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June 17, 2024 20 mins
On this weeks episode of the Slightly Messy Show Mike and Meaghan talk about how Meaghan keeps dropping the ball when it comes to Father's Day gifts. Mike gives her the absolute best advice when it comes to shopping for Father's Day and we learn how he and his wife, Ali, do Mother's and Father's Day traditions. 
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Oh I miss you. I missyou. How life it's all right?
Are we still saying or are wenot saying? So far so good?
I have moments I would say momentaryof momentary insanity, because I've got a
lot yesterday. That's fine. Sometimesit's good though, Right, it's fine.

My poor therapist. I literally go, I just every session I go.
I want you to know I'm notthis unstable in day to day life.
I don't know what it is aboutthis room and he's like, well,
that's what therapeu is for. Like, that's yeah. I always want
to ask, what did you talkabout? I'll tell you. Uh.

We are working on the influence thatcomments have via on air collars. Oh
a lot. The only thing we'reworking on outside of work is dating.
Okay, that's literally it. Everythingelse is work related. Like you want
to date or like you are datingcurrently, and I don't want to date.

My therapist wants me to date.Okay, why don't you want to?
I mean I do. I dobecause I do think it's important to
date. But I think we've talkedabout this before, and I'm like,
I don't want to get too deepbecause I do want to get to the
father's you know what, no hithit, hit the start. We're gonna
leave all this same hit the start. I'm gonna finish this thought, and

then we're gonna talk about father's saying. Okay, okay, okay, I
have a problem, Michael, andI am so sorry that you faced part
of it. There is one joyof being single with no kids, and
it's I have no real responsibilities.This is the slightly messy Show with Mike

and Megan state mean messy show.Messy messy Mike and Megan is get made.
I forgot. We're on a timecrunch. That's my fault. It's
okay, all right, finish yourthought? Uh were you you were recording
before the start? Right? Iwas out a little part of that beginning,

but I'll start at the whole.Cried a lot in therapy yesterday.
Yeah. We always go into conversationand I'm a talker. So I apologize.
It's my fault, and you areon a time crunch, and and
I apologize. So what were yougoing to say? We were talking about
therapy and dating, and you askedme if I was currently dated or wanted
to date. And I think I'vesaid this to you before. And I

don't want to be sad because it'sI mean, I don't think it's sad,
but I think I was in sucha place for and I'm going to
be really honest many years, manyyears where I was so unhappy with aspects
of myself that it wasn't that Ididn't want to date. I knew it
wasn't fair to the person that Iwanted to date to not be the best
version of me. And I don'tthink that's other people's responsibility. So I

didn't even work on me first.Yeah, that's fair, that's absolutely fair.
That's a great answer. Thanks.And so now you're going to work
on or now that you've worked onyou, you're going to date. I'm
trying. I'm probably not putting inthe most effort, but I joined the
dating apps again because that's the onlyway to date in twenty twenty four.

And let me tell you, shitsucks. It's awful in these streets.
I really truly hate it. ButI think unfortunately, because I don't have
like a large community here in Detroit, out of people that I'm close with,
it's hard to have like friends setyou up here, and it's you
know, like it's just have youever had anybody in your family like try

to set you up, like yourbrother or even like your dad. Oh
my god, that's so funny thatyou bring it up. Because my cousins
have a son who is nine andhe plays travel hockey, and they were
playing travel hockey. They live inmy hometown in Toledo, but they were
playing a game up here in theDetroit area and their coach was super hot,

and I was like, who isthat guy? My girlfriend was like,
oh my god, he's single.I'm gonna try to hook you up.
YadA YadA dah. I was like, please do And then I was
like, oh, should he listento Leido? And then I was like,
I'm home three days a week.What's the big deal. That's perfect.
That's a perfect amount of time tosee somebody. But what if,
like your dad said, for Father'sDay this year, I would like to

hook you up with somebody and youand you could. I got this friend
for you that your Father's Day giftto me. Would you accept? Hmmm?
Well, at this point, I'vebeen such a letdown for every Father's
Day that I think that I woulddo anything at this point to make him
happy. Can I tell you howlow the bar is for Father's Day?
Why what do you mean? Icalled my dad months ago because it's kind

of hard. His birthday is inApril, so it's like Christmas, Birthday,
Father's Day are all within six months. And he is the kind of
guy who does not want materialistic items. He really doesn't. I don't say
that in a way like, oh, he says he doesn't want stuff,
but he doesn't know. He trulydoesn't. He wants time, I do.
I wish he wanted materialistic things.Oh my god, it would be

so much easier. But I calledmy dad and I was like, we're
all busy right now. He's planningsome vacations with his girlfriend this year.
I moved up here and things area little bit stressful at work with time
management and I'm still figuring that out. My brother's super busy this year.
We just have a lot on ourplates. So usually we would plan a
trip together or something to do afun activity, and it's just not working

in the cards like we would like. So I called him and I was
like, I need you to tellme something that you want. And my
dad, in the most defeated tone, was like, can you just get
me like a framed photo of youguys to put up in my office at
work. Oh, the bar isso low. I was like, yeah,
but shit, that is the thingthat my ten year old child,

outside of painting the outside of itin silly colors, would get me.
That is that is so my dad'snot an animal person. And here's how
seriously I took this assignment. Mydad is not an animal person. And
my dog is obsessed with my dad, and so we bought him like a
picture frame, and it's hinged,so there was gonna be one of my

brother and my dad and one ofme and my dad, and instead we
found two pictures of my dog obsessedwith my father and him looking annoyed.
And that's we couldn't even take thesimple challenge of a framed photograph seriously enough,
what he says on the air,my children are a disappointment. No,
it's so valid and so correct.You're gonna get taken out of the

well at sub point, Oh thesub point. You better step it up,
you better. You better. Thatnew girlfriend of his, I don't
know if they're still dating, butthey she's gonna slide right in. Bet
she gets all the gifts, allthe thoughtful gifts. I bet she gets
him gifts before he even has tosay that he wants the gift. Oh,
I'm sure she does. And she'ssmoking hot and I travel together.

I know they're living their absolute bestlife together. The funny step I know.
The funny part is she was abig listener of the show before they
started dating. And I did notknow this, but the first time we
met, she was like, Ipromise, I'm not here to take your
inheritance money. And it was soshe was being funny and it was very
lighthearted, like I think that Ican make jerks with you. And immediately

I went, Babe, it isyour life mission to take as much of
his funds as you possibly can.Said the catchphrase I am known for as
take men's money, and I expectyou to take that man's money. Take
it. I like the camaraderie alreadybuilt there. I love that. Do
you guys, so, do youhave plans for Father's Day? Then?

Like, are you guys doing something? So funny enough? I tried to
make plans on Saturday nights with himto go to like a fancy restaurant,
bring his girlfriend, my brother andI and my dad said, I had
plans with my girlfriend. I donot have time for you guys, And
I said, oh my bad,so sorry, did not realize. So

we're gonna take him out on Sunday. He wants a late lunch because he
doesn't want to spend his evening withus either when he has the Sunday scaries.
So we're doing a late lunch.He's fitting you into his schedule.
We are a bother. It's likean erin. He doesn't want to run,
but he's gotta do it, Iguess. So he picked like the

most obscure time on Sunday, likethe middle of the day, early in
the middle, because he doesn't wantto too late. It doesn't want to
wake up, like doesn't want youto wake him up in the morning.
No, no, no, nono, he's gonna wake up on his
own time. He's going to seeus and we are going to get the
fuck out. Is his plan isa it's like this podcast. It is

you get it where you fitted uhand they're done. There's a hard time.
There's a hard out time. Eleventime, baby, you gotta go
in eleven o' five. Well,you are like the only guy I know
but I feel like would give goodrecommendation, like what do you ask for?
What do you get usually? Andwhat would you want? So what
I get usually is something made fromthe kids. The tricky part school's done,

so they don't make moms this isnot fair. But moms in the
middle of the school year get everythingmade for him, and you say,
oh, you always get something made. You don't know when you when they
start making stuff and they get startedgetting good at it and started getting thoughtful
about it, like Cecily's ten yearsold, Now you want that stuff,
but you're already out of school,so it doesn't matter. So nine times

out of ten, she'll uh,they have remember those. It's not a
book fair. But when you goduring Christmas time to the store and they
send you with like to go getyour parents' presence, they do that kind
of thing too. But my daughterlast time got me a purse, so
I don't really know. Yeah,try she said it was for tools,
but it's a woven purse. It'sa purse, and I've and she bought

me little tools for it too,And I start putting like I have stuff
in it, and I start carryingaround the house. I've never taken it
outside of the house, but Icarried it around the house with like little
tools and stuff like that, andso oh sure, sure, sure.
But this year, I'm like,all right, now I need to ask.
Like she's starting to get to thepoint where she wants to know what
I want. Now I need toask. So I've been straight up saying,

I want a grill cover Detroit Lionsgrow cover. I want a Detroit
Lions grow cover. That's what Iwant. I want a new golf club
each year so I can have Ihave like hand me down golf clubs.
And my wife's like, just acceptthe play the stuff she makes. She
wants to make you stuff, andI'm like, no, Sebastian and Mile
of the two youngest, make mesomething. You want to make me breakfast?

I love that you want to hangout with daddy all day. Good,
We're gonna hang out cesly. Onthe other hand, you know how
to get gifts. Now you're startingto understand, and you want to buy
a gift I want. I'm gonnastart asking for gifts. I'm gonna start
asking for real thing. Otherwise it'sgonna be socks, and it's gonna be
ties and it's gonna be generic thingsthat she thinks all dad wants. And

I did the same thing. Ibought generic crap for my dad that he
never used. Yeah, so I'mtrying to break that cycle. And I
think for the longest time, wewere very lucky that my dad loves woodworking
and building furniture, and he lovedworking on cars. But after he sold
his house, he put all thatstuff into storage. He hasn't worked on
it in years now. And he'slike, I think I'm going to sell

my tools, Like I think I'mgonna get rid of stuff. And I
was like, no, that wasevery holiday we got you the new tool
that you wanted. No. Yeah, does he have a does he have
outside of that? Does he havea hobby? So he his hobbies now
are like going out with friends,Like he spends a lot more time going
to restaurant, Like this weekend he'sgoing to a comedy show with his girlfriend.

He goes to more concerts, buthe also is a like a uh,
last minute kind of guy. Hedidn't buy his comedy show tickets for
this weekend until yesterday. Who's hegoing to Sure, he's gonna go see
Nate Bargatzi, who I actually sawlast weekend. Oh nice, How would
you think? He's phenomenal? Ilove him. He's the best, the

best. But my dad was like, oh, i've seen him before.
He's funny. I was like,well, you know he's going to be
in Toledo this weekend. He waslike, oh, we'll give him tickets.
And I went, wait, that'son Saturday. Are we not going
out? And he went no,I'm going on with my girlfriend. I'm
spending time with her. I madeplans with her. I was like,
you're making the plans read now?Is he? Uh? Is he?

I know you're a reader? Ishe a reader? Too? Like?
Does he like to read? Letme tell you? So? I'm glad
you asked. Yes, he isa reader. And he told me that
he wanted to reread like his highschool reading list, because I think they're
the classics. You read them oncein high school, everybody kind of references
them, but you don't really readthem again as an adult. And he
was like, it's been thirty years. I want to reread those book.

So what did I do? Iwent out for his birthday and I got
him. My brother and I bothgot him, like thirty books. They
were from both of us, andit was all of the classics. Every
He got really into dystopian novels.My dad wrote the Hunger Game series and
he loved them. And I waslike, sir, you love teen dystopian
novels, let me tell you Ican give you a million more. And

so I brought him all these randombooks and he was like thanks, and
I was like, oh, hedidn't want that. Oh no, he
didn't want it. And I waslike, miss the mark again. I
feel like I always missed the mark. What if I feel like you're overthinking
it because you're very good at gettinggifts. You've got me a couple of

different gifts and they were solid.There were incredible gifts. What if you
get him and I don't know thatthey have this or that this is a
thing I imagine if there is,you'll be able to find it quickly.
But a book, since he likesto go out to different places, a
book about the area or places thatmaybe people don't know, like hidden jams,
or if there's maybe secret things onmenus that they uh that they they

someone's published in a book at placeshe's already gone. Even he likes to
go out a lot more. Maybethat book is the gift, you know
what I mean, Michael, doyou think so, Michael? If you
get it for him, I wantcredit. I want mini credit on there,
just like like you know how,I always bring notes at the beginning

of books for people like that.I give. This is gonna It's gonna
be like Happy Father's twenty twenty four. I love you so much. This
actually came from Mike. No,I don't want full credit. I don't
need full credit for it. It'syour gifts. But just like at the
bottom, like you know how,you know, like in songs, it
just shows the writer credit. Youcould put my government name too, like

Robert. Just put Robert and presidency. Yeah, I know that'll be funny.
I can't wait to hear what youget him. And and if you
want, you could, uh,you can post a picture. I'm sure
you're gonna post it all over Mojoin your own Instagram, but if you
don't, you can post it onthe slightly messy Instagram as well. Does
Allie get you a gift? Sono, because I'm not her dad.

I'm her daddy, so goodbye.You don't get her mother's a gift.
She doesn't give you a father's agift, No, I gave her children.
That is her gift. I don'tmiss you, no, So I
help plan what we're gonna do forthe day. So most of the gift

is really like the experience for theday. I like, I say as
quietly as there are times where Iwant to also be away and have my
own time, but I like spendinga lot of time with my kids,
like because they're so small right now. So any little experience that we could
do, that's kind of what weplan it around. Do the breakfast in
bed, we do the whatever theexperience is going to be for that day.
I want to go golfing this year, and we might go to like

the beach and stuff, so thatmight be what we do. But normally
that's the thing we plan, iswhat and then if we go get the
kids, if the kids go getus a gift, we kind of steer
them in the right direction, unlessit's at school and then it's a purse.
When did you become a golfer?I've always golfed. I've always just
not a lot like I haven't Ihaven't had Yeah, I've always golfed.

It's always probably like a handful oftimes a year, Like last year,
I went to Canadian Lakes a fewtimes and went golfing. My clubs,
though, are are hand me downs, so I got my uncle's clubs in
my grandpa's bag. So they don'tthey work, but they're not like fit
to me. So what I wouldlike every year is a new one that
is fit to me. But I'vealways kind of golfed. I'm not very

good at it, but I likeit. What do you start with?
Do you start with like a putteror like a like a driver? I
think, oh, if I hadthe in the in the yeah, I
would go driver first, driver onehundred percent, like a big old big
Bertha is what I would call it, because we have like a big old
hand. Are you a golfer?I don't know. You're a golfer.

I used to be, and Ikind of like you. I enjoyed it,
but I wasn't very not that tosay you weren't good at it,
but I wasn't very serious about it, Like I just went every once in
a while, Like it was samefor fundies. Yeah, yeah, And
my clubs were my dad's hand medown. He got a new set of
good clubs and then I used hisuh, but not very often. I

wish to get back into it.This might be a little bit TM.
I so sorry about this. Forthe longest time, my boobs were so
big it was actually hard to golf. And now I'm curious. I said
this in the air. I waslike, I wonder if I could golf
again, Like I wonder if itwould be easy. Yeah, that's kind
of yeah. That was me withmy balls before the vasectomy. So that's
why I play a lot more too. Oh, I can't. I can't

make these jokes on my new show. I gotta I gotta dance around him
on my new show. Can youeven dance around them? Or are you
just supposed to pretend it doesn't exist? Because I remember one time talking about
pride and they were like, pridedoesn't exist in our world. No,
no, it's not that anymore.It's very different. Yes, it's very
different than very different. I wentto a show, very different. I

went to we have meetings like likeuh, like air tech meetings. It's
very different. It is. I'mworking on the line, like I'm I'm
the one pushing this, but Igot nipples and uh, in ass last
the first weekend, we had tobleep it, but I got nipples and
ass first weekend. Yeah. Dothey still play the National Amphiet nude every

day? Yeah? I think that. I like that though, I like
that, Though I like that.I hated that. Oh no, I
like it. I hated that.I used to tease it coming up every
day too, because it happened duringmy show on that station, so I'd
be like, you're three songs awayfrom the National Land to baby. I
don't know why they did last.It's very Uh, it's very it's almost

like the vibe of the music rightnow. So it's very it's becoming very
different and it's very it's different.It's different because I had a mindset going
in of what I thought it wasgoing to be too, and it's not
that like I thought I was goingto have to be at church every day,
and it's not that at all.I think we I think you guys
talk about God in church more thanthan we do. So I bet we

do. I bet you do too. Not that there's anything wrong with that,
oh no, but it does comeoff more often you would think on
of a Top forty morning show thatwe talk about butt sex almost every day.
It's a weird mixed mash of topics, really weird one. I miss
you, Mike, I love youas you love you. Thanks for the

help, Yeah, I hope ithelped. It did, honestly, getting
the kind of like Rundown Tour guideof fun things to do such a smart
idea. We'll credit to you,Mike, will credit to you. Faily
clap. I'll get ever ever everfrom you. That's it. Follow,
follow me, Follow the Slightly MessyShow on I g at Slightly Messy Show
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