Episode Transcript
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M I a problem, Michael,and I am so sorry that you faced
part of it. There is onejoy of being single with no kids,
and it's I have no real responsibilities. Go. This is the slightly Messy
Show with Mike and Meghan. Openstate means a messy show, messy,
messy, Mic and Megan. It'sa slightly messy show with Mike and Megan.
Question. I try to fix thatevery every time. It is the
slightly messy Show. My name isMike from the B ninety three Morning Show,
along with the block with Megan fromMojo in the Morning, Oh my
god, what oh nothing? Justoh my god? And Eric, who
was the first to comment in ourTikTok live which you can go check out
our TikTok lives. As we recordthese during the live. I have recordings
of these on at Megan Mick andat on air Mic on TikTok. The
first comment is did you replace AliMack? No, this is just a
podcast that the company has suggested wedo continue. No, No, we
like to do it, but wealso I was here first. I know,
I know I was replaced by AliMack. Absolutely not, absolutely not.
Hey, what's a there's a newSo just a kind of a recap
for those of you who might notknow, probably don't know, because I
assume that you listen to every aspectof my life, but you don't there.
You have your own life going on, You have your own things going
on. I moved. I movedfrom the Mojo in the Morning show.
What you're hearing this on the moreMojo podcast platform, but I moved from
the Mojo in the Morning Show downthe hall and am co hosting a morning
show with Ali Mack, who wasjust mentioned in the comments here on a
radio station that's B ninety three toninety three point seven WBCT if you're looking
it up on the iHeartRadio app.But since then, over on one of
four five SNX, which Mojo inthe Morning is still on, there has
been a replacement, a guy whodoes what I used to do over here.
For the most part, I don'tknow. I think they got him
doing more stuff even than I wasdoing behind the scenes. His name is
Charles. He seems like a greatdude. He's eager, he's got another
job, so he's super busy.But he's he's taking over the socials for
one of four fives. Next inthe morning, which he's doing. He's
doing very well. I could Icould see from additional Charles. Yeah,
he's doing great works. He's Idon't know how long. So it's been
since what May, Yeah, sinceMay, so he's been here a couple
of months. And I am currentlyin that studio right now, the SNX
studio, because it's only down thehall for me. Like, it's not
like I changed companies. I justI just went to a different radio station,
different morning show. So I stilldo middays over here, so I'll
still come over here, and thenI do the podcast in here. And
it is I'm not exaggerating, itis eighty one fucking degrees in the studio
right now. It is eighty onedegrees in this studio, and the AC's
on I think, and it's setat seventy four. So that tells me
immediately the AC broke. Oh yeah, now, what what happen? Normally
when I was in here is Iwould send emails. I would go down
to like the whoever runs Yeah,whoever runs this building. Megan stopping around
around whoever runs this building, andI would say, because it's different all
the time, I would say,hey, this is broken. They would
come in during They would come in, usually angry during the show, and
put up a ladder right behind meand try to fix it. I didn't
care because it was so damn hotin here, and there's nothing you can
do. I can't just open thedoor because we're talking and there's audio,
and there's we'd hear stuff from outsideof the studio. So this poor guy
will not. He's so new,he's too scared to say, hey,
this is broken. So when Icame in here for Throwback throw Down on
Friday, Megan, I felt itthen, and I said, hey,
do you do you want me toYou know, I was looking out for
him. You want me to saysomething. No, No, it's totally
fine. I actually don't mind it. Now. Have you seen a picture
or video, Megan of Charles.No, I haven't, but I will
tell you it's so eerie to me. Every time he talks, he sounds
so much like you. I don'tthink we had to announce that you were
leaving. I think if we justtold him, hey, you're a dad
now and you love your wife morethan anybody on the planet, we could
have just had you on two stations. Well, he looks like I guess
I never listened to his voice.But he looks like Jack Carlow, like
if I could describe him, Yeah, he looks like Jack Carlow, super
skinny and tall. So he lookscompletely opposite in me, like he might
sound like me, he looks No, he's skinny and tall. He's like
Jack Carlow, skinny, blanky.Okay, there you go. And so
he's in here, all one hundredand thirty pounds of himself, sweating his
ass off and will not say anything. Won't say a word, Megan.
Maybe that's how he stays skinny.He's just sweating it out. It's just
the sun. Like I feel badfor the guy, but like I've tried
to help and he won't do it, and I've been the new guy,
and you don't want to you don'twant to ruffle any feathers. But this
is like, this is unbearable.This is terrible. Bro. The first
like two months that I worked uphere in Detroit, I was too scared
to ask where I was supposed towork because funny enough, and in case
you're wondering, I don't have anoffice, I don't have a desk,
I don't have anywhere to work.I have to find space every day,
And for two months I just satoutside of offices waiting for other people to
finish their job so that I coulddo my job because I didn't know where
I was supposed to go. Iget it. I feel bad for the
kid. But you said, wait, how old is he? I don't
know his exact age, but ifI was to guess, because obviously I
should, uh, I would sayprobably late twenties, late twenties, Okay.
And is he single? I thinkso? He also works with children
outside of here, like he worksat a like a I don't know if
it's a daycare or with children.Yeah he's yeah, he's yeah. I
don't know if he is single.I have no idea. Oh wait,
maybe he did say girlfriend. Idon't know. What'll just pretend like he
is single. I don't know.Honestly, if he sits and listens to
the show every morning, he's notinterested in me? Does he ever?
I don't even know this? Doeshe ever come on? Does he ever
say anything? What? No oneneither does Daniel really either? And Daniel's
the guy who replaced me in Toledo, and he's the sweetest guy in the
entire world. Literally, the entireworld. Every once in a while we'll
talk to him and be like,Daniel, are things going? Who the
fuck is? Did he forgot?Who's been there a year? But the
interesting thing about Charles is I calledhim when I first met him, I
called him Charlie. I said heCharlie because they said, hey, this
is Charles blah blah, and Isaid, I said Charlie, and then
I said Chuck. But then hehe like spoke up and was like,
no, I want to go by. I want to go by Charles.
Oh okay. I respect that veryproper. But also I respect that,
you know what I mean, didn'tjust let me call you Chucky because I
would have you did let let mewalk around and call you Chuck. I
respect that. And but he won'tsay anything about this, damn heat.
I don't know what the deal is. He just doesn't want to be a
problem. And if there's anything thatI've learned about myself in the past year,
it's God forbid. I'm a burdento anybody. I'm I'm good.
I'll find a way to push through. I'm fine. The dude's gonna pass
out. He's gonna pass out inthe studio it's like an ozone fucking action
day in the studio right now.It's so goddamn hot. Or color what
color is the day? It's anorange. It's definitely in an orange.
He's like, don't go outside,don't use your lawn more in the studio.
It's fucking ridiculous in here. Idon't know how he's even staying awake,
Like I've been in I've only beenin here probably a half an hour,
and I got that feeling of likeit's pretty heavy to breathe in here,
like I feel, I feel likea puppy that's been locked inside of
a hot car right now, justfucking sweating my ass off in here.
I would die if he had likeone of those walking desk treadmills in there,
and he just wears one of thoselike spacesuits that you see people wear
in the gym, and he's justsweating. Maybe what is he training?
What are you training for, Charles? What are you training for? This
studio? Right now? I doremember though, being being new and even
over like I said, I'm over, I'm being ninety the B ninety three
Morning Show now even over there,I haven't There are things that I that
you know, I have to askto get fixed or get changed or update
or whatever, cause it's it's newand I have it yet, right,
I have it because I am doingthe same thing, sort of like I'm
still new. I'm only a couplemonths in. I don't need to I
don't need to this this can wait, this can wait. But this is
and maybe I got maybe I've beenUh. The studio up grade has maybe
been a thing like it's it's acool, crisp sixty eight sixty nine degrees.
In the other studio, it ispleasant. I sometimes have to wear
sweatshirts in that studio. The otherone, this one. Well, you
know, at our studio here inDetroit, we have an engineer who has
to climb up in a ladder everyday to go into the ceiling to either
switch on full blast heat or fullblast d AC. And there is no
middle ground, so you're either gonnaevery day we dress in layers. It's
so funny. We'll post a videoand they'll be like, oh, they
must be in best of They're allwearing blankets and winter jackets. So I'm
like, no, no, no, It's July seventeenth and it's thirty degrees
in the studio. It's full blastd acy day and it's fucking freezing.
I think it's like a picture.Pick your own adventure, though, Choose
your own adventure, because like everystudio's got something. Because in that studio
the lights don't work. So it'slike a constant, like you could have
a seizure type situation and there's nofixing it. There's no fixing it.
There's no We've tried a million times. It doesn't matter the bulbs we put
in again, that's not a bigdeal. It's not like this heat right
here. It's not like temperature.Temperature in the studio is unbearable. I
missed Toledo. I didn't know howgood I had it. I do oh
our engineers fixed everything within an hour. Everything I everything worked, everything,
My studio was perfect. I nevercomplained about anything. I worked in a
room where I had seven microphones.Every single one of them worked all the
time for any reason. I'm currentlyin a room with three microphones and I
have one working microphone that's not eventhe one that I'm on. This is
the one that has its own volumecontrol on it. Sometimes I'm super loud
on the podcast. Sometimes it's quiet, and sometimes it twitches throughout the podcast
because it's a choose your own adventurevolume and I'm not touching any of the
settings. Yeah, yeah, welllet's make it. Let's make a little
bit. How long do we thinkCharles will go? The temperature here,
I'm gonna I'm gonna walk away fromthe microphone, but I'm gonna show you
in the TikTok Live right so youknow that I'm not just making this up.
Okay, this is the actual temperaturein the studio right now. Oh
my god, it's eighty one degreesand everything AC is on. Do you
see eighty one degrees? Hold on, I can't hear? Yeah. Do
you think I should send him unsolicited, like from Mojo in the morning,
a personal AC for the desktop,just like a small fan that you can
like put ice and water in togive himself acy. I just saw one
on TikTok. It's it's literally becausenow every three tiktoks is an ad so
it is a belt air conditioner.You just you should literally strap it on
and it blows air up your shirtor the one of those neck fans.
It has the two fans on itand es say, I heard it's pretty
hot in the studio, man,and it's this way at five o'clock in
the morning, because I'll pop inhere before we go on the air over
there, just to do some thingsin the studio real quick. It's that
hot in here then, because we'reup in like the ninth floor, it
doesn't cool off. Okay, I'mgonna need you to text me the address
of the s on X studio whenwe're done with this, because it's prime
day to day, and I willbuy him a fan and literally send it
to him and be like, Hurtit hot. But just can you imagine
poor this kid who won't tell anybodywhat's going on, and then me in
Detroit, who he's never met before, sends him a fan and just says,
Hurt it's hot and you won't tellanybody. That would be so creepy.
I love it. All right,done done? How long all right
before we uh we go out tothe next topic. How long do we
think, bet wise, he'll gobefore he not. I know you're gonna
send that, but how long doyou think he would go before he would
say anything? April May is whenyou said he's been there, Yeah,
since the end of may bruh.If he's gone this long and it's eighty
one degrees in there, he isnot telling anybody ever. Ever. It
probably didn't start though, until itgot really hot midsummer. So it's midsummer
right now. Probably probably about threeweeks ago. I would say three weeks
ago is when you started noticeably gotgot really hot in here. Dude,
he hasn't said a word. Mywiny ass would be like ten minutes and
you better fucking fix this right thefuck now. Yeah, I would get,
I would get, I would say, knew. Me would have been
very passive and be like, hey, uh boss, I gotta talk to
you real quick, but can wetalk in the SNX studio. And then
they would have walked in and beenlike, oh my god, it's so
hot in here. Oh really,Oh oh it is. Oh I didn't
even realize it weird. If youwant to, if you want to take
it, it's sure, I guess. I mean, if you want to
tell them you know, yeah,I've been in here for six hours.
Fine, just fine. Me followedthe Slightly Messy Show, one ig at
Slightly Messy Show. All right,so it is somebody's birthday yesterday, and
the sixteenth. It was Megan Make'sbirthday. I didn't know you were you
were at home, otherwise I wouldhave texted you that early. But I
will say, out of everybody,you were one of the first people to
reach out to me and to giveAli mcletl shout out. The two of
you sent me a happy birthday videothat was so incredibly sweet. It literally
made my day. So thank you. Oh You're welcome. I saw the
silence on your phone and I went, Oh, what a goddamn professional at
work with her phone on silent.That's why That's why we said the video
like that, because I'm like,who has their phone on silent during the
show? I taking back, bitch, I'll took the day off. I'm
fucking sleeping. Yeah, I wouldhave. I would have texted you if
I do didn't wake me up.So you're good? Oh good, good,
good good. What What did youdo for birthday? Did you have
you done anything yet? Are youdoing something this weekend? I did one
thing that was really nice. Iwent out to like a P and C
dinner with my dad and my brotherand my dad's girlfriends. My my brother,
and I's birthdays are ten days apart, so we usually get like one
birthday thing from dad, you know, like it's usually like he took us
to a really nice restaurant and solike that was for both of us,
you know what I mean. Sowe got gifts too, and I love
my dad. He really does spoilus. And I've ruined my family.
I've gotten both of the boys intocandles in a way that is obsessive and
weird. And so for our birthday, we got a fancy dinner and then
my brother and I both got nicecandles. But I was so overwhelmed with
guilt because my dad's girlfriend got mea birthday gift too, which is so
incredibly kind, so incredibly kind.I was not expecting it. And now
I'm like, oh my god,her birthday was not that long ago,
and I did not get hurt anything, And now it's like it also just
kind of happens. So it's notlike you can mentally put this in the
rollodex to be like, she gotyou something, you got to get her
something like I dropped the ball onher birthday. She got me something.
Now I'm in debt and I don'tknow how to fix this. How uh,
how nice was the gift? Itwas incredibly thoughtful. I think she
went out of her way to belike reasonable, Like she got me something
that I will use on a dailybasis, you know, Like so it
wasn't like, uh, like shegot me like this really cool crossbody backpack
to go walking in in downtown becauseI go walking every single day. And
I was complaining that, like Ican never take everything I kind of need.
But then I'm like walking around withmy keys in my hand or you
know, like I'm I don't haveanything big enough for everything I need or
it's too big where I'm not gonnalug it around for a walk. And
she got me this very very coollike crossbody small backpack. But it also
has like a water bottle holder,so when I go on my long walks,
I got like it's just so perfectand so thoughtful. It's not something
I ever would have asked for,but it's exactly what I wanted. That's
incredible, I know. So nowyou owe her something better? Do you
want up her on the gift ordo you get her hmm? That means
you have to start doing the otherholidays too, Like now it's time for
Christmas, Now it's time for Idon't know if you do anniversary gifts for
her, I don't know how thatworks, but I don't think they've been
together long enough of that. Ifeel like you do that once they get
married. Okay, I don't knowif they're gonna get married together or somewhere.
I think I'm off the hook onthat one, but definitely Christmas and
Birthdays and now Mother's Day. Probablyshould get her Mother's Day gift because she
doesn't want me as a child,but I'm forcing her to become my mother
figure. My brother and I didpreface this the first day we met her.
She listened to the show Thank Godand has a great sense of humor.
But the first time we met her, we went mom. She was
like my children. So I like, I love her, but I feel
like I need to do that.But I'm so bad at gifts, and
I'm also so bad at just beingon top of my shit that I feel
so guilty. First off, you'renot bad at gifts. You're very good
at gifts. Every gift that I'vegotten from you has been a solid gift.
Yeah, but I don't like thepressure of not the pressure. I
don't like being forced into getting othersgifts that's kind of what she's done here.
She's kind of forced you. Now, not that you would have never
gotten her a gift, but somebodyhas to be the first one to do
it. But she's basically forced.You have no choice. Now you will
oh sorry, no, you'll everhave to get her gifts, which is
fine. But what she doesn't knowis all of the good gifts she's gotten
from our dad are really from me. Are you serious? You think my
dad knows how to come up withanything on his own. I get constantly
send me links to something for thisand I'm like, oh, I got
you. I hope he does getmad about this, but he at one
point was like, I need agood blow dryer. I said, I
love you. I love you somuch. Why at this day and age
do you need a blow dry Andhe's like, I just need one from
my apartment. I was like,got you. And I saw him links
to like and I was like,you're not just gonna need a blow drying
you need this, you need this, you need this, you need this,
and she's gonna fall in love withyou, and he was like,
thank's got it. I was like, she doesn't know, but that's for
me. That's for me. Idid that for you, my bid,
because I love you. Oh,Rachel just commented, she says, get
her a just thinking of you giftafter a few weeks go by, so
just like not even not even fora specific date, just like a hey,
I thought you might like this,droped it off for you. That's
very smart, it's very smart.When was her birthday? I believe it
was June, so I really droppedthe fucking ballf I'm being honest. How
long have they been together though Idon't know that he did. I don't
know over a year or a year. I think it's around a year right
now. Okay, I don't thinkI don't think you dropped the ball.
I don't think you have to gether a gift yet. At this point,
I just keep having these pep talkswith her, and I say,
you really need to put your footdown and demand that my dad takes you
on vacation, Like I can't.I keep going, how much of his
money have you taken? And she'slike none, And I'm like, we
really need to switch that up.Okay, because I think I told you
this the first time I met her. She's like, I'm not here to
take the money, and I go, Bibe, your only goal is to
take as much money as you possiblycan. He's got millions of freqump fire
miles. Make him take you onbougie ass vacations and upgrade to all of
the amenities. And he's going topay for every nice dinner and you only
eat at nice places. Now,isn't that weird? We don't do takeout
anymore, We only dine in andhe's buying every time. But welcome to
your new wife. Take his fuckingmoney. Well, really, you just
gave her the ultimate gift. Thenshe's fine, And she was like,
are you sure? And I said, Babe, I cannot believe the wonderful
situation you just found yourself in.And I look at this as your extended
four o one k. You knowhow all this too. The one thing
that I did learn is that yourdad, before you guys were born,
gets really busy. A lot ofyour dad's sex is happening in the month
of October. Yes, I knowit's ross, it's the month of October.
I don't know what he's doing inOctober, but it was probably like
drunken Halloween sex. And I reallydon't want to think about it. I
really don't want to think about it. I want to dive into it.
What costume you think he was wearing? Uh, thirty something thirty something years
ago? It was the biggest costumeall the week, thirty years ago.
Top Halloween costumes nineteen ninety one.That's what you got to look at.
Because I was born in ninety two. Halloween COSTUMESGA, I feel like it's
that Oh excuse me, what?Okay, here we go one. Bart
Simpson is the first thing. Thatnineteen terminator. He could have been on
the terminator that was the most popular. No grows, grows. He was
probably like one of the cats fromthe musical Cats Bye Bye. He's walking
around in the leather jacket, justripped. Just no. Let me tell
you my dad tall, lanky,another great word. My dad was very
lanky. He was eighty bitty,skinny. He was fit, don't get
me wrong, but skinny. Thatman was always practically naked. The amount
of photos that I've found of mydad, where I go, are you
wearing anything? And he goes,yeah, I'm wearing little shorts, booty
shorts that may have had more pairsof booty shorts that I've ever seen any
man own ever before. Never.I don't think he owned a shirt and
he can't coetmand it mean, okay, uh, he owned more kimonos than
anybody. Mumu's little one piece tankjust essentially a man dress. That man
loves a tied eyed man dress.And I think he was a hippie.
I think he was a massive hippieand he got married and had kids and
went fuck, I have to givethis up. And I still think he
regrets it because I was not worthit. I bet, I bet there's
a closet somewhere of just all hisold stuff. I bet he still lives
it up. I bet. Imean with the kids out of the house
now, but he's walking around ina moonoo or two, so okay,
he doesn't have one. And Iknow this because I went through his closest
the other day because I spilled foodall over myself. It is with a
July party, and I had towear his clothes for the rest of the
party. Well, my clothes werein the laundry, very true. I
ran a load of laundry for myclothes and my clothes only at a party,
and then put on my dad's clothesvery hysterical to me because all of
my uncle's who I love in thedoor were like, I don't feel like
that's what you were wearing when Ishowed up to them. I'm like,
you couldn't tell that these are myfather's c that's more offensive that you couldn't
tell these are my father's clothes.But I went through his stuff and my
aunt, who is his best friend, who's like my mom, the one
that I'm always like. My aunt, who's like my mom, is my
dad's best friend in the entire world. Her and I have been plotting for
years that we are going to justone year for Christmas or his birthday or
Father's Day, just get him likefifty kimonos, mumus whatever, and we
are pretty sure it'll be the happiesthe's ever been in his life. Sue,
Susan, is that it? KathyKathy? I was not at all
right. I do love my aunt, Sue, My AUNTSWU is the best,
but Kathy Kathy, Okay? Hewould love it? Oh, yeah,
absolutely love it. Huberson shirt.Yeah. I would also like to
know what you wash your brother borntoo, because that's another one eighty six.
I would have been eighty five topcostumes. But my brother came almost
forty weeks after their wedding. Like, if you want to talk about a
baby that was conceived on the weddingnight, that was my brother. Now
my dad claims he was planned,and I was like, yeah, sure,
sugar, you're from You got marriedand almost forty weeks later you had
your first child. I'm sure thatwas planned. He was either Freddy Coueger
in eighty five or the Hulk,which the Hulk like hul Cogan, not
the Marvel character. You gotta bekidding me, brother, Ah, I'm
really for hul Covid. I'm actuallylike one thousand percent. I hope that's
I'm going to text my brother andsay you were conceived in a halt Covid,
just to see what he says,because my brother was obsessed with hul
Cogan growing up, so he'd probablybe like, I'm so proud of this
fact. I remember, it's nota fucking fact. I made that up.
It's a slightly missy show. Pathetic, absolutely pathetic. Love the show.
You guys are doing a great jobwith Mike and Megan