Episode Transcript
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That Mojo, ain't no good welive baby, No, we ain't we
live baby, This ain't live.This is a podcast. We're we're doing
it live so I can say we'relive. Oh okay. This is honestly
some of this probably is for memore so than it is for the listeners.
But we're just gonna chill. Ina perfect world, Mojo, honestly
talking to you, you wouldn't besitting over there like I kind of want
you to come over here last switchspots. No, I don't want to
sit over there like I want to. I want us to feel like we're
at your place on the couch.I felt like conversation. I felt like
yesterday's show was a podcast. Didyou get the feeling? Not only did
I feel like it was a podcast, I kind of felt like it was
the we don't podcast in a sense. It was like maybe it was just
hearing Chelsea's voice as often as youknow it was yesterday it felt like.
But it also was like like Iwas afraid of the stuff that was going
to be said, that it wasgonna forever be held against us. You
shit. But I think one ofthe things I kind of wanted to do
on this particular part, and Iwish Megan was here, and I also
wish Mike was here because me beingnew to this show, I would have
loved to know certain things. Somay people will have to spin the block
again and we'll have to do likea remix. Okay, but one of
the things I feel like listeners maynot understand is like this is still a
job, and we still have stuffthat we need to do, and I
don't want this to be a meeting, But like, how do we think
the show went today? And maybefrom a producers standpoint Lydia, because you
plan the schedule, Like would yousay today was a good show? Mojo?
Do you feel like you were good? Sh Like do you feel like
today was a good show? Whowants to go first? You can go
from you can go first? Becauseyou are always so hard on yourself.
Yeah, I have to listen backto a show like once or twice or
a segment a few times to seeif I think that it's a great show.
And I don't think that I critiqueyou guys, I critique myself in
the callers. Yeah, so Ithink it was a pretty good show.
I'd give it a seven out ofton So what didn't make it as great
of a show. And when didyou feel like was the first moment,
like how early into a show doyou say like okay, like can you
immediately be like this shit is offthe rails? Because I'll be honest with
you, I feel like, andthis is just me and hopefully we all
feel like we are important pieces ofthe show and we want to be our
best versions. I feel like,obviously the first topic is a banger.
Also feel like back in the Dayhas to be right too, because I
feel like if Back in the Dayhits and like the song that we do,
like if this shit is flowing right, I'm like, hell yeah,
back in the Day boom, becausethat's really like the first commercial. If
that shit trash and sometimes the songsbe trashed, I'm like, ah,
fuck see, I think, Ithink. And Mojo's heard me say this
for forever, for as long asthey've known him. How he comes in
and says hello in the morning,dictates the show and that kind of is
over a little bit into our Wehave a pre show meeting every day at
like ten to six usually, andif we are all like in great silly
moods during that meeting, it's goingto be you know, it's going to
be a great show for the mostpart. You agree. Sometimes the calls,
I agree with Shannon on that.I also I also agree that how
the show starts, it's usually howthe show goes. So if we have
good calls, it will spur on, you know, good calls for the
rest of the day. I thoughttoday was just an okay show. I
thought that the topics were actually good. I didn't the war are the Roses
today it was just okay. Itwasn't that like I usually go off of
the things that we do that arelike can we call them benchmarks? Like
we are the Roses five lies?You know. I always say that Friday
shows always propel me to the weekendif the throwback throw down is like really
fun, like if it's if it'ssuspenseful and you know good, And that's
how I think wore the Roses uhin second date updates start the week and
today's I thought it was just okay. I'll be honest with you. I
was exhausted again from Saturday or Sunday. We were we were up late,
Kevin and Cherrell and Chelsea and Iand I drank and I can't drink.
I used to be able. Idon't know. He was doing sat we
was doing old fashions, Ranch waterslike I told I was so drunk.
I told Cherrell's she looked like shad. He was like, I'm gonna be
honest with you. You and Itexted THEO ches today like L looked like.
He was like, you're usually soput together and I'm not. I'm
not saying you aren't. You're abeautiful woman, but I mean, I
just gotta be honest with you.You look like ship today was so bad.
I felt. I felt so badto say that because I honestly,
I I gotta tell you I havea crush on Cherrell and I think that
she is because I think that sheis such a beautiful person, even more
so than than her looks are gorgeous, Like she's a gorgeous one. But
I told but I told you thestory that Tony Trovato and I when we
first met Cherill. Because this isway before keV ever was not on the
show or even thought of it tobe on the show. We met Cherrelle
doing breaking entering Christmas Wish and Kevinor Tony and I are talking and Tony.
Tony goes, she's gorgeous. Whois she? Like we were talking
about Cherrell. He thought that thatwas coach Dwayne Casey from the Piston's Wife
Wow, and and it was Kevin'sand so so I I love her.
But that was so bad. Wewere so drunk that I was like,
like, man, what's going on? But go back to the show for
a second because I feel like I'mgoing to get myself into trouble the show
today and people are listening to thispodcast, going what show you talking about?
While we're talking about whatever? Tuesday, June eighteenth, Show twenty twenty
four. The show today was goodtopics, The calls were good, like
there was always good calls. ButI feel like some of our listeners are
starting to take a little bit ofa summer vacation. Yeah, so we
have a little bit of it.And I'm not saying that the amount of
people listening isn't there. I thinkpeople are kind of like more passively listening.
I was gonna say, you canfuel the shift, like we can
feel that energy. It's so weird. So every year it feels like this,
let me ask you this, Everyyear feels like this Lydia you produce
the show, does it change theway that you approach the show and what
you do because you know that thecallers may not be there. I think
it's more about swifting through them,you know, like there might be a
call that I'm like, Wow,this is fantastic and it's quick to get
on the air. But then there'stimes where we're all have like three calls
that I'm like, Nah, thisis mediocre, and I know that we
could get something better. All callsare great and we appreciate you calling,
but sometimes there's just something that I'mlooking for, and I feel like during
this time it's harder to find whatI'm looking for due to the passive listeners.
That makes sense. Another thing Iwant to say real quick is you
brought our benchmarks and ward of Roses, and I want to ask you what
Shannon is. Are y'all ever conflictedor do you ever feel like, damn,
I fucked up? Do y'all everfeel like y'all too much into people's
business doing ward or roses and potentiallyruining relationships? Do you ever have that
that tug of war where it's like, yeah, I feel like I'm doing
good by exposing a cheater. Butthen also, I'm fucking up alife.
There's kids attached potentially, Like,how do you handle it both sides of
that? That's a really good question. I don't know about you, I
would say, and this kind ofsounds slightly terrible, but I'm kind of
like desensitized to it because I mean, we've been doing it for such a
long time. There are still certainsituations that make me really uneasy. And
I also feel like a lot ofthese situations it would have fallen apart anyway,
A good chunk of them would havefallen apart anyway. And like each
situation is different, though there's someof them I walk away from and go,
God, we saved her from,you know, making a really bad,
almost permanent decision and getting married,and now she doesn't have to go
through. You know, it justdepends on the situation. But I think
I used to think that we weredoing good. Now I just want to
entertain everybody else. But you knowwhat I mean, Like, I just
I think in the beginning, itused to be like, Okay, you
know what, if this gives youthe ability to have peace of mind that
your spouse, even the people thataren't on War of the Roses, like
people just listening at home maybe havea similar situation. At first, I
used to go, oh, thisis really good for them to know that,
hey, they're not crazy for thinkingthat their spouse could be cheated out.
Now I just go, all,right, are people entertained by this?
Are people listening to this? Andyou know so I kind of I
know it sounds bad to say that, but also that's why I think today's
wasn't. Today's was just honestly catchingit. It was a chadter, but
it really wasn't anything that was earthshattering. And you have to understand too
that. And I'm speaking to thelisteners here. We when we get the
submissions and we read through them,some of them, you're like, you
don't need us, Like the situationis you could speak to this Lydia and
kp it like it's so blatantly obviousor there's so elaborate that it's like we
can't even keep up, Like there'stoo many people involved in this situation that
it's just too much, like wecan't we can't tie up these loose ends.
Yeah, I think that's the hardestpart. And also, like screenshots
like there will be like multiple screenshotsof something going on, and sometimes we
and KP can't even piece the puzzletogether. How do you, Shannon,
how you decide the dirties? Likehow do you pick which stories you go
to? So I said my likebefore, when I'm laying in bed,
I'll send myself a bunch of stuff. Mojo will times send me stuff too,
so like usually that there's always abig you know, well, I
pray for like a big story becausethe days that there's NICs are so hard.
But and then I go through,like I have my mourning routine of
going through like daily Mail, pagesix. I love TMZ is okay,
but I like the shade room.I have my couple. You guys are
always great about sending me stuff ifI miss it. So it was funny
you like usual suspects filling in foryours yesterday and we were just like I
would ask these guys, I'm like, hey, what do you think are
the bigger stories? And like KevinLydia and KP, we're like sending stories.
Yeah, through the thing. Theone thing I realized is it's it
wasn't the amount of stories, becauseI think yesterday we did like the Taylor
Swift story about Joe Alwin. Twicewe did the horrible tragedy in Rochester at
the splash Pad. Yeah, acouple three times, so it wasn't but
it was almost, Okay, what'sa different perspective of this. I really
kind of liked that we all justsat there and shot the shit like we
did. So we did, andyou should listen back to this podcast if
the listeners are checking out the firstDirty we did where we talked about Taylor
Sweat. Lydia came in because she'sa big Tailor Sweat fan, and she
started talking about Joe Alwin's mentions inthe songs or you know, her kind
of dropping hints about their cheating,and I was like intrigued by it.
I learned something because I don't followthe stories as much, like I listened
to you do the Dirty, andI know we all interrupt you and have
opinions and stuff. Yeah, butI actually was like, oh, I
actually kind of learned a little bitof something about this. And then when
we tell later in the morning wewere talking about the Rochester splash Pad shooting,
I noticed that we were just kindof giving our our thoughts and opinions
and where we were when we heardabout it and stuff, and I was
like, wow, that was actuallyit was interesting because we're not we don't
know, we're not experts when itcomes to it, you know. I
kind of like I watched the newspeople, and that's why when I do
trendy news, I love to playthe news reporters and just comment on the
reporters. Yeah, Jessica Dupnik,I should be so funny. How long
y'all have been working together? TheMojohn Shannon twenty ten, right, it'll
be fifteen years in August, Yeah, twenty Yeah, but I've known him
for longer than that. But yeah, yeah, it was, it was.
It wasn't it September twenty ten,August augusta, August of two thousand
and nine when I started with Jesusokay, yeah, and then, but
I've known him, you know,for years before that. I mean,
you hate when I say this,but I did listen to the More jour
in the Morning show my junior senioryear of high school. And then I
got into radio in college and Ilooked up to Mojo and he so I
would send him your check. Iwas like that annoying person that would email
him and say, can you listento this and critique it? So,
yeah, I really don't. Iused to get annoyed by because it made
me feel like I'm old. ButI am old. You know, I'm
fifty four years old, so Iand I started doing this when I was
eighteen, So I'm like, holyfuck. But then i saw Bill Belichick
dating twenty and I'm like, fuckif Bill Belichick, It's like, who
cares? Now? You know,I'm not as old as Bill. As
long as your dick works, right, I don't know necessarily know. Well,
so, yeah, it's been aboutwas that fifteen years or something like
that? Yeah? Has there everbeen a time where we all were like
pissed at each other? Oh?Yeah? Yeah? How did y'all navigate
through that? Like what we have? We usually have to have a come
to Jesus every couple of years.I think that well, and I think
it also it's funny we've had youand I have had how many cast changes
on the on the show a lot? So we've had like five or six
probably, uh, you know,just random people, whether they be a
producer or somebody that did the webstuff. We had a major one when
uh, when you know Cavs startedon the show. And I think,
honestly, when things change like that, I think it makes our relationship better
actually too, as weird as thatmay sound. Yeah, So which one
of y'all's next? Well, Imean let's go deeper into that. We
don't got a name names and youdon't got to be specific about which person
at what point in the show,but like dealing with transition and bringing somebody
into not only you know, theradio life, but more importantly your personal
life because we share a lot ofshit in here, and we have a
lot of real conversations, whether itbe on air, we have a lot
of real shit off air, andpeople come and people go like, how
do you welcome somebody into this family? How you deal with somebody exiting the
family? How does that work?Yeah? I don't know how to specifically
answer that question, but I cansay that there is with each different group
of people that is in this studio, like each different cast, so to
speak, I feel like there's thereis a vibe that is created. And
I am speaking for myself when Isay I truly feel the most comfortable being
myself with this cast that is inthis room right now and Megan obviously she's
not in here. Like I feelthe safest sharing what's going on in my
life, both on the air andoff the air. And so I think
it's just the mixture of people andhow our you know, chemistry and personalities
all fit together, both with themicrophone in front of us and off.
I think Kevin has a lot todo with that. Yeah, Like I
said this to him the other night, that there were many times when you
talked about how we would come intothe show and how my mood when I
would come in. I dreaded comingin for a while. It was really
obvious, very obvious, and inthe one thing that I think Kevin has
done differently than anybody else that hasworked on the show. And this is
no negative on anybody that used towork on the show, but Kevin calls
that out like what's going on,Like he's like he's really up the beat
when he when he comes in andhe can see you are pretty good at
sense and when you think things arenot good, are down and even yourself
like when you're having a last Monday, you were in the biggest funky mood.
Last week you weren't here, Mojoand it. It like it threw
off my day so bad. Itwas so weird because I was like,
something, is why you ain't sayshop? Well, we talked, we
all stood in the hallway and talkedabout it. Then that wasn't Monday,
though it was. It was.That was Monday. That was Monday.
It was the weirdest day. Idon't know. We talked, didn't we
talked because I know I know whatyou talking about. When it was me
and you, Megan, we werein the hallway, we were talking about
therapy. Yes, that was thesame day that I had the mood,
So that was Tuesday. But yeah, that's what I'm saying, Monday,
That's what I'm saying. I ain'tsay ship well because I said something to
you. It's because Tom wasn't there. His best buddy wasn't there. He
was in a funky mood. That'sexactly what it was. I remember saying
something to you and well, becausewe did back in the day and you
didn't have anything ready, and thatwas fine. You were going my shit
delete it. No, I havemy shit ready, and for some reason
my sit literally deleted. For whateverreason, it didn't pan out the way
that I thought it was going toowith you doing back in the Day and
I had come in here and Isaid something to you. I was like,
why didn't you have back in theDay ready? And you didn't say
anything to me, and I waslike, wow, you know you and
I are close, Yeah, andI'm close with everybody on the show.
But I was thinking, I'm like, he didn't even say anything. I'm
like, usually you'll reply and giveme the reason, or you'll you'll tell
me what's going on. Yeah,So when you didn't reply, it was
like, oh, something's not good. Yeah, and I don't know what.
And I think also like whenever you'redealing with something or yeah, whenever
you're dealing with something, it setsthe lens for how you view everything else
that's experiencing. So if I'm notfeeling good and I'm dealing with bullshit,
when you come in and you talkto me about back in the day,
it's filtering as like, oh,Leady got an attitude or Leadi got So
I probably didn't say some shit likethat because I thought you was coming in
and you probably weren't. It wasprobably like a normal day. So yeah,
my bad on that. No,no apologies, because we do all
go through our things. I mean, you should have replied to me,
But that's fine, you know,like I can get it. You're still
a human facts. I'm not apologizingfor how I felt, because I don't
think anybody should apologize for things thatthey're going through. We all can maybe
do a better job and for sureof processing it and understanding that what you're
going through shouldn't and it may changeyou know, how you are and who
you are, but hopefully not tothat extent. And with this being a
show where you gotta come and yougotta speak and you gotta be you know,
however, sometimes I feel like that'sa dichotomy. Also, we're like
you got and if you're an extrovert, that's always positive, and then you
not. People see that shit andit shows up. It's even more apparent.
Yes, it's obvious, you know. You know it's interesting. I
mentioned this yesterday in our meeting toeverybody. I go, hey, if
you're going through something and you're strugglinga little bit, just speak up and
say something to even just one person, because we do require a lot of
like hey, you get you know, post something on social media. Well,
sometimes you just don't feel like fuckingposting something because you're just not feeling
good. And the problem is,and I have struggles that I don't even
tell my wife about that I'm strugglingwith. And she's about as close as
I have been with anybody right now, especially you know, she and I
are very close. But then thereare times where my struggles are my wife,
or my struggles are somebody you knowin my life, you know.
And the problem is, it's toughto do a job like this where you
gotta go and be happy and you'rethe fucking clown in the circus. And
I think that we will cover likethere's many times I'll be like, yeah,
I'm just really not feeling good today, or I'll come in in that
pissy mood and it's because I gota really big problem going on, you
know, or somebody in my family'sgot something big going on that honestly is
much more important than you know,us doing with this this show. And
I think is really tough. Butif we ever can get to a point
where we because I think it's alltrust and how you trust people, and
I think we've all kind of gonethrough things in our lives where it's like,
hey, I'm struggling right now,but I don't want to talk about
it. But I just want youto know if I act weird towards you,
that's the thing, And honestly Itake that sometimes more at heart,
because we all will have each other'sbacks on that. You know. I
think it's funny that you talk aboutwhen you're because you're such an extrovert when
you're struggling keV, because it isway more apparent than if, say,
for instance, you know, Iam really struggling because I'm always kind of
almost a little bit of the middleof the road when I don't see the
person that is really happy all thetime or really upbeat or the raw,
raw guy. You know, it'skind of like part of your routine.
Yeah, you require that, andyou, as a friend, go fuck,
what can I do to help them? You know, you feel kind
of helpless as friends. So that'swhat I was like, why you ain't
say ship, because maybe that wouldhave helped, But I don't know.
By the way, I'm surprised youget through a show without swearing with Oh
my god, I sort of god. I wish f CC would get the
ship together sometimes before we do abreak. I wish sometimes we could record
like in between because Kevi's like canI can I say titties? And were
you were talking about earlier about punkass bitch. That's what you were saying
that chrisy T had called Trump?Is that what you were saying? It
was p as bitch? Thank you? I guess on that we can end
it. I thought this was good. This is the reason why I like
the More Mojo podcast because this isas good for the listeners. It's it's
good for us as it is forthe listeners that we talked about. Oh,
I wish Megan and Mike were herebecause I wanted to really ask about
me coming onto this. Well,let's do that as the next all right,
we actually because we all get tohost one and we all go through.
That's a good subject idea of didyou feel welcome when you came?
I did? I did? I? Well, I think the because before
I was on this show, Ithink I came to this Yeah. Well
no, I mean I mean after, like after everything had happened and I
was here, Mojo told me tocome in for like one of those Monday
meetings, and I remember I thinkI was sitting in this chair and Megan
and Mike were both on a computeron Zoom or some shit like that.
Everybody was in the studio and itwas like a little like it was a
little uncomfortable when he made it,or at least I felt uncomfortable. It
was like an announcement was made andit was like damn there, like ain't
nobody know. And it wasn't immediatelylike oh shit, welcome, it was.
It was kind of on some silencetype uncomfortable energy type shit. Yeah.
Yeah, So man, I'm sorryif you felt that way. I
feel like it kind of makes itokay. Well I'm not. I'm apologize
for all of us, but becauseI think but it's like good and bad,
because I think it's a testament towho we are as a group.
Like we are a very close knitgroup, and I do I think like
we're we're not in a bad way, but we're like hard to infiltrate,
like we're because no, really,because it has taken us a lot of
work to create this this dynamic inthis group. So we're just like pet
yeah, protected, that's good.And I think change was a huge part
of that. You know, likeyou get used to things and then there's
something else then there's change. AndI will always say you are the best
change. You are the best changein the show and the best edition.
And I'm so grateful you're here.I wouldn't go there far to live without
this guy. We got a handshake. I have a hands I'm still pay
Why don't you have a handshake rightnow? Because you don't want one?
You don't want one. I'm I'mtoo dorky for a handshake for him.
I know her. I got herhandshake. You do you real quick?
We can do right now. I'mcome over. Okay, it's perfect for
a podcast. We gonna do allright, Okay, all right, my
shot went in, Yours didn't.By the way, the best is Kevin
and I are going to do acharity one on one game against each other.
Doctor Warner is going to referee,and I'm gonna get fifty dollars back
from him in this ship. Howeveryou want to, you will you.
It's yours. Everybody, if you'relistening, have a blessed day. I'm
a firm believer in God, soI'm in this. On my scrips,
my favorite scripture is Romans eight eighteen, and it basically says our present sufferings
cannot compare to our future glory.So whatever it is you experience right now,
trust and believe and put your energytowards understanding that will be a better
day. Have a blessed day.