Episode Transcript
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They're all join no good. ShouldI start it like Moso starts it?
Since it's my turn to host thepodcast today, why do we have to
do this? Get thing? No? That was the old, That was
the old, more motile, thatwas the old. No that I don't
have to worry about coming up withthe topic for every single lot of them.
I'm fine with it. It ismy turn. So I was trying
to think of what would be interestingfor you listening right now to hear about,
and I thought about this. Ithink that each of us in this
room deserves some ganging up on becausewe get to sit behind a microphone every
single morning. We get to controlthe narrative of pretty much everything that's happening
in our lives. Right. Yeah, But there are people, namely our
families, spouses, moms, siblings, kids, that have to deal with
us, and they don't get amicrophone in front of them. So today
on the More Emojial Podcast, weare giving those people a chance to speak
together and gang up on all ofus. So on the phone we have
Chelsea Cherrelle Lydia's mom, Scott,Mick Wes, and Zach's sister Andrea.
Wow, they are all going tobe joining the More Emojial podcast. Do
you want him? You have totell me what to do. You want
me to push them all up rightnow? We should all be on at
the same time. Okay, soyou, I said, we deserve some
ganging up. Fine, okay,so let's pick them all up here.
We're picking them all up. We'repicking everybody up here. They hear anything
that I just had her? Now, no, they could not hear anything
you said. Go ahead, youguys, Hi, Chelse, Charrelle,
Cyane, Scott, Mick, Wes, Andrea. It's a big party line.
This is a party line, andI just introduced you guy, but
you didn't get to hear it becauseyou were on hold. And I said,
we all get to have a microphonein front of us every single day,
so we control the narrative of allof the topics, everything we talk
about, every story we share aboutsomething that's going on in our lives at
home. So it is now finallytime for you guys to get your hands
on a microphone. Technically on amicrophone a phone line, but still you
could just call us out for everythingat this point. I wonder sometimes if
this is just a question to askbecause we got so many different types of
people on the phone. Is itharder for the boyfriend, girlfriend's husbands,
wives of the people on the showthan it is for like the mom,
dad's sisters on the show, Becausewe got two different types here for sure,
because we have obviously, you know, like my wife, Kev's future
wife, Wes and Wes your husbandon here. And then we've got you
know, a mom, a dad, and a sister. So it's so
it's interesting. And Zach is probablygoing to get the the the most grace
here because Zach doesn't really do aton of personal stuff about his sister or
himself on the air that could embarrassher. Yet well, I don't know.
I mean, Andrea, that's agood question for you. Is there
anything that Zach has shared on theshow that has upset you or embarrassed you
or just like you know, youhad to say something to him when he
got home. You know what's reallyfunny is it's not me so much as
I'll have neighbors that listen to theshow or friends and then they'll call me
and say, is it true thatZak brought some random date to or whatever?
And I go to be honest,I have no idea what you could
have. I don't know. Iam really chill about most things. I
don't want Whatever he's doing over thereis fine. Just don't do it in
my bed and don't do it whenmy kids are home. Great. Yeah,
she she is like your mom thoughtoo. You know, she's raised
you right since you were how old, Zach? Since I was twelve twelve
years old? So she is kindof I guess you. You know,
that is kind of very motherly thatshe's had to do it to be that
figure for you. So okay,speaking of moms, Lydia's mom, Hi,
Mama, Hi, Hi. Iknow I was thinking about you last
week when Lydia told a story onthe air about how bad your farts smell,
and I was like, if Iwere her mom, I would beat
her when she got home. Andso my question to you is, when
stuff like that comes up, howdoes it make you feel? Well,
let's just say it was very veryembarrassed. I felt, you know,
just like I said, just embarrassed. I wanted to at her back.
So now it's my chance. Yeah, yeah, yeah, So whenever you're
ready, I tell you, wego ahead, go ahead. We've been
we know her ship. Don't staygo ahead, No, it doesn't.
So there was one time when shewas fourteen years old, we were at
we were in hot Cabbo and shewas sleeping in a separate room with her
little cousin and she started her periodin the beds and my cousin was laying
in my period. That's right,George and I and we're like, was
like, mom, I started,and I'm like, okay, it's okay,
I'm going there. I don't knowwhat to do. I don't know,
but yeah. She She constantly remembersthat and is very, very flustered
by Is that cousin still talk toyou? Not really on canvas if you're
listening, I'm so sorry you sleptin my period. God, yeah,
I feel better, you said youfeel better. Yeah, I don't think
anything is going to be worse.Your dad's on the phone. I want
to hear what Scott Mick has tosay to embarrass Meghan, because Megan,
Megan portrays Scott Mick as this youknow, oh my dad, he's not
nice to me and all this stuff. He's the sweetest man in the world.
I would kill to have Scott Mickas a fan. I'll tell you
that. So I texted Scott yesterdayto ask him if he would join the
podcast today and his response is this, I'm going to read it. I
am so sorry that you have towork with Meghan. She was raised poorly.
No worries. I will talk toyou tomorrow. Have I ever talked
about about my dad on the air. I think I've only ever said he's
the best. If there was aparent I was going to talk shit about,
it wouldn't be my No, Iknow you, but you portray you
know your dad? Yeah, youknow you like to portray that. Uh,
he's the sweetest man in the world. Scott. What is what is
something about Megan Mick that the listenerswould be shocked to know? Well,
this is going to come as describeto everybody there, But Megan has a
propensity to overreact. No, really, you probably haven't seen it. She
seems very calm and cool all thetime, but she does have a propensity
for it. And there was onenight when she was in high school where
she called just slipping out. OhGod, I thought she was speaking in
tone. I could not understand thewords from out of her mouth. She's
sobbing and crying and just carrying on. I eventually got it out of her
that she had she had had anaccident. And again, you don't overreact.
What no, not Megan? WhenI when I finally got her calmed
enough to tell me where she was, I drove over. She had slid
out of some ice. She hadhit a fence post, and the hubcap
fell off her car. I expectedbonding underneath. She chilled the nun because
she she ran into the fence postand it was around the gun. Who's
like around the yeah, yeah,yeah, so and she's just looking out
and honest to god, you guysdon't realize this, but I'm only thirty
five. I just looked aged.Yeah, that's awesome, that's great.
My dad overreacts. He probably drovefour hundred miles an hour to get there
as quick as he did, andI'm just me and he just picks up
the hubcap, threw it in hiscar, Droveboy, Wait, is Charrell
there still? Char So you're you'rethe newest addition to this crazy crew,
and so I want to know ifin the the year of Kevin being on
with us, like, what hasthat been like for you? Do you
find it difficult to be on theother end of this show. Yet,
you know, so like with Kevanhis narrative, I feel like everyone is
probably convinced that I am. Likethe name is most, starn is most
he needs no room for your girlfriendever, like because he is just being
like whenever he talks about me,like because Charrelle, you know how Charrell
is And it's like, no,how do how up? I'm really nice,
like I'm really focused. Kevin makesit seem like I'm just a drill
shot target all the time. Andon the social media side or just listener
side of saying I have literally dmmedevery single day. Every time he talks
about our family, someone has beenmy dms, like all of my friends
that can't go to work without theirco workers saying like did you hear what
Ken said on the radio? Didyou hear Ishaelle okay? Or you did
you know this happened? And nowmy family and friends are calling me like
you don't tell us anything. Ifeel like I know your life because of
the radio and we don't talk aboutthis. So it's interesting all of the
things that comes of long cust.Yeah, but what is there been one
topic at all that has been atough one or tougher one than others.
I think one time Kevin was talkingabout our relationship and I think a listener
literally called in to defend me,and then she DMed me like, I
don't know if you heard it ornot, but I just defended you.
I can't believe Kevin said it onthe radio and I got your back,
sir, and I'm like, whatdid So I would listen to it on
the podcast and I'm like, girl, we're okay, it's not that big
of a deal. But no,some people are just so in vestigating,
I guess, and you know inour relationship and our family where they feel
like they have to just spin me. Yeah, it's kind of say something.
Yeah, Chelsea, I'm sure youfeel that too, that people are
so invested because you know, youguys have been in this market for almost
twenty five years and so like yourfamily has been a focal point and had
a spotlight on it, and peopleare so invested. Well, right,
like Thrall just said and everyone said, they only get one side, right,
so they only get his side ofeverything, which is difficult. So
I've learned over the almost twenty fiveyears, and you know, it's harder
to int your hometown, by theway, because in Arizona it was a
lot harder when he was on theair there. But I've learned that,
you know, number one, everythingis always over exaggerated, so anything he
says is way over exaggerated for theentertainment value. When it's personal, though,
that's really difficult, So you justhave to learn to turn it off.
Listeners really don't have access to mebecause all my stuff is private,
so I can't even imagine how hardthat would be for surell Like, I
don't know how if I can handlepeople staming me every day. But yeah,
you have to learn how to getthicker, tougher skin with it,
I guess, and just realize nottake it so personal because it is it.
It's your life, so it ispersonal, but you have to learn
not to take it personal and thenhave that conversation all the time about boundaries,
which is very difficult for my husbandand that we have though, I
mean, since you and I starteddoing that that podcast listeners do have a
little bit more access because they havethat the Instagram that we have set up.
But people will say to Chelsea,oh my god, you are so
much nicer than he portrays you nowthat they hear her for in a long
form segment on the podcast, Becausethe bitch that I portray on the radio
is not the bitch that I livewith, right you. Oh my god,
you are nothing like we imagine.Oh my gosh, you're just so
nice, and I thought you're notthat little soul. Yeah. And also
the other thing too, though,Chelse, when you would come on the
air with us and I would sayI love you, you would always hang
up the phone right away, whichis which is kind of for a while.
Yeah, I probably didn't love youat that moment. Number one,
Remember it's not always convenient for theother person on the other line to pick
up the phone. I do havelife, Ye off to school, I'm
taking care of dogs. I'm Ihave a life. I'm not sitting in
there waiting for you. Why thephone to call me? How dare you?
Yeah? You know how many peoplewant to be on this radio show
a person, And I know Iknow that there have been, you know,
people that love to be on theradio, and I wasn't ever that
person. So I think that,you know, in a lot of times,
people have to remember there's a wholereal life going on. Behind that
store. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I saved West for last for Resa.
And by the way, you guyscan all join it. Everybody can
just join it. It's not abig deal. But love love is that
you call him? Yeah? Isaved him for last because I've never heard
have you guys heard that that love? Haven't I heard this? I have
never heard love you before? Maybebecause Megan says right next to me,
so she sees me texting it allthe time too. No, not even
that. I think when you talkto him, like if you pick up
the phone and walk out of thestudio, it's usually do you still want
to be married to me? We'reat like five weeks? Yeah, that
was really quiet. Absolutely, No, I mean you're still kind of new
to all of this too. What'sit like for you. Well, I
can't pick my nose in pop likeanymore. I hope you didn't do that
before. No, I don't.I think I think I'm a little bit
more aware when I run an errand you know where I would really care
now. I'm like, people willwhisper or say something that's a little bit
different because of you being in thepublic eye, and they recognize me because
of your Instagram, and so that'sjust a little bit awkward at first,
but now it's it's it's fine,So you get a little bit more aware.
Uh, And then I think inawkward moments, it's probably my athletes
or the parents coming up to meor my coaching staff saying did you really
do that? Yeah, yeah,I have, and I have no idea
what they're talking about. So Ithink other folks on the line said the
same thing. I'm like, I'mjust discussed, and I got to go
back and yeah, it's really funnythat you bring that up, West,
because I think it's a little bitdifferent for me because we have my dad
on the phone. But I didn'trealize how much my job would affect his
job in the way that I Itruly, this is not a joke.
I call my dad Scott mc dad. Don't I call you Scott mic if
we're anywhere, Yes, I genuinelythat is not a thing for the radio.
We'll be in public, and Icall him Scott Mick like I rarely
call my dad dad, unless Ilike really need his attention. Then he'll
usually respond to that quicker. AndI didn't think about the fact that very
rarely do people use the real names. I not only is my real name
on the radio, I use mydad's full real name on the radio.
And I have affected his employment ina way that I never really took accountability
or respond like or have awareness thatI was going to do. And I
feel so incredibly bad about it tothis day. Was when the social Security
number went out, was well,well, the problem is you do have
some internet trolls that will use theability to know this as a way to
go after you know, on socialmedia. And it isn't until that happens
when you realize, you know what, this actually was a fun job at
times. There are times where it'snot fun because there's one two people that
make it really unfun, like Wesand I just encountered this with his kids.
I'm my kids don't they're so little, they don't listen to the radio,
their friends hopefully parents don't let themlisten to the radio. But with
Wes's kids, they're older, they'rein high school, and so for me
to be telling like sex stories abouttheir dad, right right, that's not
a problem for me because that's like, yeah, your dad getting high five
is go and see Tim Murphy.The next day and he was looking at
me and I'm like, hey,mister, now he gives me. I
mean, I know you're joking whenyou say that, and that's always good,
but do you ever worry about that? Like I was thinking about that
recently. You know, Shannon talkedabout the hair pulling thing. But does
it you think about that? Likewe just did a podcast with our kids,
and our kids were like, wehated when Dad would talk about sex
and sex with mom and stuff onthe radio because it would they were embarrassed
by it. Joe was the onlyone that I thought it was funny because
he's a radio person, right,But for Luke it was, Yeah,
my son has a harder time withit. He's obviously we got you.
Oh you've got under a bridge.But you know, the guys are a
little bit more book to say stuffto him or you'll you'll you'll hear things
from other people and he's like,hey, Dad, you know I went
into school day and out. Iwas ready to have a good day and
I was excited about whatever I wasdoing, and then that was a bomb
that was chopped on me. AndI'm like, oh man, I'm sorry,
Yeah, that is that's going tobe hard, Chelse and I just
had that conversation. Chelse. Youknow this, I always brush things off
that really affected me when I startedhearing, you know, Jacob and Luke
especially talk about walking into school andhaving somebody say something to that. Yeah,
because at the end of your break, that's where it ends for you.
But you don't understand what you talkabout carries on for us after.
And so when I say to you, hey, you know when you said
this that really bothered me or reallybother the boys, and your response was
always, it's just a bit,it's just radio. Well, it's actually
it affects us too, And Idon't know what that line is where it's
you know, you could. Iunderstand you have to share your personal life
to make it relatable, and Iunderstand that that's what's made you who you
are and what your show what itis, but it you know, people
also have to understand that we arepeople on the other side as well.
And you know, when I cameinto this thirty two ye years ago,
I didn't realize what I There wasno social media, there was no you
know, none of that. Soit was okay, you're dating someone or
married to someone on the radio butit wasn't. People didn't have as much
access to you or even know whoyou were. So it has evolved so
much in thirty two years. Iliterally did not know what I was getting
into. I just didn't. Andit's funny that people will relate, you
know, call you a celebrity.To me, that is the funniest thing
ever. But you know, it'syour more high profile and so you share
a lot more than what you know. You hear it a water cooler at
work or gossips at work. It'sjust it's now so many more people have
access to it and they're invested init, which is nice but also difficulty.
I think Chelsea made a really goodpoint about talking about your day ends
at the break. You know,I think it's a little shortsighted for us.
But if I'm having a bad dayat work day or a kid day,
and then your day, right theradio day carries over into it and
a compounds. So every once ina while it's like, wow, didn't
expect that. You know, whenI have a bad day at work,
usually just stays at work or withthe house, not share with everybody,
so there's no constant reminder, kindof closed the door on it. It
is difficult being a spouse of amember of the show that way. Yeah,
but I will say to highlight,you guys have the best listeners ever
and the trolls are very few andfar between, so don't give them too
much airplane. And you know whatI like a great listening community. I
like about our listeners is they'll callus out on our bullshit before they'll call
anybody else out. You know,like if we bring something up where maybe
we are the bad guy in thesituation, they're not afraid to tell us,
like your spouse or you're whoever isnot in the wrong. You hate
that man. Sometimes I just needa listener friends. Yeah, any last
words you guys before we go backto having full access, I guess one
thing I'll say, just taking itin and listening to everybody on the show
and the people are on the phoneas well. I'd apologize to Sharyl.
I don't know if I've done that. I probably have once or twice off
of a topic, but just listeningand understanding the type of people who not
only listen to the show, butjust you know, talking to show in
particular. You run a foundation andyour name is attached not only to our
family and our life, but tohundreds of other kids and their parents who
are already going through a delicate situation. So if I've caused any stress or
any unwanted communication, any unwanted opinionsfrom outside parties, because I only tote
a perspective that I had, Iwant to apologize, thank you, and
ke to add on to that.To Scott Mac, I don't apologize for
anything. People like you more thanthey like me, So yourself and opinion,
I don't care. Just just keepa job. And to and to
Zach's sister, the thought that hewould even think of bringing a girl back
to sleep in his sister's battle makesme want to I swear if he ever
does that, I will personally takethem out back and beat the crap out
of them. You know what,I was listening to everybody, and I
was thinking about this. And Iam also a public figure right like I'm
an author's books in print. Ihave a couple of books coming out next
year, and I have worked reallyhard to like cultivate that social media presence
and show what I show, LikeI don't talk about the kids on there
all this stuff, So I willsay, it's a little jarring to not
have complete control over the narrative whenthey're talking about my house and me and
oh wait now, and it's notthat it's not true, it's just I
didn't share that. But to benefitways it he can plug your book on
the radio, your books on theradio, well, Mojo with pure Heart
and everything that I've been able toyou know, accomplish as well and ads
a leader as a community leader.You I've intentionally always been private, like
so much of what I've had togo through to start for your Heart is
publicized, so like my family andstuff, I really don't hear much.
So now it's like even community partnersor our scholars and families, they're seeing
a different sigh that I wanted tokeep to myself. That was great too.
Yeah, I definitely understand that.Well, we need to say all
of you guys whose idea is thatit's the dumbest idea, shut up.
I don't care if it's your birthday, ship, thank you guys, and
Father's Day, Happy Father's Day,Scott mc Yeah. We yeah, West,
I forgot about West and then youknow, yeah with your brother in
the last name Matt, Matt andCheyenne. Happy Father's Day to that honky
man of yours, Chian science,Cheyenne science, whatever. I call her,
Lydia's mom. She's listened as Lydia'smom in my phone even like there,
we're gonna call Lydia Red from nowon. That's what it's gonna be
her. What's up? Read?Love you, Chelsea. I'll talk to
you later, love you, Loveyou so much. That's right,