All Episodes

January 13, 2025 45 mins
The Billy & Lisa crew cover a whole bunch of topics during today’s show including our weekends, the new head coach and Lisa’s weird gym encounter! Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app! 
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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):

Speaker 2 (00:01):
Now, this is Billy and Lisa.

Speaker 3 (00:04):
In the Morning Monday Show. Let's get kiss one way.

Speaker 1 (00:13):
Okay, welcome in everybody. I'd a happy Monday morning to you.
It is January thirteenth. If I'm not mistaken, Lisa don.

Speaker 2 (00:20):
A, you are right, Billy?

Speaker 1 (00:22):
Uh, what's the weather going to be today? A little
bit warmer?

Speaker 4 (00:25):
I guess mild?

Speaker 5 (00:25):
You guys, almost forty whoa out of the beach.

Speaker 1 (00:29):
I have forty degrees, has some sun. We'll take it,
but then drops off again in a couple of days
into the twenties. Right, oh boy. Okay, obviously our our minds,
our thoughts, our love are on the you know, for
people out there in southern California. Just another devastating weekend.
Over the weekend. By the way, the winds are picking

up this morning, which is not good news. The Santa
Ana wins are going to kick up till about seventy
miles an hour at least, and that's not going to
help the cause. The death toll is up to twenty
four and the world is watching as people lose everything.
The good news is more and more people are pouring in.
I saw troops of Mexican firefighters coming into Los Angeles
to help out. And there's a large group of firefighters

who came in all the way from South Africa, landed
yesterday in Canada and are en route to a Los
Angeles to help out. What a horrible, horrible situation.

Speaker 2 (01:22):
Yeah, the next seventy two hours, they're going to be tough.

Speaker 4 (01:25):
You know. I learned this weekend too, which is interesting.

Speaker 6 (01:27):
They haven't car strated firefighters that fight the fires their
inmates and then they go and get paid a dollar
an hour.

Speaker 4 (01:34):
So Kim Kardashian was trying to say they should be geting.

Speaker 6 (01:36):
Paid five dollars an hour because they're doing the same
work as.

Speaker 1 (01:40):
Oh god, yeah, exactly. Oh that's a good story.

Speaker 2 (01:43):

Speaker 1 (01:43):
Live Nation already announcing a big benefit concert. It's going
to happen January thirtieth. We don't have the lineups yet,
and iHeart is teaming up with the Dream Fund.

Speaker 4 (01:53):

Speaker 2 (01:54):
Go to Dreamcenter dot org if you want to donate.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
Yeah, which, by the way, is a good thing. They
provide long term health. They also provide immediate places to
live and food and supplies. And that was an encouraging
thing to watch over the weekend, where you saw everybody
out there in the streets. They're gathering their own clothes.
They're going to find clothes and things that are needed
by people and just handing things out in the streets.

That's what we do.

Speaker 7 (02:20):
Yeah, that's the thing about you know, tragedies, when they happen,
it can bring out the best in people.

Speaker 1 (02:25):
Yeah, you know, so we'll keep our eyes on it. Obviously,
we're going to you know, focus on it throughout this morning,
on and off. But we've got a lot to talk about,
for instance, what we did over the weekend. Justin You've
texted me at least twenty times that you can't believe
I'm not watching the show Severance.

Speaker 8 (02:44):
Well, Severance is a few years old.

Speaker 7 (02:45):
The new season comes out on Friday, and I had
heard of the show before. A lot of our listeners
recommended it to me. It might be one of the best.

Speaker 5 (02:52):
Shows I've ever watched, and it's been nominated a lot
for awards.

Speaker 8 (02:55):
Yeah, it is. It is just fantastic.

Speaker 7 (02:58):
I can't remember a show in recent memory where I
got chills so many times.

Speaker 5 (03:03):
Yeah. I watched the first episode a few months ago
and I just couldn't get it was just too weird.

Speaker 7 (03:08):
Yeah, it's super weird. You don't know what's going on.
I said that on the air on Friday. I had
no idea. I finished it, and it was just you
got to watch it.

Speaker 8 (03:16):
It's so good.

Speaker 1 (03:17):
I gotta know. Is it fi? I don't watch it?

Speaker 7 (03:18):
Okay, it's a little sci fi, but but I'm not
big into sci fi. But the acting, the writing, the shooting,
it's fantastic.

Speaker 1 (03:26):
You know. I said to my wife Michelle, you know,
very frugal. I said, hold, this is embarrassing. Yeah, just
justin keeps telling me we have to watch severanch goes.
That's Apple TV. Plus I got rid of that. Okay,
I'll give you the ten And I said, oh, well,
then how about the movie? Lisa told me to watch
or Speak No Evils. That's Paramount. Plus I got rid
of that. I'm like, why do we have rabbit ears?

Speaker 9 (03:48):

Speaker 1 (03:49):
What is going on?

Speaker 10 (03:50):

Speaker 1 (03:50):
Why are you canceling all.

Speaker 2 (03:52):
These streaming so you can come over. I'll have a
little viewing party. We'll watch it on my hen.

Speaker 1 (03:56):
Wow. But I did finish The Lioness, and I'm telling you,
this is a phenomenal show of all. Zoe's Eldona is
the lead, Nicole Kidman is in the movie.

Speaker 8 (04:06):
What is it on though?

Speaker 1 (04:08):
I believe it's on.

Speaker 8 (04:11):
I'll just look it up.

Speaker 1 (04:12):
No, I think it's on Prime Video.

Speaker 8 (04:13):
It's on Paramount Plus.

Speaker 4 (04:14):
I think you just said she canceled Paramount Plus.

Speaker 1 (04:16):
Yeah, it can't be on Paramount Plus. She canceled that.
That's why she told me I can't watch something else
on POWERM I thought it was Prime Video on Hulu. Yeah, okay, yeah,
amazing show. Nine episodes. I think I was home so long,
so much this weekend. You'll never guess what else I did.
I watched the first entire season of The White Lotus

for a second time.

Speaker 2 (04:38):
Oh I love that show.

Speaker 1 (04:40):
What am I doing? What am I doing? You're rotting? Whennie,
what are you up to? Are you doing anything interesting?
I can just hang out with you.

Speaker 4 (04:47):
Oh. This week I went to game time in the
North Shormont. It was really fun.

Speaker 1 (04:50):
You know who owns that Anthony Anthony from Rain Yeah,
he owns Minster three sixty.

Speaker 4 (04:55):
Honestly, such a fun time. In the food, Oh my god.
We had crabbrag groom pizza.

Speaker 6 (05:00):
It was delicious, rab rangoon pizza delicious.

Speaker 1 (05:04):
It was so good.

Speaker 4 (05:06):
Where is this game time in the North Shore mall.

Speaker 1 (05:09):
And that's his second one. He has one name Barry.

Speaker 8 (05:11):
Yeah, all right, I'll be there.

Speaker 4 (05:15):

Speaker 1 (05:16):
And I'm so glad you brought that up. Wing Okay,
because Anthony the owner called me this weekend. Why didn't
you ask me why he called?

Speaker 4 (05:24):
Why did he call?

Speaker 2 (05:25):
Why did he call?

Speaker 4 (05:25):

Speaker 1 (05:26):
He wants us or me or maybe me and Lisa
to host a Rain reunion.

Speaker 2 (05:32):
I can't wait.

Speaker 5 (05:34):
That you don't understand like Stevie B and the cover
girls like that of Rain Nightlife.

Speaker 1 (05:41):
Yeah, I don't think Stevee B will be there. They
have no bit of a following out, but the cover
girls are already booked.

Speaker 9 (05:49):

Speaker 1 (05:50):
To explain to new listeners or younger listeners, Rain was
a really really popular nightclub.

Speaker 2 (05:57):
In the early two thousand.

Speaker 1 (05:58):
Yeah, and I host to the Saturday night thing at Rain,
I think every week pretty much for like three years.

Speaker 2 (06:04):
And I did too. I would co host events with you.

Speaker 1 (06:07):
And there was a line out the door and around
the block every single Saturday night. It was the place
to be Rain night Life.

Speaker 4 (06:13):
That's so cool. I have to go to the whatever
you guys are hosting.

Speaker 1 (06:16):
Everybody has to. I'm telling you, I can't even.

Speaker 2 (06:19):
Imagine that it's coming up in April.

Speaker 1 (06:22):
We're toying with a date so far, it's like April twelve.

Speaker 2 (06:26):
This is fun.

Speaker 1 (06:27):
You wanted March fourteenth, but I said, no, we start
our vacation.

Speaker 4 (06:30):
We did start a vacation my firsteen.

Speaker 1 (06:32):
Luckily, I know that we're going back to Rain so
fun backing a freestyle tvb you gotta give me some
cover girls.

Speaker 8 (06:42):
Brother, Okay, buddy, here you go, Here we go.

Speaker 4 (06:46):
This is the best welcome back everybody.

Speaker 1 (06:49):
Here we go Rain Nightlife for a new era.

Speaker 2 (06:52):
And this is it that just makes me smile. I started,
I love that place.

Speaker 1 (06:58):
She said, this is the best news I happened.

Speaker 4 (07:01):
Wow, it's really.

Speaker 1 (07:03):
So anyway, mark it down in your slid calendars.

Speaker 4 (07:05):
From now the day everyone has to be we'll be
there anyway.

Speaker 1 (07:09):
We got to go. We're coming up on entertainment. Yeah,
we'll touch on the fires in Los Angeles. But we
have a lot to talk about, not the least of
which is Saturday Night Live. The new season starts this
coming weekend, and they're announcing some of the hosts and
the musical performers, and we've got that in so much more.
By the way, Mike Rabel is the new head coach
of your New England Patriots. That's coming up to stand

by from.

Speaker 3 (07:31):
The Planet Fitness. Kiss one Away Studios. We're back with
the Villy and Lisa in the Morning Kiss.

Speaker 1 (07:38):
Yeah, we're back and we're ready to go on a
Monday morning. First, let's check in with the other talkback mafia.

Speaker 7 (07:45):
Justin Yeah, you can check in with the show, let
us know how your weekend was. Comments on anything that
we talk about, you can do it on the iHeartRadio
apps called the talkback feature. By the way, the iHeart
app brand new bunch of new features on there, including
the preset feature at the top. But you can set
us kiss one O. Wait as you number one preset.
That's cool. But when you're listening to us, you tap
the red microphone. That's called the talk back.

Speaker 11 (08:05):
You're talking about hosting back at Rain. I remember going.

Speaker 12 (08:09):
There, So for all of us that used to go there,
it's going to need.

Speaker 11 (08:12):
To wrap up by nine pm so.

Speaker 13 (08:15):
I can get home and be in bed by.

Speaker 14 (08:16):
Ten because we're all in that age bracket.

Speaker 13 (08:19):
Really, But I'm so excited.

Speaker 10 (08:21):
And I might actually venture down and stay out past.

Speaker 13 (08:24):
Nine pm for that.

Speaker 7 (08:26):
Yeah, Billy going back to his roots with Lisa and
hosting a Rain nightclub reunion. Is this thing real?

Speaker 1 (08:31):
Yeah? It came out of nowhere. Now I should mention Anthony,
the owner of Rain and a bunch of other stuff.
Dear friend. You know, he's tried to do this a
couple of other times and we never really formalized it.
But he called me over the weekend he said, Okay,
get your calendars ready, let's pick a date. We're going
to do this, and I believe it's going to be
April twelfth, and love this Rain is now called what

Mix six.

Speaker 8 (08:57):
It's in mall I grew up, Oh to the town line.

Speaker 1 (09:00):
Yeah yeah, yeah. He's got the DJs in place, he's
got the live performers in place, and this thing looks
like it's going to happen April twelfth. Nightlife it was
one of the hottest nightclubs of the era. It really
was lines around the building. I remember I never went
in myself, but I remember, yeah, it.

Speaker 2 (09:18):
Was always a fun time.

Speaker 4 (09:20):
Bill's damn paid straight cash to host that.

Speaker 2 (09:22):
You know what, Winny, We all are.

Speaker 3 (09:25):
Entertainment on dates with a Billy Cobstad.

Speaker 1 (09:28):
Okay, if you're just waking up The death toll from
those California wildfires has climbed out to twenty four. The
winds of the Santa Annas are expected to kick up
again today. That's not good news. To at least seventy
miles an hour, the devastation there impossible to describe, more
than forty thousand acres burned up, countless homes, schools of businesses,

and as if the loss of everything isn't painful enough,
a lot of people whose home was not destroyed are
dealing with what they're calling now survivors. Regret. They feel
bad that, unlike everybody else, their home somehow survived. And
Jennifer Garner is one of those people.

Speaker 15 (10:12):
I can just write out a list of one hundred
friends who lost their homes. It's just like, I feel
almost guilty walking through my house. Just you know, what
can I do? How can I help? What can I
what can I offer? What do I have to offer
with these these hands in these walls and the safety
that I that I have.

Speaker 1 (10:28):
Well, people and celebrities are in fact doing what they
can to help out. Snoop, by the way, turned his
clothing store into a donation center, which is cool. Kim
Kardashian is donating skims for anybody and everybody. Celebrities are
finding collectibles that they can donate to help raise money.
Paris Hilton, who did in fact, The Loser Home, is

launching an emergency fund. Chloe Kardashian blasted the mayor of
Los Angeles over the weekend from mishandling the fires. Tyler
Perry went often that insurance company for canceling policies ahead
of the fires. Are you kidding me? Live Nation just
announced a fire aid benefit concert for the victims. It

is set for January thirtieth. Of the lineup expected to
be announced in the coming days. I'm guessing as early
as this week. Yelly, you guys.

Speaker 5 (11:19):
They've already estimated that insured losses are topping twenty billion,
and that's just the people that had insurance.

Speaker 1 (11:27):
Wow, it's just do I keep asking myself, how are
they going to build back? How are they going to
make this happen? It just seems unbelievable. iHeart, by the way,
is partnering with the Dream Center providing immediate support, collecting
immediately needed supplies, also providing shelter for those who need it,
and so many people do.

Speaker 16 (11:48):
Happy Monday.

Speaker 2 (11:50):
Oh, I have the link on my Instagram story to
the Dream Center. It's very easy if you want to donate.

Speaker 7 (11:55):
Yeah, and you know, just be be wary if you're
going to make a donation that you're donating to the
right in the organization.

Speaker 16 (12:01):
Happy Monday, it's the Mayor of the South.

Speaker 9 (12:03):

Speaker 16 (12:03):
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I want to
tell people there's a lot of people collecting for the
California wildfires, and here's a sure way to find out
if they're a scam. Ask them if they have a
nine to ninety form, and if they say they don't
have it, then they're a scam. That's the report that
they have to report, how much is going to the

charity and everything. So be careful and don't be scammed.
Have a great day.

Speaker 1 (12:29):
They're good to By the way, the California Fire Foundation
is a legit cause. So is the Los Angeles Regional
Food Bank. Obviously the American Red Cross. I found something
out this weekend. Remember my trip to Africa, and there
was a regular listener to this show, Susan who actually
came on the trip. She heard us talking about it.

She's actually going out in February with my wife. She
works in the American Red Cross, and she reached out
to us this weekend. She's already in Los Angeles. They
send them right out immediately, and so give it to
the American Red Cross people, the first responders. They are
like sleeping in the streets, sleeping intent so they can
be there on the scene to take care of everybody.

But this thing is not going to go away anytime soon.
So I'm glad that iHeart is on board. I'm glad
that Live Nation is on board. Don't forget with Live Aid.
The concert did for people who needed it. Now there's
fire Aid, and everybody's got to jump on board that
we move on. The new Saturday Night lineups announced over
the weekend. Dave Chappelle will host Saturday Night Live this

coming Saturday. G Lorilla will be the musical guest for
the first show of twenty twenty five.

Speaker 2 (13:37):
That's this coming week We Love, and then Timothy Schallome.

Speaker 1 (13:41):
Yeah, the very next weekend.

Speaker 4 (13:44):
That's two great weeks in a row.

Speaker 1 (13:45):
I know he's going to host in perform and I'm
guessing he'll perform as Bob Dylan. Oh wow, Den of
Thieves Too stole the box office this weekend, taking in
more than fifteen million. The new Sism movie One of
Them Days, opens this coming Friday, and it also starts
Kicky Palmer and Issa Ray.

Speaker 6 (14:05):
I think he's directing her writing I love her, so
I definitely don't want to see that, but I want
to see Danna Thieves too?

Speaker 1 (14:10):
And how do I know Keiky Palmer? That name?

Speaker 4 (14:12):
Oh my god? She was a Disney Channel star.

Speaker 6 (14:14):
She was also did like The Third Hour with Sarah
and with It Michael. I mean she's she's like everywhere. Okay,
it's been an actress for twenty years.

Speaker 1 (14:23):
One of Them Days opens this coming Friday, and Justin
Bieber apparently is making a comeback in twenty twenty five
were they're talking about new music, a new album. He
does have a new lawyer, don't forget. Just to remind
everybody as if we forgot how big Justin Bieber was
and is in all the music he gave us, Justin

was kind enough to put together a mash. What do you.

Speaker 4 (14:51):
He says, You're running out of time?

Speaker 17 (14:52):
What do you mean, baby?

Speaker 4 (14:55):
You should go love your s first.

Speaker 17 (15:03):

Speaker 1 (15:18):
If that doesn't so on the morning when you need
to smile about something. We give you a little mashup
of Justin Bieber. I love him so big and started
so young. I still remember like it was yesterday. The
first time he did our jingle Ball.

Speaker 2 (15:34):
I remember it too.

Speaker 5 (15:35):
I still have the picture when he used to have
his hair, you know, the bag down, Yeah.

Speaker 1 (15:40):
The bowl cut.

Speaker 7 (15:41):
I gotta say about Bieber. You know, when he first
came out, obviously he was a little kid. I really
wasn't into that. And then I watched that documentary he
did of his life, and I became a fan. He's
a natural town so he had no lessons on anything.
He just a guitar and he could play it.

Speaker 1 (15:56):
And he started posting from like his bedroom or his
basement or something.

Speaker 6 (16:00):
When I was a teenager, it was that my jbshre
Jonas Brothers and Justin Bieber like that was like the
mute that that was my time.

Speaker 4 (16:06):
I'm so excited.

Speaker 1 (16:07):
Well, when he did the jingle Ball, he looked like
he was nine years old. Justin. You've got that interview somewhere.
Maybe later this morning when we do the entertainment again,
we can break out that interview because you can hear
it in Bieber's voice, just how young a kid.

Speaker 4 (16:20):
He was like fourteen.

Speaker 7 (16:21):
Well he had just been signed by Usher or you
know timber Lake, Scooter bron thing.

Speaker 8 (16:27):
And then he came to one of our shows.

Speaker 1 (16:28):
He walked into the interview room and I thought he
was like somebody's kid, like you know, like one of
the clients that he's so sweet. So the Patriots have
a new head coach. It is Mike Rabel, and Gronk
was quick to round New England.

Speaker 18 (16:42):
Patriots got their guy this morning and Patriot great Mike Rabel.
And let me tell you, Patriot fans are thrilled. This
guy is going to keep everyone accountable an organization, from
the coaching staff to the players. He's going to keep
himself accountable, and even the front office he's going to
keep accountable. And let me tell you once again, this
guy has knowledge, he has the power, and he's gonna

be great. He knows how to discipline players. And if
I'm Mike Rabel, there's the first thing I would do
is call up and dial up the number of Josh McDaniels,
a familiar foe to Patriot fans, and hire him as
the offensive coordinator as soon as possible.

Speaker 1 (17:17):
But where it is, that's exactly what's gonna happen. Josh
McDaniels is going to follow him in here.

Speaker 4 (17:21):
Familiar foe, isn't FO your enemy?

Speaker 1 (17:24):
Yes it is, but.

Speaker 4 (17:26):
Okay, I was like, am I wrong?

Speaker 8 (17:28):
At least they didn't cut him off this week.

Speaker 1 (17:30):
I know, and don't forget. Rabel has always loved the
Patriots organization. Remember his Patriots Hall of Fame speech.

Speaker 8 (17:39):
I've been a lot of places. This is a special
place with.

Speaker 7 (17:42):
Great leadership, great fans, great direction, great coaching.

Speaker 1 (17:48):
Enjoy it.

Speaker 8 (17:49):
It's not like this everywhere, Thank you very much.

Speaker 7 (17:52):
Yeah, I like it a lot. Yeah, he's gonna be great.
I think they're gonna win some games.

Speaker 1 (17:57):
Now, who knows, maybe the Patriots would be in the
postseason season.

Speaker 4 (18:00):
Oh, I mean, he has a lot to work.

Speaker 1 (18:02):
But in the meantime, we have a lot of football
coming up. Saturday, two games four thirty. You've got the
Texans and the Chiefs eight o'clock Saturday night, the Commanders
and the Lions. The Commanders by the way one last
night with a doint the.

Speaker 9 (18:25):

Speaker 1 (18:28):
Yeah, ricocheted its way through. A win is a win,
and I think that was the best of all the
games this weekend. If I'm not mistaken. You gonna have
two games Sunday as well. Vikings and Rams will play
in Philadelphia. That's three in the afternoon on Sunday, Baltimore
Ravens and the Bills who play six thirty Sunday night.
A lot of football coming up this weekend. We're brought

to you by Boston Vision, New Year, New Vision, and
maybe Rapel will get the sponsorship for Boston Vision.

Speaker 4 (18:56):
I don't know what his eye size, as eyesight is.

Speaker 1 (18:58):
Like Mayo had it right, ye, Anyway you want to
if you're tired of the glasses and a lot of
people are as well as the contacts, get Lasik with
Boston Vision. Do it in twenty twenty five. Imagine waking
up every single morning with crisp clear eyesight, no lenses,
no hassles. Your best vision is always Boston Vision. End.
There you go.

Speaker 3 (19:24):
From the Planet's Fitness Kiss one Away Studios. We we're
back with Villy and Lisa in the morning on Kiss
one eight and this.

Speaker 1 (19:33):
Is the final week of our New Year, New Ride contest.
There's been a big one all last week. We qualified
people to well qualify for the grand prize, which is
a free car. Thanks to our friends at McGovern Kia
and the glove box or somewhere in the car is
going to be loaded with concert tickets for the biggest
shows of twenty twenty five. Lisa, the way it works

is we have to announce a name. Why don't you
go ahead and do it so I don't.

Speaker 8 (19:58):
Screw it up.

Speaker 2 (19:58):

Speaker 5 (19:59):
So it's at Shan Underscore a gear XO. So it's
a g U E r XO at Shan under Underscore
a g U E r XO.

Speaker 17 (20:10):

Speaker 1 (20:11):
And having said that, you have fifteen minutes to get
back to us. That's the only way you're going to qualify.
The clock is already. You're never happier than when you
start the clock winning.

Speaker 4 (20:23):
So happy to start the clock.

Speaker 1 (20:25):
Clock is running on fifteen minutes. Okay, you've got to
get to us before the fifteen minutes is up. If
you do well, you qualify. And again, this is the
final week of the contest, so we're getting down at
the knitting gritty here.

Speaker 7 (20:37):
It's happening this weekend. Yeah, it's all we'll say for now. So, yeah,
I gotta get in here. So during the Entertainment Report,
we were talking about Mike Vrabel, the new Pats head coach.

Speaker 8 (20:47):
We had Gronk.

Speaker 7 (20:48):
He was reacting to the news yesterday morning, you know,
when it first dropped.

Speaker 14 (20:53):
I love me some Gronk, but every time that dude
opens his mouth, I swear to God and lose brain cell.

Speaker 8 (21:00):
But you love him, you love them? Yeah, you know,
you know he's a hell of it a football.

Speaker 2 (21:05):
He's so pure.

Speaker 1 (21:06):
That was so well said, though, wasn't it what she
just said the tarp packer.

Speaker 7 (21:11):
When I think about Gronk, I think about all like
the funny mashups we've done over the years on Gronk.
Like remember we had the party cruise. Oh yeah, remember
the nephew Buddy hosted. Remember that was.

Speaker 8 (21:22):
Dronks party cruise.

Speaker 1 (21:24):
I'm in Miami, shrip.

Speaker 19 (21:26):
Hey, ladies, are you above average and willing to pay
big bucks to party with Dronks brother and his shirtless dad.

Speaker 9 (21:34):
If so, the.

Speaker 19 (21:35):
Grabbed your money and head down to Miami where the
girls are probably easier than you.

Speaker 8 (21:40):
That's where the party boat is leaving shore.

Speaker 19 (21:45):
While on board, you can enjoy getting hit on by
his random brothers.

Speaker 1 (21:49):
That's sexy.

Speaker 18 (21:50):
They got that sex body and everything, so they're the
one that you should get the tonight.

Speaker 19 (21:54):
Performances by Rider, that Foo Edge, Philly's nephew's funny.

Speaker 2 (22:00):
Oh my god, that's Buddy Costa. He's tiny.

Speaker 1 (22:06):
Only two hundred dollars.

Speaker 8 (22:10):
That was that was off the.

Speaker 1 (22:13):
Unpain Yeah.

Speaker 8 (22:16):
Well somebody, Yeah, somebody defecated on the boat.

Speaker 1 (22:19):
Eh, it was it was. It was a mess.

Speaker 7 (22:22):
Yeah, it was rumored that it was Ride Up Buddy. No, no, no,
they don't know who it was. The rumor was it
was floor Rider or somebody in that camp. But wow,
it was only a one off thing.

Speaker 1 (22:32):
They only did one that's it.

Speaker 7 (22:34):
Yeah, didn't come back. We had Gronk on last year.
You asked him about it and he said, now, it
was fun, but only one.

Speaker 10 (22:41):

Speaker 20 (22:41):
And I said to my you know, my my nephew
was the DJ on your cruise. He said, oh, you
mean the little guy. He was mistaken. You mentioned Chris
because he knows Chris and Buddy.

Speaker 8 (22:51):
He mixed them up.

Speaker 7 (22:52):
Remember, Yeah, he said, he is, Oh that's your that's
your son. He's a little guy. We were like, wait, no,
that's Buddy.

Speaker 2 (22:59):
Everyone's little to him.

Speaker 4 (23:00):
Yeah, and the cost is a short man.

Speaker 1 (23:02):
Yeah, well for the most part. Yeah, but the interesting
thing about that sound thing you played. That was the
voice of Rich Dmari, who preceded Justin as the studio
producer on this show.

Speaker 8 (23:14):
Yeah, much more talented than I am.

Speaker 1 (23:16):
And he got married again this weekend. Well wait wait, wait,
he's had five weddings.

Speaker 4 (23:22):
And his wife had another ceremony.

Speaker 2 (23:24):
They renewed their vows.

Speaker 1 (23:26):
No, it's just another wedding. No, they've had like five weddings.

Speaker 2 (23:30):
Well, you know that Rosie, his wife, was an intern for.

Speaker 1 (23:34):
Us exactly, So two former interns of our show married
each other together.

Speaker 2 (23:42):
I think there was a time where it was overlads,
there was overlap. It was they and then they reconnected
years later.

Speaker 1 (23:49):
Oh, but this is what I'm trying to find out.
Is this a new trend that I'm not aware of
that you just have multiple Well, well, Rich is just
over the top a little bit.

Speaker 9 (23:58):

Speaker 1 (23:58):
Anyway, congratulations to Rich.

Speaker 4 (24:00):
Anything they got married like kind of was it not

Speaker 21 (24:03):
But was it?

Speaker 4 (24:03):
Didn't they a lope? The first time?

Speaker 1 (24:05):
I guess they did a tiny wedding. It might have
been even in Vegas, one of those chapels. Okay, so
now they had a big wedding in Palm Beach.

Speaker 4 (24:13):
Oh, good for the congrats again.

Speaker 7 (24:14):
Congratulations to rich. I did congratulate him on his first wedding,
and he left me on red he did not read.
He read my message but then didn't respond. And then
I ran into him in Boston and he was like, oh,
I'm so sorry.

Speaker 1 (24:28):
It's so funny because so he was buzzed this weekend
at his wedding party, right, and he called me three
or four times, and he was yelling at me for
not returning his call.

Speaker 8 (24:36):
Oh, isn't that his wedding day? Yeah, isn't that funny? Anyway?

Speaker 1 (24:40):
I think we have a qualifier on the phone. I
believe Hello, good morning Tuesdays. Please hi as in at
Shann underscore a gear XO.

Speaker 15 (24:53):

Speaker 1 (24:54):
Did I say a gear? Right?

Speaker 13 (24:56):

Speaker 4 (24:58):

Speaker 19 (25:00):

Speaker 1 (25:01):
Okay, well either way, you are a call of it.
Do you understand something, Shannon. The end of this week
you could have a free car.

Speaker 2 (25:10):
Oh I need one, I'm in need for one.

Speaker 1 (25:13):
Where are you driving now?

Speaker 9 (25:14):

Speaker 1 (25:15):
You need a mom car?

Speaker 9 (25:17):

Speaker 1 (25:18):
Yeah, all right, Well, thanks to McGovern kea, we're giving
away a free car this weekend. And by the way,
a pile of concert tickets for nothing but the best
concerts or twenty twenty five, and you could be the
winner this weekend.

Speaker 6 (25:33):
Oh fingers crossed.

Speaker 14 (25:34):
I'm hoping.

Speaker 1 (25:35):
All right, Well hold on, Shannon, okay, and uh Winnie's
gonna talk to you and give you all the information
you need. Okay, Well there you go.

Speaker 2 (25:42):
Yeah, so exciting.

Speaker 7 (25:43):
It's really really exciting, it really is. So two ten
will be your next shot to hear your name. Go
to the Kiss Instagram now to enter.

Speaker 8 (25:50):
That's what you do.

Speaker 7 (25:50):
You enter, you follow the directions and then you listen
at two ten. But coming up next to Lisa had
a little incident over the weekend at a gym that
we have to talk a lot of new gym people
out there.

Speaker 8 (26:01):
It's gonna be fun, Hilly and Lisa.

Speaker 1 (26:06):
Okay, welcome back everybody. So right about this precise time.
Every morning on the Billion Lisa Morning Show, we talk
about something that we think is topic time worthy, right,
justin right. Lisa. Lisa called me last week. I forget
what day it was, but she called. She had just

left the gym and said, hey, I have something I
really need to talk about. Like I just left the
gym and I'm really annoyed. There was a guy, Well,
let me tell this Okay, go ahead.

Speaker 5 (26:38):
So I'm on a treadmill and there are like one
hundred treadmills, and then there's an elliptical right next to
my treadmill.

Speaker 2 (26:44):
So I'm on the end and I'm running, running, running, running, running, and.

Speaker 5 (26:47):
This guy comes over and goes on the elliptical right
next to my treadmill that I was on.

Speaker 8 (26:52):
There were multiple open ones, multiple.

Speaker 5 (26:55):
Open ones, except so he decides to go right next
to me. Now great, I'm so happy. Everyone's back at
the gym, New Year, new you whatever.

Speaker 2 (27:04):
Okay, he proceeds to be a massive sweater.

Speaker 5 (27:08):
Okay, like like and the elliptical, he's going really hard,
and the sweat is just spewing everywhere, all over me,
all over.

Speaker 2 (27:16):
My treadmill, all over my jacket that was on the floor.

Speaker 5 (27:19):
I'm like all I'm doing, and I'm trying to like
move like away from him on the treadmill, but like
I'm like trying to run, so it's not really happening.

Speaker 2 (27:26):
And I was halfway through my workout.

Speaker 5 (27:28):
So it wasn't like I was going to stop my
workout and move to a different treadmill.

Speaker 2 (27:31):
So I just sort of like bared it. But my
thing is with Jim etiquette.

Speaker 5 (27:36):
If you know that you're a sweater like and you're
working out really hard, you gotta bring a.

Speaker 2 (27:41):
Towel with you.

Speaker 7 (27:42):
Yeah, your go to yes or and or go to
a one further away where nobody's around you, and then
you wipe your machine down.

Speaker 2 (27:49):
It was like mind blowing.

Speaker 1 (27:51):
I think he just wanted to be closer to you.

Speaker 2 (27:53):
With this, and he had no idea that he was
just spewing sweat all over me.

Speaker 4 (27:57):
I think people are so not self aware.

Speaker 6 (28:00):
Like I've told the story before, but I have a
home gym at my apartment complex and there's only three treadmills,
but I mean considering, I mean there's probably no more
than two.

Speaker 4 (28:08):
The little three people out there at a time. Yeah,
and I go and this guy will there'll be you know,
a gap, and he'll go right next to you. And
he's a hacker. I swear he gave me kbe like
three years ago.

Speaker 6 (28:18):
And I see him as I think he must work
from home, because if I go at like noon, when
I get home from Mark, he's there, and I can't
stand the guy. He seems nice enough, but I'm like,
you're a hacker. You're annoying and you always sit right
next to you and you don't need to.

Speaker 1 (28:31):
Well, couldn't either of you move to a different treadmill.

Speaker 5 (28:33):
Again again, Billy? I thought about it, but I literally
was right in the middle of my back out.

Speaker 2 (28:38):
It would have been really.

Speaker 5 (28:38):
Tough for me to stop and then start again. And
the other thing I have to mention is, you know
how you have to wipe off the gym equipment after
you're done.

Speaker 8 (28:46):
He didn't wipe it.

Speaker 2 (28:47):
Jump did not wipe the gym equipment off.

Speaker 1 (28:49):
I was horrified, wrenched.

Speaker 2 (28:53):
It was everywhere.

Speaker 7 (28:54):
Well, he's doing the elliptical too, so his arms and
are moving and you're just getting hits.

Speaker 1 (29:01):
Everywhere. He's a leaker. Hear about the thing about aggressive leakers.
You know, we know, we all know something that just
for no reason, they're sitting there and they're sweating profusely
from the forehead whatever. They never seem to know.

Speaker 13 (29:15):

Speaker 6 (29:16):
I appreciate there are guys, especially if you see sometimes
bigger men, they carry towels.

Speaker 2 (29:20):
I know that's what I'm That's okay, just carry a towel.

Speaker 7 (29:24):
Yeah, so we had no towel, and he walked away
from the machine and wipe at my Jim. I work
out with my best friend. His name is zeb I've
talked about him before and he's the Jim Police. So
he is big on Jim Eticutte year round, doesn't matter
when it is. So if he sees you not wipe
down your machine, he'll come over very nicely politely. If

you don't put your weights away, he'll go up and
he'll walk you back to the machine.

Speaker 1 (29:48):
See that's a little karenish.

Speaker 4 (29:50):
I know, that's such a care I love Jim.

Speaker 7 (29:53):
Well, he's trying to just teach Jim Etticutt too, So
what does he say to them? Okay, for example, the
leg press, so guys can do a lot of weight
on that leg press. They put on ten plates on
each side. That's twenty forty five five pound plates. Yeah,
and a real common thing is they load the leg
press up and they walk away when they're done. They
don't want to unload it with there's women and there's
smaller men and older those plates. Yeah, they come over

to we've seen it. They come over to use it
and it's full of plates and they walk away because
they can you lift it. So if that happens, and
it has happened, he'll see it. He'll go over to
them very politely and say you didn't put your weights away,
And no matter what they say, he'll say, let's go,
and he'll walk them back and over and he'll watch
as they unload every single plate.

Speaker 8 (30:35):
Still a little kill because he's an American here, because.

Speaker 4 (30:39):
Twenty plates, like twenty forty.

Speaker 6 (30:41):
Five plates, that's that's a crime to lead those for
people because they can't lift.

Speaker 2 (30:45):
Tell you, I wouldn't know what to do with that.

Speaker 1 (30:48):
Yeah, no, there's no way you're going to move the plate.

Speaker 8 (30:50):
No, it's just etiquette.

Speaker 13 (30:51):
I know.

Speaker 7 (30:52):
Right now at this time of year, a lot of
people are back in the gym where we talked about it,
and it's a really good time to teach people politely
and nice and oh just be have common sense to
wipe down the machine.

Speaker 1 (31:03):
And there are so many gym etiquette violations that happen
every minute of every day. Wasn't this past Friday Quitters Friday?

Speaker 14 (31:11):
It was?

Speaker 5 (31:12):
Yeah, that's like it's a second Friday of January. That's
when most people will quit the gym that they just
joined their New Year's as solution is now over.

Speaker 17 (31:20):

Speaker 2 (31:20):

Speaker 7 (31:21):
One more quick one for me is when when people
walk over to the dumbbells in front of the Mira
and it's busy, and they just pick up the dumbells
instead of walking away and working out, they just lift
right in front. They block the dumbbells. Yeah, to do
dumbbell curls so they can get up close with themselves.

Speaker 1 (31:36):
Another one of mine is when you're in the middle
of a cycle, whether it's the lat machine, whether it's
you know, the chess machine, whatever, and you're in your cycle,
So timing is critical, right. You want to go from
one machine, one set, to another set to another set,
and the person is sitting in the machine you're in
the middle of using and he's not even using it.
He's on his phone. Yes, she's on her phone, and
I'm like, would you mind, I'd like to continue working.

Speaker 8 (31:58):
I mean, it's so that's annoying.

Speaker 1 (32:00):
So many etiquette violations.

Speaker 7 (32:02):
Can I ask Lisa one follow up question you don't
have to answer, but did any of the sweat go
like in your face?

Speaker 2 (32:10):
I don't probably it was all it was just speeding afwhere. Yeah,
it's like a spray bottle basically, so gross. I know
it's so bad.

Speaker 1 (32:19):
Well, so what do you know we're coming up on
topic time. And I know you're out there. You were
at the gym all weekend, maybe your new members. You
know you've got a resolution going on. But we want
to talk about etiquette. We want to talk about your
worst gym etiquette stories. Okay, and everybody's got one. It
doesn't have to be in the active gym. It could
be something that's going on in the locker room. There's

a lot of locker room etiquette classes. Viola, Oh gym
class violations? About that? Topic time is up next? Six, one, seven, nine. Wait,
how did they get to the talk back?

Speaker 8 (32:51):
Justin listen.

Speaker 7 (32:51):
If you don't have the iHeart app, it is brand
new and improved. You can download it right now this
morning and you can leave a talk back for us
on the app. Just tap that red microphone and you're
listening to us. Kiss want to wait live? Get your
voice hurt on the air?

Speaker 8 (33:04):
How cool is that?

Speaker 1 (33:05):
Topic time?

Speaker 3 (33:06):
Now, it's topic time for the Billy and Lisa in
the morning.

Speaker 1 (33:11):
Yeah, we got to talking this morning. You know, it's
that time of year where the first of the year,
everybody thinks they want to join a gym. They're going
to turn over a new leaf, they're going to work out,
they're going to get in shape. It lasts a couple
of weeks for a lot of people. In fact, this
past Friday was National Quitters Friday. But everybody's got etiquette
issues at the gym. Lisa explained her some guy took

the machine right next to her this weekend and was
spraying sweat all over it like it was an ultimate
sweater and didn't even know it.

Speaker 2 (33:38):
It was aggressively sweating all over man.

Speaker 8 (33:40):
You've got to have some awareness.

Speaker 1 (33:42):
Yeah, you bring a towel.

Speaker 8 (33:44):
Yeah, wipe your machine, y.

Speaker 9 (33:45):

Speaker 1 (33:46):
Some people don't wipe the machine. Some people don't return
their weight. Some people just stand around and chit chat
all day and you're trying to get a work out
there sitting in the machine you want to use. Let's
start with MJ, who's checking in from Rhode Island to MJ.
Give us a violation, an etiquet violation.

Speaker 12 (34:04):
Hi, good morning. I am a fitness instructor. So I
have I have many so but this one takes the cake.
Years ago, I was teaching can you guys hear me?

Speaker 14 (34:18):

Speaker 18 (34:18):

Speaker 12 (34:18):
Wasn't I was teaching a class. It was a special
one for moms and dads and kids, like you could
work out.

Speaker 13 (34:24):
With your kids.

Speaker 12 (34:26):
Yes, we teach the class. I teach the class. I'm
in the locker room after changing. One of the moms
comes in with her kids, a little boy and a
little girl. So of course I'm not going to change
in the middle of the locker room. So I go
into like the little curtained off area, you know, to change,
and I close the curtain and I'm in my glory,
and here come the little boy and girl ripping.

Speaker 21 (34:47):
Open the ringing.

Speaker 2 (34:49):
Yeah, award, it was yes, justice, they sure did so.

Speaker 1 (34:56):

Speaker 12 (34:57):
And the worst part, you guys, is the mom was
right there and didn't even correct the beginning.

Speaker 17 (35:06):
Guess you don't do that.

Speaker 1 (35:09):

Speaker 13 (35:09):
You don't open a curtain.

Speaker 12 (35:10):
When someone's you know, nothing, they just so I just
quickly close the curtain. But then I had to teach
another four weeks of classes with them.

Speaker 1 (35:17):
Oh my god, what kind of a class is it?

Speaker 10 (35:20):

Speaker 1 (35:20):
What kind of a workout?

Speaker 12 (35:22):
Well, that one was just years ago. It was just
a like it was a special six week class for
parents and kids to work out together. So it was
like a like a pop up type type of class.

Speaker 8 (35:33):
Yeah, okay, I would do that. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (35:37):
Wow, So the first golf and Rhode Island. They're listening
in Rhode Island. Why wouldn't they be. Let's go to Diane.
She's calling in from Lowell. Good morning, Diane. What's your
story or complaint?

Speaker 14 (35:50):

Speaker 10 (35:51):
Sorry, let me try.

Speaker 1 (35:52):

Speaker 10 (35:52):
So my daughter last Thursday had a very bad allergic
reaction because she's allergic to peanuts and trina. So they
so some one didn't clean the equipment and she just
going on the elliptical and it was like covered with
high Yeah. Yeah, So it's just really important for people
to clean. I told her, you have to clean before
and after.

Speaker 4 (36:11):
Now that's especially the story.

Speaker 2 (36:13):
Yep, so true that energy take care of yourself.

Speaker 1 (36:18):
Oh god, thank you.

Speaker 2 (36:20):
Wow, that's crazy.

Speaker 1 (36:21):
Yeah, that's a serious right now.

Speaker 2 (36:22):
I never would have thought that either, me either, but.

Speaker 1 (36:25):
This time to you was profusely sweating all over everybody.

Speaker 7 (36:29):
There are some horror stories of like people getting bacterial
infections and things like that.

Speaker 2 (36:34):
So always wash your hands.

Speaker 7 (36:35):
That's a good idea to wipe down before and after.
But it gets tough, you know, mid workout, you're you know,
you're in the middle of it, wiping before I.

Speaker 1 (36:41):
Mean, because it's not always on the gym. Okay, there
are a lot of machines and a lot of weights
and everything else that they're kind of leaning on you
to do what. They put signs all over the gym
make sure you put.

Speaker 2 (36:51):
Your back, A ton of spray bottles and tons of wipes.

Speaker 1 (36:55):
And stuff like that. So, yeah, let's go to Jill.
And Jill is calling in from Haver. Jill, what's your story?

Speaker 11 (37:03):
So I was going to go swimming at the pool
and this guy comes in and you're supposed to take
a shower obviously before you get in the pool, which
he did not, And so as he's getting into the pool,
he blows his nose into his hand and wipe it.

Speaker 1 (37:22):
Wait a minute, where did he wipe his.

Speaker 3 (37:26):

Speaker 1 (37:26):
Where did he wipe it? After he blew his nose?

Speaker 11 (37:29):
He washed it in the pool.

Speaker 7 (37:31):
That's just got that's I don't Jill, don't say the gym,
but I know I know what Jim she's talking about.

Speaker 8 (37:37):
Don't say the name of it.

Speaker 1 (37:38):
But how do you know?

Speaker 8 (37:39):
Because she's in.

Speaker 6 (37:40):
Have Oh wow, owow?

Speaker 4 (37:46):
Do you really? Are you really shower before you go
into the pool.

Speaker 1 (37:49):
I think a lot of people don't a lot of
people don't know, but this guy's delivering snot rockets into
his hand and putting it in the water. Are you kidding? God,
let's go. What does it say? Madison? Madison is calling
from Abington. Good morning, Uh Addison, what have you got
for Madison?

Speaker 14 (38:10):
Good morning, guys.

Speaker 1 (38:11):
Go ahead.

Speaker 14 (38:12):
Madison So speaking on the speaking on the woman who
said her daughter had an allergic reaction, Same thing happened
to me last year. I was on the treadmill and
I'm allergic to peanuts. Never had an allergic reaction like
this before. I went into anaphylaxis and had to go
to the hospital and get an ebythen because someone didn't
clean their treadmill.

Speaker 9 (38:30):

Speaker 4 (38:31):
I never thought of this.

Speaker 2 (38:32):
It's such a good PSA wiping down the equipment.

Speaker 4 (38:36):
Because of an allergy.

Speaker 1 (38:37):

Speaker 4 (38:38):
Wow, that never would have crossed my mind.

Speaker 13 (38:41):

Speaker 14 (38:41):
I'm not very severe or anything like.

Speaker 13 (38:43):
It's usually only if I eat it.

Speaker 14 (38:45):
So it was like the weirdest thing.

Speaker 13 (38:46):
I just my face blew up and I had to
go to the hospital and everything.

Speaker 1 (38:50):
God, okay, make sure you're wiping down the machines. Okay,
let's go to Karen. She's calling in from Waltham.

Speaker 14 (38:55):
Karen go ahead, Karen, actually with the tea, Karen.

Speaker 1 (39:02):
Taren. Okay, go ahead, Taren.

Speaker 14 (39:04):
Oh yeah, very Karen him.

Speaker 13 (39:09):
Karen's my altering, go ahead, Taren. So I was working
out one time and I was warming up, just getting started,
and this guy just literally walked right into me. I'm
on my hands, on my knees and he just ran
into me, like, just didn't even look. And I was
so pissed off. I was like, who just walks into me?

Like I'm I'm on the ground, just like doing my
warm up. What are you doing?

Speaker 21 (39:34):
And so I waited for.

Speaker 13 (39:35):
Him to get back out of the uh the men's
room and whatever. I was like, hey, what are you doing?
Like f you dude, And he like had no idea
what to say. He's like, oh sorry, it was so obnoxious.

Speaker 1 (39:46):
Yeah, there's a lot of like ignorance. Sometimes it boils
down to ignorance in the gym. I mean, well that's ignorant.

Speaker 8 (39:53):
Well you remember last year I got almost into a fight.

Speaker 4 (39:57):
How can we forget you almost beat up a old man?

Speaker 8 (39:59):
Yeah, well I didn't, that's the point of it. But
there was some there was some yelling with myself and
another man.

Speaker 1 (40:05):
Well for sake, of those who didn't hear it, give
us the brief version of it.

Speaker 8 (40:08):
Yeah, this guy was kind of bothering people.

Speaker 7 (40:11):
We made a comment to him because he was kind
of like approaching people and bothering them, and then he
was coming over to us and kind of standing next
to us and kind of bothering us. So yeah, I
asked him to move away, and then he started yelling.
There was a big fight, and he was older, you know.
But the good news is he doesn't come anymore.

Speaker 1 (40:27):
Didn't he come up on your girl?

Speaker 15 (40:28):

Speaker 8 (40:29):
He came up with m grill?

Speaker 1 (40:30):

Speaker 9 (40:31):
What did you do?

Speaker 17 (40:31):

Speaker 8 (40:32):
I didn't do anything.

Speaker 1 (40:33):
Yeah, yeah, right.

Speaker 2 (40:34):
I wonder where he's because.

Speaker 8 (40:36):
How would I come?

Speaker 7 (40:37):
How would I explain that I punched a seventy year
old man at the gymo?

Speaker 21 (40:41):
Did he tell you that?

Speaker 4 (40:42):
The guy says, what do you wanna do?

Speaker 7 (40:43):
I was very angry because he was yelling at me,
and then he goes, you know, I'm seventy years old,
and I was like, oh man.

Speaker 1 (40:49):
Yeah, well it's kind of a you're damned if you
do and damned if you don't. At the bottom line,
as you're known as a cream puffer.

Speaker 2 (40:54):
Well, I'm glad that you walked away from him.

Speaker 6 (40:56):
Oh, we have a call, a VIP call right now, Zeb,
Justin's lover, Jim lover, their best friend.

Speaker 4 (41:06):
Yeah, you guys have a very special relationship. He's guys.
He's our favorite person.

Speaker 1 (41:12):
But also around the gym. He just put him on
a water.

Speaker 8 (41:16):
Treatment man, put him on the fall away.

Speaker 21 (41:19):
Sorry, Zeb, Oh my head, my hands were ringing this morning,
and I'm like, lame put on? Just want to wait?
And what what name droffs? You know what, Billy? This
one's few because Justin already told my story about the
guy who left stuff all the forty five Uh but

every month and Justin can he can confirm this? Every month?
I have a new T shirt made, Jim Karen. I
just reached out to my T shirt lady. He's having
it made this morning.

Speaker 4 (41:51):
Oh my god, Jim Karen, that's who you are.

Speaker 1 (41:55):
Yeah, I am.

Speaker 21 (41:57):
It's all right. You know what somebody's gonna be. These
people have just got It's so true.

Speaker 8 (42:01):
It's so true.

Speaker 2 (42:02):
It's so true.

Speaker 8 (42:02):
It's so true.

Speaker 17 (42:03):

Speaker 1 (42:04):
I think you're taking a little too serious, you know
what I mean?

Speaker 21 (42:08):
I take it far enough.

Speaker 2 (42:11):
March now.

Speaker 1 (42:13):
The Jim Karen.

Speaker 8 (42:15):
Yeah, yeah, here's one that says, what do we got
out of bed for?

Speaker 21 (42:18):
You know?

Speaker 7 (42:18):
So because when I'm lifting, we're lifting and I'm like
trying to get the last wrap, he screams at me,
what we got to bed?

Speaker 1 (42:25):
I think he's in boot camp? Has Zeb deb Have
you been in the Marine Corps or something?

Speaker 10 (42:31):

Speaker 21 (42:31):
No, I haven't, but maybe no, no I have.

Speaker 4 (42:34):
Okay, all right, he's a Jim Karen And we appreciate you, Zeb.

Speaker 10 (42:38):
We do.

Speaker 21 (42:40):
All right, Well, I appreciate you guys. Have a good day.

Speaker 7 (42:42):
Yeah, I walked into the gym ten years ago at
almost three hundred and fifty pounds and I met Zeb
and I haven't left his side, and I lost a
bunch of weight with his help.

Speaker 2 (42:52):
He's a good motivator.

Speaker 1 (42:53):
So no, he's a good guy. But yeah, people are
talking about it at the Jim Trust me, who's that
guy that.

Speaker 2 (42:59):
They work Jim Karen?

Speaker 1 (43:02):
Now they'll know, they'll walk up to them. I'm the
Jim Karen all the girls.

Speaker 2 (43:06):
To let me tell you on Monday, guys.

Speaker 22 (43:09):
So I know I've complained to Justin about this at
least seventeen times.

Speaker 13 (43:13):
I have.

Speaker 22 (43:14):
I go to play in Finnis and there is an
app that you can download, where it lets you request
songs as you're working out. There's a person there that
feels the need every morning to request I have the Tiger,
the entire playlist for the entire day. But I have
the Tiger is every day enough.

Speaker 1 (43:36):
That's another Karen like thing, right, It's a good workout song.

Speaker 19 (43:40):

Speaker 8 (43:41):
They'll get you going and get you going for sure.

Speaker 1 (43:44):
I think it's past its time.

Speaker 8 (43:46):
Okay, we're working up.

Speaker 4 (43:48):
Let's timeless when it comes to work.

Speaker 8 (43:51):
Really every day.

Speaker 1 (43:52):
Those a little much like I'll bet the very first
spin instructor in America used that song. Yeah, okay, let's
go everybody. I are the Tiger. Let's get it on.
Shut up, let's go to Lauren. She's in Brockton, Lauren,
what's your story? He isn't so proud of.

Speaker 9 (44:10):
I'm so impressed and proud of the three hundred and
fifty pounds loss. That's incredible that I am definitely not
one to go to the gym. But I just wanted
to say that my very favorite thing to do is
get a hotel room. In Boston. There's a particular hotel.
You can stand in your room and look out the
window into a gym. Yeah, yeah, that's my favorite. So

we stay at the envoy, I look across the way
and I watch the people. I make sure that I
get a room on that side.

Speaker 1 (44:37):
Wait a minute, this.

Speaker 4 (44:39):
Is getting a little weird.

Speaker 1 (44:40):
Are you one of the people that has open sex
in the windows so the people in the gym can watch?

Speaker 8 (44:44):
Oh yeah, that was a video yeah years ago.

Speaker 17 (44:47):
Oh boy, Lauren, is that you gonna I'm not gonna
deny it, Lauren.

Speaker 9 (44:59):
Let's go get a big all across the street, sit
in the window, watch the people in Equinox. It's so
entertaining and it's awesome and everybody's there for themselves. You
just that's my favorite thing to do.

Speaker 1 (45:12):
Karen, If you don't mind mind asking what floor of
the hotel? What what are you and your husband or boyfriend.

Speaker 21 (45:19):
Take the stake? Six four?

Speaker 4 (45:23):
Wait, this is insane.

Speaker 10 (45:25):

Speaker 7 (45:25):
You went viral a couple of years ago of two
people getting it on in the middle of the day
right in front of the gym, and people were watching
it while they were working out, and they were doing it.

Speaker 1 (45:34):
It was a show, and it became a trend. More
and more people were doing it, checking in and having
sex in the window.

Speaker 8 (45:39):
And who's got her us?

Speaker 1 (45:41):
Yeah, pretty good.

Speaker 19 (45:43):

Speaker 7 (45:43):
We'll more on this on the wrap up at nine.
It's a good topic. By the way, if you just
joined the gym this year, stay
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