good and so practical
with her advice.
Speaker 4 (04:04):
Now, would you prefer that none of us come because
you need the space?
Speaker 2 (04:08):
No, you guys are.
Speaker 6 (04:09):
Yeah, yeah, it would be standing, but we'll be in
the house exactly, no seats for us.
Speaker 4 (04:16):
Yeah. I might just go to the front office at
Big Night Entertainment and just sit in the office and
watch them me.
Speaker 2 (04:22):
It will be in all the screens, yeah, and it
will be streaming too, So those of you that are
not coming, you can watch this live on the Kiss Instagram.
Speaker 6 (04:30):
Mel Robbins is. It was interesting when we had her
in because you know, typically in radio, you know, obviously
we have time limits and things like that, right, so
if you have a guest that comes on and they're
yapping away, sometimes when they go on too long, you
start to panic, Like, you know, we have times that
we have to hit. When she was on, I couldn't
stop listening. She just keeps going and you're like wow,
and you start thinking about your life and what you
need to change, and you can turn.
Speaker 4 (04:54):
Away once once you land on her, you cannot turn
away to keep on listening.
Speaker 2 (04:58):
She's just so great at telling personal stories about things
that have happened to her, things that she didn't do well,
things that she's doing better now because of like the
let them theory or the five four three two one,
you know, the thing that she came up with. So yeah,
all very practical.
Speaker 4 (05:15):
Justin mentioned at seven to ten this morning, we have
another shot at the car and the concert tickets. Every morning,
of course, we do topic time, and this is going
to be a very cool topic time because Justin landed
on a story that comes to us from Logan Airport
and all the crazy things that people have left behind
at the airport and they're just sitting there. Isn't there
a deadline to justin. They'll only hold stuff for so
long be lave it.
Speaker 6 (05:44):
This is usually all airports, not just Logan, but they
have a thirty day window of time that they'll hold
it and they'll try to return the items to the
people and then after thirty days they just discard them.
But this is some of the stuff they have.
Speaker 8 (05:56):
They have passports, watches, keyfops, forty five thousand dollars Rolex
and a brand new pair of eleven hundred dollars or
mez sneakers never worn, jewelry, laptops, iPhones, clothing, neck pillows, luggage.
Speaker 6 (06:12):
All just sitting at the airport waiting to be you know,
taken back.
Speaker 1 (06:15):
Where's it going?
Speaker 6 (06:17):
That's a good question. They don't say where it's going.
Speaker 7 (06:19):
Forty five thousand dollars watch going, huh, it's going going,
But they are they do actively try to track these
people down to to give the stuff back.
Speaker 2 (06:29):
Well, think about.
Speaker 4 (06:30):
It, people are flying back to Boston for their next pillow.
Speaker 2 (06:33):
That's the thing I mean if you're flying through Boston
on your way to you know wherever, not you might
never come back here.
Speaker 7 (06:40):
And if you can lose a forty five thousand dollars, watch.
Speaker 1 (06:43):
And not be panicked.
Speaker 7 (06:44):
I think you're finecause right now they would have already
called logan.
Speaker 6 (06:48):
But the topic is, what's the craziest thing you've ever lost? Yeah,
we've all lost things. Billy loses something every day, Okay,
I mean his keys, his keys every day.
Speaker 2 (06:58):
Well, I lost all of Billy's holiday gifts this past year,
that's right.
Speaker 4 (07:03):
Okay, So what time do we do topic time? Every morning?
Speaker 1 (07:07):
The seventh team. We're going to talk about the lost items,
and then taown will be seven to.
Speaker 4 (07:10):
Forty Okay, great, but feel free if you want to
send some talkbacks now I'll get a headstart on topic time,
which is coming up later this morning. And yeah, craziest
things you have ever lost? I like that. I think
about this one. I'm glad they finally found my thousand
dollars sneakers, though I might go over the log and
pick Thosemez Entertainment is next stand by that's coming.
Speaker 3 (07:32):
Up from the Planet Fitness Kiss one Away Studios. Well,
we're back with Villy and Lisa in the morning Kiss Yes.
Speaker 4 (07:41):
Bring a carpenter right there? Bedchem Is that her latest single, Lisa.
Speaker 2 (07:45):
Well, we play taste, we played Bedcim, we play Espresso.
Speaker 1 (07:48):
Half her album or singles, but yeah, on the album.
Speaker 2 (07:51):
I love bed Com. It's such a good vibe.
Speaker 4 (07:53):
She seems very focused on sex.
Speaker 1 (07:56):
I mean she's twenty five.
Speaker 4 (08:00):
Exactly, great songwriter, yeah, I mean, really good entertainment is
coming up. Justin let's get into a couple of talkbacks.
If if you don't mind, I do.
Speaker 6 (08:09):
Not mind, Well squeeze one in here. So you know,
you can always leave a talk back, you can join
the show, requote a message into your phone. You do
it on the brand new iHeartRadio app. Just tap the
red microphone when you're streaming. Kiss one to wait live.
And yesterday was cool. We had my best friend zeb
on he's the Jim Karen. We did a topic on that,
but I had mentioned that, you know, he he's you know,
he's a Christian and he has a service every week
at a nursing home. He's been doing it way before
he even had Instagram. He does document it on his Instagram,
but he goes to these people that are kind of
forgotten every single week. It's something that's really cool and
we love feel good moments on this show. So here
you go, Justin.
Speaker 9 (08:45):
I was listening to the show this morning and you
were saying, how your friend, I literally forget his name,
I know him, starts to ze whatever. He volunteers at
the nursing home every Sunday.
Speaker 10 (08:56):
And then you were like, they're forgotten and their families
with this them.
Speaker 1 (09:00):
I got so upset.
Speaker 9 (09:02):
I called the nursing home down the street from my
house and I'm now volunteering.
Speaker 2 (09:06):
Oh thank you.
Speaker 9 (09:07):
Hopefully I can handle it and not cry every day,
but you just gave me that idea.
Speaker 6 (09:13):
That's the Lord's work, is thank you, Lisa, that is
the Lord's work. You know, these people, their families live
right in town, and they don't come visit them, even
on their birthdays on holidays. So that's why zeb goes
and he holds a service for them every single week.
He brings them gifts, he spends time with them, and
they're amazing people, you know, So shout out to that
person right there.
Speaker 4 (09:33):
Absolutely impact.
Speaker 7 (09:35):
I just can't believe that there you put someone in
nursing when you don't go visit them.
Speaker 6 (09:39):
It's awful.
Speaker 7 (09:39):
My girl, that was a nursing My dad was here
like two or three times a day, bringing the nurses
don't and helping him shower.
Speaker 1 (09:44):
Her like he lived. He basically lived there too because
his mom was there.
Speaker 2 (09:47):
The loneliness is a big problem, Yeah, it really is.
Speaker 6 (09:51):
So shout out to zeb, shout out to her, and
shout out to the nursing home.
Speaker 11 (09:55):
Okay, So the old lady walks up to the old
man at the old age home and she says.
Speaker 1 (09:59):
If you drop your pants, I bet I can tell
your age.
Speaker 8 (10:02):
So the man drops his pants and she says, you're
eighty three.
Speaker 12 (10:06):
You're right.
Speaker 4 (10:07):
How would you tell?
Speaker 1 (10:08):
You told me yesterday?
Speaker 3 (10:09):
Now the entertainment updates with the Billy Copstad keeping it real,
keeping it real.
Speaker 4 (10:17):
Oh so the weekend yesterday announced he is canceling his
planned concert in the Rose Bowl January twenty fifth, out
of respect for the people of Los Angeles County, which
is a good move. It's a good movie. He's also
delaying the release of his new album one week until
January thirty first, and by the way, Oscar nominations have
been delayed again. The Grammy Awards are still on though
for February second, and yeah, just crazy stuff. There was
a tribute last night at the game, the Vikings Rams game.
A moving tribute. We've got some of.
Speaker 13 (10:51):
It rebuilt la hand in hand together for as long
as it takes and whatever it takes.
Speaker 4 (11:00):
Rachel Platton, she's our girl from Newton.
Speaker 7 (11:03):
Yeah, I remember that one year we had her in
like eighty seven times.
Speaker 2 (11:06):
Well, she did one of our live shows kiss the fight.
Speaker 4 (11:09):
Song, yep, and she did the fight song before the game.
Speaker 12 (11:12):
This is.
Speaker 7 (11:15):
Speaker 4 (11:19):
Pretty cool tribute, Pretty cool tribute. Great game to be at.
By the way, Jimmy Kimmel was off the air for
several days because of the fires, but he was back
on last year.
Speaker 12 (11:33):
Back in our studio, which we had to evacuate on Wednesday.
Many of us had to leave our homes in a hurry.
Some of our coworkers lost their homes. I think I
speak for all of us when I say it has
been sickening, shocking, awful experience, but has also been in
a lot of ways a beautiful experience because once again
we see our fellow men and women coming together to
support each other, people.
Speaker 4 (11:59):
Who lost their own homes.
Speaker 12 (12:00):
We're volunteering in parking lots helping others who lost theirs
and tonight are prior fighters from LA were the first
on the scene without hesitation. They're out there putting out
the fires as best they could. And to our police,
our National Guard, our rescue workers, the doctors, the nurses, EMTs,
the pilots working twelve hour shifts. Thank God for all
of you.
Speaker 4 (12:26):
And it's a lot of help.
Speaker 12 (12:30):
These brave individuals through the donation. This is a very
good place to start. Support LAFD dot org.
Speaker 4 (12:36):
Yeah. By the way, Snoop was a guest on the
show right after the monologue and he talked about the fires.
Speaker 10 (12:41):
Everybody's doing good, The family's doing good. There's a couple
of intermediate people that I do know that I consider
family that you know, lost everything.
Speaker 4 (12:48):
So you know, we did what we do.
Speaker 10 (12:50):
We come and we support, and we pull our troops
together and we make sure that we represent and we
give them everything that they need.
Speaker 4 (12:57):
Yeah, the winds kicked up again yesterday late yesterday, fueling
yet another fire. There's a new fire now. Another issue
is the gas lines too. Yeah, a lot of the
gas lines have been left open. Yeah.
Speaker 6 (13:08):
I saw people that were going house to house and
trying to shut them off.
Speaker 4 (13:11):
Yeah, they're urging people. If you are abandoning your home,
leaving your home, evacuating, try if you can to turn
off the gas line. I got a call yesterday from
Joey McIntyre who lives in Los Angeles from the New Kids,
and currently his home is about a mile and a
half from one of the fires that apparently is making
its way, So he and his family are packed and
ready should they have to evacuate. They haven't gotten the
evacuation orders yet. Beyonce's Foundation gave two and a half
million for the victims yesterday. Doja Cat is partnering with
the American Red Cross designing a line of merchandise with
all of the proceeds going to relief efforts. It's a
line of T shirts and hoodies. One hundred percent that
the proceeds will go to the American Red Cross, which
is a good thing, and they'll be available at least
on her Instagram page other stuff. Mike Rabel officially introduced
as the new head coach of your New England Patriots.
Speaker 2 (14:10):
My great honor to introduce you all to the next
head coach of the New England Patriots, Mike Rabel I.
Speaker 13 (14:18):
Want to thank the teams that were willing to meet
with me through this process to give me an opportunity
to potentially lead their team. But in the end, you know,
it was clear to me and to my family and
my soul that this was the place that I wanted
to be.
Speaker 4 (14:33):
And Vrabel also posted a message for Pat's fans fascination. Hey,
this is coach Rabel. Excited to be back.
Speaker 13 (14:40):
No football helmet, no pads, but I'll be having a
whistle and a headset.
Speaker 6 (14:44):
We're going to put something out there that you guys
are proud of.
Speaker 4 (14:47):
And Bill Belichick on the Pat McAfee show yesterday on
Mike Rabel, I have a.
Speaker 14 (14:51):
Ton of respect for Mike. I think he does a
great job. He's prepares his team as well. They're very
good in situational football. They're tough, they're competitive March just
like he was as a player. I think the teams
that he's coached and the position he's coached followed very
much in his playing style and in his preparation style. So, uh,
you know, I love Mike. I love everything that he
stands for as a football coach. And you know, I
have a lot of respect for I'm sure he'll do
a great job.
Speaker 4 (15:18):
So here we go, new era for your New England Patriots.
Speaker 2 (15:21):
I'm excited.
Speaker 6 (15:22):
Yeah, I'm excited too.
Speaker 4 (15:22):
Everybody happy with the Braball choice.
Speaker 1 (15:24):
I think it's our best bet.
Speaker 4 (15:27):
Speaker 2 (15:27):
I like a good guy, very good guy.
Speaker 6 (15:29):
Three times Super Bowl wh Yeah, yep, Pats Hall of Famer.
Speaker 1 (15:33):
Speaker 6 (15:33):
I was watching some video clips of him coaching in Tennessee. Yeah,
And I'm excited.
Speaker 4 (15:37):
He knows the game of football.
Speaker 7 (15:39):
I will say though, it did make me feel a
little old because I thought he played a lot sooner
like than he did. Like he hasn't played since like
two thousand and eight, and for some reason in my
head he played in.
Speaker 1 (15:49):
Like twenty fifteen.
Speaker 6 (15:50):
He can't.
Speaker 15 (15:50):
He can't fight father time, just as my Achilles.
Speaker 4 (16:03):
Justin us. Thomas Rhett will do a Fenway Park show
July nineteenth, what he calls his dream come true show.
Teddy Swims is going to be there with him. I mean,
they have this song together. I want to show just
ahead and do the song mark it Down July nineteenth.
By the way, Thomas Rhett says doing Fenway Park in
Boston is a dream come true. So he did a
cover of Sweet Caroline.
Speaker 1 (16:35):
Speaker 4 (16:39):
Good Times, Never same Soup. July nineteenth, Fenway Park.
Speaker 6 (16:49):
Yeah, I feel like every show I've seen at Fenway
where it's the artist's first time performing, they give a
whole speech about how it's always been their dream to
perform at Fenway.
Speaker 4 (16:57):
Yeah, America's ballpark. He's gonna yeah, Hey, how about this, Lisa,
You're gonna love this one. Jimmy Fallon and Bad Bunny.
Speaker 2 (17:08):
In the subway station.
Speaker 4 (17:09):
Yeah, New York City subway and full disguise.
Speaker 6 (17:13):
Last night night.
Speaker 16 (17:13):
I'm in the fiftieth Street subway station right below Rockfeller
Center with Bad Bunny. Now the two of us are
about to go on the subway platform and start busting
in disguise. No one knows this is gonna happen. Nobody
knows that it's Bad Bunny.
Speaker 4 (17:26):
And what happened They did the Battery Boys. Very cool.
Speaker 6 (17:44):
Yeah, Billy and I were talking before the show. Bad
Bunny is one of those artists. We don't speak Spanish,
but when you hear his music, you don't know what
he's saying, but you.
Speaker 2 (17:52):
Like it, you get into it.
Speaker 1 (17:53):
I saw him at fm Way and it was so
good and I loved it.
Speaker 4 (17:56):
I didn't know him. Yeah, and having some fun with
the Backstreet Boys, and then they took off the disguises
and Bad Bunny performed for real.
Speaker 6 (18:05):
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's pretty cool. Yeah yeah, I didn't
have that audio. Sorry, that's as communication there. Bill. I
know you wanted three Bad Bunny.
Speaker 4 (18:15):
It happens occasionally. We have so much to talk about,
so much going on. I mean, you don't get a
report like this anywhere else on this planet. I'm just saying. Anyway,
Bad Bunny's new album just came out, and how about
this Lisa Lifetime the network is coming out with the
Lisa Lisa story.
Speaker 6 (18:35):
You'll remember this is Bill's heyday. You should Lisa. You
should have seen this morning before the show. Billy and
I to producer Riley explaining who Lisa Lisa was and
then pulling up Billy dance jam clips of him hosting
in the eighties.
Speaker 2 (18:56):
Hilarious calling a Lifetime movie about Well.
Speaker 4 (19:00):
It's coming out February first. Can you feel the beat?
The Lisa Lisa's story on a Lifetime. Patrick and Brittany
Malmes had a baby girl. So is this three kids
for them?
Speaker 11 (19:12):
Speaker 2 (19:13):
It is. It's Golden Ray is the name.
Speaker 7 (19:18):
Okay, it's pretty, but imagine being the oldest and you're
like number two. It's like sterling, so it's like two three.
Speaker 4 (19:27):
Yeah. Taylor Swift apparently will be at the Chiefs game Saturday,
so says Travis Kelcey. Oh yeah, and there's a breakup
to talk about Jessica Simpson.
Speaker 2 (19:38):
Lisa, Yeah, this is sad Eric Johnson. Her husband is
actually from Needham.
Speaker 9 (19:42):
Speaker 1 (19:43):
I didn't know that.
Speaker 2 (19:43):
Yeah, so he played football briefly, I think, and we
kind of saw this coming. It's been months and months
they've been sort of speculating.
Speaker 4 (19:51):
That's right.
Speaker 2 (19:52):
He was from Needham and she's billionaires.
Speaker 7 (19:58):
Yeah, he became a trophy husband because she ended up
making so much money on her Jessic Simpson line.
Speaker 2 (20:02):
She said that there was a dramatic event.
Speaker 4 (20:05):
So was he running. We don't know the kid was running.
Speaker 2 (20:09):
We don't Again, we don't know.
Speaker 7 (20:10):
What dramatic could be anything cheat Yeah right.
Speaker 1 (20:15):
It's not always cheating, Bill Anyway.
Speaker 4 (20:19):
We're brought to you by Boston Vision. Listen, New Year,
New Vision. Why not why wait to start seeing the
world clearly? If you're sick of the glasses and the contact,
just get Lasik with Boston Vision. Do it right now
in twenty twenty five. Imagine waking up every single morning
with crisp clear sight, no lenses, no hassles, because your
best vision is always Boston Vision. And there you go.
There we go.
Speaker 3 (20:47):
Okay, from the Planet's Fitness Kiss one Away Studios, we're
back with a Villy and Lisa in the morning on
Kiss about that.
Speaker 4 (20:56):
The Killers for Tuesday morning? Are you kidding me? Let's go.
Speaker 2 (20:59):
We'll throw good morning. What is back with the music
this morning?
Speaker 5 (21:03):
I feel like I'm back in high school.
Speaker 17 (21:05):
I'm loving him all these throwbacks.
Speaker 2 (21:07):
Oh my goodness, love it. I just saw the Killers
at Boston Calling.
Speaker 4 (21:12):
Oh that's right.
Speaker 6 (21:13):
Yeah, you only did a small show too that weekend,
the very intimate show and nothing.
Speaker 4 (21:19):
All right, let's give away a free car. Well, let's
qualify someone for a free car. Thanks for our friends
at McGovern kea. We do this every single morning this week.
This is the final week, by the way. At seven tap,
we call a name, we give that person exactly fifteen minutes.
You're gonna be ready with the clock winning.
Speaker 1 (21:36):
Well, pretty sure, I's got this one today.
Speaker 4 (21:38):
Okay, rather you on the clock. Okay, the name is
at Andre Pilasari. We only say it once fifteen minutes,
and the clock is running meantime while we wait to
see if the qualifier calls in. Beyonce was teasing some
major announcement that was scheduled for today, but yesterday she
released a statement yesterday she's moving it.
Speaker 2 (22:04):
Right, So today was the day. It says the January
fourteenth announcement will be postponed to a later date due
to the devastation caused by the ongoing wildfires around areas
of Los Angeles. I continue to pray for healing and
rebuilding for the family suffering from trauma and loss. We
are so blessed to have brave first responders who continued
to work tirelessly to protect the Los Angeles community. To
join our efforts in supporting those impacted, please visit at
Bay Good.
Speaker 4 (22:28):
Yeah, her foundation, I guess committed two and a half
million dollars. What's the announcement album? I mean, tour tour residency.
Wouldn't it be very soon for an album coming off
the country album of last year?
Speaker 3 (22:39):
I don't know.
Speaker 7 (22:40):
I feel like a lot of times these are especially her,
she is so man who are working for her that
they just put it in a bunch in the can
and then they organize what goes on one album.
Speaker 4 (22:47):
How do you picture it collaborations? Do you think there'll
be a lot of collaborations.
Speaker 1 (22:50):
I'm thinking into tour.
Speaker 7 (22:52):
That's where my mind's going, because she hasn't really did
a tour for your album.
Speaker 4 (22:55):
Yeah yeah, Wow, when was the last time Beyonce toured?
Speaker 1 (22:58):
Two years ago?
Speaker 7 (22:59):
Last year?
Speaker 1 (23:00):
It doesn't have been that long, but not for this album.
Speaker 6 (23:02):
Well, the tour does make sense because she did that.
She performed at the NFL game. Yeah, that was a big,
big productions roll into a tour kind of makes sense.
Speaker 4 (23:12):
So what's the new date now?
Speaker 2 (23:13):
Is they're not giving one?
Speaker 6 (23:14):
Speaker 2 (23:15):
Yeah, just said it's postponed to a later date.
Speaker 4 (23:17):
So many things postponed and or canceled to Los Angeles.
It seems biblical to me. When you look at this footage,
it's insane, so much sense.
Speaker 2 (23:27):
It's not over.
Speaker 4 (23:27):
No. A new fire kicked in Ventura County last night
because the Santa Ana winds kicked up to about seventy
miles an hour. Again, what's it like? I told you
I was talking to Joey McIntyre. He called me yesterday
because I left him a text hoping you're safe, hoping
you're well. Joey's from the New Kids in case people
listening don't know, but he and his family are packed
up and ready to go. I guess the fire was
closing in. It was said to be like a mile
and a half or so from their home. So it's
incredible what people are living to down there. Yeah, we
gotta get them on. Joey Man, he wants to come on.
And by the way, he told me he's coming out
with a solo album.
Speaker 1 (24:04):
Oh wow, you allowed to say that.
Speaker 4 (24:07):
Yeah, probably, well, I just did everyone else. No, not
only solo album, but he wants to do something exclusively
with the Billy and Lisa.
Speaker 7 (24:18):
We had him last year when he did his solo
little tour at you know the Cake Cod.
Speaker 6 (24:23):
You know he called Billy yesterday. I said, Billy, I
want to make a top secret announcement on your show
about my album.
Speaker 2 (24:29):
Hey, don't tell anyone.
Speaker 4 (24:32):
I may have said top secret, now that I think
of it.
Speaker 6 (24:35):
That's his buddy Bill Costa.
Speaker 4 (24:36):
My buddy Billy costume. But no, the solo album is
definitely happening, and I told him i'd call him back today.
I talked to the powers that be starting with Lisa
and You, Justin and the Billy and Lisa Morning Show,
because he wants to do it exclusively for this show. Wow,
So you know, maybe involve some winners.
Speaker 1 (24:55):
Can I be like you know that the girls they
sing to you know how they always do.
Speaker 4 (25:00):
Let me check my list. I don't know if you
are on the list of No, We'll have some fun
and will involved some winners. It would be great. So
prayers are with Joey.
Speaker 6 (25:09):
Remember he did the Cape Cod Melody Tents a couple
of summers ago. We had him on to promote that. Yeah,
I know some people that went to that show said
it was really really good.
Speaker 4 (25:17):
I'm telling you, Joey's got a lot of talent. He's
a good singer, and he's always working it, always working it.
He always loved live theater. He's done some of that obviously.
He loves working with the New Kids. Don't forget. They
just did our iHeartRadio Music Festival just recently, and even
their most recent tour sold out multiple nights in major
cities across the country.
Speaker 1 (25:37):
They tour every summer.
Speaker 7 (25:38):
Yeah, I wonder if Thil tour, maybe they'll take a
Summer Off Enjoyable Tour.
Speaker 6 (25:42):
Yeah, a song Summertime with they do you're not? Oh god, yeah, no,
thank you. I think we do have a qualifier on
the whole brand new car.
Speaker 17 (25:58):
Speaker 4 (25:58):
Hi, who's this?
Speaker 17 (26:01):
Speaker 4 (26:01):
This is Andre Andre. Wow. You called in under the
gun less than fifteen minutes. You automatically qualify. How would
you like a new ride? Andre?
Speaker 5 (26:13):
Speaker 17 (26:13):
This is awesome? Thank you?
Speaker 4 (26:15):
Uh so you get the car from Yeah, you get
the car, but it'll be stuff with concert tickets all
the biggest shows. At least the tell about the show.
Speaker 2 (26:24):
I have to tell you. The show is do Aleapa,
Gracie Abrams, Tate mccrai, Kendrick Lamar, Post Malone, jelly Roll,
Huge Concert.
Speaker 4 (26:30):
Speaker 11 (26:31):
Oh that's awesome.
Speaker 4 (26:33):
And this is the final week and you're one of
just a few qualifiers, so the shots of you winning
are pretty damn good. Andre.
Speaker 17 (26:41):
And you know what, I was just sleeping. Somebody just text.
Speaker 6 (26:44):
Me what it's all.
Speaker 2 (26:45):
That's the way. That's the way to do it.
Speaker 6 (26:48):
The ticket tag you, Andre, That person gets a free
ride if you win the car.
Speaker 18 (26:53):
Yeah, all right, thanks to Carrie.
Speaker 11 (26:56):
She just teks you.
Speaker 4 (26:57):
All right, Carrie, thank you and hold on Andre not
hang up because you have to talk more with the
producer Riley. We want to thank our friends at McGovern key.
Speaker 6 (27:05):
Yep and two ten is your next shots. Make sure
you enter on the Kiss one Await Instagram page and
listen to win at two ten. Coming up next for
our topic of the day, what's the craziest thing you've
ever lost? We want some good ones, please entertain us
on a Tuesday morning. It's the billion Lisa show, Kiss
one Await.
Speaker 19 (27:21):
Billion Lisa kiss on eight so TSA this week released
a list of items that people over the months, over
the years Justin Wright have left behind, just left them
and never claim no.
Speaker 6 (27:33):
That's just just from the holiday season.
Speaker 20 (27:35):
Speaker 6 (27:35):
They only keep them for thirty days any airport, only
thirty days. Then they quote unquote discard them. But listen
to the stuff they have.
Speaker 8 (27:43):
They have passports, watches, keithops, a forty five thousand dollars
Rolex and a brand new pair of eleven hundred dollars
are mez sneakers, never worn, jewelry, laptops, iPhones, clothing, neck pillows, luggage.
Speaker 6 (27:58):
So they hold on to them for thirty days and
then they get rid of them. But they do make
every effort to kind of, you know, give the stuff back.
Speaker 2 (28:05):
Can I make a statement about the sneakers. Yeah, so
you take your shoes off and you put them in
the bin going through the machine. Does that mean that
the person just never put their shoes back on, right, Or.
Speaker 6 (28:17):
Maybe they were in a bag that they left.
Speaker 2 (28:19):
And it fell out of the bag.
Speaker 6 (28:20):
Yeah, maybe that.
Speaker 4 (28:21):
Was packed in the shuitecase never reclaimed.
Speaker 2 (28:23):
It's always so confusing in that line. I can totally
see how someone would leave a watch or something in
the bin.
Speaker 6 (28:28):
It's very chaotic, for sure. But you know that's the
topic for today, right. What's the craziest thing you've ever lost,
not just at the airport, but just in life?
Speaker 4 (28:36):
And you've got a few of them.
Speaker 2 (28:37):
Okay, so I lost my wallet the day I turned
twenty one. Horrible, My license is in there, okay, nice
left it on top of a car. Left a phone
on top of a car, drove away, never found the phone.
Speaker 4 (28:49):
I've done that.
Speaker 2 (28:50):
And then more recently, right before Christmas, I lost your
Christmas presents, Billy in Wordstrom. I got them back, but
I'm telling you, I was I had a pit in
my stomach, I was sick.
Speaker 6 (29:00):
That's the worst feeling when you lose something. It's it's
the worst.
Speaker 4 (29:03):
But the cell phone is bad because the cell phone
on the roof of the car happened to me about
a year ago. That's the last phone I lost, because
it's such a hassle getting a new phone, especially if
you don't have your original phone. M it's insane.
Speaker 6 (29:19):
Yeah, the phone in the wallet too, Like Lisa said,
I mean a nightmare to get all those cards again.
Speaker 2 (29:24):
Your license, I never got it back.
Speaker 7 (29:26):
Speaker 6 (29:27):
The nice people just take the money out and put
the mail and put it in the mailbox.
Speaker 11 (29:30):
Speaker 4 (29:30):
I'm still trying to think of the worst thing I
ever lost. But what do you have?
Speaker 6 (29:33):
Justin well, just recently in my life, not just not me.
My wife lost every diamond on her engagement ring. Oh yeah,
she just somehow smashed it. It had, you know, multiple diamonds,
and she lost it all. So she bring herself upset.
So stones all just fell out.
Speaker 10 (29:49):
Speaker 6 (29:50):
I think she might have hit something and she didn't
realize it was kind of bulky.
Speaker 2 (29:53):
Anyway, did you put it on your homeowner's insurance? You
can do that, topic you can, you can.
Speaker 4 (29:59):
You can put you didn't, Okay, you on your insurance.
Speaker 2 (30:05):
You can add stuff on it moving forward.
Speaker 6 (30:09):
It's not the most expensive ring. I mean I bought
it when I was flipping burgers at friendlies. I think
I did after pay for it.
Speaker 4 (30:15):
That's why the stones.
Speaker 6 (30:16):
Yeah, but it's a good opportunity. But for now to
get Harry brand new.
Speaker 4 (30:22):
By the way, that fleet of ATVs and all those
things you have on your state up there in New Hampshire,
you should get a rider on your insurance for those
or at least you know what you got to do,
take pictures of them.
Speaker 6 (30:32):
It's a good idea.
Speaker 4 (30:33):
They know they existed.
Speaker 6 (30:34):
I know someone that owns an insurance company as a
friend of mine. I should reach out how to do it.
But the ring is a common one.
Speaker 11 (30:40):
I think.
Speaker 9 (30:41):
The craziest thing I've ever lost, and I still think
about it all the time, was my engagement ring during
my bridle shower and it fell in the bottom of
the lake. I swam to the bottom of the lake
to get it back, but it definitely took a while.
Speaker 6 (30:57):
At least she got it back. Yeah, geez, let's go to.
Speaker 4 (30:59):
Only have good morning Leanne and Haverol. What about you?
What did you lose?
Speaker 11 (31:05):
Good morning? I was on vacation for my friend's birthday
down in Key West and we were laying out by
the pool for a couple hours before we went to lunch.
We were picking up all of our cups and whatever,
and I was the one picking up all the towels
off of the chairs and doing that, I scooped up
my cell phone. Didn't even realize it. Go get ready
for lunch. We're heading on, like, where's my phone? With
my phone and ended up going through the commercial washer
at the hotel. They found it, but they had to
come back out they were holding it was like dripping water.
Speaker 18 (31:34):
It was so hot.
Speaker 11 (31:36):
We tried to walk around Key West of it in
a box of rice the rest of the day. It
didn't work. I literally had to get a new phone
when I was in Key West. It was awful.
Speaker 4 (31:43):
Yeah, they go back and forth on the rice thing,
whether or not that it works.
Speaker 6 (31:46):
I don't know if it works or not.
Speaker 1 (31:47):
I think it works for certain yet not a mountain
water I've seen it work.
Speaker 4 (31:51):
Yeah, it's hard to lose something like that on vacation.
Speaker 6 (31:55):
Oh, that's a nightmare. Gone things you've lost?
Speaker 16 (31:58):
Hey, guys, the craziest thing that I've ever lost with
my dignity every time I listened to Bill.
Speaker 4 (32:03):
Hello. You know, Justin you're the one that hand picks
these talkbacks, of them every morning, and you always managed
to find a hurtful one for me. Just take a
direct shot at me, shot over the bow. Who's that
guy by the way? Okay, well I still love him.
Speaker 7 (32:26):
Yeah, he's an early candidate for Talkbacker of the Year though.
Speaker 4 (32:31):
Speaker 6 (32:32):
Anyway, Topic time is coming up next. You want to
join the conversation. What's the craziest thing you've ever lost
at an airport on vacation anywhere? You can call a
six one seven nine three one one one a weight
or record your message through your phone on the iHeartRadio app.
Just tap the red microphone. Topic time is up next.
Speaker 3 (32:48):
Now it's topic time with Billy and Lisa in the morning.
Speaker 4 (32:53):
Hey guys for welcome back. Yeah, we kicked off a
topic a little bit earlier. Strange story coming from TSA
saying that airports around the country have all kinds of
stuff piled up that people have lost and left behind,
and some of the items are insane. A forty five
thousand dollars Rolex watch, There were irmez sneakers valued it
like twelve hundred dollars. Then there's the story behind why
they were lost and left behind and not claimed anyway,
that's the topic. What have you lost? Did you lose
something really big? Let's start with Kelly in Nashua, New Hampshire.
Good morning, Kelly, what did you lose?
Speaker 21 (33:31):
Good morning? So when I'm gonna say this is hypothetical
because I don't want to get in trouble, but I
did have a fake ID and I used it, so
I'm like eighteen to nineteen years old, and then I
lost it all of a sudden, and I was like,
where can it possibly be? So I look everywhere in
my room, up and down everywhere and can't find it. Eventually,
I'm looking through a scrap with my mom just finished
and she had found my fake ID and pasted it
into my eighteen year old scrap.
Speaker 1 (34:00):
So funny.
Speaker 4 (34:03):
That's a great story, hilarious, very good. Let's go to
Daniellen wow to in a row from New Hampshire. Let's
go to Pelham, New Hampshire. Danielle, what did you lose?
Tell us?
Speaker 17 (34:15):
Hi, good morning. I lost diamond earrings that my husband
gave me as a wedding gift. I lost them on
yes on our honeymoon in Iceland. I realized that at
the airport on our way home, that hotel did find
them for me. They were in the lobby like they
were in the hallway, and they were like great, well,
FedEx them to you. So lost of the ear rings.
Found it. Long story short, it got stuck in customs
with FedEx. FedEx then told me if I changed the
value of the ear rings quite significantly, I could get
them overnighted to me. So I changed the value from
about forty five hundred dollars to eight hundred dollars and
then FedEx lost the earring.
Speaker 2 (35:09):
Oh that is quite the story.
Speaker 1 (35:12):
I think fed X took there.
Speaker 4 (35:14):
They were they insured well.
Speaker 17 (35:17):
I did so months I was inconsolable. I emailed them,
I called them. I was hysterical. Months later I got
an envelope completely torn up and treaded with an earring
that was kind of mangled. But I did get it back.
Speaker 4 (35:31):
Oh my god. Wow. I by the way, what were
they doing in the hallway of the hotel.
Speaker 17 (35:38):
It fell out of my ear like when I was
I guess when I put my jacket on, like I
didn't realize it until I got oh my god.
Speaker 1 (35:44):
You had your king Kayashian earring, I mean a moment.
Speaker 4 (35:48):
Exactly. Okay, I got it. That all right, Well that's
for the call. Let's go to Marlborough, Massachusetts now and Laurie.
Good morning, Laurie, what's your story?
Speaker 1 (36:01):
Good morning everyone.
Speaker 20 (36:03):
I had a brand new cell phone and we got
to a Ruba and we couldn't check in until three o'clock.
So we went out shopping in a taxi and it
fell out of my pocket. I tried calling the taxi
people and I'm like, no, no, that's gone.
Speaker 18 (36:19):
That was a brand new one.
Speaker 4 (36:21):
Wowick. By the way, I think there's a taxi or
an uber scam going on because recently I lost the
phone in an Uber car. I was in Palm Beach
in Florida, and I know I left the car. We
went into a restaurant. Within five minutes, I knew I
had left it on the on the console in the
middle of the back seat. I called and he said, no,
it's not here. And I asked somebody at the hotel
and they say, oh, yeah, that's common knowledge around here.
They keep it and then they sell it.
Speaker 9 (36:48):
Speaker 7 (36:49):
I'm actually if you had an iPhone, Michelle, your wife
could attract it was you know, God FORBIDI and I
found it.
Speaker 6 (36:56):
Joe Droid has that future too, though you probably just
don't know how to use it.
Speaker 1 (36:59):
Yeah, like the light through sixty.
Speaker 4 (37:01):
Maybe it is the advanced technology. But let's go to
all the Mayor of the South. Thend lost something. Good morning, mayor.
Speaker 20 (37:08):
Good morning it does it have to be a thing?
Speaker 2 (37:11):
Speaker 11 (37:12):
I was at the New York Airport and I lost
my virginity.
Speaker 18 (37:16):
I knew it answer, but you know what was?
Speaker 6 (37:20):
You know what was better than that?
Speaker 11 (37:22):
The sex is okay, But I got to go to
I got to go to Opening night.
Speaker 18 (37:27):
And guess what the show was.
Speaker 17 (37:28):
I got to stay backstage.
Speaker 18 (37:30):
The show was The Animal the opera.
Speaker 4 (37:32):
Oh, that's one of my favorite Broadway shows by the
You know, I was going to sneak in virginity earlier,
but I said, now, I'll just let that go. But
leave it to the Mayor.
Speaker 6 (37:46):
Of the America. He takes care of things like that before. Okay, Yeah,
we love that.
Speaker 22 (37:50):
My husband left his brand new iPad and a counter
at Dublin Airport to get a bottle of water. When
we got on the plane, we realized it was gone.
We thought that's it, We're done. Never see it again.
He called the airport, They researched, they looked for it.
Two days later they called them back. They found it,
and his sister had thirty days to.
Speaker 4 (38:10):
Go pick it up.
Speaker 22 (38:11):
Now that's customer service.
Speaker 4 (38:15):
Okay, you got to go all the way back to Dublin.
Speaker 1 (38:17):
Well I'm sure his sister lived in Dublin.
Speaker 4 (38:19):
Maybe there's nothing more frustrating, though, than losing something.
Speaker 6 (38:22):
Especially in another country and another oh yeah, oh.
Speaker 1 (38:26):
Yeah, losing him another country. Now forget about Ireland.
Speaker 6 (38:29):
Speaker 7 (38:30):
I Hey, when you lose something and someone that I
don't know if you're if you're like Catholic, they'll be pray.
Speaker 1 (38:34):
You say, Anthony, what's he gonna do for me? Right now?
Speaker 6 (38:36):
Well, you've gotta have faith. Yeah, that's what it is.
It's it's all about faith.
Speaker 4 (38:39):
I think there's a song you gotta have faith.
Speaker 6 (38:41):
Or boy, I can't find my phone or boy?
Speaker 23 (38:48):
Okay, so not something I lost. But talking about the
airport made me think of a recent video I saw
of an airport worker saying, never ever, under any circumstances,
put anything personal your phone and think you touch with
your hands loose in those binds.
Speaker 2 (39:03):
They are full of poop.
Speaker 23 (39:04):
People put their shoes in there, They've cleaned poop out
of them. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
Speaker 2 (39:09):
Oh this is.
Speaker 4 (39:10):
Thank you for that level.
Speaker 6 (39:11):
Yes, yeah, I mean think about it. You take your
shoes off and you put them in the bind Have
those shoes, ben, I know all kinds of stuff those.
Speaker 4 (39:19):
Well, where else are you going to put them? They say,
put it in the bin.
Speaker 6 (39:23):
I don't know. I know, you're kind of stuck. Maybe
maybe some bacteria.
Speaker 2 (39:27):
Well we're all still here. I mean, yeah, you know,
we've all been doing it for.
Speaker 4 (39:31):
Sim here something called your immune system.
Speaker 1 (39:34):
Yeah, yeah, you're going to die.
Speaker 6 (39:37):
Let's go to Rebecca online too. She looks like she
lost three things.
Speaker 4 (39:40):
Okay, Rebecca, good morning. First of all, what are you calling.
Speaker 18 (39:44):
From Milford, Massachusetts?
Speaker 4 (39:46):
All right, nobody's been to Milford? Where is it it is?
Speaker 17 (39:54):
Speaker 4 (39:54):
And what did you lose? You lost three things?
Speaker 18 (39:58):
Well, it was actually my father's. So I went to
Aruba with him and we got to the hotel early.
So we went in the ocean. He lost his very
expensive dive watch when a wave came over him. And
then we went or I should say, when we were
in the airport, he lost his wallet with a lot
of money in it and credit cards. The wallet was
returned to him with nothing else in it, of course,
And then on the way back home, customs opened up
his luggage and he lost like half of his clothing.
Speaker 4 (40:29):
In the air This was all in one trip.
Speaker 6 (40:32):
One trip.
Speaker 4 (40:33):
I would never travel with your father again.
Speaker 6 (40:35):
He's now, Rebecca, I feel you. My father is the
same way. He loses everything. It's some kind of like illness. Yeah.
Speaker 4 (40:43):
But the water in the Ruba is crystal clear. He
couldn't see the watch on the ocean floor.
Speaker 18 (40:47):
We looked forever and there was a guy with a
meadows detector who came in. He couldn't find it either,
So that was like a nice dive watch that's in
the water somewhere.
Speaker 3 (40:56):
Speaker 6 (40:57):
Yeah, how's dad doing?
Speaker 11 (40:58):
Speaker 4 (40:58):
Well, she's gone. You there.
Speaker 18 (41:00):
I told him just to keep his wallet autumn.
Speaker 4 (41:03):
Yeah, God, how much I wonder how much cash? I
don't even want to know. I don't want to know.
Let's go to Selene and Wallpole. Selene. What did you lose?
Speaker 22 (41:12):
Speaker 5 (41:12):
Not me, but my friend lost her passport while we
were in Greece.
Speaker 4 (41:17):
Oh that's awful. Yeah, what do you do. I've always
wondered that.
Speaker 5 (41:23):
So it was our last night, we were leaving Athens
and she we were all leaving, getting ready for the airport.
She didn't have her passport, so we all left her
at the hotel of look for it, and then she
ended up finding it at the Lost and Found at
the airport, came back by herself to get it, so
we all met her at the airport after. Yeah, she
didn't almost make her flight, our flight because she lost
her taskport.
Speaker 2 (41:54):
What do you do?
Speaker 1 (41:56):
What do you do to your embassy?
Speaker 4 (41:58):
Yeah, so you're not getting on or flight.
Speaker 2 (42:00):
Not that one.
Speaker 1 (42:01):
No, no, no, you have to go.
Speaker 4 (42:02):
Oh, let's go to Lisa's hometown of Milton, Massa. And
look at that. Autumn is on the phone. Good morning, Autumn.
Speaker 18 (42:11):
Hi, good morning.
Speaker 4 (42:12):
What did you Loise?
Speaker 18 (42:14):
Also lost my passport? I was in England. I was
visiting my long distance boyfriend at the time, and it
was time to leave. Lost my passport, missed my flight
and they had to come back and get me.
Speaker 4 (42:29):
Yeah, but what did you do about the passport? How
were you able to get passage? So to speak? You
needed documents?
Speaker 18 (42:35):
Yeah, I got.
Speaker 17 (42:36):
Through the airport, got to the plane.
Speaker 18 (42:39):
I had my passport the entire time, lost it in
the in the middle, and then got to the plane
and they checked it again and I couldn't go.
Speaker 7 (42:48):
Oh so you got past at the plane, So your
passport was at the airport.
Speaker 20 (42:53):
Yeah, just floating around somewhere.
Speaker 2 (42:55):
Speaker 4 (42:56):
Well, how's that boyfriend in England?
Speaker 18 (42:59):
Yeah, we got to spend more time together, so it's fine.
They found my passport and I took a flight in
a couple.
Speaker 4 (43:04):
Of days, hacky pack across the pond.
Speaker 6 (43:09):
I'm not a happy end there.
Speaker 24 (43:12):
Do you know how hard it is to replace a
set of dentures? My mother in law was in the
hospital and wrapped them up in a napkin, put them
in a styrofoam fruit cup with a lid, and blamed
the hospital for throwing them away.
Speaker 6 (43:30):
Yeah. The teeth is a tough one.
Speaker 2 (43:31):
I lost a retainer once like that. Yeah, put it
on my tray, went in the trash.
Speaker 6 (43:35):
Yeah, the false teeth one is common. I know. I
have an aunt that that happened.
Speaker 4 (43:39):
To you, that was so hot to take an entire
month of teeth out and put them in a car.
Speaker 6 (43:44):
Yeah, nothing harder than that.
Speaker 4 (43:47):
Your falls teeth, mama, I want to suck on your.
Speaker 6 (43:54):
Well more on this than I wrap up at nine. Yeah,
Bill's news coming up in a few minutes.