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July 30, 2024 • 29 mins
Mark as Played

Episode Transcript

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Before we get to the podcast,I want to remind you that we are
doing a more Mojo podcast live atthe Imagine Theater can'ton Michigan, and you
are invited, And you know what, if you come, you're actually helping
out a good cause. You're helpingout our breaking and entering Christmas wish.
So August the sixteenth, twenty twentyfour, just in case you're listening to

this podcast in like twenty twenty eight, and you can get your tickets at
Imagine Dash Entertainment dot com. Thatis imagined at Dash Entertainment dot com.
Guys, how crazy is it thatlisteners get a chance to actually watch us
do this stupid podcast. It's goingto be so fun though, so many
special guests, and we're going toneed some audience participation. Yes, absolutely,

If you're there, you're probably goingto have a good chance of being
on the podcast at some point.It makes podcasting more fun because I think
podcasting is stupid because you can't interactwith people unless you bring them in as
guests. Yeah, because what arewe We're I guess we're people, all
right, we can't say whatever thefuck we want. Oh, here we
go, and you know what,you can too, so get your tickets
and imagine Dash Entertainment dot Com themall join. I'll good. I'm super

nervous for this podcast because I actuallythink it's going to reveal a lot about
my recent mental homes say, andnot a lot about yours. But I
thought we could title this maybe Thoughtsquestion Mark because it's the questions that I
have been thinking about a lot lately. Some of them are very serious and
deep, some of them are verystupid and surface level. But I thought

we could kind of go through themrelatively rapid fire, and then you can
judge where I've been at mentally forthe past couple of Okay, I like
my quan Yes, Okay, we'llkind of go round Robin, and I
think we should start with Mojo.And this was actually inspired by your recent
trip because I was very jealous thatyou were in London with your family.

Wait, are these specific questions orcan anybody? No, no, no,
We're just going to go around ryeverybody's going to answer all of them.
Okay, but something that these areall questions I've genuinely been thinking about
a lot lately. But the numberone question is if you could live anywhere
in the world. Where would itbe? Ooh, that's interesting. You
know what, that is a goodquestion because I never thought I would want
to live any other place than theUnited States of America until I went to

this trip in London, which Ithought was actually a lot of fun.
I thought that London was a doableplace. And I've been to like,
not a lot of places. I'vebeen a lot of places in the United
States, but I've never been toa lot of places outside the United States.
I could not live in a reallyhot, like islandy area. I
think I would get like island fever. Yeah. Oh, if I could

live anywhere, I could pick anyplace in the world where am I living.
I would live in Chicago, Illinois. I know it's a funny island.
You got to try that place becauseI grew up there, so I
would so that would be although Inever think I'm ever going to go back
there ever again, but I enjoyedit. Would it reminds me of my

childhood, so that would be mine. So I mean, I would move
to Colorado in two seconds if Icould take my husband and kids with me
and make that work. I somedayI will absolutely live there. If it
was overseas. I would love tolive in Paris. This girl that I
follow on Instagram got divorced here,like lived here, lived in Ohio,

got divorced her ex husband, liketotally ruined her life her she lost her
job, she got super depressed,and she was like, fuck it,
I only live one time. Shepicked up and moved her entire life to
Paris and now I follow her accounton it. It's amazing anaclutes. By
the way, if you want toyes, oh no bro, if money
is no object, yeah, Andlike, I'll probably live here, just

better, in a better environment.To be honest with you, I'll give
me a dog ass boat with afat ass crib on a nice ass lake
and Chi, I'm moving back fromChicago and I'm moving in with him because
look, because here's the thing though, Like I know what I'm getting in
this area. Everything else looks good, but I don't know what it's like

to live there, Kevin. ButI will say this though, I'm a
different person on vacation, Like Ithink we all are different people on vacation.
And I think going somewhere, youreyes are open, you're excited,
you have a higher vibration. Butwhen you live there. It could be
complete. Vacation is different than living. Vacation is fun and exciting. You're

doing something every single day. Whatabout the days when you don't do shit?
You know what I mean? Exactly? Can I tell you something Kevin
just brought up as interesting as Iprobably would come back home, just because
I'm familiar with all the restaurants ondoor Dash. There's no LULUs in London?
What about you, Zach easily,no mad Life. I don't want

to have a set home. I'lljust ship my shit to my sisters and
then pick it up every once ina while. But yeah, van life
is on my radar, like avan or like would you do like one
of those r vs? Or whatare the what are the fancy shiny looking
like a strain? I've never heardof that. It looks like a big
silver Twinkie that's up my alley.I like that definitely van or like an

RV. But I don't want tohave to like park that ship, so
I rather just do a van forsure. Maybe Montana? Okay, Lydia,
have you been to Montana? I'mgoing at the end of next month.
How do you know if you're gonnalike it? Because I've heard about
it and I have seen pictures andvideos. Are you a lot of guys
in uh in wranglers and stuff?No? Well, yes, there are

a lot of ranches. But Ido think that I would be more likely
to find a man that's compatible withme in a western state. This might
be the wrong state. But aren'tthere more people who drive through Montana than
live in Montana at any given time? Makes it even better? Ah?
Too few people? Too few.It is interesting though, to hear her
say a place that she's never beenbefore, because that's a risky move.

It's very ray. I know theyhave like harsh winters and they but they
have beautiful places to go everywhere.It is a very pretty place. That's
a good point. Ya, I'mvery sex and the city ask right now?
So probably New York? Oh yeah, you are binging it, aren't
you. I went through that phaseof one, like I wanted to move

to New York City so bad whenI was watching it. Like living in
Manhattan and you get to oversee likethe city. It's probably not as much,
but I've been there before. SoMegan, what about you? Megan?
I London. That's what got methinking about it. You went to
my favorite place, and I wasso jealous. So that's that's what got
me thinking about it all right.Again, this tells you where my mental

health has been. Next question istheir life on other planets? Facts easily
define life. That's it's that's thepoint. Well, of course, if
we talk about small organisms then ofcourse for sure, and we talk about
beings that are either equal, intellwhich one are we talking about? Because
I can answer for both. It'sopen ended. That's like, that's what

I was deep diving. I'm withKevin this when I think if we're going
like micro organisms, obviously yeah,but then we can deep dive and be
like, but are there like sentientbeings? Yes? All the way.
I say no, I say there'sno other place, there's no other huge
I don't believe in you know,Martians and all that shit. And here's

why I do, because I fellinto an extreme black hole, I guess
is the best way to describe it. Space. Thank you, Thank you.
The Goldilocks zone is where life isapplicable on any planet, and there's
tons of goldilocks in that. Sothe Earth is in the Goldilock zone.
It means you're the proper distance froma sign to provide life and Earth is

in it. Yet what other planetshave the Goldilocks zone? So we don't
know exactly how many planets lying inthem, but we know how many galaxies
have that also, like we knowother galaxies have Goldilock zones, so that
the probability that there is a planetin the Goldilock zone of another galaxy with

high Okay, was this a documentaryon Netflix? No? I play this
fun game on Wikipedia where you haveyou get two random words and you have
to connect them through clicking blue links, and I fell into the Goldilocks.
It's kind of cool. Yeah.I love that game. It's my favorite
thing in the entire world. Ifyou're really bored, just google two random
words and then go to the firstword on Wikipedia and you have to get

to the next word using only bluelinks. I want us to do a
game night and you pick all thegames. Oh my god. I feel
like it would be either really goodor I didn't suggest it. You brought
it up. What about you?Do I believe? Oh? I absolutely
believe. Yeah, like Little Aliens. Yeah, I don't get super into
that stuff, Like I don't getsuper into Extra Trex Trust real life or

like doomsday or like that, anyof those spaces. But I do I
believe it? Yeah for sure?Maybe, yes I do. They're in
Montana and they've actually been here largelyand moving to Montana to specifically see a
UFO. Would you find it soodd when they talk about UFOs they picked
the most random fucking place, likethey picked like what the middle of New

Mexico or whatever, Vada change itrecently, it's not UFO anymore. It's
like something different. Oh, UFOis a is a canceled word. It's
like and I did some some shit. I'm a Google Lydia. Yes,
and I also believe in fairies tinkerBow. Okay, Lydia, I need

you to watch the movie Eurovision becausethere's one character who believes in fairies and
she talks to them and it's nowyou do you believe in lebriquns? No?
What come on, you guys?I did what I recessed might be
real not, I mean not inother No, come on, that's true.

Okay. Next question on my listthat I thought about way too hard
was what do you think is themost important invention of the last century?
Light, Like the ability for usto like have electricity over century. I'm
sorry, just the last century bestinvention. Else go streaming services. I

can access all my music, allmy like video games, movies, shows,
all of that, streaming services.Text honestly text, but also cell
phone. I like think back tohow difficult it was to just do things
without the cell phone, and itslike I can't wrap my brain around all

the years we lived without cell phone. But do you think cell phone or
the smartphone? Like the words smartphone? Okay, because I remember our boss
back when Don Theodore coming into thestudio when the iPhone first came about,
and you can get the internet anddo all that, you know, you
do all the stuff on it.It wasn't like back in the day.
It used to be pump pilots andlike flip phones and all that stuff,

and you couldn't do a lot ofshit. And I remember him looking at
me one day going, this isbetter than anybody's car, radio or television
or whatever. And I'm like,I thought he was crazy, but it
makes a lot of sense. Andhe made the comment years and years ago
was one of the smartest comments I'veever seen that it's this is going to
change our industry and it did.It did. Yeah, I don't know

when stuff was invented like that,because I would say, like I don't
know if irrigation is the right word, but water systems. But it we
just gonna keep it at a foundationallevel. I'm gonna just say the Internet,
the Internet. I think the Internet, but I think the Internet honestly
as important as us. It alsosucked. It sucked the life out of

people. The everything else that y'allhave say it works is with the internet
because you can have a smartphone streamof service is not gonna wrote heard y'all
got waight ha tampons? I gotgreat answer. Great. I can't imagine
having to put anything up there thatwasn't a tampa. Dude, I think
about that all the time. Ididn't put any menstruation questions in here,

but I think about it often,Like how people couldn't like leave the house
drags. You don't know, Butdo you think is there a better thing
than a tampon? Though? Doyou think that there ever will be something
better? Already? Is no menstruatingat all? I look, but I
look at a tampon and I go, this just seems so fucking uncomfortable.

I can't believe that you guys haveto do this. They're super dangerous.
Diva cups you don't feel tampons.If you feel that you're putting it in
wrong, it's dated. Yeah,just it's amazing to me. There's nothing
technical, logical more recent than youthink. But Diva cups are the upgrade.
I used to Diva cup and II love no way that crap spills.
Sorry, this is Tami. Yougotten well, okay, Well,

sometimes people don't have a choice howmuch they bleed. Meghan heavy flow,
Meghan so my phone. I havea wide set vagina. The different sizes
that was from mean girls. Iactually don't. The meanest thing in the
world is when you read the Divacup box and it's like, if you've
had children or are over the ageof thirty, use the other size and
you're like, oh, it's reversible. No, you just have different sizes.

Yeah, but you know what.I don't like the Diva cup specifically
because you have to boil it everyweek, and that is so weird.
Putting something that I put in mybody on my kitchen's stove super failing water
is the same thing that you boil, like tea and hot dogs. In
no, I got one of those. You know how you can get like
a one egg frying pant. Youcan get tiny little like soup pants,

and I had like a tiny littlesoup one. If the tampon, I'm
not grabbing, go y'all shouldn't wantit. No, it's just dangerous,
I'm saying. But if you gotthe flow, who got on a boil?
I've had two tampons up there fora couple of times. Oh yeah,
I don't think there's dangerous as wethink like they are. Day.
You can get toxic shock syndrome ifyou have it in for too long.
But that's why you change your tampons. You change your camp on, But

you can't change the got it?I mean you can just annoying anyway,
idiot. We really my invention issuch a good, good one. I'm
so glad that lasted forever. OhI could not. I had my nails
every single day because they chipped.So Lydia and I are on the same
page. Y'all came up with likewonderful, useful and both tacks wonderful useful

inventions. This all stem from megetting a ninja creamy for my birthday and
being like Jesus fuck, there hasnever been a better invention Ninja creamy.
And then I went and I cleanedmy shower and I bought one of those
like automatic rotating cleaning brush heads fromTikTok for my shower, and I went,
no, you didn't. You cavedinto that ad. It works,

dude, It's like has Let metell you it is life changing. Actually
right now, don't need the internetlife changing? Absolutely changing? All right,
well, is going to send itto me right now? Absolutely?
Well? Uh, this is abig one lately. Is it more important
to be respected or to be liked? Sorry, some of these got heavy?
The heavy, I'm gonna say,respect you. Yeah, I think

that's more. You said it moreimportant respected for the show. I think
respected too, because because there's alot of people that there's a lot of
people that I respect that I don'tlike, and I look at them and
I think that they're braver than Iam, because sometimes sometimes you want to
be liked more, and so youyou give up who you truly are for

sure. And I think that wouldhave been my answer until recently, and
I am being so severely disrespected bya certain group of people and it is
affecting me in such a way.So my answer would be, but do
they like you? Do you careif like you? I do care if
they like me too, But whatdo you care more that they like you
or that they respect you? Ineed them to respect me. You want

to saying that's what I'm saying.I disagree so wholehearted. It's so funny
because I think just how you guysare viewing it, like I need people
to respect me. Not everybody isgonna respect you for any multitude of reasons,
just like they're not going to likeyou. And I need the people
that I care about to like whoI am as a person versus respecting me.
You can say the people you careabout those No, I just I

know it's vague, but I caremore about people liking me than respecting me.
But here's the thing, though,Meggant, I think that you should
be the only person that likes you. No, I oh completely, because
I think if you respect, ifyou respect yourself and you look at it
there or you see that people respectyou, I think that who gives a
fuck about everybody else? But Ithink a lot of people can you can

really like yourself and be a terriblehuman being, and so I think the
call if I are there, itis just well, it doesn't matter that
I'm a bad person. I likewho I am, and I think for
me, the qualifying of being goodor being valuable or whatever is having people
liking my company or liking my pointof view or liking who I am as

a person, versus just respecting me. Now, I don't I think they
do go hand in hand. Idon't think it's just one or the other,
because I think the people who dolike you respect you, I think,
but I think it's more important.I think when we go on a
conversation of treat other people how youwant to be treated. That's where my
mind's That's what I filter this questionthrough when you think about respect. Yeah,

and I don't treat you differently becauseI like you. I treat everybody
based on how I respect them.So there are certain jokes that I won't
say because I respect who you allare and I respect how you feel,
and I know this joke may notgo in that direction. I don't do
that because I like you, dothat because I respect you. This is
so interesting how we're talking about essentiallythe same thing, but from two very

It's like people who shit on youon social media. They may like you,
but they don't respect you, whichis why they say some of the
shit that they do. But whydo I care about their respect when I
don't like them as a person,Not that you care about it? Which
one do you feel as though itis more important? Going back to your
original question, That's where I'm going, But being what does that do?
Here's a question to ask you,Megan. One of the people that you
respect a lot and like a lotis your therapist. What do you think

your therapist would rather? Oh,he very much disagrees with me on this,
okay, which is what I thinkthis It's why that's came up.
It's because this is something we debatea lot in therapy because he thinks the
same way you guys do, whichis respect is more important than likability.
But I have a hard time withthat because I'm really cool with not having

a lot of close relationships. ButI care very much about the few closer
relationships that I have, and Ithink the people who like me do respect
me. But I I would bevery upset if they only respected me and
didn't like me. I value themcaring about me more than respecting me.
You know what, Like my mybrother is my favorite person on the planet.

He can fucking disrespect me and we'llget over it. We'll find a
way to work through it. Butif he didn't like me, I don't
think I would know how. Butthen I see, then I think you
need to change the question to loveversus respect, because I feel like in
the relationships that actually matter, LikeWest had this to me the other day.
We got into a fight and he'slike, I just want you to
know I do not like you rightnow. And it was like a kind
of serious fight. And he's like, but I will always love you,

and I think he said, andI will always respect you. He's like,
I don't like you at the moment. And I was like, but
that to me, Like that's yourbrother, Like there's probably been times he
does not like you. Love it, you see. I feel like this
correlates more to people in the inthe workplace because I remember when I worked
at beat Ups and there's this girlbut I really, I really hated it.

I was a waitress whoes you alwayshad to fill the ranch at the
end of the night, and shefilled the ranch. But I didn't like
her. I respected her because shedid a job and she filled the ranch,
but doesn't mean I like her andi'd hang out with her after work.
But I want to say I wanttruly for real fucking anyway. So
I two things about this, becauseI love this question. Is two things

I've been living by is what otherpeople think of you is none of your
business. And everybody's gonna think differentlyabout you. It doesn't matter what you
do. What they think of youis what they think of you. So
I would rather have somebody respect mychoices and how I live my life or
how hard I work and not likeme. Yeah, yeah, Zach,

do anybody else? I agree withMegan? Like, I, uh,
what's the quickest way to get respectis if they like you. That's kind
of my thinking. And uh,no one fucking gives me respect anyway.
So like, I'd rather you guysjust like me. So it's fine.
You know, it's because people likeyou do not mean they respect you.

I'm just I think one they alllike you, but they don't respect you.
I think your likability goes up whenyou're respected, you know what I
mean? Because I know, likeI remember somebody once tell me. It's
not what people say when you're inI'm sure we've heard it's not people say
when you're in the room. It'swhat they say when you leave the room.
So people can like you as muchas you think they like you,

and then when that door shut behindyou, then the truth comes out.
But if you're respected, nah,they respect it. They're not about to
talk that ship. No, becauseI respect a lot of people who have
accomplished a lot and still be like, but they're a fucking asshole and I
don't like that. But you don't, then you don't respect them if you're
talking about them that way. Ithink there's multiple facets to respect them,

kind of like like versus love thatyou brought up. I think I can
respect what you've accomplished versus who youare or how you treat people. I
think there are tons of business peoplewho have done impressive things at the cost
of people that's not respectable. Theirbusiness accomplishments are, but not the way
that they treat others. It's somultifaceted. But yeah, honestly, I

feel like there are a lot ofpeople who are fake about if they respect
people and if they like people arenot so at this point, it's just
better off not to care and lovethe people who you feel love you and
keep it moving. I like agree, I'm that. Do you want to
do more because that one was kindof heavy? Yeah? Okay? Uh.
Do you want something stupid and easy? Yeah? Or something kind of

complicated? No, stupid and easy? Okay. Is it better to be
a morning person or a night owl? Answer? There is a right answer,
and my answer is going to beone hundred percent different than yours.
It is a morning person. Youneed to get up and get your day
started and get shit done so youcan enjoy the rest of the day.
If I wake up after eight am, I'm like, God, day is

done. The day is done.Absolutely not, I'm haul and asked or
dragging it today. Because I wasoff for three days, started going to
bed at five o'clock in the morning, started getting up at two in the
afternoon. I got everything dunny.I am so productive when I wake up
early, But if I stay uplate and late for me, he's like
eleven twelve, one am, I'mlazy. At that point, I'm eating

shit and I'm doing I'm watching TV. I'm doing nothing productive. But when
I wake up early, I getall the things done I need to see.
I like it better because if Iget up at say it's like noon.
Say I get up at noon,I'm still getting everything that you're getting
done in the day, going towaste it. No, I get it
done faster because all the stores areclosing, and then I get my entire

rest of my day to enjoy.Megan, have you been diagnosed for ADHD?
No? No, that sounds likesomething I do. But you respect
her? What about your you knowwhat? I tend to agree with Shannon
on this one, like getting youknow shit done, But then I will

tell you. Being on vacation forlike a week and not having to wake
up at three thirty in the morning. Man, if we can make this
show go at like ten am wouldbe the fucking greatest. If we could
be if it could be at tenam until two o'clock. And yeah,
even a vacation, I wake up, not at three thirty, but I'll
wake up at late seven's it'd betoo dude, she'll text me or she's

on vacation. I know she'll belike on a bike ride it's five am.
I still love By the way,doing nights, did any of you
guys ever work like a night Iloved doing the night show and getting off
the air and staying up all fuckingnight, you know, doing nothing but
bad ship to yourself. Yes,I know, Kep's the answer, cap

you know my answer? Yeah,what's the original question? Better to be
a morning person or a night out? Better to be yep? I think
in this be so funny. No, just because the Kamala Harris quote.
We're going around in the context thatwe live within. The I think of
the context, the context in whichwe live in a society is better to
be a morning person. I thinkit also has to do with what you

do for a living, because there'ssome people that you know thrive better at
night. I personally thrive better atnight. I would like to be a
night out. I think if wewere to flip this show schedule, I
would be a completely different personal grade. There is scientific research that people who
work or sleep during the day becausethey have night shifts, live seven years

less than people who hold on whatyeah it again, So our circadian rhythms
are all messed up, and especiallywith having to get up so early.
People who there's research that says thatpeople who do like if you're a paramedic
or like a fireman or nurse ora doctor, and you do night shifts
and you sleep during the day andyou go wake up at night. You
live seven years less than the averageperson. So there is something to be

said about having a Ciccadian rhythm andfollowing that natural biology rather than getting up
at the creas like not waking upwith an alarm clock they say is the
healthiest. Yeah, way to wakeup. You guys, feel like when
we're in a normal work routine andobviously not on vacation or do you always
feel like you are just like dazed, like a zombie. Yes, even

when I feel like I get goodsleep, and I feel like I've been
that way for like twenty years sinceI've been doing radio seriously, And when
I got fired from my last jobin Atlanta. Before I came here,
I had like six months where Iwasn't working and I felt like a different
person. Yeah. Yeah, becauseyou're going against you your own health.
Better. Yeah, yeah, waybetter. Because now I feel like,

even on my good days where I'mlike, oh I'm awake, I'm alive,
I still have this like it's likea fog in front of me.
Almost or you can't see. Youtry to see so hard, but you
can't see. It's really weird.I'm never the kind of person outside of
here that's like, leave me alone, and I feel so bad. But
because of our hours, I'm like, I'm I'm so glad the energy is

hypa and here it's what I need. But I cannot participate in the screaming
and that everything before the show starts. Like it's just not in me.
But if you saw me, likeat three o'clock in the afternoon in the
streets and we were just running intoeach other at the grocery store, I
would meet you with the highest energy. But I cannot do it at five
point thirty in the morning. Yeah, And it makes me feel so guilty

because I know people walk in herewith that and I want to be that,
but it's not physically in me.I can Anybody who knows me personally
knows that you do not talk tome in the morning. And if you
talk to me in the morning,you give me feedback. If you do
anything, I will bite you.Like I'm happy to be around it.
I just cannot participate in it withoutlike snapping lydia just night. That's it.

I like the nighttime. But Igot a surprise Lydia is a different
person at night, as I actuallylook like a female. I don't look
like that is a big one.I'd probably look like a monster when I
walk in here every day Monday throughFriday. Dude, I you guy don't
know what I look like for real. I'm vacation. When you can leave

the house feeling like you left theway you wanted to look versus I need
to be somewhere, Yeah, reallychanges your mood for the whole day.
I for sure put show over myappearance and it's fine, y'all don't say
anyway, I don't care. Butnow it's bleeding over into like I just
never I like, this is thehairstyle that I just want to do all
the time because I don't care likethe thought of actually getting ready. I'm

like that. I would never weara ponytail in public and every day for
work, I'm like, ponytail itis. But I love seeing those day
in the lives on TikTok where peoplewill say, oh, I get up
and I eat breakfast and I goon a walk or a run before I
go into work, and I'm like, wow, I wish, I wish
I could actually take care of myselfand go and then go to work.
I still wouldn't people fitness on whenI come in. I passed that planet

fitness on telegraph and losers acted alwaysis all right, So what do we
feel about my mental health? Basedon those questions, it's the same as
all of ours. You're exactly whereI thought you were.
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