All Episodes

July 25, 2024 • 42 mins

Ryan, Drew, and Shannon are joined by Kyle Mann talking the latest UK sports news and Kyle's "KY Joe remixes."

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Comedy a Broadway in Lexington. Welcomes Greg Morton July eleven
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twenty eth and don't miss Jeff Allen July twenty fifth
through the twenty seventh. Comedy Off Broadway opened in downtown
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years later. Call eight five, nine, two seven one joke
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Speaker 2 (00:29):
This is Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage.

Speaker 3 (00:33):
Now here's Matt Jones.

Speaker 4 (00:35):
All right, good morning, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. Welcome
to this Thursday edition of Kentucky Sports Radio. It is Thursday,
July twenty fifth. Ryan living here, Drew Franklin, Shannon the Due.
We got a special guest. We're gonna introduce you to
here in just a second. As always, Kuyports rails sponsored
by the T. J. Smith Office called TJ. And what happens,
Shannon will make them pay. He will make them pay.
We'll give our Don Franklin call today if you want too. Drew,

wake up Don Franklin call today, We'll do our Kentucky
branded tweet day.

Speaker 5 (01:00):
That's not okay, it sounds great.

Speaker 4 (01:01):
Run and maybe how about we do a Whiskey Thief
song of the day.

Speaker 5 (01:03):
Wow, that sounds sounds like a fun day.

Speaker 4 (01:05):
I also have the a Vision Glass text machine. The
new number is five O two seven three five three
six eight. Oh if you want to hit us up
on that. I kind of went through it last night
and answered some people that were asking some questions and things.
So we did that. We are welcome and honored to
have second year in a row on our airways here
at KSR Tist's give it up for j Kyle Man
joining us today. Hello, Jay Kyle Man.

Speaker 6 (01:27):
How's going. It's good.

Speaker 7 (01:28):
I've never actually been in here. I was kind of
just like like stunned walking through looking at all the
jerseys and stuff. I was joking with with Drew.

Speaker 6 (01:34):
I was like, I'm the demo for this, like that
you are now.

Speaker 4 (01:38):
You did the show last year, Kyle Tucker, the two
Kyle's did the show, h and it was great. You
guys had a great show. So thanks for coming back
and doing it again this year.

Speaker 7 (01:45):
I happy to I think I heard you describe it
as detailed. I think it's what you said, you had
a pause, you want detailed. It's like I want to
I wouldn't specifically wanted to know.

Speaker 6 (01:55):
What Ryan meant.

Speaker 4 (01:56):
But I don't know. I I don't know how you
know what you said?

Speaker 7 (01:58):
Yeah, I did asks I said on podcasts. I'm like,
don't remember. Yeah, just at some point just kind of
goes into the ether.

Speaker 6 (02:04):

Speaker 4 (02:04):
Well, my first question to you is what is the
JAY stand for? You're J Kyle Man. What's the jay
stand for?

Speaker 7 (02:09):
People ask me that all the time. I'll even get
people who don't like me who will be like, you're snooty.
You're doing that on purpose to do like like I'm
some kind of poet or something. I seriously did it
just because there's another guy with with a pretty big
online following name Kyle Man, and I was just like
I need something. My mom used to call me Jay Kyle,
and I was like, there we go. We'll let's go
with Ja Kyle. So no one calls me Ja Kyle.

I'm just Kyle, but you can call me whatever you want, right,
I don't care.

Speaker 5 (02:33):
It's like Chris Tomlin with the Christian Tomlin. Yeah, on
the on the website when the other Chris Tomlin got
so big.

Speaker 6 (02:41):
Yeah, I remember that now indescribable. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (02:44):
Your your main gig is basketball. Yeah, and that's what
we got to start with. Because last night the Louisville
TBT team Drew won their game. So that sets up
the show down with Louisville versus Kentucky versus lat Familiar.
Here we come, and it's at Freedom Hall Monday night.

Speaker 5 (03:00):
Yeah. I caught the end of the game mainly just
to be ready for the nine o'clock ticket drop. That
was chaos. I now know what the Swifties feel like.
I had two seats go to pay, they disappear, two
seats go to pay, disappear. I probably had fifteen different
pairs of seats throughout the arena, and it was just
everything was going away as quickly as you could click
on it in those first few minutes. They eventually added

the upper level a few minutes later, but that first
five minutes, everything that was available just disappeared. And then
they now they've added the end zones. So I knew
there'd be people excited to hop on. I didn't expect
you kind of had to fight for your life. And
Ticketmasters team to get a seat in there. But that's
that's how it went.

Speaker 4 (03:35):
They sold over seven thousand tickets in an hour. It
had broke it already broke the record for most tickets
sold in a game, and they did that in an hour.

Speaker 5 (03:43):
Yeah, when the map first popped up, it was mostly
the lower bowl. Like I said, five minutes in they
were gone if you wanted lowers, and then it was
empty for a minute. Then they added the uppers. There's
still some of those, but I think they're only on
the end zones now. It's crazy for this tournament. I mean,
this Turna has been around a while, but as you're saying,
they've shot during it's in this record and the interest
around the Bluegrass in this game.

Speaker 4 (04:03):
You know you're you live in Louisville, right, I do.
You're a Kentucky guy. Yeah, I mean this is huge
for the fan, the Kentucky fans in Louisville. That's why
this is gonna be a great environment. They'll wear blue.
There'll be probably be more blue there in Red than
Freedom Hall.

Speaker 6 (04:15):
Yeah. I assume you're wanting to go as a fan
to get routy.

Speaker 5 (04:18):
Right, Yeah, I have a media pass, but media. They
don't let me just boo Peyton Siva. So I thought
I needed to be in an actual seat with like
minded people.

Speaker 6 (04:25):
I was on to play with Peyton Seev. He's a
nice guy.

Speaker 5 (04:27):
Actually, he is a nice guy.

Speaker 6 (04:28):
Gorgey and Siva within within a few minutes of each other.

Speaker 7 (04:31):
Uh yeah, I mean I assume UFL fans are bored honestly,
like living in living in Louisville, like I would say,
the most unpleasant time I can remember. And I was
a little more this is like pre covering basketball, and
I was definitely a little more just like talking trash
all the time, way way into it as a fan
and like maybe a little too into it. But like
the twenty thirteen era, like the Jurich Patino Petrino kind

of time in Louisville was like really not very fun.
When they were incredibly good. Yeah, we had the in,
we have the n IT season, we had the you
know it was early on in Stoops his run and
things like that.

Speaker 6 (05:06):
When they're bored.

Speaker 7 (05:07):
You know, as much as I hate to say this,
Drew I know probably just wants them to lose forever
and never win another game.

Speaker 6 (05:12):
It's it is very boring.

Speaker 7 (05:14):
Like, they stop talking trash, you stop hearing comments at
the pickup game, you stop hearing comments anywhere, and it's
it's been a little down And I assume they're just
they just want something to be excited about. So they're
I assume this is louisll fans. Do you think or
do you think it's UK fans? Where's it coming from?

Speaker 5 (05:28):
I would expect mostly Louisville, but I know a lot
of Kentucky fans are on there fighting the fight, got
good seats. I'd expect Louisville have the majority, but I
think we'll have a good showing and maybe we're having
the most fun at the end of the night. So
he's right about the boring thing. People have said, I
take it easy on Louisville now. It's honestly, I forget
they're doing because you don't hear it back. They're never
in the postseason. They're barely winning games. Man, you know,

go keep kicking them while they're down, move on to
other things they've they've fallen too far.

Speaker 7 (05:54):
How comedic is it that in the offseason, during Louisville's boredom,
that they hired you. Let's can we just call it
the way to UK, and you've held both higher dorks
we did there in the past, we've had Armani suit wearing,
slick guys who were like really imperial looking powerful men.

Speaker 6 (06:10):
Not that Kelsey and Pope aren't powerful men.

Speaker 5 (06:12):
They are.

Speaker 7 (06:12):
They're both smart, they're charismatic, but they are both a
little like youth group leader kind of guys.

Speaker 6 (06:17):
Right, don't you. I mean, it's a funny thing.

Speaker 5 (06:19):
It's not the Italian mob thing, like these guys you
can't even get near. They got their security rather right, right,
I'm more approachable too.

Speaker 4 (06:26):
So they've they sold the center court tickets in the
middle they opened up the end zones and the tenants
record was like seven thousand. So Shan and I talked
about this on the pre show. How many tickets? How
many people you think will actually end up there? Like
more than fifteen thousand? Will they get into twenty thousand?

Speaker 5 (06:43):
Well, the building's only so big, I don't think you
could get that. And they don't have the lower end zones.
I'd say ten or twelve. What's free them all? Hole
sixteen or fifteen it's.

Speaker 6 (06:51):
Like seventeen minutes in its prime, right.

Speaker 4 (06:54):
So can they fill it?

Speaker 5 (06:55):
Well? They don't have the whole set up. There's like
tables in the end zones for like, so I would say,
take your capacity. I think they'll sell out what's available.
But they don't have all of freedom hall as it
was years ago.

Speaker 7 (07:07):
I said, we go full aba. They need to have
like a brass band in the inseection. We need to go.
Let's get like just like people with cocktails down there
in the end zone. I think we should just go
all the way and make it a make it a
like a presentation for a pro situation.

Speaker 2 (07:21):
According to Wikipedia eighteen thousand for basketball.

Speaker 5 (07:25):
So pull that down a little bit because they don't
have all the seats I got you. I think I don'
think they'll get near the capacity of what TBT has available.

Speaker 4 (07:31):
I think they will too. Now you guys talk about
it almost comes at a perfect time. Kentucky hires a
new coach. We're excited about our program, Louisville hires a
new coach, they're excited about their program. And here comes
Kentucky versus Louisville in the middle of the summer on
a Monday night. I mean, when we were starving for
some basketball and we've got this game kind of fell
on our lap for Monday Night.

Speaker 7 (07:52):
Yeah, I mean it's it's a thing where I mean
Kentucky fans I think are starting to get a little
bit more engaged with I just think the mystery the
roster is probably the main thing that's hovering in the
air that people are like, we kind of have an
idea of some of these dudes. Kirk Crisa was sort
of a known college basketball phenomenon, but you can.

Speaker 6 (08:08):
Kind of feel us.

Speaker 7 (08:09):
We let's be honest, we took recruiting for granted for
a long ties we did. We were just like they're
gonna roll off. And now we're a little bit more
like we're kind of the we're kind of the like
me what's the phrase.

Speaker 6 (08:20):
It's become real popular.

Speaker 7 (08:21):
We're the like me girl kind of thing or whatever.
It is, Like we were like, hey, we have to
charm you a little bit more. We're a little more
interested in trying to win these recruits over. So it's
kind of I'm just trying to gauge where Kentucky fans focus,
But right now I think it's just they're not antsy,
but they're very curious.

Speaker 6 (08:34):
You know.

Speaker 7 (08:35):
All the practice footage is it's sort of like peeking
people's interest. The scrimmage between the TVT team. I've been
like trying to find that anywhere I can find it,
and it's because I'm curious. I think people are just
curious and just kind of waiting right now.

Speaker 5 (08:47):
Yeah, Lamar Butler confirmed seventeen point win straight straight from
a player. You know, there's been rumors and I think
finally it looked like that's about what it was. He
confirmed it two days.

Speaker 4 (08:56):
But did they play like a half court game? They
played full Okay, they also that they also play a
half court that the.

Speaker 5 (09:02):
I mean practiced like the Craft Center. But they're they're
scrimmage were here.

Speaker 4 (09:06):
Yeah, there's their scrimmage practice game.

Speaker 6 (09:10):
Is there a little bit of a lame try hard
thing too?

Speaker 7 (09:12):
How how true of a sample is a scrimmage between
TVT and the college kids? Do you think they were
just like what we're gonna do? Come out here and
like punk them? I mean there you get that with
the USA and the Select team sometimes too, where there's
a little bit like do you want to come out
and like really be the big the bully picking on
the kids and then the kids beat them and they're like, okay,
here we go, that's usually the way these things played out, right, Yeah.

Speaker 5 (09:31):
And I would I mean, we didn't see it. I
would think the endurance in the legs of the younger
guys probably was a big factor in that playing and
rep Aerena. But that was a nice tune up for
U for what we're gonna accomplish moving forward with the TVT.
And so now I was looking at hotels last night.
He was like, is this like a hotel thing for you? Like, yes,
I'm going all in on that. I might get there
at nude pre game all day, stay all night. Yeah,

we're gonna have some fun.

Speaker 4 (09:53):
So now we've got Willie colly Stein versus Montrez Harold,
probably two guys that could still play in the NBA
today if they really want to. If somebody the team
give them a chain, that's the matchup everybody's gonna be
looking at, right.

Speaker 6 (10:02):
I assume.

Speaker 7 (10:03):
So, I mean I get to ask a lot, like
what kind of happened with with Montrez? I think the
way the league has changed, it's kind of like if
you're a non shooting four, like you have to like
provide some other things. So both of those guys kind
of fell into the same category. Of like not super
efficient scores, not three point shooters, but they're also not
like defensive anchors that you can like build a defense around.

So they just though that kind of became the tweener
in the in the modern NBA. But yeah, I mean
those two, I don't know where that matchup's gonna like
play out. You know, neither one of them. I think
you're gonna be like handling at the top of the key.
It's probably gonna come down to a like who gets
the most kind of clean up dunks. Where does the
Montrez Harrald Willie colly Stein rivalry play out on court
in twenty twenty four, That's.

Speaker 6 (10:43):
Hard to say.

Speaker 5 (10:44):
I already know how it's gonna play out, and I'm
looking forward to it. There're gonna be a wash while
Karen Canner goes for about twenty four to twelve and
a twenty point win. Because as much as I love
Willing the guys, Carom is the baller on that team.
But I think that's gonna continue.

Speaker 6 (10:55):
He's won me over.

Speaker 7 (10:56):
I definitely was like, what come on, where is that?
I was like, all right, well, cool.

Speaker 4 (11:01):
Well he is Jay Kyle Man and he's here, and
we'll take your calls. The Clark's publish op phone number
is eight five nine two eight oh two two eight seven.
Are we doing a buzzer today, Shannon?

Speaker 2 (11:09):
I no, because yesterday I think you felt sorry for
people when they got buzzed, So you can't have sympathy
for the callers.

Speaker 3 (11:16):
When you introduced the buzzer.

Speaker 4 (11:17):
You were you were buzzing people from Wolf County. We
wanted Wolf County people to be able to talk, Shannon.

Speaker 5 (11:21):
They were helping our exercise. You buys anybody you want today, I.

Speaker 3 (11:24):
Can buzz Ryan.

Speaker 4 (11:26):
Well, let's let's throw the buzz in thegain of to day,
and this time we'll be strict to it.

Speaker 3 (11:30):
Okay, oh okay.

Speaker 4 (11:31):
Now we each have an extend, Kyle, if you have
if you want to extend somebody each, all of us
have an extent. We can do that as well. Eight
five nine two eight oh two two eight seven. That's
our phone roo if you want to call and get
on board. We'll also talk to Kyle about his other
talent that he has that kind of introduced himself to
all of us here at KSR. We'll talk about that
and a lot more and deviled eggs. We're definitely talking
about deviled eggs. Today we come back.

Speaker 5 (11:51):
Did you bring me?

Speaker 4 (11:52):
I did not, but I my mom made something this
weekend and they were awesome. We'll be right back. This
is Kadegi Sports Radio.

Speaker 8 (12:00):
All right, Like mister yah, mister Pringle, brutal defense, mister frale, Yah,
mister Pringle, brutal defense. They Fam defense depend, Yeah, they
fam defend. Don't know what to dam they fam defense deepen, Yeah,

they fam defend.

Speaker 9 (12:25):
Don't know what got it?

Speaker 6 (12:27):
Gat got it?

Speaker 10 (12:29):
You got it, got it, got it, got it?

Speaker 11 (12:32):
Boom Benny, got it, got it, got it?

Speaker 10 (12:37):
You got it, got it, got it, got it Boom Benny.
Can't getting the rock like Benny and boom go get
yo sho.

Speaker 7 (12:50):
You know that's a scrapper in Florida name Jay Adams
is his name.

Speaker 6 (12:55):
His name used to be light Mayres. But I think
I told this story last year.

Speaker 7 (12:59):
He has this like really cool kind of like tough guy,
kind of rat persona. And we got on the phone
and he knew so little about football. He knew nothing,
like absolutely nothing. So I was trying to like explain
to him and he was just like in tears laughing
as I was like, I was like you know, like
pass me the rock. He was like, pass me the rock,
like it was like just a foreign like he was like,
what are you talking about? So then like on the

on the song, he delivers it so confidently you would think.

Speaker 6 (13:24):
He knew a lot about football, but dude, he knew nothing.
So that was Yeah, that was a fun.

Speaker 4 (13:28):
So for those that don't know, the genius behind the
Kentucky Joe remixes is this guy Jake Kyle Man quotes gits,
Oh it was you made this song listenable? Are you
what are you talking about? It's brilliant right now.

Speaker 7 (13:43):
And I would say I arranged Joe I like he
I tried to like I try to imagine what he's thinking,
and then I just kind of go in. And the
thing is is you could kind of piece it together. Sometimes.
The thing that would amuse me is like when he
would call back in. I think another time he sang
the song, but he sang it the way that I
had to rearrange. I kind of was just like this
is so I was kind of like on Veep, like

when you know the guy that's behind Selena the character.

Speaker 6 (14:06):
I was just like, uh, you maybe tried this way?
And he and then he would do it. Yeah. So yeah,
I like being Joe's arranger.

Speaker 3 (14:12):
He's actually on the phone.

Speaker 4 (14:13):
Yeah, no, Kentucky, Joe, I am. You're on with Kyle Man.
That made you famous.

Speaker 12 (14:20):
I am, Hey, hey Kyle, thank you, you're welcome.

Speaker 9 (14:23):
You did three or four of those songs. Thank you,
young man.

Speaker 6 (14:26):
Honor of my life. Yes, had so much fun.

Speaker 9 (14:30):
Your professional it was. It was wonderful work.

Speaker 4 (14:32):

Speaker 7 (14:33):
I'll give you some credit man, when you sang the
song about she she Dares the Devil. I went in
there and sometimes i'd have to, like you sing you
sing an a cappella.

Speaker 6 (14:41):
You know you're not singing to a tuning thing. He's
not doing the thing.

Speaker 7 (14:45):
And I went in there and Joe was perfectly an
e flat, like perfectly it was.

Speaker 6 (14:50):
I didn't have to change anything. He just in his
ear was locked in on it.

Speaker 4 (14:53):
There we go.

Speaker 6 (14:53):
That's Joe for you, man. Yeah, is that it? Joe?

Speaker 9 (14:59):
No a ringer.

Speaker 12 (15:01):
You're you're you're busy on the sports blog with you know,
major author on the Ringer.

Speaker 7 (15:07):
Busy Yep, big time. Try to be Try to stay
busy so they don't get rid of me. That's the goal. Yeah,
you got any other still do a little music too, right,
I was really really into music for a long time.
I wasn't a couple, wasn't a being called Theloreans. But
we uh COVID kind of ravaged.

Speaker 6 (15:24):
The live music scene in Louisville. So we're in. We're
all a little older, so and we'll get it going
again sometimes.

Speaker 4 (15:30):
Yeah, Joe, do you haven't.

Speaker 12 (15:31):
Like to say it as the final thing? I like
to say thank you again. I mean, you know, mister Pringle,
uh team defense, running backs, run, running.

Speaker 7 (15:44):
Back, birds in the background. You like created a whole vernacular. Joe,
you got your own Like you're like eminem Like that's
like you're like, turn the headphones up, I hear the
birds in the background.

Speaker 6 (15:54):
You can feel then that free style?

Speaker 9 (15:56):
Is that freestyle rap? Huh? Is that what that is?

Speaker 4 (16:00):
Is that what you do you do?

Speaker 9 (16:02):

Speaker 6 (16:03):
I think it's improvisational for sure? Right do you?

Speaker 7 (16:05):
I mean that's a question for you, Joe. Do you
come on here with a plan or do you? Sometimes?
I wonder if you sometimes I wonder be.

Speaker 9 (16:11):
True, I've actually done stuff. It just comes out of
my mind.

Speaker 4 (16:18):
Yeah, well yeah, got given talent, all right?

Speaker 5 (16:22):
I yea, Yeah, there's vomit on his sweater already, mom, spaghetti,
that's what he does.

Speaker 4 (16:26):
There are times where I think Joe has the lyrics
written down, okay, and there are the times yeah, he
just just spits out whatever comes to his head.

Speaker 3 (16:34):
Yeah yeah, Joe, Like, right now, you're just gonna sing
a song for us, right.

Speaker 9 (16:41):
Yeah, yeah, it's it's going to be a tribute to
pow Man. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (16:46):
I can't wait. Okay, Let's Ladies and Gentlemen former number
one artists swept the country. He now has a new single,
raded release, worldwide release, Drew right here sports Radio.

Speaker 6 (16:59):
I just want to say this might be the single
weirdest moment in my life. I just wanted to mark that.

Speaker 4 (17:03):
Go ahead, Joy Joe serenading Jake Kyle Man, take it away, Kentucky, Joe.

Speaker 9 (17:10):
Those Less.

Speaker 5 (17:15):
He's a man.

Speaker 8 (17:17):
He's a man.

Speaker 10 (17:19):
Letgee come man, he's a man. Both for Rest now
he's a sports blogger and.

Speaker 9 (17:31):
My fan.

Speaker 10 (17:33):
He's a man.

Speaker 6 (17:35):
He's a man.

Speaker 9 (17:37):
J cow Man, he is a man. He's the best,
uh the best. Now he's a great sports blogger man.

Speaker 7 (17:50):
Yeah, man, beyond anything I could have ever hoped for.
That was just incredible.

Speaker 4 (17:56):
Joe Joe nailed it. Life alter man is a man
actually stands growing up. Yeah, I thank you, Kentucky Joe.
We appreciate it.

Speaker 6 (18:09):

Speaker 9 (18:09):
It was an honor of talking to you.

Speaker 6 (18:11):
You too, Joe, Thank you so much.

Speaker 9 (18:13):
Mane, You're a good guy.

Speaker 4 (18:14):
I think that's how a lot of us, including me,
got to know you was through your remix of the
Kentucky Joe song. That's kind of how you made your
splash on ks R.

Speaker 7 (18:23):
I've joked with my wife it's gonna be our son's
legacy is those songs. They're gonna they're gonna outlive meh.
The Flame in the Fire, I think is my favorite
Joe song ever. Like, every once in a while I'll
pull that one out because he was onto something there.
I think that was a hit and we got it.
That's just a I think that's a it's good, it's
got it, good pop idea.

Speaker 5 (18:41):
It's a big Blue Fan in the morning. For me,
it was the original. It's a little slower. I am
a big Blue fan, A little bit of a Joe
hipster there, you know.

Speaker 6 (18:47):
I like his early stuff, you know, you know.

Speaker 5 (18:49):
Yeah, he's too mainstream now.

Speaker 4 (18:51):
I really like his original Willie Stein man, that was
one of the only ones.

Speaker 5 (18:55):
Maybe we'll just have Joe songs throughout the day show
Whiskey thief songs of the day.

Speaker 2 (18:59):
Were you able to find others, like, Oh, Joe, just
to wait, we're getting there. We can only do one
per segment. I don't want to overload everybody too much.

Speaker 5 (19:11):

Speaker 3 (19:11):
By the way, that was my extent on Joe. I
wanted him to keep going there.

Speaker 4 (19:14):
Okay, very good. Yeah, we need argu absolutely. Do we
have callers?

Speaker 11 (19:17):
Now we do.

Speaker 3 (19:17):
Let's go to Bill. He gets twenty seconds, right.

Speaker 4 (19:19):
Bill, you got twenty seconds your own with Jakyle Man.
Go ahead, Bill, he can't follow Kentucky Joe, Bill, are
you there, Buzzy?

Speaker 6 (19:30):
There we go?

Speaker 3 (19:30):
All right, that's it.

Speaker 4 (19:32):
Oh, that's it two eight seven. That's a Clars pumpy
shop phone or if you want to call and get
on board now Joe did mention you you're right for
the ringer?

Speaker 6 (19:41):

Speaker 4 (19:41):
And you also have an NBA podcast? Is it strictly NBA?

Speaker 9 (19:45):

Speaker 7 (19:45):
Yeah, well, I I kind of I straddle college basketball
and grassroots. A lot of what I do is like
leading up to the draft and then I kind of
cover the players. I cover development, I'm in a lot
of lanes, so I never know what to say exactly
what my job is. I'll tell people I'm hoops development rider,
but I'm on a college basketball podcast weekly with a
guy named Tate Frasier, who.

Speaker 6 (20:06):
Uh, he's in North Carolina game the show.

Speaker 7 (20:09):
Yes, yes, I spared him last year because I think
they said something, maybe he and Mark Titus said something.
I think that got the hornet's nest going.

Speaker 6 (20:16):
So he was like, oh, tho's.

Speaker 7 (20:17):
Kentucky fans up was like, yeah, we're a passionate, passionate group.
But yeah, I mean I covered college and grassroots and
through the lens of the NBA.

Speaker 5 (20:24):
So yeah, you know you're you're sitting where Matt Jones
usually sits, and he has a lifelong man crush on
Bill Simmons, And you just know Bill Simmons, you work
with him. You want you want to brag to let
Matt know that you just know his boy. I mean,
Matt's still waiting to just pass him at a basketball event.
He's tried to get him on the show and.

Speaker 4 (20:40):
Never had it, never hale to get him on the show.

Speaker 5 (20:42):
Yeah, you've got a leg up on Matt in that category.

Speaker 7 (20:44):
Well, I mean if I if I host again in
the future, we can try to. The thing is, I
think Bill would probably have to be on a walk.
He takes a walk in the morning, I think, so
that'd be a good time to get him, maybe around
eight am.

Speaker 6 (20:53):
But uh, he's a real busy guy.

Speaker 2 (20:55):
You know.

Speaker 7 (20:55):
I try not to, you know, put more on the
plate than I have to. But I mean I was
like mad I grew up. He Bill was my idol,
Like he was my hero. So like in like middle school,
early high school. I've said this before, but I used
to print his articles out because it was pre phones.
You couldn't just like read something. And I would keep
them in my backpack and I would go and read them.

And he would compare the San Antonio Spurs to the
Cast of Cheers or something, and people weren't doing that
stuff back then. So I mean, even to this day,
if you know, if I talked to Bill and the thing,
I think, the thing that makes Bill so successful is
his motor. And I think you see that a lot
of successful people is that like he always makes He's
always thinking about basketball.

Speaker 6 (21:34):
He never stops. That dude is just he's just he's relentless.

Speaker 7 (21:39):
So yeah, but yeah, I still get starstruck by the
fact that I know Bill and get to talk to
him a lot.

Speaker 4 (21:44):
But the Bill Simmons podcast is when we hear regularly
on our road trips.

Speaker 5 (21:47):
Who listens to it over the pre show?

Speaker 4 (21:49):
Yeah? How he does? He does? Instead of listening to
Shannon and Billy a lot of times, you listen to
Bill Simmons podcast. So since you do kind of pre
draft stuff and draft stuff, where about reading, Rob and
Antonio Reads? Have about hitting all three of them? Well,
you know, are these guys they're well, let's start with
Antonio Reads. Was he undervalued? Oh? We got on a minute.
That's that's that's the tease. Okay, you're gonna tell us

if Antonio Reeves was undervalued? Yeah, and then what's the
ceiling for reading Rob? That's what we want to know
from you.

Speaker 6 (22:16):
Yeah, yeah, I'm down to talk about that for sure.

Speaker 4 (22:18):
All right eight five nine two two eight seven. That's
our Cork's puppy shop phone number. We also got our
great Deviled Eggs debate coming up later today in the show.
We all big Deviled Eggs fans, so we gotta go
get to that. Even Kyle said he's a big fan
and Derek Ramsey's gonna come here to chas Bar and
join us at eleven thirty.

Speaker 5 (22:33):
Oh, join us some person.

Speaker 4 (22:34):
Yes, he's gonna be here. He's got a got a
book he's gonna promote and talking about about the book.
Maybe we'll ask him if he likes deviled eggs. Okay,
all that and a lot more coming up, you know.
Connect Sports Radio eight five nine two A two to
eight seven. We'll be right back.

Speaker 9 (22:51):
Oh lit here Bert in the Backgraf.

Speaker 5 (22:57):
Still enjoy Attorney Paul TJ.

Speaker 2 (22:59):
He'll make them now more Kentucky Sports Radio presented by
the Background.

Speaker 3 (23:04):
Here's my jokes.

Speaker 4 (23:06):
We gotta let this play out.

Speaker 8 (23:08):
Broll pant T going to Cattleland on Detember Day, the
catter Ruins, the Cattern Times, the Spirits Day, You against
the night. The team has got it, they won't fan
the fan of bros were proms stay spent ta friend,
depend can stay spent ten stepend can the Pay and.

Speaker 10 (23:26):
The barus the play from the Forest. We count it.

Speaker 11 (23:28):
We got it.

Speaker 8 (23:29):
We got it right now given then the fact gave Benny,
then the fact, the Pay and the Barns, the play
from the Forest.

Speaker 10 (23:37):
We count it. We got it.

Speaker 11 (23:38):
We got it right now, Escape Benny.

Speaker 5 (23:41):
Then in the fact, Escape Benny, then the fact. We'll
tell you you're in the fact.

Speaker 4 (23:47):
It is genius how you take those songs and made
it where we're enjoyable. Matter of fact. Ground yoga girl
just texted me this is the most horrible slash fest
radio I've ever heard, because it is good, it's fun.
And I said, can you take some of the the
Jake Kyle Mann I'm a Man song? Can you do
something with it?

Speaker 3 (24:06):
You know you'mused to work with.

Speaker 7 (24:08):
Well, your response, I was telling you all during the break,
I was like, my life's a tad different than it
was then.

Speaker 6 (24:13):
I had a little more free time with my job.

Speaker 7 (24:15):
So I would I was a little bit bored at
my job when I was doing these remixes. So, and
I think you can tell but one of my favorite
things in life is to put like, way, way way
more effort than is really necessary or reasonable into something silly.
And yeah, that's kind of what why these were as detailed.

Speaker 6 (24:34):
As they were.

Speaker 4 (24:34):
Yeah, and Drew has our Kentucky branded tweet of the
day Text of the day.

Speaker 5 (24:39):
Well, I mean I can't read that on the air,
but I will say, my friend likes Kyle mannon.

Speaker 7 (24:43):
There's a tell your friend I like him too. I
haven't met him, but I'm open to it and I
appreciate it.

Speaker 6 (24:48):
Thank you. I appreciate it.

Speaker 4 (24:49):
All right. Somebody texted the a vision glass text machine.
He said Bill Simmons was on the show once. He
was Yeah, I know he never got kind of corneyser,
but I swear Simmons was on once.

Speaker 6 (24:58):
He came on with tied to and I'm pretty positive.
I'm pretty positive.

Speaker 4 (25:02):
Oh that's when it was.

Speaker 5 (25:03):
But now with Matt but because he's still chasing Cornheiser
and Bill Simmons, those are those are what it's the
last on his bucket listed.

Speaker 4 (25:11):
Okay, so yeah, he's been on the show, but not
with us, like Rick Patino was on this show but
not with us.

Speaker 6 (25:17):
Yeah, or this summer.

Speaker 4 (25:18):
So a five nine two two tweet seven. That's our
phone room if you want to call and get on board. Okay,
I gave you a break to think about it. Let's
start with Antonio Reeves. Was he undervalued and what do
you think his future is? Uh?

Speaker 7 (25:30):
I think his future is probably like a rote. I mean,
you kind of put him in categories. That's the way
people talk about like trajectories for players, it's like.

Speaker 6 (25:39):
Is they are they a starter?

Speaker 7 (25:40):
Are they in the top one hundred of the league,
Are they you know, All Star, All NBA and on up?

Speaker 4 (25:45):

Speaker 7 (25:46):
If you're below one hundred, you're kind of like rotation
y kind of level. And that's kind of where I
think like Antonio could carve out a niche for himself.
I mean, the thing that the positives that he has
going for him is that he has a really quick,
one motion release. He shoots the ball that like doesn't
have any kind of a hitch in his shot. He
can shoot with movement.

Speaker 6 (26:02):
We've saw.

Speaker 7 (26:03):
We saw that he can shoot stepping in off of
a pick and roll. If he has it in his hands,
he can shoot off the catch. You can run him
off screens. He plays really fast. He's a little bigger
than I think people give him credit for. Like I
think he's probably a legit six four drew your little
tallers he stood next to him, can you confirm that.

Speaker 5 (26:18):
I mean, yeah, I'm about six two. He's got me
by a little bit, so yeah.

Speaker 6 (26:22):
Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 7 (26:22):
And the big thing for him is that, you know,
last year Cal was a little you know, coming around.
Cal loves guys that attacked the basket, and he was Antonio.
I think clearly spent some time over the summer playing
through bumps, playing through you know, getting to the rim.
His finishing just like I don't have the number in
front of you, but just eye test. I mean, it
took a huge jump last year. And floater, he developed

the I love a floater. I'm a floater guy. So yeah,
he's so he has the finishing, the floater like I
think he projects as somebody that will hang around. What
will he be like a starter for somebody, I don't know.
But he has the skill that's kind of a universal
donor skill, which is shooting the ball, and in a
lot of different ways.

Speaker 5 (26:59):
Yeah, he's been a miss labeled. Is just a three
point shooter, especially last season at Kentucky where he showed
it from everywhere. I mean, what was it. One of
the coaches said, like he just wakes up with twenty points.

Speaker 4 (27:07):
Yeah, this show.

Speaker 5 (27:09):
Yeah, So I think he's kind of mislabeled a little bit.
Is his defense gonna be enough?

Speaker 6 (27:14):
It improved a lot.

Speaker 7 (27:15):
I think when he came here that was kind of
the thing, like, Okay, this guy's never had to defend.
And you see that when a guy's a focal point
at a lower level, or they're on a team where
they need to carry a bigger offensive load. When you
come to a Kentucky and you're like, Okay, well we
need you to do this too. You need to be
a two way player. And I think he deserves a
lot of credit for taking his weaknesses seriously, as much
as we gnashed our teeth about him maybe not coming

back here after the Illinois State stuff and get compensated
fairly and all that, But in that time, he improved.
I mean, very, very he really did improved.

Speaker 5 (27:43):
I remember interviewing the new freshman DJ Justin everards all
those guys last year, and one of the big takeaways
in the summer was how good Antonio Reeves was defensively.
I know, they're just getting to college, so they're they're
taking a step up themselves, but they were talking about
how he was really embracing it last summer.

Speaker 4 (27:57):
Yeah, so what about Reid and rob what do you
think their ceilings are in the NBA.

Speaker 7 (28:02):
The funny thing for me over the past year is
like there's been this sort of slow conversion from it
wasn't that I was a disbeliever in read. It's just
I had certain expectations. I think we all did, you know.
And the thing I tried to always explain to people
who aren't from here is that, like when we have
one of our own, especially a son of two former players,
he was on the radar. I mean, you're very tied

into this stuff. Ryan, I mean, like, when was the
first time that it was like Reid is like on
the radar, Like, oh watch, this is common because I
remember like rob Locks, remember the kid, and everybody was
like keep an eye on that. But like Reid was
on the radar. I mean it was like middle school
right when everybody was like, Okay, this kid is gonna
be something.

Speaker 4 (28:39):
I'm not kiddy, and Drew came back me up on this.
Reid was a fourth grader playing in a sixth grade
AAU tournament, and I came on this show and said
he was the best player on the floor as a
fourth grader. And I remember somebody called in after that.
I always say this, like, Ryan's so stupid. You can't
say what somebody's gonna be as a fourth grader. He
didn't know what he's doing. Yeah, okay, eat it. Buddy
oh Ron in front of the reach. But yeah, you're right.

In middle school he always played up every year in
summer ball or where he always played up, and I
think that helped him definitely.

Speaker 7 (29:08):
Yeah, that sort of cultivates something I always talk about
with players is that like adaptability, which is like your
ability to like take in new information and like apply
quickly basically, and especially if you don't have a lot
of advantages, you'll see like you'll see guys every single
year like Ron Holland in this draft, Michael kid Gilchris
was another guy like this, Josh Jackson, Stanley Stanley Johnson.

He's got big kid on the playground, physical forward guys
who just run people over for years. And then you'll
see like a player, like a read who didn't necessarily
have like an overwhelming physical advantage. But like when he came,
you know, he got later in high school at North
Laurel and I was like, yeah, I mean I see
the vision here. I see this guy being like a
starting college point guard. But I mean I figured three
is fourish year yeah, oh yeah, And I think the

thing that sort of like popped immediately was like, Okay,
well when you put this guy around better players, no
offense to his North Laurel people, but like when you
put him around like better athletes, you started to see
some of his like IQ pop, like in the flow
of the offense. Like I just I said this in
a recent thing I wrote for The Ringers that like
Reed just smothers you with right decisions, Like his batting
average for simple correct decisions is just very very high.

And if you saw like in transition, he would like
he just he never ever like let the defense off
the hook in terms of like he always is hitting
the ball ahead. Obviously the elite shooting thing. But to
answer your question, I mean, like I think he's he
has a chance to be an above average starter in
the NBA, like I would put a ceiling at the
All Star kind of level. I'm not sure that he'll

ever be enough of like a self creator, but he's
he projects to me as somebody who's like a high
quality role player.

Speaker 6 (30:43):
On like a winning team and you need those people.

Speaker 5 (30:45):
Oh yeah, yeah, what about the fit in Houston for him?

Speaker 7 (30:47):
It's just I remember you and I were messaging about
this at at the at the SEC tournament. I won't
name any names, but I was like sitting at the
front row with Kyle in the in that disaster of
a weekend that was so short. But during that game
against Texas, A and M my phone kept dinging and
I was like, this person is here, okay, and I
and they kept asking me questions about Reid only read

for like an hour and then I went and sat
with them there in the second half and they continue
to ask me questions about Reid only Read. You know,
Kentucky had a few different prospects on that team, so
my intents were up for that. And then I started
looking at their roster and I'm just like, Okay, the
Rockets had Fred Van.

Speaker 6 (31:23):
Vliet on a deal, a shorter deal.

Speaker 7 (31:25):
They're like, he's clearly a part of a group that's
going to try to mature these young pieces they have
with like Tarai East and Kim Whitmore. And he's he
fits to answer your question, I mean, he's going to
be like a guy they have a lot of perimeter athleticism.
He's going to be able to move and hit shots
off of Alparin Shinghun, the big Turkish guy they have
who can pass the ball.

Speaker 6 (31:44):
So he fits great.

Speaker 7 (31:45):
He won't have to be there won't be a burden
on him to be a superstar, but he'll be able
to apply and affect what they do in a lot
of different ways.

Speaker 4 (31:51):
I think, well, we're going on the Kentucky guys. Damn,
what about Justin Edwards.

Speaker 6 (31:55):
Justin Edwards.

Speaker 7 (31:56):
The big thing for him is he's going to have
to prove that him to really stick and be, you know,
have more, be more than just sort of like a
very narrow lane like role player. Basically, he's gonna have
to prove he's more than a dribble pull up guy basically,
because that's kind of what he was at Kentucky. If
you think back about all his best games at Kentucky,
if you really even when we got really excited, you'd

go back and watch, you'd be like, Okay, that was
that was a catch a shoot three. That was a
one dribble pull up stuff. Like, he's gonna have to
prove that people can get into his body and that
he can dribble and attack the rim. That just became
yackety sacks. I mean, you remember the dread that I
by the end of the year felt this like dread
in my stomach. Whatever he would attack the basket, I.

Speaker 5 (32:35):
Was just like, oh, justin just do something positive.

Speaker 7 (32:38):
Uh, that's that's the that's the journey for him, is
like to do something beyond the catch it. Now there's
there's a role for a ketching suit person in the league,
but for him to be more of what we thought
he was gonna be, he's gonna have to prove that
he's a creator in some way.

Speaker 5 (32:50):
He's gonna find his confidence too, because a lot of
that became very mental. I mean, he missed an easy
one in the Oakland game. We all remember, we've talked
many times about that shot that hit the backboard and
we wondered if he would even be able to go
back in a game. So hopefully getting home to Philadelphia
that can just reset him mentally too, because that he
lost that.

Speaker 4 (33:05):
While he was at Kentucky on the Avision Glass text machine.
Two people have asked, now, can they find the j
Man Kentucky Joe mixes online somewhere?

Speaker 7 (33:14):
Uh, They're on my SoundCloud which still exists, which I
think is just at j con Man, same as my
Twitter handle.

Speaker 5 (33:20):
So cloud.

Speaker 6 (33:21):
Yeah, there we go.

Speaker 4 (33:22):
Yeah, Well, maybe we should come up with the best
of and then sell it or they can open for Shannon,
they can open for Shank.

Speaker 6 (33:30):
You go the no.

Speaker 7 (33:31):
I mean you could pull some of those off with
a real band. I mean, like, uh, I'm pretty sure
the second got at one. I think I was just
trying to do like a beat it basically uh, simulation
with it. So I mean you could you could do
you could pull it off with the live band. I
bet I don't know that I could promise that I
could be a part of it, but yeah, you could.

Speaker 4 (33:47):
Well, you know Shannon's gonna be here tomorrow night, Drew.

Speaker 5 (33:49):
Did you make your rounds to the neighbors. I heard
on the pre show you were knocking on doors, handing
out letters letting people know what's ahead, little notices.

Speaker 4 (33:56):
I went to Halapenos. Okay, there, listen. I don't even
have know they're in right the party. They're excited about it.

Speaker 5 (34:02):
They'll probably end up over here and leave their restaurant
to hang out.

Speaker 4 (34:05):
They said we'll have extra marguerite as ready.

Speaker 5 (34:08):
I figured they would be a hard yes on the concert, So.

Speaker 4 (34:11):
During the top of the hour break, I want to
sneak over here to Sumo, see anybody's there yet.

Speaker 5 (34:14):
One. I'm a little worried about one. We're worried about you,
but also because it will actually affect their dining experience.
We share a wall, you know, if you're over there
having your fifteenth birthday party.

Speaker 7 (34:22):
When I think of peaceful coy fish swimming and like
a tranquil kind of brook, I think, if Shannon's there, you.

Speaker 2 (34:28):
Want to hear she blank and hates me in the
background while you're trying to enjoy your dinner.

Speaker 5 (34:33):
Yeah, I went through Sonic this morning. I tried to
let the young woman in the drive through know. She
looked at me like I was crazy. I don't know
if she's in a position of leadership to make decisions
about that.

Speaker 7 (34:42):
She thinks you're inviting her like on a like to
a concert, like on a date capacity.

Speaker 5 (34:47):
As you all know, I've barely made it over here
for the show from Sonic, so I was doing my best. Yeah,
I guess we've checked two boxes. Okay, I've still got
tilted killed. That's they're going to be fo let them.
That's a gimme a the one beside us, the one.
Then I'll try to check out top of the hour.
So all right, well, take our break, go back to
the phone line. Meet some calls for Jake Kyle Man
eight five nine two eight h two two eight seven.

Speaker 4 (35:07):
It's the cards. Publish out phone number. We'll be buy back,
Ryan Drew, Shannon Kyle Man. Here, I'm can take a
sports radio.

Speaker 8 (35:13):
Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 11 (35:21):
She's not leading, but the Philly like to run. She
has the unique name man. She calls the better to
bet on her. She is my band for an oak queen.
She there's the devil and hell is afraid of her

precious name.

Speaker 6 (35:46):
She is the devil, man, you know, good around her?

Speaker 4 (35:59):
There there we go Kentucky Joe remixed by j.

Speaker 5 (36:15):
Kyle Man.

Speaker 4 (36:16):
And she's the devil. He's a devildo. What's the name
that is the horse? She's a devil, dude. She dares
the devil.

Speaker 7 (36:24):
Lady's hands fall off when they see her, and she's
running on heavenly time.

Speaker 6 (36:27):
Ryan, Satan'll never see her.

Speaker 2 (36:29):
You know.

Speaker 4 (36:29):
The lyrics were a little a little suspect pass one
or more.

Speaker 6 (36:34):
My wife would always.

Speaker 7 (36:39):
Yeah and shock, I guess when they see that the horse,
ladies hats fall off, or there's a gust of wind
that's so strong, she's so fast. My wife would always
be like she was like I like that line about
he she's running on heavenly time. She's like, that's a
good line. So, yeah, Joe has Joe's fans out there.

Speaker 4 (36:54):
So we've played three of them, your remix of Kentucky
Joe songs. How many are there actually out there?

Speaker 6 (37:01):
It's like five? I think. I don't know, Shannon, you
still have some more? Uh?

Speaker 3 (37:05):
Yeah, I think there's one or two more on here.
I've got okay, Yeah, all right?

Speaker 4 (37:09):
Eight five nine two two eight seven. That's our Clark's
published out phone number if you want to call him
in No Morning with Ja Kyle Man. You know, yesterday Drew,
we previewed U profiled Wolf County. Yes, we spent a
lot of time talking about the gorge huh and about
people getting lost, falling off the gorge and getting lost
in the gorge.

Speaker 5 (37:28):
Can be a dangerous place if you're not careful.

Speaker 4 (37:30):
Guess what happened?

Speaker 5 (37:32):
Oh no, do we people kasr curse did.

Speaker 4 (37:34):
A man was just found in the gorge had been
missing for two weeks and he was alive. He was
missing for two weeks. Look it up and he was alive.

Speaker 6 (37:48):
He injured and he just couldn't move. Is that what's
going on no.

Speaker 4 (37:51):
They said he would travel down from I think Ironton,
Ohio on his own, not tell anybody, and just go
on these hikes. And he went on some hike two
weeks ago, I guess ain't got lost and he was
missing for two weeks. Do you think, Kyle, you could
survive in the gorge for two weeks?

Speaker 6 (38:08):
Absolutely not.

Speaker 7 (38:09):
My dad is probably laughing as butt off listening to this.
Somebody gave me like a like a socket set at
Christmas one year, and my dad was like, what are
you gonna do with that? So I'm kind of like Matt,
I'm on that level at not exactly handy. I think
I would probably just I'm trying to think of what
my strategy would be. It's kind of it's even more
pathetic because I did grow up in the country in
Spencer County. I just wanted to say, I'm a Spencer County,

Spencer County guy, win to Spencer County and had a
very below average basketball career there. But I would just like,
I think I would just like pick a direction and
just walk in it. Just I wouldn't do any turns.
I would just be like, at some point I'm going
to see something like a road or something. If I
just walk a straight line. Though, I don't know what
would your all strategy be, because I would probably die
most likely.

Speaker 5 (38:50):
Yeah, I don't know much about survival, but I know
I'm going to look at the sun just to get
a little little direction. Other than that, like for you,
I'm going to commit to a direction and hope it's
the right one. So you're telling me this guy in
my pocket heard he was just lost, like walking around
and just kept getting farther and follow from where he.

Speaker 4 (39:06):
Had given up that they were gonna find him alive.
And they found this dude alive and he'd been missing
for two weeks, Shannon, how long could you survive out
there in the gorge?

Speaker 9 (39:14):

Speaker 3 (39:15):
Not long, you said, two weeks. How long does it
take to starve to death? Three weeks?

Speaker 4 (39:19):
Well, he had to be able to get through some berries. Yeah, yeah,
worms or something.

Speaker 7 (39:25):
Well when they found him, was he like, was he like,
thank God you're here? Or was he like I'm not,
I'm fine, Like was he said he was out there?

Speaker 6 (39:33):

Speaker 4 (39:35):
He gave a quote something like I knew after the
second day that I was lost. Okay, I'm like, dude,
it took you two days to figure out you were lost.
I think I would have known in a couple hours
that I had no idea where I was.

Speaker 2 (39:46):
So what's your strategy for food? Are you gonna try
to eat fish? You're gonna try to eat berries? You
don't know which ones are poisonous and which ones aren't.

Speaker 5 (39:52):
Don't eat the berries. One of my favorite movies, Into
the Wild. Have you all seen it?

Speaker 6 (39:56):
Yes, that's a heartbreaking movie.

Speaker 5 (39:58):
Yeah, stay away from the berry.

Speaker 4 (40:00):
So what are you eating? Leaves? Grass?

Speaker 5 (40:03):
Well, you're asking me, I bugs. I have no idea
of never putting the spot. Like I said, I'm just
gonna start walking and hope I'm going the right way.
I don't know what I would turn to for food. Hey,
I wouldn't leave the trail. I really think our parks
departments did a great job of trails out there, So
I'd probably just stick to that, stick to the sound
that say zero point four miles to the park.

Speaker 2 (40:20):
I feel like if you walk two weeks, I mean,
I you know, walk fifteen miles in fifteen hours, So
I mean you could cover a lot of ground in
two weeks if you just kept walking in a straight line.

Speaker 4 (40:30):
That's what Kyle said, yeah, just walking a straight line, right.

Speaker 3 (40:32):
Right, So I think eventually you'd find your way out of.

Speaker 5 (40:34):
There, hopefully.

Speaker 4 (40:36):
Well, you know, they have their own search and rescue
team out there in the gorge because it happened so
much so often, they have to go out and find
these guys. So kudos to these you know, first responders
and these rescuers who went out and actually were able
to rescue this guy before he had passed away. But
I think I think I can make it for a
day or two.

Speaker 5 (40:54):
But after that, I'm like what, I'm fully prepared mentally
and I've been working on this for a long time
to survivor. But they give you like white rice, maybe
you can win a contest and get some applebee's, huh.
So I'm prepared to survive on my well in the
wilderness for a little bit, but I would still need
a little bit of delivery of something to eat. I
can't just go out and kill an animal by myself

and you or anything.

Speaker 2 (41:16):
We have our next like thing that we'll never do,
but we should talk about doing. Putting Ryan in the
middle of a forest for like twenty four hours. No,
we're not doing that, and seeing how long you can survive.
You say you can survive a day, a day or
twenty four.

Speaker 5 (41:27):
Hours, you can do.

Speaker 4 (41:27):
We were gonna do twenty four hour werewolf Waddy camp
out or I was gonna camp out with the wady
were wolf ill.

Speaker 5 (41:34):
For twenty four hours. We we are right after twenty
four hours.

Speaker 4 (41:36):
And you know, you know, maybe the guy in his
backpack had some freeze dried bananas or something you know
that could bar or something. Yeah, yeah, maybe they helping
me be rationing it out and can't getting through a
few days. But but yeah, the least this story had
a good ending, because most times you get lost in
the gorge, it does not have a good ending.

Speaker 5 (41:51):
Stay on the trails, Stay on the trail.

Speaker 6 (41:53):
I'd get freaked out just by the ticks. That's the thing.

Speaker 7 (41:56):
I don't know, Like I would just say, yeah, that
would be one of the things I'd be Colma thinking about.

Speaker 6 (42:01):
Is just getting a tick on me? Anyway, he is
Jay Kyle Man.

Speaker 4 (42:04):
We'll take our break. I'm gonna go visit our neighbors
at Sumo. During this commercial break. We'll see Shannon if
they are gonna be okay with your concert tomorrow night,
and we'll be right back. We got a lot more
coming up here. I can take his sports tradio. Don't
go Away.
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