All Episodes

December 12, 2024 46 mins
The Billy & Lisa crew cover a whole bunch of topics during today’s show including calling off the talk back war, Mel Robbins getting the Billy & Lisa bump, and Selena Gomez’ engagement! Billy & Lisa Weekdays From 6-10AM on Kiss 108 on the iHeartRadio app! 
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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Now best morning show in Boston.

Speaker 2 (00:02):
Billy and Lisa in the morning.

Speaker 3 (00:04):
It's just a great start to my day on Kids Runaway.

Speaker 4 (00:09):
Okay, good morning, everybody. Welcome into the Billy and Lisa
Morning Show.

Speaker 5 (00:14):

Speaker 6 (00:14):
Was it a messy storm yesterday, Lisa.

Speaker 7 (00:17):
Yeah, I was down in the seaport area last night
and I had a giant golf umbrella that went inside
out and then got ripped apart. I got caught in
some sort of like typhoon monsoon thing that was just
it was outrageous.

Speaker 6 (00:30):
It was not umbrella weather.

Speaker 3 (00:32):
No, I didn't even know why I brought the umbrella.

Speaker 6 (00:34):
It certainly was not umbrella weather.

Speaker 4 (00:36):
I mean, I'm sure many umbrellas were turned inside out,
soaking wet, and there's nothing.

Speaker 6 (00:41):
You can do once the umbrella's gone, just drop it
where you are.

Speaker 8 (00:44):
I did.

Speaker 4 (00:45):
I said, okay, And there was flash flooding. There was
a flood inside then three times.

Speaker 7 (00:53):
Yeah, they shut down all of the rams, so I
had to go all the way around.

Speaker 4 (00:56):
It took me an hour to get home. Funny story
and when you're gonna appreciate it. But I was down
at the boat count of tying lines, adding lines because
the winds are going to be strong.

Speaker 6 (01:05):
And I went into my.

Speaker 4 (01:06):
Pocket to get something and all my bills went flying
in the wind.

Speaker 6 (01:11):
I was chasing one hundred dollars bills down the docks.
I was ready to dive in if I had to.

Speaker 8 (01:18):
You know.

Speaker 4 (01:19):
So I go home and I tell my show you
wouldn't believe it because they were all wet. And she said,
please tell me there's a video of this. Yeah, I
said no, I said, but.

Speaker 9 (01:27):
Oh, I should have helped you tie the lines crosswind
that were blowing in different direction.

Speaker 10 (01:31):
It was.

Speaker 3 (01:31):
It was a wind like I've never experienced before.

Speaker 11 (01:34):
It wasn't too bad up up and sailed.

Speaker 3 (01:36):
Really lucky man.

Speaker 11 (01:38):
The Santa survived on my pork.

Speaker 3 (01:40):
Oh that's good.

Speaker 11 (01:41):
I didn't even move it. I forgot.

Speaker 3 (01:42):
No, you're lucky maybe because we were down like on
the water.

Speaker 9 (01:45):
It was just crazy even in Randolph, like I mean,
I had flickering lights.

Speaker 1 (01:50):
It kept going in and out. I mean, the wind,
the rain, it was crazy last night.

Speaker 4 (01:55):
Yeah, a lot of people lost power and are out
of power this morning with the downtree, the downpower lines.

Speaker 6 (02:02):
But this is big, the competition. Are you ready for this?

Speaker 4 (02:07):
The competition to be talkbacker of the year on the
Billy and Lisa Morning Show has gotten to like Olympic
level because now justin people are talking at sending in
talkbacks like as of midnight the night before.

Speaker 11 (02:22):
It's not so much to be the talkbacker of the year,
it's to be the first talkbacker of the day. Okay,
because the mayor of the South End, he's the first
one every day. So we made a joke about that,
it's always the first. So it's kind of ramped up
every day with people, you know, leaving talkbacks earlier and earlier,
and it really exploded last night even it started yesterday afternoon.

Speaker 12 (02:43):
Good morning everyone. This is multiple talkback take Chris, and
I want to beat the mayor and be the first
one to say good morning. And I think this is
the only way to do it. It is currently five
pm on Wednesday, and I'm saying good morning for Thursday.

Speaker 6 (02:59):
You know what, I don't even think.

Speaker 11 (03:01):
That'll be the mayor. Yeah, no, we appreciate it, Chris,
but it has to be same day, start of the day, midnight.

Speaker 13 (03:08):

Speaker 11 (03:08):
And now here's the problem, okay, because when I came
in this morning, I was checking the all the files
there and we did get one at twelve am that
I saw.

Speaker 14 (03:18):
Good morning, move over, mister Maya.

Speaker 15 (03:20):
Though it's in town this morning, boy, but I'm going
back to bed.

Speaker 1 (03:24):
Get just in a couple of hours.

Speaker 11 (03:25):
Love yet bye, Thank you Velvet. And then I saw
a second one at twelve am.

Speaker 16 (03:31):
Ry to is Steve the pharmacist, Bessie Leslie, And before
Justin even said it this morning, I had already thought
I'm gonna call right after midnight, and I thought, no,
don't tell them, Justin, so I hope I'm skating in
just over the deadline.

Speaker 6 (03:49):
No Leslie, well did she?

Speaker 11 (03:52):
There was a third talk back at twelve am at
the same time, and he guesses who it was, the mayor.

Speaker 17 (03:59):
Good morning, it's the Nay of the South. Then I'm
very excited about the jingle Ball this Sunday. But my
favorite part are Billy cost Is backstage interviews. Now, Billy,
when you interview Benson Boone, ask him about the speedo.
Why the speedo? I find it very entertaining.

Speaker 11 (04:19):
So I mean they're time, So we have to end
this because there can be no winner. We had three
people at twelve am on the dog.

Speaker 9 (04:28):
Do they come Did they come in? It just says
you don't like the seconds.

Speaker 4 (04:32):
No, do you think they actually go to bed, fall asleep,
but set their alarm so they can send a talk.

Speaker 11 (04:38):
Back velvet did wow? Woke up? And then there we're
more throughout the night that we're trying to be the
first as well.

Speaker 10 (04:44):
Hi finds some fairy tales. Chris and I have to
be the first talkbacker of the day because it's exactly midnight,
so by that time I hit Sevend it'll be.

Speaker 18 (04:52):
Twelve oh one.

Speaker 10 (04:54):
And I still want him to be Talkbacker of the year,
but I just wanted to beat him this one time.
I have to prove that I'm the better, more superior
morning Showgay Away, Billy Camp.

Speaker 1 (05:11):
Yeah, oh my god.

Speaker 6 (05:13):
I love the talkbackers. They're actually very funny.

Speaker 11 (05:16):
Yes they are. Luis checking at one nineteen am.

Speaker 14 (05:20):
Hey, good morning, guys.

Speaker 19 (05:21):
This you're Louis.

Speaker 6 (05:23):
He's one nineteen in the morning.

Speaker 20 (05:25):
I hope you guys have a great day.

Speaker 6 (05:27):
Thank you.

Speaker 18 (05:29):

Speaker 11 (05:30):
Then one more fo way way too late there.

Speaker 8 (05:33):
I was trying to be the first talkback of the night,
but I was at work and I fell asleep. I
just wanted to say Hi from Sanford, Maine and Justin.
I was in Salem. Yesterday I drove all.

Speaker 3 (05:49):
The way from Maine to get.

Speaker 8 (05:51):
Meet by at Morris Pizza. You should check it out.
I lived in Salem for over four years. On Shadow
Lake Road.

Speaker 11 (06:01):
Pizza that's right near my house. I've never had it.

Speaker 3 (06:05):
Pizza would meet on her Is it something me pie?

Speaker 6 (06:07):
Oh that sounds good. Yeah.

Speaker 11 (06:09):
I think it's or Amora Amore.

Speaker 18 (06:13):

Speaker 11 (06:14):
I see it all the time. I get gas right
in that plaza there. The problem with Salem is there
are so many options for food that you don't, you know,
take forever to try them all.

Speaker 4 (06:23):
It's a beautiful town. I'm looking at property there now. Okay,
well I want to live right next to producer Riley. Yeah,
I'm going to be neighbors.

Speaker 11 (06:31):
Live in Tuscan Village.

Speaker 1 (06:32):
Morning Morning crew, Christine from Dairy.

Speaker 6 (06:36):

Speaker 21 (06:37):
You were talking about the Salem Facebook page.

Speaker 9 (06:40):
I don't know if you saw the post.

Speaker 20 (06:42):
A woman took a picture of a bunch of chairs
at Tuscan Village with coats on it, in front of
a fire pit.

Speaker 1 (06:48):
With no family there, and I guess they reserved the
spot for.

Speaker 22 (06:51):
A really long time and this woman was really upset,
so she posted it. And you just have to read
the comments.

Speaker 21 (06:58):
It gets very heated.

Speaker 5 (07:00):

Speaker 6 (07:00):
That's like the crazy people who put stuff on chairs
at the beach.

Speaker 3 (07:03):
Well, if you gotta do what you gotta do.

Speaker 11 (07:06):
Wow, I'm gonna read these comments. I did not see
that post.

Speaker 23 (07:08):

Speaker 11 (07:09):
I did see though this morning when I woke up
that a car was stolen in Salem, New Hampshire. Someone
posted that on the basebook.

Speaker 13 (07:15):

Speaker 1 (07:18):
I guess it's not as safe as you're saying. It's
probably those people from a swing coming.

Speaker 11 (07:22):
I just got to say, it is not my wife.

Speaker 6 (07:26):
She's given out it.

Speaker 11 (07:27):
That's been many years, she's retired from that life.

Speaker 6 (07:30):
She still could figure out how to do it though,
of course, Oh can she hot wire?

Speaker 11 (07:35):
Okay, you have to tease your.

Speaker 6 (07:38):
I saw something yesterday that blew my mind. Okay.

Speaker 4 (07:43):
Mel Robbins, who was in this studio just recently and
it's going to be on Lisa Dunnovan's book Club in January,
went on Oprah's podcast yesterday and we've got that coming
up next to by.

Speaker 2 (07:57):
From the Planet Fitness Kids, one of eight Studios. You're
back with a Villy and Lisa in the Morning on
Kiss eight. Now the entertainment Update with the Villy Costas.

Speaker 6 (08:08):
All right, let's go. We got a lot.

Speaker 4 (08:09):
First things First, jingle Ball is this coming Sunday night.
We do have last minute tickets at seven ten, eight ten,
and nine ten this morning. But how about this Mel
Robbins in our studios just a few weeks ago, coming
in for Lisa's Book Club in January. Was on Oprah's
podcast yesterday with her book Let Them.

Speaker 6 (08:28):
This is by far.

Speaker 13 (08:33):
Just one of the best sell phlpe books I've ever read.

Speaker 7 (08:36):
Wow, that says a lot, I'm telling you, Like I am,
I am so happy for Mel, Like this was a
dream come true for her, and the fact that she's
from this area, her podcast studio is down in the Seaport,
and that she's doing our the Lisa's Book Club the
local radio station. Like, I am just overwhelmed with complete

like joy right now.

Speaker 3 (09:01):
I truly am.

Speaker 6 (09:03):
Yeah, I'm sure you are.

Speaker 4 (09:04):
I thought of you immediately when I saw the post
from Mel yesterday, I said, oh my god, she's going
to meet Oprah in one hour.

Speaker 6 (09:09):
Yeah, studio.

Speaker 3 (09:11):
It's really it's it's really great. And this book, the
Let Them Theory is I have it.

Speaker 1 (09:15):
She gave it to me.

Speaker 3 (09:17):
It is life changing. It will give you your power back.

Speaker 6 (09:21):

Speaker 4 (09:21):
So we're going to break it down right after seven
o'clock this morning. I didn't get a chance to listen
to the whole podcast. I'm wondering if Mel mentioned she'll
be on Lisa's book Club in January. Imagine if she
mentioned that to Oprah. By the way, I'll be back
in Boston in January for Lisa Nanneman's book Club.

Speaker 11 (09:38):
Well, you never know. You have to listen to find
out seven ten.

Speaker 6 (09:41):
By the way, Oprah's in Boston today.

Speaker 3 (09:44):
At a big conference in Boston, Massachusetts, conference for women.

Speaker 11 (09:47):
Yeah, keynote speaker Caitlyn Clark also a speaker, and of
course Gail King is the co host.

Speaker 4 (09:54):
Oprah's probably going to want to come in this studio,
to be in the studio that Mel Robbins was in.

Speaker 6 (09:59):
Yeah, that's the well, the invitation is open.

Speaker 4 (10:01):
Producer riley Man, the phone's okay, you might be getting
a call from Oprah this morning.

Speaker 6 (10:06):
How about this?

Speaker 4 (10:06):
Bill Belichick has taken the job head coach of the
unc tar Heels Adam Scheffler confirming it and many.

Speaker 24 (10:13):
Would never have imagined is now happening. Bill Belichick is
finalizing a deal to become that next head coach at
North Carolina. He now will be effectually known as Chapel Bill.
He is leaving the NFL, where he was victories away
from becoming the old time NFL winning his coach, to

go to college, to Chapel Hill to take on a
new challenge.

Speaker 3 (10:39):
It's a beautiful area down there. We have college visits
down there. Yeah, it's gorgeous.

Speaker 6 (10:43):
Reportedly it's a five year deal.

Speaker 9 (10:45):
Belichick's father a five year deal, be eighty when he's done.

Speaker 6 (10:50):
Who cares. I think it's a great move for him.

Speaker 3 (10:53):
You too, why not? Yeah, this could be the start
of something really special.

Speaker 6 (10:57):
And don't forget Patriots quarterback Drake May played for you
and see he had this reaction. Yeah, I think aybody
looks good.

Speaker 5 (11:03):
Special color and no, Colan's got some Navy in as well. Yeah,
I'm sure they'll be excited. And you know, I think
anytime you know, defensive defensive mind and show, you know,
you get the defense rolling.

Speaker 11 (11:12):
And it's a fun spot.

Speaker 8 (11:14):
You know.

Speaker 5 (11:14):
I think it's a great spot, a great coaching job.
I can't blame him with It's awesome place.

Speaker 6 (11:18):
Yeah. Patriots wide receiver Kendrick Bourne said this yesterday.

Speaker 25 (11:22):
Bill with school and and n Io is going to
be a different world. But I think he's going to
manage it good. I think, you know, be a special person.
You know, he has a has a strong mindset. He
knows how to plan things. So I think it would
be good. But just don't miss class.

Speaker 4 (11:40):
Uh this justin Selena Gomez and Benny Blanco are engaged.
She confirmed it on her Instagram late last night. Uh,
Benny Blanco proposed at a Taco Bell.

Speaker 1 (11:52):
Well at Taco Bell. He had it like set up.

Speaker 3 (11:55):
It was like picnic style.

Speaker 9 (11:56):
Yes, I've been saying this the whole time. I'm not
a huge on her, like she's whatever to me. Yeah,
but every girl deserves a Benny Blocoh. I that man
is just loves her so well. He cares about every detail.
He's so Caring's so sweet.

Speaker 3 (12:12):
She said that for the first time in her life,
she feels safe.

Speaker 1 (12:16):
Oh that's all you want.

Speaker 6 (12:18):
That's a big one.

Speaker 3 (12:19):
That's all you want.

Speaker 4 (12:20):
Yeah, but it does trigger our topic time this morning.
Best and or worst proposals or weirdest proposals will take
them all. Yeah, and they can reach out to the
chalkback right. Justin yeah, always on the iHeart app. Just
have that red microphone there. And I'm sure your proposal
was special, Bill, I thought so. Yeah, Well you're a
special guy, you know, be a special person. You know,

it's a strong mindset. He knows how to plan things.

Speaker 6 (12:46):
I knew you were going to bring that back.

Speaker 1 (12:48):
I will say the ring is beautiful, but it's not overly.
Yeah it's perfect. Yeah, yeah, it's really really nice.

Speaker 3 (12:54):
I'm so happy for her.

Speaker 6 (12:55):
Yeah, well, she's now saying she might be too old
for the pop star love.

Speaker 26 (13:00):
I might be a little too old for the pop
star life anymore. But I'm genuinely so happy to just
be in this new era of my life. And I'm
so excited to see what's you know, what's to come.

Speaker 3 (13:15):
It's the bride era now, and I wonder who else
will be joining that? Oh, her friend Taylor.

Speaker 4 (13:22):
Well, you know, the holidays are coming up, isn't New
Year's Eve big? And Christmas Eve big for proposals?

Speaker 1 (13:28):
Well, and for weddings. People get married on those.

Speaker 11 (13:31):
Yeah, boy, I proposed on Christmas.

Speaker 1 (13:33):
See I don't like that, no offense, but like, can
I have my own day?

Speaker 6 (13:39):
I hate that.

Speaker 1 (13:42):
Holiday or my birthday?

Speaker 7 (13:43):
Why you literally sharing something wonderful and that was a
beautiful moment until you jumped in.

Speaker 11 (13:51):
That's what she does.

Speaker 1 (13:52):
That's her saying like, oh my is my Christmas if
the ring?

Speaker 13 (13:55):
Like what?

Speaker 20 (13:56):

Speaker 21 (13:56):

Speaker 11 (13:57):
I gave her a bunch of Christmas gifts and the
last one and I hid as a Pandora box. Yeah,
I thought it was a charm. So she opened up,
said Pandoric, Oh, another charm for my bracelet. And she
opened it and there was a ring, and I was
down on my knees of love romance.

Speaker 6 (14:12):
No, it's not about money.

Speaker 1 (14:13):
You just want my own engagement day.

Speaker 6 (14:15):
Okay, I want to share what Jesus all right, we'll hold.

Speaker 11 (14:18):
This discussion for seven fifteen because I have a lot
more to say on this.

Speaker 4 (14:23):
Sean Manda's finally addressing the rumors there was a love
triangle between he us, Sabrina Carpenter and can like aby, so.

Speaker 27 (14:31):
I'm with someone two days before going to hang out
with my ex express I'm going to go hang out
with my X because I have unresolved feelings. Maybe instead
of two days, it could have been two weeks. The
biggest lesson I've learned is you don't No one gets
out of this life without getting hurt, and no one
gets out of this life without hurting someone.

Speaker 1 (14:48):
Okay, that's his way of compartment.

Speaker 6 (14:50):
Yeah yep, But Sean, why did you tell her?

Speaker 21 (14:54):

Speaker 1 (14:54):
He told Sabrina that he was going to hang out.
You probably could have just kept it to yourself.

Speaker 4 (14:59):
And then there's this sweetness. Yeah, we mentioned yesterday. Megan
Fox and Machine Gun Kelly have split. Reports this morning.
Says she found texts from other women on his phone. Now,
mg H can I call him that?

Speaker 6 (15:13):
I mean a mg KG the hospital.

Speaker 4 (15:17):
I had it in my head because her chambers yesterday
gave a hundred million. But anyway, mg K did the
Motown Christmas Special last night and did what could be
the worst cover of a holiday song ever last quest.

Speaker 24 (15:34):
Day christ.

Speaker 6 (15:43):
Okay, Also, Johnny gave Jennet's heart Christmas.

Speaker 26 (15:47):
He did.

Speaker 1 (15:47):
Yeah, that's the best gift ever.

Speaker 11 (15:50):
I poured it out to her. That was one left
lest Christmas gift that she got. He's Winny all, that's
what it is.

Speaker 9 (16:00):
It's not I just said, it's not about the gift giving.
It's about I'm not sharing the day with like Jesus
and everybody else.

Speaker 6 (16:06):
We will talk about it. In seven topic time.

Speaker 3 (16:10):
I would have been happy with it, and I would
have been happy with it.

Speaker 6 (16:13):
If you want to give me a ring on Christmas,
I'll take it.

Speaker 11 (16:16):
Can I ask one question to Whinny before we move on?

Speaker 10 (16:19):

Speaker 11 (16:20):
Has any man ever got on his knee for you?

Speaker 1 (16:23):

Speaker 6 (16:23):
Okay, okay much.

Speaker 1 (16:25):
Let's we'll add that to the list of things people
haven't done.

Speaker 6 (16:28):
We just went there. That's fine.

Speaker 4 (16:31):
Just announced Paul mescal will play Paul McCartney in the
Beatles biopic barri kyey Oogan already announced his ringo Ed Sharon,
confirming his next album is finally done.

Speaker 6 (16:42):
He says he's going back to.

Speaker 4 (16:43):
His signature stadium filling pop sound and Golden Bachelor Gary
Turner has cancer.

Speaker 3 (16:49):
Yeah, so now we know what's behind this.

Speaker 7 (16:52):
So we know the rest of the story is that
he found out, you know, a few weeks into his
marriage to Theresa, that he had this, and I think
that's why they broke up, because he wanted to prioritize
his family and he had less time for her.

Speaker 1 (17:07):
It's incurable, say it's it's incurable.

Speaker 4 (17:10):
With a recent string of robberies and burglaries at celebrity homes,
Dolphins quarterback Tua had this message for crooks.

Speaker 28 (17:17):
I have personal security just because my house had gotten
broken into, not necessarily my house, but one of my cars,
and so it's a little too close for my comfort
with my family being in the house. So we got
personal security to take care of all of that.

Speaker 22 (17:33):
When we're on the road.

Speaker 28 (17:35):
We got someone with my wife, got you know, someone
also at the house surveying the house. So just to
let that be known, they are armed.

Speaker 11 (17:43):
So I hope if you decide to go to my
house you think twice.

Speaker 4 (17:47):
Okay, all right, Bruins, I'm getting this in Riley. Bruins
played the Kraken on the road tonight. That's a late
game for us. Sol It's going to host the Pistons tonight.

Speaker 11 (17:57):
And now this.

Speaker 6 (18:00):
Yesterday, I was sitting around.

Speaker 4 (18:01):
I don't know what I was doing, but I picked
up my phone started looking at Instagram, and I noticed
there was an Instagram video from.

Speaker 6 (18:08):
Justin and his buddy's zeb from the gym.

Speaker 4 (18:12):
And I couldn't help but notice that they were doing
vaginal exercises side by side.

Speaker 6 (18:18):
Yeah, they were kegling.

Speaker 11 (18:19):
No, we were doing the doctor.

Speaker 6 (18:21):
It look very vaginal.

Speaker 11 (18:22):
They were for your doctors and your legs. We called
them good girls, bad girls. Okay, so one you legs
go out, the one you go in.

Speaker 6 (18:31):
And I didn't even know there was a name for it.

Speaker 9 (18:34):
See, I do them too, my jib justin. But the
one Zeb was doing, I've actually never seen yous that way.
He was squatting with his ass out and then like
going in and.

Speaker 11 (18:44):
Out, so he was more targeting his gluten.

Speaker 1 (18:46):
Yeah, I've never done it like that. I've never used
that machine like that.

Speaker 11 (18:49):
It's more of an advanced movement. Again, you could say,
but thank you for noticing.

Speaker 6 (18:52):
Side by side.

Speaker 3 (18:53):
Is he trying to make us bigger?

Speaker 28 (18:56):

Speaker 11 (18:57):
I think it's because, you know, he wants to see
some more a growth in that area.

Speaker 1 (19:01):
I mean he has a nice butt for a guy.

Speaker 8 (19:03):
He does.

Speaker 6 (19:03):
Okay, Yeah, I'm sorry, it just hit me. It's a
little strange. I was uncomfortable for a moment.

Speaker 11 (19:09):
Zeb. When we have Zeb on the phone for you,
will you marry me?

Speaker 1 (19:15):
I marry that's a nice guy.

Speaker 6 (19:17):
This report brought to you by Wilson Farm. Hide the Trees.

Speaker 4 (19:21):
The Grinch is coming to Wilson Farm in Lexington, makes
some holiday memories and delight in the hilarious highjinks of
the Grinch December fourteenth and fifteenth. You can see him
at Wilson Farm in Lexington. You know, I just go
to Wilsonfarm dot com and there you go.

Speaker 24 (19:36):
He now will be effectually known as Chapel built from.

Speaker 2 (19:40):
The Planet Fitness. Kiss one Away Studios. We're back with
Villy and Lisa in the morning.

Speaker 6 (19:46):
Kiss Hey, guys, welcome back. Let's get right to it.

Speaker 4 (19:50):
We'll get a pair of tickets for the sold out
jingle Ball this coming Sunday. Last minute tickets okay for
Call of twenty five at six one seven nine three
one one one eight. Word this time around is going
to be Oprah. And for good reason, Mel Robbins came
into our studio. She sat right across from you. Le's

just what five weeks ago or.

Speaker 3 (20:11):
So, right because we had a big announcement.

Speaker 7 (20:14):
She has a new book coming out called The Left
Them Theory, and we made the announcement together that she
is doing Lisa's book Club January twenty second.

Speaker 4 (20:22):
Wow, it'll be the first in Lisa's book Club event
of twenty twenty five exactly. So yesterday I'm sitting around
the house and I said, oh, let me check Instagram.
I like to check everybody's Instagram to see what's going on.
And I follow Mel Robbins because of you, Lisa. And
there's Mel Robins sitting there alone in a room, extremely
emotional because she's going to be meeting Oprah in less

than an hour.

Speaker 23 (20:45):
Here it was in less than an hour, I'm going
to be meeting Oprah and I'm going to sit down
with her and taught to her about my life's work,
which is the left them theory and the five second rule.
And I'm just reflecting on the gravity of this moment
and how far I've come and how much I've changed

in the last fifteen years. And now I really have
become a much better version of myself and become a
better person, a better mom, a better spouse, a better friend.

Speaker 6 (21:24):
So that was Mel alone at her hotel room. Okay,
And that was the very first post I had seen.

Speaker 3 (21:29):
And then all of a sudden, I love Mel because
you had curlers in her hair.

Speaker 6 (21:33):
Yes, I noticed that to a giant curler for her banks. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (21:37):
And then a few minutes later there was another post
and Mel was arriving at Oprah's house.

Speaker 6 (21:43):
I think yes.

Speaker 4 (21:44):
On the lawn and she was going to do Oprah's podcast,
and one of the first things she did on the
podcast was described the book to Oprah.

Speaker 15 (21:51):
Here's that this changed my marriage, It changed my parenting,
it changed my relationship with how I am at work
to let them. Theory is to make space for change
to happen, because people need to feel like changing is
their idea. People only change, Oprah, when they are ready
to do the work to change.

Speaker 7 (22:12):
It's true, and this gives you the power to do
it because you're basically telling people you do you and
if you're you isn't what I need and what I want,
then I'm not gonna do you anymore.

Speaker 1 (22:22):
That's right.

Speaker 6 (22:24):
I need to do more of that in my life.

Speaker 7 (22:28):
It's like she boils it down to very simple terms,
but it's so true and if you look at it
like that, you can really make some tough decisions for yourself.
But the cool thing is is that when mel came
in we announced the book club, It's sold out in minutes.
We're talking thousands of people. This is incredible, incredible. She's incredible,

and I love her story. She really struggled for a while.
She's so passionate about helping people. She's been through it,
she knows how to get herself out of bed, and
she's and I just love her and I'm I'm so excited.

Speaker 6 (23:02):
So how about this.

Speaker 4 (23:03):
Now you have Oprah and Mel Robbins face to face
right on the podcast, and Oprah tells Mel Robbins the
book changed her life.

Speaker 6 (23:13):
Okay, so let me say this. I have over the
years read.

Speaker 13 (23:18):
Probably thousands of books, and this is by far just
one of the best self helped books I've ever read.

Speaker 8 (23:31):
It is.

Speaker 13 (23:33):
It is right up there with all the greats, all
the greats, and the reason it is I think it's
a life changer. It's life altering for anybody who reads
it because it's your personal story.

Speaker 1 (23:48):
It's like you're speaking into.

Speaker 6 (23:49):
Our ear and.

Speaker 13 (23:52):
It comes with your knowledge and your acknowledgement of the
mistakes that you have made, and it just is there
to set people free.

Speaker 6 (24:05):
Yes, that's what you've done.

Speaker 4 (24:08):
Thank you.

Speaker 1 (24:08):
That's what you did. Thank you.

Speaker 13 (24:10):
It's incredible. It's incredible. I couldn't believe it, page.

Speaker 1 (24:13):
After page after page after page.

Speaker 29 (24:15):
Yes, yes, I believe it.

Speaker 1 (24:17):
I couldn't believe it.

Speaker 6 (24:18):
I couldn't believe it. And it's so simple.

Speaker 13 (24:21):
You know what I love about it is is that
you were saying in these pages everything I was trying
to say for twenty five years, day after day after
day after day after day after day.

Speaker 6 (24:32):
He imagined this. From most people, it's enough to meet Oprah.

Speaker 4 (24:37):
She's sitting with Oprah and she changed Oprah's whole life
with their book.

Speaker 11 (24:41):
It's such high praise coming from Oprah.

Speaker 9 (24:43):
I oh yeah, I mean it's the ultimate And for
Oprah's seventy years old, she's a billionaire, she's one of
the most amazing women in media, and she's telling Mel
Robbins that she changed her life.

Speaker 1 (24:54):
That's crazy.

Speaker 4 (24:55):
She flew Mel Robbins to her house to be on
the podcast. She wanted Mel Robbins on the podcast. And Lisa,
you've got her on the book club.

Speaker 7 (25:01):
Yeah, now, well, I mean Mel's from here. Yeah, I've
known Mel. I've known of Mel for twenty years. Yeah,
and it's real and it's just so cool that she
is doing the book club. I'm overwhelmed.

Speaker 4 (25:15):
And what are the odds on this day that we're
talking about Mel Robbins and Oprah. Oprah is in Boston
today for a conference right justin.

Speaker 2 (25:24):
I'm going to the conference for women this morning, and
I've never been more excited to be able to say
that I've been in the same room as Oprah.

Speaker 1 (25:33):
Yeah, I'm actually jealous. I wish I was going. I
didn't know about it.

Speaker 3 (25:36):
Yeah, it happens every year. They usually have some incredible speakers.
But yeah, so she's in town.

Speaker 6 (25:41):
Yeah, she's the keynote speaker. Kaitlyn Clark is in town
for it as well.

Speaker 4 (25:46):
But yeah, just a great story. I just got chills again.
I got chills yesterday when I saw mel on the floor.
She was on the floor crying with the rollers in
their hair.

Speaker 6 (25:55):
I love her.

Speaker 11 (25:56):
So let me ask you a question. So the next
time that Winnie gets on my nerves, can I say
to myself let them Yes, you should be saying that's
when I can apply it.

Speaker 1 (26:07):
Yeah, just let me And.

Speaker 6 (26:08):
Then you follow it up with let me. Let me
just turn to Winnie and say I'm not doing you.
Please don't.

Speaker 1 (26:16):
I don't, especially from Lisa, I'm not gonna do you anymore.

Speaker 11 (26:22):
Those are the last word.

Speaker 6 (26:24):
Yeah, let's hop Tim never hear it out.

Speaker 11 (26:29):
Let's go to Sabrina. On line four, she is called twenty.

Speaker 4 (26:32):
Five Sabrina, where are you calling from I'm calling beautiful Danvers, Sabrina.
You are called twenty five. Go ahead, give me the keyword. Oprah, oprah.
You're done, You're in. We're going to see you at
jingle Ball Sunday night.

Speaker 6 (26:48):
Okay, I'm so excited.

Speaker 30 (26:50):
Thank you.

Speaker 4 (26:51):
I don't hang up talking to Riley. Will see you
at the big show Sunday night. We'll do it again
at eight ten.

Speaker 11 (26:55):
But coming up next to Bennye Blanco and Selena Gomez engaged,
which can gratulations, but the way it happened was a
little bit weird. So we'll be talking about weird proposals,
the good and the bad. That's next. It's the Billion
Lisa Show. I kiss want to wake the morning Billy
and Lisa in the morning.

Speaker 6 (27:12):
So if you're just waking up.

Speaker 4 (27:14):
But Selena Gomez is engaged, and I kind of messed
it up earlier this morning. I thought Benny Blanco proposed
at a taco bell. Apparently he set it up like
a taco bell.

Speaker 7 (27:24):
It was like on a blanket. It was very picnicky.
It was beautiful. She looked beautiful. But he knows that
she loves taco bell, so he knows her and that's
why we are so happy for that.

Speaker 11 (27:36):
Well, we were in a clip back in February for
Valentine's Day Benny Blanco talking about what he did for
her and a lot of it's sent it around food
and yeah, Taco bell. So I said, I.

Speaker 6 (27:45):
Want to do something that she loves.

Speaker 31 (27:46):
She loves movies, so I rented out a movie theater
and she loves like she loves a comfortable couch. So
I took out the seats and we put like a
huge couch in the front. And I had I was like,
what are all her favorite foods? So I thought of him,
you know, I hit. I spoke with her grandma, I
spoke with her mom or best friend, and this is

what this is what I came up with. I made
her fried pickles there. I brought a deep fryer, everything
made her fried pickles. I got her all her favorite
Taco bell I got her. She loves hot Cheetos. I
got her hot cheetos.

Speaker 3 (28:20):
Everybody needs, Everyone needs a Benny Blair.

Speaker 6 (28:23):
I'm going to be gay and I want to marry
Ben and blonde too, I'd like.

Speaker 1 (28:28):
But he literally is so sweet.

Speaker 7 (28:32):
She's the best guy, And like she said, this is
the first guy that's made her feel safe.

Speaker 6 (28:36):
Yes, that's a key.

Speaker 11 (28:38):
Yeah yeah, and you know, you know he's not. He's
one of the most talented producers of all time, not
the most attractive. So this is a win winning. I'm
not saying this is a win for all guys like us.

Speaker 1 (28:50):
I think it's the one for all females to be
treated that way.

Speaker 11 (28:55):
Absolutely, because the guy's perspective, it's a win.

Speaker 6 (28:59):

Speaker 9 (29:00):
Oh, Billy, you're you're compliments Well yeah, yeah, you're you're
aging like fine wine.

Speaker 11 (29:07):
Really, everyone loves you.

Speaker 6 (29:09):
Everyone trying to be the first in lines of the
talkbacks this morning.

Speaker 12 (29:12):
Guys, Listen, all I want is to be first in
line is set on Belly's lap.

Speaker 9 (29:17):
Okay, okay, now, okay, that's your there's your guy right there.

Speaker 6 (29:22):
Here's my belly.

Speaker 1 (29:25):
You don't even have to movies right here.

Speaker 6 (29:26):
So here's the question I have. Do they get a
huge sponsorship deal now from Taco Bell?

Speaker 9 (29:31):
I'm sure I don't even think it's about that, but
I don't think they don't have so much money. And
I just feel like he literally listens, He listens, he
receives what she loves, what she says, He thinks about her,
and he prioritizes her.

Speaker 1 (29:44):
Want and need. What more do you want?

Speaker 11 (29:46):
Your taco bell will be at the wedding Bill, ye will?

Speaker 6 (29:49):
And isn't that one of the keys feel safe? Yes?

Speaker 4 (29:52):
Another one would be make me laugh, and another one
would be listened. And there was three of the keys
for women very much, so listen is really big one.

Speaker 6 (30:00):

Speaker 11 (30:01):
Yeah, you know my proposal, I mentioned it earlier. I
wasn't planning on proposing on Christmas, but I was trying
to think of a creative way to do it. Yeah,
And at the time, Pandora was really popular, and that's
what she wanted. That was her big Christmas gift that
she wanted. So I hunted it down and got it. Yeah,
And then they come up with the idea that I
would have all her gifts under the tree, but put
that one in the back. So when she opened all

her gifts, there was only one more. And when she
opened up the wrapping, it was a Pandora box, her
big gift.

Speaker 8 (30:30):

Speaker 11 (30:30):
So then when she opened it it was actually a
ring and then I was down on one knee in
my underwear. It was super awkward. I don't regret it,
but you know, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3 (30:39):
So that I think you can. That was a little
crazy right in your underwear?

Speaker 4 (30:42):
Yeah yeah, yeah, it was that part of the proposal
plan to make sure you're in your underwear so you're
ready to go.

Speaker 11 (30:49):
Well, you don't know, right, Yeah, come on, let's go, ring,
come on, let's go. It just happened that way.

Speaker 3 (30:55):
Were they like tidy whities or were they like box they.

Speaker 11 (30:57):
Were a boxer boxer briefs. They weren't tidy white.

Speaker 1 (31:00):
I have a visual I never wanted right now.

Speaker 11 (31:05):
So when he mentioned earlier about she's against Christmas proposal,
you know, I understand that it wasn't always the plan,
but that's the day I picked.

Speaker 19 (31:12):
I'm winning on this one. I do not want to
be proposed to on the holiday my birthday. My birthday
is six days before Christmas. I want it to be
special a different time of year.

Speaker 9 (31:24):
Yeah it's still special, yeah, but maybe because I'm on
a December baby, so all my gifts come in like December.

Speaker 1 (31:32):
Give me something in July to look forward to. Give
me June again.

Speaker 3 (31:35):
If you find your Benny Blanco, you will know.

Speaker 6 (31:38):
That about your right.

Speaker 1 (31:39):
Yeah, exactly right.

Speaker 3 (31:42):
New Year's No, I didn't take no, I've already.

Speaker 1 (31:48):
First of all, I give you shots. I'll tell you
when I'm giving you a shot.

Speaker 11 (31:51):
I asked her if she if she would liked that
holiday or not.

Speaker 1 (31:54):
I'm going to text her and ask her if she
probably hated it.

Speaker 20 (31:56):
I think it's okay, So I'm probably not going to
be in the car if you guys play this. But
along Winnie's point of your own day for proposals, I
was so paranoid that my friend was going to get
proposed to on the day that my boyfriend was going
to propose to me that I made him move up
our proposal till a Thursday instead of a Saturday so

I could have.

Speaker 6 (32:17):
My own day.

Speaker 1 (32:18):
And then my friend didn't get proposed to.

Speaker 3 (32:20):
But I have a ring now, so.

Speaker 6 (32:22):
Good for you.

Speaker 11 (32:23):

Speaker 6 (32:25):
Well we're coming up on topic time. There's gonna be
a good one.

Speaker 4 (32:28):
We need best proposals, worst proposals, weirdest proposals. I know
we've got all of those out there, So give us
a call. Six one, seven, nine. This is your time
to shine. How do they get to the talkback? Mike
justin If you've never left the talk back, this is
the perfect time to do. So you do it on
the iHeart app when you search us kiss want to wait?

Listen live? It's that little red microphone is your key
to being on the show. Hear your voice on the radio?

Speaker 19 (32:54):
How was that?

Speaker 11 (32:54):
On Thursday?

Speaker 6 (32:55):
The topic time is next? What is the topic today?

Speaker 21 (32:59):
We're going to be talking Billy and Lisa present.

Speaker 1 (33:02):
Topic time, Talk amongst yourself Topic time.

Speaker 4 (33:06):
Yeah, We're talking about the best to and the worst proposals.
The big announcement late last night from Selena Gomez is
that she is now engaged to Benny Blanco.

Speaker 6 (33:14):
He's set up a whole picnic with.

Speaker 4 (33:16):
Taco bell or a favorite thing, and it got us
thinking about weird proposals, best proposals, worst proposals, and that
is the topic this morning. Let's start with Kirsten. Kirsten,
where are you calling from?

Speaker 6 (33:29):

Speaker 21 (33:31):
It's Kristin.

Speaker 4 (33:32):
Okay, Kristin, where are you calling from from Hampstead, New Hampshire?

Speaker 6 (33:37):
Okay? So what have you got for us? Good or
bad or weird?

Speaker 21 (33:42):
Amazing? So I was just calling in because I was
listening to Justin about his proposal to his wife. And
my husband proposed to me on Christmas Eve. It's my
favorite holiday, favorite time of year.

Speaker 29 (33:54):
In general.

Speaker 21 (33:56):
So I know it's kind of taboo for some people,
but he brought me to his childhood church which was
all decorated for Christmas, and just beautiful. He played three
times a lady on the piano and then got down
on one knee and proposed. And it just makes the
season even that much more special.

Speaker 6 (34:14):
Every year did the church did the church have a
piano or did he bring one?

Speaker 21 (34:21):
Nope, they had one.

Speaker 6 (34:22):
Okay, that would have been extra special.

Speaker 11 (34:24):
That's much cooler than me and my underwear.

Speaker 3 (34:26):
Wow, that's so sweet.

Speaker 4 (34:29):
Yeah, but so yeah, and you love that it was
on Christmas Eve because when he hates people that proposed.

Speaker 1 (34:35):
If it works for you, Kristin, and that was beautiful
that he played that song for you. That's a very
good song. Lovely song, right.

Speaker 21 (34:41):
I can't understand where it was taboo for some people,
but again for me, like Christmas is my favorite holiday,
so it just it meant so much to me.

Speaker 11 (34:50):
Justin, do you have the song for Christian I'm sorry, Christin,
I don't.

Speaker 6 (34:55):
Okay, I thought would bring her back. Okay.

Speaker 9 (34:59):
Just Jesse Hay from Billy tries to produce from the
other side of the mic like Billy can you pull
it up for her?

Speaker 3 (35:05):
No, not even times three times?

Speaker 6 (35:08):
A lady once twice, three times.

Speaker 11 (35:10):
It's well, yeah, it's an older song. Yeah, you know,
I'll handle it. It's a big deal.

Speaker 6 (35:19):
Let's go to Deborah. Deborah, where are you calling from?

Speaker 8 (35:23):

Speaker 14 (35:23):
Good morning and over.

Speaker 6 (35:25):
Okay, So what have you got for us? Proposal? Were
you proposed to?

Speaker 14 (35:31):
Well kind of sort of yes and no. So I
was nineteen when I first met my husband. At twenty
four years old, after waiting like five years, I'm like,
you know what takes.

Speaker 30 (35:39):
Day off work? We're going into the jewels building.

Speaker 14 (35:42):
We went into the first door, the first ring I saw.
I'm like, dare it is? Take it out, put it
on my hand, give me your credit card. And then
we got married when I was twenty eight.

Speaker 30 (35:50):
So that was my pot.

Speaker 1 (35:51):
I don't think that that much.

Speaker 6 (35:53):
No, that's not one of the best ones.

Speaker 18 (35:56):

Speaker 14 (35:57):
And then I was married for twenty three years your voice,
and five years ago I met my now boyfriend and
I said, you know, I'm giving you five years, not
waiting five years, and I'm leaving. Then last year, on
Christmas Eve, the last gift, you know, was the ring.

Speaker 6 (36:13):
Well look at that another on Christmas Eve?

Speaker 9 (36:16):
All right, all right, typically doesn't work out when the
woman has to go buy.

Speaker 1 (36:20):
Her own ring.

Speaker 9 (36:21):
Well, very true, Like if you don't want to go
pick out the ring and buy it and surprise me,
I don't think you want to marry me.

Speaker 4 (36:28):
And if you pick out the ring and you're the
guy and then you turn to the woman and say
can I have your credit card?

Speaker 6 (36:33):
That's really not a good purpose.

Speaker 9 (36:34):
Afore year engagement. I just don't think he was just
he was ready. I don't think I'm surprised there what
their marriage lasted? Twenty years?

Speaker 11 (36:42):
My wife smashed her ring. It's gone the Yeah, her
ring is ruined. She doesn't know how she did it.
She must have smashed on something. But yeah, oh yeah,
this is what it is.

Speaker 3 (36:52):
So did she lose the diamond?

Speaker 11 (36:53):
Yeah, the diamond fell out. She looked one day. She
didn't know what happened, and it was, oh my god,
was it sure?

Speaker 6 (37:00):

Speaker 3 (37:00):
Is it on your homeowners insurance?

Speaker 11 (37:02):
No, it's just a loss.

Speaker 1 (37:05):
So she did have ran anymore? Okay, well, so much
for that beautiful Christmas proposal.

Speaker 11 (37:12):
You know what I should do? I need I need
to get our a new ring. What I need to do.
You know, Chris, I'll sing a song.

Speaker 4 (37:18):
You you got it, kristin there it is okay, let's
go to Lisa next, Lisa, where.

Speaker 6 (37:28):
Are you calling from?

Speaker 32 (37:31):
Hi, I'm going from Hopedale, Massachusetts.

Speaker 6 (37:33):
What you say? Oakdale? Hopedale? Okay? So give us a
good or a bad or a weird proposal story.

Speaker 32 (37:41):
Well, I had a super fun proposal story. So I
met my husband on St. Patrick's Day in college. It
was the first night out with my fake ID and
it was so fun. So anyways, we got engaged four
years later, and my husband wanted to surprise me. I
had no idea. He wanted to pick out the ring

on his own, so he went to International Jewelers in
Providence and was trying to figure out what size to
Long story short back then, the scoff clips in nineteen
ninety eight were very popular for women working.

Speaker 21 (38:18):
So he went in my jewelry box.

Speaker 32 (38:20):
And took a scarf clip and brought it to be
sides and the jeweler said, you know, does your fiance
to be at large fingers? He said, no, she's five
y nine and she's quite thin, so at any rate,
besides the ring, as best as they could and then
we went to Freeport, Maine that weekend and he decided

he wanted to propose. We were away for his birthday.
So we were at an in. It was the end
of October Octo our twenty eighth.

Speaker 6 (38:48):
It was okay, move it along now, yeah, So we
took a.

Speaker 32 (38:53):
Rowboat out and he proposed in the middle of the
ocean and the tide completely went out. And he doesn't swim,
he doesn't do boat.

Speaker 30 (39:00):
So we had we were.

Speaker 32 (39:02):
Stuck in the mud smile, okay, and we had to drag.

Speaker 18 (39:08):
We had to drag the boat back.

Speaker 29 (39:10):
I had to track the boat.

Speaker 32 (39:12):
Back because he I was a lifeguard, I was a
team He's just not water equipped. The ring and the
ring was huge because it was the size of a
scarf clip. So I am pulling. So we got back
to the inn. We were covered heads.

Speaker 1 (39:28):
Oh yeah, that's awful.

Speaker 4 (39:30):
And he was emasculated because he was afraid to get
out of the boat, how to swim, and.

Speaker 1 (39:34):
Only that he used a scarf clip. That's her ring size.

Speaker 3 (39:37):
Wolf clip is like the size of like a.

Speaker 1 (39:40):
It's big, Like, why did Jewel even take that as
a sizing?

Speaker 11 (39:47):
So told on what do you think he was doing
when she was dragging the boat, he wouldn't get out
of the boat, so she was dragging him in the boat.

Speaker 25 (39:54):

Speaker 1 (39:54):
I would immediately be like, I don't want to get married.

Speaker 3 (39:57):
It is kind of masculated.

Speaker 6 (39:58):
Yeah, where do you go from? There? And I'll just
crawl away. Let's go to Wendy. Wendy, where are you
call from?

Speaker 21 (40:06):
No, I'm sure.

Speaker 6 (40:07):
Okay, Wendy, what have you got? Proposal?

Speaker 28 (40:09):

Speaker 9 (40:09):

Speaker 29 (40:11):
Well to me, it was good for some people. They
might have been like, oh, real romantic. But when I
was pregnant with my first daughter, my ex left and so,
you know, as I was going to appointments and stuff
with no ring on my finger, I always felt like
people were judging me. And so fast forward four years
and I was pregnant and I had expressed to my

you know then boyfriend that how I had felt during
my first pregnancy. So the day of our first appointment
with my ob we were getting ready to go and
I turned around in the kitchen and he was down
on one knee and he had made sure that I
didn't feel judged anymore because I had the ring on
my finger. Years later, we're still happily married.

Speaker 1 (40:55):
It's simple it's private.

Speaker 33 (40:57):
And he thought about that right in the kitchen. Let's
go to Sarah and there Sarah give us a good one.

Speaker 8 (41:08):
Go hi.

Speaker 30 (41:11):
So my now husband, this was three years ago, so
twenty twenty one. Every Christmas we do a secret Santa
swop with his family, and so the last gift was
nowhere to be found. And my husband to be her
husband now was looking around the tree and I was
not facing him, and he's like, oh, I found it here,

and so I turned around and he was down on
one knee in front of the tree and he proposed
in front of his whole family, which was really special.
So that was that was my engaging story. And we
just had our first child so years ago.

Speaker 6 (41:45):
So I like that one.

Speaker 4 (41:46):
I'm not a big fan of having people around when
you proposed, but this one works for me.

Speaker 6 (41:51):
Like this one.

Speaker 3 (41:52):
That yeah, the right question.

Speaker 1 (41:53):
I was saying the same thing. Yeah, I'm glad you
said it on me.

Speaker 11 (41:57):
It doesn't like any what would you.

Speaker 9 (42:00):

Speaker 1 (42:00):
Now if anyone wants to propose, I'm not going to
be picky about how you do it. How about that?

Speaker 30 (42:04):
You know what.

Speaker 1 (42:06):
My idea?

Speaker 9 (42:07):
It will be just me and my person and either
like like a private dinner or like even at the house,
but like, you know, you do the whole decorating thing.
You do, the flowers, you do, like the lights, like
it but private and like no one there and just
no holiday.

Speaker 6 (42:23):
What are the lights for?

Speaker 1 (42:25):
Like you know you like to marry me? Lights? Or
just like it's all decorated, the.

Speaker 6 (42:28):
Room a little.

Speaker 1 (42:35):
Proposed and you're underwear. Who are you to judge?

Speaker 6 (42:41):
Yeah, let's go. Let's go to Stephanie. Next, Stephanie, where
are you calling from?

Speaker 34 (42:48):
Middle Borough?

Speaker 8 (42:48):

Speaker 6 (42:49):
Middle Borrow? Okay, give us one. My husband.

Speaker 34 (42:53):
My family had then give my husband a hard time
about proposing to me, so he proposed me on the
way to Thanksgiving and I said no, See this is
why they give you a heart time and he goes nope,
he said no. Fast forward to the next night. We're
laying on the couch watching el. He rolled over and
he said, will you marry me? And I said I
just sat there and and then I said yes. And

then I said, well, wait, are you like talking? When
are you talking? He goes, well, you want to get
married in the summer. And I said, okay, if we
were talking in a couple of years, he goes, no,
next summer, and I was like, okay, So we went
back down to watching the movie. He was, go ahead
and call your mom, calls whoever, and I was like no, fashbwards.
The next morning, I said, were you serious last night
when you asked me to marry you? And he said yes.

I was like, oh my god, and I started screaming
and he's like half asleep.

Speaker 11 (43:37):
Oh, she didn't think he was serious.

Speaker 8 (43:38):

Speaker 34 (43:40):
I thought he was messing with me again because he
didn't have a ring, because he knew I didn't wear jewelry,
so he wanted to make sure I picked my own
ring out.

Speaker 6 (43:47):
Okay, he didn't want to do.

Speaker 34 (43:49):
It beforehand, though, and give me a heads up that
he really was going to do it.

Speaker 24 (43:52):

Speaker 4 (43:53):
I liked that he wanted a surprise the ring. But
it's an odd one. That's a odd one, but we
take them all.

Speaker 11 (43:58):
I remember when I called my mother in law to
ask for my wife's hand in marriage because her father
has passed on, and she goes, are you sure? And
I go yeah, and she goes, all right, Well, she's
all yours.

Speaker 6 (44:09):
Now let's go to Katherine. Catherine give us a good,
a weird or a bad one.

Speaker 22 (44:20):
It's a weird one. So the day after my fiance
bought my ring, we were actually out to brunch and
we saw smoke coming from the parking lot and he
runs out of the restaurant freaking out. The car next
to his erupts and flames, and I didn't understand.

Speaker 21 (44:38):
Why he was so upset.

Speaker 22 (44:39):
I was like, you have insurance, it'll be fine. Turns
out he had bought my ring the day before.

Speaker 34 (44:43):
It was in his car.

Speaker 1 (44:44):
Oh no, did survive.

Speaker 22 (44:50):
It survived? His car survived when on another two years
we got engaged, like six months later.

Speaker 26 (44:55):
Oh it was.

Speaker 22 (44:57):
I didn't understand why he was so upset. I was like,
it's two the miles on it, Like this is a favor.

Speaker 4 (45:03):
Wait a minute, you got engaged six months after you
knew the ring existed.

Speaker 22 (45:08):
I didn't know it was in the car.

Speaker 6 (45:10):
O good one. Let's go to Laura. We got a
lot of them, Laurie, go ahead, proposal, what was it?

Speaker 21 (45:19):

Speaker 18 (45:19):
So we had gone to the top of the hub
and I thought, okay, this is it. This is where
he's going to propose. And it was really romantic. Everything
was great, food comes and dessert. I was saying, I'm
looking through it, thinking okay, it's in there. Nope, we
had a limo. We go back home because we had
just bought this beautiful house in Blackstone, and I thought,

this is it. We're not going out, we're not going
to the clubs, we're not going anywhere. This is like
twenty two years ago. So he goes upstairs and I'm
just sitting downstairs like okay, a what a wasted night.
And then he's yelling for me, and so I'm like,
what does he need toilet paper?

Speaker 6 (46:00):
He's up there, go ahead.

Speaker 18 (46:03):
I'm like, does he need toilet paper or something? So
I go upstairs and the whole hallway into the bedroom,
into the bathroom is all lit with candles and rose petals,
and there was this big, huge bathtub, which is a
waste of space, filled with bubbles and water. And then
he's down on one knee with the ring and asked
me to marry him, and of course I said yes.

And then I wanted to take a bath without him,
of course, because I just needed to relax because I
was very stressed.

Speaker 6 (46:29):
He proposed.

Speaker 1 (46:35):
And get out of the bathtub.

Speaker 19 (46:37):

Speaker 11 (46:37):
Great ones. We'll have more on the wrap up at
nine forty. But don't forget coming up. It's crunch time.
Eight ten sold out jingle Ball Ticks
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