All Episodes

July 29, 2024 • 42 mins

Myron Medcalf fills in to talk TBT with Ryan, Drew, and Shannon.

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Episode Transcript

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Comedy Up Broadway in Lexington. Welcomes Greg Morton July eleven
through the thirteenth. Then catch Josh Sneive July nineteenth and
twentyeth and don't miss Jeff Allen July twenty fifth through
the twenty seventh. Comedy Off Broadway opened in downtown Lexington
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Call eight five, nine, two seven one joke or visit
Comedy Off Broadway dot com.

Speaker 2 (00:30):
This is Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage.

Speaker 3 (00:34):
Now, here's Matt Jones.

Speaker 4 (00:38):
Myron Metcalf back in the mix. Here we go again.
One more go Man, one more Ron. Here on Mary
Mondays with Myron. Uh wow, it's been so much fun.
It's been a blast. I can't believe. I can't believe
it's already been like two months. Isn't that Isn't that amazing?

Speaker 3 (01:00):
Dude? It is absolutely flown by.

Speaker 2 (01:02):
I can't believe this is your last Merry Monday with us, man,
And when they come by way too fast.

Speaker 4 (01:08):
It went by fast. No, it's been fun and I've
really enjoyed it. I think you know, last week was
kind of the icing on the keg actually being able
to be in town, you know, and meet some KSR
folks and that that was cool. That was a blast,
and now here we are one more show before Matt
Jones returns. I was actually on our Sunday show yesterday

and I had a co host who's filling in for Matt?
And I said, yeah, I don't know, you know when
Matt's coming back. You know he'll be back at some point.
And I get a text like thirty seconds later from
Matt Jones who was like, I'll be there next week.
You know what I mean. He wanted to make it
clear that he is returning and that you know, the

absence is about to end. I believe at ESPN Radio
and also at KSR, so prepare for the return of
Matt Jones. You know he's got I was thinking, like
he's got to have more than just stories, Like I
want Matt to return, give me some like new philosophy
on life or something, or just something that you learned

along the way that you can give to the people
right right, Like I need I need something more than
just the cool places you win when you return. In
my opinion.

Speaker 2 (02:23):
He's been in Ireland, that's his last one of his
last stops he's been. Yeah, what if he just comes
in and says, Man, I've decided I want to get
married and.

Speaker 3 (02:31):
I want to have kids. I mean, I can't even
comprehend Matt Jones and a capacity.

Speaker 4 (02:36):
Right, I mean, that would be that would impress me,
like something that is just like, Okay, your life changed
in these two months, Like you're eating something different, you
know what I mean, Like you know what, folks, I
don't need turkey anymore, you know, And like there's something,
there's something that is just different after a two month
stretch in Europe.

Speaker 2 (02:55):
Man, what what if Ryan, What if he came back
you said that he could maybe say that he wants
to have kids, he wants to be married.

Speaker 3 (03:01):
What if he actually came back with kids and he
was married?

Speaker 4 (03:04):
Okay, okay, I would be let me tell you something.
If he does that, I'd be offended because that means
there was a wedding that I wasn't invited to. True
what I mean, like, so that would be my whole
thing is like selfishly, if Matt Jones We're gonna do that,
I better be at the wedding, you know what I mean,

Like I want to be I want a full celebration
if that's in fact what we're gonna do. You know
what I mean?

Speaker 2 (03:30):
You know, I think there's a couple of things we
can definitely say for certain. He won't come back and
say he wants dogs. He won't come back and say
he wants to be a Republican and say he won't
come back, and he won't come back and start fixing
his own meals at home, that there's some certain things
in life, in his life he just will not happen.

Speaker 5 (03:45):
I've already thought about this, and I expect him to
come back. He's gonna be forty pounds later. I already
know that, because the food over there is clean. He's
even mentioned that Instagram post or bond, that bridge, one
of those things, how much what he's lost. And I
also fully expect him to have an accent. I don't
know which country he's spent the most time in. Maybe
he'll be British, I don't know, maybe he's a little
Spanish in there. I don't know, he's been everywhere, but
I think he'll come back with an accent.

Speaker 4 (04:06):
Do you get to I mean once you traveled that long,
because it's not like you spent the day or two
in some of these countries. I mean he spent weeks
in somebody places. Do you get to pick and choose
the accent good Vio? Like, do you get to just
come back and you decide, Okay, in August it's Irish
and then he just has an Irish accent every now
and dead, you know what I mean. He just gets

to toss that in there, and then maybe it's French
or something in September. Like for me, I think the
accent is part of why you go, being able to
use that whenever you want, And then when someone's like,
hey man, did you just use a British accent, you
can be like, yeah, I was there. I was there
for like two weeks, you know what I mean. People
give you a pass. Yeah, people give you.

Speaker 5 (04:48):
A pass that first show back. I fully expect him
it'll be a blend of everything. We'll have a little
Bell County from the Mountains will still be in there.
Did you ever make it to Estonia? Do they have
an accent? I'm just trying to think of random places
he had played to go. But it'll be a little
sprinkle of everything.

Speaker 4 (05:03):
Yeah, I think that's the only way to do it,
because why travel that like that and not take advantage
of the accents?

Speaker 2 (05:09):
But you know what, Kentuckians have a unique innate feature
though that they can just get on the phone with
somebody from their hometown in eastern Kentucky and immediately that
accent comes back.

Speaker 3 (05:21):
I mean, I've seen it happen.

Speaker 2 (05:22):
They talking sounding normal, and they get a phone call
from their mama and the accent.

Speaker 3 (05:26):
Goes right back to that Eastern Kentucky accent.

Speaker 4 (05:29):
So you're saying it won't last. Matt a snap out
of it, I believe I would.

Speaker 2 (05:34):
Yes, Yeah, the gravelly voice of Matt Jones next Sunday
and Monday returns Yes.

Speaker 4 (05:40):
Yeah, But I don't know, man, that Irish accent is thick,
man Like, they can't hide that over there. I mean
it's like the South of Europe a little bit, right.
You can't when you meet someone from Ireland that is
a strong accent. So if it picks that up, it
may take him some time to get rid of it.
Who's the guy who played Elvis? You know about guy

in the movie the movie that just came something? Butler
I don't know that. Yeah, my daughter loves that, dude.
That's why he went to Austin Butler. Austin Austin Butler.
So apparently he spent literally months and months trying to
be Elvis right and listening to Elvis and mimicking Elvis
and like literally making himself Elvis right. Apparently for months

after the movie was done, he couldn't stop talking like
Elvis and apparently like this is And then I thought like, okay,
that he's gotta be faking that right. And then there
were a bunch of actors and actresses who played characters
like that who were like, yeah, the same thing happened
to me, Like I was in character and I couldn't
get out of it even after the movie was over.

So I wonder, if you're Matt Jones and you've been
to all these places, do we get a six month
stretch where it's like he's just speaking Italian, you know
what I mean? He can't shake it. It just kind
of comes in spurts, and he does even realize it
because it's just a part of him.

Speaker 6 (07:02):

Speaker 4 (07:02):
I wonder if we're gonna see that, you.

Speaker 2 (07:04):
Know, it's interesting because you're right, yeah, he has been
in Italy, he's been in Germany, he's been in Spain,
he's been in Ireland. All four distinctly different accents or
something he could pick up somewhere along the way. So
I don't know what, Yeah, makes you want to tune
in Sunday with you to see any sounds on Sunday.

Speaker 4 (07:19):
Yeah, yeah, No, it's gonna be fun. It'll be fun
to get the show back Sunday and get the crew
back together. They're putting us on the road a couple
of times, and so yeah, that's right this year, so
we're going to some games, so that's gonna be fun.
But I've been happy to fill in on these Merry Mondays.
I've just really enjoyed it. The Kentucky folks have embraced me.

It's just been a lot of fun. I came back
home and I was thinking about wild Eggs and all
of the good food we had last week. I didn't
pass one waffle house on my way back home, and
I realized that too, Like how disappointing that was. But
it was a cool trip, man. It was cool to
get down there and see everybody face to face. There
were a lot of people who were concerned about me

making that flight out of Cincinnati. Yes, and kudos to
Drew who during my ESPN show that I did, brought
me up some food, gave me a fan out. I
felt like, I'm like, is this what y'all do for
Matt Jones?

Speaker 5 (08:18):
Not at all? Okay, No, because I gave you my
best Southern hospitality.

Speaker 4 (08:22):
Yeah, that was my best and it made me realize, Drew,
why we don't have northern hospitality because we don't do that,
like I wish we need to start doing that. And
maybe if we did, people would comment on our hospitality,
but we can't match that. I got food, I got fans.
It was an incredible time. I left the show about
a half hour early though, because I was concerned. After
I told people at the KSR bar about my flight,

there were some people at the bar who were like,
you can make the flight. And there was one woman
in particular, and I don't remember her name. I don't
remember her name, but I said, can I make the flight?
And I just looked at her and she didn't even
say words. She just shook her head in a way
like your auntie shakes their head when you're like, you
know what, whatever, you're getting ready to do is not
gonna go well. And although there were a lot of

people hyping me up and were like, no, you can
do it, no worries, You'll be able to figure it out,
I was focused on her because she seemed like she
was being the most honest with me, like, yeah, you
know what, You're gonna miss this flight if you leave
at that time. So I leave a little early, and
I'm like cruising. I'm like, okay. It took me a while.
I didn't realize how long it takes you to get
to the Interstate from there. But once I got to

the interstate, I was cruising to the airport, and I
got a little arrogant because I'm thinking to myself, traffic
ain't that bad, Like what was everybody talking about? There's
no traffic here. I'm cruising. And then I got to
some town I don't know where. It was, maybe about
twenty miles outside of the airport, yep. And it was
like every truck driver in the state of Kentucky had

decided that they were also gonna travel that same road
at the same time. And I hit this traffic jam
like none I had ever seen. I mean, you guys,
probably used to this. It was like I was on
the two lane road and then next thing you know,
I'm on like a nineteen lane road, like one of
these lanes. Where do I go? How do I get
to the airport? Can somebody escort me?

Speaker 7 (10:11):

Speaker 4 (10:11):
Because I didn't know where I was going. There were
semis everywhere, and then suddenly I get nervous and I'm
going mad. I was talking all that trash. I left early,
but here I am in a traffic jam, and I'm
thinking to myself, I might not make it, like it
may not work out for me. Luckily, the traffic jam broke.
Got to the airport. It wasn't as bad as it

had been in days earlier, and I made my flight
and the trip was complete. But thank you all for
the hospitality when I was there, I had a great time.
Kudos to you, Drew for your hospitality, Ryaning, the whole crew,
everybody that was there. I had a great time, and I
hope I can do it again sometime soon.

Speaker 2 (10:48):
Well, I want to tell you even a little more
about your boy, Drew. You know, we set through our
two hour radio show and we were getting.

Speaker 6 (10:53):
Ready to leave.

Speaker 2 (10:54):
He goes, no, I'm gonna stay here just to just
to make sure Myron doesn't need anything player.

Speaker 3 (11:00):
So he set up his laptop at the bar at
Cast Bar for another three hours and worked just so
he could be there in case you needed him.

Speaker 5 (11:07):
Hey, people helping people. People helping people. That's what I do.
He's our guest, and.

Speaker 4 (11:12):
I appreciate I really genuinely appreciate that because you know,
I mean, you know, just to be able to move
from the show to another show, making it easy, I
really value that. I was going to go back to
the hotel to the main studio, but that was just
so much easier. You all brought me food.

Speaker 5 (11:30):
I was gonna bring your car around until you left early.

Speaker 6 (11:33):
I was.

Speaker 4 (11:36):
Like, is this the Matt Jones treatment? Is this what
he experiences? Because man, I get it. I definitely understand now.
But I tell you what, man, it was just an
incredible trip. Just had a great time, some TBT action.
But now, you know what, after eight weeks, we become
friends now family, you know, so I'm used to doing this.

So now I'm kind of thinking, fellas, like what am
I gonna do next Monday? You know what I mean,
Like it's become a part of my Monday yeah. Now
I'm like, wow, I got to go back to like
regular Mondays. Now, that's gonna be a little weird for me.

Speaker 2 (12:09):
Many, you have absolutely killed it this summer and we
can't thank you enough for coming in and doing it.

Speaker 3 (12:15):
It's been awesome.

Speaker 2 (12:16):
And I'm like you said, man, why don't you join
us every Monday with mun maggots here with just the
you know, the five of us, can all just do
the show now on Mondays.

Speaker 4 (12:22):
Hey, if Matt wants me to give a call or
whatever he wants, I'm definitely open to it. I have
received so many I can't even keep up with all
the dms. And I apologize to people between Instagram, which
I'm not even on Instagram, Like I don't have a
cool enough life really for Instagram, you know what I mean. Like, so,
I'm not really on it, but I get dms there Twitter.

I get NonStop dms from KSR people every single week,
and they're all so kind. Hey, we love the show,
we love what you're doing. We appreciate you filling in
for Matt. Just such a cool vibe.

Speaker 6 (12:57):

Speaker 4 (12:58):
I can't even literally keep up the number of dms
that I get from people. So I appreciate that support.
We've had a lot of fun on these Mondays. Since
Matt has been gone, I've been able to be the
cool uncle. I feel that, you know what I mean,
And that's a cool that's a great role. Like no
real responsibilities, sure, you know what I mean, Like no
one really relying on you to kind of run the

whole show. You're just there for entertainment purposes in a
lot of ways, Like I had an uncle resting priest
h He would put us in the car and he
would drive with his knees. Now, I don't think that
was legal, you know what I mean. Put your phone down, Yeah,
rest and BEA's uncle freend. I don't think it was legal,
but it was a thrill. I tell you that you'd
be six years old in a Cadillac and your uncle's

driving with his knees. You thought it was the coolest
thing in the world. You didn't know you were in danger,
but you knew you were dealing with the cool uncle man,
And and that I really who you are. I've kind
of been. That's what I've been, I think, Cass, I've
been the cool uncle. Yes, you're the uncle who drives
with these knees yet you man how to be said. No,
you're not disciplining anybody. You ain't worried about nobody's report cards,

whether or not they clean their rooms or not. You're
just hey, I'm just here to give you some candy,
take you on the you know, trips, to go to
the amusement park and just have a good time.

Speaker 3 (14:15):
And then he came on Monday drop you off.

Speaker 4 (14:20):
Yeah, he dropped us off all the time.

Speaker 2 (14:21):

Speaker 4 (14:22):
I don't know if my parents knew that he was
driving with his knees. I mean I don't, I don't know,
but I mean as a kid, I was, I was
like this is it was like to me in terms
of order of heroes. It was like Batman number one,
I think, Shaft number two, and then my uncle Fred
because he could drive with his knees. I had never

seen that before. But I feel like, to your point, Ryan,
I've been the fun uncle driving with my knees here
at KSR for the last two months, and.

Speaker 2 (14:53):
Drew and I have been the nephews that want you
to get in the car and drive with your knees
and give us candy.

Speaker 4 (14:59):
But we all know it can't right back. At some point,
you know, you can't remain the cool uncle if you're
doing that forever, like you got to show up in spurts,
you know. So maybe that's what I can be if
Matt wants, you know, a Monday every now and then,
I kind of come in say hello to everybody because
I don't want to lose the cool uncle tag. I mean,
that's the thing you gotta be careful about that you

can tag.

Speaker 6 (15:22):

Speaker 4 (15:22):
No, you can't start driving, you know, with your hands
on the steering wheel at ten and two and think
that people are gonna respect you. But you also can't
drive with your knees every day, so you got to
pick your spots when you're the cool uncle. I'm grateful
for the time we've had. It's been so much fun.
It's been a blast, and yeah, man, I wish I
could do it more. But we will have a fun

show the rest of the way. We'll talk some Olympics
here after this break. Oh yeah, has some good music
cruising Smokey Robinson, nice one. The only I love it.
I'm a big Olympics guy. I love just watching all

the random events. The Olympics are cool because I think
they make you realize that you can be like good
at some things, or at least you can manage to
do something, but you can't do them at Olympic levels.
Like I'm watching women's water polo right now. I can swim,
I can't water polo swim already, men, you know what
I mean. So, like I'm trying to figure out, like

if you threw me in that pool, I got a
good two minutes to tread water for you. I'll give
you two two and a half and then I'm gonna
start screaming. Right, I'm gonna start screaming. Go get the
lifeguard because I've been treading water for two and a
half minutes. Somebody needs to come and help me, you
know what I mean. Like, I don't know how they're
doing this, how they are literally treading water over the
course of an entire match and then managing also to

pass the ball around and try to score it. Just
it's incredible to watch this at the Olympic level.

Speaker 2 (16:57):
I've always thought water polo players are the most highly trained,
conditioned athletes in the world because exactly what you just said,
how can you do that?

Speaker 3 (17:06):
How can they stay afloat during a whole match?

Speaker 2 (17:08):
And you, oh, yeah, I still try to catch the
ball with one hand, fight off a defender for your
second hand, and then throw it in the net with
your third hand.

Speaker 3 (17:14):
I mean, I don't know how they do it.

Speaker 4 (17:16):
I mean two and a half minutes, I'll give you,
and then I'm grabbing onto the goal and I'm screaming
somebody here, yeah, come get me.

Speaker 2 (17:24):
Just trying to drown each other out there too, you know,
you fight for your life.

Speaker 4 (17:28):
It's like hockey, like you try to tackle people. Tell you, man,
two and a half minutes, I could tread the water.
I might have one shot on goal or something like that.
After that, take me out, coach. This is it. I'm
I'm not treading water for whatever. It's thirty minutes, forty minutes.
It's amazing, yep. To watch them. At the same time,
there are other sports fellas where I'm like, could I

do that? You know, I was watching archery the other
day and I'm going, I mean, could I do that?

Speaker 6 (17:57):
You think?

Speaker 4 (17:57):
Could I take a bowl like that kind of a boat?
Could I hit the target? I think the targets about
seventy meters away seventy yeah, seventy meters away, which is
about seventy seven yards so about you know, three quarters
of a football field. Am I crazy to think that
I could hit that target if you gave me fifteen
tries or so? What do y'all think?

Speaker 5 (18:16):
Maybe fifteen months of practice tries.

Speaker 6 (18:20):
I don't know.

Speaker 5 (18:21):
You might get lucky. You might get lucky, that's fair.

Speaker 4 (18:23):
So you don't think I could just get out there
and kind of just take a few shots at it
and hit I'm not saying it hit the bulls eye, Okay,
I'm talking about just hitting the target.

Speaker 5 (18:32):
Okay. I think you could connect with the target. I
don't know if you were to see you on the
metal stand at the at the end of the event,
but you might be able to hit the target with
at least one of them.

Speaker 2 (18:42):
This may be wrong, but didn't The actress Gena Davis
was training to shoot a bowl and arrow for a movie,
found out she had was really good, and ended up
trying out for the Olympic team. I don't think she
made it, but she was like an alternate, so I
think it did happen. I think there is some train
If you do some training, you can get good enough
at it. In a sport like archery, I think.

Speaker 4 (19:04):
Right, I mean these bowls look like, you know, you
go to the sporting goods store, like these are intense.
Like it's not like somebody, you know, chopped down some
wood and made a bowl handmade or something like that.
I mean like high tech. Yeah, it looks high tech,
so maybe I'm team in there. I don't know. It
has also been cool to see Snoop, who has somehow
become a global ambassador, and Matt and I always have

this conversation who are the most recognizable human beings in America?
Meaning you could walk them down any street in the
country and people will go, I know who that is?

Speaker 6 (19:38):

Speaker 4 (19:38):
We have some debates on who that is, Like I
think Taylor Swift and Beyonce are in that category. I
don't think he thinks Beyonce is. Willie Nelson is on
our list, Dolly Parton on our list, and Snoop to
me like.

Speaker 3 (19:54):
Steeps on that list now, I mean he's literally.

Speaker 4 (19:57):
A global ambassador. I want to know the person in
France who thought they were gonna carry the torch, right,
because it's always your country, folks, right, Like we don't.
We've never had an Olympics in America and somebody from
Europe was carrying the torch, right, So I just want
to know who they had to tell. I know, we
told you, Pierre that you were carrying the torch, but

Snoop has agreed to do it, and we're gonna let
him do it. Like, can you imagine your whole life?
You just want to carry the torch and be a
part of the Paris Olympics, and that is what you're
gonna be, your claim to fame, the number one thing
on your Wikipedia page. And then they're like, sorry, we
got Snoop and here's the reality. If you got Snoop,
you gotta use Snoop. You know you got you gotta

cut this guy out. I just think that would be
a hard conversation though, uh And I feel kind of
bad for whoever didn't get that chance, because Snoop got
the opportunity to carry the torch.

Speaker 5 (20:55):
Snoop's been a big part of that. But I was
even more surprised to see Flavor Flave on my TV
as much as I have so far at the Olympics.
Did I see that he like help sponsor the water
polo team to get them there or something like that.

Speaker 4 (21:08):
So Flavor Flav read some story and apparently he learned
that the women's water polo team, I think they've won
three gold medals in a row, but like they all
work second and third jobs. Like this whole idea that
all of these sports have these giant sponsors is just wrong. Now,
some of these athletes, I mean some of them. Biles
is just doing gymnastics, right, But there are a lot

of these athletes who are regular folks, working regular jobs
and training on the side. So Flavor Flay found out
about the women's water polo team, that they were doing that,
and he decided to sponsor them. Now I don't know
what that means, Like, I don't know if it was
his money, if he became a fundraiser, but he has
been at every single event for women's water polo and
he's kind of like their ambassador, which if you would

have told me nineties rap star would somehow be some
of the most prominent people at the twenty twenty four Olympics,
I would have said, you're dreaming. Flavor flav the dude
with the clock, That dude is an ambassador and everyone's
talking about him. He was at some event and people
were giving him hugs and DAPs and then Snoop I

remember when they took Snoop Murder was the case that
they gave me. He's in a casket, they roll him
out onto stage and then he gets up like the
Undertaker and he raps the song on MTV. I remember
being like, this is impossible. He's facing a literal murder
case and he has a song about it. And that
guy thirty years later is a global ambassador and he's

the star of the Olympics. I mean, I don't even
know what Snoop's job is at this point, Like I
don't even know if there's a job descript. I don't
think he applied for that job. I think they just
said Snoop, just be Snoop in Paris and we'll pay
you for it. And that's incredible. We'll be back after
this break.

Speaker 1 (23:00):
Personal injury attorney called TJ he'll make them pay now.
More of Kentucky Sports Radio presented by Stockton Mortgage.

Speaker 3 (23:07):
Here's Matt Jones.

Speaker 4 (23:10):
Snoop Dog.

Speaker 6 (23:11):

Speaker 4 (23:11):
If you didn't grow up with this, I feel bad
for you because there was nothing like that early nineties
hip hop. I remember waiting by the radio with a
blank cassette tape for this song to come on as
I was making like my summer mixtapes, and you had
to be there, right, You had to make sure you
got there as soon as they played the track. But

this was definitely one of those early nineties hits that
still thirty years later, people still play at parties and
weddings and all that. Oh yeah, right, yeah, oh yeah, sure, yeah,
it's still it's still timeless music. And who who would
think that we still be talking about Snoop the way
that we are. We got a couple of calls. Who's

our first?

Speaker 6 (23:54):

Speaker 5 (23:55):
Paul in Minnesota?

Speaker 4 (23:57):
Paul and Minnesota. My necka was okay, what's up, Paul?

Speaker 8 (24:00):
Hey, how's it going?

Speaker 7 (24:01):

Speaker 8 (24:02):
Oh my god, I'm doing great?

Speaker 4 (24:06):
Where Minnesota?

Speaker 8 (24:09):
He Dinah Hopkins border. We live right on the border
a Dina Taxas Hopkins School District.

Speaker 7 (24:13):
So yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, all right.

Speaker 8 (24:18):
Actually one sixty nine, one sixty nine, okay, yeah, yeah,
Oh my gosh, this has been a dream. So I'm
a die hard KSR listener, sometimes taller, but it's like,
you know, so to hear you on the radio, because
of course I'm a fan of you because I live
up here, so I know all about you, and to
hear you and Matt is like, you have just crushed

it this summer. I mean you, The saying that you're
the fun uncle like could not have been more accurate.
It has been so so great to have you on
and I'm excited for you to, you know, to jump
back on cass Are and ride us around with your
knees again. It would be great. So I just wanted to.
I couldn't let the summer go by without calling. And

I've had to podcast most of it because work, you know,
I got to live life too. But yeah, you guys,
you guys as a family is great. That just so
great about KSR is living here in Minnesota. I get
to still connect with, you know, Kentucky because I grew
up in Kentucky and so it's like it's a marriage
of two great worlds. For me, hearing you and Matt

on Sundays and now you on KSR has just been
a treat. So I really really appreciate it.

Speaker 4 (25:29):
I appreciate that a lot. Man, Wow, a Minnesota God
giving us a call. Uh, it's amazing, I'll tell you what, man.
And I think I can't speak for anyone in the
KSR community because you know, maybe this is is just me.
But I think it's easy to take for granted what
Matt has built. Oh you know, like people will will

come to me and they'll say, you know Matt Jones,
Like you know, what do you what it's like working
with him? I mean, a he's he's incredibly smart. I mean,
you know that work with Matt Jones, Like he's he's
a lawyer, right, so he's very smart, things, fast on
his feet. The other thing I really appreciate about appreciate
about Matt is he's always prepared, Like when we do

these shows, like Matt is always ready to go to
make some incredible points. But I think his greatest strength
has been his ability to build community. Like I think
what he's done with KSR is not something you could
do today. Like I don't think you could say, all right,
I am in let's say Pittsburgh, and I want to
build a community like this around Pittsburgh Sports or something

like that. It just wouldn't be easy to do because
you need the combination of that passionate fan base and
then someone who what twenty years ago, fifteen years ago
had the vision to sort of bring everybody together. And
I think it's just amazing to be a part of
it and to fill in to see what he has
built from the ground up. It's just incredible because I

really don't think you could duplicate what he's done with
KSR in today climate. You just couldn't know.

Speaker 3 (27:01):
And you're right, he he he.

Speaker 2 (27:04):
When he started this, it was a perfect time because
right when social media was getting ready, you know, starting
to take off with Twitter, and he comes along with
this blog and a passionate fan base covered the Patrick
Patterson Jay Lucas recruitment.

Speaker 3 (27:16):
He was on top of.

Speaker 2 (27:16):
It and that it was just it was a perfect storm.
But you also, Marian, I mean, you also have to
be good at it, you know. He's Yes, I think
he's really good at what I don't want to say
this in front of him, so I'll say it to you.
He's really good at what he does. I mean, he's
really good. He can run, he's great radio showing. We're
gonna write for the blog or whatever. So and he's
got some really talented people with Tyler and Drew and

Eric and Nick Rouse and everybody kind of all involved
with the website. It's just been a perfect storm. That's
and the fan base, as you said, is so passionate.
They love every second of it.

Speaker 4 (27:47):
Yeah. Get I get a lot of people sometimes who
will reach out to me and say, you know, act
like I'm sort of Matt's sidekick a little bit, and
they'll call that an insult. It's never an insult to me.
He's incredible. I love working with Matt and I wish
more people would understand life would be so much better
for a lot of people if they realized they didn't
always have to be number one. There's so many people

who want to be number one on everything, and then
when they're not that, they don't know how to exist.
Be a good teammate, like, be a good team player.
And I think that's been one of mats strengths as well,
to be a leader, but also to incorporate all these
teammates uh into everything he does, and you know, you
see the results. But I think KSR has just been
It's been credible. Our Sunday show has been fun. So

that was cool to get that call. Do we have
time for one more?

Speaker 6 (28:32):
Call? Mike?

Speaker 4 (28:34):
Mike? Where where's Mike at? Buddy Bowling Green By Bowling Green?

Speaker 6 (28:42):
Where are you at?

Speaker 4 (28:47):
Where is that? Where is Tatus Hopkinsville? Why?

Speaker 6 (28:52):

Speaker 4 (28:52):
Do I know the name Hopkinsville. It's something if something
happened there in the last.

Speaker 5 (28:57):
There's pretty some uh, pretty good basketball players years.

Speaker 2 (29:00):
The epicenter of the first eclipse that happened a couple
of years ago.

Speaker 4 (29:05):
That's what it was. Okay, that's to that too. Okay,
go ahead, let me.

Speaker 6 (29:09):
Get to my three things real quick. Why you were gone?
This is why you were gone.

Speaker 9 (29:15):
The guys were having a discussion about the difference between
Eastern dug in Western Okay, Western easternking day here here
the real symbol eastern duggy there he'll Billies.

Speaker 6 (29:26):
Western and Kaggie were ready. Okay, that's all you got.

Speaker 4 (29:34):
Okay, all right, okay here.

Speaker 9 (29:37):
You couldn't figure out how to say Louisville. Here's the
way it is. Okay, loser, bill, I've been getting.

Speaker 4 (29:47):
Some of that. I've been I've been getting some of that,
and that that doesn't help me. You know, I know that.
I want to say it.

Speaker 9 (29:53):
Here's why My youngest daughter went to Louisville, and she
always fussed, Dad, you don't root for my team. And
I tell her, well, I'm looking tugget fan.

Speaker 7 (30:02):
You know that.

Speaker 9 (30:03):
And Rick Potato is a trader and She said, what
was that? I said, well, I said, you know, you
don't leave your school and go to the end state school.
That would be like Mike Rychefski leaving Duke, going to
the NBA and then come back and coach in North Carolina.

Speaker 6 (30:21):
How would be problem? Problem? That was the same thing
with Rick Potato.

Speaker 9 (30:26):
With me, we're softening our hearts a little bit because.

Speaker 4 (30:32):
It feels that way. It feels like it feels it
feels like y'all are sliding back into Rick Patino's DMS
a little bit like it, you know, it feels like
y'all y'all are sending him those hey stranger texts? How
you been? You know what I mean? Like, you know,
you know somebody from the past comes back around. Has
that ever happened to you?

Speaker 6 (30:48):

Speaker 4 (30:49):
Like you know, like I've had that situation with somebody
from years ago sends you that message that you weren't
expecting and you're like, oh, hey, you know, maybe let's
go get coffee. I feel like you all are prepared
to go get coffee, at least with Rick Patino at
this point. Is that is that fair?

Speaker 9 (31:05):
I don't drink toffee, but anyway, and the last thing
what do you drink?

Speaker 4 (31:10):
That hold on, what do you drink? What are you
drinking in the morning? Then what are you drinking the
morning if you don't drink what?

Speaker 9 (31:15):
I drank water, and you know I drank I drank
water ninety nine time.

Speaker 6 (31:21):
Say all I've ever done, I can.

Speaker 9 (31:24):
I love the smell of toffee brewing, but I couldn't
drink it. Tuput of gun in my head, I can't stand.

Speaker 6 (31:29):
Okay, that's okay.

Speaker 9 (31:31):
And the last thing is you'all were talking about snoop
and lighting the torch again. That's fine, but that's sickening
part about those drag queens doing the parody of the
Last Supper that they you know, that makes Christians want
a puke. That was that was absolutely uncalled for. They

should have had better sense than that.

Speaker 6 (31:57):
Well, I appreciate the call.

Speaker 4 (32:00):
Yeah, appreciate the call. I mean, I'm gonna leave that
part alone because Disney doesn't let me talk about politics
and I like my job. But I will say I
didn't even see the opening air ceremony outside of I
knew everybody was getting wet and the one story I saw,
how much time do you have? By the way, do
we got enough time. Okay, I don't know if you
all saw this story. There was an Italian I don't

know what he does, Pole Walter maybe who lost his
wedding ring in the opening ceremony. Uh, And he put
out a big ig message to his spouse and he said,
I'm sorry, I've been losing weight training. But then he
also said it was rainy, it was slippery. But then

he ended it by saying or maybe it was the
enthusiasm of the moment. So he gives three different reasons
as to why he might have lost his wedding ring
during the opening ceremony and it goes into the river.
And I'm concerned about him because my question is, when
did you lose the wedding ring? Was it going onto
the boat? Was it going into Olympic village? And you

saw the French team and you said, you know what,
maybe maybe I want to, you know, uh, not look
like I'm married. I don't know, or was it actually
when you said you did, so I'm a little concerned
for him. Put out this big Instagram post, but uh
said he lost his ring the opening ceremony, promise his
wife they renew their vows. I still don't feel like

he's safe though, Fellas, Like, I think, I think there's
a second conversation coming that he's not aware of.

Speaker 5 (33:36):
I agree, he's gonna get hit with the Oh yeah,
the opening ceremony, that's where you law, of course. Yeah,
the rain that knocked it off. I don't think that.

Speaker 2 (33:43):
Yeah you lost weight training, yeah, right, clapping your hands
and it just flew off.

Speaker 5 (33:51):
Yeah, the country so much that ring just went flying.

Speaker 4 (33:55):
Well, if somebody made the point, you can go by
one of these like cheap bands at a market anywhere
in the country for ten bucks, fifteen bucks if you
just wanted to have something just in case, you know
what I mean. But I think he's got a conversation
he's gonna have to have when he gets home, and
that might not be a fun conversation because again, if
you lost it during the opening ceremony, it's raining, your

cheering and it flew off your hand, that's one thing.
If you passed, you know, the Spanish track team and
you lost it, that's a whole other conversation that you
may have to have when he gets home. We'll be
back with more after this. Yeah, that dude better find
a ring. You can't spend two weeks in out an

Olympic village. He can't spend two weeks in Olympic village
without his wedding rig.

Speaker 3 (34:41):
I mean no, he'll I thought of this.

Speaker 2 (34:44):
He'll magically find it right during the closing ceremonies.

Speaker 4 (34:48):
Oh yeah, yeah, like, oh my goodness, it was in
my pocket the whole time, the whole time.

Speaker 3 (34:53):
Money that no idea.

Speaker 4 (34:57):
So that's gonna be a fun conversation, Ryan, do we
have a re we got to knock out?

Speaker 5 (35:01):
Yes, we do.

Speaker 3 (35:01):
You know Stockton Mortgage.

Speaker 2 (35:02):
They are good friends and they are your go to
for your home loan needs with seventy five branches and
locations all across Kentucky and beyond. They're now licensed in
twenty eight states. See, they used to be just in
like twenty five states. Now mine, they're in twenty eight states.

Speaker 3 (35:15):
So they're growing. Get to know them. Are going to
Stockton dot com.

Speaker 2 (35:19):
And if you're not sure if you're even eligible for
a home loan, s Docktor Mortgage has literally hundreds of
loan experts ready to help the the number one rural
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Speaker 3 (35:30):
Doctor Mortgage.

Speaker 2 (35:30):
Find out more by going to Stockton dot Com MNLS
eight two five nine Equal Housing Lender.

Speaker 3 (35:35):
Back to you, Myron, thank you for that.

Speaker 4 (35:38):
I want to get to another call uh before our
next break, and then I'm gonna hit some breaking news
after that. Who's our next Castlet's go to Carl, Carl.
How you doing?

Speaker 6 (35:47):

Speaker 7 (35:49):
All right, Myron, I will clarify something on the pronunciation
of Louisville. I'm gonna give you two offices. Being come
the Chicago area, it's perfectly fine for you to say Louisville. Yeah,
but being from Kentucky, let me say it slowly lou
Uhville now said as fast as you can, and you

will have it down.

Speaker 4 (36:13):
Love love louis.

Speaker 7 (36:20):
Not lovel lovel lo lou.

Speaker 4 (36:25):
Look, I see, but there's a there's a twain that
you have that I don't think can be taught.

Speaker 6 (36:32):
I mean, I don't.

Speaker 4 (36:35):
Well, I'm just saying there's a there's a thing in
there that I just you know, it's it's different.

Speaker 7 (36:41):
That's the pin of my heritage from Smoky Mountains and
from the mountains. Well, Kentucky, you what more than this?

Speaker 4 (36:47):
I don't, but I don't think that part. I don't
think you can teach that part.

Speaker 7 (36:50):
Way to do it, and I've I've explained that to
people for close to seventy years now.

Speaker 4 (36:59):
Okay, I appreciate lou See, but there's a there's a
there's a part in that where it just makes it flow.
And I think that's the part I'm missing, like that,
those first sounds, you know, I think that's where I
struggle to say it the way that you all say it.
But I'm getting better. Louisville, Louisville. Is that closer? Is
that better? What do you have?

Speaker 5 (37:19):
It's been pretty good today. We say they don't exist.
Since we played tonight, I don't even like to say
their name. The pronunciation is improving. Has the summer's gone on?

Speaker 4 (37:27):
Okay, well, I'm glad. I'm glad. I credit CASSR for that.
Speaking of that team, I got some breaking news that
you on. This is uh, this is a release that
just came out. I mean that breaking news thing. When
I heard it for the first time last week, I
was scared. I didn't know what that was. But now

now I know that that's mass breaking news. I just
got a release from the TBT people the tournament who
have said that Kentucky and Louisville alumni have shattered the
all time attendance record for a TBT game. Over twelve
thousand fans are expected to be in attendance at Freedom
Hall tonight. The original record was seven two and two

and that was last year when Wichita States team faced
I'm not sure which team they played, but it was
in Wichita. But this, this is so big apparently that
the mayor of Louisville, Craig Greenberg, has declared today TBT
Day in the city. And it's amazing. I mean, I
told you all last week it's the most decorated team

that I've covered in tvt and and you know Louisville's
team is very decorated as well. I got a message
on Friday from the TBT folks who told me that
they had shattered the wreck. They've broken the record of
seven two hundred and two sixty minutes, within sixty minutes

of tickets being available right right, and then I'm like,
I was like, wow, that's incredible. And then they said, well,
we're gonna hit ten thousand here before the night's over,
and then they hit ten thousand, and now more than
twelve thousand people for a game between the alumni of
these two rival teams are going to come out and

watch them, and it makes me realize that, not that
I didn't before, This is forget basketball rivalries, right like,
I don't think you can put Louisville Kentucky in just
the one of the biggest college basketball rivalies. It's top
ten in America in rivalries period, I think among all sports.
When you could pull off something like this fellas Yeah,

in the.

Speaker 2 (39:39):
Middle of the summer in July on a Monday night
at nine o'clock, You've got twelve thousand people gonna go
watch guys haven't played their school in ten years. Go
out and compete, because that's what this rivalry means of
this state.

Speaker 5 (39:50):
I was part of the crew fighting for tickets on
Ticketmaster at nine pm last week. That was one of
the wildest events I've tried to get tickets for. I
would have some of my cart I think I'm good
and'd say, nope, those are gone. I'd find more of
those would be gone. I looked it up. The section
next to mine, tickets are going for four hundred and
fifteen dollars each on step up. What now, I'm not
selling mine, But that just shows you Wow, the interest

in seats for this game.

Speaker 4 (40:14):
For a July twenty ninth game between former players of
those teams, some of which last played. What I mean,
Eric Bletster was on the twenty eleven twenty ten squad.

Speaker 3 (40:26):
Right, yeah, the job team.

Speaker 5 (40:28):
He played like two minutes in that game before he
got in trouble for little extracurriculars.

Speaker 4 (40:34):
So, I mean, you're talking what was that fourteen years ago?

Speaker 3 (40:37):

Speaker 4 (40:38):
Eric Bletsoe was playing. I mean Peyton Siva, I think
it's on the Louisville team, Russ Smith. Those guys last
played over a decade ago. It's just a unique rivalry
because I don't think there's another college basketball rivalry certainly
that could pull that off, you know. I mean, and
no disrespect to North Carolina Duke, I don't think that
would happen there. But wow, one thousand tickets, four hundred

dollars tickets for a TBT game. I cover the TBT.
I've covered championship games of the tvt where you might
have had a thousand people, you know what I mean,
So to yeah, twelve thousand. Apparently this is such a
big event. Chris Paul, who I didn't know was a
co owner apparently of TBT. Uh, he's gonna be there

at halftime to receive some sort of declaration from the mayor.
It's gonna be on national TV. Wow, Like what what
a statement from these two fan bases of how much
you love basketball in the state of Kentucky that more
than twelve thousand people are coming out tonight to watch this.

Speaker 5 (41:43):
Game for a non PM game we're on Monday night.

Speaker 2 (41:47):
TBT organizers need to be thanking the basketball gods that
both teams won and they set up this matchup for him.

Speaker 3 (41:53):
And if they don't try to set this up every.

Speaker 2 (41:55):
Single year, they're missing a golden opportunity because obviously they've
proven themselves they can make some money on it.

Speaker 5 (42:01):
Since we're so excited, I'll butt in and share a
little little the betting line that's moved a bit. We'll
just say this is sponsored by Draft Kings sports book
prom coks R. But Laugh of Me is a four
and a half point favorite and a half so that
line is moving. Cats fans are loading.

Speaker 4 (42:14):
Up, man, and they got to get high quality players.
I mean that helps too, the fact they like we
all this time. Eric, Yeah, like that helps a lot too.
That those kinds of guys. We'll be back.
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