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January 4, 2024 47 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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And we've got pear of tickets tosee Melody Martinez. She was at our
jingle ball. She was awesome onstage too. Yeah, a little spooky,
but amazing voice. We got tosee a lot of her show on
the jumbo tron in the interview room. But anyway, and didn't she just
release something new Melanie Martinez. Well, we're playing her new song Evil,
it's actually debuting. He's a hottip on the Kiss Top thirty countown this

week. Yeah. I know shewears the mask. You can't see her
face, but you can google herto see. But she has that that
gap in between her front teeth.Oh, Michael Strahan, Yeah, find

that kind of hot, just sayingokay, yeah, oh there's that.
Okay, she's very pretty. Sheis. I wouldn't know. I've only
seen her in the pick bag.Well, she was on the voice.
You can google her and see whatshe looks like. Well, we've got
tickets for college twenty five at six, one, seven, nine eight,
any Mortinez tickets and you want toget some talkbacks in while we wait for

college twenty quickly, So don't forgetthe keyword for the tickets, the kiss
code, I should say for collegetwenty five is Tetris. That's because one
of the weird stories coming up atabout five minutes has to do with Tetris.
And it's a cool story too,a world record. Yeah, yeah,
yeah. The talkback mike is open. We are accepting submissions. Get

your voice heard on the radio onthe iHeartRadio app. You tap that little
red microphone on the kiss Listen livepage. And we had trivia earlier,
a trivia game Billy and myself hostedby Lisa. Hey, it's Winnie Winer
here. I absolutely just loved thetrivia game. You guys are like a
family at Christmas playing a game orMonopoly and just like blaming everyone who's cheating

and fighting. And it was sofunny. I also need on a T
shirt for it to say he gotLizzo and I got a camel hump.
Well that's on it's Uncle Bill everygame. I didn't do anything wrong.
You knew the camel question was goingto be it. I go outside.

We're a pop station, right,lizz so huge on the station. Lisa
says, hey, which pop singerplays the flute? Right? It couldn't
be an easier question, And thenshe turns to me and says, Okay,
Bill, here's one for you.What does a camel store in its
hump? What? It's a triviaquestion? Today is National Trivia Day.

That's why we played the game.But you just don't like losing. I
got them all right, I'm justsaying, Okay, that's a lie.
You keep lying, Lisa, Lisa, I did I feel like I'm caught
in the middle here. Justin gotall of his questions, yes, correct.
Some of the ones that he triedto answer that you got wrong,
he didn't, but his questions hegot correct. I did, so technically

he won, even though I gaveyou a couple of beach balls at the
end to try and make you feelbetter. Yeah, the who played Arbie?
Really? You reported on that storyevery day in twenty twenty three.
Well that's because Lisa knew she owedme a beach ball. And by the
way, justin, thinking back whenwe're talking about the camel, humph,

how was it possible you didn't playmy hump? I mean I had it
ready. That's what it's what Ido. But what do you really want
to hear it? All? Ofcourse I had it ready. Trivia.
Who's that? That's Fergie? Right? That is Fergie Black Eyed Peas.
We get a bonus ban. Yeah, if you were listening to the trivia

game, you did not hear Winnie'svoice. Whinnie is out today. She
is sick with the neuro virus.We hope we get you get better,
Winnie. She's been puking since lastnight. I think she failed a little
bit better. She tried to cometo work. Oh God, like literally
got in her car. Yeah.I think she just needs to rest today
and hopefully she'll be back tomorrow.Oh, she's just ripping virus, right.
She was still throwing up at likemidnight. Yeah, and she drove

in the car that she just pukedall over last night. Whi's no chance
she could clean it or no chanceyou need professional cleaning. Yeah, yeah,
right, you do. In theold days, would just dump the
car on the Charles River. Younever get that name of the Quincy Quarries
exactly that I may have put acar or too. And now I'm just
saying, let's go to Angie.Call her twenty five, Angie, Angie,

I got alright, just as newnightboard. Keep an eye on the
board, but do not do notdo that. I'll walk right out of
here, and you have to runyour own board. Billy, Hi,
Angie, how are you? I'mgood? How are you good? Angie?
Uh? You call it twenty fiveso you're halfway through the battle here.
Okay, oh my god, noway. That's part of National Trivia

Day. The trivia question is what'sthe keyword? That's right? Good job,
Angie. Yeah. One of ourweird stories I'm up in a couple
of minutes has to do with Tetrisand a world record that just got set.
This is actually a big story.It's very cool. Yeah. I
don't want to sound stupid. Whatis Tetris? I can't we can't do

this anymore. You don't. Youdidn't know what Sonic the color Sonic was,
do you mean? I said rightaway? Well that was a guest.
But yeah, Tetris is the oneI think you know the game.
It's the one with all the shapes. You have to you have to stack
them, of course. Yeah,anyway, you've seen it. Congratulations Angie.
Yeah, good job, Agie.Oh don't don't hang up. You

got to hold on because Riley's goingto get your information. Okay, all
right, they's pulling double duty withWinnie Pilking all over the car. She's
she was blown away that you didn'tknow what Tetris was. Tetris was,
Angie, she was speechless. No, I got to tell you something,
honestly, Okay, don't think lessof me in my entire life, and

that's having three boys growing up inthe era of video games. Right,
I have never picked up a remotefor a video game in my life.
Interesting, have you ever played Misspac Man? Well that's different. Pac
Man was a big arcade game,right, Yeah you played arcade, not

the ones in your in your house. Yeah, my kids would be playing
all day. Yeah you never did. I play a little bit of Xbox.
But we just got this the MetaQuest three. I'm gonna bring it
in so you can try it.It's virtual reality. It's the metaverse.
God, what don't you have.I know, it's crazy. Yeah,
you're the richest person. No,it's that's not well, you know what,

they stopped drinking. But you canput on this virtual reality and you
can watch you know, YouTube,and you can immerse yourself in the video.
It's very cool. So talk aboutthe benefits. There's no other benefit
to it. It's completely virtual.No, No, I'm not gonna do

it. That you're unbelievable coming hornhas never been better. Yeah, he
says, it's so real, it'sreal. We got to go. You
shut up, Hey, guys,welcome back. It's stories that make you
say, let's get right into it. Here we go. Okay, So,

who wants to start with the Tetrisstory? I have it. So.
A thirteen year old from Oklahoma isthe first person in history ever to
beat the original Tetris. He justdid it. This is unbelievable. It's
a huge deal because the only personI should say that ever beat the game

wasn't a person. It was anAI bought. But he did well.
It took nearly thirty five years,but a thirteen year old Oklahoma boy has
become the first human to beat theoriginal Tetris game. Check this out.
His names Willis Gibson. He waslive streaming his record setting thirty eight minute
game. He reached an unheard oflevel one point fifty seven when the game

could no longer keep up with himand crashed. Yeah, he reached Yeah.
Screen he was filming it, soyou know his live reaction. You
can see it. It's just uttershock. It's never been b I I
know you've never played, but thinkabout that, it's been around for thirty
plus years. I love this becauseit was a human that did it and
not an AI bought. How muchtime has this kid had? Hours upon

it? He said he couldn't feelhis hands, his hands felt tingled.
So now what does he do?Well, now he's a record record holder,
maybe he can get some endorsements.You know Tetris Billets that won with
the screen where the shapes fall theyhave the square, the line, different
l shapes and that you have tostack them so they fit. Do you
know what I mean? Okay,yeah, it's what do you got though?

Okay, we've had a lot ofpet stories, even locally lately,
that tragic one in Lowell and thenthey're kicking the little dark raccoon and quinsy
Yeah, quinsy stories just as crazy. I left that out of the weird
stories today because what was that guydo? Was he trying to eat eat
the raccoon like grilling? No?I think he was just mad that the
raccoon existed. He put it inthe cage and then put the cage on

top of a fire torture. Yeah, I don't like that. Weird enough
of that, This well, thegood news is the raccoon survived. But
these injuries, I guess their nails, their feet are extremely sensitive. All
their nerves are right there in theirfeet, so to have their feet right
on top of an open flame nota good thing. Anyway. This Pennsylvania
family's home was set on fire bytheir pet pig. Apparently the pig was

trying to stay warm. I don'tknow. I'm going to let them try
to explain it. His home wasunder the porch. I had added extra
hay for him because I knew itwas going to snow. He had a
little heat light there in the front, see where there's a little board right
there, and he must have knockedhis hay into the heat lamp and caught

the house on fire. It's apot belly pig, and they gave an
extra hay warm and somehow the pigknocked the hay into the flame. It
didn't go well. Like I said, it's just a lot of animal stories,
you know. You know we callthat pig, call that pig a
hassa. That's a pig that don'tfly straight right right? Not everyone else

you got. This is actually kindof a weird animal story too. In
some way. A Virginia man hasstopped dressing up like Bigfoot around around winter
Green, Virginia because people were takingthe sightings too seriously and started getting scared.
It was I guess maybe something thatmaybe got out of hand, but

it was all fun and games.I think he just went to maybe elevate
people's happiness during the holidays season.Well, there are lots of grown men
who think that Bigfoot is Israel Iknow. But the people that are getting
really thought it was. Well,yeah, they see it all the time.

Occasional we'll see a video of people, Oh there he is, Like
when is Bigfoot going to disappear fromall? There was just a new sighting.
We reported on it, but itwas fake clearly. Yeah. It
was a There was a guy ona train and there was something walking in
the in the mind you got whenthey're justin winn he's out, So you
got to give us some weird stYeah, of course I got you.

You see that dog that ate ateate its own is cash four thousand dollars.
You see that bad dog four grands? Yeah the dog was a golden
doodle. Yeah, cecil, theyhad four thousand dollars kind of set aside
in cash and the dog ate allthe money. Now here's the crazy part,
not the dog eating the money.They were able to recoup like eighty

percent of the money because it poopedit out and the other side cecil started
throwing up cash. It also cameout the other end. It was just
kind of like balled up pieces thatwe had to just kind of like remove
from his number two. While salvagingwhat they could, the laws found out
that their bank would take back anybills that had been taped together with the

full serial numbers visible on both sides. So they did just that and so
far we got back about three fivehundred and fifty dollars. So that's amazing.
They washed and pieced together the moneyand were able to recoup. You
know, I have to say,I have a labberdoodle. They go through
the trash and they eat paper allthe time. They eat anything that's in

the trash. It's it's it's weird. Would you what would you do if
Ruby the doll? She would eatit, she would duck cash. Would
you go after it? Would yougo through her poop? Absolutely? Really,
at least someone in my family would, But yes, yeah, probably
probably Tim, Yes, but Iwould be there with him too, I
have to. I just wouldn't touchit. I would put gloves on.

Yeah, okay, yeah, it'syou guys. You have another one there
doing I don't. I only hadtwo. I've got one here. Last
night on Wheel of Fortunate, womanhad the entire puzzle exposed. Understand every
letter was there. It was aninstant win, but she didn't win because
she mispronounced a word. Yeah,does this remind you of you? Bill?

No? Seant? Would you readwhat's up there? Please? Congital
company and clever conversation? No,see congenial company and clever conversation. Yeah,
we need to kind of have acoined word there. You had.
I'm sorry, not only mispronounced it, but the word had a different meaning.

Yeah, it's it's exactly, It'sexactly congenital am GCIA. That's hilarious.
I do have one more we canend with, and this is probably
the best one, I think.So. You know how they have on
TikTok they have this thing called datingRapped trend. It's kind of like the
Spotify wrapped it's your you know,your top dates of the year. It's

like a gen Z thing, right. The younger daters do that. Well,
this ninety three year old woman goton TikTok and did a dating rapped
as a senior dating. It's pokingfun of the gen zers, but it
is hilarious. Remember this woman isninety three years old. I went on
five first dates. I met oneat a funeral and he was cute.

One was from Instagram. I metone at a bar and two at Bingo
i'stolid in. One wasn't honest,one died, I ghosted two and one
decay my boyfriend. This is howmany ghosts did meet because he turned into
a ghost. Maggie slay in peace. I was in two situation ships they

were loose. Of course. Itwas the guy at the box and the
guy from Instagram. Total relationships one. Whoever put her up to that was
that was really good? Wow,Yes, so weird stories. You do
it every day at eight fifteen,give our take. And speaking of dating,

we have a really cool couple comingin in a couple of minutes,
right yeah, this new app leastactually found this one. It's a new
app in Boston, right right,Yeah, it's launching in Boston called Lola,
and they're going to come in andtell us what's new and what's different
about it. And this is exclusiveto Boston. This dating absolutely And this
guy has created a bunch of apps, one of which was a It was

an app to combat fake restaurant reviews. So that's a big deal in the
restaurant world. Are these trolls thatgo online and they trash a restaurant and
then people they won't go to thatrestaurant. Well, he made an app
to kind of combat then, Sothis guy, he knows what's up.
So dude, Yeah, but yougot coming up entertainment. We've got a
lot this whole Kimmel Aaron Rodgers thing. There's a new chapter being played out,

and that one involving the Jeffrey EpsteinList, which continues to be released.
And Kim Kardashian talking about games.She's canceling her mobile game after ten
years and like a hundred million inrevenue. She's just pulling the plug.
We've got that. It's all comingup next ten by Yeah, justin before

we get to entertainment, you wantto sneak in a couple of talkbacks.
Yeah, So our girl Winnie ishome puking. She's got the neuro virus.
We hope that she feels better.But yeah, all of her her
fans are out there and they wishher the best, good morning or happy
New Year. This is the oneand only wishing Winnie a speedy recovery piece.
Yeah, that's our one and onlyJuan Huan, No one's He's the

only Huan. But yeah, Whinnieis out today. Hopefully she'll be back
tomorrow. It's usually a quick thing, twenty four hours or less, they
say, Yeah, that's what theysay. But I believe though, she
puked all over the interior of herbrain bad because that was a new car
and she loves her car and younever get that smell out. But she
sent a picture of the puke toJustin. Yeah, at five o'clock dinnertime,
literally at dinner time. I lookedon my phone and there was a

scene in her car. So yeah, and she unfortunately got it from me.
I'm morning everyone, this one fromRude Island. Oh my god,
Justin, you are so screwed.You gave Winnie the virus. It went
through gen and able skipped you andthen Winnie got it. M Oh my
god, you were never going tolive this down. I mean, I
you know, I have compassion forher, but I wouldn't take the blame

ifire. Were you to think aboutwhere Winnie goes in her well, she
lives in a truck stop. Yes, so there's no guarantee she caught it
from me. You're right. Ifit's going around, it's easy to catch.
Probably came right out of the cabof a truck or something. It's
well, you know, plus shejust got back from Lauderdale and you know

what's going down on. Nothing goodbut yeah, yeah, the stomach's not
good. Oh you never wantrus.You don't want it anyway. Hopefully you'll
be back tomorrow. Now the entertainmentupdates with Billy Costa. So yesterday we
had that story about Aaron Rodgers.He was on the Pat McAfee show this
week jokingly trying to tie Jimmy Kimmelinto the Jeffrey Epstein scandal. Uh,

this is the clip right here.A lot of people, including Jimmy Kimmel,
are really hoping that doesn't all right. Kim Will, of course quick
to respond to posting on social Rogersshould keep his name out of his mouth,
suggesting he would sue Aaron Rodgers ifhe keeps it up, and of
course he's on social because all thelate night guys I think have the week

off right justin they're not on thisweek they do. Yeah. The new
development, the new twist in thisstory that was that Pat McAfee felt the
need to apologize yesterday for giving RogersI guess, sort of a platform here
he was some things Obviously people getvery pissed off about, especially when they're
that serious allegations. So we apologizefor being a part of it. Can't
wait to hear what Aeron That's tosay about it. Hopefully those two will

just be able to settle this,you know, not moartwise, but be
able to chitchat move along. Ithink Jimmy's so upset because this lives forever
online. So if you've seen itand then you don't go back and look
again, you're going to think thatJimmy Kimmel was a part of this group.
And this is a really bad group, I will say, Lisa.
I was monitoring on ex Twitter yesterdaythe list before it dropped, and there

were a bunch of threads that Isaw of people saying, who's going to
be on the list, where's thelist? And I saw a lot of
people say, oh, Jimmy Kimmel'son the list, right, and it's
it's because of Aaron Rodgers. Yeah, but the list is coming out very
slowly. Keep in mind, though, it's the flying logs, the flight
logs that they're waiting for. Thatis what will tell you who went to
the actual island, which, bythe way, in Saint John they call

Pedophile Island. This is Epstein's island. Well, it's not his anymore.
But a few of the names thatwe do know are on the list.
It doesn't mean they've done anything wrong. We don't know that yet. But
former President Clinton, Prince Andrew,former President Trump is on the list.
Stephen Hawking is on the list.So is David Copperfield. And this one
hit me as a surprise. Yesterdaythey said Michael Jackson is on the list.

Yeah, he was at the mansionin Palm Beach. They say Copperfield
was doing magic tricks, right hewas hired. Yeah, okay, probably
more. But I feel like we'llnever know the truth, the real truth
of Epstein. I don't think wewill. I don't think so unless you
get the flight logs. But whoknows. Tuesday, on this show,

we talked about Iron Zering. Hewas on nine O two one oh the
Original and he was attacked by hooliganbikers in Hollywood earlier this week. The
video was pretty shocking to watch.Zering had his ten year old daughter in
the car, like eight or nineof them were just attacking him. Two
of the gang members, though,have come forward saying Iron Zeroing started it

here they are, well, mostlikely happened was that dude was just going
through some real personal issues that morning. That's why this is such a big
deal. There's no before. That'sit the video is it? I mean,
I mean I could probably get thevideo of the whole build up before,
but there's no build up. Bythe way, when they say the
investigation is ongoing and they're looking forthese hooligan bikers, well there they are,

but there's no proof of what theymay or may not have done before.
That's the issue, right The onlyvideo they have is of Ian jumping
out of his car and hitting them. But if police are looking for them,
there they are. We just hadthem on the show. It's really
a twenty twenty four thing, likeit's only nowadays where gang members would now
come forward and you make a statementand still feel protected. Yeah, in

a way. Well it's Los Angeles, yeah, arresting many people there.
Yesterday we talked about Pete Davidson twoshows at the Chevalier in Medford this coming
Sunday night. Just announced he's gota new Netflix special coming out to January
ninth. It's a stand up special. We've got a clip from the coming
January ninth and Netflix Comedy is Special. Pete Davidson is turbo vunger. Really.

By the way, earlier when wedid that show, we were wondering
whose voice that was in the promo. Well, my niece Michelle's husband Mike,
who listens to this show religiously.Hey Mike, how you doing,
buddy? He texted me this morninghe said, it's actor Stacy Keach.
Oh, he's the voice guy.Yeah in that promo. Really, I'll

have to double check. Well,you don't see much of Stacy's teach these
days, but he used to bea big TV guy. Man. You
know there something else that needs tobring back is the voice guy, the
deep voice guy from the movie trailers. They don't have the voice guy on
the trailer anymore. He made alot of dough, a lot of dough.
Hey. Another reminder we mentioned theChevalier. Don't forget Kevin Hart will

do the Chevalier right down the streethere in Medford January thirteenth, and the
tickets are on sale. You justgo to Chevaliertheater dot com. Golden Globe
Awards are this coming Sunday night.Ben Affleck spotted in La this week filming
yet another Duncan commercial, right,Lise exactly, and Charlie Demilio, who

we know, is in the commercialwith him, and they're spoofing an actual
paparazzi photo of Ben from twenty twentywhere he was carrying a bunch of Duncan
products and he accidentally like dropped halfof them. So they're thinking that it
might be a Super Bowl commercial.Okay, So Dnavan, you know all

things celebrity news, right, Itry. I keep seeing in hearing stories
that Ben and j lower in trouble. I don't think they are. Well.
The latest was literally from this pastweekend. They were I think in
St. Bart's together, you know, for the holiday, and they had
you know them looking in a tenseconversation and then they were out shopping and
it said they were arguing I justthink that's their relationship. I think they

probably have discussions and whatever. Youknow, he's a serious guy. He's
a very serious guy. I don'tthink that there's anything going on. No,
Billy's reading the magazines when he checksout at CBS or whatever. It's
like Life and Style in Touch NationalInquiry. I don't read magazines, but
those headlines come all the sights andit's always, oh, they're in trouble

again, and like this one Isaw yesterday even suggested Matt Damon didn't like
that they were together. And I'mlike, Matt Damon is Ben Affleck's best
friend. I have to say,if you've searched once for that story,
those stories are going to pop upat your feet. So I think that's
what's happening. The algorithm day onmy phone, I getting to learn and

it's either Ben Affleck and j Loor Travis and Kelsey literally multiple times.
Have you noticed, by the way, that I have not provided any Tailor
Travis stories in twenty twenty four.No, it's not because I'm against them.
I love them both. It's toomuch unless something big happens, they

get engaged. But this whole thingabout she was spotted here. He was
spotted here. Oh she may havesaid the L word the Christmas present enough,
like oh shut yeah, everybody thinksit's too much. I think everybody's
kind of closed. Well that's whytwenty twenty four we're taking a step back.
Yeah, hey, don't forget tonightthe Golden Bachelor wes it is.
We will have our popcorn ready andour blankets and we will be watching it.

My son Riley and I now Rileyis the exclusive correspondent for the billion
Lisa Morning show on the bachel OrSoda. Has he chosen his meal of
choice for the big viewing tonight?Yeah, you never know. Sometimes he
goes healthy with a salad or sometimeshe does like ramen noodles. I usually
have popcorn. So but he'll bein position because he will be in position

we need him on the show tomorrow. Yeah, he'll be breaking it down.
I still think the Golden Matcherel isgoing to say, no, you
know, you never know, Yeah, you never know, you never know.
That would be the show. Thething is, I just read yesterday
that Leslie, who was the girlthat he left at the altar, basically
she just had emergency surgery over theholiday, so she might not be there,

which is probably a good thing becauseI think it would be really weird
for her to be there. Plus, it was a bowel blockage, and
you don't want to bow bolage.You should get Riley like a nice fancy
mail for tonight. You're right,you're maybe some like Balinese. No I
got bullyon aisee kind of thing.They called it like Fusili Genevieve or something,
but it was bullionaise Yeah, yougot to make him some Fewzi Genevieve

Tonight and Donovan House. Kim Kardashianis shutting down her mobile game after ten
years. And by the way,she made millions in revenue. I don't
know why she's pulling the plug,but once she decided to launch this game,
everybody made fun of it right justin including the Late Night guys.
Check it out. Kim Kardashian isgetting her own video game. It's called

Kim Kardashian Hollywood. In the game, a virtual version of you gets to
accompany Kim around Hollywood to quote,hit the hottest clubs, flirt and fall
in love, and you and yourfriends can also compare fashion styles, send
gifts, and see who can becomethe biggest celebrity, or you can read
a book. If you're just sittingon your couch doing nothing all day,

aren't you already playing the Kim Kardashiangame. According to a new report,
Kim Kardashian will make over eighty fivemillion dollars from her new smartphone game,
Kim Kardashian Hollywood, which I thinkmeans. I think means we have to
stop calling them smartphones. Anyway,Thanks, we're pretty good, yam.

She'll shut it down. April eighth. Bruin's going to host the Penguins in
the Garden tonight. The women's professionalhockey team had their first game last night,
Songa Serena in Lowell. They losttheir first game to Minnesota three to
two was the final. And we'rebrought to you by the Chevalier Theater again.
Actor comedian Pete Davidson coming to theChevalier right here in Medford one night

only, although they have two showsin that one night. And we mentioned
earlier in the Entertainment report, KevinHart is coming in next week in Chevalier
is getting a lot of people fortickets. Just go to Chevalier Theater dot
com. And there you go.All the portions that fancy restaurants are so
tiny that I get started down.Hi, welcome back everybody. We are

so excited. This is going tobe an awesome segment. We have Paul
English and Rachel Cohen and co foundersof Lola or Lola dot com, which
is for now a Boston based datingapp. And is this the slogan date
more chat less? That's right?Wow? So was there a need for
another dating app? What we're buildingis a lot different than anything else out

there. The originally actually came fromRachel. We met for you years ago
on a dating app in New YorkCity and I think on our second date
she pitched me the idea, andsometimes I'm not the fastest, so it
took me a little bit to pickit up on it. About a year
ago, we ran a bunch ofresearch for people using existing dating apps,
saying what do you hate about them? Like what doesn't work? And that
helped us shape the vision for what'snow Lola Dating. So how does it

differ from all the other apps?There's really two things. The first one
is we want to get people ondates like this week. So when you
run it, it says, lolosof people who want to go out this
week, and then he'd continue theysay, what night you want to go
out? Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. If you click the button
to the bottom says whoa, whoa, whoa, I'm not ready to go

out. We say lolos of peoplewant to go out on dates this week.
If you just want to chat,we highly recommend tend or bumble the
Great for chatting, which is alittle bit of a you know, yeah.
But then they go back and theysay, all right, I'll go
out Thursday night. So we onlyshow them people that match their profile and
who've already said they want to goout Thursday night. On Friday, let's

say Billy, you meet you matchwith Rachel. On Friday morning, we
message both of you. So messageRachel and say did you go out with
Billy last night? Yes and no? How do you rate your experience at
Billy one to five? And whichof these positive attributes do you associate with
Billy? Like he's handsome, heas good, banter, he's funny.
Which of these constructive feedback do youassociate with your date? He talked about

his X too much, he wason his phone and then after you've been
on five dates, if you want, we let you see what the last
five people said about you. Ohso it'll be a dating scorecard. Are
those the red flags green flags?Yes? So how did you come up
with the red flag green flag?Because that to me sounds like part of
the genius that is Lola dot com. We wanted it to be like behavioral

things that you could change, soit's it's a dating scorecard to help you.
So, like the red flags arethings that you wouldn't like in green
flags? The ones you like.The red flag one that I like the
most is didn't offer to pay,because that's a big one right now with
younger people like offering to pay andwhere both ways it does. Yeah,
yeah, yeah, it's almost likea deal breaker. I would with some

people, and some people are offendedif you don't offer to pay either way,
or don't ask if you want topay. Well, I could see
offering, but I don't know.I'm old school, you know, pick
up the tamo school too. Don'tembarrass yourself. He's a way, I
think. Although Rachel claims in ourfirst date we went out for late night
pizza, I think our date wenttill about two am, and she paid

for the pizza and the cab.You're forgetting about the card. She's coming
out. Wow you go, Rachel, there you go, take charge.
There you go. Now you mentionedyou met on a dating app, but
which one was it? It wasbumbo? Okay, and you're engaged?
We are. We got engaged thisSeptember on my birthday. Oh nice.

Yes, he surprised me when Ithrew him a birthday party. And then
he surprised me. Wow, it'ssuch a love story. Is there a
wedding date? It's gonna be probablylate twenty twenty four, early twenty twenty
five. Now that's interesting, Paul, I asked if there's a wedding date,
and you just backed away, anddid you not know when it's changing?

Day by day? I'd get marriedtoday right here in the studio of
Rachel. Would happen me? AndI am inefficient? That's good today.
Well maybe you're going to break somethingcan happen here? There you go.
I have to mention dating Sunday iscoming up this Sunday, So this is
like your super Bowl? Yes?Right? Why is that? I think
it's because a lot of people breakup right before the holidays or over the

holidays, they come back from beingwith their family. They're ready to get
back into the swing of things.And it's New year resolution. And it's
interesting because Riley, our assistant producerover there, is I think I don't
want to jump the gun, butyou're looking for love. Riley. She
is single, she's successfully single rightnow, but I think would like to
meet someone. But there's a problem. She doesn't live in Boston, so

that's okay. We understand spends alot of time in Boston. I know
she works at the Boston Bruins,so and whenever she's in Boston she can
use Lola and maybe after Bruins gamefind someone to meet for drink or whatever.
We can actually make her a featuredperson on the app. Yeah,
do that. So I had aquestion about the night. So if you
click on every night that you're available, does that make you look like to

know because no one's going to seeit. We're no one's going to see
how many nights you're available. We'reonly matching the people available that same night
as you. So when you clickit, you're the only one who sees
that. Got it? Aren't youstaging a dating game? Or something really
soon? Did I read that?We are and we don't have the date
yet. It's going to be theweek of Valentine's Day. It might be
the thirteenth, We're not sure yet. We're trying to lock down a location,

but we're trying to do a moderntake on the dating game. We're
going to have some local celebs inthere, and it should be a lot
of fun. Don't look at me, Okay, yeah, I mean this
could work an OL due respect Ryle, A lot of cute bruins take the

players. What does it mean tofeature her? What does that mean on
the app? So we have thissecret feature we're building that. Yeah,
if you're a friend of Rachel's afriend of mine, you get a blue
check mark. Then your certification you'reseeing at the beginning of the feed.
So when someone sees Riley and theysee this blue check mark, they'll be
like, whoa, what's so specialabout her that she's the only one with

a blue check mark? Then theyhave to message her to figure it out.
Well, Riley, would you wantto do come over here right?
Is this something you want to do? Sure? I'd love to. Oh,
okay, the big smile. Whatnights of the week are best for
you? Friday's probably all right?Yeah. How we looking on Fridays over
there at lola dot com. Wehave a lot of people want to go

out on Fridays. Yeah, sowhen they contact you they want to go
out, like who sets up wherethey're going and when? It's up to
them? But we will match themagain if you say if Riley says Friday,
and she tells us our criteria,like she wants to date man aged
twenty five to thirty five. She'slooking for people of you know, certain
criteria that she cares about. Willand she says to Friday, We're going

to match her up with other menwho meet that criteria and also say they
want to go out on Friday.And then once they start chatting, they
can decide do they in fact wantto go out and where do they want
to go? Roleig, come backto the microphone. What is your criteria
for men? What are you lookingfor? No? In the app?

Like, what's the criteria's app?Yeah, a job, that's kind of
it. What's the age range foryou? Oh? Under thirty? Yeah?
Would it be a deal breaker ifthey didn't pay the tab? Sometimes
I won't even like think to offer, like, I'll just be like,

oh, well, you asked meout, so pull out your wallet.
I like that, but it's Ifeel like that's not a deal breaker though.
No, Paul, you have anincredible track record, so I'm believing
in this U in this dating app. Lolo dot com. Did you,
Lisa told me you invented Kayak?Yes, in two thousand four, Kayak
dot com. Yeah, that's ahuge search engine. It's like, this

is real, this is big money. Yeah. We sold it in two
thousand. We took a public twentytwelve, and then sold it twenty thirteen
for two billion dollars to price signI'm sorry old. Okay, Second,
did you say million or billion?Million? With a baby? You sold
it for two billion? Yeah.God, you're my best friend. I

do anything you want, welcome anythingyou're investing in. You got to call
me now. The Winter Walk,right, Lisa is coming up? It
is you invented that which benefits thehomeless. Right. Yeah. I don't
like to think of the determin inventingwhen it comes to nonprofit work, but
yes, I was a founder ofthe Winter Walk, and this is our
eighth year. We've raised millions ofdollars for Home of Shelters in Boston.

We last year I had thirty fivehundred walkers and this year it's on February
eleventh, Sunday at nine am onthe Boston Common. Wow, do you
have anything else we can invest infor I'm just thinking, well, didn't
you also do a restaurant review?Yeah? App? Yeah, to combat
people these trolls leaving bad or fakereviews. Yeah. So the two main

apps I'm working on right now isLola, which kind of has my heart
because of Rachel, and the secondone is called deats like show me the
deats and deets is all about creatingcity guides. So the first version of
deats was city guides or restaurants,and now we have hotel, restaurant and
activities. If you go, forexample, to deets dot com slash Paul,

you'll see my city guide, somy view of Boston, like what
I think is the best of Bostonor New York or whatever city I hang
out in. Oh, where dowe go to get that? The website
is just dets dot com d EE T S. And if you want
to see an example city guide,go to deets dot com sash Paul,
and you should grab your own aswell, So you should grab detza com

sash Billy and it can be ourguide to Boston. Okay, but the
big news is we're coming up onDating Sundays. We are, and we
want to help our listeners. Helpour listeners. We always get calls about
people who can't find love, sothis is perfect. Lola dot com go
sign up between now and Sunday.Can you hook them up? Well,
we're going to be going live probablyafter Valentine's Day, but if you sign

up before Valentine's Day, then yoursubscriptions will be free. Awesome. Wow.
So when would Riley be featured?Immediately or as soon as we open
up? Open it up? Probablyright the week of Valentine's Okay, great,
Riley's going to be on your rosterabsolutely with a front of the ross,
a blue check mark. Right,yeah, she gets a blue check
mak she does. Yeah, we'reall rooting for Riley. Yeah, me

too. We're on team Ryley.This this is going to be good.
Imagine if it works out. Andagain, Riley, I am an efficient,
I'm a good wedding planner. Ohshe's the bad We're jumping the gun
a little bit here. She usedto get a date, make things happen.
Say this is great stuff. CongratulationsPaul and uh and Rachel. So

again, when is the wedding datein five so it could be this year?
Paul, you shouldn't really get insyncle exactly. You're the one with
the dating app. I mean,should be on board with when the wedding
when this weekend to go see venues? So oh nice Ireland? Yes,
oh, Ireland's supposed to be beautiful. Yeah, well this is great Paul,

Rachel. Thanks for coming in andhappy happy dating Sunday, and we
look forward to Valentine's Day. Maybeyou guys should come in again when Valentine's
Day can we'd love to all right, thanks for coming in, thanks,
Ah, all right. The wrapup is usually and always is brought to
you by Duncan and Uh. Winterwarriors like us are out there every day.
We don't care how cold it is. We're still getting our ice a

dunkin ice, right Donovan, Yeswe are. We love it. It
goes down easy, baby. Yeah. I drink ice coffee when it's you
know ten belows arrow. Yeah,it's the afternoon, you know, you
get away coffee you usually have gloveson. Anyway, if it's too cold
for your hands. I'm just saying, that's all right. Where do you
want to start with this show?Well, if you just tuned in and
you don't hear Winnie's voice, sheis out. She's sick well neuro virus.

So you know, she tried tocome in actually this morning. We
told her to stay home. Buthopefully she feels better. We love her
and that's no fun. Man,the neuma virus. She projectile vomited all
over her windshield. Oh it's it'syou can't control it her car. It's
done. It needs to be detailed. No, it needs to be burned.

Yeah, I mean no cinerator.The windshield wipers never do the inside
of the windshield. Yeah, it'scrazy. So anyway, hopefully Whinnie will
be back tomorrow. But it isNational Trivia Day and we played a trivia
game Billy versus myself. Lisa hosted. You can go back and listen to
it on the podcast. But Lisa, you have some bonus questions I do,

and let's start with Justin for Caesarfood related questions. So Billy,
you should get these. We gotthe food guy. Okay, justin which
green is usually found in a caesarsalad? Which which type of Yeah,
that would be romayne. Yes,that's right, Go ahead, Bill,

no pressure here. Well you knowshe's setting me up, because no,
nobody's setting you up. This isn'ta conspiracy. Bolone is invented. Like,
all right, it's Bill's turned thefood guys. We're only doing one
question each, Yeah, one each? Okay, what continent is the USA?
E? Berry? Come on,food guy. We always talk about

pliaballs and oh I saw you balls? Oh my god. Okay, I'm
giving you the entire continent. Comeon, Bill, there's only how many
continents on? What continent? Mycontinent? Africa? My god? Are
you wrong? By the way,I'm the food guy of course in New

England, I'm like the top foodshow, the biggest thing right now.
Yeah, well that's another thing Ishy away from. You're a bowl.
I can't be friends with the bowlpeople, can I guess? Because I'm
not sure I want you to go. Yeah, I'm going to say Asia.
No, I'm not the food guys, Like, what's the answer.
What time is it? I gotto get It's Brazilian? God? Okay,

very good, very good God,I'm going to give you a little
bonus one. Yeah, please,all right, why don't you give me
the berry? What vegetable do youget pickles from? Oh this is a
cucumber. Yeah, thank you.Yeah, there you go. You're redeemed
yourself. Yeah, God, GodGod. Earlier I got the camel hump

and what it holds. And nowthe on the enemy of the Bowl.
Okay, we can't do a redoof the of the madness of the game.
And then we just had a PaulEnglish in the studio with his wife.
They have a new dating app.It's called Lola Goes Live around Valentine's
Day. It's kind of different though. It's for people that want to go
on dates like right that week,right, like ready to go, like

stop chatting, stop ghostying, goout and meet the person. And pretty
cool moment. Riley who enters ourphone. She's our assistant producer. She's
a young, single female And weasked if Riley wanted to, you know,
be a part of the app,and he said yeah, and they
would feature her. You know whatthat means. So we have this secret
feature we're building that. Yeah,if you're a friend of Rachel's, a

friend of mine. You get ablue check mark your certification. You're seen
at the beginning of the feed.So they're going to feature Riley. You
know, she's going to sign upfor this app around Valentine's Day and hopefully
can find love. Yeah, youknow, it would be kind of not
funny. But if Riley gets onthis app or any dating app and finds

love, let's say this app,right. Yeah. Meanwhile, Winnie,
who's been on dating apps for thepast decade, can't find love, you
know what I mean. We can'teven tell Winnie that Riley's getting a blue
check mark. Oh, you know, it's going to be what about me?
I'm surprised she ben't there. Youwere puking all over the inside of
your car. She must be stillpuking because she didn't text me. I

thought you text me about that.You know she's going to be furious tomorrow.
How can I get on? Yeah? Anyway, speaking of Riley,
blue check on her knew her newname is blue blue check mark, Riley
blue check Riley you like that?Hey, guys, welcome back. It's
the Billion Lisa Show, and thisis that thing we talk about most days

of the week that we come inand say welcome, but now we have
to say goodbye. It's odd,yeah, but it works. It's almost
like we should say goodbye when wedo the wrap up at nine thirty,
because you wrap up the show,but then we come back. It is
kind of weird, but that's arap, and then we're back to say
hello. This is kind of thepass off to the midday McCabe. It

really is, but it also givesus an opportunity to talk about what's coming
up tomorrow. In fact, tomorrowmorning is the morning after the wedding.
Tonight is the Golden Bachelor? Isyour son Riley ready to go tomorrow?
He's ready to go. We're readyto go tonight. We will be sitting
on the couch together watching this.I can't wait to see what actually happens.

Are they going to get married?Will Leslie be there? Will Faith
be there? These are the twowomen that he really screwed over. Yeah,
and Leslie's got a bowel blockage rightnow. Since she's a question mark
is a big She's a game timedecision, it really is. But we
know that Susan is the efficient.Yeah, that's a cool story because she

was a contestant and for a living. That's what she does. She officiates
me. So I want to knowif Chris Jenner is going to show up
at the wedding, because christ Jennerwas a huge fan of the show.
And will other celebrities show up atthe wedding? Yeah, yeah, well
Gary show up. Hey, it'sGary the Golden Bachelor. Teresa was worried
she was going to get cold feetbefore the wedding, but I told her

as long as she had a hotmouth, this wedding was still going to
go down. Wrap up. Thereis a part of me all getting aside
that really thinks. Do you rememberhow weird Gary was at the proposal where
he initially led to Resa to believehe was walking away. He might do

that at the wedding. I thinkhe might when they say do you take
her to be? Or he mightsay, you know, I've given it
a lot of thought, and I'vedecided it's not time for me to get
married. That's just a prediction ofmine. Okay, I'm gonna throw it
out. So we got Riley onthe Golden Bachelor wedding tonight tomorrow morning.
We've got Melanie Martinez tickets and JennyJohnson and I are launching a new TV

show called Meet Boston this coming Saturdaymorning on Nelson. So Jenny Johnson is
gonna join uson studio, I thinkfor the first time, right, Yeah,
she's been on the phone, yes, yeah, I don't know if
she's been in the studio. Soit's gonna be a big show, all
right, big show, the BigFriday Show tomorrow morning. In the meantime,
up next it is the Mighty McKay
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