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July 22, 2024 • 42 mins

More from KSBar & Grille with Myron, Ryan, Drew, and Shannon.

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Mark as Played

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Speaker 4 (00:59):
Welcome to our or two of Kentucky Sports Radio presented
by Stockton Mortgage. Now Here's Matt Jones.

Speaker 2 (01:05):
Myral metcalf hour two. That first start went pretty fast, right,
It's good man, it's been fun to.

Speaker 3 (01:09):
Be here when you're here. Yeah.

Speaker 2 (01:12):
Yeah. We were talking about, like Drew and I, how
lucky we are that we didn't we weren't. We didn't
have social media in college. You know that wasn't. No
one knows some of the stuff that happened in college,
and I think we got really lucky to be. I
think we're kind of the last maybe generation that didn't
have Because I was telling him, I used to sell CDs,

like so my buddy, my roommate had a burner. Uh
so I would like buy a CD at I remember
Sam Goodie. I don't remember Sam Goodie the other day.
And then I just go spend Saturday. Did you work
every Tuesday? Right? Every it was Wednday used to release
see these on Tuesday. I don't know when it became Friday,
but it used to be Tuesday. And I go by
whatever the hottest CD was. I spend a Saturday morning.

I go to Walmart and get sixty uh CDRs and
I just be burning them all day. And then I
go on campus and I'd just be giving CDs seven
bucks a pop and.

Speaker 3 (02:06):
Uh you the guy on the street corner sound on
the CD. That was me.

Speaker 2 (02:09):
I didn't have like a jacket where I wentked them out,
you know what I mean. But I had like a
you know, I had like an album, you know, like
those CD albums, and like, yeah, if you wanted whatever
the hottest CD was, you know, it took like three
hours to burn a CD. I felt like though, you know,
it took a long time.

Speaker 5 (02:23):
The worst is when one would just be too long
to fit on your blank dis you had to leave
off the last track or something.

Speaker 2 (02:29):
Yeah. I gave some incomplete albums, definitely.

Speaker 5 (02:31):
And you gotta have good handwriting. That really helps your
business if your handwriting is good on the CD.

Speaker 2 (02:35):
Well, I had a buddy with a burner, like I
didn't even he didn't ask so like for a part
of the profits. You know, I thought he'd want to cut.
He didn't. He just let me use his burner. So
I shout out today. So I went to Peach Jam. Yeah, Saturday,
and I went to Peach Jam because I was literally
chasing Mark Pope. So I was set to come here
on Friday. I was gonna have to sit down with

Mark Pope for a part of a story I'm doing
for ESPN. Monday, deb In Communications calls me and she's like, hey,
I'm really sorry. Mark has to be at Peach Jam
right Like he was gonna stay, I think for the
TVT and do some other stuff. He's like, he's got
to go to Peach Jam, so sorry, it's not gonna
work out. So I'm like, I'm just gonna chase him

at Peach Jam, you know, like what I should do?
I have, so I change all my flights. I go
down to Peach Jam and I'm just kind of like,
you know, not stalking Mark Pope, but I'm just shadowing
him a little bit, you know. Like I saw him
at first in the gym and I say, hey, hey Mark,
you know, I didn't want to be too you know,
weird about it. You know, he was doing this thing,
and then I just kind of followed him to another

gym and sat down with him for like forty five minutes.
I'd say it was cool. There was just sort of
this moment right where Mark Pope walks into this gym
and Chen Coleman of the former staff is on the sidelines,
and they kind of cross paths, right they don't say
anything to each other, not in like a you know,
any animosity, just you know, cross paths. And it made me,

let me think about sort of the changing of the
guard that's happened, because it was just unique to see
Mark Pope Kentucky coach at Peachtam versus seeing Mark Pope
BYU coach a year ago. It's a different thing. There
was some extra fistbumps, you know what I mean, there
was some extra you know, dapts with him, and people
wanted to talk to him. But I say the thing

I noticed the most and a lot of people notice
with Mark Pope is at peach Jam is basically a
social event for coaches. Like you ever been to these events,
coaches are like, wow, the season's over, I've been playing golf.
I'm probably playing some more golf after this event. And
they're just mingling and hanging out and talking to each other.

That wasn't Mark. Mark was sitting front and center in
the very first seat you could sit in in the
core on the court and kind of making it clear
like I'm here to work. Like it was interested because
not that I mean he was friendly with everybody, but
you could tell that he was sort of presenting the
image of I'm here to work, like I don't know
why everybody else is here at Peachdam, but I'm here

to get players, you know. And it was just sort
of fascinating to see that image with him, that he
wasn't really doing what some of the other coaches were
doing and kind of the social thing, but that he
made sure he was the first seat at every game,
you know, the Boozer Twins, all the other top prospects.
He's the first seat on the court. And then when

he got to the other gym, he's sitting front and center.
But he's not like, you know, talking to people about
their summer trips and vacations or anything like that. He's
just there to work. And I thought that was a
really it made an impression for people that were there
who noticed that Mark was there on business that was
not a vacation for him at all.

Speaker 5 (05:45):
At other events leading up to Peach Jam, he had
a big binder in his lap. Did he have his
binder with him?

Speaker 2 (05:51):
He had not only to have a binder, right he
was on the phone. I counted for like twenty minutes straight,
like he's literally just pick up the phone, hanging out
picking up the phone. He's just on the phone the
whole time, so he's either watching guys on the phone,
doing both. But there wasn't a lot of like, let
me go mingle with you know, you saw Cal and

you know Scott Drew and all of the coaches who
are sitting there on the sidelines kind of talking, hanging out.
But Mark wasn't wasn't doing that. He was front and
center for everybody to see, I'm here the head coach
of Kentucky. If you don't know, now you know, and
I'm here on business. And I thought, you know, I'm

not saying he planned that, but it just felt like
if he were trying to come into this job and
everything that comes with that and to say I'm here
to outwork everybody around me. I think that's what he
was showing in an event like that, that he wasn't
doing what a lot of the other coaches were doing
at that event. I thought it was a unique thing.

Speaker 3 (06:54):
Because you're right, you know, the coaches are famous for
going to that Hooters down there, and they go to
the Peacham but then they all go to Hooters and socialized.
It's a big socialized event for coaches and Pope. You know,
from what you just told me, he's down there for
one thing and has to get his get better, get
his team better, better players.

Speaker 2 (07:11):
He was working, you know, and again he was friendly
to everybody. People came up to him, you know, wanted
to shake his hand, all that. He was friendly to him.
But you could tell he was at this gym and
then he was going to the next job and then
the next gym.

Speaker 3 (07:23):
So what was it like when you said down with him?

Speaker 2 (07:24):
Then, Oh, he's great, you know. I mean, I think
the thing about him is he is so self aware,
Like you think about what he experienced, right, you go
from cal Leavin and all of the drama around that,
to a whole bunch of candidates who were not named
Mark Pope, right, that people wanted and then you don't
get those guys, and then you get to Mark Pope

and certainly that there were some people who felt like
you settled in some ways, right, you could have gotten
someone else. So he's seeing all that and taking all
of that in and I think it was really amazing,
like how he talked about that, like he told me
like he was like, yeah, I was aware of some
of the people who were doubters or critics, and he

said he made it, he made it a purpose for
him to actually reach.

Speaker 3 (08:13):
Out to some of those people.

Speaker 2 (08:14):
Like so he's been like calling some of these haters
who were people in the beginning who didn't support him
and being like, I can win that person over. And
I think that's just his personality is. I think he
sees anyone who's like I doubt this or I have
questions about you, instead of being like I'm the head coach,
take it or leave it, He's really trying to bring

people together. And I told him directly, I said, what
you did from the Daycal left to that bus was
one of the most remarkable transitions I've ever seen, because
no one would have no one would have thought you
would have had that moment.

Speaker 3 (08:49):
His name didn't even come up.

Speaker 2 (08:51):
You know. And the night before, the night before Cal leaves,
he's at the final four hanging out with calin Tubby
at the hotel. Takes a picture, right, and then his
life changes the next day. But I think his transition
from what happened there to the bus, it was just amazing.

I think how he put everyone together and he called
it like a family reunion that he sort of brought
people together around the sport, around the history, around the legacy,
and not around him. He didn't want to do the
bus initially because they were just going to bring him
and his family off the bus. So initially it was
going to be Mark Pope steps off the bus with
his family. His girls were a little bit like, we

want to see everything, we don't necessarily want to come
off the bus. And Mark doesn't want to be the
center of attention, right, So he asked some like Kentucky officials,
like how many former players and people are going to
be there? Like he was thinking a couple, you know,
he's thinking like a handful of people, and they're like,
if a couple means a couple hundred, then maybe that's

what a couple means. And he gets there and all
of these people out there from all these different generations,
and he's like, I want everybody on. Yeah, And he
told he told me his favorite moment wasn't actually walking
off the bus, it was everyone getting on. And he
was saying, just like seeing all the generations of players
get onto the bus and kind of what that signified.

But I just told him, I said, whatever you did
from the daycal left to that moment. People will remember
that forever because you somehow pulled that off. But I
still don't know how he did it, because how many
people showed up to RUP.

Speaker 3 (10:29):
It was full twenty thousand.

Speaker 5 (10:31):
They have had curtains up to not use the top.
They were only gonna use one side, and I was there.
I mean they were already filling the other side quickly.

Speaker 2 (10:38):
I didn't realize the curtain thing. They were getting rid
of the curtains in like real time, and I guess
people are coming in, they're taking the curtains away because
all of a sudden, there's gonna be twenty And then
I was told too that there were so many people
that I guess a bunch of people couldn't get in.
So there was like a whole crew of people in
the hotel lobbies around here who were just watching on TV.

And I was like, you know, Mark kind of like
brushed it off a little bit, like, yeah, it's not
about me, it's about everybody else. That's this whole thing.
Like he doesn't want you to give him credit. Like
I said, Mark, I haven't seen you stop it all
since you took the job. And he's like, well, everybody's
doing it, like Mark, everybody. Everybody's actually not doing this.

I don't know if you've looked around the room. Now,
some folks been playing a lot of golf, which is okay.
But he is really selfless and self aware, and at
least at this stage, I haven't seen many coaches take
on a job of this magnitude and have that same
sense of self awareness, like knowing what I'm up against,

knowing everything that comes with this job. You know, he
said that, listen, this is great, but we got to
play the games, you know, like he doesn't shy away
from the reality of we're gonna tip off in a
couple months and you know, I got to live up
to the hype and do my job. So I thought
that was a fascinating.

Speaker 3 (12:00):
So when does your story come out? Like sometime before
this season? I gotta write it, okay, which you know,
get it all to get me all excited. I want
to read it now.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
Yeah, well, I mean it was. I'm glad I got
him because like if you if you fly to South
Carolina and you don't get him, now, you got to
make that call the year's been and be like, uh, sorry,
I tried, but I like with me, if you send
me to a place to get a story, like I
would have followed him to his car, you know what
I mean, like a not in a weird way, but

like you know, I would go to the end until
you actually had would have to tell me, like get
away from me. But he was great.

Speaker 3 (12:36):

Speaker 2 (12:36):
I sat down with him at a game. We were
just hanging out and talking, and I just think a
lot of people at Peach gam were talking about he
gets it. That's what you heard from a lot of
people at Peach Jam. Like what do you think about
Mark Pope? He gets it, you know, And I think
that's something that will go a long way for him
as he takes on a job that's unlike any job
in college basketball. I think there are only two or

three jobs in college sports like this Alabama. I think
it is football, you know, Kentucky basketball, and maybe Duke basketball.
The only close one. Yeah, sorry mentioned Duke. Okay, I'm
not tweeting about it. I'm not. I'm not. I'm just
mentioned in the name.

Speaker 5 (13:12):
They're going down on November twelfth.

Speaker 2 (13:13):
We talked about I can't wait to be at that
game in Atlanta. But I just thought it feels like
Mark Pope checks a lot of boxes at this stage.
But also he understands you get to December and you're
not rolling. You know what this fan basic gonna let you.
So what have you all thought? What's been your first
impression so far?

Speaker 5 (13:34):
Winning and losing will decide. Yeah, he's view. I mean,
if they finished tenth in the sec we're gonna forget that.
He was front row of peach Gym real quick. But
I keep saying, if it works with Mark Pope, it
will be better than what it would have been with
a Hurley er, any name out there. If Pope wins
at the level Kentucky wants to win, you cannot bottle
up all the other stuff that he has with him,

his energy, personality, the nostalgia. It's not just the bust
These current player former have been coming to practices. Tubby
was in on a practice. That's just why if it
works out with Pope, it will be the absolute best
case scenario.

Speaker 2 (14:07):

Speaker 3 (14:08):
You know, the Thursday night that it leaked that he
was the guy, the majority of the fan base was
kind of disappointed.

Speaker 5 (14:15):
I called it chicken tenders. I said, Mitch Barnhart will
just stakeouse and got chicken tenders.

Speaker 3 (14:19):
Yeah. So the next day, we had a live show
the next day and Mitch Barnhardt came on that show,
and by the end of that show at noon, I
think everybody's perception completely flipped that quickly, and we're all
on board because everyon like, you know, he's he's one
of us. He gets it, man, We got our team back.
It was It was amazing how it went from Thursday
night until Friday afternoon.

Speaker 2 (14:39):
Well, I mean, looking like what he did, I cover,
you know, the BYU Kansas game when they upset Kansas
in Lawrence. That BYU team was picked to finish thirteenth
in the Big Twelve and they finished in a tie
for fifth.

Speaker 3 (14:50):

Speaker 2 (14:50):
Right, I mean so if you look at like his resume,
he's won oh yeah, consistent, which is not easy to.

Speaker 3 (14:56):
Do at b YU.

Speaker 2 (14:59):
Yeah, I don't think as a matter like coaching. You know,
it's obviously this is a tough league. You can be
really good and still not be good, you know, because
there's so much competition in the SEC. And I think that,
to me is the thing he's up against because you're
just so many teams in this league and win a championship.
But he has all the right answers, man, And I
was just impressed by like being able to go through

what he went through in terms of people doubting him
and not making that his thing, cause you, I mean,
he could have like he could definitely be the coach
who could be like, Yeah, all these people didn't think
I could do it, and then I go out and
get these recruits and look at me. Now. He didn't
have that attitude, and I think that's really helped him
in terms of how he's been perceived. But at least
that peach, damn, I can tell you Mark Pope. There

was a set of seats. There was like a bleachers
right where all these other coaches aren't cows there mingling
with different people. And then there's this other section and
he wasn't even in the section where he was talking
to other coaches. One seat he's there, Jason Hart is
in the next, and they are making it clear to
every recruit on that court, we're here.

Speaker 3 (16:04):
We're here to watch you, but we're here to work.

Speaker 2 (16:06):
You know. All the other stuff is secondary to why
we're here. So I just thought that was really strong,
strong message.

Speaker 5 (16:14):
One more thing from the weekend before we take this break.
It's unrelated to Pope, but it's his players. Them showing
up for both those games and cheering the way they
did did a lot for this transition we're going through.
I mean, they're mingling with the current players. Of course
they practice, but you know that was already set up.
They don't have to hang out after games like we're
seeing Andrew Carr KERKKRISA. Lots of those guys were cheering

louder than most of the UK fans in rupp Arena,
and that was just really cool to see them show
up twice. I'm sure they'll be there tomorrow night. And
I've even heard Pope. You know, I had a Peach
jam now he'll probably pop in there Tuesday. So I
also think that's been big for the fan base to
see that, for the ones that were worried that the
COW players might not get all the way in the
TVT has helped bond that bridge, so to speak. As
they come together.

Speaker 2 (16:55):
After the break. I want to talk about that because
I talked to all of those players about that last
night after the game. So we'll come back after this break.

Speaker 3 (17:03):
M h.

Speaker 2 (17:06):
It's a good song, man, oh Anna Hoff, that's a
really good song. Yeah, that's a good song. Back here
on ksorry.

Speaker 3 (17:15):
We got a call.

Speaker 4 (17:16):
Yes, so it's go to Stu.

Speaker 2 (17:18):
Stu, what you got for us on this marriy mind
order to make you smile? Something that made you happy?

Speaker 3 (17:24):

Speaker 2 (17:24):
Yeah, waking up this morning. Listen a weekend, A weekend
from the release of the college football in twenty five.

Speaker 6 (17:33):
I want to I want to update from Drew on
how it's going.

Speaker 2 (17:37):
On the game. Has he made a Dynasty team?

Speaker 3 (17:39):
Is he? Is he good to go? I'll hang up
and listen.

Speaker 5 (17:41):
Appreciate that you you had to do this. I'm very disappointed.
I've played it, but not nearly as much as i'd like. Yeah,
number one, I spent a lot of the weekend at
TBT and rupp Parina. Before that, we had a busy week.
I've only played two full games of it, just so
you know, get on and play now. Have it jumped
into dynasty mode? But I I'm loving what I've seen
of it, and I wish I'd had more time to

do it. What about you?

Speaker 2 (18:03):
You been playing it? I play one game, you know,
and and so I tried to like, I'm not a
video game person. There's levels, right, there's like legend.

Speaker 5 (18:14):
I'm playing on All American by the way.

Speaker 2 (18:15):
Okay, so I tried to go up to All American
and see, you know, if I still have a little
bit of skill. Yeah, first two players, I realized I'm
not in All America, and I just keep going down
and down until I gotta admit I'm playing on freshmen. Uh,
that's that's the level where I'm comfortable, where I win,
and I'm not sticking to any I'm just scrambling right

and left and running eye formation like that's that's it.
I play with Wisconsin and that's all we do, you know.
So I keep seeing these things.

Speaker 5 (18:44):
On that's all Wisconsin does. You're playing it.

Speaker 2 (18:47):
Perfect exactly but exactly. But I keep seeing these Twitter
tutorials and people are like, hey, if you hit the
left stick and you go up and go left, I'm like, listen,
I'm playing on freshmen. I just how do I run
the ball? How do I throw and catch that? At
the level I'm at, you know, some of this stuff
is too sophisticated.

Speaker 5 (19:04):
In my early games, I can move the ball. Dane
and Barrion Brown got a little bo Jackson techmo bowl
in them. There's some go to receivers and Chip Trainam
is great running back on there. Yeah, but when I'm
on defense, I am just getting carved up. Can't stop
in those bleed Tennessee's got a no hurry up offense.
I played Tennessee just to whoop up on them, yeah,
and lost. That's not how it was supposed to go.

So I got to figure out the defense. And the
RPO is a little advanced for me, but I need
to get back on it.

Speaker 2 (19:30):
I miss it, but I want to try playing on freshmen.
That's all I'm saying. Right again, I started all American
and I was like, let me see how hard it is.
And then some linebacker from Ohio State just destroyed us,
you know, like came through hit my quarterback. It was
like third and forty nine or something. I just said,
you know what, I'm not gonna embarrass myself. Let me
just go back to the basic level. Are you like

on the game with the heads. I don't do that,
I know, No. I just I jump on when I can.
I'll start a dynasty soon, but it'll just be an
offline by myself. One thing I've worried though, first time
having real student athletes on there. Yeah, I don't want
to get mad at.

Speaker 5 (20:06):
The actual people like bron Vandergriff got sacked like nine
times and I'm livid when really I'm the one that's
supposed to be getting rid of the ball. It has
nothing to do with him. But I'm sitting there like,
he's got to get this cleaned up in camp before
the season gets real. He's got to get rid of
the ball faster. And then there's a few freshmen that
are just on there that who knows what they'll be.
They haven't had a camp yet, but they've made a

few big plays for me, and I'm I already have
unrealistic expectations for them that I don't think they'll live
up to. So I'm going to see in the fall
and be like, why are you blocking kids like you
were from my game? So it's it's weird turning off
the real player thing.

Speaker 2 (20:37):
Yeah again, I'm playing Wisconsin. I play the game against Georgia.
I've been trash talking Georgia a lot, like you just
you know, just because we're winning. You know. Again, I'm
on freshmen, so it's not like real Georgia. But I
find myself like developing like a Yeah, I don't like them,
even though it's just the game, you know, So I
got to be able to separate the two, I think.

But but it's it's fun. I don't want to get
on the headset and end up playing some seventeen year old,
you know what I mean. He's calling me Peanutthead and
he's up fifty seven to seven, and now I'm getting mad.
Now my whole week is ruined because some seventeen year
old and I will call me Peanutthead and was throwing
sceane routes all day. So, like, I think I should
stay off the online element of it and just stick

to playing freshmen playing like sort of the exhibition games
and then being done.

Speaker 5 (21:26):
I think it's also already a bad look for me
when it's like, yeah, I probably should mo or clean
the kitchen. I'm gonna get a game in, so I'm
already doing that that my wife's probably like, why are
you playing this? I certainly don't need to be in
there yelling at a twelve year old telling them you
can't cover me anything. So I don't think I'll commit
to the online either.

Speaker 2 (21:41):
What do you think about these guys who are taking
off work and we're doing like four day marathon lucky.

Speaker 5 (21:47):
Right, Yeah, I want to do a ten week vacation play.

Speaker 2 (21:51):
I mean, are you cool, like do you think people
should be partners and spouses should be cool with them
going three to four days and playing the game, and
if you're doing anything.

Speaker 5 (21:59):
Else, I mean, you don't completely put everything to the side,
and you know, ruin your marriage. But you know, if
that makes you happy video games because they keep your
mind busy if you are stressed, it does. It is
a nice escape if you're doing it in moderation or
if you want to do twenty four to seven. I'm
not your dad, but I got no problem with it.

Speaker 2 (22:14):
I'm cool starting it. Like the game just came out.
You're playing hours and hours. But if you're over the
age of thirty and you got like real life stuff,
you shouldn't be playing on Tuesday at two o'clock. You
know that's like, like, that's a little much for me.
Once you hit that age. You know, I'm seeing guys
my age, who are you know, playing the game all day.

They're tweeting about it. It's like go to work. Yeah, okay,
go to work, man, get out of the house.

Speaker 5 (22:40):
And then Donnelle, do you have to recruit and stuff.
I don't want to be at the breakfast table. And
then I'm thinking about some fake Juco kid in the
portal in the other room on my TV that has
no real impact on life whatsoever. But I don't want
that stressing me out.

Speaker 2 (22:51):
No, nah, And I don't understand. I don't want to
argue with anybody, you know, through the screen, you know,
because you can say whatever through the screen, and then
you get upset, and then that's whole week. Did I
you say in that minute? Was it a minute? Or
did you say we got a break? Okay, we got thirty,
we got thirty?

Speaker 5 (23:05):
Rock Vandergrif does' need to get the ball out of
his hands faster? Yeah, gotta be quicker. How do you
do the option?

Speaker 2 (23:10):
Man? What you gotta tap? Yeah?

Speaker 5 (23:12):
A little lateral the RPOs? What's tricky. I'm gonna have
to to get some some practice in that.

Speaker 2 (23:16):
You know what, I realized, I don't even know all
the buttons. I realized that that's an issue. Yeah, there
are buttons that they're telling me to push. I don't
know what that button?

Speaker 5 (23:24):
R three?

Speaker 2 (23:25):
What's our two? I don't know. We'll be back after this.

Speaker 5 (23:28):

Speaker 1 (23:28):
Smith personal injury attorney called tj He'll make them pay.

Speaker 4 (23:32):
Now more of Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage.
Here's Matt Jones.

Speaker 2 (23:38):
You all have no idea how many times I've almost
like stepped on that read and just started talking, like
I get ready to talk and I have to remember, like,
wait a minute, No, there's there's a read here.

Speaker 3 (23:48):
I think Shannon sits here with his finger on the button.
It just kind of he feels it. He knows when
we got ready talking.

Speaker 2 (23:52):
Boom, Well, he knows I'll step on it, like he
he knows at this point like I'll just talk, but
you could talk.

Speaker 4 (23:58):
I got your mic off, so you'd be.

Speaker 2 (23:59):
Just get me. You gotta really be instructive with me,
you know. That's how I was in school, Like it
was like you got to tell me all of the
instructions or I'm an skip steps.

Speaker 4 (24:09):
I don't think you talked over at one time all summer.
Though you've done a good job.

Speaker 3 (24:12):
We've done a good job.

Speaker 2 (24:13):
I think the first couple of shows I may have so.

Speaker 3 (24:16):
But this our Whiskey Thief song today Darius Rucker and
he plays Darius Rutger. It's gona be our Whiskey Thief song.
That hoody right, who is don't cl him hoody? He's Darious.

Speaker 2 (24:24):
Doesn't like that?

Speaker 3 (24:25):
Yeah, just Darius.

Speaker 2 (24:26):
Why does he like it? What's the name Darius Rucker?

Speaker 3 (24:31):
He's not. His name's not hoody.

Speaker 5 (24:32):
Well he went by hoody at one time voluntarily, right, Yeah.

Speaker 2 (24:35):
At the I was at the super Bowl and he
played and it was like everybody went crazy.

Speaker 3 (24:40):
You know when he because he's awesome.

Speaker 2 (24:42):
Yeah, when he came out so cold the super Bowl
ever in Minneapolis, by the way, thirty below wind chill,
and I warned media people to get on the first
media bus. I was like, you don't want to be
waiting in the line in this weather. Nobody listened. I
was on the first bush and a whole bunch of
people were not, and they were sitting on in that
cold and they got mad, and I'm.

Speaker 3 (25:02):
Like, well, you tried to tell. I did try try
to tell.

Speaker 2 (25:05):
Tried to tell.

Speaker 5 (25:05):
I saw Darius Rucker at the final four, sprinted towards
him from a long way away to get a selfie
to send. Ryan pull the phone up, We smile, we're
both looking at it, and we watched my phone die
together before I could get the pictures. So I tried, Ryan,
I tried.

Speaker 2 (25:19):
That might be a Darius Rucker song. You know what
I mean?

Speaker 5 (25:22):
This phone died.

Speaker 2 (25:23):
Yeah, try to get a selfie in the phone died.
That could be a hit for Darius Rucker. We had
another read we do.

Speaker 5 (25:28):
Let's talk about a little Draft Kings. You know, July's
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Speaker 2 (26:11):
You're good at reading those reads. I always feel like
when I read them, I sound like the sham wild guy,
sound like like two am on an infomercial. You know,
fourteen easy payments of nine to ninety nine. That's how
I sound. Or like now that's what I call music.
You remember the old CDs? Oh yes, I mean eighty
eight CDs right for ten dollars, right, a bargain.

Speaker 3 (26:29):
It was amazing, and then you go sell them on
the street corner at Minnesota State.

Speaker 2 (26:32):
Incredible, man. But I always want to read those. I
feel like I'm being like an infomercial guy, you know,
like I got a.

Speaker 3 (26:38):
Question for you.

Speaker 2 (26:39):

Speaker 3 (26:40):
This is yes. This is from the Avision Glass text machine.
This will be our Kentucky branded texta today from Christina.
She's sitting right there, Oh, Christina, right there. Ask Myron,
what are we supposed to do with our pictures with
cal Do we delete them like an ex boyfriend off
of all of our social media.

Speaker 2 (26:55):
That's a good question. We were talking about that. I
mean it starts with the relationship, right like I'm thinking
it was a very meaningful relationship and you had a
lot of good times and things ended on a you know,
a good note. There's no such thing as a mutual breakup.
By the way, I hate when the people announced, like
we mutually somebody broke up with somebody. Okay, at the
end of the day, that's what happened. It's no mutual breakups.

But I think if you have some good times and
some really good moments and things ended, okay, I think
you leave up the pictures right, but you know things
didn't end so well.

Speaker 3 (27:28):
Yeah, so you know now you got a new boyfriend
and Mark post That's the thing, you know. I think
it's more about like how you talk about the X
than it is about stuff like that, because I think
people understand you have a past, you know, and if
someone's scrolling down my Instagram and they see whatever from
twenty seventeen, okay, like what are you gonna do about?

Speaker 2 (27:48):
Yeah, that was something in the past. But you don't
want to be posting new old phone now. You dont
want to be like looking through the phone and you
realize you got a phone with a picture with you
and cal and you post it on Saturday. That's not
gonna be a good look. But I think you can
just post your new photos as you get them, and
then people will realize that everybody's moved on.

Speaker 5 (28:06):
I'm keeping all mine. I mean, everyone who listened to
the show knows I was ready for something new. But
you can't take those first years away from me. I mean,
that's why this weekend was so fun seeing the Harrisons Willie.
Uh you mentioned Poethous. A lot of people didn't know this.
He's not on the team, but walking to Repparena and
there he is, sitting in the crowd EJ floorial. A
lot of those guys from that era have been back
this weekend and it's really brought up with some nostalgia

for this fan of that those golden years of Caliperi era.
So I won't be deleting any photos of Caliperi, even
though I was ready for it to go the other
way photos.

Speaker 3 (28:39):
I think you guys kind of hit it, man, that's
just you know, uh, those are the glory days man,
when he was first here. You know we have pictures
up with cal still here, Here's Matt and Kowen, Anthony Davis,
you know, right, he we're not gonna take these down.

Speaker 5 (28:50):
I was gonna add as a sports bar. We did
move him a little further back because we have Patino
photos back there too, Joe b So right here there's
a new pope.

Speaker 3 (28:58):
One at the front of the edge of the US.

Speaker 5 (29:00):
So we didn't take it down. We just redecorated a
little bit.

Speaker 2 (29:03):
Yeah, I mean, like to me, I don't think it
was a bad relationship. I think it was a good
relationship that ended badly. Right, Is that a fair way
to kind of characterize it? How would you see it?

Speaker 3 (29:16):
Yeah, it was the right time for both teams, both
sides to walk away. Yeah, you know, it was just
the right time. So we can still remember the glory days. Yeah,
it kind of ended with the bad taste.

Speaker 5 (29:26):
And one day there will be a day maybe when
he probably won't come back to this show, but you know,
everyone in Big Blue Nation, there'll be a day where
Cal comes back and we can all have a John
Wall shot together and talk about the good times. It
just we need a little something different here recently after
the last few seasons.

Speaker 2 (29:39):
Yeah, listen, if I went to Mexico with somebody, I'm
leaving up my Mexico photos. I ain't got nothing to
do with you. I went to Mexico and you might
have been there, but I'm not taking down photos or
people will photoshop stuff. You see these people. Have you
seen this? People will photoshop people out of real photos
like we saw you two together. We literally saw it,

and then they will photoshop them out of the photo.
I'm not doing all that. I'm not sending this somebody
to take the photo. No, I went to Mexico with
you that we're gonna put it up there. I'm gonna
leave it up. People canna say what they want to say,
and I'm gonna move on. That should be. It should
be that simple. We gotta we got a call here.
Who's who's our call?

Speaker 3 (30:18):

Speaker 2 (30:19):
Terry, what's up on this Merry Monday?

Speaker 6 (30:21):
Hey Myron. A few weeks back, you were talking musically
about uh uh Val Green and Teddy Pendinggras, But I
think there's one that was left off.

Speaker 2 (30:33):
Who is that Ray Charles?

Speaker 3 (30:35):
I love it.

Speaker 6 (30:36):
Yeah, he's just uh he I mean he dipped in
the country a little bit and then he's got his uh.

Speaker 3 (30:46):
Raymond Blues that he did. He's uh, he's really good.

Speaker 6 (30:50):
I just wanted to get get on and give Ray thing. Also,
Lou Rawls was was also.

Speaker 2 (30:56):
Very good, no less. Now thank you for the call
those I mean Ray Charles. If you've ever seen Ray
the movie where Jamie Fox, it's incredible, very good, Like
how well he plays Ray Charles gets scary and in
the movie, if you see you know, the makeup on
Jamie Fox, he glues his eyes together like that was

what they did to make him like, no, what it's
like to be blind. Like, so he'd be on set
with his eyes glued shut, and he'd have to make
his way around and he to like test if he
was doing a good Ray Charles. He would call Ray's
family members and like as Ray Charles and like they
couldn't tell the difference of it was that it was

that good. So now Ray Charles one hundred percent. Lou
Rawl's incredible. I'm just partial to Al Green. You know.
Al Green is just I used to fall asleep. That's
this is kind how much of an old soul? I
am right? I used to fall asleep to the Al
Green's Greatest Hit CD in fifth grade. I'm not even
getting to you. Every everybody knew mc hammer touched this.

I knew I'm so tired of being alone. I just
that was just my thing, you know, with Al Green.
So uh, I appreciate that. That's why you're romantic at heart.
I think we found out about it. Yeah, I mean,
you know, like my fifth grade breakups were different, you
know what I mean. I'm I'm listening to Al Green
and going like, wait a minute, baby, come back. You
know what I mean.

Speaker 5 (32:21):
I went through a Barry White phase when I was young.
Oh yeah, it was even like the record you had
to put the little needle on little can't get enough
of your love baby voice.

Speaker 2 (32:28):
He had the voice, you know what I mean, Like
Isaac Hayes had the voice.

Speaker 3 (32:33):
You know.

Speaker 2 (32:34):
So I wish I could sing like that, Like I
would have just done it everywhere malls and churches and airports.

Speaker 5 (32:42):
Burn your song.

Speaker 3 (32:45):
So you've got one more Monday, so we'll make it
Ray Stevens Monday, your last Monday. Since that was my
special request. We did all your other favorites, We'll do
Ray Stephens.

Speaker 2 (32:59):
Another race.

Speaker 5 (33:01):
Ron usually has one of those moments once the show
we hat.

Speaker 2 (33:06):
I'm like, I don't know Ray Stevens, but I'm down
the list. You know, what does he say?

Speaker 4 (33:13):

Speaker 3 (33:13):
Like those parody songs.

Speaker 4 (33:14):
He's like a comedian, like a owl.

Speaker 2 (33:18):
We're now on the street.

Speaker 3 (33:20):
Yeah he did the streak. Oh yes, they call it
the street book that Ray Stevens.

Speaker 2 (33:25):
I don't know that song either.

Speaker 5 (33:27):
We'll do it a different day when you're not here.

Speaker 2 (33:30):
Ray Stevens kind of like Ray Charles, similar level, right,
you know, Charles, I get where you're coming from. Okay,
I respect it. No, this has been a ton of fun.

Speaker 3 (33:42):

Speaker 2 (33:42):
I'm glad I've been able to do this.

Speaker 3 (33:44):

Speaker 2 (33:44):
We talked about the bridge between the current players and
the past players. I talked to Willie the Harrison's Aaron
Bless all those guys. One thing they said about Mark
Pope where they said Mark has reached out and been like,
whatever you guys need, let me know.

Speaker 3 (33:59):
Yeah, everybody says that.

Speaker 2 (34:00):
Right, that's just what you say as a person in
Mark Pope's position, But like they all said, like, no,
he's followed up and been like, let me know, you
know what you need. And I think that's a big
thing for the cow guys to come back and to compete.
There's been a lot of rumors about this practice between
a lot familiar in the current team.

Speaker 5 (34:20):
We've heard everything lost by fifty, they todd.

Speaker 2 (34:25):
Yeah, I mean from everyone I've talked to, it was
a pretty competitive game. And then at the end they
did the elam ending thing, which is just a weird
way to finish a basketball game. It's it's just not
orthodox to do it that way, and that's when the
current team kind of took off, right. But I was total,
is really competitive. I mean, you said, Eric Bledsoe like

that dude can still play a lot of quality minutes
for an NBA team right now, right now, you know
what I mean. The Harrisons are an incredible shape, so
you still got to deal with Willye, Colin Stein and
just sort of the natural athlete that he is. But
it sounds like it was really competitive. Lamont Butler, i
was told, is a guy who really has been the
leader kind of in that locker room. And he's a

big Eric Bletsoe fan. You know about that. No, Yeah,
So he had a picture that he took with Eric
Bledsoe with Eric Bletsoe played with the Sons and Lamont
Butler was ten years old. So before the practice, Lamont
Butler is super nervous because that's not just Eric Bledsoe.
That's his childhood hero, right, So like he was nervous

to go out there and compete. Wow is Aaron Bledsoe?
And then like he gets out there and he sees
them and they take a picture. But I mean, it's
such a cool moment. But everything I've heard about Lamona
is that he's been a really good leader and that
they'll really turn to him to be kind of that
veteran voice in the locker room as you're trying to
bring everybody together, Jackson Robinson, listen, his his ceiling is

he's a pro right. I mean, here's his opportunity to
show that right and put it all together and to
do it in because if you do it here, then
you are a pro right. No one denies that in
the league like this, So it's gonna be fun to watch.

Speaker 3 (36:08):
I want to piggyback something you said about Pope and
the players, because when we had all the TBT guys
on here, Drew ask one of them remember who it was,
and they said, Pope gave us all his cell phone number.
Like he went to all the TBT guys and said, hey, man,
here's my number. If you ever need anything, call me.
You know, you don't have to go through the right town.
Just call me. I thought that was pretty.

Speaker 5 (36:25):
Cool, yeah, and a little different than that. But on
Bloodsoe last night, we even said this TBT familiar. They
were down a halftime Bloodsoe hit though we're professionals, but
I think we're your words in that second half. That
guy can still take over a game when he needs to.
I'm not saying he's taking plays off, but when Bloodsoe
wants to get a bucket in this tournament back, he's
getting a bucket.

Speaker 2 (36:45):
I mean, that's a dude who was a really good
player for really good teams in the NBA, oh just
a couple of years ago, right, and you could see like,
okay TBT, and then you saw when he went to
I'm Ayreic Bledsoe mowed a little bit. And I mean
all those guys, like I said, I think this is
definitely the most talented team I've seen. Ohio State had
a squad with like Greg Oden and some other Ohio

State guys, but I mean these dudes can still still
play play. I mean some of them, you know, not
looking like the way they did a decade to go,
but that's okay.

Speaker 3 (37:16):
Maybe not as quick. Maybe he can't jump high, but
still can play. Man.

Speaker 2 (37:19):
Hey, I understand going to that wiffle house when you cross,
I get that, But it was just fun to watch man.
Those guys compete and if they win Tuesday, which marsh
is a very good team. By the way those guys
have been playing together, DeAndre Kaine's incredible.

Speaker 5 (37:35):
It's like a career for them. The tv T it
is they practice your round for this.

Speaker 2 (37:38):
They have made. Some of those guys have won like
three championships and like collectively like six seven million dollars
you know in the TVT you know, and they the
way they do it is everyone doesn't get the same
amount of money. You know, depending on who you are,
you might make more than the other guys.

Speaker 3 (37:53):
So they take it really seriously.

Speaker 2 (37:54):
But if they win, then they go play level right,
I think they go play them.

Speaker 5 (38:01):
Louisville has to play tonight. That's play a team called
Sodeline Cancer. Well here's what Sodeline Cancer did. They signed
a new player, Jack Golkie is playing against Louisville to
so I know that's a bad word around here, but
we might have to get behind the kid from Oakland
against the Louisville Cardinals because if he could spoil that
fun in Louisville tonight, I'll forgive him a little bit

for what he did in March, just a little bit.

Speaker 2 (38:26):
That's some drama.

Speaker 5 (38:27):
Yeah, they added him as he didn't even play in
the first game for that team. They signed him because
he was in summer league. He put to summer league
straight to TVT. So Louisville's got got their own golkie
issues tonight.

Speaker 2 (38:35):
His name is a cuss word around here now it is.

Speaker 5 (38:37):
I feel bad just saying it. But now he's going
against Louisville, and I'll give him a little credit.

Speaker 2 (38:41):
I respect it. Did you say we gotta take a break.
Is that what we're doing right now?

Speaker 3 (38:44):

Speaker 2 (38:44):
Ye, all right, we'll be back after this. Well back here.
I don't know if that was a read or not.
I wasn't sure that was like commercial. It's not like
commercial jingle.

Speaker 3 (38:54):
This is Ray Stevens.

Speaker 2 (38:56):
This is okay, Yeah, okay, not Ray Charles a little different.
Got a shout out and Kelly on their trivia win, right,
congrats on that.

Speaker 5 (39:09):
We gotta we gotta add John to he we We didn't
meet him last night, but John was a big part
of that team.

Speaker 3 (39:13):
Coach John John also came through them, and we've had
it twice this summer and they won it both times.

Speaker 2 (39:21):
Nice. Yeah, okay, congratulations. Price is like the swab he's like,
is he one of those dudes? Yeah, with the with
the the historic knowledge of everything?

Speaker 5 (39:31):

Speaker 2 (39:32):
Yeah, okay, congrats on that. I'm glad to be here.
This was fun. Give it up. I don't know. I
gotta thank you. I got to run. I'm doing another
ESPN show right now. Had I been thinking, I would
have been like, I can't do it. But O wasn't
thinking that. I got to try to make this Cincinnati flight,

which I've heard one hundred I'm gonna make it. I've
heard zero chance I'm gonna make it, so I I
don't know. There's just two sides here of whether or
not I'm gonna be able to get to this Cincinnati
flight and uh take off, so you know, cross your
fringers fingers, say a prayer, whatever you gotta do, uh
for me, and then real quick before I go. I

also want to thank my guy Matt Jones, who you
know him and I for those who don't know, we
host the NFL show. We host Sunday morning, we do
the NFL pregame show, and this year they're actually taking
us on the road. You're gonna flying around, yeah, different
stadiums and doing some cool stuff and uh, we have
so much fun on the show, man, And I think

it's just a good example of opposites attracting. You know,
a dude from Milwaukee and a guy from the mountains
of Kentucky coming together, and you know, I think it
says a lot about what can happen when people are
open minded about folks they meet, and they give people
a chance rather than judging them every time. So I'm
not trying to preach, but that's good. Thank you all.

Thank you for having me. I got more work to do, man,
thank you, Thank you all.

Speaker 3 (41:00):
All right, tune in to catch Meyer and then later
this afternoon, So Drew, we gotta wrap it up here.
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Speaker 3 (41:51):
So Myron just got up and left to go to
do his show. Yeah, Misty and Bobby English immediately get
up and go to They're not interested in what we
got to say.

Speaker 5 (41:58):
We know who's the star today?

Speaker 3 (42:00):
About it?

Speaker 2 (42:01):

Speaker 3 (42:01):
Tomorrow night is Singo returns to Chos Bar and Grill
seven o'clock Singo. It's probably the funnest thing we've done
all summer here.

Speaker 5 (42:08):
Oh, I've said it on this show. I didn't realize
how much fun I'd have at Singo. I completely forgot
to play the game. I just wanted to dance and
sing the whole time. Might not play again, might just
been here dancing.

Speaker 3 (42:16):
So come here tomorrow night, seven o'clock single and then
the TBT team plays at nine o'clock tomorrow night. Ticket
links are out, so go ahead and got your tickets
because you said the crowd was good last night.

Speaker 5 (42:25):
Good, but it gotta be better. And if they can
beat Louisville and ticket sales, they can still host. If
those two running each other. We're hoping Louisville gets knocked
out tonight, but if they sell enough at RUP, could
be more games at rop on in the tournament.

Speaker 3 (42:35):
And Alice Blue Gown Friday night here at Chos Bar
and Griils will come for that.

Speaker 2 (42:38):
All right.

Speaker 3 (42:38):
We appreciate everybody coming out, great crowd, big thanks to Myron.
We had a pop up show somewhere tomorrow morning. Find
out where we are. We come back looking ticket Sports
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