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July 24, 2024 44 mins
On this weeks episode of the Slightly Messy Show Mike and Meaghan talk about the most awkward and rewarding interviews we've had, and also go over the weirdest snack obsession Meaghan can't stop eating.
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Episode Transcript

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All right, are you ready?Ready? I'm ready. I'm so sorry
that you faced one joy of beingsingle with no kids, and it's I
have really miss the first half.This is the slightly Messy Show with Mike

and Megan. State mean messy show, Messy mecan Megans. I can see
you saying stuff, but I don'tknow what you're saying. Did you hear
me? He couldn't hear you.Oh hey, wait, what were you

saying? We missed the first halfof the intro? But you know what,
all right, fine, well that'sa perfect way to start at It
is the slightly Messy Show. Ifyou missed the intel, which I don't
know what you did here or youdidn't hear or any of that. So
my name is Mike along with FeistyMegan today. Feisty I could tell you're

at a boo. You immediately werelike, I want to argue. I
want to argue today. I'm goingto move to argue. Isn't that what
you just said? No, Icould have saw you just said I want
to argue today. So we're gonnaargue today. Okay, I was talking,
we were just talking music, andyou were like, no, yeah,
I was very adamant in the Songof the Summer because I just think

that it's not like Us. It'sactually a fight that I'm having with multiple
people right now. Kendrick Lamar's notLike Us is the song of the Summer,
and we can fight about it allday, but you're like, I
bet it's not. And I lookedit up and it literally changed from yesterday
to today, and you, Mikewere correct, and I'm like, mother,
no. But I would say though, that that that is a great
battle between those two by the endof the summer, because not Like Us

was a cultural moment that it washuge, one of the biggest things that's
happened in rap in a very,very, very very long time. But
I just think I think it's postyyou're wondering. Today's July twenty fourth,
the top five songs on the BillboardHot one hundred, number five Espresso Sprint

Carpenter, number four, Million DollarBaby Tommy Richmond three was Not Like Us,
drop down from number one yesterday.Number two is I Had Some Help
by Post Malone and Morgan Wallen,and number one is a bar song,
Tipsy by Shaboozi. And I cantell you confidently I only like two of
those five songs. Really yeah,I like on a good on a on

a on a really good day,I would say four out of five,
four out of five, espresso isinterchangeable. Million dollar baby, I could
I could also do without necessarily,but the rest I like, who do
you Number ten? What is that? Who do you needs? Number ten?
Shut out? I mean he hasall of these trucks driving around Detroit

for like the last couple of weeksthat are those like video billboard trucks with
the music video for who Do YouPlanning? And at first I was like
that is so dumb, But everytime it comes on, I'm like,
shit was listening to I was like, it's worfing. Yeah, it's a
great. What do you we gotany chance to talk about that album?
What do you think of the albumin general? I like the album as

a whole. It's pretty good.Is it what I'm playing on repeat this
year? No? But I doreally like Houdini, which is funny because
a lot of people who like Eminem'smusic are not the biggest fans of Podini.
But everybody who likes what is classifiedby Detroiter as the bad Eminem songs,

like my band loves Hoodini and myband is one of my favorite Eminem
songs. Okay, so apparently Ihave bad Eminem taste. Uh, I
don't. I don't know. Idon't think so. I don't think so.
I don't think the twelve or Idon't think that song was the worst
song in the world. I thinkthis album is very similar to a lot
of his older stuff. So anybodywho was like, I want to hear

old Eminem, anybody who said thatthis is exactly what it was, Yeah,
and I think it was. Iloved everything about it. I love
the collapse that he didn't post likeabout who was gonna be on it and
all of a sudden you were justsurprised. And that reminds me of the
jelly Roll song, which is somethingcool we can get into here in a
second. Two I had a chanceto go to because if you don't know

this, those of you who haven'tlistened to the podcasts in a while.
I am no longer on the Mojoin the morning show. I joined the
B ninety three team and I cohost with Ali and we do the B
ninety three Morning Show. I've beendoing it for about two ish months now,
almost two months and they do thisevent called Faster Horses, which is
a huge country festival in Brooklyn,Michigan. And this year was my first

year, and so I decided Iwanted the full experience, which is funny
because my friends go every year.Yeah, I hear, it's a good
time. It's a great time.Good. Is it wild? Oh?
You bet your ass it is.It is wild in all the right ways.
Uh? Is there is there craziness? Yes, you bet you're aster.

Is there Uh? An infield whereit's just complete debauchery for I want
to say, all day and allnight. Yes. Is there a bar
called Camel Too'es that I tried togo to? Yes? Is there?
Yeah, it's it's why it's okay, it's wild. They create these bars
out of like campsites and they runall night long and all day long.

And that's in the infield and that'swhere the party section is and then uh
and then the the outside is justnormal camping and there's like seven campsites and
then you basically just go into thisthis party area, this festival area,
and you bounce around like any otherfestival. Right. And so as part
of our job, Megan, weat these things. We get to go

and like, you know, talkto artists or do meet and greets or
any of that kind of stuff.And this being my very first one,
I was like, Oh, they'rejust gonna have me, you know,
out and experience this. And Ilike to camp anyways, so it's really
just a camp weekend for my wifeand I and we just get to run
around and hang out. What itended up being is they have a B

ninety three tent there, and soI went to the tent or whatever,
and I couldn't leave the tent becausepeople were walking up and they were listeners
of Mojo who heard that I'm overhere now, so they were like coming
up and saying hi, and thenlisteners from the news station I'm on.
And it ended up being like almostlike a family reunion all these different people
that listen and now I guess listento both stations or whatever we're coming up.

That's how it started. That wasday one love that which, by
the way, I've been on alot of radio stations. The two most
crazy and a good way loyal listenershave been Mojo listeners and B ninety three
listeners. B ninety three listeners arevery loyal. Yeah. And what I
am learning is you go into somethingwith like a preconceived notion of like who

the listeners are and who the followersare and what it's gonna be, right,
every everybody does, who does?And it's not at all what you
think it is. It's completely like, are there elements of the preconceived notion,
Yes, yes there is, butit is it is a small and
this is what I've experienced. I'mnot just saying this because I'm on the
station now. If I didn't likeit and I wasn't happy, I would

have told somebody immediately. But itis. It is completely different than I
thought it was going to be.That mash thank you, thank you.
And it's it's been the most outsideof the Mojo Show, it's been the
most welcoming experience I've probably had inradio in a very very long time.
Yay yeah, yeah yeah. AndI'm not just talking like like people that

I work with. I'm talking listeners. I'm talking behind the scenes. I'm
talking even artists who I'll tell youthis, they megan, they knew it,
they knew I wasn't like ingrained intothe country world. Yet you could
you could tell it the questions Iwas asking the because they had me,
They had me interview all these artists, and again I thought I was just
going to to just hang out.But when they say, hey, do

you want to go do this?Yeah, yeah, absolutely, yeah,
hell yeah. Cody Johnson just didthe national anthem like he just had.
There was a whole national anthem likeafter that girl messed it up, right,
yes, yeah, yeah yeah yeah, so like of course I want
to talk to him now. Hejust had. He was just huge in
the news. Now. The differencebetween them and and and pop, like

country artists and pop artists is likethey're uh, they're I think pop artists
are guarded because they think TMZ iscoming in to get a scoop about something
that like will tear down their life, Like they want that that juicy,
juicy stuff. And I think that'swhat makes pop artists guarded. Country artists,

it's like like a family, likethey're not. Like I didn't go
in trying to get like some juicydetails on anything, but I did pitch
the idea to sing the national anthemto him and have him create it,
and he immediately went, now,we're not doing that, Okay, all
right? That was interview one secondone. I went all right, okay,
we're not doing that. At leastI asked first. And I didn't
just do it. I will sayTop forty artists way more willing to play

stupid radio games. Yes. Countryartists are like no, I will answer
questions and that is it. Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, They're
very open and honest, but yes. And then so then I get backstage
and they're like, hey, doyou want to And this I never experienced.
They're like, hey, there's somebeer in the cooler if you want
to, If you want to beerbefore you go do these interviews. I
said, what love it? What? Sure? Yeah? And then the

artist walks up and I'm like,oh, I should set this down.
And he walks up with a cupin his hand and I'm like, oh,
well, I'm not gonna make himdrink a loan, so I know,
but can I tell you one ofthe coolest experiences, And Megan,
I want to nerd out a littlebit. I know I have been this
entire time. It's been me justnerding that's it. I love that your
happy ear. Yes, yeah,very very not that I wasn't before.

This is just a different experience anda different challenge and a different journey than
then. I even knew what itwas gonna be to start off with,
and it was scary to take thatstuff and you did it and it's paying
off and I love it for you. Yeah, thank you. So then
they go and I put on soagain. I you know how I overthink,
right, So I didn't know whatI was gonna wear to the country.

Fai do you put on your countrycostume? Did we wear cowboy foods
to the cowboy hat that we've neverworn before? No? I didn't,
But I know I dressed like Iwould normally dress, like if I was
going to a concert or if Iwas going camping. That's basically what I
So I put on a jelly Rollshirt, not knowing that I was gonna
interview jelly Roll. Could like thepure I want to die inside when they're

like, hey, we're gonna haveyou interview jelly Roll, and I can't
change my shirt because I'm like,I can't go interview Jelly Roll in a
freaking Jelly Roll shirt? A lame? Is that? So they're like,
you're gonna interview jelly Roll, andI'm nervous, I'm excited, and we
go back to this like. Theymake us go way off like sight to
do this interview. The rest ofthem are just back in the media area.

This one's way back there. Andwe get back into this area and
there's two campers and then a sectionin the center where everybody's smoking, all
of his buddies, his crew members, everybody is smoking. And there it's
in a circle and they have uswait to go in these little campers to
do like the interview. And Iwalk up and I'm shitting you, no,
I'm not exaggerating. There were there'switnesses there ask KP. This guy

goes Mike and I go, whothe who the hell? I thought it
was another radio guy. So Iturn around and it's one of his people.
It's one of his guys. Andhe's like, you're the dude from
the radio, aren't you, AndI go, uh yeah, yeah.
He goes, I'm from Michigan andI saw that video man, that you
posted about leaving over or that Jellyposted about going over to Moor from Mojo

to be ninety three, And Igotta tell you, man, it's it's
so fucking great to meet you.I went you like in my brain,
I'm like, you know who thefuck I am, you know, like
I'm just some dorky radio dude.But I was like, oh that's cool
man, sweet nice to me.Like I tried to lay it cool.
I tried, but you know what, I'm like, it is the equivalent

to what when Meghan Trainer jumps intoyour lives right and then starts following you
like you're like, what, like, I love you? This is who
I am? Right, So thenhe pulls some more guys aside, and
it was like this is the guyand he starts telling the story and then
they all like realize it. Soin that moment, I go, well,
fuck, I'm just gonna go inthere and think jelly roll. If

these guys remember, then he probablyremembers too. I was gonna just,
you know, at the end ofit, maybe say it. But that's
how I went in to start theinterview, because I went in and I
just said, thank you so muchthat video. He knew exactly what I
was talking about. Uh, Butin my brain, I'm like, he
does this, he does nice shipall the time. He's not gonna remember

who I am. He remembers it. And then I just went in for
a hug I just went in fora big bear hug, He hugs me,
and I disappear three ft off.He's genuinely the nicest guy in the
entire world. You ever like anartist so much, but maybe not so
much of their music, but you'lllike listen to it just because you like

the person, No disrespect to him. He's obviously a massive country singer.
It's not my favorite genre. Ilove jelly roll songs because I love him.
Yeah. And on the other endof that, Megan, have you
ever had it where you genuinely lovesomebody's music and then you go to meet
them and there or anything, standup comedian actor, and you go to

meet them and they're not at allwho you think they're gonna be. Yep,
And it fucking kills it, dude, everybody. And I know I've
said this before to you, buteverybody's always like, oh, like,
who have you met? You gothrough the list of people and they're like
who's cool? Who wasn't? Andyou're trying to be respectful and you never
tell the worst story and you nevertell the best story, and they're like,

oh, who would you want tomeet? And I think people are
always shocked when I don't say likeyou and I both know. I'm obsessed
with Harry Styles. Never want tomeet him, never want to meet him,
never heard a bad thing about him. Everybody talks about how great he
is. I don't want to bedisappointed. I could not handle if it
wasn't what I needed it to be, and I couldn't listen to his music
anymore. Right, I get you'reabsolutely right because it probably won't be a

bad experience, but you put iton a pedestal of this experience, and
if it's not exactly that experience,if he doesn't meet all of those different
things, You're one hundred percent right, it's going to change how you feel
about him. Oh and it's possible. It's possible to have a mediocre meeting.
I met Dane Cook was a hugeDany Cook fan. And I'm not
bashing Danye Cook. I'm sure he'she seems like a great guy. I've

never heard a bad story about him. But I don't know what I expected
when I met at the time,being a huge fan at the time when
I met him, I thought,I don't know what I thought he was
going to do. When I cameup to him, and I was like
Hey, man, just just wantto say, who fan your stand up
comedy? Blah blah blah. Idon't know what I expected, but what
I got was oh, thanks again. Not a bad response, there's nothing
wrong with that response, but Ijust went, ah, yeah, yeah,

okay when I okay. So youremember when Joe Koy hosted the Golden
Globes and got a whole bunch ofshit because he, to be fair,
kind of deserves some shit. Whenhe threw his writers under the bus.
He was like, the jokes thatyou're laughing at are the ones I wrote.
And everybody was kind of like,ooh, don't say that. And
I think I was the only personin America the next morning defending him.

And it's solely because you could notmeet a nicer comedian in the entire world.
Oh really, Oh he's the bestperson I comedian wise, I've ever
met. And I've met some really, really great comedians. I would put
Bert Kreischer up there as being anamazing human being. There's been just quite
a few that are just they're kindnormal people who get the industry, so

they play along, but they're alsolike real chill. And for a long
time there's a big comedy club inToledo, and every week the comedian that
was headlining would come in for aninterview. So I met hundreds of comedians
and some are really off putting,some are really weird, in are trying
hard, and he was just cool. And every weekend, if you want

to go to the show, youknow the club manager, you call him
up or you shoot him attack andyou go, hey, if there's an
opening to any of the shows tonight, throw me in the back. I
love that. I went to Joekoy'sshow because I liked him, and he
saw me after the show and waslike nobody from radio ever comes, Oh
my god, come hang out.Gave me every single piece of his merch.

We drank for a couple of hoursafter the show and just hung out.
It was just genuinely the nicest fuckingguy in the entire world. And
so when that shit happened after theGolden Globes, I'm like, no,
he's like a really nice guy.Yeah yeah, so yeah, No,
I totally get the whole. Ifyou have a great experience, it can
make like things that you're not necessarilyinterested in better. If you love a

person that they let you down,it can ruin it. Yeah, So
I'm glad jelly Rowl was great.Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
Jelly Roll was that that that partof it was incredible to begin with,
and I got I got lucky kindof with a with a question. I
asked him that he had never beenasked before. And it's one of those

feelings where, uh, it wastiming, but I just happened to ask
the right question at the right time, given the opportunity. And you always
when you do those things and youask those questions, you know they're either
answered him eight million times or ifyou're lucky, nobody has asked him that
question, and he genuinely wants totalk about it, and then responds in
the way that he did, whichwas why are you the first person to

ask me this? All I wantto do is talk about this, And
so then I'm like, fuck,this is the this is the greatest,
Like, doesn't matter what I sayafter this, just go on, sir
and talk about this. That's allI want to talk about. And it
just happened to be about the Eminemand Jelly Roll collab on his new album,
Yeah, And He's like, howhave I been in Michigan? This
whole fucking time, and nobody hasasked me about that, and again,
timing it just it just worked outthe way that it did. But that

was cool. And then so thatwas first night, and after that does
no matter what I ask anybody else. I feel like I did pretty well.
But none of the other interviews werethat great. But by the way,
interviews are incredibly difficult, and Idon't think people realize how difficult interviews
are because to pull back the curtaina little bit, these celebrities are if

they're doing interviews, they're doing what'scalled a tour, right, so that's
either phone calls or a lot oftimes you see him in movies where they're
sitting in the same hotel room withthe same backdrop, and they're just swapping
out the interviewers and the actual actorsare sitting in the same room for twelve
hours a day for four days streetand they're gonna ask the same things over
and over again. And I knowyou're frustrated, but not everybody knows what

you're promoting. So I know thatyou're answering this question for the fiftieth time
today. But if I don't askyou it, the person who follows me
is going what's going on here?So I get that it's frustrating. So
there's two ways to approach an interview. It's to just kind of hit the
blaze notes and you're gonna get afine interview. They know how to answer
the questions, but they're gonna bebored and you're gonna feel like I didn't

do anything special. Or you cantry to connect with them, and that
is so hit or miss because it'sso dependent on everybody's mood and hunger levels
and how tired they are, andit's so dependent on how many factors were
you the eighth interview today or thefirst interview today? Are they in your
time zone? Are they three?Are they in la or are they in

Europe somewhere and it's the middle ofthe night for them, Like, there
are so many different factors. Andthen you can try to connect with them
by either going showing off that you'reactually a fan, because let's be honest,
we're not a fan of everybody thatwe interview. But I'm doing my
job, you're doing your job.This is beneficial for both people. I
get it. I might not mostask the most interesting in depth questions,
which you might not like because youwant to answer something that's a little bit

more interesting, or you don't getasked a lot, but sometimes you show
off how big of a fan youare and then they're creeped out by you
and they don't want to answer yourquestions. Or you try to connect personally
like a friend and be like,hey, just here to have a conversation.
Let me ask you something totally randomabout what you're not promoting or your
career, and then they're like,why are we wasting time doing this,
Like I'm here to promote shit,Like it's so hard to interview people,

And then I know you might besitting here listening to this and going,
well, so and so is myfavorite interview and they never have an issue
with it if you get to acertain level of interviewing. And I'm not
throwing anybody under the bus. It'spure like jealousy. But there's a radio
guy who's very famous our age whoposts all of the shit online and he
gets a lot of attention for allof them. There's a guy who works

for a huge tech company and hegets full two hour interviews with people.
There's a girl in Europe who doespretty or even like hot ones once you've
established yourself as the place to gofor something fine, when the celebrity walks
in, going I'm expecting to havea good time and for you to ask
me weird shit and to play along, and I know this is going to

do well. You get such betterinterviews right off the bat because they come
into it with such a different energy. And it's so frustrating being the guy
who's the tenth person on the calllist and you get ten minutes, but
they showed up three minutes late andthey're still going to hang up on you,
so you only got seven. Soyou ask one question, they answer

it fully. You don't get toask any follow ups because you got to
promote their thing because they're about tohang up, and it's like this,
this sucks. So when you geta good experience with somebody and somebody who's
like I've never been asked that before, and they're happy to be there and
they're fully engaged this ever happened,it's fucking cloud nine. Dude. You
walk out of there like I'm greatat my job. But I would say

ninety eight percent of the time thatyou leave an interview you're like fuck that.
Well, that's as I'm saying,first, that was first night.
That was the last interview of theNight Right, and you're one hundred percent
right. As I walk out ofthere, I'm like, whatever questions I
ever had about me doing this,even though I've been doing it for this
amount of time, is out thewindow. I am great at this.

The next day, the next dayI went back and did it like again.
It was all a bunch of interviewsand I'm like, ash Ship,
you don't have to name them,but was there somebody that was like,
yes, yeah, so there was. It was the next day. I'm
not going to name the person.It wasn't bad, but they you mentioned

this for a second. They saidthey were hungry after the after we did
the interview, and I went,ah, shit, you know what I
mean. I caught them right beforethey ate. They and she this person
came back and apologized even because theyfelt like, yeah, they're good.
Like there. That's the difference,Megan. I know there are there's bad
groups in every group. There's badyou know, artists in every group.

But in my experience, in thisone, the icons, the people you
would say, they don't need todo an interview anymore, treat you the
exact same way as that the hungryartist who's coming up. And I get
it's not every everybody, and Iget it, but I think it's because
this is my personal opinion. Icould be one hundred percent wrong here.

I think it's because pop artists havebeen they're like TMZ to the point where
they are scared to answer certain things. They want to come in and answer
this, this, this, promotetheir music and then get out, and
country artists are just excited and gratefulto be there. And I'm sure there's
going to be a bad one.I'm sure of it. There's this.

I'll give you a list of themto look out for. I will say
this in country music, the olderthey get, the less interested they become.
Yeah, I think the older theyget, the more it's I'm I,
why the fuck do I have todo this? Whereas in pop music
it's very hin or miss. Olderpeople are usually very grateful to still be
relevant and they're very engaging, Andit's the younger people that are like,
I'm entitled. I can just goon my social media and say you this,

like why am I here? AndI don't necessarily think the artists always
know how those interviews are to us. And I'm not saying spill a big
secret that will leak online and giveme headlines. But if you can just
be engaging enough for me to postthis on social media and not have my
boss follow up with me, I'dbe really appreciative because I put in a

lot of time and effort to gethere and bring all the equipment and come
up with the content and be engaging. And you're being super dismissive And I'm
gonna get yelled at for this.And I did my job, you didn't
do yours. Yeah, and youdon't want to like we don't want to
come in and ask you the samethe same generic question that you've been asked
one hundred times. But if that'sthe energy you're going to give, and

we've I've done those interviews too.Like I said, the jelly Roll one
is what I'll hold on to forever, forever and ever and ever as a
really great one. But that doesn'thappen a large percentage of the time.
And I've been in those interviews whereyou could tell they don't want to be
there, they have no interest inbeing there, and they were forced to
get up and do this interview they'drather just sing and go about their business,

or they're not who they say theyare and their their music and their
imagery or whatever, and they're completelydifferent off you know, off the you
know, performing And then it's evenharder because you're like trying to ask them
questions that they genuinely don't know theanswer to because that's not their real life.
Oh my god, I love thatwe're just spelling to you on interviews
because now I'm going to tell youone of my favorite stories because I never

posted it. And sometimes I thinkthese celebrities think, well, I'm just
here to promote my shit. I'mlike, well, I'm the one that
controls the content. If you don'tgive me anything, I'm not going to
post it. So you just wastedyour time a because I'm not going to
make myself look bad and you didn'tgive me anything. And I didn't interview
with the guy and I had thirtyminutes with him, and I was the

funniest part is they always give youthe most amount of time with the person
who's the newest at the industry thatyou have zero connection with, and you're
like, oh, cuckuck coo cool, there's zero things for me to talk
about. And they've deleted all oftheir social media history because they just had
like one song blow up, sothey don't want to going back and looking
at their high school photos and thedumb shit that they posted three years ago.
I can't even like deep dive andbe like this is fucking hysterical.

Let's talk about this. So thisguy had one song, he still has
only ever had one song, andat the time thought he was going to
be the next big thing, right, And I got like thirty minutes with
him. I brought in a girlfriendof mine who also worked for the radio
station, where like two young girls. My friend was is smoking hot,

and I'm like, this is gonnabe great. He's gonna be going to
this. It's gonna be two younggirls. I'll conduct mostly interviews, She'll
be hot, he'll flirt with her. This is gonna be great. Okay,
love this. And did I exploitmy friend? Of course I did.
She knows I did. She knowsI did. This guy was on
a zoom call and he was walkingaway from the computer to go make his

breakfast, not listening paying attention,and then just sat down and ate and
was like, what do you wantme to say to that, and I
we had thirty minutes booked and Ithink after twelve minutes of pulling teeth to
get anything from him, I waslike, awesome, So you're gonna be
at this county fair, right Andhe was like what the fuck? And
I was like, yeah, you'reat the county fair. Aren't you opening

for somebody? And he was somad. I was like, cool,
get your tickets by and then neverposted it. I was like, remember,
you can't even you can't even sitdown on the couch for ten minutes
without going to make food, comingback and asking me to repeat the question,

you but hole, you absolute bole? What what is did he ever
recover from that one song? Didyou ever get more than one? That's
good? I wish you could sharethe name I remember. Okay, I'll
share this one because this one wason me. This one was my very
first interview ever. Oh, terrifying, very refuse first interview ever. It

was at a county fair. Uhand it was Chris Daughtry. Chris Daughtry
So okaya, oh no, thisthis one's on me. Okay. So
I go to the interview and Idon't know, I I know from watching
like TV and watching people. ButI haven't asked anybody because I don't want
to look like a dummy. Hey, how do you do an interview?

Hey? What do you do?When do you have to do an interview?
Like? What is what should Iask? I didn't do any of
that. So we take the littlerecorder out, we go sit down.
Shit you not? I go,Hey, do you like roller coasters?
He goes, what? Why?Uh? There was a roller coaster in

the background. Mike, You're likea six He goes, what. I
go, you, Uh, it'sjust pause. It's just a fucking big
ass pause. And then fast forwardto faster hors this weekend and this one's
on me too. I have toldyou I'm a big fan of Yellowstone.

I think I've met mentioned that afew times. Huge fan of Yellowstone.
So I meet Elson, No,no, no, no, this show,
the TV show, Yeah, theCowboy like Kevin Costner TV show.
Yeah, h Park. It waslike the guys are's fucking nuts, dude.
Uh? And so I start Istart like turning and did you ever

seen the SNL bit where it's likeChris Farley, He's like, remember the
time you You've did this, thisand this and the artist is like yeah,
and he's like, oh, that'scool. That's what I basically did
dry Landy Wilson. I was like, hey, so, like it's pretty
cool. You're on Yellowstone, huh. And she's like yeah, I mean,
you know, she's answering Rispin andI just go into like, for
like a fraction of a second,I go into like fan mode of like

I love yellow Stone and I wantedto be this, this and this,
and I'm pretty sure I sounded likea big dorky fan and then had to
like flip the switch off. Butthat's where I started with Chris Daughtry going
hey, give a roll. Doyou like roller coasters? Oh? My
god, it's terrible. It wasabsolutely terrible, But the weekend itself was

a ton of fun, and Iwill be doing it. I'll probably end
up staying the whole weekend this nexttime, because it's camping and it's like
just my wife and I and andthen kind of the work stuff isn't like
the work isn't work, you knowwhat I mean. It's it's more fun.
Yeah, yeah, it's yeah.It's like going to Vegas for the
iHeart Music Festival exactly. It's actuallythe most word. People are like,

did you have so much fun?I'm like, I don't know how to
tell you. I genuinely worked eighteenhours a day. Yeah, it was
work. It's a lot, andit's it's go go, go, go
go, but it's an experience mostpeople don't get. Yes, so it's
hard, but it's fun. Yeah, one hundred percent agree. Okay,
it's a slightly miss You shouldtic oh, I said, okay, absolutely pathetic.

Love the show. You guys aredoing a great job with Mike and
Megan. You know, I justsaid okay because I just realized that I
rambled for like forty minutes and uhand geeked out about that. My brain.
My brain was going, okay,now go to Megan Stein because you've
been geeking out for this. Allright, tell me about this now,
No, you got to go.I have uh nope, I have eight

minutes. Eight minutes. Yeah,okay. By the way, though,
I love conversations like that where it'slike behind the scenes stuff that people don't
normally get to hear about. SoI love that I got to talk about
it. Okay, good, Oh, okay. So I have recently become
obsessed with something that I think you'regoing to make fun of me for because
I have a new snack obsession thateverybody in my life is telling me is

very gross. It is. Itis a a chip, I guess is
how you can describe it. ButI don't think the chip itself is gross
because it's like a cheeto, exceptit's not cheese flavored. The part that
seems to gross everybody out is thefact that my new favorite obsession is a
shrimp flavored chip. What is it? Like, you have created this shrimp

flavor or it's an actual chip thatexists in the world today. It exists
in the world today, No ideawhat it's called. I found it in
Like, uh, I don't knowif Mayor has these, because I know
Mayer is big in your area,but Kroger is big where I'm at,
and they have the different aisles forlike different styles of food, So there's
like no, no, no,it's like an Asian brand. It was

in the Asian Ale. It wasnext to the pockey. Is it there
from Japan? Are they from?Somebody in my comments section has said the
one from Japan. Yeah, doyou know what it's called? Don't Telby
It's a pink bag yes, yes, yes, shrimp chips. Yes,
let me tell you. I boughtthem because I thought it was going to

be super gross, and I thoughtit was super hysterical that they had shrimp
flavor chips. Like I get thatcultures are different, tastes are different,
Like people eat American candy all thetime overseas and like this tastes like vomit,
and I'm like, what, that'smy favorite thing in the entire world.
So we all have different tastes oninterest. So I'm not trying to
say it's disgusting, word's gross,But I was like, this is weird.
I wonder how weird this is gonnabe? Right, I try I

open the bag and it is revolting. The smell is overwhelming shrimp, and
I go, I have to tryone, like I have to eat.
Yeah, yeah, this is sooverwhelmingly shrimpy that they cannot be good.
And I popped one into my mouth. I'm obsessed with them. They are
the most delicious thing I've ever hadin my entire life. I cannot stop

eating them. I must have shrimpbreath all the time, because every time
I go anywhere near my kitchen,I go, I'm just gonna I'm just
gonna grab a handful real quick.I'm just gonna take like five, I'm
just gonna take like five kIPS.I eat these literally all day in small
portions. I cannot stop. Itis my new addiction. Are you what
do you dip them in anything?Yep, Jaggby do in it, raw

Doug in my shirt chips. Theyare truly the consistency of like Cheetos,
but just shrimp flavored. And IOh, that's what I was trying to
figure out too, is so they'rebecause they look like they look like they
could be macaroni noodles. Yeah,kind of. They're pretty small. They're
super crispy and crunchy, so likeyou're like, oh, in their puffs,

so they're not like thick. Ohwow, I'm sorry. There's like
literally the crunch is the most satisfyingthing I've ever had in my entire life.
The bag. I'm looking at thebag right now. It says fifty
years, so like they've been doingit a while. It's the original.
Yeah, I guess I've never tried. I've never I've never even seen this
bag of chips before my entire life. Do you have at Myers like the

isle that's like all of the likeMexican food and then all of the Asian
food. Go look for them.I wonder if they have them. They
probably do. I just would neverto think to go look for chips in
that aisle. You know, thatis my favorite aisle. Like I eat
so much Asian food is weird,like sauces, seasonings, Like I eat
a lot of like oyster sauce isfish, sauce is soy, sauce is

all of the Like I'm always inthat aisle. I eat like seaweed as
a snack. I love it,Okay, And I just saw it and
I was like, please, Ido the uh the the all the aisles
of solid Ale, Like if ifwe're going favorite aisles, I would say
that's my favorite all the isle.Oh yeah, that's the ole. Oh

it's an isle of shame where it'sjust random. It's random fucking things at
all the It's not food necessarily.It's usually like my pillow type stuff.
So it's almost like as seen onTV type stuff, but their version of
it copper socks. Yes, yeah, I'm looking for uh because you're like
a healthy person now, so likeis this like a healthy snack. Okay,

the only reason I bought it islet me tell you, I am
a texture person, right, couldbe real honest. A lot of healthy
foods once you cook them, havezero texture. All right, Yeah,
you can eat a carrot raw,but I'm usually like steaming it or whatever.
Like I I just A'm getting reallysick of the bland textures. And

I am a texture person, andI have been so upset because my two
favorite things in the entire world arepretzels and checks mix like those are my
stables, have been for years.I am I could eat just pretzels all
day, every day, and Imiss them dearly. I actually that's a
lie. I have pretzels the otherday, but I I am just better
with my choices. We're not gettingrid of anything. But instead of buying

like the family size bags of likethose thick sour dough rounds, I'll go
get those like little kid lunch bags. Like they have to be pre portioned
because I can't trust my stuff toportionum out. That's fair, that's fair.
I spend more money on them,but I'm eating way less of them,
and that makes me feel better.So I'll do stuff like that.
The I was shocked at the nutritionalinformation. Are these shrimp chips healthy for

you? Absolutely not? But isa serving size forty five chips? And
it was one hundred and forty calories. Yeah the fuck it was. And
I was like, I can dothat, mother fucker if you ate the
whole bag. It was like fivehundred calories and it was like a family
size, party sized portion bag.And I was like, four bucks too.
That's that's not bad. That's notbad. Pretty thrilled taste bad.

Yeah, because we're looking like we'restarting to do not to get like super
super like healthy talk, but we'restarting to do like trying to figure out
snacks and shit too for like healthystuff. And we got rice cakes the
other day and I'm like, man, rice cakes are not good. I'm
gonna help you out here. Okay. Quaker does not sell them in the
large rounds. You have to getthem in the small snack bags. And
they're the mini rounds. Yeah,they're pickle flavored rounds are the best thing

in the entire fucking world. Idon't particularly like the apple cinnamon. I
don't really like the caramel, it'stoo sweet. Butter one's fine. The
everything bagel one with peanut butter.So it's a rice cake with everything bagel
seasoning and then you put peanut butteron it really really good. But the
pickle snack rounds are the ship areyou talking like the crisps? Yeah?

The oh they're like so like aregular rice cake is probably what the size
of your hands? Yeah yeah,yeah, you are the only size.
The pickle ones come in are likeprobably the size of like a half dollar
coin. Yeah yeah, I've seenthem before. I didn't know that the
okay, all right, I'll derythat my Kroger started stocking more because I
was buying up all the stock andthey based their stock like on how much

you buy, and I cleared itout every single time that they came in.
All of a sudden, the sectionwas getting like larger and larger on
the show, and I was like, that's me, that's me. You're
welcome. I did that. I'llgo to Oh god, this is embarrassing.
I'll go to like a Meyer,and I love Lacroix, but I
only love one flavor, one flavor, and I don't need to buy like

six cases of Lacroix. So whatthese sometimes is I'll go I'll buy maybe
one two cases, and then I'llshift the lime and the peach or whatever
the hell the other flavors are.I'll shift them in front of the kran
Ras, which is my favorite,and I'll just hope. I'll just hope

that when I come back that everybodyis like, oh, there's no more
kran Ras because it's always gone,so that I'll hide some in the back
and then hope that when I comeback. You're an asshole. You're an
absolute asshole. I look, look, if it works once out of like
six times doing it, then Ifeel like it's successful. I feel like

I've saved myself a trip of goingbecause I won't buy it then, or
I'll go to a different one,or I'll make the stupid mistake of trying
a new one and it's fucking terriblebecause there's there's I'm telling you, cran
Ras is the best. It's thebest. There is no flavor like it.
Mental notemad it's very good. Imean, I should just tell people
it's disgusting. I don't know whyI'm telling people it's good. It's terrible.

You should never buy it. Iwould ever go to Myers and look
for it because it's disgusting. Ijust don't trust anybody that talks about And
I love sparkling waters. I drinkthem all of the time. I love
flavored sparkling waters. It's a greatsubstitute for pop if you are like me
and absolutely addicted to pop. ButI've never once been like, do you
want to know what the best thingin the entire world is this flavored water?
Like bitch, Baja blast exists,Sonics, cherry limeaids exists, Werners

exist. Your drink is not thatgood. It's good, but it's not
that good. Oh no, no, no, no. If we're yeah,
if we're talking like the best thingfor you or not best thing for
you, but the best substitute tolike, yeah, drinking like flap and
shit, it's the I love it, But is it the best thing you
could ever drink in your entire life. No, there's chocolate in the world.

There's chocolate milk in the world,Like there's there's plenty of other things
that I just can't drink of chocolatemilk every day. I will tell you.
I found my I got like anice cream maker for my birthday,
which is weird, and it's becauseI found a super healthy ice cream recipe
that's really fucking good. A dollwhip, but it's like a sugar free

dole whip that's really really good.You can eat an entire quart of it,
and it's like two hundred and tencalories and it's an insane amount of
delicious ice cream. I look,I see the journey you've been on,
I see the the the results you'vegotten. I will call bullshit on this
one though. There is no wayyou found an ice cream that is delicious

and good for you. There's noone two ingredients. I don't believe you
entire can of pineapple juice or pineapple, but it has to be in juice,
not in the syrup. Okay,pour the whole thing in out a
splash of either oat milk or almondmilk. Freeze it. Throw it in
the ninja creamy. The next day, Holy shit balls, because the pineapple

has what is that A? Isthat A? Is that A? The
ninja creamy? It's no, yeah, yeah, what's that? It's just
like a. It's an ice creammaker. So you can make it at
home, but you can do likefrozen cowe fees or ice creams or asaibowls
like, you can do a wholebunch of different stuff with it. The

only thing that sucks is you haveto prep everything twenty four hours before because
you have to freeze it yourself.Okay, so you can't like put it
in and like it'll freeze it whileit mixes it, Like you have to
freeze it and then it makes it. See, that's the that's the that's
what gets me. I think overall, I can eat the the snacks,
right, I can eat the meals. When it comes to like a dessert,

I'm a sweet person. Yeah,if I find it hard to to,
I'm sure it's You're right, I'msure, and I haven't tried it,
so I can't tell you that it'snot good, but in my brain
I have it. I have Klondikebars and I have ice cream sandwiches in
my freezer right now. And ifyou're telling me that that is better better
than either one of those, it'svery hard. It's very very hard.

Yeah, it's probably not, butI'm willing to try it. I'm willing
to try. I tried some nastyass shit today on our shows. Uh
what it? Fluffy coke? Youever tried that before? The flu is
fluffy coke. Oh. It issomething we saw on TikTok and it is
marshmallow fluff in a cup around theedges of the inside of the cup,

and you put coca cola inside ofit. And it's like a Southern like
root beer float type of situation.It wasn't bad, okay, I'll say
that it was like a six outof ten. I'd give it not great.
Atley loved it. It's like apopular thing that I've never heard of,
but it's more popular in the Souththan it is here. So what
I'm getting at is, I'll trywithout making it weird. I'll try anything

once. I don't trust Southerners.They put coffee creamer in their cokes.
I haven't tried it, so Idon't know that it's not good. I
would try it. I would tryit. I'm not here for it.
I'm not here for and I missgood food. That's what I'll say.
Yeah, you're gonna have to.I'm gonna have to try this pineapple ice
cream. I'm gonna have to.I'll give it a shot. I'll give

it to work. What is thatthing you you said you make it into
ninja? What? Uh creamy cR E M. I all right,
I'll have to check it out.Follow, follow me, Follow the Slightly
Messy Show on i g at SlightlyMessy Show
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