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July 9, 2024 • 24 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Them all join. I'll good,okay, I guess I'm in charge of
this one today. It's kind ofweird. Channel nine five five by the
choice number one hit music station.Look at that you like DJY in a
way. Yeah, we're not gonnado that for real, though. This

is super weird. But I hadthe weirdest experience the other day, and
I was telling Lydia and Zach aboutthis probably the most embarrassing thing that has
ever happened to me in the workplace, and I think it would be cool
to go around and have each ofus either talk about when you got second
embarrassment from somebody else or when yougot embarrassed in the workplace, because maybe

you can top mine. Okay,does that sound good? Yeah? Okay,
good, okay, So this iswould happened. Last week. I
was invited to a call because Isubmitted my name on a forum to get
access to some social media tool,and then I got an email from our
it and they scheduled me for likea call, like a training call,

and I'm like, oh cool,that's at five PM, which we work
in the morning, so like ourwork hours is different. I'm like,
oh cool, I guess I'll haveto like hop on in the car or
on zoom or whatever. So Ihop on to this call and this lady
pops up, like this random lady, and I'm thinking she's like some IT
support person, and she wasn't sayinganything. It was super weird. I

was logged into the zoom and I'mlike, Hi, how are you?
And she's not answering at all,and I'm like, Lisa, can you
hear me? Because her name saidlike Lisa on it and I literally have
no idea who this person is.Yeah, and she doesn't reply, so
I turned my mic on and I'mlike, hey, can you hear me?
Lisa. I'm I'm almost to myplace, Like I don't typically work

mornings, so we're just getting home, like making small talk with her basically,
and she's like, oh, yeah, me too, Like I work
weird times. I'm over in LA, but I help New York market,
so I'm used to that. AndI'm like, oh cool, cool,
Like basically having a full ass conversationwith this woman, huh. I get
inside my apartment and I log intomy computer and I open up this fucking

zoom to one hundred people in ourcompany, and I'm like you. Oh
I Heeart Digital Support. You areon my list. You are on my
list out of So the email theysent me was an invite for a training
call. I thought it was justwith one person to show me what tools

we needed to use and give usaccess. It was literally a call and
actually, I'm sorry two hundred people. There was two hundred people on this
call. And I looked in theemail invite. There was nobody invited.
It was just my name. Somaybe they did some kind of sad edmund
only sending one recipient at a timething, which that needs to fucking stop

because that is so invasive. Thatis so invasive. Oh my god,
I was so mad. And thispoor woman Lisa is like, who the
hell is talking to me right now? Why am I being called to me
having small talk about my work day? Am I scheduling? Oh my god?

I was so mortified. And thenI get a call text from b
Side. He goes, I'm sothankful you're on this call because then if
I have questions, I'll just askyou. And then I got another text
from Cody saying do you understand thispart of the meeting or the blah blah
blah, And I'm like, well, everybody knows KP is fucking here.
They're texting me about questions about allthis. Oh my god. It was

so mortified. And then Cody didn'teven understand. I told her, I'm
like, do you realize what justhappened to me? I was chatting and
she's like, oh, I thinkeveryone just thought y'all were homies or something.
Oh my godness. So the sothe person moderating the call did not
stop say hey, by the way, we're in the middle of a call,
but she just wait to introduce yourselfon the road. That's what they

did. I was a Frida Eggon the blacktop. That's what I was.
I did this call. That's it. I think that's a great thing
because you just got introduced to twohundred people in the company. No.
Yeah, I don't want to beintroduced as the person that's just talking about
their personal life. If the people, but if the people that are that

you know on the call, likeCody and b Side didn't even recognize it,
all those other assholes don't know iteither. Well let me just say
when I told him told Cody whathappened, she literally was crying, laughing,
And then she told Crystal, andCrystal told me that she was dying
laughing. Yeah, if I gotinto a call with two hundred people and
just two people were having a conversationtogether, not you, it could be

anybody, KP. I would belike, shut the f yeah, like
you, I am care of aperson that I hate. And I was
like, I just want to sitin silence and like observe. I'm just
here to learn why mic enable theyshould have muted everybody. I just thought
that my camera wasn't on right awaybecause I was still going to my apartment,

Like if I left, my camerawas on so people could see me
because I would wretch it and peopleprobably thought I was like escape the Satan
asylum. Like that's that's what Ifelt. It also to me, know
like when I get on calls andthere are, however many people in there,
and also to me screams confidence thoughreally like the people who could just
get on there and just talk andit's in front of whoever. I'm like,

okay, to me, I don'tlike calling attention to myself. I
read that the people that keep theircameras off are usually looked at by the
other people and their businesses or companiesor whatever as having no confidence or yeah
fine, they say off when Ilike, if I'm taking a call when
I'm driving, it will not try. It just doesn't go on. So

they that's also looked at as youshouldn't be doing that, you should be
focused on the on the meeting.Actually, there was funny. You know,
they have those programming calls that Inever jump on. I think I've
jumped on like maybe two of themin time. And I heard from one
of the header people in programming thatthe big higher ups look at whose cameras

are on and whose cameras aren't onand kind of see who's engaged and who's
not engaged. That is so dumb, And let me tell you why,
because I am driving ninety percent ofthe time. Because they're scheduled at four
pm, And why don't we startscheduling meetings for sales at eleven pm?
So you know what it's like whenyour day has been over for hours and
now you have to hop No,let's schedule them earlier at four thirty am.

Well, not only that, Iactually I feel like I when I
am driving in my car, Ipay one hundred percent attention to the call
because there's really nothing else to doexcept look the road and actually listen.
And I feel like when I'm inyou're taking a call or whatever, like
there's a million other things I'm doing. I don't agree with it, but
I could. I could believe thatthe perspective could be they could be judging

your readiness quote unquote for the meeting, like we all had the time.
You should have had your camera ready. I'm just trying to think of,
like why they would they know yourcamera's not on because you're multitasking and I
don't about about you're doing. Yeah, really, and I'm in the kitchen,
I'm playing Maden and this is background. It's kind of like when you

were in school and the teachers wouldjust call upon you randomly to be the
next person to read. You know, I loved it when I was called
to read, I was putting youlove this. I was put in a

special reading room, no windows becauseI had no reading comprehension skills and I
couldn't speak to my fucking life,And so it was me and a teacher
who did not like me, alonein a room for at least an hour
a day, just reading, andthen for really new questions it's amazing.
I'm an avid reader and you dopublic speaking for your career. I was

so good at math, I wasso good at science, and I could
not read to save my life.I had to retake elementary Algebrun High School.
Like that's how bad at math?I am embarrassing. But like I
was in ap LID, I wasin AP history. All my classes were
AP except for math. I couldnot do math to save my life.
They were worried I wasn't going topass those like standardized tests and I wasn't

gonna get money for the school.So they were like, you gotta do
well classroom. That's crazy, okaywa. Going back to the topic though,
of secondhand embarrassment, y'all had experiencesin the workplace where it's so embarrassing
or workplace embarrassment. I My exampleis at we at the Arizona station I

worked at, we had a singlestall bathroom outside the studios, which I
think is the smartest thing having thatbecause it was right next to the studios
instead of having to walk and dolike a you know, like what we
have right here. And I wasand I was quickly taking a shit during
a commercial break. Slash song outof commercial break because it was going to

be one of those shits, andI did not lock the single stall,
only to have the door opened aboutthree or four times. And after the
first time, you would think Iwould get up to lock the door,
but it was such one of thoseshits that I was not feeling comfortable enough
to get up. So about threeor four people saw me sitting. Yeah,

you just let them keep filing in. Well, you all break,
you break at the same time,you commercial break at the same time.
Why didn't you start yelling? Occupied? But that was that was when,
and I'll never forget. I willnever forget that. Ryan Coda, the
guy that worked for me, wecalled them the new Guy or forget.
Ryan Coda, walked around and didan interview. We did like man on

the Street with him and he wentaround with the little tape recorder Mike to
ask people what they thought of thedrive by shit that they got a chance
to wait. So that was mineembarrassing moments I have. You don't get
embarrassed. I don't think no,I'll give you it's not even like it's
not funny, it's sad. Butmy mom, when I was younger,

in middle school. My mom hadcooks fish, and I think I wore
the same uniforms to school the nextday, so I was in that bitch
wreaking a fish. The embarrassing partwas when all of the boys from my
particular class, it wasn't many ofus, maybe like eleven or something like
that, got called into the quoteunquote sergeant of arms. That was like

her role in the school. Shewas like a disciplinary lady. Got called
into her office. So all ofus like packed like sardines in her office.
She gives us a good stern talkingto, sends us back to our
classroom. She comes back to theclassroom, brings us outside to say something,
turns around and walks away, andthen she says, and another thing.

One of y'all stink. I swearto God, the kids is on
my hair. I went in thebathroom and cried that day. That was
the fu that day. She's like, one of y'all, is that why
you're prescytian? Were now to turnedme away from that ship? That was

one of them. Day. Thatwas a rough day boy, sixth grade.
It was on my It was onmy head that day. All right.
I have an embarrassing story it's nottowards me. But I used to
work at a car dealership. Ifyou didn't know, I sold brand new
rims to this nice lady wanted togo wash them. Went through the car

wash. There was a technician waitingfor me to go through the car wash.
I was going a little bit slowerbecause I knew he was on my
ass. It was in the wintertime. In the car wash, the
automatic doors come down if you arenot fast enough. The technician took a
customer's car into the car wash.The automatic door came down, No,
crushed the foot of a car.Oh my gosh. And where the embarrassment

park comes in. He had totake a drug test and do all the
things, and he started crying,and I was like, dude, maybe
if I went a little faster oryou wouldn't have to do all that shit.
I feel bad, but he kepthis job. But it was like
fifteen hundred dollars and pines and shit, and I was like, oh,
I feel so bad, but fuckingoh, I have a bad one.

You do I do? I meanI probably have a bajillion, but it's
like we're related. Though it's hard. It's my most embarrassing story. Just
period in general. It just happenedto happen at work when I was a
server, when I worked at arestaurant, I didn't realize, and I
think every girl has had this happen. Once I had started my period and

I was like out on the floorand I had started my period, and
thankfully I worked with I had somany friends at work there. We were
very close knit family. And oneof the girls is like, hey,
I think you need to go home, which was so kind, but I
only had young male managers on thefloor at the time, and you had
to go and you can't just leavework. You have to go tell them
like, hey, I'm having anemergency. I have to go home.

And it wasn't like we had dadmanagers, we had women managers. It
was all like the twenty four yearold dudes that were working. So I
was like, fucking kidding me rightnow, Like none of you have had
a living girlfriend. I don't eventhink some of you have scissors. And
to go up and be like Ineed to go home, and then the
manager was like why, and Iwas like, you know, I need

to go change. If you needme to come back, that's fine,
but like I have to go homeand change. He was like, I
don't see what the big deal is. I was like, that's kind of
ridiculous for you to go home,and I was like, I can't go
out. I have to go allright, I'll be back in an hour.
Bye. What do you mean?That's his question. The real reason

why I asked, was it likeKaki's and it like bled through you could
see it. So then you turnaround, you say, look at this,
look at it, look at it. You'd be able to go home
anytime you want it. After that, I'd also be like, stand up,
I'd like to sit in your chairreal fast. Which car is yours?
I think my moode I feel likeI've had so many embarrassing moments on

the air. But when I wasfirst getting into radio, I was still
a senior at Butler University in Indianapolis. I was going to school and working
in radio at the same time.And when I first got started, like
everybody knew that that that was thecase, because I talked about being a
student and you know, like thecrazy schedule that I had, and I

it was the beginning of my senioryear, so it was homecoming and I
was representing my sorority for Homecoming court, and so they had this like whole
campaign right like make me homecoming Queen, which did not happen, by the
way, And so I was constantlytalking about my sorority on the air,
Like my co host was like,make sure you say you're your sorority and

if you go to Butler, votefor Shannon and whatever. My slogan was,
you know whatever. That same nightthat we did this whole thing about
campaigning for me to be homecoming queenon the air, our sorority made the
national news because we got struck withthe worst case of neurovirus that the state
of Indiana had ever seen, andwe all got quarantined inside the sorority.

So we were on CNN, FoxNews, all the local stations, and
I had just gotten done telling everybodyon the show that, like, I
was so proud to be a capAlpha Theta, and then here we are
on CNN, like our sorority houseis front and center, and you know,
the symptoms are like you can't stoppooping and throwing it up. So
it was just like the ever ship, Yeah yeah, yeah, that's good,

or how many toilets you got in. It was absolutely disgusting. It
was disgusting. Was it like thatscene from brides Maid? Yes, I'm
not joking. It was projectile vomitsand that everywhere all the time. It
was for like four days we werequarantine. We couldn't even go to classes.
Oh that's my nightmare. That's actuallymy nightmare. KP. How do
you like hosting this podcast? Iactually hate it. Not gonna lie,

I don't know, like's yeah,it's fine. I just feel like you
do seem nervous doing this. Areyou nervous or No, I'm not nervous.
I just have a ton of stuffto do today. So I'm thinking
about like all the meetings. I'mgoing to be here till five pm.
But like, I just like Iwant to make sure, like the conversation
keeps going. It's kind of adifferent vibe. It's different than just by

yourself. It is interesting every becauseso far we've gone through uh, Megan
and Shannon and keV and Zach hostingthis thing. And the part that I
find the most interesting is for metrying to sit back and not not over
you know, and not try tobecome the hosty guy. Because Meghan said
I was doing that on hers,Yeah, I don't feel like I got

a fair shot at actually hosting that. You can do next week's again,
no, no, be good,no no. Now we're going through the
full rotation so that it's an equalworkload for everybody. But then when you're
hosting it, you have to rememberthat you're the person this is you're the
host, so you're the moderator.You're the person that basically that you call

on on that zoom call, soyou're the person that has to moderate the
zoom call. Okay, how aboutwe do this question now that everybody said
they're embarrassing, I didn't hear hisnot paying attention. Okay, here's the
next question, not paying attention,Dick. All right, I'm gonna have
to put you in time out.All right, this question, everybody say

the time where it Mojo embarrassed you? Oh okay, oh, I feel
like we have. It was thenicest thing ever. But I have never
been more like embarrassed when we didthe Christmas thing and you guys all got

me a gift and I got younothing though I know, but I was
just embarrassed. You all said nicethings. It was great, but never
again, never you need more appreciationaround here. That was nice your face,
that was great that it's a goodday too. I think Mojo embarrasses
me the most when he'll introduce meto somebody and find out that they're single,

and then the whole thing becomes isn'tshe hot? You guys should go
out like you know something though,okay, and we just listened to this
over vacation. He did that tome right after I got divorced, maybe
like two weeks after I announced mydivorce on the air. I'd been divorced
for a little while, but Iactually announced my divorce on the air.
He did that to me to thisguy named Wes Whitlam at an event.

Years later, we're married. Isthat not crazy? That break when I
was scheduling best of it is sweet. It comes from a very nice place,
It truly does. Mo's trying tobe helpful, but like sometimes it's
like I, no, thanks,this is not the time of the place,
or I'm not interested, and nowI feel obligated. No. I
grew up with like I obviously haven'thad a dad, But he wasn't really

embarrassing, Like he didn't really doanything embarrassing to me. I feel like
Mojo is the embarrassing dad in mylife by the way I dress or something.
You know, where you are,just like your humor and just the
way that you talk is sometimes embarrassingto me. You remember like a day

or a situation. I don't know, no, not in particular, but
he just has that goofy dad vibe. I think we're all very hard to
embarrass, like because because of whatwe do, it's hard to It's hard
for us to be embarrassed. Iwill say, you make me the most
nervous, and I'm looking at Mojo. You make me the most nervous when
my kids are in the studio andyou ask them questions about me. That

to me is the most terrifying thingever. But what could you be embarrassed
about with me asking like that's aI don't know, control will come out
the moth. Oh you're but areyou nervous about what they're going to say
or what I'm going to say tothem? More so what they're going to
what you are going to ask themand what they're they're okay, all right,

Well, no, that's I don'tthink I can embarrass Kevin. I
don't think I was just thinking aboutthis right now, Like, I don't
think you could have a story,would you. I don't think I can
embarrass you, like I don't.I don't think you get embarrassed. I
get same with me. I don'tthink I get embarrassed. I don't think
you do. I think I'm Imean obviously, I mean I'm not infallible.
I have insecurities. Yeah, weall have, you know what I

mean. So, like there arethings that I'm insecure about that if you
identify what those are, maybe I'llbecome a bit self conscious. But I
don't think. I can't think ofa time that I mean, anyone in
here I feel like has embarrassed me, Like I don't know if that has
grab it, toss to it.That's real weight to the only way that
I like a little bit of likeoh stop, oh my god, mortifying.

My only embarrassment would be if somebodydepantsed me or took my shirt off,
you know what I mean. Likeremember in school when guys would like
come up behind you and Fridays likethink about that we want, Yes,
people would just guys and girls wouldjust go to each other and just snap

their asses something. The hall therewas by the way, a lot of
times school did you go to?But this this was always the thing.
And then those are the same guysthat would sit there and go, I'm
not gay, you know what Imean? Like they would sit there and
deep pants, you smack your ass, grab your balls and all that stuff.
So you guys grab the whole.I went to an all guys doing

in Chicago. I went to anall guys school, and when you played
sports, you had the you hadthe douchebag guys that would sit there and
roll a towel up and sit thereand try to snap the whips. And
I'm like, okay, all right, buddy, you know I mean that
that's a far leap from grabbing ballsthe girl equivalent of that. Bee what

you mean? No, I donot do that to you, clarify that,
but I do stick she I loveyou. I love you. I
don't mind because the joy that radiatesout of you when you have boobs,
so like Megan to me is ananomaly. Okay, nobody plays with my

boobs, including myself, more thanSNA murder. Never in the show top
I'm like, credit card check?Do you really? Where we go out?
And I'm like, looking good,She'll just come up and expect them
to be like, oh seen it. I don't have asked for permission.

She has and she has gotten.The consent is mutual. But it is
so funny when you see her facelight up when she's touched a boom.
She's like, this is right right, you need to get video of that.
You want you want to engagement onour our social please movie KP.

I think that's a great. Youcan wrap up if you want to at
this moment, because that was actuallyprobably I always say, always wrap up
on the high moment. Okay,well, thank grabbing Megan's tastes and that's
all, folks,
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